#Afghanistan earthquake toll
workersolidarity · 1 year
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According to Afghan Taliban officials, more than 2'400 people have been killed in a devastating 6.3 magnitude Earthquake that hit the drought-stricken Herat region of Afghanistan on Saturday. The Herat region of Afghanistan is home to more than 1.9 million Afghans and the region is renowned for its abundant, top quality crops.
According to a statement from the United Nations Humanitarian Office, all of the homes in the Zindajan district of Herat have been leveled, burying survivors in rubble, leaving many homeless throughout the region as winter approaches, and creating major challenges for aid organizations to provide food, clothing and shelter.
Afghans are already suffering under a crushing sanctions regime imposed by the Biden Administration, complicating rescue and aid efforts for the Taliban government while the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have suspended aid to the impoverished country which had been occupied by US and NATO forces for two decades.
"The operation is still going on, still some people are being pulled out of the rubble,” the spokesman of Heart’s governor, Nissar Ahmad Elyias told reporters.
"Many people have come from far-flung districts to get people out from the rubble,” said Khalid, 32, at Kashkak in Zindajan district 30 kilometers northwest of Herat city, capital of the same-named province.
“Everyone is busy searching for bodies everywhere, we don’t know if there are others as well under the debris.”
“Many of our family members have been martyred, including one of my sons, and my other son is also injured,” Herat resident Mir Ahmed told Reuters at a hospital that was treating many survivors.
“Most of the people are under the rubble.”
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With the current escalation in Israel/Gaza, a lot of other tragedies in the greater region have gotten overshadowed (arguably Ankara and Damascus have been deliberately using this as a smokescreen). So, I have wanted to highlight not only what's going on but more importantly possible ways to help or be informed.
Note, these are just a starting point, and I always encourage you to use your judgement in vetting charities (as charity scams are some of the most insidious) and finding one that fits your goals the best.
The big one right now is the earthquake in the north of Afghanistan. As of now (October 10, 2023) there have still been aftershocks around Herat, and the overall death toll is over 2400, with over same amount injured and many more displaced. Donating here is a tough one as nations not only cut off aid but the Taliban itself limits foreign aid workers, as well as women workers. Some organizations (compiled by Time) participating in recovery efforts are International Committee of the Red Cross (which works with the Afghan Red Crescent), UNICEF, Islamic Relief Worldwide, International Rescue Committee, Doctors Without Borders, and CARE International.
On October 7, Assad kicked off more bombing on the besieged city of Idlib. In this case, the biggest issue is displacement, for which I'd recommend refugee organizations such as the IRC.
Also in that weekend, Erdogan bombarded the predominantly-Kurdish north of Syria. The main organization that functions as a bridge between the US and that region is the Emergency Committee for Rojava.
Again, this is not meant to be exhaustive, nor may some orgs jive with what you're looking for. But the point is to show that there are ways to get involved around the world.
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keepingitcountryon · 1 year
NewsBreak: Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000
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pumpkinartz · 7 months
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Pumpkinartz in '01
In the year of challenges, dreams take flight,
Amidst the turmoil, I'll hold tight.
As Gujarat's quake shakes the ground below,
I'll rise above, determined to grow.
With each new dawn, I'll chase the dream,
Scaling mountains, crossing every stream.
In the aftermath of terror's toll,
I'll find my strength, in heart and soul.
Through halls of learning, I'll make my way,
Despite the darkness, I'll seize the day.
In the face of war and spies' deceit,
I'll strive for knowledge, my path complete.
So let the trials come, thick and fast,
I'll overcome, I'll face the blast.
For as a student, I'll persevere,
Towards the finish line, without fear.
1. January 24 - India’s Gujarat earthquake kills at least 20,000.
2. February 18 - FBI agent Robert Hanssen is arrested for spying for the Soviet Union.
3. March 7 - The Taliban destroys the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan.
4. April 1 - The Netherlands legalizes same-sex marriage.
5. May 25 - Erik Weihenmayer becomes the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
6. June 1 - Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal kills his father, King Birendra, and other members of the royal family before dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
7. September 11 - Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, kill nearly 3,000 people.
8. October 7 - The United States invades Afghanistan, marking the beginning of the War in Afghanistan.
9. November 4 - The animated film "Monsters, Inc." is released by Pixar Animation Studios.10. December 22
10. Richard Reid attempts to detonate explosives hidden in his shoes aboard American Airlines Flight 63.
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pennyappealusaseo · 7 months
Supporting Afghanistan: Penny Appeal USA's Earthquake Relief Efforts
In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Afghanistan, leaving a trail of destruction and loss, communities around the world are rallying together to provide aid and support to those in need. Among the organizations at the forefront of relief efforts is Penny Appeal USA, a humanitarian charity dedicated to alleviating poverty and suffering.
