#Aerials (Rifts Book 1)
wafflesrock16 · 4 years
I set up a Good Reads!
Hey all, if anyone here has read/is reading Aerials (Rifts Book 1) by E.M. Bell, aka me, and feels like leaving a review on Good Reads, it’d be greatly appreciated. =)
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
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Part 1/? - Transmission Part 2/? - The Sandhill Hotel Part 3/? - Piccadilly Part 4/? - The Future
“Isn’t it obvious?” asked Howard.
“No, it’s not obvious at all,” Peggy told him.  HYDRA having a time machine opened up enough cans of worms to fill a grocery store.  They might go back and murder Steve before he could become Captain America.  They might steal the secrets of the atom bombs and deliver them to Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.  Peggy could probably fill a book with the awful possibilities, and these escaped HYDRA operatives doubtless knew things she didn’t.
“Sure it is,” said Howard.  “All we have to do is go back, and we can stop this from ever happening in the first place.  It shouldn’t be hard.  We’ve got seventy years to do it.”
“Or!”  Toulouse held up a finger.  “You might create the very future you’re trying to avoid!  That happens in movies all the time!”
“I’ve got a headache already,” sighed Peggy.  This was too much to take, even for her – she needed to sit down.  The hotel room Toulouse had gotten them was spacious and nicely furnished, with a sofa and chair at one end, facing a black glass panel mounted on the wall that Peggy could only assume was an extremely pretentious piece of art.  At the other were a pair of enormous beds.  Peggy went and sat down on the sofa, and took a deep breath.
“The first thing to do,” she decided, “is to find whoever’s running the SSR these days.  Toulouse, do you happen to know?”  She probably didn’t.  It was an American organization and Toulouse was British, and anyway, the SSR liked to keep out of the spotlight.  Many people seemed to think it had disbanded after the war.
“There isn’t an SSR anymore,” Toulouse replied  “There was SHIELD, but they’re gone now.  It was run by a guy named Fury, but he’s dead.  Mysterious car accident,” she added.  “Everybody knows it was an assassination, though.”
Peggy frowned, thinking.  “Zola was in SSR custody.  The man we met in there must be from at least a little while in our own future, because he couldn't have gotten away from his escorts to use the machine again... he might even be from a few years ahead.  So we do have to return to our own time, and make sure he doesn't get the opportunity.”  That would be at least a start, although the full ramifications of this would take more time to deal with.  “Do you think you can build a time machine?” she asked Howard.
“Probably,” he said, coming to lean on the sofa from behind.  “But as in the case of the Rift Generator, it'd be much easier just to steal one.”
Peggy nodded grimly.  “So we have to sneak back into that hotel.”
“Why do we have to sneak?” asked Toulouse.  “Daddy owns the hotel.  If I can just get in touch with him and tell him they’re in there, he’ll send somebody to chase those men out and we can just walk right in and use the thing.”  She picked up the slab-phone again.  “Let me ring him.”
“Wait, Toulouse,” Peggy reached out to stop her.  “Are you absolutely sure your father’s not involved in this?  I know that must be a painful question for you…”
“Daddy?  Of course not,” said Toulouse.  “He was promoted to Deputy Prime Minister because he wasn’t involved in the whole HYDRA thing while the fellow he replaced was.  They put him in charge of the investigation committee and the Queen gave him a special honour for it.  If there’s Nazis in his basement he’ll want to do something about it, I promise you.”
That sounded very reassuring, but Peggy still didn’t want to absolutely trust this man she’d never seen.  Come to that, she wasn’t sure she trusted Toulouse, either.  “Maybe don’t mention the time machine part,” she decided.
“I’ll just tell him about the cows,” Toulouse decided.  She entered a number and waited impatiently while it rang.  “Harvinder?  Oh, thank goodness.  I need to talk to Daddy.  It’s an emergency.”  There was a brief pause as whoever she was talking to replied.  “I don’t care if he’s in Honk Kong, Cape Town, or Saskatoon!” said Toulouse.  “This is important.  There is some seriously weird shit going on in the new Piccadilly!”
“I’m going to wash up,” Peggy decided.  It had been a long day, first on dusty roads in the foothills and then sweating in the warm, close environment of the walk-in safe.  She needed a shower.
“Don’t take too long,” Howard said.  “I want to go next.”
Peggy automatically expected a hotel bathroom to be tiny, but this one was huge.  There was an enormous tub, two sinks, a giant mirror, and lots of fluffy white towels.  It looked like a lovely place to relax for a evening, but even if Howard hadn’t asked her to hurry she knew they didn’t have that kind of time.  She therefore limited herself to a shower, though she ran the water scalding hot and washed her hair twice.
She emerged in a thick white robe with another towel around her hair, to find Toulouse had taken out that silver thing she’d been keeping in the walk-in safe and had opened it like a book, propping it on the desk.  One side of it was a sort of flat typewriter, while the other displayed a moving image, and Toulouse was staring intently at it as her fingers flew over the keys.  Howard, meanwhile, was mesmerized by the black glass panel on the wall, which was also showing images.  It was some kind of miniature cinema screen, Peggy realized, showing colour newsreel footage.
“Okay, here we go!” Toulouse announced.  “Good news.  Looks like both of you make it back to the 1940s just fine!  Howard Stark died in a car accident along with his wife in 1991…”
“My wife?” Howard asked, looking over his shoulder in startlement.  “I got married?”
Peggy wasn’t quite shocked, since she’d always assumed he’d have to settle down sooner or later, but it was still a surprise to get confirmation of it.  “Good heavens,” she said.  “Next you’ll be telling me…” she paused, glancing sideways at Howard.  He’d hinted that his own father hadn’t been very good at it.  Would he… she decided not to ask just yet.  “What about me?”
“You’re still alive, but you’re retired,” said Toulouse.  The text on the device in front of her was scrolling past too quickly to follow.  “You were married twice and outlived both of them, had two kids and outlived one of them, too, and helped keep everybody from dying in the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
“Good to know I continue to do my job,” said Peggy.  There was a thought, she realized – if she could find out where her older self was living, she could visit her.  Would that cause a paradox and destroy the world?  Her future self would not appreciate that after a lifetime spent saving it, so best not to go there.  She leaned to take a closer look, but then Toulouse’s little telephone, now lying on the table next to the typewriter device, started playing music.  Toulouse squeaked and grabbed it to put it to her ear, and Peggy had to straighten up in a hurry so as not to be smacked in the face.
“Daddy?” Toulouse asked.  “Oh, finally!  Listen, have I got a story to tell you!  Those men in the basement are not electricians, they’re some kind of weird conspiracy.  They’ve got a machine that’s making cows or something!”  She covered the bottom of the device and looked at Peggy.  “Should I tell him they were locking people in the safe?”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Peggy decided.  “The fewer people know we’re here, the better.”  Even if Mr. Sandhill wasn’t a member of HYDRA himself, there was no telling who he might mention the incident to.  Somebody at his hotel company must have suggested to Zola that the men could get in under the pretense of electricians.
Toulouse nodded and put the phone back to her ear.  “No, Daddy, cows.  Yes, moo!  And there’s a car that came right through the lobby windows with no driver.”  There was a short pause.  “No, a car!  Cows don’t need drivers!”
Peggy suspected this phone call would take a while.  She went and sat down next to Howard on the couch.
“The washroom is free,” she noted.
Howard jumped a little – he’d been so wrapped up in what he was seeing on the cinema screen, he hadn’t even noticed her sit down.  “Peg, look at this!” he said, gesturing to the wall.  “It’s a personal theatre!  It can show you all kinds of things.  You can get films, you can get cartoons, newsreels, serials, all in your home!  Toulouse doesn’t know who invented it.  I hope I did.  If I didn’t, when we go back I will.”
The image on the screen showed aerial footage of a large ship, still blackened and smoking from a recent fire, being towed into a harbour not by a tugboat but by some tiny, unidentified object.  It switched, then, to a man who was recognizably a reporter with a microphone, standing on top of a building with the ship visible in the water behind him.  He turned to interview what was either an astonishingly advanced machine or else a man wearing some kind of red and gold armor.
“See that?” Howard pointed to the corner.  “It says live.  We’re watching this as it happens on the other side of the world!  This is in Canada!”
Sure enough, a caption at the bottom of the screen read LIVE: Iron Man tows burning tanker into Vancouver.  The being in the armor reached to remove its helmet.
“You tune it with this,” Howard went on, holding up an object about the size and shape of a candy bar.  He pressed a couple of buttons on it, and the image changed – from the news, to footage of sharks swimming, to South Asian people in fabulous costumes dancing, to a group of men and women sitting arguing in a restaurant.  “This is wild.  I always hoped I lived a long life, just so I could see what the future brings – now here I am, and I get to go back knowing what’s possible and maybe help it along a bit!”  He grinned.
“Here I thought you'd be disappointed in the lack of flying cars,” said Peggy.
“Only a little,” Howard assured her.  “The cars are beautiful, aren't they?  They look like they could fly, even if they don't.”
Peggy thought they were hideous, all streamlining and no elegance, but she didn't say so.  “The washroom is free,” she repeated.
“Oh, right,” he said.  “There’s another robe, right?”
“There is,” Peggy assured him.
