#Mewtwo oc AI
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Chibi references of the Newtwo bloodline (so far) that's canon to my art universe, in order we have IMP, MIA and AI
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Imp is my world equivalent of Newt, I've changed her lore a bit in that she was made using the fossilised dna of one of the original 7 mews but with the damages the scientists put fairy pokemon dna in to fix the gaps and to make Imp more docile and obedient hence 'improved' compared to Axel who was more violent. It's also why her design is different fingers less pronunced tail thinner like a mews ect.
As Axel is a rebirth child (my mews when like tired of immortality can essential go to sleep have their dna body structure rearrange and scramble itself to be remade into an entirely new mew/s, sometime it makes a whole new adult sometimes many babies) of an original mew, it means him and Imp are actually quite similar coming from the dna directly from one of the originals, and while he envies her and did likely despise her for escaping the trauma he suffered he came to realise she has her own different but just as significant and heavy trauma and thus ends up feeling sorry for her and looking out for her.
Imp developed and had working reproductive organs and without her knowledge or consent had them harvested so that the group that made her had her eggs to make more mewtwo in future if she was deemed a success or failure.
When Imp escaped MIA was created, though she likely had a different designation upon birth, they figured they were too friendly with Imp gave her too much chance to realise they weren't good so kept MIA as purely a fighting unit used in battle and not coddled. This also failed as she felt no loyalty nor care for her human handlers and was sedated and put into a tank to be kept there indefinitely body harvested for parts or used for growing new twos as they saw fit. The sedatives however wore off quicker than anticipated and she managed to flee, rather than accept blame for this major fumble they changed her file to Missing In Action and assumed Killed in action to cover their own asses.
MIA knows she had a mother unit as she'd heard more than she let on but didn't care enough to get any strong feelings about it. Imp doesn't know MIA exists.
Before escaping MIA also had her eggs taken and from them her daughter AI, coddling didn't work neither did using for battle so this one was going to be kept in a purely scientific environment with her only purpose being making more mewtwo when physically able. AI came out prematurely due to complications meaning she is only a teenager physically and mentally and therefore isn't ready for incubation but she is authorised to be used for such as soon as she's able.
AI was told her mother abandoned her and that her handlers took her in caring for her in her sickly newborn state and thus they've created an artificial sense of familiarity and that AI owes them and must behave accordingly to thank them for their care. MIA doesn't know AI exists, and neither does Imp.
Something something metaphors of motherhood and daughter bonds maybe? Idk
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penumbramewtwos · 6 months
Short story around the time of Unova's capture, and of Okita's origins.
Hearing nothing but echoing corridors, Gary Oak was sure he was done for after his trip into an infamous Aunuran desert Trapinch hole. With his head bound, he knew he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He hears a familiar craggy voice address him as he's pushed onto a chair and bound in an unknown room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Said the unknown voice, Gary's ears piped up as the man continued.
"Just as nosy as your grandfather in the pursuit of knowledge, rest assured your nosiness ends here."
After the statement from the unknown man, Gary's head covering had been lifted off, revealing a dark room with a spotlight upon himself. He knows this man… Not only from the Kanto region, but as the head of Rocket industries in Aunura, Giovanni.
"tch, well well, I knew that old man stink was bound to be you. This whole place smells of retirement home and failed yakuza." Gary quipped.
Giovanni, looking the same as he did back in the mid 2000's aside from the hair dye running down his face, leaned in from his wheelchair towards Gary to offer a deal out of this place alive. "I know what you've been digging up… Our team has taken the liberty of confiscating your 'findings'. Rest assured, you won't be publishing any of them; in fact, you'll do as I say or you'll end up more dismembered than that arm you collected."
Giovanni leaned back in his wheelchair, with a large grin on his face creasing his crows feet even more. Gary was unphased by the threat and smirked back at the acquaintance as he spoke back in a nonchalant manner, "I heard on the grape-vine you're getting back into the genetics commissioning game, and had to check it out for myself! Seems like whichever geneticist you hired this time can't even get one of those creatures to form properl-"
"Enough talk!" shouted Giovanni. "There's one more thing, seeing as you're so interested in our development"
Giovanni leant forward once more with a stern look on his face, as Gary remained stonewalled. "Your skills will be needed here one day, 'Professor Oak', I know you've been collecting and studying Arceus plates for medical research for some time now."
Gary's eyes shuddered in anger, "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I W-"
"You despise the thought of pokemon in pain, and I'm giving you an opportunity to t-"
"Yeah yeah… So you'll put them in pain so I can take them out of it… Sounds completely ethical to do that to an innocent creature, Artificial or not…"
Giovanni paused and smirked as he leant back in his wheelchair. "So you know of the pokemon Mewtwo, and it's origins"
Gary Squirmed within his bound state in a fit of fury, "Why are you making so many!??! Some of them are still alive out there! The ones your disgusting cronies buried and chopped!"
