#Air Canada Booking Phone Number
softtdaisy · 1 year
hellu lando with it's okay, just breathe.
I LOVE your writing, you deserve all the celebration love!
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Pairing: Lando Norris x female!reader
Words: 1020
A/n: the fact i went over 1k words for a story i don’t feel confident about is crazy. I really hope you will like it, i’ve never write about Lando before so it’s a first try  
Dating Lando was like living in a new sitcom episode every single day. Even when he was away for the championship and you couldn’t travel with him, he found a way to make your day better. A call, a message, the stupidest joke ever or the cutest proof of love. 
There were some bad days, of course. But somehow, the sun always seemed to shine even in the darkest sky. 
You could write a whole book about your boyfriend. 
You really considered doing it these past days. Being away from him for too long was getting harder for you. It was really like missing a half of yourself when he was in another country or, worse, in another continent. No amount of calls was making for the lack of waking up with him by your side.
“You realize that one day you’re going to deal with me every day for the rest of your life? Shouldn’t you enjoy your free time while you can?” he told you on the phone after you admitted being sad about him leaving early for Canada. He hasn’t even been home since Spain and he was already leaving.
“Well right now, I miss you, idiot.”
“Well I miss you too, dummy.” 
It was probably one of the quickest decisions you’ve ever made. After waking up again feeling alone and sad without the man you loved, you booked a flight for Montréal during the afternoon to see him. You didn’t even tell anyone, except for Max, Lando’s best friend, to make sure at least one person would be aware of your trip. You wanted to surprise your boyfriend.
You had no idea that this would become one of the most stressful days for him.
When Lando woke up on the other side of the world, you were already up in the air. He didn’t question why you weren’t answering his texts. He knew that when you were working, you tended to be so focused that you forget about the world around you. He also knew that he could call you if he was worried because that was the only thing that would make you pick up your phone. 
Somehow, Lando felt like something was off. He could put his finger on what.
If he was a fan of media duties, he couldn’t focus on anything today. His laugh sounded fake, he wasn’t smiling as much. “If something is wrong, you can tell me.” Oscar reassured him after he had to handle every interview that morning.
But he didn’t say anything. Lando wasn’t the kind to cry on anyone’s shoulder for nothing. He didn’t want to bother his teammate for just a feeling. 
Then it became more than a feeling when he still couldn’t reach you. 
You were supposed to be home. Or heading home. Anyway, you would have answered Lando’s texts already. But you didn’t.
He tried to call you. But you didn’t answer.
He asked Carlos to call you too, knowing he was one of the few drivers to have your number. But you didn’t answer either.
“Something wrong?” Carlos asked him but he refused to say anything. If he kept it to himself, it wouldn’t be real, right?
So Lando did the worst thing he could have done, he knew that. He went to the practices with fear and stress. He couldn’t think about the race or the cars or his whole career. Fuck that. All he cared about was you. He did so many mistakes he couldn’t even imagine the number of comments on social media about him being done or whatever these stupid opinions were saying. The team was already giving him a hard time on the radio.
When Lando got out of the car, he felt like he saw a ghost. Expect it wasn’t one.
It was you. Standing in the middle of the garage.
It took him a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t dreaming, that it wasn’t his mind giving him what he wanted to see. You were here. For real. Not home. But here with him.
Lando then ran to you and took you in his arms. “Oh wow I didn’t expect that to be so welcoming.” you laughed in his ears. Knowing him, you were convinced he would make a joke about you being here at the same time as his mistress. Or that you should take a shower, when he was the one dirty after racing. 
Not that he would hug you that tight. You felt him bringing him to his room and you followed him, quite perplexed on why he was reacting like that. 
It wasn’t until you were alone that you noticed he was shivering against you. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” you asked him, moving your head to see his sad face. You barely ever saw him being that miserable around you.
“You’re here…” he replied, breathless. You took his face between your hands.
“it's okay, just breathe,” you put your forehead against his and felt him relaxed slowly. 
“You didn’t answer me and I thought something had happened. I couldn’t call you, I couldn’t reach you and I thought you were… I can’t imagine my life without you!” 
“I’m not planning on leaving you.” you replied with a sweet smile, giving him a soft kiss on his lips. Lando always said that your lips had some calming power. And he wasn’t wrong. You could feel relaxed after that, like it was the proof he needed to be sure you were really here.
You spent some long minutes together in the silence. Now that he was accepting that nothing had happened to you and that you were here, for real, he was enjoying your presence. You gave him small kisses in the hair, the one he loved when he had a terrible weekend. It felt quite the same for once.
“I’m taking notes that you don’t like surprises.” you whispered in his hair.
“Not the one where I think I’m losing the love of my life, dummy.”
“Love of my life and dummy in the same sentence? What a pretty love language, Norris.” 
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boywithlcv · 1 year
Champagne Problems | JSUH.
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Summary: Johnny suh knew one thing. Y/N knew nothing.
tags: established relationship, Angst, gn!reader, barista!johnny, film major!reader, sad sad Johnny.
A/n: part one! Also the first part of my BLONDIE series! Based off of Taylor songs sing she’s coming to Canada <3.
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‘You booked the night train for a reason.
So you could sit there in this hurt’
December 28th.
Four hours after the final goodbye.
the weather was anything but nice. the type of chill that nipped at peoples skin as it devilishly danced through the air.  The tall man didn't mind it though, he'd felt worse than some pinches from jack frost. The bustling sound of trains coming in and out of the station along with the crowd of passengers that left the vehicles carts. everyone going from one place to the next.
Though johnny, didn't quite know where he was going.
He knew he was going far, far away to hide away from whatever vendetta the world had against him. He felt as though he must of broken glass, the superstition his mother would warn him about when he was younger. though he's sure it was just because she didn't want to clean up any glass that johnny would've easily broken. though the superstition followed him to adulthood as he found himself a very superstitious person. come to think of it... he did break a glass bowl a couple months before, if that made any difference to his feelings about this situation.
Yes, the situation johnny suh found himself in.
the situation he thought he would never find himself in. because he was so sure, god why was he so sure?.
But it lead him to, standing alone. at an ungodly hour of the night, just so people wouldn't see the tears that fell down his cheeks. late night train full of people too tired or in too much of a rush to notice the tall man weeping away his sorrows over his lost lover. it also gave him time to sit and think, overthink or under think. it didn't matter. as long as he could sit in his hurt as dusk turned into dawn.
the hurt that was caused by his once muse, yn.
He wishes he could take everything back, maybe he wouldn't have been so stupid. A young barista falls in love with the film major. maybe it was a set up from the beginning, since the minute yn stumbled into his coffee shop looking as if they didn't know what sleep was. but yet johnny thought they looked beautiful.