The recent earthquake, with its epicenter in the Hindu Kush region, has caused widespread damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. The toll on human lives has been heartbreaking, with many families left homeless and in desperate need of assistance. In such times of crisis, every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference.
Penny Appeal USA has launched a dedicated fundraising campaign aimed at providing immediate relief to the affected communities in Afghanistan. With their extensive network and experience in humanitarian aid, they are well-positioned to deliver essential supplies and support to those most in need.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Penny Appeal USA's approach is their emphasis on the power of collective giving, even down to the smallest denomination. Their "donation penny appeal" encourages individuals to contribute whatever they can, whether it's a single penny or more. They firmly believe that even the smallest donation can have a ripple effect and contribute to a greater impact when combined with others.
This grassroots approach to fundraising not only mobilizes financial support but also fosters a sense of solidarity and community spirit. It shows that everyone, regardless of their financial means, can play a part in making a difference and offering hope to those facing adversity.
Moreover, Penny Appeal USA ensures transparency and accountability in all their operations, providing donors with the assurance that their contributions are being utilized effectively and efficiently. From providing emergency shelter and food assistance to medical aid and long-term rehabilitation support, every penny donated goes towards rebuilding lives and communities.
The earthquake in Afghanistan serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of coming together in times of crisis. It highlights the resilience and strength of the human spirit, as well as the compassion and generosity that abound in our global community.
As individuals, we may feel powerless in the face of such natural disasters, but by supporting organizations like Penny Appeal USA, we can channel our collective efforts towards meaningful and impactful relief initiatives. Whether it's through financial donations, spreading awareness, or volunteering our time and skills, we all have a role to play in helping our fellow human beings rebuild and recover.
In conclusion, Penny Appeal USA's earth quake donation penny appeal is not just about raising funds; it's about harnessing the power of compassion and solidarity to bring hope and healing to those affected by tragedy. Together, we can make a difference, one penny at a time.
To learn more about Penny Appeal USA's relief efforts and how you can contribute, visit their website or follow them on social media. Let's stand together in support of Afghanistan and show the world the strength of our collective humanity.
Visit us: https://pennyappealusa.org/
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paimium · 11 months
A lot of terrible and inhumane things are happening in our world right now. Many people are in need. If you want to help, here are some trustworthy organizations that focus on this issue. You can research and find one that aligns with your values and make a donation to support their cause.
Every contribution helps those in need. Every little bit makes a difference.
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thxnews · 11 months
Afghanistan Crisis: Resilience and Global Challenges
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  A Meeting of Global Minds
On the 18th of October 2023, a gathering of Special Representatives and Envoys from nine nations - Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States - convened in Rome with a shared mission: to confront the dire humanitarian and economic crisis unfolding in Afghanistan.   A Joint Statement for Afghan Relief In a unified stance, these envoys released a joint statement reflecting their commitment to addressing Afghanistan's pressing humanitarian issues. Their key objectives included: - Ensuring Unhindered Aid Access: The envoys called upon the Taliban to facilitate unimpeded access for all humanitarian aid workers, emphasizing gender equality, to reach vulnerable populations in every corner of the nation. - Sustaining Humanitarian Aid: Acknowledging their respective governments and organizations' contribution of approximately $6.3 billion since August 2021, they underlined the importance of continued robust donor support, even as humanitarian needs outpace available aid. - Supporting Earthquake-Affected Communities: Expressing solidarity with areas devastated by recent earthquakes, they pledged an additional $33 million in aid to support affected communities, with more assistance in the pipeline. - Addressing Macroeconomic Woes: Recognizing that humanitarian aid alone won't resolve Afghanistan's economic woes, they urged expanding support to cover basic needs, women's empowerment, private sector growth, and livelihood generation. Multilateral development banks were called upon to play a significant role in this effort, in addition to the $2.1 billion already allocated by their governments and organizations. - Upholding Human Rights: Expressing grave concern for the human rights situation in Afghanistan, they called upon the Taliban to reverse their restrictive educational policies, affirming education as a human right, and emphasizing equal access to quality education for all.   A Plea for Political Progress In their statement, the envoys voiced disappointment over the lack of serious steps taken by the Taliban to initiate an inclusive political process. They emphasized the necessity of the Afghan people's involvement in crafting a new constitution through a transparent and inclusive national consultative dialogue, seeking guidance from the UN and OIC.   Countering Narcotics and Climate Challenges The envoys welcomed the Taliban's opium cultivation ban and a significant drop in opium production. They called for sustained efforts in this regard and collaboration with UNAMA's Technical Working Group on Counternarcotics. Additionally, they stressed Afghanistan's vulnerability to climate change and the need for sustainable solutions.   Concerns Over Security and Refugee Protection Expressing concerns about ongoing terrorist threats within Afghanistan, the envoys urged the global community, including Afghanistan's neighbors, to uphold their obligations regarding refugee protection and the right to seek asylum. They called for measures to develop a registration system for undocumented Afghans, especially for those at risk of persecution or torture.  