"It doesn't matter, those ones are merely unable to form, as you put it yourself, Gary… We're nearly there, and I will have one obey my commands if it's the last thing I do on this Earth!" Givovanni coughed loud and hoarsely at the end of his statement. No one would tell if it was just his talking or the musty dark room that caused it.
Just as Gary was squirming around in his bindings, he'd been slowly able to get a pokeball to finally drop from his pants pocket, unleashing his Arcanine. "Grrrrwaarrh!!!"
In what felt like a flash, Arcanine chomped it's way through Gary's bindings and shoved Giovanni backwards into the wall with it's hind legs with no hesitation. Gary grabbed a hold of his Arcanine before using a teleportation device he refers to as 'Escape rope'.
Two Team rocket grunts charge into the room to assist the frail Giovanni as his phone rang, "Sir you need to see the medic! You shouldn't take thuds like tha-"
Groaning from the incident, Giovanni reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a black rotom phone, answering it in a huff. "This better be good news! Have you found more DNA from the Unovan experiment, Drake!?"
Through the video call is a bright, curly haired woman with a piercingly defiant voice. Some of the team rocket grunts refer to her as 'the clown', as a smile has barely ever wiped off her face. Except for those few who tell tales of a grim reality behind the mask… "It's always good news! You just don't know how to take progress, ahahaha!!!"
Giovanni stared blankly into the phone's camera as she cackled, before continuing, "ahah… Well, not only did we get the rest of the samples, but we got the main cretin themselves here! Well, we let it go after we t-"
"YOU LET IT GO!?!?!? THAT WAS OUR CHANCE TO CLONE HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF THEM, YOU FUCKING IMBI- what!?" As Giovanni began to unleash his tirade, the clown, known formally as Professor Kana Drake, showed him a fogged up glass and metal chamber with what appeared to be a nearly complete foetus of a mewtwo.
"I hope you're read to listen or you wont get your kitty cats!" She widely grinned and giggled through her words.
"We let her go, as we still don't know how she even got pregnant in the first place"
"P-Pregnant!?" Giovanni spluttered, "They're pokemon? They are meant to have"
"Yes, Eggs! Ahahaha! We thought it best to let her go and hope that she is found again with another baby just for us, Gio!"
She laughed more and more maniacally before continuing "This one will be a sure thing, fuse it with a docile psychic pokemon or psychically gifted human and it'll be too indecisive to think for itself!"
Giovanni grumbled with reluctance, putting more faith in the eccentric genetisist. "Drake… Once you bring it back here, I'll take care of the other component…"
"Hahahaha!! Of course sir! I knew you'd understa-"
Giovanni had hung up before she even had a chance to finish. He leans forward again, almost lost in thought. A grunt goes to ask about his condition before they're cut off by Giovanni. "Have the Gym leaders of Symphony come to their senses yet?"
The grunt blankly stares at him before checking his watch in a hurry "a-ahh! sorry sir, right away! … … Their last email reads… uh…'Get fucked, we own the gym by law, no 'protection' money will be paid… Sincerely, Ai and Amare Spes… P S … How do you plan on forcing it from us? Your pokemon are undertrained and undervalued'."
Giovanni must have been infected with the clown's disposition as his smile widened, wrinkling his elderly face as he looked at an email on his rotom phone.
"Well, how about that… According to my intelligence division, they've frozen an embryo in recent days… How lucky for us".
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joviantwelve · 4 months
okay you said you had a pokémon fanregion in your head, and now i gotta hear all about that, is the thing
OH god actually it's really funny how much shit that was in it has come to pass in canon by now, because I originally conceptualized it circa gen 4. It's usually what I think about if I think of like pokemon fancharacters or whatever. here we fuckin go
It was based on the Holon region in the TCG which has pokemon with funny types. we have Tera types now... the idea was that it would be begin further expanding and adding its own League and whatnot. I put it as above Johto/Kanto so relatively gen 1&2 selection of mons. keeping it simple.
