#Advantages of using ReactJS and Django
creolestudios · 1 year
ReactJS with Django: Why It's a Winning Combination for Developers: Find out why ReactJS paired with Django is the developer's choice. Explore the incredible benefits, seamless integration, and endless possibilities of this tech stack.
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excellenceacademy43 · 2 years
Full stack developer training in Mohali
Excellence Academy offers Full stack developer training in Mohali. Excellence provide the best learning environment for our students where they can develop their skills and knowledge and develop a well-defined portfolio to help them in their dream job. Apart from that also provide best job oriented course in Mohali. 100% practical training on real-time projects with a stipend. This significant advantage makes java very popular and wide used in the information technology industry.
Excellence Academy is the most reputed institute . This institute will introduce you to the various features and functionality of full stack and other courses with hands-on training from industry experts. they provide live projects and demo classes to gain practical exposure. They also provide 100% placement assistance to help launch their careers.
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Full stack development refers to the end-to-end application software development, including the front end and back end. The front end consists of the user interface, and the back end takes care of the business logic and application workflows.
The Importance of Having a Full-Stack Developer
A full-stack developer specializes in multiple domains, which proves extremely beneficial for organizations in many ways. This guarantees a great future for full-stack developers as well. The most important of these benefits include the following.
Rather than hiring a team of individual professionals specializing in different fields, they can hire just one full-stack developer. These professionals have a working knowledge of every aspect of software development.
Having full-stack developers as a part of their team can help boost the productivity of organizations. In addition, they help enhance the efficiency of the entire team by reducing the turnaround time for various tasks.
Full-stack developers can deal with a wide range of software development issues. They possess an in-depth understanding of different software creation layers, which helps them boost efficiency and reduce the wastage of time and resources.
What are the main full-stack layers:
Software development has three main layers everyone should know about. These are:
Frontend or Presentation layer
Backend or Business layer
Database layer
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A frontend is the part of a website/application that’s exposed to the end-user. It interacts with the frontend part and consumes the service. The backend is the part that is hidden from the users. It can live on the web browser, cache managers, and in the server. Finally, you have the database layer where everything is stored. Whenever the user requests anything, the required information is retrieved from the database. When the information is created, the essential part gets stored in the database.
The frontend comprises languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The backend has languages like PHP, Django, Node.JS, .NET, and so on. Similarly, there are different types of databases, like MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL.
Full-Stack Developers by the Stack
Just like there are different types of software developers, there are different types of full-stack developers. To help you understand better, here are the main types of full-stack developers based on the specific stack:
MEAN Stack
MEAN stands for MongoDB-Express JS-AngularJS-NodeJS. All four frameworks are Javascript -based. Together, they can create a full-fledged website/web app. MEAN stack developers are capable of working in all four technologies.
MERN Stack
MERN stands for MongoDB-ExpressJS-ReactJS-NodeJS. React is another front-end library like Angular.
LAMP Stack
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. It’s commonly used by web developers not only because this software stack was among the first to appear, but also because it’s quite simple and reliable.
LEMP Stack
LEMP stands for Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP. This stack is similar to a previous one, with the only difference of usage Nginx instead of Apache. Thanks to this change the server is able to auto scale when the system needs it.
Sometimes companies are looking for a full-stack developer, but have one core technology of their project. In this case, the name of this technology appears in the name of the development job they open. Here a some most widely used examples.
Full-Stack Elixir
Elixir is a programming language suitable for both the front-end and back-end. therefore a list of technologies for a full-stack Elixir developer can vary. But most often it goes together with the framework Phoenix.
Full-Stack Python
Python comprises various libraries that are suitable for the front-end and back-end. Most often Python is completed with MongoDB and MySQL for database building. And for the front-end development can be combined with the most typical languages and frameworks like JavaScript, React, Angular, Bootstrap, etc.
Full-Stack Django
Django is one of the many Python libraries and can be deployed for both front- and back-end. Python developers 
Full-Stack Java
Java-based full-stack approach to software development.
Full-Stack Ruby on Rails
Ruby-on-rails is a robust web development framework suitable for both frontend and backend tasks.
Why Choose us ?
Excellence Academy Full stack developer training in Mohali With 100% Job Placement institute. Our Experts Will Teach You Those Useful Things That Other Institutes Will Not. Therefore, Don’t Waste Time On Searching web designing Institute, If You Have Already Found Us. Excellence Academy is the best institute for web designing training in Mohali . Join excellence academy to bright your future in web designing.
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xmindsinfotech · 2 years
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JavaScript is a powerful scripting language and it’s one of the most used languages for web development. It has been popular for years and it continues to grow in popularity as an essential part of your toolkit. In this blog, we are discussing some of the top frontend and backend JavaScript frameworks that are available for developers.
Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks
When it comes to JavaScript frameworks, there are two main types: frontend and backend. Frontend frameworks are used for the client side of web applications, while backend frameworks are used for the server side. There are numerous JavaScript frameworks, each with its benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will be taking a look at the top frontend and backend JavaScript frameworks.
Frontend Frameworks
React is a popular front-end framework created by Facebook. It uses a declarative paradigm and has been designed with simplicity and scalability in mind. React is also one of the most popular open-source projects on GitHub.  
Angular is another popular front-end framework created by Google. It uses an imperative programming style and has a strong focus on performance. Angular is also widely used in large enterprise applications.
Backend Frameworks
Node.js is a popular backend framework that allows you to use JavaScript on the server side. Node.js is fast and scalable, making it ideal for large applications. It also has a large ecosystem of modules and libraries that can be used to extend its functionality.
Types of JavaScript Frameworks
There are two types of JavaScript frameworks: frontend and backend. Frontend frameworks include AngularJS, ReactJS, Vue.js, and Knockout. Backend frameworks include Node.js, Express.js, and Sails. Each type of framework has its own benefits and drawbacks. Frontend frameworks tend to be more flexible and offer a wider range of features than backend frameworks. However, they could also be more challenging to understand and use. Backend frameworks are typically easier to use but may not offer as many features as frontend frameworks.
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What is a Frontend Framework?
A frontend framework is a collection of JavaScript libraries that are used to build user interfaces and web applications. The most popular front-end frameworks are React, Angular, and Vue. Each framework has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right one for your project.
React is a declarative, component-based framework for creating UI. It is the most popular frontend framework, and it is used by major companies such as Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb. React has a steep learning curve, but it is worth it because it makes creating reusable components easy.
Angular is a full-fledged framework that offers two-way data binding and helps developers create well-structured applications. It has a large community and many resources available, which makes learning Angular easier than React. However, Angular can be challenging to work with if you’re not familiar with TypeScript.
Vue is a lightweight framework that is easy to learn and use. It offers a simple API and few conventions, which makes it great for small projects. However, Vue doesn’t have as much support as React or Angular, so it might not be the best choice for large projects.
What is a back-end framework?
A backend framework is a software platform that provides common functionality for back-end web applications. Backend frameworks typically provide libraries and tools for database access, session management, authentication, and authorization. Some popular backend frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Django, and Express.
Advantages and disadvantages of frontend frameworks
Frontend JavaScript frameworks are great for building single-page web applications and for providing a structure to your code. However, there are some disadvantages to using a front-end framework.
One disadvantage is that frontend frameworks can be large and complex and may take a long time to load. This can make your web application slower and more resource-intensive than if you were just using vanilla JavaScript.
Another disadvantage is that because frontend frameworks are so popular, there is a lot of code written for them that is not compatible with older browsers. This means that your users may not be able to view your web application if they are using an older browser. Finally, frontend frameworks can be difficult to learn and use if you are not already familiar with them. If you want to use a frontend framework, it is important to spend some time learning how it works before you start building your application.
Advantages and disadvantages of backend frameworks.
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The following are a few of the most well-known backend frameworks
Laravel: Laravel is a PHP framework that is designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Laravel provides an easy way to organize your application’s codebase and makes it easy to deploy your applications to production servers.
Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. Ruby on Rails is well known for its ease of use and convention over configuration design philosophy.
Express: Express is a lightweight Node.js web application framework that provides a wide range of features for building web applications and APIs. Express is very popular due to its flexibility and minimalistic approach.
Each of these frameworks has its own unique set of features and benefits that make it well-suited for specific types of projects. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option before deciding which one is right for your project. As you can see, there are many different options available to choose from when deciding on a JavaScript framework. The key is to find one that best suits your needs based on the size and scope of your project. Keep in mind that both frontend and backend frameworks have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so be sure to do your research before making a final decision. Whichever framework you ultimately choose, we hope that it helps you create a successful and efficient web application.
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iamishraqhcdev · 2 years
Null Stack to Full Stack
Full stack technology refers to the entire depth of a computer system application, and full stack developers straddle two separate web development domains: the front end and the back end.
The front end includes everything that a client, or site viewer, can see and interact with. By contrast, the back end refers to all the servers, databases, and other internal architecture that drives the application; usually, the end-user never interacts with this realm directly. 
The easiest way to put the full stack into perspective is to imagine a restaurant. The front end encompasses the well-decorated, comfortable seating areas where visitors enjoy their food. The kitchen and pantry make up the “back end” and are typically hidden away from the customer’s view. Chefs (developers) gather permanently stored materials from the pantry (the database) and perform operations on it in the kitchen (the server), and then serve up fully-prepared meals (information) to the user. 
You can master all the techniques involved in a development project
You can make a prototype very rapidly
You can provide help to all the team members
You can reduce the cost of the project
You can reduce the time used for team communication
You can switch between front and back end development based on requirements
You can better understand all aspects of new and upcoming technologies
In this case, you might find various things in the internet. They all might vary. But I am keeping things simple. Among the things I am going to share, you need to focus on one stack instead of all of them. So, here are some of the skills needed to be a fullstack developer.
Front-end programming technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Tailwind etc.
Back-end programming technologies:Python, NodeJS, Django, Express etc.
Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, etc. 