United for a Resilient Afghanistan
The envoys emphasized the importance of international unity in addressing Afghanistan's multifaceted challenges, including not normalizing relations with the Taliban. They expressed their appreciation to Italy for hosting this pivotal meeting on Afghanistan and looked forward to further international collaboration.  
An Earthquake's Toll on Afghanistan
On June 22, 2022, a devastating 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan, claiming over 1,000 lives and injuring thousands. This catastrophe, the deadliest in decades, further exacerbated Afghanistan's already dire humanitarian crisis.   The Impact of Disaster The earthquake ravaged the provinces of Paktika and Khost, leaving a trail of destruction that included homes, schools, and essential infrastructure. Many were rendered homeless, lacking access to food, clean water, and medical care. Landslides and blocked roads hindered the aid response.  
The Humanitarian Response Unveiled
The humanitarian effects were staggering. Over 362,000 people were affected, with more than 60,000 displaced, and over 18,000 homes and 200 schools destroyed or damaged. In response, the Afghan government and the international community launched a major recovery operation.   A Bumpy Road to Recovery Challenges abounded, from financing the recovery amid an economic crisis to addressing insecurity in inaccessible areas. Nevertheless, progress emerged: as of November 2, 2023, over 10,000 homes were rebuilt, and more than 100 schools reopened. International pledges exceeded $110 million.  
The 2023 Herat Earthquake
On October 15, 2023, a powerful 5.3 magnitude earthquake rocked the western Herat region of Afghanistan, causing widespread devastation and claiming over 250 lives while injuring thousands more.   Vulnerable Rural Areas Hit Hard The earthquake's epicenter in rural Herat exacerbated the crisis, affecting vulnerable mud-brick homes that were prone to collapse. This disaster compounded Afghanistan's existing humanitarian challenges.  
A Swift Humanitarian Response
In the wake of the earthquake, the Afghan government, with international aid agency support, launched a rapid response operation. Relief efforts included medical assistance, food, and shelter, despite daunting logistical and security challenges.   A Long Road to Recovery Despite the resilience of the Afghan people, the path to recovery is steep. The earthquake amplified Afghanistan's humanitarian crisis, and ongoing economic and political challenges remain formidable obstacles. The international community must stand steadfast in providing both immediate relief and long-term development aid.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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skankhunt44 · 11 months
Americans should be the last commenting on this war...
Your two party system is falling apart
May I remind you of all of Hiroshima. That NUKE still has horrible effects on people and its been 80 years.
Then we will go to twin towers. I was old enough to actually watch it and comprehend it. The death toll was just over 2000, that was in 2001, ya'll still there killing people and have probably killed 50 times more than that easily. Most innocent, but "you follow your orders" and blow up an entire apartment building to kill two terriosts that weren't even confirmed.
Now the political game at the time Bush Jr. was losing the election, but oppps. He needed to fix his daddy's problem because he put terrorists in charge of Afghanistan during Sr.'s term as president. Which with election numbers down and Jr's second term our of reach. He himself is the terrorist. The attacks on the towers was an inside job. If you know anything about how tall buildings are made to withstand earthquakes. The building should have collapsed onto itself but should have mainly been in tact. And why... why would terrorists want to hit that target? It has no political gain besides engaging your war, gun hungry country.
Now. Believe it or not, your newscasts are biased! :0
So you're not getting the entire story.
And you're too dumb to go to the source so you just spread your stupidity.