it was more about the Weird Type Shit, which the pokemon prof of the region was studying under an organization she was a part of (the evil team, which was not branded as "Team (x)" just like Aether Foundation lmao). anomalies to track down and whatnot. but they were also inducing it themselves and studying other detected anomalies in the region. or sometimes the experiments they did created new, unintended anomalies of their own
this was mostly to make Missingno canon. which is like the only thing that hasn't still come to pass yet (BUT IT SHOULD!!!!!!). my dearest darlingest Missingno, the entire reason I love glitches today, was effectively my box legendary. the backstory of the prof was much like Lusamine in that she saw this Fucking Weird Pokemon a long time ago due to her Experiments and it fucked her up and she became a weird bad anime mom afterward. SHE EVEN HAD A DEAD HUSBAND!!!!!!! I FUCKIN INVENTED LUSAMINE FIRST
oh I should mention the "protag" analogue of the region WAS the professor's child. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you had to fight your mom. who is the prof. who is also the evil team leader. and corrupted by some messed up videogame code. damn that sucks
later when we started getting more AI-feeling Rotom characters, I imagined a Rotom in a more robot/android body as one of the team underlings. he was the protag's buddy back home but now he has to fight you :( sorry i dont wanna do this but my programming is telling me to (throws a pokeball out halfheartedly)
(ASIDE: I remember in the first movie when they were like flabbergasted at Mewtwo technically qualifying as a pokemon trainer. that was kinda fucked up and weird, can we go back to that? tbh when I think about it, a lot of the vibe of my fanregion is based on how Weird early pokemon gens felt. they really dont make it like this anymore. Ape Inc became Creatures, I'm certain some EarthBound talent factored in)
I think I was also imagining weird-typed versions of the legendary birds for a trio, which is funny cuz we got Galarian versions of them now too....
Hooke was originally a Pokemon OC and was my first one actually, he ran a Dark-type gym because one didn't exist in canon yet. he was ex-Team Rocket and moved up north to turn a new leaf. thought it fit Dark's vibe as like the Schemer Type. I had to wait amazingly long for an actual Dark-type gym in canon which is kinda funny. it actually felt a little sad when we finally got one because it had been 11 years since I had made Hooke in protest of this
if you remember my OC Serafine (she doesnt have a TH SORRY), she was also an evil team exec.
she doesn't have a modern analogue but another one of the fancharacters was the rival-type one and she was Lt. Surge's spoiled neice
the Ghost-type gym leader I can describe as a Super Nerd with the constitution of the Hiker. can see ghosts but is a social outcast but more in a nerd sense than a goth sense. I liked him a lot but I haven't had anywhere to put him :(
the Psychic-type leader was extremely tsundere and her mind reading helped her out with all those tsundere insecurities (now she's just paranoid and preemptively reads people's minds)
the Fire- and Steel-type leaders were a duo battle of "smoke and mirrors" themed magicians. and also married
this is largely stream of consciousness I hope this post makes SENSE
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epicspheal · 1 year
I've been thinking a bit about my OCs since their all champions and what was that "it factor" for them that allowed them to claim to the title For Jack, it's surprisingly his work ethic. I say surprisingly because he is a royal and the majority of royals tend to have a silver spoon stuck in their mouths. He does have as well, but he manages to actually work on building his team and training them compared to say the likes of Sordward and Shieldbert. And feeding them curry so they have a strong bond with him. That also makes the whole turning his team into shadow Pokemon in a last-ditch effort to attempt to ensure his victory over Leon even more heartbreaking. Adding to that, Jack is easily one of the most ruthless of my Champion OCs...but he's in line with other older champions (think around Mustard and Alder's age, like Professor Oak) who were incredibly ruthless battlers. Then you have little miss Calla who is by far the most tenacious of my champion OCs. She has to be as a poison-type specialist in order to make up for the lack of offensive presence. It took her a lot of effort into crafting strategies and movesets to allow her poison types to shine and secure wins especially under the strict rules of the Galarian League challenge which meant she could only lose to any gym leader 3 times before automatically being kicked out. This also makes Calla one of the more outright strategic battlers in cactusverse especially in Galar which tends to focus a bit more offensive techniques. Valen is easily my most adaptable champion OC. His AI allows him to quickly scan the battle field, the various conditions and be able to come up with plans for his Pokemon. If a plan fails, no problem! He can come up with another one faster than the human mind can think. He's also incredibly friendly. Like generally my champion OCs all have good bonds with their Pokemon, but Valen takes it to like Red Levels of bonding if not higher. His ability to bond with wary legendaries like Mewtwo and Ultra Necrozma and calm down the various Ultra beasts gives him an absolute edge in battle as his Pokemon are willing to fight for him no matter what