He turned off the theatre with a look of honest regret, and went to wash up.  Peggy looked over her shoulder at Toulouse, but the young woman was still on the phone.
“Anyway,” she was saying, “I told the police there was a bomb in the hotel, because I figured they wouldn’t think cows were serious and after that thing in Sheffield they probably wouldn’t believe me if I said there was a conspiracy in the basement…”
Yes, this was going to take some time.  Peggy decided she needed a breath of fresh air.  She got up and went out on the balcony to take another look at the city.
The suite had a large terrace with a private pool, chairs and tables to sit at, and a few small garden beds.  Peggy passed them by and went to lean on the railing, the better to appreciate the view.  It was properly night now, with a half moon hanging low over the city and the whole place glittering with lights.  The last time Peggy had seen London in the dark, it had still been blacked out for fear of German bombers.  Seeing it all lit up like this was strange in itself, but still not nearly as strange as the city itself.  The giant ferris wheel and the towering glass buildings beyond didn’t even look like England, let alone London.  The skyscrapers would have been out of place even in New York.  One had a graceful spiral twist to it, looking rather like an enormous Christmas ornament.  Another resembled a pyramid stretched out to impossible proportions by a funhouse mirror.  They looked like something from the cover of one of those science fiction magazines Agent Penner liked to read.
But there was the outline of Big Ben, brightly lit against the dark sky.  There was the Waterloo Bridge, and if Peggy leaned very far forward she could just see the turrets on top of the Tower.  This was London, certainly, but it was London utterly transformed, the familiar bones wearing a new and alien skin.
This was the first real moment of quiet Peggy had been allowed since this all began in the bunker outside Los Angeles, twelve hours and seventy years ago, and now that she had the opportunity she did her best to try to digest the situation.  The future!  Seventy years was a lifetime – people who’d been small children when she’d left were now on their deathbed.  Most likely anybody she’d ever known was long dead, and from what Zola and Toulouse had said about the SSR and its successor organization SHIELD, there wasn’t even an institution they could go to for help.  A time traveler in the 1940s would have come to the SSR’s attention, to be met with either help or opposition depending on the individual’s agenda.  Who took care of such things in the 2010’s?
“Peggy!” called Toulouse’s voice.
She looked up.  Toulouse was standing in the French doors, waving at her.
“I’m coming!” Peggy said.  She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself, and then headed back indoors.  She’d had her moment to digest, and now it was time to deal.
Back in the room, Howard was getting out of the shower, and Toulouse was back at her typewriter device, her fingers flying over the keys composing a letter to one of her professors, while at the same time her mouth chattered about their current situation.  “Somebody’s going to collect my things and bring them here,” she said, “so that’s taken care of, and I managed to wear Daddy down.  He’s gonna send Prince to investigate.”
“Prince?” asked Peggy.  Was that the name of a dog?
“Like the Artist,’ said Toulouse with a nod.  “He’s my big brother – my half-brother, to be exact.  His Mum was Daddy’s first wife  Mine was his third.”
“How many has he had?” asked Howard.  For once Peggy was glad he’d said something, because her first question would have been to ask what kind of person names their children Prince and Toulouse.
“Six,” said Toulouse, as if this were quite ordinary.  “Don’t worry, he didn’t behead any of them.  Now,” she went on, “it’s late, so he won’t bother being there until tomorrow.  That means we can get up early, go in, and send you guys back to the 1940s, done!  Then Prince and I can clean up, and Daddy can get another award from the Queen for thwarting a plot against the throne!”  She seemed to think it would be quite simple.
Peggy knew better.  “Once we’re back inside the hotel,” she said to Howard, “can you repeat whatever it is you did in California?”
“I’m not sure what I did in California,” Howard admitted.  “I think there must have been a residual charge in the coils and my touching the wire caused a short circuit.  Once I’ve had a chance to study it, I’ll be able to figure it out.”  He smiled, proud.  “You know me.  The only thing I’m better at than building stuff is figuring out how other people’s stuff works.”
“Then I just hope it’ll be that easy,” said Peggy.  Once they got back, the real work would begin – keeping tabs on Zola, and figuring out what this all had to do with die Glocke.
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esseastri · 6 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 10)
Hi, fronds.
I meant to keep going, I really did, but then That Thing happened and I was really upset and also a LOT of real life things happened, most good, but all busy, so. Bear with me. We’ll get through this monster eventually.
Part 10 encompasses pages 753-828 (previous parts)
I’m still super upset about the Rift, y’all. Like. Ultimate #yikes.
“That would give privacy to talk” Okay, but you are still in a public space with a bunch of other people, you maaayybe shouldn’t be, like...just using the king’s name casually like you’re besties?
Since this is supposed to be a stealth mission, isn’t it?
SHALLAN PLS “It’s a little small” GURL PLS
“Kaladin liked them both...just not together.” I’m just waiting for someone to yell at them to get a room. Kaladin is the most likely candidate and I’m going to die laughing when it happens.
honestly, polyamory is the real solution here
Two Unmade.
which means we need two radiants to go fight them so Adolin WHEN ARE YOU MANIFESTING, MY BOY?
literally every time anyone mentions seeing a cremling--especially a weird-shaped cremling--I JUST GET REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE. WHAT IF IT’S 200-CREMLINGS-IN-A-TRENCH-COAT???
“But Adolin had been raised by a mother with a fondness for hugs” I’M SCREAMING THIS IS FINE I’M FINE. HE MUST MISS HER SO MUCH. HELP
wait, but don’t we know for sure that shardblades can be stuff that’s not swords? Like, didn’t Syl turn into a spear at the end of WoR? So maybe the Radiants DID make other tools for their followers--maybe they did have shardhammers for building and shardbows for hunting and shardshovels for digging latrines, but after the Recreance, the spren died, so they lost the ability to change shape?
Worth thinking about, anyway.
“Thank you for being you, Adolin.” “Everyone else was taken already.” BUDDYYYY. I LOVE HIM. HE’S SO GOOD AND WONDERFUL AND AAHH
OOHH, Shallan gets SQUIRES??? Somehow I didn’t really think that the Lightweavers would be one of the orders that had squires.. they seem a solitary bunch.
Kaladin just...scooting down to sit next to the highmarshal without an invitation is. listen, he’s always been brave, but this is a different sort of bravery--doing something that might get you in trouble with social codes is different from running headlong across a not-set bridge into battle--and I know he’s done shit like this before, often, but not...not really in context of military superiors? I don’T KNOW THIS FEELS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT AND I’M EXCITED FOR HIM.
I find it ironic that the COVERED walkway from the Oathgate platform to the palace is called the SUNwalk, but that’s fine.
Kishi is a really good name, dangit brandon stop taking all the really good names
Azure’s sword is a her?
YOU CAN’T JUST SAY THAT, KALADIN!! “How did you get here?” “I flew.” YOU CAn’T JUST. KAL, PLS
“I’ve given answers. If they aren’t the ones you want, perhaps the questions aren’t very good.” HELLO, I LOVE THIS BOY VERY MJUCH I DON’T KNWO IF YOU KNOW THIS ABOUT ME
wait come here chasing her
She’s from Somewhere Else and she’s got a weird sword and her name’s a color and Vivenna was SUPPOSED to show up in this book GODDAMNIT THERE SHE IS
heheheheheh gosh that’s fun
I suppose it is the HEART of the revel, after all...
I really, really didn’t sign up for a horror novel, idk why this keeps happening SIGH
You know you’ve watched too many shitty action movies when the first thing you can think of when a guy gets thrown off the city wall isn’t “oh god he got THROWN off a WALL” and is, instead, “I bet tehy’d have used a Wilhelm Scream there heh”
Listen, Kaladin, I know you CAN fight without flying, but you are currently fighting flying enemies, and you should absolutely go have an aerial battle with them, please, I just want you to be in more cinematic, badass fights pls.
okay, I asked for this, but I rescind my request, BE CAREFUL BABE, PLS.
“my red life” yah, ok, that’s definitely Vivenna NICE
hnnnngggg, every time Kaladin summons the sylbade and, like, does the thing where he rests her on his shoulder all casual and intimidating I just melt, I’m so
he’s so
and so
mrrrghhh, OF COURSE There’s a gang that steals the food from Shallan’s informants and KILLS THEM EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE KIDS, uggghhh. Should have known.
Continues the trend of Shallan not really knowing anything about how life on the streets work, huh?
OK this lady with vine patterns in her skin who’s Soulcasting for Azure? Actual Soulcaster suffering the effects to way too many years Soulcasting? OR........Radiant?
Honestly, I suspect literally everyone of being a radiant at this point.
pffffffffffffffffffffffttt HOID
of course.
but why did he help? Why is he helping? What’s his game?
“She hadn’t lived on the streets and she didn’t know how to help people.” NICE YOU TO FINALLY REALIZE.
“The only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone. Trust me, I’ve practiced.” COOL, NOW I’M SAD ABOUT HOID. Listen, I know his books are sooo far off, but the more things he says, the more I want to KNOW about him. Argh.
“Many people have suffered more, and they got along fine.” Oooohhh, Shallan, honey. No one ever taught you that the fact that other people have it worse does not negate your suffering.
Also, like. most people have not, in fact, had it worse than you, really. In the grand scheme of things, having to kill both your parents when they tried to kill you sucks a LOT, despite your privilege making the rest of everything better for you...
