#Ais stain glass eyes might be ey3cstrain
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Chibi references of the Newtwo bloodline (so far) that's canon to my art universe, in order we have IMP, MIA and AI
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Imp is my world equivalent of Newt, I've changed her lore a bit in that she was made using the fossilised dna of one of the original 7 mews but with the damages the scientists put fairy pokemon dna in to fix the gaps and to make Imp more docile and obedient hence 'improved' compared to Axel who was more violent. It's also why her design is different fingers less pronunced tail thinner like a mews ect.
As Axel is a rebirth child (my mews when like tired of immortality can essential go to sleep have their dna body structure rearrange and scramble itself to be remade into an entirely new mew/s, sometime it makes a whole new adult sometimes many babies) of an original mew, it means him and Imp are actually quite similar coming from the dna directly from one of the originals, and while he envies her and did likely despise her for escaping the trauma he suffered he came to realise she has her own different but just as significant and heavy trauma and thus ends up feeling sorry for her and looking out for her.
Imp developed and had working reproductive organs and without her knowledge or consent had them harvested so that the group that made her had her eggs to make more mewtwo in future if she was deemed a success or failure.
When Imp escaped MIA was created, though she likely had a different designation upon birth, they figured they were too friendly with Imp gave her too much chance to realise they weren't good so kept MIA as purely a fighting unit used in battle and not coddled. This also failed as she felt no loyalty nor care for her human handlers and was sedated and put into a tank to be kept there indefinitely body harvested for parts or used for growing new twos as they saw fit. The sedatives however wore off quicker than anticipated and she managed to flee, rather than accept blame for this major fumble they changed her file to Missing In Action and assumed Killed in action to cover their own asses.
MIA knows she had a mother unit as she'd heard more than she let on but didn't care enough to get any strong feelings about it. Imp doesn't know MIA exists.
Before escaping MIA also had her eggs taken and from them her daughter AI, coddling didn't work neither did using for battle so this one was going to be kept in a purely scientific environment with her only purpose being making more mewtwo when physically able. AI came out prematurely due to complications meaning she is only a teenager physically and mentally and therefore isn't ready for incubation but she is authorised to be used for such as soon as she's able.
AI was told her mother abandoned her and that her handlers took her in caring for her in her sickly newborn state and thus they've created an artificial sense of familiarity and that AI owes them and must behave accordingly to thank them for their care. MIA doesn't know AI exists, and neither does Imp.
Something something metaphors of motherhood and daughter bonds maybe? Idk
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