Jabari, being a huge user of mega evolution and bond phenomenon also prioritizes high bonds with his Pokemon making them that much more in sync and allowing them tank hits and statuses they otherwise wouldn't out of affection for him. Jabari is also the most experimental of my champion OCs as he is willing to test out various strategies, moves, items, and gimmicks to see what works and what doesn't for his team. Marsha is easily my most daring of the champion OCs. Given that she's not afraid to punch the lights out of the likes of Lusamine and Rainbow Rocket Giovanni and Ghetsis it stands to reason that her daring attitude would transfer over to her battling style. While she is very calculated in battling she's not afraid to put it all on the line and at the highest levels of battling sometimes that's what it takes to secure the win. She also tends to be very opportunistic as she takes advantage of any statuses that may hinder her opponent. Cami is extremely resourceful and hardworking of the champion OCs. She's no battle prodigy by any means so she had to be willing to learn from others and take what she liked from them to make her own unique battle strategy. She wasn't afraid to take it slow, tackling the gyms and eventually the league in between her rigorous medical school classes. She's also probably the most cautious of my champion OCs owing to her medical background. Sometimes this has definitely worked against her in battle but many times it's worked in her favor as it allowed her to take advantage of her opponents who favored riskier strategies
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Lost in Space #48
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
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BROKEN URLs Tony Tony Chopper (broken link) (APARTMENT 306) Rocksteady (broken link) (HOUSE 105)
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Illyasviel von Einzbern (HOUSE 128)
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Rosa Cervantes (Rosa Cervantes’ Penthouse (4BR) - Archimedes)
The Collector (APARTMENT 320)
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Akira Kurusu (HOUSE 114)
Mewtwo (Respite (6BR)) (The City of Glass)
Looney Bird (APARTMENT 308)
Death of the Endless (APARTMENT 320)
Specter Knight (HOUSE 105)
Doctor Starline (HOUSE 115)
Sally Acorn (CONDO 419)
Sonic the Hedgehog (APARTMENT 315)
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Rocksteady (broken link) (HOUSE 105)
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Floyd Leech (CONDO 406)
Malleus Draconia (HOUSE 109)
Riddle Rosehearts (CONDO 404)
Asgore Dreemurr (APARTMENT 311)
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dogesphere · 2 months
Very pleased, just finished a good chunk of planning for my Pokémon OC I’ve had in the works for awhile. I’m honestly just stuck on her name, haha. I kinda based her on my Pokémon Go avatar (an old hair glitch tbh) but I don’t want to use that name. Maybe once I actually draw her it’ll come to me…
But I planned out her team (down to their names - which may change - and nature/characteristic/ability/moves lol) and a bit of a background, huzzah~ It’s probably a bit too early to share anything yet, since I’m still figuring it out. But I rambled under the cut anyway if you want to read it!
I’m planning this to be an ask blog kind of, where it’s set up to be kinda like Lucy’s “The Doctor Is In” a la Charlie Brown. Though she doesn’t like people much, the main character is a scientist dedicated to her research. Her newest experiment is to set up her partner Ampersand (Porygon2 - or maybe Porygon-Z, but 2 does fit with the pokedex entry. I haven’t decided tbh - unique form? Hmm) to answer questions using its AI.
“AI has been installed in it. It learns various things all on its own, but it even remembers things it doesn't need to know.” (Porygon2 - Pokedex Ultra Sun)
Meant to be a fun satire blog, I will come up with completely ridiculous AI-esq suggestions/answers full of obvious misinformation for Porygon2 to give. I may eventually post comics since I’ve already got stories in my head - who knows.
Name: ???
Age: 30
Gender: F
Occupation: Team Magma Scientist (Geneticist)
About: One of the Scientists for Team Magma. She was “recruited” (grabbed off the street on her way to the store by some grunts because they had trouble finding her introverted ass) personally by Maxie for her expertise in genetics and her unique ability* to find shiny Pokémon easier than others, even if she is a bit different and prefers the company of Pokémon to people. Because of this ability, she exclusively uses shiny or uniquely colored Pokémon on her small team. The real reason she agreed to work with Team Magma is because she developed a crush on Courtney/Kagiri during her forced interview. There are rumors she was actually recruited to develop pokemon similar to Mewtwo after Maxie figured out her secret weapon during a fight with Tabitha/Homura.
* Her natural odds are 1/1365 - the same as a shiny charm.
Name: Ampersand
Species: Porygon2 (unique coloration/pattern - uncertain)
Nature: Quirky - Somewhat of a clown
Ability: Download
Moves: Toxic/Ice Beam/Tri Attack/Thunderbolt
About: Porygon was her original partner pokemon, met on accident in the lab as a child - she insisted upon it instead of a regular starter because she liked the unique coloration. She recently installed AI which caused Ampersand to evolve. They are often seen zipping around or spacing out, but their favorite thing to do is providing answers to questions utilizing their new AI.
Name: Autumn
Species: Nickit (F)
Nature: Timid - Quick to flee
Ability: Run Away
Moves: Tail Whip/Nasty Plot/Beat Up/Sucker Punch
About: The very first wild Pokémon she encountered after starting an adventure together with Ampersand, which solidified her love of shiny Pokémon. Autumn does not battle, but rather is a pet and even wears a collar that has an Everstone on it. Autumn is very shy and not easy to find (even though she’s always in the same room as ??? - excellent stealth and hiding skills) unless she is taking a nap on Persephone.