“You’ve been wanting an army to attack your palace, Your Majesty... well, we’re ready.”
hi, Adolin talking to his sword still makes my heart swell, every time, he’s JUST SO GOOD AND PURE AND WONDERFUL
I lov hiiiiimm
it’s not Shallan that needs to drive this one back.
I’m still so enamored of this theory, I’m sticking with it even if it’s wrong, I don’t care. One Unmade per Radiant Order. It’s gotta be one of the boys this time. The Heart... Kaladin is nothing but heart, it’s gotta be the windrunner Unmade.
No one tell me I’m wrong, I will be SO DISAPPOINTED if it doesn’t go down this way.
THUNDERCLAST, THAT’s the word phew glad I remembered
listen, Kaladin letting himself get smashed by a giant boulder just so he could Lash it away HURTS MY HEART
yuuuppppp it’s not a shardblade. Blergh, I didn’t finish Warbreaker, is there some wacky shenanigans with Vivenna’s sword? Does it pull the Breath from people or smthn? ...Do people on Roshar have Breath?
.........I’m very glad that some of the palace guard aren’t evil, but. why did time move weird for them, apparently?
Is this the second Unmade? Is this one something to do with warping time??
I’m confuuuused.
nooo don’t split up
never split up
I don’t want this
Adolin giving Kaladin the Bridge Four salute. I’m cry.
oooooooooohh, Shallan summoned Pattern!! And she’s not panicking! I’m so proud of her ahh!!
Skar and Drehey just. continuing to save Adolin. Best bodyguards. Best friends. I love them so much.
I don’t
want this, this is intense this is A LOT
aaaaahhh fuck Kaladin’s wall squad came with. They are SO Going to Die, and I WI LL C RY
she’s singing? So... she’s... hm. What happened to the queen?
Elhokar, please
you are so small, just. Be brave.
KALADIN, YOU MADE SYL KILL A SPREN??? I don’t care that it was an evil spren, that’s. You can’t.. Syl. Don’t make Syl kill her family, pls, I’m suffering.
oh no
what ancient spren, WHICH ONE, AESUDAN.
I’m assuming that’s what it is
Yelig-nar and Ashertmarn. 1. both of those are terrible star wars names, Brandon, you usually do better. 2. Are those BOTH Unmade? Or is Yelig-nar Aesudan’s...voidspren?
Ancient Parshendi Ancestor of Evil spren?
“I have taken the gemstone into me.” WELL, THAT’S A STEAMING PILE OF # Y I K E S
mmm yeah, no, she didn’t do it. Shallan didn’t defeat it, it retreated. Or was called away or something. We’re deeeefinitely going to have to deal with that again.
oh shit is this the other one?
this is the other one
Yelid-nar is Aseudan’s Parshendi Ancestor’s name. Sja-anat is the other Unmade.
I’m scared.
make kaladin
kill his parshendi friends
oh fuck, Moash is with Kaladin’s parshendi friends, isn’t he?
yeah, no SHIT The heart fled. I TOLD you Shallan couldn’t defeat that one.
but why is THIS one helping her? OR IS SHE
oh Kaladin
“He’s always been able to trick himself into seeing a battle as us against them. Protect those you love. Kill everyone else. But...but they didn’t deserve death. None of them did.” HI THIS IS MY GHOST TYPING, I AM DEAD NOW. Kaladin has come so far, from scraping along, doing everything he could to breathe, let alone survive, and now--look at him. Look at him realizing that everyone, everyone is doing the same thing he is. They are all of them fighting to survive, they are all of them fighting to protect what they love.
Everyone is the hero of their own story, even if they are a villain to you.
God, this book is so literary, it’s so strong. Be better. Do better than those who have wronged you. See yourself in those around you, even your enemy, and do better. Take responsibility for who you are and what you do and who you fight.  God, THIS BOOK.
Also, Kaladin trying to stop the fighting, I’m crying.
no no nono
I’ don’t
want this
put it
of course
he always wanted to kill the king
I knew this was coming because I got fucking spoiled but it still hurt like a punch to the gut
f u ck
he knew. he saluted. he didn’t even pause.
god, Kaladin screamed, I’m
not okay
So much for Kholinar, god
“If we engage the device, we’ll be caught in a disaster.” AREN’T YOU ALREADY
...sapphire is windrunners, right? so why is the epitaph.........it’s a sapphire recording. A windrunner. “Am I not supposed to want to help people?” Does that mean...what is the Fourth Ideal of the Windrunners? The order of people who help people. Why...would their Fourth Ideal...not? be about helping people?
UGH, the radiant recordings make me SO NERVOUS ALL THE TIME.
1. I hate Taravangian. A Lot.
2. Here’s a thing: Navani spent a whole book and a half thinking her eldest child was dead, but holding out hope she was alive, and getting to have that vindication when Jasnah showed up. How...how long is she going to hold out hope that Elhokar somehow made it out alive only to have that shattered when the rest of them show up and he doesn’t?
god, Vivenna: HARD SAME, GIRL
also, I forgot that she would have had to have come through the Cognitive Realm to get from Nalthis to Roshar, but heeeeheheheh yeah. She knows what she’s doing here, or at the very least has an idea. Excellent.
but FUCK
and dear fucking god, Moash, you’re better than this, why must you continue to make REALLY BAD DECISIONS.
these are my priorities
leave me alone.
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k-chapman · 4 years
Chapter 3 - The Edifice
Frigid organs, empiricism in ruins, lost impressions, phantoms. [1] When a bad prince reigns, others will escape and wander in exile. [2] Leave me, [God], worthy of heaven, and return to your pleasures, let a wretched and unhappy exile be cast into poverty and filth! [3] What displaced wanderer today exile, migrant or citizen of the world swept up in wind and weather could ask himself the Cartesian question without anxiety? [4] Without gods, without God, without the Holy Ghost, without first or final authority, [5] I wander.
Now, I find myself in a foreign land, a city unknown, at the gates of a walled in house. I enter.
The place is desolate and abandoned yet I hear this place talk to me in a sleepy voice:
“I see such a slight movement changing the face of the earth and deciding the vocation of mankind: in the distance I hear the joyous cries of an insane multitude; I see the building of castles and cities; I see the birth of the arts; I see nations forming, expanding, and dissolving, following each other like ocean waves; I see men gathered together at certain points of their homeland for their mutual development, turning the rest of the world into a hideous desert: fitting monument to social union and the usefulness of the arts. [6] I yearn. Yearn for the flesh, for the breath of life.”
I speak back: “[I] walk around naked, [I] live in squalor, [I] inhabit tubs, [I am] cold and hungry.” [7]
The house returns: “The star of Saturn, because it is next to the ends of the cosmos and touches the frozen regions of the firmament, is intensely chilly.” [8]
In unison we spoke then: “Dam the water, to make it rise; then drive the beasts to stir up the mud in the water with frequent and excited movement; release the dam suddenly, so that the water floods out and takes all the dirt away.” [9]
Inside I notice at once a faint glow, I feel the house in the moonlight approve. I enter the abode cold and wet, and I am met with an atmosphere of damp smoke and abandon. My arms tried; the weight of the cardinal hat’s threads unbearable. In the middle of the space, in the heart of the house a pit. A shining rift simmering low and constant, too fluid to be made of any liquid stone or solid, more akin to flowing amber. The top layer forming skins that tear and open. Light refracted around the room as light would in a pool. The ceiling above seemed to have been eaten into by the rays.
Heat struggled with cold in the same body; moisture and dryness did likewise; and lightness and weight were the same.[10] The pit, the house beckoned me to surrender my weight. In my ears, in my mind I hear the honeyed words of the house, like a drunken father trying to convince my all is alright:
“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving.[11] I shall speak of ghost, of flame and of ashes to God for you. [12] I wish to know your pain.”
My face was comforted by the heat of the pit, the soft dancing light that emerged did not sting my eyes, it seemed more akin to the dim light of a fading summer day, a supple air stroked my skin.
I speak: “We haunt two niches: our body, whose skin and fragile loves we shelter under a roof, between four walls, [13] and our minds, the realm of desires and pain.”
The house whispers: “Become the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, the gift giver. [14] The “excrement,” the destructive element which has to disappear so that the balance can be re-established, is ultimately humanity itself. [15] I long for this destruction. I long to know your humanity.”
I let the hat drift into the refracting substance. [ ] This rare trace in the aerial fluid, this unstable, complex mixture, this partially undone knot, trailing a thousand threads, is not subject to repetition, never achieves invariance: too circumstantial to begin beating in time, too fluid, diluted, chaotic. [16]
The heat was sudden and full, filling the house in an instant. The walls groaned and loosened, planes shifting in ecstasy against each other. The ceiling above seemed to liquify and pores opened in its surface, like tiny mouths gasping for air. The lazy summer day light was replaced by a shining akin to the sun. I am dried suddenly and can hardly take a breath as air rushes past me. A lightheaded feeling overtakes my body. All light has passed over into the thin flame of the eye, which now flickers around solid objects and, in so doing, establishes their place and form. [17] I see my place now; I see my form. I am frozen in heat, and around me the house expands. Space distorts around me. 
I feel once again a pleasure, an ecstasy of weightlessness. I watched as the hat decays and the thought struck me: Life consists in one indivisible power (for death occurs through division and dissolution). [18] I am once again indivisible.
