#Akk Dog
teacakes1799 · 2 months
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never enough doggos! for @spacelingart
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dingoat · 1 year
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More OCs as memes! This time Reesie and her darling akk, for @storyknitter <3 <3
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shungieshrieks · 1 year
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Reimagined an old OC, Kev, and made him a beastmaster in SWTOR. Ingame he’s a Jedi Consular, but IC he’s a force-sensitive beastmaster who likes animals more than people
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ledeni-tm · 2 years
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Finishing with a mixed pack, I didn’t know where to put them.
Pack 1 : Original Trilogy Pack 2 : Prequel Pack 3 : Sequel Pack 4 : Fallen Order Pack 5 : Mandalorian
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roamingswtor · 3 months
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Another swtor to sims wip, this time I'm working on making the Akk dog companion a costume for large dogs.
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legends-expo · 1 year
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We are so excited to announce that beloved author Matthew Stover will be attending LegendsCon! He will be available to meet with fans, sign autographs, and appear on panels all weekend!
Buy tickets now on Eventbrite, and join us for a celebration of all things Expanded Universe at the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, California on September 9th-10th 2023!
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thefoxybinch · 2 years
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Tee’lah and the best boy himself... the true hero of any Tee story... Boris.
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baraste-legacy · 2 years
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Commission: Pet by artAlais on DeviantArt
"Commissioned by katarn. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License"
AlaisL’s art can be found at: Tumblr at @artalais and @alaisl-artdump, DeviantArt, ArtStation, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Patreon and Displate. Buy Artalais a Ko-fi.
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archeo-starwars · 1 year
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biomagitech · 2 years
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Day 22 and a slightly late Sulaat as The World! Well, she can't Quite see the whole world from up there but it feels like it!
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tesalicious2 · 14 days
Children of the Warch/Nite Owl Headcanons
Despite beliefs parents, spouses, and children are allowed to see your face
Medics, of course, are allowed. However, they don’t unless absolutely necessary and will prefer they just have lift the edge of their helmet
None of the Nite Owls really know this because, to the tribe, it’s not important or necessary to voice as it was their business
When babies are first taken in or borne, the parents are very secluded so they can spend as much time with their children out of armor (includes helmet as those taking care of the baby, found/birthed the baby and therefore adopt the baby), skin to skin
When it comes to babies, the adoption process is more so 'i found a baby and now i am their parent in every way' no real adoption like with the older kids since the babies won't remember
The adoption rites are still said, just much less fanfair than with the older kids
This is also true for any new foundlings that need the contact, true for all ages though not a requirement
For babies, this period lasts about 8 months, then when out either parent is with the child without chest armor which lasts until they’re about 16 months
When children come to the tribe, they have little with them so what they do have is kept safe and in tip top shape
When they first arrive, foundlings are given essentially a deep clean by those that found them (they usually become their parent)
This includes getting their clothes washed, washing their hair twice (sometimes three) times, skin is scrubbed, lotion, and clothed in spares, and finally put to bed
Sometimes the kids come with pets (though very rare) and those are given similar treatment depending on the species
All in all, the Watch has the three shriek hawks, two nexu, eight massiffs (coming from two adults so far), three strill, and four anooba
Ragnar came in with a baby strill named Lord (he tried to change the name but no dice)
Lord was bathed after Ragnar, then deflea’ed and dewormed by the medic
Lord has been adopted by all foundlings and has taken the role of Guard dog, including all the commands and mannerisms that come with (though a sucker for belly rubs)
Bathing is important for bonding as it establishes trust and safety for the child, showing that the parent will always love and protect their foundlings no matter what state (mental or physical) they are in
Ragnar is the oldest of the younger group and took on the leader role
There are older teens who’ve completed the verd’goten and are considered adults but mostly teach youngers' kids
The teenagers oppose the Nite Owls the most and, while the most inexperienced of the adults, enjoy causing the most trouble with their youngest
The Nite Owls don’t have nearly as many young foundlings, their youngest is 15. The Children of the Watch youngest of the adults was 14, their actual youngest is 10 months old.
Younger groups age is from 0-13, then 14-20
The youngest enjoyed the new addition to their older siblings they could annoy; especially since the new teens had no idea what to do with them
Many times the kids will be all over the them. The moment they sit down, they have two children climbing on them (hanging over their legs, grabbing their head or arms, laying over their back, on their feet) but otherwise totally ignoring them unless addressed
The Nite Owls either have no idea what to do or don’t care enough about the tribe to care. The adults of the Tribe think it’s hilarious and that it builds character
They’re reasoning is that ‘if you don’t have the spine to tell them to get off of you, you don’t have a spine at all’
Eventually a nineteen year old takes a kid climbing over his face and throws him to the floor, and yells ‘get the hell off me you leeches!’
The child laughs, yanks his leg out from under him, climbs over to their face, slaps their cheek mockingly and says ‘bout time you grew a spine, grew a set of balls too! Congrats! You're no longer a spineless worm!'
