askbeannuts · 25 days
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[Sometimes children are cruel, but so are teens who don't know when to not blurt out something embarrassing... not speaking from experien-]
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askbeannuts · 20 days
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[When you admit to beating the hyper boss at level 5 with beginner gear-]
Lars has been joined by Moe, Kayla and Serius!
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askbeannuts · 21 days
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[When the tech obsession gets enabled by the boss of the tech department... Yeah, they technically can and do still use the older items, just the guild gear is mostly simplified for the sake of... simplicity anyway-including the Xray Specs... could you imagine them wearing those goofy things when fighting the Frosty Gang? I can-]
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askbeannuts · 23 days
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Ledian: "A-Aagh...! First I lose track of those three, and now this...? It just HAD to be the Eastern Branch? Urgh...! I need my cloak back... but noooo, it's too conspicuous..."
The Ledian has left the area...
[Keepin' it at the status quo by brute force. That's the Shaymin Guild Way!]
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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[And time moves ahead... entangling these lives...]
Human bloodlines... [pt 1 / pt 2]
[[Last post for now, see ya Tuesday at the earliest!]]
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askbeannuts · 9 months
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[New gear-new gear-new-]
< Previous
< To Part 1 of Chapter 2...
[[This new gear unfortunately means we'll be seeing older references for certain members of the Shaymin Guild for a while longer. It's not drastically different, just a simple design shift and it's going to take a while to go through it all and make the updates accordingly;;]]
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askbeannuts · 24 days
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[Nope, no more water type lore for you, Moira has spoken!
Also Moe is like Popo to me... it's weird to NOT see Moe gritting his teeth or showing his fangs in general like a normal Yungoose does... though he also walks on his hind legs everywhere so IS he "normal"...]
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askbeannuts · 10 months
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[Retribution their way?]
< Previous
< To Part 1 of Chapter 2...
< In Reference To... pt 1
< In Reference To... pt 2
< In Reference To... pt 3
< A bit of a Reminder
< A bit of a Reminder... 2
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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"... I don't mean to pry... but did something happen for you to need that letter? Osiris vaguely told me what it was for."
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"It's nothing serious, just some family found their way into Cypress for some crimes and... before they get out, I'd like to see them and set some... ground rules..."
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"... Right... well, if everyone likes what they have, I need to go. If you need me, I'll be at the clinic."
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"Ah, right, I should finish getting ready...! Guess we'll have to postpone our meet-"
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"You mean us watching you and Charissa argue? Again?"
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[Delivery made! Potential Guild Revolt halted?]
< Previous
< To Part 1...
< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time...
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askbeannuts · 6 months
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[Never let a good crisis vacation chance go to waste!]
[Shaymin Guild member Dario has been added!]
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askbeannuts · 6 months
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[Congratulation Lars, you did the impossi-]
[Also is it just me or did Lars kinda dodge the question a bit...? NAAAAH, I'm overthinking it! hint-hint]
In reference to
Also in reference to
And one more reference
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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Moe quickly sat the book down on the table. "I didn't know this was that important, I didn't mean to-"
"Relax, it's no big deal." Carlo interrupted.
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"But it is pretty much a manual for the guild." Bak further explained. "Thing is, a specific part of it was left untranslated since the Guild's founder wrote in an older script."
"Right... I saw that, it's been a while since I've seen that script..." Moe's muttering caught the Guildmaster's attention. "I... think my mom tried to teach me how to read some scripts and runes... I think this was one of them..."
"Can you tell what it says?" Carlo wondered, brow raised.
"Well..." Moe reopened the book to that ominous image. "Bits and pieces... that picture's words aren't too difficult if I try to make guesses at what I don't know..." He focused on the words specifically, falling silent for a few minutes. "... Taking a shot in the dark: 'The Black... Dungeon... Wind' maybe?" The two Guildmasters didn't say a word at first, while Moe's focus seemed to wain. "But... if I had a reference book-"
"I think the Researchers might have that..." Bak chimed in, Carlo shaking his head.
"Thing is, with Felix out of commission still, they're not going to just lend something like that out..." The two hummed in thought, though their pondering was interrupted by Moe's yawning, shifting the duo's focus entirely. "Hah..."
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"The founder refused to have that page translated... if I remember all the excuses it was something about trauma, even my seniors refused to make the request to get it done..." Carlo heaved a large sigh. "If things didn't get so hectic, I would've asked Hellen to do it for me before she retired... that's her kid, right?"
"Yeah, it is... but what would that-"
"The wind, if his translation was right, the wind." The Semisage's smile didn't fade as he continued. "Maybe it'll be a clue to these Shifts... the howling especially..." Bak didn't entertain his senior's theories, merely staying silent. "I won't make him do it, and I won't ask you to make him... let Moe stumble across it himself... we've left the seed of curiosity after all, heheh..."
"Yeah, I get that, that's not what's bothering me. Moe's pretty straightforward when something motivates him..." Carlo patted the Typhlosion's shoulder.
"I want to know what really happened to South Town too-something never added up to me-but this is a simpler mystery to solve... with what attacked us over the last few weeks... we're going to need to understand more before we really tackle that." Through clenched teeth, Bak sighed.
"You're right, Carlo." The Semisage chuckled.
"Now YOU get some sleep-"
"Nah, I have to figure some things out before the Council starts acting out again..."
[End of Side Story: The Founder's Book: Shaymin Guild!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Oh, by the way, only Pau or myself should carry Gil around, she's too hot for anyone to touch at the moment-literally."
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"I-I'm sorry... what... happened...???"
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< Previous
< Continued From...
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"By the way, even if they seem fine, I'd get them all checked out when we get back. That Charmander kid's putting up a good facade in my opinion. Boule was his name, I think...?"
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"Well, that's an obvious objective... we would've been here sooner if we didn't take precautions in that emera cluster room... but, we'll do what we can now."
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"I can also use my healing moves to at least deal with minor injuries, if that helps before we leave."
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"Humph, the Xerneas Guild being helpful...? Rare sight."
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"Don't lump me in with those old elites."
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"... Let's... not argue right now... I'll get the Evac Orb ready! So... get yourselves together, yeah?"
[A tiny twinge of animosity...]
< Previous
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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*(... I could go back in, plus she's actually in-no-you're right, that isn't wise right now...)*
"I... I should leave too..."
[Quickly! Inside!]
< Previous
[This curious Slowbro has appeared a few times now...]
[[Bit of a longer post because these pages are meant to be quick transition pages and I did not want them to be separate]]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Wilds typically have tainted auras that match their yellowish eyes, but this one-"
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"Has an extra aura, yeah, we went over this too many times to recount... but why? How? Charissa noted the substitute that attacked her had weird wire-like limbs instead of just 'poofing' away like every other substitute that takes too much damage..."
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"All that tells me is that thing isn't a Pokemon like we understand them or we're dealing with a bizarre situation, like a Spiritomb of some kind."
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"Right... makes me think back to my original theories on these things, but... that won't help us here if there's something more going on with that thing's body, the Yggdrasil Researcher's will have a field day with all this though..."
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"Whatever theory we go with, we need to get up there. I doubt Lance is in control of the situation if some sort of quake just occurred."
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"Right, right..."
[Deep thinking...]
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< Continued from...
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