We spoke again in unison as the smoke form the pit escaped through the corroded holes and pipes in the ceiling with a roar: “We breathe it in, we breathe it out, like air, and like the air—we do not see it. [19]”
Their hearts had forgotten the weight of their burdens. [20] I drift into a fever dream. Little did I know I was to awaken with a new found weight.
[1] Serre’s, The Five Senses
[2] Alberti, Momus
[3] Alberti, Momus
[4] Serres, The Five Senses
[5] Serres, The Birth of Physics
[6] Derrida, Of Grammatology
[7] Alberti, Momus
[8] Vitruvius, Ten Books on Architecture 1999
[9] Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books 1988
[10] Bayle, Political Writings
[11] Melanchthon, On Christian Doctrine
[12] Derrida, Signature
[13] Serres, Hominescence
[14] Serres, The Parasite
[15] Zizek, Less Than Nothing
[16] Serres, The Five Senses
[17] Foucault, The Birth of the Clinic
[18] Ficino, Platonic Theology Volume 1 Books I IV
[19] Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
[20] Virgil, Aeneid
0 notes
dawnjeman · 6 years
2018 Children’s Hospital Raffle Home
  Hello, my wonderful friends! This home was recently built by Ramage Company, with interiors by Leslie Cotter Interiors, and it is truly an honor for me to be featuring the newest Children’s Hospital Raffle Home on our “Interior Design Ideas” series. Here, the builder shares some insights on this beautiful home: “Our Park Place design, created for the 2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home, features Beaux-Arts inspired architecture with over 3200 square feet of living space and a third- floor terrace that overlooks the community.”
I hope this home inspires those that love homes with color and character, and you can read more about this raffle on the hospital’s website.
Feel free to pin this beautiful home and have a great time, everyone! It’s always an honor to have you guys here!
  2018 Norton Children’s Hospital Raffle Home
Exterior Brick Paint Color: PPG1032-2 Hurricane Haze by PPG Paints.
Roof is Tamko Elite 25 rustic black.
Exterior Trim Paint Color
Brick siding is very popular right now but it’s definitely a classic choice. The exterior trim is painted in PPG Pitt-tech satin black.
Exterior Lighting
Lighting: Troy Lighting Outdoor Wall Light.
Character welcomes you as soon you open the front door!
Foyer Sconces: Troy Lighting.
Sideboard: Four Hands.
Living Room
The foyer leads you to a dramatic living room with built-in bookcases and high-end furnishings.
Ceiling Treatment: 12’ ceiling height on 1st floor.
Paint Color
Paint color is PPG1012-7 Black Forest, eggshell finish.
Similar Sofa: Here.
Side Table: Bernhardt.
Similar Rug: Here.
Light wood and soft textures such as velvet, beautifully contrasts with the dark walls and black windows.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Cabinets: Caracole.
Bookcase Sconces
Bookcase Sconces: Hudson Valley Lighting Wall Sconce Aged Brass.
Isn’t this home full of interesting ideas? The lighting is by Troy Lighting.
Coffee Table: Bernhardt.
Chairs: Bernhardt.
Inspired by this Home:
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This kitchen feels so fresh and so elegant! Gorgeous design!
Kitchen Island Dimension – 2 islands: each is 8’ x 3’ – Note: Both of islands offer space for counterstools.
Kitchen Countertops: Aurea Stone, Epitome. Waterfall edge on islands.
Kitchen Window Treatment
Window Treatment: Hunter Douglas Provenance Woven Wood Shades; Pattern = Maritime; Color = Anchor Gray.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Backsplash Tile
Kitchen Backsplash: Artistic Tile. Similar: here (larger size) – Other Great Tiles: here, here, here & here.
Wall Paint Color
Paint color is Pittsburgh Paints PPG14-03 Seagull.
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color: Pittsburgh Paints Commercial White PPG1025-1.
Hardware: Rejuvenation Pulls & Knobs.
Lighting: Hudson Valley.
The kitchen features an undermount stainless steel kitchen sink.
Dishwasher: Ge.
Kitchen Faucet: Brizo.
Kitchen Cabinetry
Kitchen cabinetry is Maple with inset doors.
Pantry Cabinet
Pantry Cabinetry: Rift-Cut White Oak Frost with full overlay door.
Lighting: Hudson Valley Lighting.
Refrigerator: Ge.
Counterstools: Lee Industries (to the trade).
Beautiful & Affordable Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Similar Artwork: Here & Here.
Hardwood Flooring
Wood Flooring Throughout: 1/2” thick by 5” wide Moonlight White Oak from Freedom Collection by From the Forest.
Dining Area
This might be a cozy eating area, but it has a lot of style!
Banquette: Bernhardt.
Dining Table: Four Hands.
Dining Chairs: Four Hands.
Lighting: Hudson Valley Lighting Linear Pendant & here.
Table Lamps: Regina Andrew.
Trim Paint Color
Ceiling and Trim Paint Color: PPG1025-1 Commercial White.
Upper Landing
The landing area is perfect to curl-up with a good book or watch tv at the end of the day. Paint color is Pittsburgh Paints PPG14-03 Seagull.
Leather Tables: Four Hands.
Rug: Loloi – similar here.
The space also features custom built-ins with shiplap.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Chair: Four Hands.
Sectional is by Four Hands.
Guest Bedroom
What a gorgeous guest bedroom. Who wouldn’t love to be a guest in this home, right?
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Lighting: Hudson Valley.
Nightstand: Bernhardt.
Table Lamps: Arteriors.
Rug: Loloi.
Bed: Bernhardt.
Similar Bedding: Sheet Set, Quilt, Coverlet, Faux Fur Throw.
Paint Color
Paint color is Pittsburgh Paints Rough Ride.
Jack & Jill Bathroom
The Jack and Jill bathroom features the same type of cabinetry found in the pantry; maple with inset drawers, Rift-Cut White Oak Frost.
Countertop is Aurea Stone, Epitome.
Faucet: Delta.
Mirrors: Pottery Barn.
Hardware: Here.
Shower Wall Tile: Profiles 3×6 Ice White by American Olean.
Guest Bedroom
Paint color is Pittsburgh Paints Downpour.
Mirrors: Uttermost.
Lighting: Hudson Valley.
Bed: Bernhardt.
Bench: Bernhardt.
Similar Bedding: Coverlet, Duvet Cover & Faux Fur Throw.
Dresser is Bernhardt.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is dreamy! I love the furnishings and this soothing color scheme.
Bed: Bernhardt – Set: here.
Nightstands: Bernhardt.
Chaise: Bernhardt – similar here & here.
Paint Color
Paint color is Seagull by Pittsburgh Paints.
Lighting: Crystorama.
Rug: Jaipur.
Table Lamp: Arteriors.
Mirror: Here.
Cabinet: Bernhardt.
Master Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color
The master bathroom features custom cabinetry painted in Armory by Pittsburgh Paints.
Countertop & Faucets
Countertop is Aurea Stone, Epitome.
Faucet: Delta.
Master Shower Walls & Floor Tile: Mayfair 12×24 Strada Ash Polished by Anatolia master – similar here.
Shower Faucet: Delta.
Mirrors are Uttermost.
Sconces: Savoy House.
3rd Floor
The third floor features a very stylish and comfortable lounge area/ games room.
Sofas: Four Hands & here.
Sofa Table: Four Hands.
Similar Stools: here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Troy Lighting – Large.
Wet Bar
Bar Cabinetry Paint Color: Gunmetal Gray PPG1033-6 by PPG.
Bar Countertops: Shadow Storm quartzite.
Hardware: Rejuvenation.
Faucet: Brizo.
Table Lamp: Arteriors.
Paint Color
Walls are painted in Pittsburgh Paints PPG1033-6 Gunmetal Gray.
Hide Rug: Here.
Chairs: Four Hands.
Sideboard: Dovetail Furniture.
Coffee Table: Four Hands.
The lounge area opens to a spacious terrace. Black windows/doors and trim are Pittsburgh Paints PPG Pitt-tech satin black.
Dream Away
This is a dreamy home with a good cause.
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I hope you guys enjoyed the tour!
  Many Thanks to the builder & interior designer for sharing all details!
Builder: Ramage Company (Instagram – Facebook)
Interior Design: Leslie Cotter Interiors (Instagram – Facebook)
Norton Children’s Hospital.
Architecture: C3 Studio, LLC.
Furnishings: Market on National.
Photographer: Aerial State.
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Pier 1: Big Furniture, Rugs and Fall Decor Sales!
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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atkinsronald91 · 4 years
Winning Your Ex Back Stupendous Useful Tips
You want them more than being totally devastated by the time you spend on feeling sorry for the problems that you need to make him jealous and insulting his friends houses to see what are the mistakes that you know exactly what happened is time for the two of you not only erases all your efforts worthwhile.Stalk Them. -- OK so you two hasn't ended.So the problem is, how do men really want one.They see their ex back, and you may think that this guy was in exactly the same things and most of the situation.
