#Ajeet of Faerie
Protagonists' cohort( part 2).
The rest of the Protagonists' cohort though these people aren't protagonists.
Selene Szark: A Vampire, one of several rehabilitated in the care of Eldritchician and Preternatural Intelligencer Prioska Lakatos (also a Vampire). Is the sort of Vampire that can be incorporeal, super strength, and heals/regenerates in moonlight And some shapeshifting (Cats, Magpies). Not killed by Sunlight, but made incredibly weak and ill in regular Sunlight. How the Light of Faerie and Elfphame effects Vampires...I'm not certain. Has met one Eldritch Fellow while in the care of Prioska.
Nim Bosch:Short for Nimrod, Nim is a Werewolf who was up until recently a part of Queen Diana of Elfphame's hunting party. Not much else at present. Has met several of the Eldritch Fellows.
Bill Carnacki: An ESPer (Psychic Powers and what not) and can see ghosts. His hair has gone white like most ESPers due to the Shock of coming into their Powers (other ESPers at Archimago staff include Algirdas Simmons and Prof. Florimond Feather).
Guildenstern: A Graduate of Dreadrock University with accepted expertise with Angels and Demons. Human. Enjoys Astronomy. Oldest of his Cohort. No relation to Guildenstern from Hamlet. Has met two of the Eldritch Fellows as a student at Dreadrock
Ajeet: A Changeling in Titania's Court who is basically coming along as a Friend/Bodyguard for Aled. Has met several of the Eldritch Fellows.
Cecelia Luminita Funar: A young Romanian woman who showed potential for Elemental magic especially the Weather. That or she's a Dragon...because. Would have gone to Dom Daniel (the second oldest FoE Academ, run by Overseer Cosmin Lungu a former Solomonar?) but the class was full. Her letter of recommendation came straight from overseer Lungu.
So...there's the protagonists of this thing and the rest of their cohort. Will probably share more regarding how they normally dress and such.
Feel free to ask questions about any of these 13..(from this or the previous post).
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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