Name: Chestnut (Not set)
Species: Sigilyph (F)
Nature: Modest - Mischievous
Ability: Tinted Lens
Moves: Roost/Psychic/Psyshock/Air Slash
About: Chestnut has to be kept in her ball most of the time, she is constantly getting into trouble and bothering the grunts in the base if left to her own devices. She is too smart for her own good and uses that to pull pranks. In reality she was the last guardian of an ancient city that is now gone, and is just making up for being bored and alone for so long.
Name: Miette
Species: Garchomp (F)
Nature: Jolly - Somewhat vain
Ability: Rough Skin
Moves: Swords Dance/Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Iron Head
About: Miette is an odd coloration, she actually has similar colors to shiny Mega Garchomp. She is quite full of herself and spends a lot of time on her appearance. Thinks she is above most others, annoyed when made to battle. Would much rather be in Contests, where she usually wins.
Name: Persephone
Species: Scolipede (F)
Nature: Docile - Likes to relax
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Swords Dance/Megahorn/Poison Jab/Aqua Tail
About: While she’s happiest taking a nap, Persephone is a fierce sweeper when it comes to battling. She normally keeps to herself, but Autumn loves to use her as a bed so they can often be seen sleeping together.
Name: Beefsteak (AKA Beef)
Species: Dracozolt
Nature: Naughty - Likes to Eat
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Taunt/Bolt Break/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw
About: The reason she traveled to Galar in the first place - to revive a Dracozolt. She read about them in books growing up, and traveled with Ampersand once they became partners as soon as she was able. They are now a constant pain in her side, heavy duty locks had to be installed on the kitchen both in her house and at work so it doesn’t eat everything. If they get together with Chestnut it can be a recipe for disaster. Despite that, they are strong in battle and so she puts up with it.
Name: Zee
Species: Genetically modified Zygarde 10%
Nature: Adamant - Likes to Fight
Ability: Aura Break
Moves: Thousand Arrows/Brick Break/Will-o-Wisp/Fire Lash
About: Her prized work and secret weapon, the reason Maxie sought this scientist out. Zee is a unique Zygarde who was had its core and cells genetically enhanced as well as modified to be a Fire/Ground type. While they are fierce in battle and don’t like most people and so usually seem standoffish, they are the biggest lap dog when they feel comfortable! They are also telepathic and hard to keep quiet once they actually talk to you. They haven’t been seen outside of the 10% form, since their power has been increased they require more cells than normal to change - already requiring 20 cells and 2 cores.
Other Pokémon she keeps at her house (all shiny/uniquely colored): Alolan Marowak (F), Alolan Ninetails (M), Salazzle (F), Dhelmise, Galarian Zigzagzoon (M), Stufful (M), Pumpkaboo (F), Unown ?, Cetitan (M), Ceruledge (F), Aggron (F), Zweilous (F), Archen (F)
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Hi!! My name Is Mika, and Welcome to my blog! This is a self-ship / Self- Insert blog. I'm 23, go by he / they / them, Neurodivergent, and I have a LOT, and I mean a LOT of F/O'S I am currently in love with! I ship priority with some, but for the most part, I am romantically involved with a lot personally. Please be sure to read my blogs rules before interacting and read about page! Even sneak a peak at the Mun page for a little more backstory about me!
Louis / Free (Beastars) ⭐
Tem (ALIVE!AU, Beastars)
Asriel Dremurr (Undertale) (GoHD AU!)