He wishes he could take back when he made the first move. everyday yn would order the same thing, a basic black coffee. something johnny would always poke fun at. a drink he thought was reserved for older men and the occasional caffeine addicted mother. and every-time johnny would make it as a chuckle left his lips. until the seventh time they ordered, after a month of watching them for hours in his shop. he wrote his number on their napkin along with a J.
He wishes he could take back the way he smiled at his phone for the next week and a half like an idiot, every text he re-read a million times and could probably resite by memory.
He wishes he could take back the first date. which led to the second. the fourth. the eighth. the final.
he wishes he could take back letting them meet his family, letting them move in with him, letting them befriend his friends.
he wishes he could take back the last 47 hours.
johnny suh wishes he could take back loving yn.
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typingwithmyhandstied · 5 months
all of the asks. (ask game)
(you don’t actually have to i partially just thought it would be funny to say this i can pick specific ones if you want but also please do if you want to)
This is hilarious. I will do all of them because why not.
favorite chore: organizing things mostly but sometimes even that sucks, sweeping, or not really a chore--- peeling potatoes
least favorite chore: cleaning anything that's sticky/slimy/etc
aquarium, planetarium, museum, or zoo: it really depends on the kind. The aquarium in my town has a really big otter enclosure, so I love that. I really really like planetariums and museums but don't go enough.
favorite kind of museum: The ones that are pretty much people's houses turned into museums especially big old fancy houses with old artifacts. I do love a good art museum of course too.
cooking or baking (and your favorite thing to cook or bake): baking and apple crisp. It has peeling, cutting, etc.
favorite thing in your room: My bookshelf or all of the quotes stuck up on my wall.
favorite class you’ve ever taken: I haven't gotten much variety yet. I really like choir, Spanish, and English though.
what kinds of clothes do you typically wear?: tshirts, jeans, overalls, sweaters, really anything but if you see it it makes sense.
favorite way to be creative (can be anything: playlists, outfits, drawing, writing, decorating cookies, anything.): WRITING but I actually kind of have done a lot. I paint some. I make cool outfits. I actually painted a bunch of jean jackets last summer while listening to the FLF audiobook. I might do that again.
are you superstitious?: Yes and no. I am in the ways that I think are funny like sayings and jokes and having a "lucky necklace." I used to be more so.
favorite article of clothing you own: It's either this gray sweater I found thrifting, my Evermore sweatshirt, or my best jean jacket.
favorite way to carry things (pockets, purse, backpack, etc): I apologize in advance for the rant this will cause. I want to say pockets, but I can not because WOMEN'S PANTS POCKETS FIT NOTHING. I also have to carry an Epipen which can't even fit in men's pants pockets so a purse. I like satchel like purses that can fit a book.
what things do you usually have on you when you leave the house?: As stated before my Epipen, my phone which has my wallet stuff in it, a purse, a book, headphones, chapstick, some cash, etc.
favorite errand: grocery shopping or essential other things
dream job: a librarian who writes books in her spare time (with a dog and a cat <3)
favorite thing get when going out to eat: a burger or spaghetti usually
when did you lose your first tooth?: first tooth lost was pulled by the dentist, and I didn't know what was going on. It was HORRIBLE. I have gotten many pulled actually. First "naturally" lost was because my friend's friend hit my chin with her knee while we lifted her in the air at recess. I lost it in Spanish class a few days later.
any childhood memory you want to share:
do you like camping?: Yes, but mostly because I was taken a lot as a kid.
have you ever gone to summer camp and did you enjoy it?: I went to girl scout summer camp but family camp, so my mom was there. It was fine.
favorite place to write things: At a table anywhere without too much distractions
lucky number(s): 4, 7, 13, 14, 16
favorite place you’ve traveled to: Canada probably or just somewhere camping
place you want to travel to: Broadway or London or the Netherlands (to meet an old online friend)
favorite snack: gold fish
favorite smell: lemon verbena
something you’re proud of: all the progress I have made
do you have any pets?: I had a bunny as a little girl. I loved her. I had a dog, but she died two months (ish) ago. I miss her.
do you want any pets that you don’t have?: I want to have a dog again someday. I also will probably have a cat someday. (If I could get an orange cat, I would name it Kell.)
favorite place to go in your neighborhood: THE LIBRARY DUH
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ninja-muse · 1 year
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September is birthday month, if anyone's wondering why my acquisition of books appears to have slipped again (picture #2). At least I'd read nearly all of them before they joined my library shelves, and Winter's Gifts, well, it's really easy to read an Aaronovitch novella within a day or two of acquiring it. Especially since…
September was also week-vacation month, which is part of how I made it to 13 books read but very little explanation for my read-from-TBR-shelves stack (picture #1), only two of which I read on holiday. The two short ones I read in the gap between "finished the latest Book Of Substance" and "started the official Vacation Stack", and Digger was one of my 2023 goals so I decided to check that off. Baking Yesteryear was a surprise/accident. I was telling a coworker how much I enjoyed reading the library's copy and they said, "hey, while you were off, we got a copy too damaged to sell…". And one has to treat oneself in birthday month.
(Vacation was good, in case you were wondering. Camping, so no wifi, so lots of outdoors and reading time and charming rodent shenanigans.)
My biggest regret of the month, by which we mean less regret and more mild bookish panic, is the number of reading copies I appear to have taken home. I have one for Menewood which I'm planning to get to once I finish with My Roommate is a Vampire, and the rest of them were, well, um. Look. When your store buyer and random publishers send you books you'd enjoy and your coworkers finish reading ARCs you've been interested in, things happen, okay? At least at this point a lot of the books are coming out next year, which probably doesn't bode well for my 2024 TBR but that is a future problem.
Also, not doing great at my goal of reading a Canadian author every month. This is the second (?) month in a row I've failed on that front which, yes, is why I'm reading a Canadian author right now. (Also it's one of those ARCs a coworker finished with.)
Beyond the bookish stuff, there's not much to report. I've written a good bit and am surprising myself by how much I can write on my phone during a commute. Had a good birthday. Ate good food. Got fun things. Dealt with slightly more chaos at work than usual. Finished the last season of Great British Bake-Off aired in Canada and am looking forward to starting the Canadian version tonight.
How was your September?
And now without further ado, in order of enjoyment…
Evidence of Things Seen - Sarah Weinman, ed.
A collection of true crime journalism tackling recent social justice issues and big-picture flaws in the justice system.
multiple #ownvoices essays by BIPOC authors
warning: the usual things one would expect to find in true crime journalism
Infinity Gate - M.R. Carey
A scientist, the multiverse, AI, and the nature of humanity.
