#Akira x utako
vestal-spirit · 1 year
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
A CLAMP ship can be divided into two categories:
Messed up beyond what is humanly possible
Drowning in so much fluff you get diabetes from simply being in their proximity
Of course, there are overlaps mostly to make the reader suffer even more when they hit you with the angst train
Clamp ships angst scale:
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Since no space on badly organized graph I'll write captions under cut
Tooth rooting fluff category:
Akira/Utako, CSD and Duklyon couples(0.5 angst points):
-Look, it's Clamp's mangas so 0 angst is impossible thing to happen
-Very cute, very funny, very 'no angst' so they deserve lowest score on scale
Syaosaku (ccs) and Touyuki (1.0 angst points)
-Rooth rooting fluff
-Fluff so sweet you need to drink water immediately afterwards
-Some miniature drama happened but nothing much
-Love conquers all
Saika/Kakei and their Wish counterparts (1.5 angst points)
-couple so sexy they haven't angsted one day in their sexy lives
- angst is bc their adopted son and his bf are angsting (aka plot angst)
-fucked so kinky even hell kicked them out
-demon!angel and angel!demon
Shuichiro/Kohaku(2 angst points)
-"we gathered here today because some *glares ar coffin* couldn't stay alive"
- very cute, very sweet
-not much do be said here rly
Fujimoto/Kobato(2.2 angst points)
- tsundere boy and sweet girl
-angst caused by misunderstandings and plot
-Kobato is so cute idk how could he be mean to her in beginning. Must be bc of tsundere genes
Fiero/Fuu and Ascot/Umi which I forgot to add (3.0 angst points)
-seen coming from miles away
- side couples
-very cute
-they get along well so all angst points is bc of plot
Rikuou/Kazehaya(3.3 angst points)
-boy was clamp not subtle
-condom saved a life
-BL tropes on maxxx
-some angst was starting to unravel but series was put on hiatus so we'll never know
Lantis/Hikari/Eagle(4.0 angst points)
-canon poly go brrrr
-a bit rushed
-power of love saved the world
-is it better if I don't ask about age gaps?
'Prepare tissues, tears might be incoming' category
Hideki/Chii(4.8 angst points)
- your dick was tricked, get prepared for feels
- very sweet and innocent
-psychological questions in background
-more than you bargained for
Clow/Yuuko(5.0 angst points)
- love so strong it fucked up time and space
- idk where to put them since there's no backstory but enough hints to indicate there was some (probably tragic) backstory
- bastard man pulled best woman in the universe
-if you stumbled upon TRC after CCS, my condolences in advance
Syaosaku (TRC) (5.6 angst points)
- angst kicks in from first chapter and inky get worse
-"i'll sacrifice myself for you so you don't suffer" *processes to make other one suffer*
-feathers are problematic in this one
Kurofai(6.6 angst points)
-litetally married couple with 4 and half kids
-opostites attract
- one beated another into going to therapy
-could have ended tragic but instead it became slow burn healing couple ❤
Sorata/Arashi(6.6 angst points)
-flirting, teasing, flirting then bam - they fucked
- X couple so ofc they're have 0 common sense
- very sweet and fun couple and then angst kicks in
- silver lining of X being on hiatus is that Sorata is still alive :')
Zagato/his princess with name I'm unable to spell (7.0 angst points)
- starts off as cliche not even a couple but then plot twist twists you
- and you're on the floor bathing in own tears
-Clamp's casual angst
-'I don't want to live without you' type of couple
-self destructive
'Are you ready for pure pain and suffering?' Category
Douwata (7.4 angst points)
-'I'll always love you' vibes
-pain of loving someone who's self sacrificial and lacks self worth
- pinning phrase lasts for century
- eggs are problematic in this one
- eyes too
Yasha/Ashura(7.9 angst points)
-tragedy seen miles away
-the amount of hair in this ship, it's unparalleled
-very devoted and touching
- 'happy ending' but at what cost?