Monty Gator (FNAF: SB) ⭐
Freddy Fazbear (AI AU, Five Night's at Freddy's)
Toy Bonnie (Five Night's at Freddy's 2)
Leonardo (TMNT)
Scar (The Lion King) (Anthro!AU)
Rono (Anthro AU! Bambi, ADULT VERSION OFC)
Denki Kamanari (MHA)
Fumikage Tokoyami (MHA) ⭐
Rocko Rama (Rocko's Modern Life) ⭐
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) (Involves Abuse) (TW)
Reptile (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Male!AU, Mortal Kombat)
Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat) (TOXIC RELATIONSHIP) (TW)
SkekSo / The Emperor (The Dark Crystal) (Toxic) (TW)
Wolf O'Donnel / Fox Mccloud (Star Fox) ⭐
General Grievous / Obi-wan-Kenobi (Star Wars) ⭐
Bossk (Star Wars)
Modo (Biker Mice from Mars)
Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)
Venom (Marvel)
Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)
Green Lantern (DCU)
Red Hood (DCU)
Vegito (DBZ/S) ⭐
Dyspo (DBS) (Crush)
Cooler (DBZ) (Involves Prior Slavery) (TW) ⭐
Android 17 (DBZ/S)
Cell-First Form (DBZ) (Somewhat-Toxic) (TW)
Broly (DBZ)
Goku Black (DBS) ⭐
Champa (DBS)
Death (Puss in Boots) ⭐
Weavile, Scrafty, Mewtwo, Toxicroak, Raichu, Feraligatr (Pokemon) (Pokephillic) (TW)
King Sombra (MLP: FiM) (Involves Master/Slave relationship) (TW)
Big Macintosh (MLP; FiM) (Crush)
Deathslinger (Dead by Daylight)
The Oni (Dead by Daylight) ⭐
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) (Crush)
Dante (Devil May Cry) (Crush)
Rhe'yate (Yautja) / Consollo (Sangheili) (OC'S) ⭐
Sings-In-Warmth (Argonian) / Nullin (Argonian) (The Elder Scrolls)(OC's) ⭐
Familial:  👪
Shaak-Ti / Kit Fisto (Star Wars)
Stolas / Octavia / Stella (Helluza Boss)
Moxxie / Millie (Helluva Boss)
Prince Vegeta (DBZ)
Judy Hopps / Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Chili / Bandit Heeler (Bluey)
Dawnbreaker / Nightmare Moon (MLP; FiM) (Toxic)
Gosha / Legoshi (Beastars)
Platonic: 🛏️
Ice-Man (Marvel)
Gohan (DBZ/S)
Trunks (DBZ/S)
Nightwing (DCU)
Captain Cody (Star Wars)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
Razum-Dar (ESO)
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pkmdaycare · 2 years
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  Welcome to the Daycare
    This is a Indie Multi Muse Pokemon rp blog.I’m mutuals only,semi-selective,oc,crossover & duplicates friendly. I insta block any personals that follow unless they have a rp sideblog.
I go by Silver and is 21+ so I will not interact with muns under 18.My discords available upon request. 
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Rp Sideblogs so far
@auraguarde (Sir Aaron from PKM M:8)
@atsuai​ (pkm o.c sideblog)
@ambcrtwo​ (Ai/Amber 2 from Mewtwo’s Orgins)
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mushroom-for-art · 7 months
I hope you (still) accept them
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A random mewtwo character of your‘s with Lantern (the guy over here) crackship?
Sorry this took a while! I present Spark and Steam twins born from Lantern and my mewtwo oc Ai! This was a brilliant brain exercise for me thank you so much for the ask!
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Steam got Ais eyes there abouts with her having glass art piece eyes so they've got weird eyes and are a mix of Ais and Lanterns colors and patterns with some face pattern inspiration from Imp cause grandmama
Sparks colors actually hail more from grandma Imp too! With Lanterns oranges probably reawakening Imps pink oranges in Ais dna and then I couldn't fit blue cry XD Sparks eyes were inspired by Lanterns being halfie and are a kinda in between from Ais green and Lanterns red to yellow orange ground to look nice. The secondary tail stripe color is actually a blue reduced in visibility so some blue in design! Got the Axel family blue tail stripe gene if less visible. Spark also has a sharper snoot like how Lanterns is angled dunno if an art style choice but I interpreted it as a pointed sharp snoot
Obviously tried to mix and fuse their horns they best I could fav thing to do, these were fun tho!!
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Nuzlocke story??? I am very intrigued
I was gonna do some doodles of this but,,, then I didnt XD
instead, big ramble under the cut!!!!
So this was- I think my Sophomore year of highschool, and nuzlocke comics were BIG at the time- for those who dont know, a nuzlocke is a series of self-set rules, almost always set for Pokemon games, where the most common rules are:
You can only catch the first pokemon you encounter on a route, severely limiting the size of the team you can have
If a pokemon faints, it is considered "dead" and must either be released or permanently boxed
And a lot of web comics were coming out about these challenges at the time, so I thought I'd give it a shot!!! I grabbed a notebook, started a new file of FireRed, and got to work
I still have my file and can pick it up at any point, but as of right now I never finished my run. I beat just beat Blaine so I'm actually p close to end game, but... yeah XD
So now... the plot I had planned. Most of the details will center around Kanto because I haven't nuzlocked the other gens yet, but I loosely blocked the plots for Gens 2-5. Can't make this shit up.
