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Beneath the heavy, damp gray sky, large raindrops cascaded without pause. I found myself navigating through the sparsely populated streets, abandoned in the wake of the sudden downpour.
(Perhaps seeking shelter in a nearby building would be wise...)
Scanning for any place to escape the rain, my eyes caught sight of a lone clinic. The signboard read, Dr. Sugita Genpaku's Clinic.
(Is this Genpaku's clinic?)
(Despite the initial fright at the thought of dissection, he did take care of my wounds...He doesn't seem like a bad guy...)
Seeking refuge from the rain, I hurried under the eaves. Pushing the door open and hesitantly peering inside. 
AYUMI : Excuse me...
As I glanced around the dimly lit room, a chill rand won my spine.
(Is anyone here...? It's so dark...)
As I wandered about, a sudden creak echoed through the building—
AYUMI : Wha..!?
I was suddenly seized from behind.
??? : A burglar in broad daylight... Quite daring... Ah, frightening~ So frightening that I might just accidentally dissect you~
(Dissect?! Could it be... Genpaku!)
The grip on my throat tightened until I couldn't breathe. I writhed beneath his touch. Trying to scream at the top of my lungs.
AYUMI : Mmgh, Mmgh!!
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SUGITA GENPAKU : Shhh...Don't make such a fuss. It will be over soon, I promise. With anesthesia, you won't feel a thing. It will be like drifting into a dream...You have two kidneys...Removing one won't kill you.
(That's not the issue!!)
SUGITA GENPAKU : Now then...It's time for dissection!
AYUMI : Mmgh, Mmgh!!
SUGITA GENPAKU : Hey...Be quiet...!
In my struggle, the hand covering my mouth slipped away.
AYUMI : H-Help me!!
Genpaku's vacant gaze suddenly sharpened, as if awakening from a daze, and he fixed his eyes upon me.
SUGITA GENPAKU : You're...My apprentice, aren't you? What are you doing here?
AYUMI : I-I just wanted shelter from the rain, so I came inside!
SUGITA GENPAKU : You should've said that from the beginning. You were on the verge of being dissected.
(Since my mouth was covered, I couldn't say anything...)
Despite my relief at avoiding dissection, an unsettling sensation lingered within me...
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beast-of-babylon · 4 months
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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I legit thought this was Ouji for a moment and was like “Wait... wrong hair”
FFFFFFFFFF this stupid duck bastard is so handsome I am so curious what’s his story about, but I have no more time/energy for another social gacha game AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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redheadkittys · 1 year
...i wish the international players would finally get the game in eng like gcrest promised a few years ago...the beta version was fun and the aestetic of the game is chefkiss...
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...i mean they have: snake fangies😍...
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...also i'm waiting for years to play with this rude but very sexy ass😂...
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cocotome · 8 months
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Happy birthday to Ranpo from AkaSeka! Check the main site for more info and here for his voice!
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reccyls · 2 years
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Ooh, IkeSen JP is collaborating with AkaSeka! Pictured here are both games' versions of Oda Nobunaga.
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namikala · 2 years
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Teika and Seimei~♡♡♡ (And of course both are in the gacha... orz)
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
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angelicapocalypse · 2 years
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gachagachaart · 2 years
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crestfallenwanderlust · 3 months
Grinding Akaseka for a few hours just to get a chance to pull this man is so DRAINING
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O woe is me
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That night, after the poetry gathering, I found myself sleeping over at Sadaakira-san's mansion. I woke to the sound of footsteps in the hallway outside my room.
(Who could that be...? Should I check...? Is it okay for me to wander around without permission...?)
I worried about upsetting Sadaakira-san.
(I'll just take a quick peek...)
After making sure I was properly dressed and internally preparing myself, I slid open the door—
SADAAKIRA : So you're finally awake. Took you long enough. 
AYUMI : Sadaakira-san...!?
In the hallway, Sadaakira-san was diligently scrubbing the floor with a rag.
AYUMI : Um...What are you doing?
SADAAKIRA : Can't you tell simply by looking? I'm cleaning. It's common sense to clean the floors first thing in the morning. Plus, it makes for good exercise. And since this is my mansion, not a speck of dust should exist.
(Sadaakira-san sure does love to clean.)
SADAAKIRA : What are you doing? Stop gawking and lend a hand.
AYUMI : Y-Yes!
Given a set of cleaning tools, I also joined in the cleaning.
SADAAKIRA : Don't overlook the dust in the corners!
AYUMI : G-Got it!
SADAAKIRA : What do you think you're doing!? You're not wringing the rag out properly!!
AYUMI : I-I'm so sorry!!
(Finally we're done...)
After finishing cleaning the areas assigned by Sadaakira-san, I rinsed out the rag one last time.
SADAAKIRA : Did you wring out the rag properly this time? When you're done, I'll show you where to hang it.
As he finished up what he was cleaning, he came over to check on me. 
AYUMI : Ah, thank you. 
(He's actually explaining things so politely today...Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all.)
With that thought, I finished wringing out the rag.
??? : Oh my!
Turning around at the cheerful voice from behind, I saw—
KI NO TSURAYUKI : Were the two of you cleaning together~!? 
SADAAKIRA : What do you want?
KI NO TSURAYUKI : Good morning to you too, Sadaakira-sama. I had something I needed to ask you, but you seem like you're busy~
Ki No Tsurayuki smiled brightly and turned to face me. Catching my eyes with his own.
KI NO TSURAYUKI : The two of you are cleaning together now? Seems like you are quite close~
AYUMI : I-It's not what it looks like...
