askbeannuts · 10 months
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[A plan in motion]
Datz & Pell pages have been added! Various updates to the Frosty Gang's pages have been done as well!
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< To Part 1 of Chapter 2...
[[Mod note under the cut:]]
[[More of a question than anything else: most of these mini updates MAY end up removing the temporary askable characters going forwards, so... out of curiosity... would anyone be interested in having this crew askable?]]
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askbeannuts · 10 months
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[A Frosty Gang Meeting in the early hours of the Morning]
< In Reference To...
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< To Part 1 of Chapter 2...
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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[The Frosty Gang can be goofy sometimes... but when they're serious...]
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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[How would the Frosty Gang handle long-range communications if they can't get a hold of the tech the Guilds use? Psychics! And a LOT of them!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"I'd be more concerned about that Yungoos in the long run-"
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"You're actually paranoid about some kid knowing you can fully awaken? Or I can mimic Frost's mutation...? To me, that means if they show their faces around here again, they're top targets. Knowing your foes' strengths and weaknesses... and your foes being aware you know, makes you a priority threat... wouldn't you agree?"
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"Hrm... I guess that would be true-"
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"One issue at a time, hmm~? Besides, you two aren't part of my squad, so this shouldn't be a concern for you-I won't let it be~! (Besides, we still have a tiny advantage here~)"
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"We'll figure out the Shaymin Guild issue later... for now, let's get out of this dungeon before this storm kicks up."
[The Frosty Gang's top members have seemingly retreated from the dungeon!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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[Time to NOT sideline the Minun!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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[Is that... wise?]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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[Go get 'em?]
[[Next week'll have spotty updates, the buffer is no longer willing]]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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askbeannuts · 2 years
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[Hmm... that was a bit mean...]
[The Toxtricity Sisters have been unlocked!]
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