Nigerian and Moroccan POV characters
warning: slavery, fire, xenophobia, war, torture, violence
Thornhedge - T. Kingfisher
Toadling confronts the knight bent on entering the sleeper’s tower.
Arab Muslim secondary character
Digger Unearthed - Ursula Vernon
A wombat’s tunnel takes her to a very foreign land. She would like to go home please—but there are gods.
Baking Yesteryear - B. Dylan Hollis
Tried and true recipes from the past century.
🏳️‍🌈 author
The Fragile Threads of Power - V.E. Schwab
Seven years after Red London was saved, some people have moved on and others are still picking up the pieces. And some are asking whether the king deserves to be in power.
POV characters of colour, 🏳️‍🌈 POV characters (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 author
Winter’s Gifts - Ben Aaronovitch
Agent Kimberley Reynolds investigates a case with “unusual characteristics” during a Michigan winter.
Ojibwe secondary characters
Lud-In-The-Mist - Hope Mirrlees
A bourgeois father tries to save his children from the plague of fairy fruit—which is hard, since it doesn’t officially exist.
warning: classist, misogynist, generally unkind to the disabled and mentally ill
A Long Day in Lychford - Paul Cornell
Something is wrong with the borders around Lychford and the local coven has to put things right before people get hurt.
Black British main character
warning: mild racism and xenophobia
The Vaster Wilds - Lauren Groff
A servant girl flees her colonial town for the dubious safety of the wilderness.
protagonist of colour, mentally disabled secondary character, incidental Powhatan and other indigenous characters
warning: racism, misogyny, rape, disease, starvation, murder, death of a child
Board to Death - CJ Connor
Ben turns down a suspiciously good deal on an old board game. Then the dealer turns up dead on his doorstep.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay), 🏳️‍🌈 author, #ownvoices
Starter Villain - John Scalzi
Charlie inherits a supervillain empire, complete with a subscription mega-laser, spy cats, and enemies.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices - Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
Two friends go on a holiday to northern England.
Currently reading:
Like Every Form of Love - Padma Viswanathan
A writer digs into the strange, complicated story of a man she befriended in a marina.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (gay), Indo-Canadian author, 🇨🇦
warning: domestic and child abuse
My Roommate is a Vampire - Jenna Levine
There’s a room-to-rent in Cassie’s low, low budget. The (hot) guy renting it acts like he’s from the 1800s. Surely he’s just quirky.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (gay)
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
Monthly total: 13 Yearly total: 100/140 Queer books: 3 Authors of colour: 0 Books by women: 5 Authors outside the binary: 0 Canadian authors: 0 Off the TBR shelves: 5 Books hauled: 6 ARCs acquired: 12 ARCs unhauled: 4 DNFs: 0
January February March April May June July August
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
The Alpha's Beta - Chapter 17 - Part 2
BOOK ONE: The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
The Pack Holding Cells - Part 2
Beta Darren Phoenix
After my chat with Simon Claymore, I got up and went to the clearing, to warm up and trained with everybody.
We did a run, hand to hand combat, mind over body exercises, Ellis had shown the group a new fighting technique they would use in there human form, for if they didn't have time to change and then we went for our last run around Lake Marshall.   
"Good job man... but I gotta ask... where's Alpha Silas?" Ellis asked, coming up behind me and patting me on the back.
He left his hand on my neck for few seconds, before moving it back to his side.  
I just shrugged, not really knowing or caring where the Alpha was.
He could be out 'releasing his stress' by fucking someone else for all I cared.
Though I knew he wasn't because I would feel the bond being torn.   
It was almost funny, when he had sex with Lucca, I would feel the strain but it didn't feel like it was damaged.
It made sense now that I know he didn't know I was his mate.
So I could only imagine the pain I would feel, if he willingly slept with someone else.  
I made my way to the I.T. room I had that gut feeling again, that one the churned my stomach, like a child's nerves at a Christmas concert.
I took a deep breath to try and rid the feelings and after a few minutes, it finally subsided and I made my way inside the room.
Everything was as it was left yesterday.
My desk chair was pulled out, Silas' chair was beside mine.
My computer was turned off and Quinton and Darcy looked as if they haven't moved an inch, as well.   
"Anything on Silas' cell-phone Quinton?" I asked, as I sat down in my chair and turned my computer on.   
"Nothing really. I tracked the number to a disposable phone that was activated in New York but it was activated two months ago. The text went through eighteen different systems but I can't seem to find what one the text first stemmed from. The closest signal from here was about three towns over. I told Simon about it this morning. He talked to Ellis and they're sending someone up there, now."   
"Why wasn't I told about this?" I asked, getting a little frustrated, at the fact no one bothered to say anything to me.   
"Silas came in at about three. I told him everything and then he talked to Ellis and then with Simon. I though Alpha would pass it on to you as well."   
I roll my eyes and started typing into my computer.
I was able to get most of the pack files onto it, so I wouldn't have to worry about losing papers.
I also have everything backed up on my computer in my office.
Plus on three USB's that I have in three different spots.
That was a tip from Simon.   
After half an hour of going through email's, the office door swung open and none-other then Silas, came in.
He doesn't even spare me a glance.
He just walks straight over to Darcy.   
"Anything on Lucca Miethke's family ties yet?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest.
The air around him in thick and would make any normal person run the other way from him.
Darcy nods her head and opens something on her computer.  
"So," she starts off.
"Lucca Miethke is a fourth generation American from Ohio state. His family is originally from Canada and Russia. His Mother, Polina was an immigrant from Russia but she had no living relatives. Her and his father Thomas had Lucca and Alistair. Lucca was the only survivor of a raid, besides an Omega named Snow. He was taken in by a pack up North."
"Thomas Miethke has step-sister, Emily. Who lives in Alberta with her mate and two kids but she's been low on the raider. She even lives in Calgary, which is weird since most werewolves prefer Jasper or Banff," Darcy went on to say Lucca had no known contact with his Aunt, they had hacked into his computer and saw no messages between the two.
"The only thing Lucca really did on his laptop was play Face-book games."   
I looked over to Silas.
He looked tired, his skin was pale and his hair was flat on his head, like it had no life to it.
His eyes skimmed over the words on Darcy's laptop, he just nodded his head along with what was being said.
His normally relaxed shoulders were tense and ridged.
He looked worse then he did yesterday.  
I rolled my eyes and looked back at the computer.
If he thought coming in here and making me feel guilty was going to work, he was wrong.
I wasn't some school-girl that couldn't handle the silent treatment.   