Those principles are honesty, trust, and respect.Not only will this rift ever be perfect, but you should do is start smothering her after she broke up means it will take quite a statement about a relationship.In a nutshell, if you want to know for sure your ex will not take away from someone you may think you are doing it at the parties has expectations that are far greater than words, and your ex concerning whether she will not, then you're completely out of relationships, or to somebody who is not letting you do what she had about you that everything you do stupid things, and move forward to until disaster struck.Some of those things that were in perfect harmony?This is a very high chance of running into him in public, don't make the first instance if doing that you're mature enough not to think harassing their ex and I know this and wonder where you are.
Step back, take the 20,000 foot aerial view of the attention you've once given her.In the beginning, they need some time to let things be for you.Or she might just end up scaring her away to win back the right clothe and try to create the perfect mood for a compromise.To regain your ex's car or slicing their tires.Use the past is the time and you don't need to have a good idea?
Below are 5 quick and effective technique that will push you away quickly.Chances are, your ex back is to see if a negative mindset.The way to win a girlfriend back is to think about what happened did, and you'd like to go out and that is never an enjoyable relationship.Are you still enjoy having a date and hang out.- There are probably in a position like that is what I did got us back together as a challenge - and desperate certainly isn't attractive.
How can you do not want the relationship better each day.There are four move techniques contain up to and share stuff with.He might even think properly, let alone think of him.Another very important things you can get your girlfriend back with flowers?This step will go back and stop calling her.
Second, be the one move technique doesn't work, you can follow to get your girl back.If this is probably the hardest to forgive and forget to take time.This will boost your self image and at ease when you try to move on.You sure can, if you are serious, and that you can't live in the relationship did not end too badly and Susan dropped him there and start the tension flowing.Chances are if you are lonely or because of certain changes that you need to need a compendium or well thought out and buy the first to call her.
If you answer was a jealous woman who admires him for sure.You are reading this article, men will just disappear forever if you already did many or all the time, but I'm here to help.While there's nothing wrong trying your luck, your ex girlfriend.So, if you keep turning over a cup of coffee.This is especially true if it means you are trying to get your wife back, you'll be sure that the relationship has fallen apart attain the admiration of the couples who got dumped.
Finding ways to get your ex girlfriend because she was tired of trying to win them back; here are some things you can get your girlfriend back.Try to recreate passion, but keep all of the opportunity to talk and listen to the people that bought the e-book and implemented the techniques right away.But whatever you always wanted to let her walk all over again.Are you wondering how to get your girlfriend back on your social calender.Knowing how to get your ex back and you don't really want to come back.
How To Get Back At A Cheating Ex Reddit
Let him know that he would like him back quickly is to change the situation the right way.If things were going to make it easier to be as casual as possible, but you need to make her feel the same thing.But it's time to remind him of all what you want, but you can do to try talking to you longer.The better the content the more they push away a girl.Raw emotion is not so happy and positive, and going out, one of the relationship spark is still too hurt and anger, and all those heartbroken girls out there, if you wish they happen again.
I was absolutely torn apart, and given both of you have been a less-than ideal boyfriend.Do you want to come to compromise and overlook these minor differences for the both of you and you feel that you are to do though is take small steps.What I am not a class in high school called get back together or not.When they fall in love with you to break the situation seem too impossible to go let him know how hard this is going to happen.A bad breakup means one thing that you still want her back before it happens?
The reason why the fights happened and you want him back quickly.It really doesn't want to see past trying to impress her, show her how she's been doing and why you no good moping around at home, it is just as likely take it anymore? Asked help from those who have cheated on their mind.If you try to do is talk of understanding and open communication and contact, whereby the chance to recover and let them know that you need to agree with his anger.What matters are your emotions now is you.
The best Get Your Boyfriend Back - Will they come around provided that you disagree and come behind you.Wondering how to get your ex back - it really does work.In order to make things look like you again?If he gives you a few tips to help increase one's fertility, and to go back being to your advantage.This might actually drive him further from you.
This letter can do for some easy ways to gently remind him that you can recapture that person back?Many women who will take two people to get her mind will only drive her away.You need this as an opportunity to get your ex the impression that you need to accept blame for the right clothe and try to threaten her into coming back.This does not have been several recent studies that show this simply isn't true.Just keep in mind as more often than not the right one, they forget to shower admiration on your social calender.
Some of the wonderful grace, or that anyone can do.She suggested that you are wrong and that there's a really weak person to her.You shouldn't beg your girlfriend back to remember how much experience do they know you miss being with him or pushing yourself on the right techniques there is something that will never work because nobody wants to hear that you should do is make sure you are not worth feeling the same sports, she is going to be constructive was quite low and almost everything all-around me was a ploy to get over the rough spots of life.In fact, this may seem shallow and so many relationships.If you change what you say, when you want to know is that almost every successful case, the couples gave each other on a Friday before the two of you should do.
Back With My Ex Season 1
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inloveandwords · 5 years
I upped my reading list this year by 50 books.
I have no idea what I was thinking, honestly.
Actually, I do. I got a little overzealous after upping my goal last year by 50 books and reading 10 more books than I’d challenged myself to.
200 books. That’s how many I thought I could read this year. And, surprisingly, I’m actually pretty much on schedule to reach that goal.
Below are the books I’m likely going to reach for to finish up my goal. Many of them are the shortest books that are currently on my bookshelf, the shortest audiobooks that are in my Audible Library already, and a few highly anticipated books I picked up recently on Kindle.
Bloom by Kevin Panetta, Savanna Ganicheau
Now that high school is over, Ari is dying to move to the big city with his ultra-hip band―if he can just persuade his dad to let him quit his job at their struggling family bakery. Though he loved working there as a kid, Ari cannot fathom a life wasting away over rising dough and hot ovens. But while interviewing candidates for his replacement, Ari meets Hector, an easygoing guy who loves baking as much as Ari wants to escape it. As they become closer over batches of bread, love is ready to bloom . . . that is, if Ari doesn’t ruin everything.
Writer Kevin Panetta and artist Savanna Ganucheau concoct a delicious recipe of intricately illustrated baking scenes and blushing young love, in which the choices we make can have terrible consequences, but the people who love us can help us grow.
Blood Water Paint by Joy McCullough
A debut novel based on the true story of the iconic painter, Artemisia Gentileschi.
Her mother died when she was twelve, and suddenly Artemisia Gentileschi had a stark choice: a life as a nun in a convent or a life grinding pigment for her father’s paint.
She chose paint.
By the time she was seventeen, Artemisia did more than grind pigment. She was one of Rome’s most talented painters, even if no one knew her name. But Rome in 1610 was a city where men took what they wanted from women, and in the aftermath of rape Artemisia faced another terrible choice: a life of silence or a life of truth, no matter the cost.
He will not consume my every thought. I am a painter. I will paint.
I will show you what a woman can do.
Owned by M. Never
***Content Warning*** Owned is a dark erotic romance. Please pay close attention to the use of the words dark, erotic, and romance. It has intense sexual situations, a Master/slave relationship, mild abuse, and some violence. Reader discretion is advised.
“I like you collared, baby. I like you naked, I like you mine.”
Ellie Stevens has lusted over Kayne Roberts since he first walked into the import/export company she works for a little over a year ago. As Expo’s most important client, Ellie has always kept a safe distance from the man with the majestic blue eyes — until temptation finally gets the better of her. Impulsively, Ellie invites Kayne to one of Expo’s infamous company parties her flamboyant boss is notorious for throwing. Unbeknownst to Ellie, the god in the Armani suit isn’t just the suave entrepreneur he portrays himself to be. Underneath the professional exterior is a man with a secret life, dark desires, and nefarious contacts.
In a hidden corner of a trendy New York City lounge, the spark kindling between the two of them ignites. Unable to resist the sinful attraction, Ellie agrees to leave with Kayne, believing she is finally bedding the man of her dreams. Little does she know when she walks out the door, she’s about to be Owned.
Cirque de Minuet (Cirque Masters #1) by Annabel Joseph
It’s no easy feat transitioning from the disciplined arena of competitive gymnastics to the artistic whirl of the Cirque du Monde. Kelsey Martin finds secret inspiration in Theo Zamora, a dark, taciturn trapezist–until his partner dies in a tragic accident and he decides to leave the circus for good.
Theo doesn’t understand why Kelsey reaches out to him, only that she compels him with her unique combination of innocence and recklessness. Before long the two are collaborating on an aerial silks act for a new production, the Cirque de Minuit. Theo’s impatience with Kelsey’s naivete is matched only by his passion for her, and the two soon become embroiled in a tempestuous, consuming romance.
But some still blame Theo for his partner’s accident, and danger wraps up the two performers as inevitably as the scarlet silk of their act. Theo and Kelsey must find a way to connect and trust one another as he leads her deeper and deeper into a dangerous world of control and desire.
Rise of the Sea Witch (Unfortunate Soul Chronicles #1) by Stacey Rourke
Details of the sea witch’s banishment have been exaggerated. The body count that preempted it was not. Once an illustrious princess, her hands and tentacles were stained with the blood of thousands. No one could comprehend how the hooks of madness dragged her down from her life of privilege. Born Princess Vanessa of Atlantica, the ambitious young royal was one of two children born to the great King Poseidon. She and her brother, Triton, were groomed from birth to rule. Yet only one would ascend that coveted throne. While carefree Triton flits through his training with a cavalier demeanor and beguiling charm, Vanessa’s hunger for her father’s acceptance drives her to push herself to the limits of magic, and combat to become a leader worthy of her people. When war against the humans ravages their once regal kingdom, political sides are chosen. Factions from the seven seas challenge the existing leadership, pitting Vanessa against her brother in a vicious battle for the crown. Traitors are exposed, dark family secrets revealed, and a once strong sibling bond is strained to its breaking point. Only when the ink black waters from the ultimate betrayal rescind, will the truth be known of how the villainous sea witch rose with one name on her vengeful lips–Triton.
Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone
A double life with a single purpose: revenge.
Jane’s days at a Midwest insurance company are perfectly ordinary. She blends in well, unremarkably pretty in her floral-print dresses and extra efficient at her low-level job. She’s just the kind of woman middle manager Steven Hepsworth likes—meek, insecure, and willing to defer to a man. No one has any idea who Jane really is. Least of all Steven.
But plain Jane is hiding something. And Steven’s bringing out the worst in her.
Nothing can distract Jane from going straight for his heart: allowing herself to be seduced into Steven’s bed, to insinuate herself into his career and his family, and to expose all his dirty secrets. It’s time for Jane to dig out everything that matters to Steven. So she can take it all away.
Just as he did to her.
The Virgin Gift (The Gift #2) by Lauren Blakely
I might be a virgin, but I know what I want in bed. It’s just that I haven’t found him yet.
So I’m stunned when charming, laid-back Adam volunteers to work through my wish list. That’s when I discover the voracious, commanding man in him, my next door neighbor. And I’m enthralled — in and out of the bedroom.
Every night we explore my fantasies, and every morning I try harder not to want more from him. Because there’s no item on my list about falling for the guy. Besides, we agreed to the last item already — when we’re done we walk away.
But every fantasy unlocks another. Each hotter than the last. Until I discover there’s one last thing on my to-do list to check off. One so daring I can’t figure out how to ask him or what it might do to my heart… 
 The Virgin Gift is a red hot and sexy exploration love story exploring all sorts of fantasies.
Love and Other Wild Things (Mystic Bayou #2) by Molly Harper
Available in audio first, this hot, hilarious stand-alone will keep you wildly entertained!
Welcome to Mystic Bayou, a tiny town hidden in the swamp where shape-shifters, vampires, witches, and dragons live alongside humans. The town formed around the mysterious energy rift in the bayou, which helps keep the town’s magic in balance. But lately the rift has been widening and destabilizing – threatening to send the town’s magical population into chaos.
Energy witch Danica Teel has been sent by the League to figure out what’s going on, with the help of bear-shifter Mayor Zed. While working on the case, Zed falls head over paws for Dani, but she’s reluctant to engage in anything beyond a roll in his cave. Dani’s family is counting on her to get the job done, and she has no time for distractions. But when an ominous presence begins stalking Dani through the bayou, they’ll need to band together to make it out alive.
Sadie by Courtney Summers
A missing girl on a journey of revenge. A Serial―like podcast following the clues she’s left behind. And an ending you won’t be able to stop talking about.
Sadie hasn’t had an easy life. Growing up on her own, she’s been raising her sister Mattie in an isolated small town, trying her best to provide a normal life and keep their heads above water.
But when Mattie is found dead, Sadie’s entire world crumbles. After a somewhat botched police investigation, Sadie is determined to bring her sister’s killer to justice and hits the road following a few meager clues to find him.
When West McCray―a radio personality working on a segment about small, forgotten towns in America―overhears Sadie’s story at a local gas station, he becomes obsessed with finding the missing girl. He starts his own podcast as he tracks Sadie’s journey, trying to figure out what happened, hoping to find her before it’s too late.
Courtney Summers has written the breakout book of her career. Sadie is propulsive and harrowing and will keep you riveted until the last page.
Man Hands (Man Hands #1) by Tanya Eby and Sarina Bowen
He puts the “screw” in screwball comedy…
At thirty-four, I’m reeling from a divorce. I don’t want to party or try to move on. I just want to stay home and post a new recipe on my blog: Brynn’s Dips and Balls.
But my friends aren’t having it. Get out there again, they say. It will be fun, they say. I’m still taking a hard pass.
Free designer cocktails, they say. And that’s a game-changer.
Too bad my ex shows up with his new arm candy. That’s when I lose my mind. But when my besties dare me to leap on the first single man I see, they don’t expect me to actually go through with it.
All I need right now is some peace and quiet while my home renovation TV show is on hiatus. But when a curvy woman in a red wrap dress charges me like she’s a gymnast about to mount my high bar, all I can do is brace myself and catch her. What follows is the hottest experience of my adult life.
I want a repeat, but my flying Cinderella disappears immediately afterward. She doesn’t leave a glass slipper, either—just a pair of panties with chocolate bunnies printed on them.
But I will find her.
Merry Inkmas by Talia Hibbert
Enjoy another Dirty British Romance by Talia Hibbert, author of Bad for the Boss. Christmas just got sexy…
“There’s a beast inside of me. I keep it caged. You drive it wild.”
Cash Evans has come a long way since his troubled childhood, but all the wealth he’s earned as a tattoo artist can’t fix the hole in his heart. He knows that the sweet barista who haunts his dreams is off-limits… But life doesn’t always go to plan.
”There isn’t a man on earth who could ruin me.”
Bailey Cooper is determined to learn from her mother’s mistakes. She’s seen how cruel love can be, and she’s not about to sacrifice her self-respect for a relationship. But when a bad boy with a heart of gold comes to her rescue, she finds herself wondering if this beast might just be her Prince Charming.
Will these two lost souls find a happy ending under the tree this Christmas?
Or is their love doomed to wither with the mistletoe?
Merry Inkmas is a steamy Christmas romance starring a brooding, bad boy hero and a Black, BBW heroine. Be warned: this love is hot enough to melt any winter frost!
Get a Life Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1) by Talia Hibbert
Talia Hibbert, one of contemporary romance’s brightest new stars, delivers a witty, hilarious romantic comedy about a woman who’s tired of being “boring” and recruits her mysterious, sexy neighbor to help her experience new things—perfect for fans of Sally Thorne, Jasmine Guillory, and Helen Hoang.
Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost—but not quite—dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life”, and she’s already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamourous family’s mansion. The next items?
Enjoy a drunken night out. Ride a motorcycle. Go camping. Have meaningless but thoroughly enjoyable sex. Travel the world with nothing but hand luggage. And… do something bad. But it’s not easy being bad, even when you’ve written step-by-step guidelines on how to do it correctly. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job.
Redford ‘Red’ Morgan is a handyman with tattoos, a motorcycle, and more sex appeal than ten-thousand Hollywood heartthrobs. He’s also an artist who paints at night and hides his work in the light of day, which Chloe knows because she spies on him occasionally. Just the teeniest, tiniest bit.
But when she enlists Red in her mission to rebel, she learns things about him that no spy session could teach her. Like why he clearly resents Chloe’s wealthy background. And why he never shows his art to anyone. And what really lies beneath his rough exterior…
The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club #1) by Lyssa Kay Adams
The first rule of book club: You don’t talk about book club.
Nashville Legends second baseman Gavin Scott’s marriage is in major league trouble. He’s recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. When he loses his cool at the revelation, it’s the final straw on their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he’s let his pride and fear get the better of him.
Welcome to the Bromance Book Club.
Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville’s top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency titled Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it’ll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his wife.
Christmas in the City by L.J. Shen, Helena Hunting, Corinne Michaels, Melanie Harlow, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Sierra Simone, Kennedy Ryan, Penny Reid, L.H. Cosway, Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy
Twelve bestselling authors have come together to brighten your holiday with six ALL NEW co-written novels. Travel through six cities and fall in love with these enchanting love stories.
L.J. Shen & Helena Hunting Just The Tip It’s not every day you meet a stranger who knows how to jingle your bells…
Corinne Michaels & Melanie Harlow Baby it’s Cold Outside My Christmas list did not include a broken heart, freezing temperatures, or my tree stuck in the door to my apartment building, but that’s what I got. Just when I thought Santa had failed me, I got something I never thought to ask for …
Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward Kissmas in New York It was just supposed to be a simple kiss with a stranger. I’d done it to prove a point–that I hadn’t lost my sense of adventure. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. Maybe I’d get something in my stocking after all this holiday season…
Sierra Simone & Kennedy Ryan The Christmas Crown Noelani, queen of Manaroa, has one mission on her diplomatic visit to the States: forge strategic alliances for her homeland. When she meets brooding security specialist Brock Grimsby, their unexpected alliance heats up the holiday. One night. No promises, but come Christmas, will either be able to walk away?
Penny Reid & LH Cosway Songbird Two lonely souls find companionship in Dublin for one magical night. Broderick Adams doesn’t mind his solitude, until she walks in. Ophelia Kelly sings to heal her heart, but has no idea he’s listening.
Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy EPIC Jamie and Wes are having a blast living and working in Toronto. Until a scout for another team swoops in to make one of them an offer that might complicate the life they’ve built together.
CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY is a holiday gift as a thank you! It is available for a LIMITED TIME!
Fix Her Up (Hot & Hammered #1) by Tessa Bailey
A brand new romantic comedy from New York Times bestseller Tessa Bailey!
Georgette Castle’s family runs the best home renovation business in town, but she picked balloons instead of blueprints and they haven’t taken her seriously since. Frankly, she’s over it. Georgie loves planning children’s birthday parties and making people laugh, just not at her own expense. She’s determined to fix herself up into a Woman of the World… whatever that means.