Version Control System: git, GitHub, GitLab, etc
Now, it iis important to understand that, the basics are same for all stacks but then the technologies vary. For example the frontend can be built with either React, Angular or Vue or any other framework/library. On the other hand, the backend can be built with either of Node.js, Django (Python) or Spring Boot (Java) or any other framework. I will go to that in the coming lines.
About this, there might be multiple other roadmaps that you can follow on your path to become a fullstack developer. I came up with the idea that this path, that I am about to share, can be a planned start to your journey with all the content structured at the right time. So, let's see the plan for the first six months.
🔵 Month 1: HTML, CSS, Javascript
The basic skills required to create a website in HTML and CSS. Javascript adds functionalities to a website and makes the project responsive. HTML is for structure and CSS for Styling. DOM Manipulation and Responsive Web Design are important to practice. Learn about these from W3Schools.
🔵 Month 2: Web Design and Frameworks, Git, HTTPs
Work on Open Source Projects. Once you have good practice with HTML and CSS you can use frameworks like Bootstrap or Material CSS which makes it easy to create websites. Alongside that, it is very important to learn about version control systems (preferrably git) so that you can save and manage your code at GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or any other similar tool. Also, it is important to learn about HTTPS and REQUEST METHODS (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS).
🔵 Month 3: Javascript Programming Language
The most important skill and most asked in Interviews and Job portals for Web Development are Javascript. You can expect a lot of interview questions from Javascript, So it's important to learn how javascript works, data structures, and asynchronous javascript.
🔵 Month 4 & 5: Frontend and Backend
Once you are thorough with the above concepts then you can take your skills to the next level by learning Javascript frameworks/libraries like React and Node JS. Point to be noted, I am a big fan of MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack, so I am always talking about React and Node. But there are other options as well.
Other options:
Frontend: Angular, Vue or any other frontend technology
Backend: Django, Flask, Spring Boot, ASP.Net or any other backend technology
Please do some research in google about the 'FULLSTACK TECH STACKS' and choose the one that you are the most comfortable with. Just a reminder, if you want to be a Java Fullstack Developer, then you need to have Java knowledge before stepping on to learning Fullstack development. Same case goes for Python, C# or any other technologies.
Most importantly, when you start learning a new technology, please start by learning from the official documentation of each individual technology. Then maybe go for other resources from the internet.
🔵 Month 6: Database and Projects
In the final month, create a portfolio and create projects using frontend and backend technologies you’ve learnt. Also, an important skill to have is knowledge of Database Management Systems like PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB. Also, you need to understand how to connect the Database to Server using the backend Framework.
In the internet today, you can find various courses and tutorials on Fullstack development. But I know for sure that Freecodecamp website as well as YouTube channel covers all stack, so you can easily learn from them. On the other hand, there is The Odin Project. You can learn about JavaScript Fullstack Developer or Ruby on Rails Fullstack Developer. Here are the links to them.
Freecodecamp Website
Freecodecamp YouTube Channel
The Odin Project
Of course, as I said, you can look for courses in other websites as well. Here are some of the best platforms to look for courses.
Here are some projects that you can try when you are learning or after you have gone through all the things needed.
E-commerce website
Food delivery app
Social media app
Chat messaging app
Content management system
Project management app
Gym Tracking System
Real-time Chat App
Bug Report App
Hotel Booking App
Staff Management System
Online Store
Remember that a fullstack developer job is a vast space and thus there are many things that you need to keep focus on to ace the interviews. Here are some points where you need to take special care of for the interviews.
Javascript Programming Language and Data Structures
CSS Concepts like Flexbox, Grid, Inheritance, Specificity, etc.
React JS and new features e.g: Context API and Hooks
HTTPS, Requests, Response, Servers.
Of course there are more things to focus as well, so research about the most important topics from the internet and then take special care in preparing for those questions.
Here are a few links to resources which will help you preparing for the interviews.
Coding Interview University
Interview Cake
Interview Bit
Tech Interview Handbook
Fullstack Cafe
Word of advice for newbies
Please don’t wait for people to spoon-feed you with every single resource and teachings because you’re on your own in your learning path. So be wise and learn yourself.
Check out my book
I have curated a step by step guideline not just for beginners but also for someone who wants to come back and rebrush the skills. You will get to know from installing necessary tools, writing your first line of code, building your first website, deploy it online and more advanced concepts. Not only that, I also provided many online resources which are seriously spot on to master your way through. Grab your copy now from here. Or you can get it from this link below.
About Me
I am Ishraq Haider Chowdhury from Bangladesh, currently living in Bamberg, Germany. I am a fullstack developer mainly focusing on MERN Stack applications with JavaScript and TypeScript. I have been in this industry for about 11 years and still counting. If you want to find me, here are some of my social links....
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wamatechblog · 2 years
ReactJS Web Development Advantages
Web development frameworks like jQuery, Express JS, Django, Spring, Laravel, RoR, and others have been and continue to be the finest options for creating web applications in many situations. However, with the introduction of ReactJS, there has been a substantial change in web application development, including development speed, flexibility, web app performance, usability, and others. The top advantages of using ReactJS for web app development are listed below.
 1: Backing more rapid development
The tech-savvy generation of today prioritises speed, comfort, and convenience. They want online solutions or web app development services that can offer them quicker services, generate dependable products, and swiftly match with their business interests, whether they are startups or businesses. Due to its components that span the front-end (client-side) and back-end of the application, ReactJS supports quicker development and enables developers to create web applications faster (server-side). As a result, it accelerates the pace of app development.
Also read: Mobile app development company
 2: Adaptability Because of the Modular Structure
Flexibility is the first feature that business owners look into when developing a web application for companies. React JS has a tonne of features and tools that help programmers manage code rapidly, and the modular design of the framework gives ReactJS web applications versatility. As a result, using the app, customising it, and maintaining the success of their business becomes simple for business groups. Additionally, flexibility ultimately saves a lot of time and money.
 3. Website performance that is cloned
React JS was first introduced in 2015, and there were initially concerns about how well the web apps created with it would function. The virtual DOM programme and server-side rendering have made it abundantly evident that the framework is well-designed and offers good speed. Even sophisticated programmes may run more quickly throughout the browser thanks to these two characteristics.
 4: Soft Learning Curve Usability
React is a relatively simple technology to use since it has simple deployment, a gentle learning curve, and clean writing. The web app development framework's usability is closely related, and even inexperienced developers may use this library like an expert. Employing ReactJS engineers with at least a year of experience, however, can help your project succeed.
 Five: Reusable Parts
React's motto is "Learn Once, Write Anywhere," did you know that?
 This implies that adding new functionality to the web application is possible without writing any code. Additionally, it features parts that may be utilised across platforms or even from one application to another. Another advantage of reusing components is that it might help you save money and time. The same functionalities that they have previously created do not require developers to build more code. Most importantly, when modifications are made to one or more of the components, the other features that were constructed using those same components will not be impacted.
Also read: Mobile app development company
 6. React JS may be utilised to develop mobile apps.
Many of us incorrectly assume that ReactJS is a framework for developing online applications, however it can also be used to create mobile applications. Undoubtedly, Facebook has already made the React Native framework available for creating cross-platform mobile applications. If you wish to understand this in detail, our earlier blog, "React Native vs. Flutter," presented thorough insight and information on the technology.
 Building a ReactJS Web Application Cost
It gets increasingly difficult for us to describe the price of developing React JS web applications. The rationale is that a wide range of factors influence costs. For instance, the price of developing a web application relies;
 What you want your app to accomplish
Who created your app?
both the quantity and complexity of the characteristics
You could expect to pay between $80 and $250 per hour if you want to employ a React JS web app development business in the USA. The price will vary depending on the software company. Before selecting a firm, take the time to research them. Contrary to popular belief, bigger prices do not always equate to higher quality. Even a business charging $80 per hour can deliver trustworthy services; a business charging $250 can wreck your project. Investigate the business before making a decision. Additionally, you may network with professionals and seek advice for your web app development tasks.
 Also read: Mobile app development company
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inextures · 2 years
How did the Software Development lifecycle works?
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The digitalization of a company has become important in today’s fast-paced environment. Whether selling items or delivering services, it is critical to reaching out to a specific audience via the internet.
In most cases, the software development process is lengthy and arduous. Project managers and system analysts, on the other hand, can use software development life cycles to more consistently define, design, create, test, and ultimately release information systems or software products. You can hire a Python development company if you are planning for web app development for your company. In this blog, we will discuss the lifecycle of Software development so that you will get an idea of how it works.
Why Choose Us For Software Development?
We are a well-known Python development company with a pool of experienced developers who have gained expertise in their respective technological areas. Whether it’s web app development or application development, we’re experts in Python, Java, Spring boot, Spring, NodeJS, ReactJS, Django, and many other programming languages. You tell us what you need and we take care of the rest. Here, all types of software development approaches are used, thus it is up to you to decide which methodology you want to use. Choose us for Python web development services and software development services, and get premium quality services within the budget.
It is essential to adhere to the proper life cycle for the Project in order to be finished successfully. As a result, management becomes easier. Each Software Development Life Cycle model has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The ideal model for any project is determined by aspects such as requirement (clarity or ambiguity), system complexity, project size, cost, skill restriction, and so on.
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Best training center for Full-stack Development
What is Full-Stack Development?
Full stack development refers to the entire depth of a computer system application, and full stack developers straddle two separate web development domains: the front end and the back end. The front end includes everything that a client, or site viewer, can see and interact with. Full-Stack Development includes knowledge about both the Front-end as well as Back-end development.
Work of a Full-Stack Developer -
Full stack developers take on a broad set of responsibilities They must be fluent in creating websites with a robust internal architecture and delivering an interactive and intuitive interface to clients. A full stack developer must be well-versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and know their way around back-end technologies and database structures.
These professionals usually work with a product through its initial creation until its final launch, using industry-standard practices to ensure that technical concerns are adequately addressed at every development stack level.
