#Al-Ula tours
travelernight · 4 months
10 Amazing Places To Visit In Saudi Arabia
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dayorama · 1 year
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📍Al Ula, Saudi Arabia
The furthest travel I did while living saudi arabia. It’s a 12 hrs land travel from Riyadh, which is the capital of KSA. It was a Joiner Tour made for kabayans who wants to travel al ula and other provinces of saudi. It was my first time to join group tour by myself. The good thing was I made new friends which I didn’t expect. :p
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abbyisabroad · 27 days
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Back in early 2021, I went on a road trip from Riyadh to Al Ula.
Al Ula is easily one of the crown jewels of Saudi tourism and even then it was clearly something special. At the time, it was possible to drive up all the way to Elephant Rock and if you wanted to have a snack or coffee there, you needed to pack your own picnic.
Now days Elephant Rock is still accessible to the public and there are coffee kiosks and places to sit and enjoy the view.
The tombs of Hegra or Mad'in Salih are incredible. Carved from the top down of large rock formations scattered across the wind-swept prarie, they blend in beautifully with the natural landscape while also pointing to a vibrant and intricate network of Nabataean peoples during a pre-islamic time period.
The only way to visit Hegra is on a guided tour booked through the Experience Al Ula website.
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trip500company · 1 month
Guided Tours in Saudi Arabia
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Discover Guided Tours in Saudi Arabia
Join Us on an unforgettable journey through Saudi Arabia with our expertly curated guided tours, designed to immerse you in the Kingdom’s rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re exploring the ancient wonders of Al Ula, the vibrant streets of Jeddah, or the historical landmarks of Riyadh, each tour offers a unique and in-depth experience.
Full article here : https://saudiprivatetours.com/guided-tours-in-saudi-arabia/
#saudiprivatetours #sauditours #sauditravel
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tourist-destinations · 3 months
7 Things to Do in Saudi Arabia
Speak about desert destinations, and your mind will immediately wander to the Middle East. While UAE clinches the top spot for desert adventures and opulence leisure, it can weigh heavily on your wallet as many attractions are expensive. There is a cheaper option to enjoy the beauty of desert sceneries and Arabic heritage sprinkled with modern, innovative cities, beautiful coastlines, cultural landmarks, and even an island! That place is Saudi Arabia. Fresh on the tourism scene with accelerated and promising growth, this Middle Eastern destination offers an eclectic collection of leisure experiences sans the crowd of tourists. It is also one of the cheapest countries to visit from Dubai if you reside in the emirate and are looking for a short escape. Intrigued? Then check out these top 7 things to do in Saudi Arabia on a leisure holiday. 
Explore Al Ula’s Surreal Sceneries
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Gear up for an otherworldly experience at Al Ula, where you will visit Hegra and Jabal Ikhmah. These regions are home to unique rock formations set against the stellar auburn desert landscape. Don’t miss to shop at Old Town and  Al Jadidah village where you can catch glimpses into the region's rich history, relax in charming coffee shops, savour Arabian cuisine, and browse shops filled with Arabic murals, carpets, and more. Explore the Oasis Trail for a refreshing change of scenery. Sign up for a star gazing tour and journey far away from city lights into the dark expanses of Al Ghalameel at night to enjoy the most mesmerizing vista of iridescent starry skies you have ever come across on your trip.
Experience Luxury and Water Sports at Red Sea
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Saudi Arabia isn't all about arid desert regions. The country is flanked by the Red Sea on the west, blessing it with a vast stretch of stunning coastline. For tourists, this coastline offers pristine, sun-kissed beaches dotted with luxurious resorts perfect for indulgent staycations. Get adventurous and go Island hopping to untouched isles in the Red Sea, try kite surfing, kayak over the crystal-clear waters, or dive deep into scuba diving adventures to explore the vibrant coral reefs and colourful marine life in the underwater realm of the Red Sea.
Discover the City Life of Jeddah
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Before heading to Red Sea experiences, pause at Jeddah - a vibrant port city teeming with scenic, modern, and cultural experiences. Explore the old-world charm of UNESCO World Heritage Site - Al-Badad District, where you can wander through narrow streets and glimpse Jeddah's humble past. Visit the  Abdul Raouf Khalil Museum to discover fascinating exhibits on Saudi Arabian history and culture, which is one of the most popular things to do in Jeddah. Wind up your day with a relaxing stroll at Jeddah Corniche, enjoying the stunning sunset views and cool evening breeze. 