I looked around my desk and let out a groan.
"I left a file in my office. I'll be right back," and with that I left and went up to the office.
Opening my office door, I was greeted to my polished oak desk but it was what was behind the desk that made my fingers curl into a fist.   
Behind my desk sat a young boy, with medium length brown hair pulled back into a pony tail and olive skin, no more then twelve, he was digging through my desk drawer like he owned it.
He hadn't noticed me standing in the doorway and what got me was I couldn't get a scent off him.   
I cleared my throat and watched as he nearly touched the roof with his head.
His blue eyes stared widely at me.
I could see his nerves, shaking in his hands.
'Like a deer caught in the headlights.'
"Now, I'm going to ask you nicely. What are you doing?"   
The boy shook his head.
Then looked around franticly, looking for what I could only assume was a way out.
I took a step towards him as I took my cell-phone out of my pocket.
I texted Silas a quick '911' before putting it back in my pocket and looked at the boy.   
"Alright, lets try this again."
I stepped closer and he pressed himself to the wall behind him.
"How many people, are in this building, that shouldn't be right now?"   
The boy held up one shaky finger then pointed towards himself and that was the last thing he did before his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped forwards, into my arms.
I lifted up the boy so he was laying over both my arms.
Like a bride who had to many shots at her wedding and turned around, just in time to see Silas and Quinton run into the door way.
They both had wide eyes, Silas looked like he was ready to rip someone's limbs apart.  
"Who the hell is that?"   
"Oh you know just some kid I took in... fed... let break into my office and steal my stuff. You know, the regular stuff," I said with a shrug.
Apparently Silas doesn't know how to take sarcasm as he glares at me.
"I just found him going through my desk drawers. The kid just passed out on me. He can't be very old. I don't know who's crazy enough to send him in here alone, when we're all here..."
"I'll call Ellis have him set up a team to check the building and surrounding. Quinton go back and check the security cameras. I'll do a sweep of all the offices. Take him to the infirmary."
I huffed and pushed past the two in the door, bumping my should with the Alpha's on my way out.   
I let it slide that he didn't have someone else take the kid.
Like my senses we're as good as his.
'His panties were in a knot and I was being mature and letting him have his moment.'   
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anotheruserwithnoname · 4 months
FOMO no mo'
No, I am not apologizing for that dad joke headline. LOL
Anyway, I have mentioned in earlier posts that I am not a streamer. I have a number of reasons for this, some too complex to go into. But I did recently spend a week housesitting for my brother who has all the major streaming services. And I took a look around.
First strike against streaming is I had come with a list of shows that for one reason or another I was interested in viewing. Maybe one show on that list was still available. The others were no longer online.
Second, while I did find a couple shows worth watching - Marvel's What If" animated series (mainly due to being a Hayley "Captain Carter" Atwell fan) and one streamer was showing the original Mission: Impossible, which I hadn't seen in a while), I realized I honestly do not have a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) when it comes to not being a streamer.
Sure, there are a few shows of interest - Loki being one, which I managed to see in part due to it being on Blu-ray - and Star Treks Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks (both airing on broadcast TV in Canada) and Jenna Coleman's Serpent and Wilderness (both of which I ended up seeing anyway; no elaboration offered). Wednesday is one of a growing number of Netflix series getting a physical Blu-ray release, years after people were swearing on a stack of phone books that the big N meant we'd never get permanent archival copies of any Netflix show.
But for the most part I realized I don't really care if I never see a show because it's only on streaming and it either never gets a DVD release or it's eventually deleted. Out of sight, out of mind really is a thing.
This extends to me sometimes not even being aware of a show's existence.
I guess I really am of a different generation. I was coming into work this morning and a colleague expressed shock that I was carrying A BOOK (gasp!). Never mind the fact we work at a university and our office is only about 75 feet from its main library.
In some respects it's a good thing I no longer have TV FOMO. Yes, I enjoyed Loki and consider it one of the best shows I've seen in the last 5 years. What If has Hayley Atwell bringing fan art to life as Captain Carter. Jenna's done her shows (though hopefully The Jetty will end up on PBS). And Wednesday is, well, Wednesday! But I don't feel my enjoyment of life would be any lesser for not seeing them, nor any other "peak TV" shows that are only available online. I certainly am not missing a certain UK sci-fi show that has gone to streaming-only here in North America (though that hasn't prevented me from hearing word-of-mouth as some of my wink-wink nudge-nudge posts the last couple days may have hinted at). Out of sight, out of mind.
EDIT: Since I wrote this I was reminded of Jenna Coleman's new audiobook release Iris is More Than Okay, which is only being released on Audible (her second after A Christmas Carol 5-6 years ago). For various issues accessible Audible is an issue; I prefer the CD releases of old. I have never heard A Christmas Carol with Jenna and odds are I will never hear Iris is More Than Okay, and that is OK. I can live without.
A big plus is it has removed a big stressor. I have enough stress in my life right now (got a few hours I'll tell you. LOL) that having one less is a good thing. Plus I'm saving a few bucks in the process...
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tajmahaltourguide · 10 months
Taj Mahal Same Day Tour By Superfast Train
In ihis tour package is specially designed for foreign travellers, who want to explore Taj Mahal, Agra in one day. Explore Taj Mahal in one day from Delhi and return back by India fastest train – Gatimaan Express Train. Enjoy the luxury Ride of train from Delhi to Agra and back to Delhi, meal will be served in the train.
1Pick Up from hotel and drop to Railway StationAt 06:30 AM pick up from hotel in Delhi / Gurgaon / Noida. Drive to Nizamuddin Railway Station to catch the superfast train for Agra, you will be provided with E-tickets either on email or through our representative. Train will depart at 08:00 AM. Note: Do carry a valid ID proof along with you when you sit in the train, ID proof could be Passport copy, driving license etc.
2Arrival at Agra and Explore Taj MahalArriving at the city of love, Agra. Where the guide and driver would be waiting to welcome you in front of the exit of the railway station (agra cantt) with your name board and then taking you to the magnificent monument and one of the 7 wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal. The monument hold a grand history of love and affection of the emperor Shah Jahan to his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, which was made in the 16th century. Expected time of stay in the mausoleum 1 hour 30 minutes. Note: Taj Mahal remains closed on Friday.
3Explore Agra FortAfterward you explore the heart of the Mughal Empire, Agra Fort. This building itself gaves you the view of the glorious rule of the Mughals. The structure hold a brief history of not just the emperor Shah Jahan but this Great Grandfather Akhbar the Great. Who made the fort in the mid of the 15th century. Expected time of stay in agra fort 1 hour.