Characteristics of a Full-Stack Developer -
1.    Be able to work with media queries and single-page applications.
2.    They should understand web frameworks like Django or Node JS.
3.    They should have worked with MySQL and Mongo DB for a long time.
4.    They should have some basic understanding of hybrid mobile app development.
5.    Can context switch from one domain to another, and still be able to finish tasks in time.
Key Elements for being a Full Stack Developer -
·         Front End
·         Back End
·         Database Management
·         Version Control
·         Operating Systems
·         System Design
 Front-End Developer - Front end, or client-side, development is the practice of producing an interface that end users can view. A front-end developer’s primary goal is to develop a visually pleasing and easy-to-use platform. In other words, we can say that Front-end developers are the in charge of the look and feel of the website.
Front-End Technologies
·         JavaScript
·         HTML
·         CSS
·         React
·         React Native
·         Angular
·         Flutter
·         NPM
·         Vue.js
·         Ionic
·         Bootstrap
Back-End Developer - Back-end development refers to the work that goes on behind the scenes of a site or application — the underlying architecture of the product. The term encompasses the database, server, and other intermediary proprietary software. Developers must know how to organize the logic of a system so that the overarching program or website can run properly.
Back-End Technologies
·         Ruby
·         Java
·         .NET
·         Python
·         PHP
·         C#
·         Golang
Database - Database is the collection of inter-related data which helps in efficient retrieval, insertion and deletion of data from database and organizes the data in the form of tables, views, schemas, reports etc.
Popular Stacks -
o   MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js.
o   MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express, ReactJS and Node.js
o   Django Stack: Django, python and MySQL as Database.
o   Rails or Ruby on Rails: Uses Ruby, PHP and MySQL.
o   LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Advantages of a Full-Stack Developer -
A full-stack developer can execute agile projects with skill and proficiency, investing all their years of experience into it to attain the best product.
·        All in one Solution
·        Flexible
·        High Responsibility Level
·        Versatile
·        Vast Experience
·        Budget Friendly
Full-Stack Development Training
As you can see, Full-Stack Development is now one of the most trending career opportunities, if you want to learn Full-Stack Development, let me know you about the best training center, which will take you from beginner to expert in Full-Stack Development, they will also provide you with a certificate for Python Developer which will open many opportunities and career path for your future.
APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES is the best training center, you’ll get the certificate of Full-Stack Developer after completing the course.
APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES provides you with live project sessions, and every day you will learn new things, the project will be provided by the training center.
How to join the training center?
The Organization works on offline mode and online mode as well, it is located in Noida and NCR, the head office is in Noida.
Link to Join - https://appwarstechnologies.com/courses/full-stack-development-training-in-noida-2/
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boredprogrammer · 4 years
Not so complete guide to start web development in 2020
Hello there, So it looks like you decided to learn web development for maybe customizing your wordpress site or to develop a super-cool project or maybe a next billion dollar startup(not kidding it’s possible), but you do not know how to start or even what is web development. Don’t worry that is why we are here right?? So let’s get started.
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What is Web development?
In layman terms, when we try to develop something which may appear on web, then that process could be termed as web development. But now a days, we also develop backend( wait a minute we will soon get to it) for mobile apps.
Web brings out unique value on table. It do not matter you are on Mac, Windows, iphones , android and any other device out there but if it can connect to internet, they can see your content. You don’t even need to install a application on your device which will consume space. Hence, web development continues to be a hot topic to learn.Now it leads to next question,
How does it work?
Website usually has two components:-
This part of website hold information about the content you hold, account information about the users who visit your website and the business logic of your website(simply, how it works). If you are interested about learning how a website works more than how it looks, this is a great place to start.
To create back-end, web developers use frameworks which speed up the whole process. I will write down some major frameworks and the source which you can use to learn more about them
a)Node js:- This framework is uses javascript as its language and currently is the fastest growing community behind it. Some resources worth mention are:-
1)Official Docs
2)MDN Docs:-Devs at Mozilla has a nice blog series about node and express where they teach you how to create a project using node.It is great is you are someone who learns by making things.
b)Django:- Django is a robust web framework which is already being used by giants which means its battle-tested for production usage. It’s my favourite framework due to its straightforward workflow which keeps your project nice and tidy.It uses python and its community is great and there is a chance that if you encountered a problem, it has already been solved.
1)Official Docs:-  It’s a reference guide about all the features available in django.
2)Tutorials:- Django’s official website also provides a nice tutorials series about how to create a web project using django where they introduces to core functionality of django.
2) Front-end:-
As the name suggest, this part deals with the looks and experience of a site. It is responsible for user experience and a crucial part of your site. It is the part to which a user directly interacts and this part communicates with the back-end to make changes in database.
Traditionally, we are using HTML,CSS and vanilla javascript to develop front-end but nowadays, we are using javascript frameworks to develop front-end. I will list some of the major frameworks.
a)ReactJS:-This framework is inarguably the most popular front-end framework partially due to the fact that it is backed by facebook. I feel their docs are more than enough to get started in React.
1)Tutorials:-It teaches you reactjs by creating a tic-tac-toe.The biggest advantage of this tutorial is that it does not consider you to have any prior knowledge about react.
b)Vue Js:- It’s probably the next big thing happening in front-end. I believe its adoption for developing product is not that much if you compared it to react but its support by developers is great. With time, you are sure to see some pretty nice things happening with Vuejs.
Please note that this list do not contain all frameworks like PHP, RubyonRails, Angular,Flask etc. but it might serve as a introduction about web development.
If you feel like you need to have a tutorial series or need a opinion, feel free to contact me.
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infinijith · 5 years
Everything You Want to Know About Full-stack Development All About Full Stack Development
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When you are looking for someone who can take care of your whole web or mobile application development process, then you must come across the term full-stack development or full-stack developers.
Certainly, why not since the internet makes everything available at our fingertips. So, you may come across the term full-stack development.
As you think to develop a new programming application it needs a team of specialists collaborates & works together with complex technologies.
But in this modern, it is simplified with a technical person who is a “know all”, has a wealth of information and experience handling all the technologies required in software or application development.  
However, you need to know completely about full-stack development before getting to it for your web or mobile application development.
Let us discuss want makes full-stack development a special one and who it can be done.  
What is Full Stack Development  
Full stack development refers to the development of the front-end and back-end of an application that can be used or delivered to the customer. In general, full-stack web development can be categorized as three layers as follows  
The Presentation Layer (deals with UI or UX)  
Business Logic Layer (deals with data validation) and  
Database Layer (deals with data storage)
In recent times, full stack development becomes more popular than any other development approaches. A few days back, the developer used to learn specific techniques and master that for years. Which needed to have a bunch of developers for single applications who are specialized in the particular technology.
But full stack development changed everything with the arrival of powerful libraries, which makes the development process easy and faster. And more efficiently a single developer can handle multiple things.
Earlier the life cycle for website development from Photoshop to Staging server was too long, but with full stack development, it has reduced 3 times lesser. Many purposes can be effectively achieved through this process.  
Front-end Development  
In software, the user interface is what visible to the users/customers. This want called as front-end of the software.  
An front-end developer is responsible for the creation of visual elements like how the software or an app will look, interact and operate with the user.  
Back-end Development  
On the other hand, back-end what makes the software function well.  
The developers who work at the back-end spend a lot of time creating and working with databases. To develop a user-driven software, you need both.  
The full-stack developer is the one who is a pro in both the technical domains. It is also their responsibility to know every aspect of development including front-end, back-end, database queries, and various operating systems.  
Technology That is Key for Full-Stack Development:  
Back end 
Project management tools 
Version control
1. Front End Technologies & Framework
A user interface is the visible part of a website or web application which in-tern responsible for user experience is the front-end. And the user of the application will directly interact with the front-end portion of the web application or website.  
Languages and technologies which are used to build front-end portion are discussed below:  
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
The design of front-end for web pages done using markup language. HTML is the combination of hypertext and markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages.
The markup language is used to define the text documentation within tag which defines the structure of web pages.  
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
The major responsibility of CSS is to simplify the process of making web pages presentable and fast as possible.  
With help of CSS, you can apply different styles to your web pages. CSS enables you to do any style for your web page independent of the HTML which on the other hand makes up each web page.  
JavaScript is used to make the application interactive for the user. It is quite popular with a different framework. It is used to enhancing the functionality of a website to run cool games and web-based software.  
Front End Frameworks and Libraries:  
Angular is mainly used to develop single-page web applications (SPAs).  
It is an open-source framework.
It is a continuously growing and expanding framework which provides better ways for developing web applications. It changes the static HTML to dynamic HTML.
Moreover, Angular is an open-source project that can be used freely and also changed by anyone as per their needs. It is like HTML which is extended with Directives and attributes, and data is bound with HTML.  
To know why to use Angular for your application development refer our blog Advantage of choosing angular.
A JavaScript for developing a user interface which is a declarative, effective, and more flexible to use.
It is also an open-source, and it is a component-based front-end library that responsible view layer of the application.
React application is made of multiple components, in that each element is accounted for rendering a small and reusable piece of HTML.
Go through our Reason why ReactJS is preferred to know what are the advantage of using React for development.
jQuery simplifies the interactions between an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript.  
It is an open-source JavaScript library. The major advantage of having jQuery is it simplifies the HTML task such as document traversing and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript development.  
It is an extension of CSS language which is more reliable, mature and robust. It extends the functionality of existing CSS by changing variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease.  
It is compatible with all the versions of CSS.
2. Back end Technologies & Framework
It refers to the server-side development of web applications or websites focusing primarily on how the website works. It is responsible for managing the database through queries and APIs by client-side commands. This type of website mainly consists of three parts front end, back end, and database.  
Languages and frameworks which are used to build a back-end are discussed below:  
PHP: It is a back-end server-side scripting language designed for web development. PHP code is executed on the server side so it is called server-side scripting language.   
Java: Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages and platforms. It is highly scalable. Java components are easily available.  
Python: It is easier to learn and you can achieve more functionalities with less code. Especially for web development due to its amazing readability and efficiency. It is preferred due to fact the python code doesn't break when minor mistake or error has occurred. 