Spend a Day at Taif
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Taif is another gem of a place in Saudi Arabia, blending nature, culture, adventure, and historical sights together. Visit historical landmarks such as Shubra Palace and Al Shareef Museum to gain insight into the city’s cultural past. Taif is also known as ‘The City of Roses’ as this western region of Saudi Arabia is blessed with a temperate climate ideal for the blossoming of roses from April to June. The Hijazi City is quite famous for its rose farms - a splendid spectacle to behold as the landscape gets sheathed in fragrant blooms as far as the eye can see! Don’t miss a visit to the Al Hada mountains, where you can explore breathtaking terrains through invigorating hikes.
Explore the Historical Heritage of Riyadh
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The capital city of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, has a cultural heritage woven intricately with dynamic, future-enriched structures. When you view the city, you find scenery of monotonous low-rise structures disrupted contrastingly with glistening glass-and-steel skyscrapers. A city tour of Riyadh is a must-do activity for first-time visitors. An excursion from the city limits lets you explore the historical Masmal fortress, colossal Murabba Palace, and UNESCO Heritage Sites - Diriyah and Al Turaif. If you have the courage, head to the edge of the world - a cliff overlooking a steep valley at the Al-Khobar road, which is one of the most photographed spots in Saudi Arabia.
Enjoy a Desert Safari Experience
We all know that some of the famous desert safari destinations in the world are located in Middle Eastern countries, and Saudi Arabia is one of them. Dedicate a day to explore the gorgeous red dunes of Riyadh or Jeddah where you can enjoy dune bashing sessions, camel rides,quadbiking, sandboarding and more. Choose your preferred time of the day for the desert experience: morning safaris with hot air ballooning, evening tours featuring breathtaking sunsets, or overnight stays in Bedouin-style tents with BBQ dinners and stargazing opportunities.
Go Island hopping at Umluj
Escape to the paradisical Umluj islands, nestled off the western coast of the Red Sea. Often called the Maldives of the Middle East, Umluj offers a string of idyllic isles and crystal-clear lagoons. Bask in the gentle breezes as you relax on pristine white sand beaches beneath a canopy of azure skies. It's the perfect setting for an unforgettable island escape.
To sum it up, Saudi Arabia is far more than a desert destination. Within this country, you get a unique medley of culture, nature, and adventure experiences. Be it a city experience, an idyllic island or beach retreat, or a desert camp under the canopy of millions of twinkling stars, Saudi Arabia has got it all!
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traveltoarabia · 6 months
Visitez Al Ula, Arabie Saoudite : un voyage à travers le temps et la beauté
Niché dans le vaste et dynamique paysage de l’Arabie Saoudite se trouve Al Ula, une oasis d’histoire, de culture et de beauté naturelle. Ce joyau caché, récemment ouvert au monde, offre un mélange unique de civilisation ancienne et de géographie époustouflante qui attire les voyageurs du monde entier. Alors que vous planifiez votre visite à Al Ula, préparez-vous à embarquer pour un voyage qui transcende le temps, offrant un aperçu de la vie ancienne et des vues impressionnantes qui promettent de captiver vos sens.
L'ancienne ville d'Hégra Le voyage à travers Al Ula est incomplet sans explorer Hegra (également connue sous le nom de Mada'in Saleh), le premier site d'Arabie saoudite inscrit au patrimoine mondial de. Autrefois ville prospère du royaume nabatéen, les tombeaux bien conservés d'Hégra, aux façades élaborées taillées directement dans les montagnes de grès, racontent des histoires d'une époque révolue. En vous promenant dans cette ville ancienne, vous rencontrerez plus de 100 tombeaux, chacun portant des inscriptions et des dessins uniques, offrant un témoignage silencieux du génie architectural et de la richesse culturelle des Nabatéens.
Vieille ville d'Al-Ula Une visite de la vieille ville d'Al Ula, un labyrinthe de maisons en briques crues datant du XIIe siècle, offre un aperçu de la vie traditionnelle de la région. Cette ville historique était autrefois un centre commercial et agricole animé, stratégiquement située sur la route de l'encens. Aujourd'hui, se promener dans ses rues désertes, au milieu d'anciennes maisons et mosquées, c'est comme entrer dans un musée vivant, où chaque recoin recèle une histoire à découvrir.