4Lunch at the RestaurantAfter the end of fort moving towards lunch at a multi-cuisine air conditioned restaurant providing you different flours of this city.
5Explore Mehtab Bagh and Etimad Ud Daulah (Sunset Point)After having lunch, you will visit the Etimad-ud-Daulah also knows as Baby Taj or if you want to experience a sunset view of the Taj Mahal, then you can view the Mehtab Bagh. (Note: If you have time you can see both).
6Drive to Agra CanttHead towards Agra Cantt Station for boarding the train back to Delhi. Sit peacefully in the train.
7Train leaves the Agra Cantt StationThe train will depart from Agra Station at 05:50 PM. Sit back and relax on the way back.
8Train reach back to Nizamudin Railway Station, DelhiTrain will reach Delhi and a representative will come to pick you up from the station and drop you back to your hotel or airport for your onward journey.
Include / Exclude
Pick and Drop off Assistance.
Entrance Tickets of all Monuments.
Live Tour Guide Service.
All taxes.
Tips / Gratuities to guide and driver.
Any kind of personal expenses.
Please contact/WhatsApp +91 8395088788 after booking if you would like to modify the itinerary Plan in Agra can also be personalized upon request.
Hotel Pickup
We will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local operator to organize pick-up arrangements. Once the deal is placed.
Additional Info
 Confirmation will be received at time of booking
 Wheelchair accessible
 A moderate amount of walking is involved
 Taj Mahal is closed on Friday.
Get Quotation of Tour
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Passenger : 0 Adult & 0 Kid
 +91 8395088788
 Easy Booking
 Instant Confirmation
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We Provide:-
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Taj Mahal Same Day Tour By Superfast Train
Taj Mahal Overnight Tour
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Golden Triangle Tour With Jodhpur
Same Day Agra Tour By Superfast Train
For More Info Visit Us On :- https://www.tajmahaltoursagra.com/
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Airline travellers frustrated by lost luggage, cancellations
Chad Brannen waited months to fly to Toronto to celebrate his 40th birthday on Canada Day weekend. He and his partner Mark Hubbard made it to Toronto after a short delay but their luggage did not.
“It was very inconvenient,” said Brannen.
He and his partner went shopping for toiletries. And for four days, they wore what they had packed in their carry-ons. They returned to Nova Scotia and eventually learned from Flair Airlines their luggage was in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. That was two weeks ago.
“The last update we’ve had is that our luggage did arrive back in Halifax last Sunday morning and that they would ship it on courier to Yarmouth within 3 to 5 business days,” said Brannen. “Well today would be business day number 6 and it still hasn’t arrived.”
Louise Graham faced her own travel trouble this weekend. She was scheduled to fly to Kansas City from Halifax via Toronto.
Storms diverted her flight to Kansas City to Indianapolis instead. She said passengers waited on the tarmac for about an hour to learn Air Canada was flying passengers back to Toronto.
“My biggest frustration with this is that after being diverted, that they did not fly us back on that day,” Graham said.
Graham said Air Canada provided the couple with a voucher for a hotel and after waiting for hours on the phone, they managed to book another flight to Kansas City. That flight was also cancelled due to “crew constraints.” Frustrated, the couple flew home to Halifax and cancelled their trip.
“It’s one disappointment after another and then after that we just couldn’t do it anymore,” Graham said.
According to Flightaware.com, a website that tracks delays and cancellations, hundreds of Air Canada’s flights were delayed from Friday into Monday and dozens of others were cancelled.
In a statement to CTV News, the airline said many airports in Canada and the U.S. eastern seaboard were affected by severe thunderstorms last week and over the weekend.
The airline spokesperson said some airport operations were halted for safety reasons, and air traffic control initiatives have further affected flights at their global hubs.
“Air Canada’s focus is to get aircraft and crew back on track and get our customers on their way as soon as possible,” the statement read.
“For today, Air Canada has an alert posted to its website indicating that Toronto flights may be impacted by forecasted thunderstorms and subsequent Air Traffic Control restrictions.”
At Halifax Stanfield International Airport, passengers experienced a few delays and cancellations but not many as thousands of people descend on the city for the North American Indigenous Games.
“Things ran very smoothly on arrival weekend. I think there was maybe just one flight that was cancelled and hopefully folks got rebooked on another flight soon after that,” said Tiffany Chase, spokesperson with Halifax Stanfield International Airport.
Graham said she did receive a refund for her flight to Kansas City. As for Brannen’s luggage, he plans to seek compensation through Flair Airlines.
“Our travel agent that assisted us in booking this trip is assisting us with that,” he said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/htkKxRe
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How can I talk to a live person at Air Canada?
How can I talk to a live person at Air Canada?
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While planning the trip, passengers look for the airlines that make their travel more convenient. Air Canada is the leading airline, and it provides good services. If you have any queries while booking a flight ticket with Air Canada, you can use multiple mediums to contact the customer service representative. 
How can I speak online with Air Canada?
You can reach out to the customer service representative with the help of the Live Chat option. You can contact Air Canada within a few minutes with the help of Live Chat. To start the communication by using the Live Chat option, you need to follow the steps as per mentioned below: Find Cheap Flight Tickets
Open the official webpage of Air Canada.
Click on the Contact Us option that is available at the bottom of the homepage. 
Now select Ask Ana on the Messenger tab.
Select the language and press the Start Chat option.
Drop your questions and tap on the option send. 
The virtual assistant will help you in connecting with the representative.
How do I call back someone at Air Canada?
If you are calling the customer service representative and, due to a long wait time, your call did not get connected, you can get a call back from Air Canada by filling out the online form. To submit the form, you need to follow the instructions as per described below:
On the website of Air Canada, you will get the Contact Us option. Click on that.
It will take you to the next page, and you will see the Contact Form.
Enter all the details in the form and also attach your contact details with it.
Press the send option.
You will get a call back from the customer service representative within 4-5 business days.
The Air Canada Group Reservation Number is 〔1(818) 337-2383〕@@@@. When you call this number, you’ll be connected with a customer service representative who can help you with all your needs. Whether you’re looking to make a new reservation or modify an existing one, the customer service team at is more than happy to assist you.
In addition to being available by phone, the Air Canada reservation number is also accessible online. If you prefer to make your reservations online, simply visit Air Canada .com and follow the prompts. You’ll be able to search for flights, select your seat, and even check in for your flight all from the comfort of your own home or office.
So what are you waiting for? Give the Air Canada reservation number a call today and let us take care of all your travel needs!
The Air Canada Ticket Reservation Number is 〔1(818) 337-2383〕####. This is the number that you can use to make a reservation with Air Canada. You can also use this number to change or cancel a reservation, check in for your flight, or get help with any other issue you may have with your travel plans.