So the plot begins like 10 years before the events of the FRLG nuzlocke. The scientists are creating Mewtwo and having trouble keeping him sedated. They recruit Lance to do some research and Lance discovers some ancient texts about the art of the "nuzlocke", a type of training that's much more dangerous, but leads to significantly higher bonds between trainer and pokemon. The scientists then create an AI based on this mechanic, and use that AI to try and sedate Mewtwo
Mewtwo inevitably escapes, though, but he takes pity on the AI- seeing it as something trapped there like he was, even though its not "real". So he gives form to the AI, putting their consciousness into the body of a child(hey Mewtwo does some crazy shit in Detective Pikachu, he can make a body out of thin air if he wants), and dropping them off in a small town to hopefully be found by a family and taken in. This AI grows up to be, you guessed it, Leaf!
Leaf is found and taken in by Red's family, and... I just realized this is a Kairi thing omg- so Leaf grows up with Red and Blue and they're the classic childhood bffs. I think they didnt get their pokemon until 16 rather than 10? I forget. Leaf picks the fire type despite being... Leaf XD
I also had a b-plot of some other characters, including: Silver, "Yellow" aka an oc I'll talk about more in a bit, and "Nora" another oc I'll talk about in a bit. But basically Silver stole an Eevee from Oak because... Silver.
Leaf meets Yellow in Viridian Forest and they become friends! I got a super rare spawn where I got a Pikachu, which has a 5% spawn rate, as my first encounter and it joined my party, so I made it that Yellow also caught a Pikachu. As such, Yellow and Silver develop a Pikachu/Eevee rivalry type of thing.
I forget when Nora was supposed to come in but I'll just spoil her thing- She's actually Mew in a human form. She came down to Kanto to investigate what's going on with Missingno(Yes I had a Missingno c-plot even though I never spawned it). The other legendaries decided to wake up Jirachi and send them after Mew, so they took another form and- yeah it's Yellow. I forget how their plot was supposed to resolve but I liked them
Back to the main plot! Leaf starts going and nuzlocking and getting badges, but on the SS Anne she meets Brendan! He's there because he's about to move to Hoenn, and the two of them become friends. Leaf reveals that her nickname is, well, Leaf. And then they come up with their own nicknames for each other- Ruby for Brendan, Emerald for Leaf. Leaf gets off the boat before it sails and Brendan goes to Hoenn.
The nuzlocke progresses and the plot's pretty much normal for FRLG- you battle gyms and stop team rocket, the usual. I don't have much beyond this other than imagining the what-ifs assuming I don't TPK by the time I become Champion. Probably a dramatic confrontation with Mewtwo and Leaf!
Here's an art I made back in high school of them! Ignore the fact that my art in high school was... Not Good XD
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I would seriously need to go back and work on some redesigns though. Leaf was loosely based on me at the time which is why she was blonde, so I'd go back and probably give her her usual brunette hair? Yellow is so painfully inspired by Geno it's almost funny- but Yellow needs some serious character overhaul. Nora's toufit is actually not bad ans would just need some minor touch-ups!
Okay the rest of the plot is way shorter since I haven't nuzlocked those games yet sO
Gen 2: Red goes missing, and it's presumed to be due to something with Team Rocket. Leaf goes undercover as "Gold", the male GSC protag, in order to find him. Blue takes over as champion while she's away. At first, because I was gonna nuzlocke Silver where you can't pick a gender, I WAS going to have it be a "she's just dressing as a guy For The Disguise"... but now Im older and Very Transgender so yknow what it's a trans thing now. Lyra(the HGSS female protag) shows up too but I forget what she does and also Silver's back!!!
OH ALSO despite the art above, I made it so that Red wore the GS hat, and Leaf finds it when he goes missing so she wears it in solidarity of her missing friend
Gen 3: Ruby(Brendan), Sapphire(May), and Wally do their thing. I haven't really come up with a crazy plot for them, but at the end when Ruby's taking on the championship, Champion Leaf is there to cheer him on!!!
Gen 4: Just the Sinnoh plot with Diamond(Lucas), Pearl(Dawn), and Platinum(Barry). I've thought of like... Nothing with them XD
Gen 5: SO. Shit's going down in Unova, yeah? Well I had it that the professors gathered the champions and had them ALL go undercover to investigate this stuff. Leaf as Bianca(but like she wore Hilda's outfit so like I guess I didnt want to name her Hilda XD), Lucas/Diamond as Cheren, and Brendan/Ruby as Hilbert! I guess this one would've had Ruby as the protag but like??? I dont remember
But like! Looking over the plot of Kanto... dude my high school self had something! The characters were super interesting and there was actually a pretty solid plot in play! I just like them a lot and one day I'll finish my FR nuzlocke even if I never do the comic for it XD
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
A little bit of everything!