Kazuhiko/Oura(8.3 angst points)
-alright, we all knew beforehand she was dead but amount of feels that hit, I wasn't expecting that
- one of rare instances of non-chasity couple
-songs hit super hard
-actually whole manga hits super hard
Souma/Kendappa(8.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote them
- tragic lesbians. Clamp pls let lesbians be together at least once
-kendappa why????
-again, plot twist twisted us all ;-;
Fuukam (9.0 angst points)
-very sexy, very fucked up
-were a very sweet couple then plot kicked in and one turned into antichrist
- you're minding your own business and bam:fuukam feels hit you like bullet train
- ending was meant to be so tragic even editors said it's too tragic
Taishakuten/Ashura ou(9.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote this one as well
-proposes a solution to how never part from your lover
-you've heard about Clamp's eye loss trope, now prepare for Clamp's eye gain trope
- not much is seen about them but from little we've seen they're tragic on steroids and lack common sense
-at least they're happily married teachers in shoten
Seisub(+∞ angst points)
-it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
-extemly messed up. No therapy can fix them
-canon but at what cost?
- "I got feelings for first time in my life so there's only one logical thing to do now:die"
- there are many universes out there but not in one is seisub happily together. Really, even in Shoten Seishirou is a serial killer
- at least we're not Subaru
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wifeswarmacademy · 2 years
Welcome to the Clamp Ship Mega Poll Round 1.
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This is partially seeded. i picked some ships that i thought were popular in the top 10 and some that i personally dislike in the bottom, the rest are placed arbitrarily into the seed because jesus christ 64 ships is too many.
I would like to apologize for any ships I may have missed, especially from any of the anime adaptations I havent seen, Kobato (which i havent finished), or gate 7 (which i havent started). i asked in a small clamp discord for any i missed and i just added some.
Matchups Links
Syaoran/Sakura vs Rika/Terada Fujitaka/Nadeshiko vs Nadeshiko/Sonomi Hisui/Kokuyo vs Watanuki/Zashiki-Warashi Magic Knights Polycule vs Watanuki/Haruka Subaru/Kamui (X) vs Yuna D Kaito/Akiho Chiharu/Yamazaki vs Kotaro/Tamayo Hikaru/Lantis/Eagle vs Kamui's Bisexuality Kero/Spinel vs Hideki/Chii
Seishiro/Subaru (TB/X) vs Hina/Shiro Yuzuhira/Kusanagi vs Sakura/Tomoyo Eri/Sukiyabashi vs Subaru/Kamui (TRC) Jotaro/Kakyoin vs Yuuko/Clow Touya/Yukito vs Kohane/Doumeki Miyuki's Lesbianism vs Kotaro/Misaki Kentaro/Takeshi vs Kobato/Kiyokazu Watanuki/Himawari vs Kakei/Saiga
Doumeki/Watanuki vs Mizuki/Eriol Touya/Yue vs Sue/Kazuhiko Meiling/Tomoyo vs Tsubasa/Tsubasa Akira/Utako vs Dita/Zima Syaoran/Sakura (Clone) vs Chitose/Icchan Seiichiro/Karen vs Misaki/Ohjiro Doumeki/Watanuki/Himawari vs Princess Hinoto's Halves Shuichiro/Kohaku vs Hiroyasu/Yumi
Kurogane/Fai vs Taishakuten/Ashura-O Fuu/Ferio vs Umi/Clef Sorata/Arashi vs Seishiro/Subaru (TRC) Emeraude/Zagato vs Yuuko/Himawari Fuuma/Kamui (X) vs Minoru/Yuzuki Umi/Ascot vs Clow/Yue Souma/Kendappa vs Tachibana/Sakura Kazuhiko/Oruha vs Kazahaya/Rikuo
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mrsleestranger · 2 years
Suoh x Nagisa is the sweetest couple ever. I wish they would have their own series like Akira and Utako but all I can do now is cutting their mature images from X1999 and Man of many faces and put them together.