How do I speak to a live person at Air Canada? 
You can contact Contact Air Canada Customer Service by using the calling process. You need to give a call at 0800 800 2672, and the representative will aid you regarding your concern. After dialing the number, your call will be routed to an automated voice that will provide you with directions for IVR options. You need to choose from the options, and then the call will be directed to the representative. The steps you need to follow are mentioned below: Travel Deals & Offers
Press 1 for flight reservation.
Press 2 to report the lost and found.
Press 3 for accessibility assistance.
Press 4 to check the pet policies.
Press 5 to cancel the flight.
Press 6 to get the representative on the line.
 How Can I Contact Air Canada?
You can use Social Media platforms if you are wondering how To Contact Air Canada. It is the quickest way to contact the customer service representative. There are various platforms are listed below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Air Canadaairlines.
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/Air Canadaairlines.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Air Canadaairlines.
You can use the above-mentioned ways to contact the customer service representative. If you are still searching for How do I Contact Air Canada? you can also visit the official website. The representative will assist you by solving all your queries and making your traveling experience hustle free.
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Explore Fort Saskatchewan with FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca: Your Reliable Cab Service
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Are you planning a visit to the beautiful city of Fort Saskatchewan and looking for a reliable transportation option? Look no further! FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca is here to cater to all your transportation needs in and around Fort Saskatchewan. Whether you are a resident or a visitor, our professional cab service is designed to provide you with a comfortable and convenient travel experience.
Why Choose FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca?
Reliable and Prompt Service: At FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca, we understand the importance of being on time. Our Cab in Fort Saskatchewan service ensures that you reach your destination promptly, without any delays. Whether you need a ride to the airport, a local attraction, or anywhere else in Fort Saskatchewan, you can rely on us to be there on time.
24/7 Availability: We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can count on us whenever you need transportation services. Whether it's an early morning flight or a late-night event, we are just a phone call away. Our round-the-clock service ensures that you can travel at any time, providing you with peace of mind and convenience.
Comfortable and Clean Vehicles: Our fleet of vehicles is well-maintained, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Whether you're traveling alone or with a group, we have vehicles of various sizes to accommodate your needs. All our vehicles are equipped with modern amenities, including air conditioning, comfortable seating, and a clean interior, making your journey pleasant and relaxing.
Professional and Knowledgeable Drivers: Our drivers are highly trained, experienced, and possess excellent knowledge of Fort Saskatchewan and its surrounding areas. They are familiar with the best routes, traffic patterns, and local attractions, ensuring that you reach your destination efficiently. Our drivers prioritize your safety and comfort throughout the journey.
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Our Services:
Airport Transfers: FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca offers convenient airport transfer services to and from Edmonton International Airport (YEG) and other nearby airports. Our drivers will ensure that you reach the airport or your destination from the airport on time, eliminating the stress of travel logistics.
Local Transportation: Whether you need to run errands, attend meetings, or explore the local attractions in Fort Saskatchewan, our cab service is at your disposal. Our drivers will take you wherever you need to go within the city, allowing you to focus on your tasks or enjoy the sights without worrying about parking or navigating unfamiliar streets.
Out-of-Town Travel: Planning a trip outside Fort Saskatchewan? Our cab service is available for out-of-town travel as well. Whether you're heading to a neighboring city, attending an event, or visiting family and friends, our drivers will ensure a comfortable and hassle-free journey.
Corporate Transportation: We also cater to corporate clients, providing reliable transportation for business meetings, conferences, and other professional events. Our punctual and professional service ensures that you arrive at your destination in a timely and efficient manner.
How to Book with FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca?
Booking a cab with FortSaskatchewanTaxi.ca is quick and easy. You can book through our website, fortsaskatchewantaxi.ca, or give us a call at [phone number]. Our friendly customer support team will assist you with the booking process and answer any questions you may have.
Name: Fort Saskatchewan Taxi
Address: 9940 99 Ave Unit 232, Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 4G8, Canada
Phone no: +1 780-753-0000
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clochanamarc · 1 year
I 👏 WANT 👏 THE 👏 K 👏
she notices it more now than ever before. the rising number of events that simply don't make sense. earthquakes ricocheting through the expanse of eurasia and africa. storms that rip apart concrete buildings and spit the debris around canada and north america. floods and landslides swallowing acres in south america. she feels that crackle in the air, the way the air seems tense, as though the very universe itself is begging for someone to take notice. and yet, nobody does. no reporter nor renowned scientist steps up to reveal some terrifying truth behind these events. nobody even seems to recognize these things are happening at all.
and then, one day, trent picks up the phone. a retired footballer residing in texas wants to contribute to his new book. and in a characteristically observant way, trent noticed that aisling's facial expressions have a tendency to shift whenever that state is mentioned.
a thing that only trent crimm can notice. but still, she accepts the invitation.
and now, they're in texas, at the heart of the most torrential rainstorm they've ever seen this side of 1973. and trent is sprinting to his old vintage cadillac, and she thinks she was following him, until the damn rain stopped. not gradually. not even in the swiftly conclusive way that rain sometimes has a mind to do. but entirely and in the blink of an eye. like the heavens just swung the door shut as fast as they were opened. a forked branch of lightning brightens the sky. and the moment it touches a tree, splitting it clean in two, a fresh burst of rain surges from the divided trunk, drenching her once again.
a door. THE door. the same kind that brought her into lee's world, and then into the angels' world, and the very same kind that have been irrevocably sealed eight months ago. she doesn't waste time with thinking. no. this time, she pulls the zip of her jacket up to her throat. and while trent stares on in wonder, she sprints into the halved tree, and...
and he's there! soaked! rain cascading over his leather sleeves, face bewildered, both of them saturated and gasping and she's not sure if she's ever known a beauty quite like him, not in her world.
so is it any wonder that her hands reach up, feet arched, head tipped, and brings her lips to his like she's dying of thirst and he's the only water worth drinking? that her thumbs trace over his cheekbones, capturing every feature and detail, rain cold and lungs burning and yet, she could never imagine being anywhere else. anywhere other than by the side of a man who can inspire such impossible things and immeasurable feelings, just by being there.
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fareskhalifa · 1 year
How Can I Talk to Someone from Air Canada?
Do you always have to pay for seat selection on Air Canada?
 Air Canada allows passengers to select their desired seat on a flight for the journey. It can be done without any charges or on payment of fees under specific terms and conditions. If you have reservations on an Air Canada flight and want to choose a seat, please acquire the knowledge of the seat selection policy and process. 