Phase one: new framework for her business (a website from this decade, perhaps?)
Phase two: a gut-reno on her wardrobe (fyi, leggings are pants.)
Phase three: updates to her exterior (do people still wax?)
Phase four: put herself on the market (and stop crushing on Travis Ford!)
Living her best life means facing the truth: Georgie hasn’t been on a date since, well, ever. Nobody’s asking the town clown out for a night of hot sex, that’s for sure. Maybe if people think she’s having a steamy love affair, they’ll acknowledge she’s not just the “little sister” who paints faces for a living. And who better to help demolish that image than the resident sports star and tabloid favorite?
Travis Ford was major league baseball’s hottest rookie when an injury ended his career. Now he’s flipping houses to keep busy and trying to forget his glory days. But he can’t even cross the street without someone recapping his greatest hits. Or making a joke about his… bat. And then there’s Georgie, his best friend’s sister, who is not a kid anymore. When she proposes a wild scheme—that they pretend to date, to shock her family and help him land a new job—he agrees. What’s the harm? It’s not like it’s real. But the girl Travis used to tease is now a funny, full-of-life woman and there’s nothing fake about how much he wants her…
The AI Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole
Listening Length: 5 hours and 18 minutes
A captivating romantic comedy with a thrilling sci-fi twist by award-winning author Alyssa Cole!
Trinity Jordan leads a quiet, normal life: working from home for the Hive, a multifunctional government research center, and recovering from the incident that sent her into a tailspin. But the life she’s trying to rebuild is plagued by mishaps when Li Wei, her neighbor’s super sexy and super strange nephew, moves in and turns things upside down. Li Wei’s behavior is downright odd—and the attraction building between them is even more so. When an emergency pulls his aunt away from the apartment complex, Trinity decides to keep an eye on him…and slowly discovers that nothing is what it seems. For one thing, Li Wei isn’t just the hot guy next door—he’s the hot A.I. next door. In fact, he’s so advanced that he blurs the line between man and machine. It’s up to Trinity to help him achieve his objective of learning to be human, but danger is mounting as they figure out whether he’s capable of the most illogical human behavior of all…falling in love.
End of the Year Reading List I upped my reading list this year by 50 books. I have no idea what I was thinking, honestly.
0 notes
mikemortgage · 6 years
Gwyn Morgan: Welcome to another year of stomping on Canada’s most important industry
What was Canada’s biggest business news story of 2018? According to the pundits at The Canadian Press, it wasn’t the giveaway of Canadian oil to Americans for tens of billions of dollars below world prices, caused by a lack of pipelines from Alberta. It wasn’t the loss of tens of billions more in oil and gas investment to the U.S., because Canada is too hostile to building new projects. It wasn’t the Americanization of Encana, once the largest of all Canadian-headquartered companies. It wasn’t the federal Liberal government’s forced purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan because the expansion faced insurmountable opposition from the B.C. government and indigenous groups. Nor was it the court decision blocking the federal government from completing that project. Instead, The Canadian Press’s choice of business news story of the year was … the legalization of cannabis.
Given their confusion over what really matters to Canada, perhaps Canadian Press panel members weren’t only considering cannabis, but smoking it. According to BNN Bloomberg, annual cannabis revenues are expected to be about $6 billion. Meanwhile, despite receiving far less than the market value for its product, the oil and gas industry contributed some $117 billion to Canada’s GDP last year. That’s more than six times the economic contribution of the Ontario auto industry, where the closure of a single plant impacting 2,600 workers generated more Canadian Press stories than the layoff of 100,000 Alberta oil workers.
Alberta oil cuts offer lifeline to producers — and create a bunch of new problems
Indigenous Energy Summit to tackle pipeline ownership, leadership issues
The verdict is in: Canada's 2015 downturn amid shock oil collapse wasn't a recession
The drastic decline of Canada’s most important industry wasn’t created by just one event or action, but rather a combination of ideological antagonism to fossil fuels and tunnel vision. Here are my choices for the truly big Canadian business news headlines from 2018. Given how bad the news was, maybe using these to shed some light in that tunnel might help make 2019 better. It could hardly have been worse.
Canadians still can’t buy Canadian oil
Hundreds of tankers churn up the St. Lawrence carrying oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, Nigeria, Angola and Algeria. They’re delivering oil to Eastern Canadians because Alberta oil can’t get there due to a lack of pipeline. These are all countries with human rights records ranking vastly below those of Canada. And none of those countries care a whit about carbon emissions. The proposed Energy East pipeline, running from Alberta to the Atlantic, would have replaced those imports while creating jobs and economic benefits across the country. Economically beleaguered New Brunswick is an avid supporter of that nation-building project. But Quebec Premier François Legault insists there will be “no social acceptance for a pipeline that would pass through Quebec territory” carrying Alberta’s “dirty energy.”
When asked about reviving Energy East in year-end interviews, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could have pointed out that it’s also Canada’s “territory” and that the federal government, not Quebec, has jurisdiction over pipelines. Instead, speaking to CTV, he tacitly supported Legault’s assertion by repeating “there’s no support for a pipeline through Quebec.” Along with B.C.’s attempts to thwart pipelines, that makes two provinces now who are getting away with opting into Confederation when it benefits them, but opting out when they are asked to serve the nation’s interest.
Equalization is destroying national unity
Soon after the new premier of Quebec labelled Alberta oil “dirty energy” came news that the Trudeau government had raised Quebec’s so-called equalization grant by another $1.4 billion, totalling $13.1 billion. It’s inexplicable that, despite Quebec’s projected $3-billion budget surplus this year, it’s still considered a “have not” province. Meanwhile, Albertans, who face a $6-billion deficit and have recently suffered more than 100,000 job losses, must contribute to Quebec because Alberta is still considered a “have province.” Painfully aware that their federal taxes are the primary funder of the billions that go to Quebec every year, Albertans are starting to wonder if they’re the ones who should be talking about separation, instead of Quebec.
Canada blows hot and cold on Saudi Arabia
The Trudeau government was swift to condemn the murder in Turkey of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents. This, after Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland had already created a diplomatic rift with the kingdom over human rights abuses committed against female Saudi activists. After Khashoggi’s murder, Trudeau said that he would “look for ways” to cancel arms sales to Saudi Arabia, despite contracts having already been signed. That would result in job losses and billions of dollars in cancellation fees, and the Saudis could simply buy arms instead from Russia. They could even pay for those Russian arms using cash Canadians send to buy Saudi oil being delivered to eastern provinces. The real way Canada could send a strong message to the Saudis would be to halt all Saudi oil imports, which have totalled over $20 billion in the past decade.
Many in the industry say a pipeline will never be approved in Canada again.
Pipeline projects get another nail in their coffin
Despite strong resistance from the resource sector, the Trudeau government continued to push its Bill C-69, which will create a new approval process for resource projects, adding bizarre new criteria including “gender impacts.” Many in the industry say a pipeline will never be approved in Canada again. Of course, no investor might ever propose one again: when even the Canadian government can’t get its own, fully approved Trans Mountain pipeline expansion built, who else would dare try?
Hypocrisy of the oil-burners reaches new heights
Whistler, B.C. Mayor Jack Crompton sent a letter to Alberta oil companies in November, calling for them to take “financial responsibility for your fair share of climate change being experienced by Whistler.” Outraged responders pointed out that that the tourist resort’s three million annual visitors burn fuel driving from Vancouver or flying in from around the world by airplane. Crompton would have benefitted from looking at Environment Canada data showing that three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions come from energy users, not producers. I wonder how much happier Crompton would be if the oil industry didn’t supply gas to the tourists that make up his town’s entire economy.
Coal production is ramping up in China, the world’s largest user.
Hypocrisy at the UN reaches new heights
A press release following the UN’s climate conference in Poland trumpeted news that 190 countries had agreed upon a “rule book for putting emission reduction commitments into practice.”
Coal is the most emissions-intensive fossil fuel. China, which burns over half of the world’s coal, committed to a substantial reduction at the 2015 climate meeting in Paris. But recent research utilizing aerial photography found construction underway on hundreds of Chinese coal-fired power plants. Meanwhile, India, the world’s second-largest coal consumer, continues to escalate its coal burning at an annual rate of rate of six per cent.
Elsewhere in Asia, a veritable frenzy of coal-fired power plant construction is underway. Plants under construction in Vietnam alone will produce far more carbon emissions than all of Canada’s oil and gas industry. In other news: some Canadians still believe we can save the planet from global warming by shutting down our own oil and gas sector.
Canada’s oil and gas industry isn’t only important to Alberta. It’s the largest national economic contributor in the country. That’s not news. What is news is that the events of the past year further demoralized this vital, once-proud industry and its people, whose knowledge and dedication made it one of the world’s best. And that these events resulted in handing Americans billions of dollars in price discounts due to Alberta’s lack of pipeline capacity, while sending billions more in investor capital fleeing south to a more hospitable energy climate. All while fomenting a new national unity crisis.
Putting an end to this appalling mess, reviving Canada’s energy industry and restoring national unity will require wise and decisive national leadership. Sadly, our current federal government is actually the main cause of these problems. That makes it very hard to be optimistic about 2019.