The nineteen year old is then quasi adopted by this weird child and secretly enjoys it
A surprising amount of young Watch children quasi adopt the older kids from the Nite Owls, the Owls are confused and don’t really know how to stop it and those who have tried are told to stop by their teens
The peace between the two groups is actually pretty stable in day to day life
Though, some Owls still take issue with the Watch and avoid them, that number is few
After Paz and Axe become riduur, there is even less tolerance by either group for those people so many keep their negative opinions to themselves
Another factor is their pets
Obvi, the Tribe has so many pets and animals that are very well taken care of. Surprisingly, the Owls also have a few pets (but again not as much as the tribe)
The animals each have their roles and enjoy getting pets from literally anyone. Though, most will only respond to attack/work commands coming from a certain few people
Many of the massiffs will lay around and cuddle with the youngest of the children, though a majority only listen to the Beastmaster and her two apprentices
However, with each new litter, half of the pups are given to those couples with the youngest or most vulnerable children
All of the animals are incredibly well trained and well behaved, with even the biggest and most dangerous Anooba still fully trusted around babies (the only outlier being the bird things)
Many of the animals are purchased/found as babies since they respond the best to training
When the Nite Owls animals meet the Tribe's animals, it goes well
Though the Owl's are a little older and calmer, generally receptive to children and people playing with them but prefer to lay around and sun bathe
The Nite Owls' have one strill, three akk dogs, one massiff, and two anooba.
The pets are loved by all the young children and spend a lot of time around the younger kids, due to instincts or the fact the kids come to them
the Owls don't have a Beastmaster like the Tribe and so their animals are used to being more separate and with their owner than hanging around so many different people and animals
they also aren't used to working in a herd but many choose to just keep their animals with them rather than the group
Though, the owner of the massiff (who is about 22 year old female) does keep it with the other massiff and gives open permission to use it to help with breeding new puppies when the time comes
All the aminals in both groups only know Mando'a commands, though they know 'good *insert pet name/gender*' and stuff like that
(whether they know that or they just go wild for the pets, no one will ever know)
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teacakes1799 · 1 year
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imp boss man and his doggo! sketch comm © 2023
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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I'm pretty sure this is a minor bug/glitch (I've never had a companion photobomb a story cutscene this badly before) but it amuses me greatly that it looks like he's trying to play with the noetikon LMAO Rawhide, bby, pls, that's important do not punt that. 😔🤣
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 months
Pets and Owners
Sponge, having a space doggo playdate with Geoduck and Crayfish: They say pets tend to resemble their owners. Do you think that's true? Geoduck: Uuuh... I donno. I don't think Pearl and I are all that alike... We're both athletic, sure, but she's not nearly as introverted and doesn't get flustered easily... Sponge: My thoughts exactly in regards to myself and Beau... She's a social butterfly and doesn't like confined spaces. I much rather keep to myself and stay indoors... Sponge & Geoduck, observing Beau and Pearl before turning their attention to Crayfish and his pet Cannok Beast: Crayfish, sloppily eating a sandwich and getting coated in sauce: Lasagna, sloppily eating from her bowl and getting coated in wet food juices: Sponge, disgusted: ...Ah. Geoduck: Yep, they're definitely the ideal friend for each other...
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abbee-normal · 2 years
🖊 velvet
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What about Velvet?
Vel grew up in an unhappy family, she and her sister ran away when they were mid-teens. They stayed with their aunts for a while. Vel got a job at the spaceport loading ships and developed wanderlust. She spent a lot of time talking to the ship captains and decided that was going to be her future as well.
She tried to talk her sister into joining her, but Sterria wanted to stay.
Vel hid herself in the cargo hold of her favorite captain, intending to get off the next stop, but she was discovered by one nosy akk dog named Pazaak. Captain Mistii Meena nearly turned the Fool's Errand arround when Pazaak pushed her into the cockpit. After some terse words and heartfelt promises, Mistii agreed to let Vel stay for a while, but only after she contacted her aunts and got their approval. Vel learned the ins and outs of cargo transport and how to handle demanding port officials.
Her life changed the first time she visited Nar Shaddaa. Captain Meena had business to attend to so Vel wandered around till she saw a karaoke competition. Having nothing else to do till Mistii was finished, she decided to enter. Her love of singing ended up being more than just a fun hobby, she was really good. She got offered a contract to sing at Club Vertica for more money than she had ever dreamed of before. She did talk it over with Mistii before accepting the job. Mistii had some very serious discussions with some pit bosses and casino overseers before she would agree to Vel becoming a singer there.
How did her force sensitivity get discovered? A story for another day.
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serenofroses · 11 months
if there's a chance we'll get a third Hssiss, I'm definitely gonna play around the idea of Jadus, Ania and Marr taking in Hssiss as their own.
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