JavaScript: JavaScript is used to make the web pages alive. And it can be used as both front end and back end programming languages.   
Node.JS: It helps in executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. NodeJS is not a framework, and it’s not a programming language. It is a runtime environment. Most of the people are confused and understand it’s a framework or a programming language. It used for building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App.  
Back End Framework  
The list of back end frameworks is Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc.  
JavaScript is essential for all stacks as it is the dominant technology on Web.  
3. Database
The database is a data structure that stores the data in an organized format. It processes of retrieval, insertion, and deletion of data from the database are done simple if data are organized a form of tables, views, schemas, reports, etc. It is more are like a collection of inter-related data under one set.
Oracle: Oracle database is the collection of data that is treated as a unit. The purpose of this database is to store and retrieve information related to the query. It is a database server and used to manage information.   
MongoDB: MongoDB, is an open-source document-oriented database. Since its a NoSQL database so it not look the table or relational database structure. It puts a different mechanism for storage and retrieval of data.  
SQL: Structured Query Language is a standard database language that is used to create, maintain and retrieve the relational database.  
4. Middleware
It is software that lies between an operating system and the applications running on it.
In distributed applications, it enables communication and data management. So, itis Calles as a hidden translation layer.  
All network-based requests are essential attempts to interact with back-end data.  
That data might be something as simple as an image to display or a video to play, or it could be as complex as a history of banking transactions.
The requested data can take on many forms and may be stored in a variety of ways, such as coming from a file server, fetched from a message queue or persisted in a database.
It is middleware responsibility is to enable and ease access to back-end resources.
5. DevOps
To automate the processes between software development and IT teams A set of practices called DevOps is used. DevOps enables them to build, test, and release software faster and more reliable.  
In recent times, DevOps becomes more popular because of its ability to faster software releases, the ability to solve critical issues quickly, and better manage unplanned work. DevOps process is trusted and believed it will give a better outcome from developers.
Some of the DevOps character include increased collaboration, decreasing silos, shared responsibility, autonomous teams, and valuing feedback.
It is an extension of agile values since it uses many same as in agile values.
DevOps Tools
DevOps uses various tools to achieve consistency in the work process to deliver better results.
Some of the tools are as follows configuration management, test and build systems, application deployment, version control, and monitoring tools. Some processes are done continuous like integration, delivery, and deployment which may require different tools.
Still not convinced on using DevOps then read our DevOps and Cloud: The Key to Unlocking Faster Development to grab why DevOps is important
6. Project Management Tools
Project management involves understanding all the aspects involved in the development of the application or software.
It cores a wide variety of topics from people management to strategy and to communications.  
All these process needs specialized tools and technologies to handle in the right manner.
Project management tools are used at a different stage of development. They include, but are not limited to:
Planning/Scheduling - Before starting any process there should be clear planning and evaluation. It let you have a tool that allows you to plan and assign work as with tasks, subtasks, folders, templates, workflows, and calendars.
Collaboration - Technologies have evolved long so, email is no longer the only tool of communication. Tools for assign tasks, add comments, organize dashboards, and for proofing & approvals has emerged and replaced emails. 
Documentation - You can reduce missing files with file management features: editing, versioning, & storage of all files. Which also increases the efficiency of having retrieving the missed data. 
Evaluation - Keep Track of all the process to evaluate the correctness.
You do not use any tools for Project management, then teams and clients are confused and unclear bout objectives. It also results in poor quality deliverables, projects going over budget and delivered late.
Project management enabled the team to ensure the right stuff is delivered; stuff that delivers real return on investment, and that makes happy clients.
7. Version Control
Technologies tens to evolve continues with new features and functionalities. If you have developed an application in particular technologies when a new feature is added the application must adapt to it as well. It becomes a challenging task for developers.
But version control systems help them to manage changes to source code over time. This is possible because it keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database for every software.  
Even if developers made a mistake, they can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code. This intern helps fix the mistake.
The developer uses it for all non-binary files to enable multiple developers or teams to work in an isolated fashion without impacting the work of others.  
It helps in isolation that the intern enables features to be built, tested, integrated or even scrapped in a controllable, transparent and maintainable manner.
Version Control Tools:
CVS Version Control
Popular Stacks:  
MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.   
MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and Node.js   
Django Stack: Django, Python, and MySQL as Database.   
Rails or Ruby on Rails: Uses Ruby, PHP, and MySQL.   
LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.  
An Important Requirement to be a Full-Stack Developer  
To write the front-end code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript  
To create and use APIs  
To write back-end code in Ruby, Python/ Java, PHP  
Well versed to working with infrastructures like hardware and OS  
Solve and understanding queries related to databases  
Manage project and coordinate with the client  
Even a full-stack developer requires some more skills to master the application development. Some as follows:  
The Architecture of Web Application:  
A full-stack website application developer must have a basic knowledge of web application architecture. It should allow him or her to figure out the type of data that needs to be structured, the structure of the code, where and how to perform various computational tasks. This would help in developing complex applications.  
Basic Design Ability  
Design skill is essential for good developers. Have a piece of knowledge in the principle and power of basic design prototype, UI design, UX design are also needed to understand the development lifecycle.  
A full-stack developer should also have knowledge of the following innovation skills:  
Thinking capacity to solve issues on time 
Good communication skills to interact with the team efficiently  
Great creativity for solving the problem with sufficient solutions 
Time management skills to increase the productivity. 
Need to know about different technologies  
Can see the vision of the business and understands the customer’s requirement  
Why Go for Full-stack Development?  
1. Utilization of Multiple Technologies for A Project  
Full stack development comes with its own perks. Most of the developers in full-stack are well adept at languages and technologies. Full-stack developers have a great experience, as well as expertise in all the languages. This means it becomes the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the website looks well, as well as performs as expected.  
In Full stack development, developers or a team of developers will convert designs into front-end code and even working with animation and graphics.  
2. Unique Coding with Preferred Tools  
Full stack development uses the tools and technologies of their choice for creating and designing unique code. This creates endless opportunities for developers as it does not restrict them to a certain set of tools for development.  
3. Easy to Switch  
Based on the project requirement, a professional full-stack developer plays the dual role of a front-end and back-end developer. This turns out to be a cost and time saver for a business as all the roles and responsibilities are performed by a single person. If you have a single point of context it will easy to switch.
4. Designing and Development Simultaneously  
One of the key takeaways of working with a full stack developer is that they do not restrict to merely development.  
They can work well on the entire design structure and perform the necessary updates. Likewise, the experience of a developer comes into play as he takes care of the common errors and bugs beforehand.  
5. Cost-Efficient  
If you consider hiring a dedicated front-end developer and a back-end developer for a project, it will shoot up the cost of production tenfold. On the other hand, a full stack developer will perform the roles and responsibilities of both, and sometimes, the latter may surpass the efficiency of the former.  
6. Designing and Implementation  
A full stack developer takes responsibility for the design and development of the project. Given the fact that all the necessary resources are available in-house, the developer can perform his tasks with full potential.  
7. Easy Updates  
In this digital world, a full stack developer keeps up with emerging trends and technologies. As a result, the developer can grab the updates as soon as they appear on the market and add it to his armor. Faster than someone specializes only in the front end or back end technology.  
8. Customized Workflows  
It is possible to segment the tasks of design and development in full-stack development. And also customize the process as per requirement. A developer can also switch to any other task as per priority or as per the immediate need of the project.  
9. All-In-One Solution  
A full stack developer is efficient in not only finding out the root cause of a problem but can also provide solutions for any kind of bottlenecks. It makes this possible with their diverse knowledge of tools and technologies that are used for development.  
10. Ideal for Small Scale Business  
Full stack development is no less than a blessing for entrepreneurs and smaller to medium businesses of all shapes and kinds. Where a large-scale business may need help from dedicated teams and dedicated front end and back end developers, a front-end developer can take care of all these responsibilities by breaking down the tasks into smaller segments.  
Full stack web development will be the finest approach to creating robust websites and applications. Since it enables us to take care of every part of development with a single person.  
There is a wide range of tools and framework developers can handpick the resources of his choice.  
Infinijith offers you the best full-stack development services irrespective of the platform your business is running. Our full-stack developer can take care of the steps from conception of idea to actually finish your application. If you're looking for a full-stack developer, then Infinijith will be the preferred choice to satisfy all your software needs.  
Originally Published at www.infinijith.com on 17 Dec, 2019
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yoursushmitha · 5 years
Why Python and React are so hot with programmers in India
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From fast so many years since 1950 has seen developers coming out with one or more programming languages. While some languages have grown in popularity, multiplied as a family, many others have stonewashed into amnesia. Ease of use, the free and open-source nature, strong backing from a committed developer community and high performance are the key factors that make a programming language popular.
The new trends in India are very similar to trends worldwide, says Viral Shah, co-creator of programming language Julia. Developers say, prefer modern and easy-to-use languages over old-style ones. “Ease of use makes it possible for developers to spend very less time writing their programs, and high performance means the programs run faster in the cloud.
“In the early days 2000s, developers preferred to use C for systems programming, Java for enterprise applications, SAS for analytics, and Matlab for scientific applications. Today, developers prefer to use Rust for systems programming, Go for enterprise applications, Python/R for analytics, and Julia for scientific applications.”
There is no simple way to find the top programming languages. Yet, there are certainly unmissable like JavaScript, Java, Swift, C, and C++. Github’s survey shows that JavaScript, which makes web browsers interactive and dynamic, has consistently been the top programming language for the past 6 to 7 years. C and C++ are the best languages to develop games. India, like elsewhere in the world, has been seeing rapid growth in the Python ecosystem. Some of the fastest-growing technologies in India include Python, Django, and pandas. These are growing faster in India than in the US,” says Prashanth Chandrasekar, CEO, Stack Overflow, the Q&A site for programmers. Django and pandas are part of the Python ecosystem.