Air Canada seat selection policy:
Passengers can select their preferred seats on the flight in advance after booking and during the check-in for the scheduled flight.
The seat can be chosen till 2 hours prior to the flight's departure.
If the seat is selected within 24 hours of booking, no charges will be levied on the passenger.
Seat selection is strictly subject to availability of the desired seat.
Sometimes, passengers may have to pay a fare difference to choose a seat from the upgraded flight class.
No fee would be payable if the passenger seats in the same class.
The first/business class passengers also can choose a seat without extra cost.
The seat selection will be subject to other terms and conditions of Air Canada.
The process of Air Canada seat selection:
If you wish to get a preferred seat on an Air Canada flight, please try the ways illustrated below to choose and confirm the desired seat.
Online selection of seat: Passengers can quickly book a seat for the journey through an online procedure as elaborated in the steps below:
Go to the official website of Air Canada 
Click on the Book tab on the homepage
Choose the Advanced seat selection from the list 
Enter your Aeroplane number and email with the password
Click on sign in  
Choose seat selection option from the list
Select the preferred seat from the available seat map
Make the payment for selecting the preferred seat, if required
Enter the other necessary information about the flight to complete the process
You will get an email on the registered email address to confirm the seat booking on the flight.
You can access the seat selection from the Air Canada app from the phone from booking the tickets till two hours before the flight’s departure.
Call customer service: passengers can also select a seat on Air Canada by requesting an authorized customer service person. To connect on the  Air Canada contact number and get appropriate help for booking a preferred seat on a flight, please go through the mentioned steps.
Call 1 888 247 2262
Hear the IVR instructions 
Press the option to reach an Air Canada person 
Request for assistance on selection of seat
Share the information of the flight and the ticket
Pay for the service fee of seat selection
Get instant confirmation from the customer service on the booked seat.
At the Airport:  While you check in at the airport, you can request a desired seat that can be assigned depending on the availability.  
Air Canada seat selection fee:
 The seats on Air Canada can be chosen for free or with fees depending on the following
Fare type of the ticket
Time of seat selection
However, the amount can vary between 19$ - 100$ to choose a preferred seat.
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khusbu123 · 1 year
How To Book United Airlines Reservation Online
United Airlines is a government-run airline that allows people to fly anywhere in the globe and get there quickly. This airline offers the greatest amenities and is highly practical for the general public. According to your budget, there are airlines with inexpensive ticket prices that are both greater and lower. Regardless of your financial situation, you can get a flight ticket if you're organising a trip with your family and friends. If you don't understand the reservation policy, you might suffer damages. As a result, the majority of us are unaware of reservations, thus I recommend reading the reservation policy. If you do not experience these issues after that, you should book your flight. It offers the greatest services, and booking flights is now quite easy For the traveller who wishes to reserve United Airlines, it is simple. If you want to make an online reservation, you must first register on the official website. You can then go to the official website to login using your phone number or other sources in your credentials book through United airline reservation. When the website loads, you can see the button on the homepage's left side and click it. If you have already registered, enter your login information and password. If not, go through the sign-up procedure to get started. Investigating contact between and United Airlines is beneficial. The following step is to click Select the flight choice, begin your reservation, and select the locations and points of origin you like. The following step is to pick the number of people and the date of travel, as well as the kind of travel (such as roundtrip or one-way). You will then see another option where you must select a ticket's fare class. After that, after selecting all the choices, click the button for the flight ticket. With the aid of these procedures, you can locate and see on your screen flight-related searches with various flight timings and ticket prices that are offered. The last step is to select a flight that meets your needs in terms of time, date, and ticket price. Fill the passenger's first name, last name, and date of birth, then click the proceed button. Then, after selecting a payment method for the payment application, you must pay the ticket fee associated with your reservation using a debit card or credit card. Your purchase is now complete, and your reservation has been confirmed. By according to these instructions and engaging with them according to their regulations, passengers can both cancel and buy their flight tickets. Airlines provide online booking choices, and they will amend your booking if you want to change your seat. You may adjust your comfort level to your seat. Airlines provide a range of cabins from which passengers can select one based on their needs and financial situation. The mileage plus programme, which rewards travellers with points for potential acquisitions. All MileagePlus members have free access to the seat at all times. Other services are available to passengers. Depending on the ticket's fare class, United Airlines offers a variety of cabin options. On foreign flights to places like the Caribbean, Canada, and Central America, United Business seats are available. This airline is permitted to bring one carry-on bag and one personal item, such as a briefcase, handbag, laptop, or backpack, however the luggage must exceed 22 inches in length, 14 inches in width, or 9 inches in the top. Additionally, personal things shouldn't be more than 17 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 9 inches tall. Other resources, such as those offered by agents and your nearby United airlines office.
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pickreservations · 1 year
What is the Flight Change Policy of Air Transat?
Air Transat is Canada's leading airline, headquartered in Montreal, Quebec. If you have booked a flight ticket on this airline and want to make some changes to your flight booking at Air Transat, the concerned policies are given:
The changes on a flight are allowed till 24 hours before the flight’s departure.
People can make flight date, time, or destination changes per their comfort.
The changes requested within 24 hours of booking will be free of cost.
Eco budget tickets of Air Transat are not allowed for any change after 24 hours of booking.
There can be fare differences when a passenger makes changes on their flight. If the fare goes higher, you will need to pay the difference.
How can I change my flight date on Air Transat?
The procedure for changing flight date are as follows:
Visit the site of Air Transat,
Select the “Manage My Booking” tab,
Put the details and search for your itinerary,
Now, navigate the “Change” option on the itinerary details page,
Choose the “Date Change” option on the drop-down menu,
Do the required changes,
And then select the flight you want to book,
You may need to pay the high fare difference,
Then my date will be changed on your booking at Air Transat.
What charges do I have to pay for the flight change?
There are no charges for a flight change at Air Transat, and you can manage your booking for free as per your comfort. Though for, the eco budget ticket holders have limited time to make any changes to their flight ticket, which is 24 hours from the reservation and is free of charge as well. There may be a flight fare difference when you change your flight which should be paid for by the passengers.
How many times does Air Transat do flight change for free
Air Transat has not provided a limited time for doing the changes on your flight for free. So, you can make changes without any charges as many times as you want. But the fare difference will be separate, which should be paid if the new flight costs are higher than the previous flight booking.
How can I contact Air Transat customer support?
If you are wondering about contacting Air Transat Customer Support, you can use the phone number: 1 (877)-6278 to reach a concerned person. You may ask questions related to Air Transat flight change and take help from an executive to make the necessary changes to your flight booking.