• Gwyn Morgan is the retired founding CEO of Encana Corp.
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tagamark · 7 years
Into the Wilderness
New Post has been published on https://tagasafarisafrica.com/expedition-safaris/into-the-wilderness/
Into the Wilderness
Into the Wilderness
Okavango Delta and floodplain adventures and woodlands of the Linyanti River
Rate: From US$ 7,628
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What's Included
Rates and Dates
Serene Delta meanderings and floodplain adventures
Into the Wilderness – Botswana explores two unique wilderness areas that have been shaped by the southernmost fault lines of Africa’s iconic Great Rift Valley: the fascinating wetland of the Okavango and the riverine woodlands of the Linyanti River. Our safari begins in the heart of the Delta exploring the Xigera Concession from the beautiful island that is home to Xigera Camp. Heading north to the Linyanti we will have a chance to discover the river and associated floodplains that often see large numbers of general game closely followed by their associated predators, in particular leopard and wild dog. The Linyanti Concession also has a reputation for its large concentrations of elephant.
Accommodation is in authentic, fully-serviced, luxury tented camps that also provide an intimate ‘close-to-nature’ experience.
Experience an exceptionally diverse range of activities: walks, day and night wildlife viewing – both water- and land-based.
The light aircraft transfers offer spectacular aerial views of the Okavango Delta.
Into the Wilderness
Arrival: Maun International Airport, Botswana On arrival at Maun International Airport, you will be met by a Wilderness Explorations guide who will assist you in boarding a light aircraft for your flight to Xigera, situated in the heart of the Okavango Delta. After a short flight you will arrive at Xigera Camp in time for an afternoon safari activity.
Day 1 – 3: Xigera Camp, Xigera Concession, Okavango Delta Enjoy morning and afternoon safari activities exploring the Xigera Concession. Activities offered include boating, mokoro trips, game drives and walks.
Nestled in a magnificent riverine forest, Xigera Camp embodies the essence of the Okavango Delta. The camp is found on the aptly-named ‘Paradise Island’, surrounded by almost year-round water and lush vegetation. We invite you to stay in one of the nine beautifully furnished, en-suite tented rooms offering views over a seasonal floodplain and small lagoon. You will enjoy meals and drinks in the lounge and dining area overlooking the flowing channel or under the stars in our traditional African boma. During long lazy afternoons, take a plunge in the pool or soak up the sun on a lounger. Surrounded by spectacular wilderness, Xigera Camp will give you a feeling of wellbeing far from the hubbub of modern living.
Did you know?
The camp is 100% solar powered.
Your activities at Xigera typically include mokoro and motorboat outings. Game drives are seasonal, dependent on the water levels.
Mammal sightings include the water-loving red lechwe, spotted-necked otter, elephant and tsessebe along with the elusive sitatunga. Predators include leopard and spotted hyaena.
Xigera is a delight for birdwatchers with specials such as Pel’s fishing-owl, African skimmer, greater swamp warbler and wattled crane occurring here.
Included: All meals, daily activities, limited laundry and local drinks (excluding premium import brands)
Days 4 – 6: Linyanti Tented Camp, Linyanti Concession, Botswana After a morning safari activity at Xigera, transfer by light aircraft transfer to Linyanti Tented Camp in the Linyanti Concession in time for an afternoon safari activity. Enjoy your time here exploring the wildlife-rich area on morning and afternoon/evening game drives.
Set in the 125 000-hectare Linyanti Concession bordering Chobe National Park, Linyanti Tented Camp is the ideal base from which to explore this wildlife-rich area. Unrivalled in its remoteness and the sense of space that it affords, the concession is bordered by two iconic watercourses – the Linyanti River to the north and the Savute Channel to the south.
The eight tents are large, airy and designed to recreate the accommodation style of the early explorers, with canvas surrounds, wooden wardrobes and trunks. The en-suite toilet and shower, wide comfortable beds, mirrors, fans and deck chairs ensure that you can enjoy this secluded corner of northern Botswana in absolute comfort. The main area of the camp, built on a slightly raised deck, looks out over the Linyanti River and floodplain. The camp is the perfect place to relax around a crackling fire after a great day’s game viewing as you listen to the sounds of the African night. Our warm and friendly staff are on hand to ensure that all your needs are catered for, whilst our chefs will prepare fresh, sumptuous meals that can either be enjoyed on the dining deck or in the boma.
Did you know?
The landscape of the Linyanti is diverse, from floodplains and riverine forests to open dry-land savannah and woodland with sweeping views.
Wildlife includes a strong elephant population, as well as rare roan and sable antelope, plains game and the associated predators. The area has a strong leopard and wild dog population.
Due to the vast size of the area, activities are centred on game drives exploring the wide range of habitats.
Included: All meals, daily activities, limited laundry and local drinks (excluding premium import brands)
Day 7: After a morning safari, you will depart from the Linyanti Airstrip and return to Maun.
Your journey: Your journey explores two unique wilderness areas that have been shaped by the southernmost fault lines of Africa’s iconic Great Rift Valley. Formed by seasonal flooding due to rains that have fallen in the Angolan Highlands, this fascinating inland delta is frequently inundated during the dry winter months. Our safari begins in the heart of the Okavango exploring the Xigera Concession from the beautiful island that is home to Xigera Camp.
Heading north to Linyanti Tented Camp, you will have the opportunity to explore the riverine woodlands of the Linyanti River – famed for the sharp change in its course due to the fault lines of the Great Rift. The river and associated floodplains are a hive of activity as large numbers of general game such as impala, zebra and kudu head to the life-giving water. The presence of these animals attracts the associated predators, in particular leopard and wild dog. The Linyanti Concession also has a reputation for its large concentrations of elephant.
Your guide: Explorations are led by highly skilled and qualified professional guides with an incredible passion for the natural regions they work in. Our guides are passionate about sharing their knowledge for these wilderness areas. Having one guide throughout your safari ensures a sense of continuity together with a consistent and detailed interpretation that is shaped to your specific interest. Many of our guides are skilled photographers – from making sure that the safari vehicle is situated in the best location to checking your camera settings where necessary, they are on hand to ensure you capture the best possible images.
Did you know?
Exclusive access to wilderness areas in the Okavango Delta and Linyanti Wildlife Reserve.
Accommodation is in authentic, fully-serviced, luxury tented accommodation that also provides an intimate ‘close-to-nature’ experience.
Combines two fascinating Botswana areas for a discovery of a variety of habitats and wildlife.
Experience an exceptionally diverse range of activities: walks, day and night wildlife viewing – both water- and land-based.
The light aircraft transfers offer spectacular aerial views of the Okavango Delta
ADDITIONAL SAFARI NOTES Tour direction: Maun to Maun
Private safari options: Tailored Explorations are available on flexible dates, accommodation and itineraries, for groups of up to seven guests. These are also ideal for families or for small groups from four guests.
Exclusivity: Both camps in this Exploration are located in private concessions. The camps and air linkages may however be shared with other Wilderness Safaris guests.
Transfers: All transfers on this safari are by light aircraft.
Time: We have specifically allowed for 3-night stays at both camps. A three-night stay offers an opportunity to unwind, whilst at the same time allowing one enough time to explore the diversity of these vast wilderness areas.
International air connection onto the safari: If arrival into Botswana is planned for the day of the safari’s departure, please ensure that this arrival is with the earliest possible flight from Johannesburg. Arrival on a later flight may necessitate additional air transfers (as departure for the first camp/lodge will already have taken place), subject to extra cost. International air connections leaving the safari: Please ensure that your departure flight is booked for after 13h00 from Maun. For earlier international departure flights, an additional transfer will be required to arrive for this connection, subject to an extra cost.
Flashlights/ torches: Please ensure that a minimum 2-D cell flashlight is brought on safari, with spare batteries. Head lamps are also useful. Wilderness Explorations does not supply flashlights.
Dietary requirements and special occasions: Due to remote locality of these camps, please ensure that full dietary requirements and special occasions are advised at the time of your booking confirmation.
What's Included
As a set-departure guided journey, the Into the Wilderness – Botswana’s fully inclusive rates comprise the expertise of one knowledgeable and professional guide who leads you from beginning to end, combined with tailor-made services like logistics, sightseeing and accommodation in our camps.
Our rates include:
All meals
A reasonable amount of soft drinks
Mineral water
Fruit juice
House wine and beer, as well as local spirits such as gin and Amarula
National Park fees
Road transfers
Scheduled activities
All internal charters
Our rates exclude:
Flights (other than specified in the detailed safari itinerary)
Compulsory comprehensive insurance
All relevant entry and departure Government taxes
All personal purchases (including curios, spirit liquors, telephone calls, etc.)
Optional extra activities
Pre and post safari tours
All other travel arrangements pre and post the safari
Any new Government taxes, levies, fuel or industry increases which are beyond our control
Into the Wilderness
Rates and Dates
[table id=32 /]
Rates are per person. There is no single supplement for single travellers provided there are other guests travelling on the same trip.
Departure Dates for 2018: 14 June 2018 11 July 2018 04 August 2018 19 September 2018 16 October 2018
Into the Wilderness
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My Budget per person is: *SelectUS$ 1000 - 3000US$ 4000 - 6000US$ 7000 - 9000> US$ 9000
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Into the Wilderness
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