Python Programing
Python has outranked Java, for the first time, as the 2nd most popular language on GitHub by source contributors. “Since everyone is looking to invest in Artificial Intelligence, Python is witnessing a phenomenal growth. The language is growing powerful by the day because it is open and free source there is the flexibility to use its vast libraries modifies them and then give back to the community. The other side of the programming language growth story in India is driven by mobile development. India plays a protuberant role in Android-based application development.
Also, read: Top 10 Python Training Institutes in Bangalore
Kotlin is one of the fastest-growing programming languages and it has gained popularity after Google announced that it the preferred programming language for developing Android applications. Clojure, Golang, Rust, and Swift are a part of developers coding arsenal. With demand for full-stack developers going up, besides learning tools for development, one has to learn languages, databases, frameworks that are part of developer requisites. Developers proficient with these programming languages can expect a 40%-60% jump in their compensation with a few years of experience.
Kotlin has lots of advantages over Java. For example, Kotlin has a feature that prevents crashes by nudging the developer to think about problems with their code,” says Kaur, who is also working with startups and mentoring students on Kotlin.
React.js, React Native has been registering huge growth in India,” says the Stack Overflow CEO. “React Native is a modern mobile application framework, which lets developers use React along with native platform capabilities. Their combined growth reflects the continuing importance of mobile, but moving to more modern tooling,” says Chandrasekar.
Also, read: Top 5 Blockchain Training Institute in Bangalore
Swift, exclusively used to code iOS applications, figures in ninth position in rankings compiled by IEEE “Swift has begun to overshadow Objective C—code is shorter, faster to run, safe and more reliable for a richer app experience,” says iOS developer Robin Malhotra, who started to code on Swift in 2014. Swift and Kotlin, he says, will co-exist and it’s not one versus the other. “Though India has a significantly higher number of Android users, tech companies have both Android and iOS teams. App development in Swift is much faster than Objective C.
We are NearLearn, providing the world’s best python training in Bangalore, and reactjs and react-native training in Bangalore. Offers the most updated programming sessions in Machine Learning, Blockchain Training, Data Science training, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning. Our active team has been designed and famous for the latest prospectus for software developers to make them experts in the career.
If you want to discuss with us regarding our courses and the features please contact www.nearlearn.com or [email protected]
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crampete-blog · 5 years
Full Stack Roadmap 2019
Becoming a full stack web developer seems an intimidating task, especially if you are completely new to the field of coding. As a beginner, you might think that you have a whole lot to learn within a short span of time. The languages, frameworks, libraries and databases along with everything else required is a whole long list of tools of full stack web development. If you start attempting to learn everything at the same time is setting yourself up to FAIL spectacularly.  The easiest way to begin any work is to strategize with a road map. A road map is the best way to kick start your attempt to become a full stack web developer.
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Tackle each layer one by one. Your objective should be to learn the bare minimum skill set so that you can start experimenting and honing your learned skills. Once you have mastered the basics, you can go ahead and learn full stack technologies which will give you an edge over other people. Follow a structured path and equip yourself steadily rather than trying to learn all over the web development spectrum.
This road map has multiple sections and is the go-to guide for organizing and selecting technologies to learn. The article mainly benefits the noobs but is also useful to the professional coders looking to become a full stack web developer. If you already have knowledge of some of the technologies we are going to talk about here, skip to the sections that will be useful to you. Feel free to customize this road map to suit your needs.  
Front end technologies roadmap for a full stack web developer
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You can start by learning the technologies required for the presentation or the front end layer.  Follow this roadmap strategy if you wish to master front end development requisites. There are again the must learn, should learn and the value additions.
Basic languages
HTML- the HyperText Markup Language is the most basic and must know for any website you are contriving. You define and structure the content of a website.
CSS- this is used for styling websites and adding layouts, fonts and colours.
SQL- Structured Query Language, this is a basic language that is used for database management.
Front-end frameworks
BootStrap- An open-source toolkit for developing responsive, mobile first projects. Uses HTML,CSS and JavaScript. It helps design the website faster and easier. It has design templates for forms, buttons, tables, navigation etc., It also supports JavaScript plugins.
AngularJS- This a structural framework for dynamic web apps. The JavaScript-based open source web framework is maintained by Google and a community of corporations and individuals. They address challenges in a single-page application. It allows usage of HTML as the template language. It data-binding and dependency reduce the amount of coding required substantially.
ReactJS- A JavaScript library maintained by Facebook and a group of companies as well as individual developers. React is optimal for fetching fast-changing data that needs to be recorded. It is used for building user interfaces for single page applications. It allows users to create reusable UI components.
VueJS-This is yet another open-source JavaScript framework for single page applications and UIs.It is very compact in size and high on performance. The best option for new coders, it offers hand-picked the choicest features of other frameworks like Angular and React. It is known as the most approachable framework today.
Other programming languages required by a full stack developer:
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You need to be proficient in multiple programming languages as most of the core processes for any business have to be written in them. It is not possible to master all of them in a short time, so we have a list of languages for you to begin with.
JavaScript-  It is a just-in-time compiled programming language. It helps in adding dynamic features to your website is the predominant usage of JavaScript. This is used for both front end and back end operations. The JavaScript basics are easy to learn. Many of the front-end as well as back-end frameworks, like NodeJS and AngularJS,  use JavaScript. It is widely used for aplication like chatbots using full stack technology.
TypeScript- Developed and maintained by Microsoft for development of large applications. A prerequisite if you want to learn Angular, this has recently become very popular. This is an addition to JavaScript and is always used along with JavaScript for features like type checking.
Python- This is a high-level, general-purpose language. It can be used on a server to create web applications, mathematics and server scripting. It connects to databases to read and manipulate files. It was designed for readability and runs on an interpreter system. It can also be used in a procedural, object-oriented or functional way.
Ruby- A dynamic, open source language, it is easy to learn and code. It focuses on productivity and simplicity.it can be used for web applications, servers, system utilities, backups and database works.
PHP- The most popular scripting language, it can be embedded into HTML. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server where PHP is installed. It is used to collect form data, send or receive cookies amongst other functions.
Back end technologies roadmap for a full stack web developer.
Developers need a back end framework so that an application can be created. It is the script-side of a dynamic application. A lot of options are available for back end frameworks.
Express-Express.js is a framework and is used as a web application for Node.js. It is a module of the NodeJS. It can be used for apps that are based on servers that will listen for connection requests from clients. It can be used for single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. It is fast, easy to use and assertive.
NodeJS-This is an open-source, cross-platform in nature, that is runs across various platforms. it is a JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript outside a browser.
Django- This is a high-level Python web framework that follows model-template-view architecture. It is used to simplify the creation of complex, database-driven websites. It is fast and promotes a clean design.
Ruby on Rails- This is a server-side web application framework based on the Ruby language. It provides default structures for databases, web services and web pages. It uses model-view-controller architecture. This is comparatively hard to learn as you have to learn multiple and independent concepts.
Database systems roadmap.
In today's scenario, there are tons of databases. Each company develops its own databases according to their requirements.
The objective of this roadmap is to learn and become a database administrator.
MySQL, SQLite, Postgres- These are Relational Database management system, and the data is stored in table-like schemes. This is good to store business data. These use SQL
MongoDB, Cassandra, Apache storm, Sphinx- These are the NoSQL databases. Their only commonality is that they do not use a relational database scheme. This type of database covers a wide range of technologies and can be used to find key-value DB, graph DBs, streaming DBs etc.,
VoltDB, MemSQL- These are a new kind of database, the NewSQL. They follow the relational scheme but instead of disks, they use memory. the advantage is that they outperform the traditional RDBMS but the limited amount of memory available is definitely a downside to this type of database.
Recommended additional skills for a full stack web developer.
Git- The most popular distributed version control system. It is fast and efficient. It has the capacity to handle small to very large projects. It is used to coordinate between programmers as well as track any changes made to any code stored in its repository. Check out the git basics before getting started. GitHub is the most widely used code repository and thus a must learn for an aspiring coder.
Machine Learning- A subset of AI, it is a top trending topic in 2018, machine learning is now being incorporated into various industries. It has entered the web development field as well. This provides the ability to learn and improve without being explicitly programmed. This is a good-to-learn skill for a full stack web developer.
SSH- The secure shell protocol is used to operate network services securely over an unsecured network. The SSH provides a secured remote login from one computer to another. It ensures the privacy and integrity of the data.
HTTP/HTTPS-HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the protocol used by the world wide web. it defines how messages are transmitted, the actions taken by the Web servers and browsers when responding to commands. HTTPS is the secured version of HTTP. Here, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security. It ensures protection against man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping.
Linux command-line basic-Having this skill is not a must but one you should definitely have. It is not necessarily easy or hard to learn and saves a lot of time. The job that otherwise consumes a lot of time when done manually, like organizing items on the back-end will be over very fast.
Data structures and algorithms-Data structures are just ways to store the data while an algorithm is a generic approach methodology to solve a problem or requirement. Every programmer needs to be familiar with these concepts. By themselves, they are not a core skill, but the more intuitive you are about these, the easier it is to solve issues or add requirements. The impacts are felt in efficiency, scalability and performance of an application. As a full stack developer, this will help immensely.
Character encoding-This is a must learn if you are planning on developing global applications. If there is no proper character encoding, you might end up with unreadable text on display, the data will not be properly processed and your content may not be found by the search engines.
Use this road map and start by equipping yourself on these basic to intermediate skills required to become a successful full stack developer. Keep adding to your skills to give more value- addition to your role and by extension to your organization.
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Trending Web Development Frameworks In 2017
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As the Web evolves and the flexibility of online space quickly increases, the way of developing feature-rich application gets considerably more complicated. At present day, it's not simple to fulfill customers' need with basics online appearance, but it's the time when everybody wants to see you modernized as per the advanced technological trends. But, the difficulty can be conquered mostly if your developers are well-versed with the trending web development frameworks.
The Web apps will get popular day by day due to the demands of business growth. In this circumstance, for developers, it's tough to pick which framework is the suitable for web application development. Front-end developers used the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and back-end developers used NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, etc.