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b-else-writes · 6 months
The Great CLAMP Re-Read Part 2: Man of Many Faces
Part 1 (RG Veda)| Part 3 (Tokyo Babylon) | Part 4 (Duklyon) | Part 5 (Clamp Detectives)| Part 6 (Shirahime)| Part 7 (X)| Part 8 (Chunhyang) | Part 9 (Miyuki-chan)
Onto the next work in CLAMP's oeuvre, Man of Many Faces (technically the translated title should be 20 Faces, Please!!). This ran from 1990 to 1991, and it is wild to think that it was running concurrently with RG Veda (and Tokyo Babylon!) because it is SO tonally different. It is also technically CLAMP's first foray into shonen, running in Newtype magazine, although it feels like it's aimed younger. I had never knew it existed! It's one of the few CLAMP manga with no anime adaptations (it did have 2 drama CDs).
It's out of print and was released in English by Tokyopop in the early 2000s, in two volumes comprised of 11 chapters. I read this entirely online and would probably only hunt down a physical copy if I'm feeling like being a completionist. Spoilers? I guess?
Synopsis: Ijuin Akira is a precocious 9 year old at CLAMP School who leads a double life as the gentleman thief 20 Masks/Faces. As 20 Faces, Akira steals beautiful objects to satisfy the whims of his kleptomaniac two mothers. One day, Akira ends up in the bedroom of 5 year old Okawa Utako, sparking off a romantic comedy due to his double life and the nature of love!
The Story: There really....isn't one. Whatever it bills itself as, this is not a heist story. Man of Many Faces is pure fluff, basically a gag manga, which is what makes it so crazy that it was concurrent with the dark, fatalistic fantasy of RG Veda and the tragic urban fantasy of Tokyo Babylon - did CLAMP need a cute comedy as a mental break?
The chapters have a similar structure: Akira's two mothers spot something and cry "we want it!". Akira goes after the object and ends up entangled with Utako as they overcome the next (very low stakes) obstacle in their relationship. Akira often gets advice from his uncle and school pediatrician Akechi Shigetaka, while narrowly escaping his next door neighbour Kobayashi Ryusuke, who acts as the Inspector Javert. Along the way, he and Utako mediate on love and what makes a good man and good bride.
The story ends with the two getting married and still working to make sure that their relationship is always loving and new. It's a light, charming read (I was able to read the whole thing in about an hour) and it did make me smile a few times. The Christmas episode is particularly cute. Otherwise, the story is fine, just enough to string together the story that it doesn't implode from meandering fluff.
The Themes: Despite being so divorced from their serious works, I'd actually say you can see a lot of what would come to be CLAMP's attitude towards love - what makes a good love? Can love last forever and overcome all barriers? Are people destined for each other, and if so, does that make love easy? Some of the waxing poetic is very silly (Akechi once quotes the plot of Some Like It Hot, yes, the Marilyn Monroe film, to give advice) and very questionable, but there are some surprisingly nuanced takes too.
Namely, you are entitled to your feelings (very CLAMP), that nobody can fully know another person's heart (hello Tokyo Babylon) so we must remember we are two people and not lose ourselves in each other (X 1999??), be understanding and kind, and that love and people will change, and love is about meeting that new person each day, which is shockingly mature for CLAMP, who I had always taken to be rather fatalistic and immature in their romantic attitudes. I definitely walked away thinking that I hoped these two kids made it.
The Characters: It's an 11 chapter gag manga - the characters are thinly written. That doesn't mean they aren't charming. Utako is a rich brat but an adorable one, and Akira's maybe polyamorous mothers are very funny. Akechi and Ryusuke are especially funny, and Akira's father definitely leaves an impression. Akira himself is rather boring, he's a Mamoru with even less personality (interestingly this predates Sailor Moon by 2 years, but you can't read it without thinking of Tuxedo Mask!). They all serve their purpose, are funny and cute enough, but you're not going to be left contemplating them either.