Paysages naturels spectaculaires Les paysages naturels d'Al Ula sont aussi fascinants que ses sites historiques. La région est réputée pour ses formations rocheuses extraordinaires, comme l'Elephant Rock, un rocher massif qui ressemble remarquablement à un éléphant avec sa trompe touchant le sol. Le paysage autour d'Al Ula est une toile spectaculaire de falaises imposantes, de canyons étroits et de vastes espaces ouverts, offrant d'innombrables possibilités d'aventure et d'exploration. Que vous fassiez une randonnée sur les sentiers accidentés, que vous profitiez d'un tour en montgolfière au lever du soleil ou que vous vous imprégniiez simplement des vues panoramiques, la beauté naturelle d'Al Ula laissera forcément une marque indélébile dans votre cœur.
Le musée vivant et les événements culturels Al Ula est souvent décrit comme un musée vivant, où l'histoire et la culture ne sont pas seulement préservées mais célébrées. La région accueille une variété d'événements culturels et de festivals tout au long de l'année, comme le festival Winter at Tantora. Ces événements mettent en valeur le riche patrimoine d'Al Ula à travers des expériences musicales, artistiques et culinaires, offrant aux visiteurs une chance de s'immerger dans la culture et les traditions locales.
Tourisme durable et efforts de conservation Alors qu'Al Ula ouvre ses portes au monde, l'accent est mis fortement sur le tourisme durable et la conservation. Des efforts sont en cours pour garantir que l’afflux de visiteurs ne perturbe pas l’équilibre délicat de cette terre ancienne. Les initiatives comprennent la limitation du nombre de visiteurs sur les sites archéologiques, la promotion de pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement et l'engagement de la communauté locale dans les efforts de préservation. En visitant Al Ula, vous n'êtes pas seulement témoin de l'histoire ; vous contribuez également à la sauvegarde de ce précieux patrimoine pour les générations futures.
Planifiez votre visite Al Ula est accessible par voie aérienne, l'aéroport international d'Al Ula proposant des vols directs depuis plusieurs grandes villes. La meilleure période pour visiter se situe entre octobre et avril, lorsque le temps est agréable, permettant l'exploration et les activités en plein air. Les hébergements à Al Ula vont des complexes hôteliers de luxe aux campings confortables, répondant à diverses préférences et budgets.
Pour plus d'informations:-
visiter al ula arabie saoudite
voyage arabie saoudite
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dknuth · 8 months
Saudi Arabia - Al Ula Area - Ancient Dadan
In the first millennium BC Dadan was one of the principal kingdoms in Arabia. Their wealth and prominence were largely due to the trade in frankincense, myrrh, and spices. Their city of Dadan was in the oasis valley of Al Ula with plentiful water and agriculture.
The ruins of Dadan are just now being excavated, so little is visible to tourists. But the Saudis have an excellent system for showing what's there.
We started at the visitor's center. This has artifacts from the ruins large images, and videos. There is a welcome station with Arabic coffee and tea, water, and dried fruits, plus a sitting are which would be great for longer explanations.
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This image shows the lions above a tomb high on the rock walls that is hard to see by eye, or photograph by cell phone.
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Then the artifacts.
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Dadan had a unique written language that can be read by scholars. It is one of several in ancient Arabia.
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The large statue above was from a temple. Since the god of Dadan had no images, they think these statues were of worshipers demonstrating their belief.
There were persons there to explain all the exhibits.
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Then we went outside to see the tombs on the walls.
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That's pretty hard to see. A little zoom on the phone and I could see this.
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You can just make out the two lions above the tomb just left of the center.
There were powerful binoculars mounted on tripods and I experimented with my phone through the binoculars and could get this image. Not great, but better than I expected.
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The image from the display in the museum is still better, but it was an interesting experiment.
The nearby ruins of the city of Dadan are still an active archeological site, so we could not wander around there, but could only see them at a distance.
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I noted that the city was build above the agricultural plain, so not taking valuable agricultural lands and protected from flooding.
This is another area with massive date farms.
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Then we went to Jabal Ikman a site where the rock walls are covered in inscriptions, mostly in Arabic, but also Dadan and others.
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The range of languages over the years is a great resource for studying the development of the Arabic language.
Then we went into the modern city of Al Ula, which is being developed as a center for tourism in the area. We had lunch in a cafe out in the date groves, The Pink Camel.
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Then we visited the old town of Al Ula. Much of the old town was destroyed in a flood and are just ruins of stone and mud brick buildings. But the main street and surrounding area are rebuilt and have shops and restaurants. They also do a tour of a restored section of the residential area.
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Saudis shop and go out in the evening since for much of the year it's too hot during the day. So shops were just opening as we were leaving.