Well, let's begin to learn about web frameworks in depth.
Front-end Frameworks:
Making a good user interface can be done easily using front-end frameworks. Many front-end frameworks need the developer to use common web languages such as HTML, CSS, or Javascript. It is essential to know certain core skills before developing a front-end framework. These help developers design and build modern and elegant user interfaces for both desktop and mobile. Right now we mention few major frameworks for front-end development.
1. AngularJS:
If you are aware of the trending development technologies, then it's a familiar name to you. Google, Inc develop AngularJS. It's javascript framework that primarily used for single-page application development. AngularJS is a front-end framework that developers essentially use to handle user interactions in the web browser and deal with web pages.
Angular is very classy due to its extensive features & advantages also it can build big, dynamic applications. After the big announcement of Angular 2, the framework already created a lot of hype. Now, they decided that they will come with Angular 4, with better functionalities and even better front-end development.
2. ReactJS
ReactJS is also an open source javascript framework, developed by Facebook Developers. It used for handling view layer in the web and mobile apps. React is ideal for all platform that allows us to encourages a reusable component for both either web or native development.
ReactJS allows the developer to build a virtual document object module(DOM) and enabling the client and server sides to communicate instantly. ReactJS is also helpful for applications that require a View component for various front-end framework and also involve the determination of some critical search engine optimization (SEO) problems.
3.  VueJS
Vue is very easier, theirs most of the features and concept take from Angular & React. You can use Vue directly without any developing system - simply you can include it into HTML file. It component-based framework for creating a user interface.
Back-End Frameworks:
Back-end frameworks for deployment of a web application, it provides the core functionality & logic. Let's start to discuss few trending back-end frameworks.
1. Laravel
A lot of development frameworks avail to build web apps, but whenever we think on the back-end, Laravel comes first. It's an open-source PHP framework can develop large-scale enterprise web application.
Laravel allows for free configuration and does not require developers to do a single project structure; instead, they can change it to how they want. It also uses Composer as a dependency manager that enables developers to increase their Laravel apps with additional libraries.
2. Django
Django is a powerful Python web framework that helps for rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It's MVC based framework that makes it easier to build APIs and also used for developing mobile apps. Django has powerful features that make debugging, testing and developing much faster by enabling objects to be quickly revised in a local environment as opposed to being pushed to add & edit entries within a crude CMS or directly beside SQL.
3. Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails or simply Rails, is a server-side web application framework created by Ruby. Rails are Smalltalk's conceptual elegance, easy to use & learn and consist Pearl's pragmatism.
Ruby on Rails is an open-source, object-oriented and a high-level programming language that interpreted like Perl, Python.
4. Symfony
Symfony is PHP framework that used to create large-scale or complex enterprise level development. It's stable, and it helps to build a scalable web application which is flexible to changing business needs. Symfony can work with some of the large open-source platforms like a PHPBB, Piwik, and Drupal.
Now we concluded that every framework has many features, but it doesn't mean every web framework is suitable for all kind of development. It’s about the actual functionality of the framework and how it can be used in your web application development project.
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September 08, 2020 at 10:00PM - The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Ashraf
The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Hurry Offer Only Last For HoursSometime. Don't ever forget to share this post on Your Social media to be the first to tell your firends. This is not a fake stuff its real.
If you’re hoping to master JavaScript and get started as a full-stack web developer, this is the course for you! Prepare to learn full-stack JavaScript development working on coding projects using ReactJS, LoopbackJS, Redux and Material-UI. Going from the absolute basics to creating real hands-on projects, this courses is the perfect starting point. Dive right into this project-based course and you’ll walk through all the ins and outs of full-stack development with the JavaScript programming language. You’ll explore setting up and starting new projects from scratch, creating professional UIs and much more as you progress in your JavaScript education.
Access 87 lectures & 21 hours of content 24/7
Explore basic to advanced full-stack web development
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Familiarize yourself w/ the JavaScript programming fundamentals
Did you know you can go from zero experience to a fully qualified cash earning web developer in just a few short weeks? If you’re looking for a truly comprehensive web development course that will take you from learning the basics to mastering the most advanced development techniques, this project-based course is the one for you. You will be ready to build powerful and responsive websites to a highly professional degree using today’s most advanced and up to date web technologies before you know it! Save roughly $17,000 compared to an in-person Bootcamp with this easy, online alternative that’s just as thorough! Throughout this course, you’ll complete 15 full professional projects, such as creating an online checkout form (HTML), constructing outbound and return flight date pickers similar to Expedia (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI), setting up an interactive carousel slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap), and much more!
Access 490 lectures, 40 hands-on activities, 20 quizzes & 83 hours of content 24/7
Complete 15 Full Professional Projects worth over $20,000
Utilize the provided idea sharing website and online notes application to communicate w/ classmates
Build a solid portfolio of 15 real professional websites, games, and mobile apps through the duration of the course
If you’ve always wanted to build and design your own website, this course is the ideal place to start. The instructor makes it look easy, taking you through the latest web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, and even some jQuery. By building projects alongside the video instruction, you’ll get a true hands-on feel for the basic building blocks of the Web you surf daily.
Access 54 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
Build a completely unique, beautifully-designed & responsive landing page
Focus on modern design for any screen size w/ responsive websites
Create a fully optimized website from scratch in 7 steps
Learn where to find free design resources like images, icons & fonts
Get introduced to using jQuery to build stand-out effects
Optimize your site for search engines & speed
Flutter is a new development framework for app development with a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled wireframing widgets, making it easy to deploy to Android and iPhone faster and easier. While Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. In this course, you will learn about Flutter, Dart language basics, and widgets that are used for functions, and there will also be projects included. Release your first app, launch a startup, or learn to code with an impressive portfolio. All it takes is this course.
Access 44 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn how to use the Flutter app development framework
Practice using variables, lists, maps functions, loops, classes, objects & inheritance with Google’s programming language, Dart
Build the UI for an app by using Flutter’s text, button, text & image widgets
Access all source code for instant reference
Note: Software not included
This course prepares you for a career web development by using real world examples of data mining and datasets with Python. You’ll practice with hands-on projects, such as learning how to find data about a house when looking to become a homeowner. You’ll be able to look through house data to find useful information from a text dataset, as well as clean the data, filter noise, and make data available for analysis. You’ll also perform cluster analysis, classification and regression, and learn how to use Apache Spark, the number one framework used for distributed processing. Some coding experience is helpful, but if you have no coding experience: we’ve included an introductory section on the Python programming language with Nimish Narang from Mammoth Interactive.
Access 40 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn to create, evaluate and use data models to make predictions.
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Practice with pop quizzes embedded in lectures for you to test yourself along the way
Have you ever wanted to code and use data to your advantage? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this course, you’ll walk through the process of learning to code from scratch in a massively popular programming language: R in RStudio. You’ll learn how to code in R by building variables, loops, statements, and more. You will learn everything it takes to be a data analyst, including inputting, outputting, visualizing, manipulating, and storing data, solving complex business problems, making predictions using machine learning, and so much more with the abundant R packages of the exploding R community.
Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
Use hands-on projects to learn how to input and output data sets from text files, CSV files, and database systems, build functions efficiently and apply functions to data, and more
Gain the knowledge you need to become a data analyst by walking step-by-step through every process
This is a comprehensive course on learning the Python programming language and then using it to build algorithms, data structures, and larger-scale projects from scratch. With 51 lectures, it will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of programming fundamentals using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run and data structures as they are constructed. Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split into two parts, Part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and Part 2 focusing on Algorithms, Data Structures, Performance Analysis, and larger-scale projects.
Access 51 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Understand Python & programming fundamentals
Learn objects & building classes, methods, and special methods
Work on multiple projects w/ increasing level of complexity that ties the concepts together
Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python that provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, Django allows you to utilize already built components so you can focus your time on developing apps instead. If you’re going to be using Python for web apps or web design, you absolutely have to learn Django to save a ton of time.
Access 184 lectures & 20 hours of content 24/7
Discuss vulnerability analysis, security scanning, phishing protection & more
Perform password complexity analysis, multi-factor authentication, network traffic analysis & more
Explore the biggest threats in IT, including botnets, code exploits, SQL injection, social engineering & more
The JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp is your one-stop course to enter into the language of JavaScript. It will start from scratch and build up your understanding of the world’s most popular programming language. View JavaScript in action with whiteboard videos optimized for viewing on your smartphone. You can also practice JavaScript in your web browser! You’ll finish this course with an understanding of JavaScript that will let you take a deeper dive into the language and possibly launch you into a new career as a JavaScript web developer.
Access 297 lectures & 25 hours of content 24/7
Build projects as you learn concepts to get a taste of building applications on a small scale
Look under the hood to understand how JavaScript works
Create Interactive Webpage & deploy to the web
Become interview ready w/ whiteboard algorithm challenges
A subset of machine learning, deep learning focuses on how machines use neural networks to learn from data. These neural networks are used to perform tasks and are adjusted to create a better outcome each time, paving the way for groundbreaking machines that learn on their own! This master class takes you through machine learning, neural networks, and several core tools, like Keras, TensorFlow, and Python as you work toward creating a model that can classify images.
Access 71 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Walk through the essentials for using Python, Keras, TensorFlow & more machine learning tools
Expand your understanding of machine learning, neural networks & convolutions
Dive into creating your own image classifier model from scratch
The post The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.
from Active Sales – SharewareOnSale https://ift.tt/3iTTSGv https://ift.tt/eA8V8J via Blogger https://ift.tt/3bFtU70 #blogger #bloggingtips #bloggerlife #bloggersgetsocial #ontheblog #writersofinstagram #writingprompt #instapoetry #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersblock #writerlife #writtenword #instawriters #spilledink #wordgasm #creativewriting #poetsofinstagram #blackoutpoetry #poetsofig
0 notes
isearchgoood · 4 years
August 19, 2020 at 10:00PM - The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Ashraf
The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Hurry Offer Only Last For HoursSometime. Don't ever forget to share this post on Your Social media to be the first to tell your firends. This is not a fake stuff its real.