The Art: It's very 90s shojo in style (despite being marketed for shonen) so it is competently drawn, comprehensible visual storytelling, and nice to look at, but it is not particularly transcendent, especially by CLAMP standards. The only time they really shine is in the splash pages, which are sooo delightfully sweet. Akira's mothers are very pretty, and Utako is cute, but the character designs are unremarkable despite the nice outfits. It also hits one of my irritations, which is that the backgrounds are very ill-defined and replaced by patterned screentones. In short, it is fine.
Questionable Elements: The way gender roles was discussed did not sit right with me. This was written in the 1990s in Japan so I am not surprised it is so "woman are emotional and crazy and end up as housewives" and shojo like it or not has a lot of sexism baked in so it didn't shock me, but it is disappointing and can make some of the advice and comments touted unpleasant. Also I see you CLAMP with Utako's first love being her teacher - at least he rejects her!
Overall: A little sidetrack in CLAMP's oeuvre as sweet as the pastries our couple enjoy. It's got enough genuine charm to get it across the line into enjoyable, but it's also perfectly obvious why it remains one of their most obscure works - you'll end with a smile, but it won't change your life. I wouldn't personally recommend it to anyone except diehard CLAMP fans. It's a nice sugary treat for a quick read and doesn't overstay its welcome, but only just.
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yure-chan · 8 years
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Dando continuidade ao CLAMP in Wonderland, a seguinda animação musical traz os personagens dos trabalhos da CLAMP entre 1995 e 2006. MyAnimeList.net
Fansub: #Mirai Formato: MP4 Resolução: 704x400 Uploader: miruku-chan
Abertura: action! - Maaya Sakamoto Encerramento: Oh YEAH! - ROUNDTABLE feat. Nino
Personagens: Akira Ijyuuin (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Arashi Kishu (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Ashura (RG Veda; Shining Star; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Chii "Elda" (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Chun Hyang (Shin Shunkaden; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Eri Chusonji (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Fai D. "Yuui" Flourite (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Fay Ryu Kazuhiko (Clover) Freya (Chobits) Fuu "Anemone Hououji, Anais Araujo" Hououji (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Fuuma Monou (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Gingetsu (Clover) Hideki Motosuwa (Chobits) Hikaru (Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hinata "Hina" Asahi (Gohou Drug; Kobato.; Suki. Dakara Suki; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Hokuto Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon; X) Ichirou "Icchan" Mihara (Chobits; Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer) Ioryogi “Iorogi” (Kobato.) Kakei (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug) Kakyo Kuzuki (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Kamui Shirou (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Karen Kasumi (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Karura-Ou (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kazahaya Kudou (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug; xxxHOLiC) Kendappa-Ou "Amaterasu" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kentarou Higashikunimaru (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Keroberos "Kero" (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kimihiro Watanuki (Blood-C; Drug & Drop; Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Kohaku (Drug & Drop; Kobato.; Wish) Kotarou Kobayashi (Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer) Kotobuki Sukiyabashi (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Kotoko (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kotori Monou (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; X) Kujaku (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Kurogane (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Lan "C" (Clover) Maru "Maru-dashi" (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Misaki "Misaki-Chi" Suzuhara (Chobits; Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer; Kobato.) Miyuki (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth) Mokona "Larg" Modoki (Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Mokona "Soel" Modoki (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Mong Ryong (Shin Shunkaden) Moro "Moro-dashi" (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Nokoru Imonoyama (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Primera (Magic Knight Rayearth; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Rikuo Himura (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug; xxxHOLiC) Ryuu-ou "Naga" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Saiga (Drug & Drop; Gohou Drug) Sakura (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Satsuki Yatoji (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Seiichiro Aoki (X) Seishirou Sakurazuka (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; Tokyo Babylon; X) Shaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) Shirahime "Yuki-onna" (Shirahimeshou) Shirou Asou (Kobato.; Suki. Dakara Suki) Shizuka Doumeki (xxxHOLiC) Sorata Arisugawa (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X) Souma (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Spinel Sun "Suppie" (Cardcaptor Sakura) Subaru Sumeragi (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; Tokyo Babylon; X) Sumomo "Plum" (Chobits; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Suoh Takamura (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Suu "Clover" (Clover) Syaoran (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Takeshi Shukaido (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayeath; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Utako Ohkawa (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan) Yasha-ou "Yama" (RG Veda; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) Yuuko Ichihara (Kobato.; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; xxxHOLiC) Yuzuriha Nekoi (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE; X)
Release #Mirai | download RAW h264.1280x720.ACC.MKV | download
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clampshipweek · 9 years
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Look at these cinnamon rolls too good for this world too pure 
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wifeswarmacademy · 2 years
Welcome to the Clamp Ship Mega Poll Tournament Round 2
Apologies for the Technical difficulties setting up the Round 2.