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That evening we went out to Elephant Rock for sundown, a popular location with locals and Saudi tourists.
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nbmsports · 1 year
What It’s Like to be a Female Tour Guide in Saudi Arabia
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Fatimah Al Zimam likes to walk around in black leggings and casual tops, and she wears her curly hair loose and uncovered. She owns a silver GMC pickup truck, which she loves to take on solo drives across the Saudi desert. And she is passionate about her work: As a tour guide, she has introduced her country to visitors from the United States, France, Britain, Italy, China and beyond.Ms. Al Zimam, 34, is a Saudi woman and she works for herself. She represents a profound transformation that’s underway in her home country, which has long been known as a deeply conservative place. Saudi Arabia’s opening to nonreligious tourists in 2019 is a major part of the ongoing shift, as are several important gains that women have been granted over the past half decade, though some restrictions remain.But even with the recent changes, the country has continued to come under fire for its record on human rights, which may raise concerns among potential visitors. One travel index has ranked Saudi Arabia second-to-last in the world in terms of safety for L.G.B.T.Q. travelers.But Saudi Arabia is betting big that tourists will come: The government is investing $1 trillion in the industry over 10 years, with the aim of attracting 100 million visitors annually by 2030. It’s all part of an effort to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.“If there is no oil, we don’t have anything. So now there are a lot of projects to promote agriculture, solar energy production — and tourism, too,” Ms. Al Zimam said.I first met Ms. Al Zimam on a recent solo trip to Saudi Arabia, when I hired her as my tour guide in Riyadh, the capital, and spent a day riding shotgun in her pickup truck. A few weeks later, I reached her on a video call at her apartment in Jeddah, on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast. She was eager to tell me about her favorite places to take first-time visitors, and how Saudi men react when they see her without a long robe, or abaya.Our conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.What kind of reactions have you seen among Saudis since the country started issuing standard tourist visas?The vast majority of people in Saudi Arabia are very generous with tourists. I’ve seen this even in remote villages, where people tend to be very religious — they’re really helping tourists, especially hitchhikers and cyclists who sometimes just appear out of nowhere.And look at a place like Al Ula, in the northwest, where you see so many tourists now. At first, some local people might have been skeptical about the crowds, the noise, the visitors. But then they started to see the jobs, the money, the extra work that they could find through tourism — they became aware of the opportunities. Now, they are very happy with tourism.The government has been spending a lot of money to turn the ancient city of Al Ula into a tourist destination. Is that a place that you would recommend to visitors?Al Ula is the best destination in the world for me. The Royal Commission has done a great job of developing the sites around there, and they’re still doing excavations, finding new things. Visitors love the ancient tombs in Mada’in Saleh, which is nearby. There’s so much else. Al Ula is full of rock inscriptions. Wherever you walk, you can find them.And I love to bring people to Hail, also in the north. Hail is a historic area — Lawrence of Arabia spent a lot of time there — and the landscape is stunning. The sand dunes, the red mountains, and just the beautiful shapes of the rocks and rock inscriptions. You can be driving and driving, then suddenly you come across a small oasis, a cluster of palms between the mountains.Are there many other women tour guides in Saudi Arabia?There are many, many female tour guides, and even more in training. In the class that I took to become a licensed guide, there were twice as many women as men, and I think that’s pretty common.A lot of potential female visitors might have questions about how to dress in Saudi Arabia. I know you don’t wear a head scarf or an abaya. Did you stop doing that as soon as the rule changed a few years ago?It was gradual for me. At first, I would still wear an abaya and hijab in the city, but not if I was out in the desert or in the mountains. But then I moved to Riyadh for work and I found myself more comfortable and happier without an abaya, as long as I was still dressed modestly. Now, I don’t wear an abaya or hijab. The only exceptions are if I’m going somewhere official — the courthouse or a police station — or if I’m going to a mosque. If I’m going to pray, I need a scarf.Some people might stare because it’s still kind of a new thing to see, but they respect my choice. I once had an Uber driver in Al Jouf who told me: “Look at me, with my beard and my mustache. I’m a man, but I married the woman my mother chose for me. But look at you, without an abaya: You’re a woman, and you made your choice. You’re braver than me.”What do you advise women visitors in terms of how to dress?Some Saudis will recommend that women visitors wear a scarf. But why? It’s OK not to. In rural areas, they might stare at you, but I find that, even there, most people are welcoming. And the people who aren’t welcoming won’t say anything because there