If you’re hoping to master JavaScript and get started as a full-stack web developer, this is the course for you! Prepare to learn full-stack JavaScript development working on coding projects using ReactJS, LoopbackJS, Redux and Material-UI. Going from the absolute basics to creating real hands-on projects, this courses is the perfect starting point. Dive right into this project-based course and you’ll walk through all the ins and outs of full-stack development with the JavaScript programming language. You’ll explore setting up and starting new projects from scratch, creating professional UIs and much more as you progress in your JavaScript education.
Access 87 lectures & 21 hours of content 24/7
Explore basic to advanced full-stack web development
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Familiarize yourself w/ the JavaScript programming fundamentals
Did you know you can go from zero experience to a fully qualified cash earning web developer in just a few short weeks? If you’re looking for a truly comprehensive web development course that will take you from learning the basics to mastering the most advanced development techniques, this project-based course is the one for you. You will be ready to build powerful and responsive websites to a highly professional degree using today’s most advanced and up to date web technologies before you know it! Save roughly $17,000 compared to an in-person Bootcamp with this easy, online alternative that’s just as thorough! Throughout this course, you’ll complete 15 full professional projects, such as creating an online checkout form (HTML), constructing outbound and return flight date pickers similar to Expedia (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI), setting up an interactive carousel slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap), and much more!
Access 490 lectures, 40 hands-on activities, 20 quizzes & 83 hours of content 24/7
Complete 15 Full Professional Projects worth over $20,000
Utilize the provided idea sharing website and online notes application to communicate w/ classmates
Build a solid portfolio of 15 real professional websites, games, and mobile apps through the duration of the course
If you’ve always wanted to build and design your own website, this course is the ideal place to start. The instructor makes it look easy, taking you through the latest web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, and even some jQuery. By building projects alongside the video instruction, you’ll get a true hands-on feel for the basic building blocks of the Web you surf daily.
Access 54 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
Build a completely unique, beautifully-designed & responsive landing page
Focus on modern design for any screen size w/ responsive websites
Create a fully optimized website from scratch in 7 steps
Learn where to find free design resources like images, icons & fonts
Get introduced to using jQuery to build stand-out effects
Optimize your site for search engines & speed
Flutter is a new development framework for app development with a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled wireframing widgets, making it easy to deploy to Android and iPhone faster and easier. While Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. In this course, you will learn about Flutter, Dart language basics, and widgets that are used for functions, and there will also be projects included. Release your first app, launch a startup, or learn to code with an impressive portfolio. All it takes is this course.
Access 44 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn how to use the Flutter app development framework
Practice using variables, lists, maps functions, loops, classes, objects & inheritance with Google’s programming language, Dart
Build the UI for an app by using Flutter’s text, button, text & image widgets
Access all source code for instant reference
Note: Software not included
This course prepares you for a career web development by using real world examples of data mining and datasets with Python. You’ll practice with hands-on projects, such as learning how to find data about a house when looking to become a homeowner. You’ll be able to look through house data to find useful information from a text dataset, as well as clean the data, filter noise, and make data available for analysis. You’ll also perform cluster analysis, classification and regression, and learn how to use Apache Spark, the number one framework used for distributed processing. Some coding experience is helpful, but if you have no coding experience: we’ve included an introductory section on the Python programming language with Nimish Narang from Mammoth Interactive.
Access 40 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn to create, evaluate and use data models to make predictions.
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Practice with pop quizzes embedded in lectures for you to test yourself along the way
Have you ever wanted to code and use data to your advantage? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this course, you’ll walk through the process of learning to code from scratch in a massively popular programming language: R in RStudio. You’ll learn how to code in R by building variables, loops, statements, and more. You will learn everything it takes to be a data analyst, including inputting, outputting, visualizing, manipulating, and storing data, solving complex business problems, making predictions using machine learning, and so much more with the abundant R packages of the exploding R community.
Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
Use hands-on projects to learn how to input and output data sets from text files, CSV files, and database systems, build functions efficiently and apply functions to data, and more
Gain the knowledge you need to become a data analyst by walking step-by-step through every process
This is a comprehensive course on learning the Python programming language and then using it to build algorithms, data structures, and larger-scale projects from scratch. With 51 lectures, it will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of programming fundamentals using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run and data structures as they are constructed. Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split into two parts, Part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and Part 2 focusing on Algorithms, Data Structures, Performance Analysis, and larger-scale projects.
Access 51 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Understand Python & programming fundamentals
Learn objects & building classes, methods, and special methods
Work on multiple projects w/ increasing level of complexity that ties the concepts together
Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python that provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, Django allows you to utilize already built components so you can focus your time on developing apps instead. If you’re going to be using Python for web apps or web design, you absolutely have to learn Django to save a ton of time.
Access 184 lectures & 20 hours of content 24/7
Discuss vulnerability analysis, security scanning, phishing protection & more
Perform password complexity analysis, multi-factor authentication, network traffic analysis & more
Explore the biggest threats in IT, including botnets, code exploits, SQL injection, social engineering & more
The JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp is your one-stop course to enter into the language of JavaScript. It will start from scratch and build up your understanding of the world’s most popular programming language. View JavaScript in action with whiteboard videos optimized for viewing on your smartphone. You can also practice JavaScript in your web browser! You’ll finish this course with an understanding of JavaScript that will let you take a deeper dive into the language and possibly launch you into a new career as a JavaScript web developer.
Access 297 lectures & 25 hours of content 24/7
Build projects as you learn concepts to get a taste of building applications on a small scale
Look under the hood to understand how JavaScript works
Create Interactive Webpage & deploy to the web
Become interview ready w/ whiteboard algorithm challenges
A subset of machine learning, deep learning focuses on how machines use neural networks to learn from data. These neural networks are used to perform tasks and are adjusted to create a better outcome each time, paving the way for groundbreaking machines that learn on their own! This master class takes you through machine learning, neural networks, and several core tools, like Keras, TensorFlow, and Python as you work toward creating a model that can classify images.
Access 71 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Walk through the essentials for using Python, Keras, TensorFlow & more machine learning tools
Expand your understanding of machine learning, neural networks & convolutions
Dive into creating your own image classifier model from scratch
from Active Sales – SharewareOnSale https://ift.tt/3iTTSGv https://ift.tt/eA8V8J via Blogger https://ift.tt/2CMOq8Y #blogger #bloggingtips #bloggerlife #bloggersgetsocial #ontheblog #writersofinstagram #writingprompt #instapoetry #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersblock #writerlife #writtenword #instawriters #spilledink #wordgasm #creativewriting #poetsofinstagram #blackoutpoetry #poetsofig
0 notes
isearchgoood · 4 years
April 06, 2020 at 10:00PM - The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (98% discount) Ashraf
The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (98% discount) Hurry Offer Only Last For HoursSometime. Don't ever forget to share this post on Your Social media to be the first to tell your firends. This is not a fake stuff its real.
If you’re hoping to master JavaScript and get started as a full-stack web developer, this is the course for you! Prepare to learn full-stack JavaScript development working on coding projects using ReactJS, LoopbackJS, Redux and Material-UI. Going from the absolute basics to creating real hands-on projects, this courses is the perfect starting point. Dive right into this project-based course and you’ll walk through all the ins and outs of full-stack development with the JavaScript programming language. You’ll explore setting up and starting new projects from scratch, creating professional UIs and much more as you progress in your JavaScript education.
Access 87 lectures & 21 hours of content 24/7
Explore basic to advanced full-stack web development
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Familiarize yourself w/ the JavaScript programming fundamentals
Did you know you can go from zero experience to a fully qualified cash earning web developer in just a few short weeks? If you’re looking for a truly comprehensive web development course that will take you from learning the basics to mastering the most advanced development techniques, this project-based course is the one for you. You will be ready to build powerful and responsive websites to a highly professional degree using today’s most advanced and up to date web technologies before you know it! Save roughly $17,000 compared to an in-person Bootcamp with this easy, online alternative that’s just as thorough! Throughout this course, you’ll complete 15 full professional projects, such as creating an online checkout form (HTML), constructing outbound and return flight date pickers similar to Expedia (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI), setting up an interactive carousel slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap), and much more!
Access 490 lectures, 40 hands-on activities, 20 quizzes & 83 hours of content 24/7
Complete 15 Full Professional Projects worth over $20,000
Utilize the provided idea sharing website and online notes application to communicate w/ classmates
Build a solid portfolio of 15 real professional websites, games, and mobile apps through the duration of the course
If you’ve always wanted to build and design your own website, this course is the ideal place to start. The instructor makes it look easy, taking you through the latest web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, and even some jQuery. By building projects alongside the video instruction, you’ll get a true hands-on feel for the basic building blocks of the Web you surf daily.
Access 54 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
Build a completely unique, beautifully-designed & responsive landing page
Focus on modern design for any screen size w/ responsive websites
Create a fully optimized website from scratch in 7 steps
Learn where to find free design resources like images, icons & fonts
Get introduced to using jQuery to build stand-out effects
Optimize your site for search engines & speed
Flutter is a new development framework for app development with a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled wireframing widgets, making it easy to deploy to Android and iPhone faster and easier. While Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. In this course, you will learn about Flutter, Dart language basics, and widgets that are used for functions, and there will also be projects included. Release your first app, launch a startup, or learn to code with an impressive portfolio. All it takes is this course.
Access 44 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn how to use the Flutter app development framework
Practice using variables, lists, maps functions, loops, classes, objects & inheritance with Google’s programming language, Dart
Build the UI for an app by using Flutter’s text, button, text & image widgets
Access all source code for instant reference
Note: Software not included
This course prepares you for a career web development by using real world examples of data mining and datasets with Python. You’ll practice with hands-on projects, such as learning how to find data about a house when looking to become a homeowner. You’ll be able to look through house data to find useful information from a text dataset, as well as clean the data, filter noise, and make data available for analysis. You’ll also perform cluster analysis, classification and regression, and learn how to use Apache Spark, the number one framework used for distributed processing. Some coding experience is helpful, but if you have no coding experience: we’ve included an introductory section on the Python programming language with Nimish Narang from Mammoth Interactive.