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KI NO TSURAYUKI : It's exactly what it looks like. Sadaakira-sama may be rough around the edges, but he's not a bad guy. I'm glad he has someone who finally understands him.
SADAAKIRA : Hey, what are you talking about? 
His brow furrowed with discontent as he firmly grasped Ki No Tsurayuki's sleeve, giving it a vicious yank.
SADAAKIRA : What are you even still doing here? Didn't you have business to take care of today? If you want to chat pointlessly, go somewhere else to do it.
KI NO TSURAYUKI : Hehehe~ It will be up to her to decide if it's pointless or not~
Ki No Tsurayuki winked flirtatiously at me before leaving.
(It really does feel nice when the mansion is clean, but...I can't imagine doing this every day.)
After hanging up all of the washed rags, I visited Sadaakira-san's room.
SADAAKIRA : Ugh. What do you want?
He still seemed as irritable as ever.
AYUMI : I thought you might be tired after all of that cleaning, so I brought you some tea.
I set the freshly made cup of tea down on the desk in front of him.
SADAAKIRA : .........
AYUMI : Is something wrong? 
SADAAKIRA : ...No. Thank you.
AYUMI : Huh...?
My eyes widened in surprise at his gratitude. 
SADAAKIRA : What's with that look?
AYUMI : N-Nothing. You're welcome. 
SADAAKIRA : Your approach to washing the rags was rather amateurish, but it falls within acceptable standards. By the way, what are you...Planning?
Holding the teacup delicately in his hands, he looked up at me with a raised brow. 
AYUMI : P-Planning?
SADAAKIRA : With this tea. If you're hoping to get on my good side, you're doing an excellent job, I just hope there are no ulterior motives. I'll come and check to see if the room I assigned you is spotless in an hour.
AYUMI : You're going to check it?
SADAAKIRA : If it's dirty, you'll clean it again. Until I decide you've done an appropriate job. 
AYUMI : Y-Yes. That makes sense.
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beast-of-babylon · 4 months
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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Rrrgh... I really really want to play Akaseka, but I have no more energy for yet another game (also no memory space). This stupid handsome duck is making me so angry jfhgkdjhg
At the very least I’m also curious what’s wrong with this right eye. It’s permanently shut and I want to know if it’s like an injury or if it was blinded from illness or what.
Magoichi is just like Aizen and he closes his eyes because reasons and I don’t even question that kind of thing anymore, but when it’s like this (he even usually hides the eye with his bangs) I want to know.
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fiymywings · 2 years
Sugita Genpaku non-story t/ls
this was just sitting in my drafts but i don’t remember why! so i’m just gonna post it because i don’t think i’ll be able to remember at this point :,)
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In the town around a castle, he's a doctor with a reputation of being a go-getter. However, in truth, he'll perform surgery ASAP for even the most trivial illnesses, as he's a hardcore dissection enthusiast. The reason this is the fact that "by expanding the medical knowledge, he's saved many people." By spending countless hours into solving the mystery that is the human body with dissection, he dreams of curing all illnesses.
Personality (separated by card)
Encounter with the Shrine Maiden
A doctor-like person who expresses something like “discouragement” when a patient who doesn’t need surgery shows up. Examinations for poor people are free of charge, so he also has a side of him that’s kind.
Dignified and Blooming, the way of Men
Being able to see someone else’s poor condition just by a glance, he’s a first class doctor. He isn’t very tolerant of alcohol, so his face becomes red instantly after drinking.
First Surprise
For the sake of developing medical science, he earnestly believes in putting every ounce of effort he has. He doesn’t think waking up is very pleasant.
Puppet Lover
With a strong ambition, he’s also taken interest in another countries medical technology. Being indifferent to everything except treating patients, he’s unable to understand something like “wanting to monopolize” ...
Wish upon the Milky Way
With the intent of bringing an ill patient to see a meteor shower, he went to Miyabi. Performing a no-charge house call in a village that is not his own, he  focuses particularly on treating a persons fever.
A Evening Tale Dyed with Love [2]
Whenever he occasionally catches a cold, he makes sure to avoid coming in contact with anyone. However, even though he does not want to mess with someone’s will, you, who’s depends on other peoples kindness... [1]
Soaking in a Healing Spa with You
As he’s particularly interested in medicinal research, he keeps a close eye on the effects of a spa. Giving such fatigue recovery suggestions, he’s a doctor-like person who’s very good at caring for others.
Voices lines
this excludes in battle lines, as many of these are missing on gamerch, and unless i missed a voice line list, it’s very hard to obtain these
Encounter with the Shrine Maiden
[1] the original phrase was  うつしたくない, however........ due to the lack of kanji,
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i decided to simply translate is “not wanting to mess with”, since all of these describe actions that could be considered “messing with --” in english. pls dont kill me for paraphrasing
[2] this is translated to “love coloured evening story” on the wikia, but i personally feel it doesnt flow quite right, so i put my on twist on it. wikia contributors may keep the original wikia one to be more consistent, but the note is here just for clarity
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
sighs at Akaseka being in localization hell since 2020
( T⌓T ) I was looking forward to
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reccyls · 2 years
AkaSeka and Saiyuki RELOAD -ZEROIN- collab
The collab will begin in AkaSeka on November 18! (Twitter announcement)
Saiyuki characters getting added to AkaSeka are:
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Goku (5* character that you can obtain for free by logging in during the collaboration)
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Additionally, new versions of Shinsaku and Seimei are getting added:
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