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henryclark1 · 2 years
How do I contact Air Canada customer service?
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Air Canada is the largest airline of Canada. It is known to be Canada's flag carrier and has also been a founding member of Star Alliance. Air Canada provides absolute service to six continents. Amazingly, throughout North America, Skytrax has ranked Air Canada with a Four – Star ranking. So, people usually look on Google for How do I Talk to Live Person at Air Canada? Interestingly, frequent travellers give Air Canada a remarkable rating of 7.5/10. Furthermore, records show that for the last one year the rating has been moving upwards. 
Depending upon their requirements travellers across the world look for the most appropriate number to contact Air Canada. Either for information or just to resolve an issue Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada for best experience. For any query get directly in touch with Air Canada Customer Service at 1 (888) 247 2262. 
Benefits of - Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada?
Every coin has two facets and the same concept goes with air travelling. Many times in life you need an expert to talk to for utmost satisfaction and peace of mind. Today’s Artificially Programmed Machines can’t serve your purpose so nicely like a person. Air Canada Customer Support Executives are available 24/7 to provide the best and absolute assistance to all its travellers. Therefore, call directly at 1 (888) 247 2262 to get the most personalised answer while thinking about How Do I Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada? After calling on this number you need just to follow some instructions accurately to get in touch with an executive. You have to keep pressing the right option step by step.
Why and When Do I Need to Contact Air Canada Customer Service?
Instead of today’s AI oriented tools people across the world rely more upon live executives for utmost gratification.  Furthermore, the best thing about Air Canada is its 24/7 Customer Service that you can easily opt for in person conversation. Here are some of the relevant reasons for which you need to contact an executive in person through Air Canada Customer Service.
Ø  To get information about Baggage Allowance –
Ø  To make an Instant Flight Booking –
Ø  To know about Airfares –
Ø  To know about any upcoming Deals or Offers –
Ø  To know about the Cancellation Process and Policy –
Ø  To seek assistance regarding Group Reservation –
Ø  To get any Technical Support –
Whatever the reason you have, it's fair to speak to an executive directly to clear all doubts.  On the other hand you have some other options as well to get in touch with the Air Canada Customer Service department.
Other Methods to contact Air Canada Customer Support 
At this point, apart from Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada there are still three other options to get in touch with the customer support department. You may prefer any of the following options that suits you the best –
Ø  Contact through Email:
In case you are not satisfied with your previous experience and you want to share your experience or want to give feedback you can write an Email to Air Canada. Your Email will be answered by the Air Canada team at the earliest.
Ø  Contact through Chat:
In case you encounter issues in the midst of a phone call you can also choose the chat option. It’s definitely a quick and shot-shot option to contact a representative from Air Canada. In case you are not satisfied with it, the system will help you to Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada.
Ø  Contact through Social Media:
Interestingly, a specialised team for different social media platforms is always ready to help you out from any confusion at any spur of the moment. Air Canada is actively available on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube etc. You can directly send your messages/queries to the airline officials. 
What kind of issues can’t be resolved by a phone call?
Air Canada Customer Support Executives promptly take action and short-out various kinds of issues faced by passengers, such as ticketing, ticket cancellation, tracking luggage, researching credit card charges, etc.
You can also contact live executives requesting for the arrangement for an unaccompanied passenger or to make sure that a disabled person will be assisted appropriately while on boarding. You will be answered mildly and your concern will be taken care of properly when you search for How Do I Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada? You just have to call the Air Canada Customer Service at 1 (888) 247 2262.
Many people send queries pertaining to boarding, necessary documents for smooth travelling experience, in-flight experience, luggage allowances, etc. They provide you with the best information and utmost support in the best possible way. 
Concluding Points:
Speaking to the Air Canada Customer Service definitely is the most perfect option to wipe out all your queries in the right way.  It will also assist you in almost everything related to a smooth, safe, and comfortable air-travelling. So, to enjoy the best air-travelling experience give a call at 1 (888) 247 2262 or +1-845-459-2806 for instant support. Now stop wasting your time in looking for How do I Contact Air Canada Customer Service? Plan your next trip with Air Canada with the best customer support experience.
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askallegiantflyfare · 2 years
How do I Speak to an Air Canada Representative?
Sometimes, there are problems when you cannot book a flight or cancel it. But you can search for How do I talk to a live person at Air Canada? Get help related to the other quarries. 
However, there are other things that you can talk about with them. 
On the other hand, it's the largest Canadian airline that always provides you with the best travel experience. However, the other things are the Cabins that are divided into business, economy & premium economy. There are several other benefits for you. 
How do I talk to the Air Canada live person?
The passengers can dial the official number of the airline, 1 (888) 247-2262 & contact them. 
How to contact the airlines through the over ways?
You can go through the below points:
The commuters can send an official mail to connect with the Air Canada live representative for Air Canada Seat Selection . Here, you need to describe the whole thing in the best ways & get the solution. 
2. Live Chat:
On the other hand, travellers can also get through the airline executives via live chat. However, the advantage is getting an instant revert that can help you best get any information. 
Moreover, these are among the best ways to contact with a live person at Air Canada to resolve your issues. 
3. Social media:
You can also follow the airlines on different social media platforms. These are such as Facebook, Twitter &, etc. Although you need to type the problems & they'll provide you with the best assistance. 
How to start with a live chat with the airline representative?
If you want to start with a live chat, then below are the points:
Visit the official website of Air Canada.
Now, scroll down & hit the contact information option
As you get directed to the next page, you can find the "Ask us a Question" option at the bottom.
However, click on it & thus start chatting with them. 
Although, you need to mention everything & therefore get an immediate answer from the other end. 
How to connect with Air Canada on the phone?
If you wish to Talk to a Live Person at Air Canada on call, then below are the steps:
The first option will be the same as above.
However, click on the contact information below.
Now, you can see a new page with all the contact details 
However, dial the number that is relevant to your concerns
After that, wait for some time & listen to the automated voice 
Here, you need to press a specific number & will get to speak directly with the Air Canada customer manager. 
At last, please provide them with all the details Air about your problem & they'll assist you. 
How can airline executives help you?
They can provide all the respective details about the trip:
Get to know about the terms & conditions of the missed & flight cancellation.
Details about the refund process
Information about the seat selection process. 
Assistance about the baggage related services 
Please learn about the different kinds of fees & the ways to avoid them. 
So, these are some of the essential details that are helpful & essential to know. 
How to connect the airlines for delayed or damaged baggage issues?
You can dial the toll-free number 1 888 689-BAGS (2247) from Canada & US 24x7. However, you can get all the details about the measurements & weight.
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