Access 40 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn to create, evaluate and use data models to make predictions.
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Practice with pop quizzes embedded in lectures for you to test yourself along the way
Have you ever wanted to code and use data to your advantage? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this course, you’ll walk through the process of learning to code from scratch in a massively popular programming language: R in RStudio. You’ll learn how to code in R by building variables, loops, statements, and more. You will learn everything it takes to be a data analyst, including inputting, outputting, visualizing, manipulating, and storing data, solving complex business problems, making predictions using machine learning, and so much more with the abundant R packages of the exploding R community.
Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
Use hands-on projects to learn how to input and output data sets from text files, CSV files, and database systems, build functions efficiently and apply functions to data, and more
Gain the knowledge you need to become a data analyst by walking step-by-step through every process
Are you interested in getting an in-depth training on one of the top programming languages in the world? Then this course is for you! You’ll walk step-by-step through the fascinating world of programming fundamentals using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run, and data structures as they are constructed. Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split into two parts, part one focusing on the Python programming language and part two focusing on algorithms, data structures, performance analysis, and larger-scale projects.
Access 96 lectures & 13 hours of content 24/7
Understand the fundamentals of programming languages
Learn to visualize algorithms, data structures, program execution & information flow
Become proficient in technical interview topics
Learn to use Python to build projects
Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python that provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, Django allows you to utilize already built components so you can focus your time on developing apps instead. If you’re going to be using Python for web apps or web design, you absolutely have to learn Django to save a ton of time.
Access 184 lectures & 20 hours of content 24/7
Discuss vulnerability analysis, security scanning, phishing protection & more
Perform password complexity analysis, multi-factor authentication, network traffic analysis & more
Explore the biggest threats in IT, including botnets, code exploits, SQL injection, social engineering & more
The JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp is your one-stop course to enter into the language of JavaScript. It will start from scratch and build up your understanding of the world’s most popular programming language. View JavaScript in action with whiteboard videos optimized for viewing on your smartphone. You can also practice JavaScript in your web browser! You’ll finish this course with an understanding of JavaScript that will let you take a deeper dive into the language and possibly launch you into a new career as a JavaScript web developer.
Access 297 lectures & 25 hours of content 24/7
Build projects as you learn concepts to get a taste of building applications on a small scale
Look under the hood to understand how JavaScript works
Create Interactive Webpage & deploy to the web
Become interview ready w/ whiteboard algorithm challenges
A subset of machine learning, deep learning focuses on how machines use neural networks to learn from data. These neural networks are used to perform tasks and are adjusted to create a better outcome each time, paving the way for groundbreaking machines that learn on their own! This master class takes you through machine learning, neural networks, and several core tools, like Keras, TensorFlow, and Python as you work toward creating a model that can classify images.
Access 71 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Walk through the essentials for using Python, Keras, TensorFlow & more machine learning tools
Expand your understanding of machine learning, neural networks & convolutions
Dive into creating your own image classifier model from scratch
from Active Sales – SharewareOnSale https://ift.tt/2UMCtpO https://ift.tt/eA8V8J via Blogger https://ift.tt/34gbm9K #blogger #bloggingtips #bloggerlife #bloggersgetsocial #ontheblog #writersofinstagram #writingprompt #instapoetry #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersblock #writerlife #writtenword #instawriters #spilledink #wordgasm #creativewriting #poetsofinstagram #blackoutpoetry #poetsofig
0 notes
isearchgoood · 4 years
March 28, 2020 at 10:00PM - The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Ashraf
The 2020 Premium Learn To Code Certification Bundle (80% discount) Hurry Offer Only Last For HoursSometime. Don't ever forget to share this post on Your Social media to be the first to tell your firends. This is not a fake stuff its real.
If you’re hoping to master JavaScript and get started as a full-stack web developer, this is the course for you! Prepare to learn full-stack JavaScript development working on coding projects using ReactJS, LoopbackJS, Redux and Material-UI. Going from the absolute basics to creating real hands-on projects, this courses is the perfect starting point. Dive right into this project-based course and you’ll walk through all the ins and outs of full-stack development with the JavaScript programming language. You’ll explore setting up and starting new projects from scratch, creating professional UIs and much more as you progress in your JavaScript education.
Access 87 lectures & 21 hours of content 24/7
Explore basic to advanced full-stack web development
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Familiarize yourself w/ the JavaScript programming fundamentals
Did you know you can go from zero experience to a fully qualified cash earning web developer in just a few short weeks? If you’re looking for a truly comprehensive web development course that will take you from learning the basics to mastering the most advanced development techniques, this project-based course is the one for you. You will be ready to build powerful and responsive websites to a highly professional degree using today’s most advanced and up to date web technologies before you know it! Save roughly $17,000 compared to an in-person Bootcamp with this easy, online alternative that’s just as thorough! Throughout this course, you’ll complete 15 full professional projects, such as creating an online checkout form (HTML), constructing outbound and return flight date pickers similar to Expedia (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI), setting up an interactive carousel slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap), and much more!
Access 490 lectures, 40 hands-on activities, 20 quizzes & 83 hours of content 24/7
Complete 15 Full Professional Projects worth over $20,000
Utilize the provided idea sharing website and online notes application to communicate w/ classmates
Build a solid portfolio of 15 real professional websites, games, and mobile apps through the duration of the course
If you’ve always wanted to build and design your own website, this course is the ideal place to start. The instructor makes it look easy, taking you through the latest web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, and even some jQuery. By building projects alongside the video instruction, you’ll get a true hands-on feel for the basic building blocks of the Web you surf daily.
Access 54 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
Build a completely unique, beautifully-designed & responsive landing page
Focus on modern design for any screen size w/ responsive websites
Create a fully optimized website from scratch in 7 steps
Learn where to find free design resources like images, icons & fonts
Get introduced to using jQuery to build stand-out effects
Optimize your site for search engines & speed
Flutter is a new development framework for app development with a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled wireframing widgets, making it easy to deploy to Android and iPhone faster and easier. While Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. In this course, you will learn about Flutter, Dart language basics, and widgets that are used for functions, and there will also be projects included. Release your first app, launch a startup, or learn to code with an impressive portfolio. All it takes is this course.
Access 44 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn how to use the Flutter app development framework
Practice using variables, lists, maps functions, loops, classes, objects & inheritance with Google’s programming language, Dart
Build the UI for an app by using Flutter’s text, button, text & image widgets
Access all source code for instant reference
Note: Software not included
This course prepares you for a career web development by using real world examples of data mining and datasets with Python. You’ll practice with hands-on projects, such as learning how to find data about a house when looking to become a homeowner. You’ll be able to look through house data to find useful information from a text dataset, as well as clean the data, filter noise, and make data available for analysis. You’ll also perform cluster analysis, classification and regression, and learn how to use Apache Spark, the number one framework used for distributed processing. Some coding experience is helpful, but if you have no coding experience: we’ve included an introductory section on the Python programming language with Nimish Narang from Mammoth Interactive.
Access 40 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Learn to create, evaluate and use data models to make predictions.
Dive into setting up & starting new projects
Practice with pop quizzes embedded in lectures for you to test yourself along the way
Have you ever wanted to code and use data to your advantage? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this course, you’ll walk through the process of learning to code from scratch in a massively popular programming language: R in RStudio. You’ll learn how to code in R by building variables, loops, statements, and more. You will learn everything it takes to be a data analyst, including inputting, outputting, visualizing, manipulating, and storing data, solving complex business problems, making predictions using machine learning, and so much more with the abundant R packages of the exploding R community.
Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
Use hands-on projects to learn how to input and output data sets from text files, CSV files, and database systems, build functions efficiently and apply functions to data, and more
Gain the knowledge you need to become a data analyst by walking step-by-step through every process
This is a comprehensive course on learning the Python programming language and then using it to build algorithms, data structures, and larger-scale projects from scratch. With 51 lectures, it will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of programming fundamentals using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run and data structures as they are constructed. Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split into two parts, Part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and Part 2 focusing on Algorithms, Data Structures, Performance Analysis, and larger-scale projects.
Access 51 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Understand Python & programming fundamentals
Learn objects & building classes, methods, and special methods
Work on multiple projects w/ increasing level of complexity that ties the concepts together
Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python that provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, Django allows you to utilize already built components so you can focus your time on developing apps instead. If you’re going to be using Python for web apps or web design, you absolutely have to learn Django to save a ton of time.
Access 184 lectures & 20 hours of content 24/7
Discuss vulnerability analysis, security scanning, phishing protection & more
Perform password complexity analysis, multi-factor authentication, network traffic analysis & more
Explore the biggest threats in IT, including botnets, code exploits, SQL injection, social engineering & more
The JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp is your one-stop course to enter into the language of JavaScript. It will start from scratch and build up your understanding of the world’s most popular programming language. View JavaScript in action with whiteboard videos optimized for viewing on your smartphone. You can also practice JavaScript in your web browser! You’ll finish this course with an understanding of JavaScript that will let you take a deeper dive into the language and possibly launch you into a new career as a JavaScript web developer.
Access 297 lectures & 25 hours of content 24/7
Build projects as you learn concepts to get a taste of building applications on a small scale
Look under the hood to understand how JavaScript works
Create Interactive Webpage & deploy to the web
Become interview ready w/ whiteboard algorithm challenges
A subset of machine learning, deep learning focuses on how machines use neural networks to learn from data. These neural networks are used to perform tasks and are adjusted to create a better outcome each time, paving the way for groundbreaking machines that learn on their own! This master class takes you through machine learning, neural networks, and several core tools, like Keras, TensorFlow, and Python as you work toward creating a model that can classify images.
Access 71 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
Walk through the essentials for using Python, Keras, TensorFlow & more machine learning tools
Expand your understanding of machine learning, neural networks & convolutions
Dive into creating your own image classifier model from scratch
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