I want to ask you something. Someone stabs you in the chest, you are carrying a gun. That person keeps stabbing you, you wouldn't defend yourself? Bullshit! As you hold your 'right to bear arms' so closely, but don't care they are being used by teenagers to shoot up schools. When the US made it legal for semiautomatic weapons gun violence rose exponentially. Look it up.
So. Before you back the terrorists horse, think about if it were you or your country bombed in the middle of the night of Xmas eve.
Yeah fuck you
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blogynews · 1 year
"Breaking: Shocking New Death Count Revealed! Afghanistan's Earthquake Tragedy Unveils Nearly 1,000 Lives Lost"
Authorities in Afghanistan have revised the death toll from a series of earthquakes that hit Herat over the weekend, stating that around 1,000 people have been killed. The initial count by the Taliban government had put the number of fatalities at over 2,000. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck rural communities northwest of Herat city on Saturday, and was followed by several powerful…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Breaking: Shocking New Death Count Revealed! Afghanistan's Earthquake Tragedy Unveils Nearly 1,000 Lives Lost"
Authorities in Afghanistan have revised the death toll from a series of earthquakes that hit Herat over the weekend, stating that around 1,000 people have been killed. The initial count by the Taliban government had put the number of fatalities at over 2,000. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck rural communities northwest of Herat city on Saturday, and was followed by several powerful…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Breaking: Shocking New Death Count Revealed! Afghanistan's Earthquake Tragedy Unveils Nearly 1,000 Lives Lost"
Authorities in Afghanistan have revised the death toll from a series of earthquakes that hit Herat over the weekend, stating that around 1,000 people have been killed. The initial count by the Taliban government had put the number of fatalities at over 2,000. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck rural communities northwest of Herat city on Saturday, and was followed by several powerful…
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This weekend:
The city of Idlib came under heavy bombardment again with multiple fatalities.
The death toll of an earthquake in Afghanistan had surpassed 2k.
Guatemala is going into a political crisis.
Protests to further criminalize the queer community in Kenya.
Narges Mohammadi won the peace prize while still in prison.
Also ongoing:
The planned expulsion of Afghans from Pakistan and Rohingya from Bangladesh. The continued exodus of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh. Morocco still rebuilding. Fragile truce in Yemen holding for now.
Yet something about this little sliver of land in the Levant gets the unaffected world from politicians to this very site so... passionate... in a way the rest of the Global South doesn't. Even countries actively backed by the US/West or undergoing active oppression/revolt.
A simple plug of various countries into tumblr search can show that discrepancy of takes.
It's fascinating.
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AFGHANISTAN: Red Crescent staff deliver humanitarian aid to Afghanistan’s earthquake-stricken Herat province
The death toll in a series of powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan’s western Herat province has risen to over 2,000, according to reports citing the Taliban on Sunday, October 8. More than 9,000 people are reported injured. A 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck about 35 km northwest of the city of Herat on Saturday and was followed by several strong aftershocks, according to the US Geological…
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grandline03 · 1 year
The death toll from Saturday’s massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has exceeded 2,500, an official said on Sunday.
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pennyappealusaseo · 10 months
Supporting Afghanistan Earthquake Victims with Penny Appeal USA
Urgent Humanitarian Crisis!  A powerful 5.9-magnitude earthquake has tragically claimed the lives of over 1000 people in Afghanistan, leaving a heartbreaking toll of 1600+ injured. As resilient Afghans tirelessly search for survivors, time is of the essence – each passing minute is critical for saving lives.
Recognizing the urgent need for immediate assistance, Penny Appeal USA is at the forefront of efforts to provide life-saving aid to the affected communities. The situation demands swift action, and we implore you to join us in this critical mission.
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Your support is a lifeline for those grappling with the aftermath of this disaster. By contributing to Penny Appeal USA, you become a vital part of the relief efforts, helping us deliver essential aid to those in distress.
Stand with us in solidarity. Donate today to make a tangible impact on the ground, offering hope, comfort, and crucial resources to those facing unimaginable challenges. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by this tragic earthquake.-Support Now
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sam-672 · 1 year
Deadliest Afghan quakes in 2 decades kill 2,445, injure 2,000
ISLAMABAD: Powerful earthquakes killed over 2,400 people in western Afghanistan, the Taliban administration said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Afghanistan earthquakes kill over 2000, Taliban says, as death toll spikes Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit a densely populated area, near Afghanistan’s fourth largest city, Herat. The US…
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