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Due to the large number of entrants, I am not listing all previous matches, but special mention to the four series entirely booted from the first round, Suki, Angelic Layer, Clover, and Gate 7. I wish you better luck next time (at least you made it onto the poll).
Here is a link to the previous round 1 hub.
Next Rounds Matchups
Syaoran/Sakura (CCS) vs Fujitaka/Nadeshiko Hisui/Kokuyo vs Magic Knights Polycule Subaru/Kamui (X) vs Chiharu/Yamazaki Kamui's Bisexual Harem vs Hideki/Chii
Seishiro/Subaru (TB/X) vs Sakura/Tomoyo Subaru/Kamui (TRC) vs Yuuko/Clow Touya/Yukito vs Miyuki's Lesbian Swarm Kentaro/Takeshi vs Kakei/Saiga
Doumeki/Watanuki vs Touya/Yue Tsubasa/Tsubasa vs Akira/Utako Syaoran/Sakura (Clone) vs Seiichiro/Karen Doumeki/Watanuki/Himawari vs Shuichiro/Kohaku
Kurogane/Fai vs Fuu/Ferio Sorata/Arashi vs Emeraude/Zagato Fuuma/Kamui (X) vs Umi/Ascot Souma/Kendappa vs Kazahaya/Rikuo
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Uma animação musical trazendo os personagens dos animes e mangás mais populares da CLAMP até o ano 1994. MyAnimeList.net
Fansub: #Mirai Formato: MP4 Resolução: 640x480 Uploader: miruku-chan
Abertura: Anata Dake no Wonderland (Your Very Own Wonderland) - Junko Hirotani Encerramento: Anata ga Shiawase de aru youni (I Wish for You to be Happy) - Junko Hirotani
Personagens: Akira Ijyuuin (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon; X) Arashi Kishu (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; X) Ashura (RG Veda; Shining Star) Ashura-ou (RG Veda; Shining Star) Chun Hyang (Shin Shunkaden) Eri Chusonji (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Fuu Hououji (Magic Knight Rayeath) Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knight Rayeath) Hokuto Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon; X) Inuki (X) Kamui Shirou (X) Karura-Ou (RG Veda) Kentarou Higashikunimaru (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Miyuki (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan) Mong Ryong (Shin Shunkaden) Nataku (X) Nokoru Imonoyama (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!;  CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Satsuki Yatoji (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; X) Seiichiro Aoki (X) Seishirou Sakurazuka (Tokyo Babylon; X) Shirahime (Shirahimeshou) Shukaido Sukiyabashi (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Sorata Arisugawa (X) Subaru Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon; X) Suoh Takamura ( 20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Takeshi Shukaido (CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan; Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon) Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayeath) Utako Ohkawa (20 Mensou ni Onegai!!; CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan) White Rabbit (Fushigi no Kuni ko Miyuki-chan) Yasha-ou (RG Veda) Yuto Kigai (X) Yuzuriha Nekoi (Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan; X)
Release #Mirai | download RAW h264.960x720.ACC.MKV | download
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clampshipweek · 9 years
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This weeks CLAMP ship is Akira and Utako! 
Friendly reminder ships will eventually recycle!
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