I’d love it if you were 23+ <3
  Angels/demons/humans (fallen angels; fallen for love, for pride, for power. Who is to say what the price of Falling is. Those that were guardians of humans and watched over them; how could they not fall for love of their father’s favored creations. If angels are capable of Falling are Demons capable of Ascension?)     Deals with demons (deals with the devil for power; summoning demons as familiars; trading parts of your soul to stay young and beautiful. Sewing parts of the soul together when you find your mate. You may become an abomination but you won’t be alone in the vast emptiness)  
  I would love to play against an original rendition of Lucifer. Especially in a southern gothic setting <3 Perhaps something like every millennia Lucifer is let out of hell to observe humanity; a kind of chance at redemption. If he finds one human that he thinks is worthy of being saved or a credit to humanity then he no longer has to rule hell. He has done this since the beginning of time. He has had no luck yet.     
Fandom:     Original Supernatural rp. We make our own characters and use them in the Supernatural universe. We can have our own little trio of main characters plus loads of side characters with occassional cameos from canon characters if you’d like. I’ve got tons of Supernatural ocs that I’ve never gotten to use and probably won’t get to use if we don’t try this. The world doesn’t revolve around the Winchesters!  
I am also cool doing canon x oc and I can play Dean pretty well! I’d love to play against Sam or Lucifer! I have lots of ideas if you’re interested! 
I love the sheer possibilities of the drama. I would love something like Detroit: Become Human. I love to explore the intricacies of non-human relationship and how say an android or an alien would relate to humanity. I’d love a first contact story! I’m fine with aggressive, hostile aliens or aliens that find a fascination with humans for some reason. 
I love ‘evil’ AIs, Synthetics that evolve beyond their programming and become something much more. We could do a robot apocalypse; we could do robot rights! 
I’d also be up to doing something in a lab setting. Maybe something like Shape of Water. I’m open to any kind of creature! I’m also up for some superweapon in the same vein of Mewtwo. Something that has been cloned and seeks vengeance for being used as a tool. 
        discord: waxenwings#3065
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Thinky thoughters cause I'm not immune to propaganda
Dammit fuck I want to make Mirage ocs cause I've been seeing a lot of computer boys and girls and I am just 👀👀 and I know it's just copying I know it's just seeing something doing well and going me wan do that too and I know it'll crash and flop but God dammit I'm getting attached to two little idiots in my head. As of yet not canon I just need to scream about them, they might only be canon due to like obviously that Mirage pokemon episode but that's it.
A. L. F. I. E - Articifically. Learning. Functional. Intelligence. Equipment. Probably the mewtwo identifying and looking program (tho likely mewtwo but wrong due to subpar images downloaded and used for referencing appearance because dang that be blurry as fuck(idk probably won't commit to this as I am had at that kinda thing)). Obviously ai but with extra letters and steps, due to the use of equipment I'm inclined to believe A.L.F.I.E's entire program consciousness is stored in some type of device thing that can be removed from systems and moved about as necessary. Likely goes by She/it's, Alfie is a boys name but A.L.F.I.E is an acronym stop being gendered about names. <her words not mine XD. Probably in charge of scheduled appointments information management and traffic, eg emails and stuff, overglorified underutilised program assistant basically. But she's probably very clever knew everybody's schedules preferences and such to a T amongst other things
A. L. I. C. E - Articifically. Learning. Intelligence. Computer. Equipment. The mew looking program of the two, (now I know they're very similar shush I've stolen the acronyms from an old oc who would just flip flop between them depending on gender) A.L.I.C.E is actually just a straight up huge computer, hence the C. Going by They/It's, they are just a huge ass computer system of wires and monitors and a screen that is their physical body and their screen manifestation sprite is that of a mew as they feel they are so powerful and capable of so very much that it only makes sense they would be a mew. Probably a little egotistical because they're the most complicated fast intelligent program to date. Very oh I know I know I'm excellent brilliant a marvel.
The A.L.F.I.E device is currently connected to A.L.I.C.E's physical form meaning they are both physically connected in their metallic physical forms but they also are both existing inside of A.L.I.C.E's systems so they both appear on A.L.I.C.E's display screen. Yes there is a lot of intimacy involved with the fact they are connected and with A.L.F.I.E currently being side of A.L.I.C.E. Yes they make jokes about it, A.L.F.I.E is flustered cause plz don't be vulgar.
Current status? I'm not sure, originally it was just gonna be a little mew computer program with jobs like A.L.F.I.E and also being a personal alarm ect just another glorified personal help ai tasked with obeying and helping a human master but now it's become both of them because they need friend dammit. I don't know if they're in use in a facility somewhere or if they're abandoned. I'm thinking the facility is currently in use but after the Mirage episode events where probably a duplicated A.L.F.I.E coding becomes corrupted and goes berserk upon getting a semi solid holograph form the facility is abandoned and they're both left to rot because the humans just figured turning off the machine was enough. Leaving them really at the mercy of whoever found them.
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