is no longer a rule about it. I always feel safe, even though I travel alone and without an abaya. Come and I’ll take you to the Red Sea, and you’ll see — there, you can wear a bikini. The only exception is if you visit a mosque. There, it’s mandatory to cover your legs, and for women to wear long sleeves and a scarf.What do you like to do when you’re not guiding tours?I love traveling around Saudi Arabia, and I did it even before I started working as a tour guide. I’ve also been a rock climber since 2019, and I love going to Tanomah, which is where I first learned to climb.I know it wasn’t that long ago that Saudi women were granted the right to drive. What do people think when they see you behind the wheel of your truck?I must admit that I do love the reactions of people seeing me driving. Sometimes in rural places, people follow me, just because they’re curious. “Is this really a woman? Is it not just a man with curly hair?” But then they see I’m a woman and they call me, “My daughter! My daughter!” And they ask if I’m a tourist.Have you ever traveled outside your home country?I’ve traveled around the Gulf and to Jordan, but my first time outside the Middle East was last year, when I went to the U.K. and then to Switzerland with the Ministry of Tourism. On that trip, we spent one week at a tourism school in Montreux. The ministry sent thousands of people to the best tourism schools in Europe. I was in the last group.What’s your next gig?Summer is the low season for tourists here. So I’m working on my book, which is both a memoir and a travel guide to Saudi Arabia. I’m planning to publish travel secrets about places around the country. I have it all in my head, and now I will write it down.Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2023. Source link Read the full article
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utazzo174 · 1 year
Unforgettable Saudi Arabia Tour Packages By Utazzo
Saudi Arabia tour packages offer a remarkable opportunity to explore the captivating beauty and rich cultural heritage of this enchanting kingdom. Immerse yourself in the authentic Arabian experience as you visit iconic landmarks like the historical city of Riyadh, the breathtaking landscapes of Al-Ula, the ancient ruins of Mada'in Saleh, and the stunning Red Sea coastline. These tour packages provide meticulously planned itineraries, comfortable accommodations, and knowledgeable guides who will lead you through the country's highlights and hidden gems.
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tejwalbahrain · 1 year
Exploring the Beauty of Saudi Arabia: A Memorable Tour from Bahrain with Tejwalbahrain.com
Saudi Arabia is a land of rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and historic significance. The country has been attracting tourists from around the world for decades, and for good reason. From the pristine beaches of the Red Sea to the towering mountains of the north, Saudi Arabia has something for everyone. If you're looking to explore this beautiful country, then a tour from Bahrain with Tejwalbahrain.com is the perfect way to do so.
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Tejwalbahrain.com is a leading travel agency in Bahrain that specializes in providing hassle-free tours to Saudi Arabia. They offer a variety of tour packages that cater to different interests and budgets. Whether you're a history buff or an adventure enthusiast, Tejwalbahrain.com has something for you.
One of the most popular tours offered by Tejwalbahrain.com is the "Saudi Arabia Cultural Tour." This tour takes you through the heart of Saudi Arabia, where you'll get to experience the rich cultural heritage of the country. You'll visit historic sites such as Mada'in Saleh, the ancient Nabatean city that is often referred to as the "second Petra." This UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world, featuring breathtaking rock-cut tombs, temples, and dwellings that date back over 2,000 years.
Another highlight of the cultural tour is a visit to the Al-Ula Old Town, a historic city that dates back to the 6th century. This city was once a center of commerce and religion in the region and is home to some of the best-preserved mud-brick architecture in the world. You'll get to wander through the narrow streets of the old town, admiring the traditional houses and mosques that have stood the test of time.
For those who are looking for adventure, Tejwalbahrain.com also offers a "Saudi Arabia Adventure Tour." This tour takes you through some of the most spectacular natural landscapes in the country, from the towering mountains of the north to the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea. You'll get to go hiking in the Asir Mountains, where you'll be surrounded by breathtaking scenery and have the opportunity to meet the local people and experience their unique culture.
If you're a fan of watersports, then the adventure tour also includes a visit to the Farasan Islands, a group of islands in the Red Sea that are famous for their pristine beaches and clear waters. You'll have the opportunity to go snorkeling or scuba diving, where you'll get up close and personal with the vibrant marine life that calls the Red Sea home.
No matter which tour you choose, Tejwalbahrain.com ensures that you have a memorable and hassle-free experience. They take care of all the details, from transportation to accommodation, so that you can focus on enjoying your trip. Their expert guides are knowledgeable about the history and culture of Saudi Arabia and will ensure that you get the most out of your tour.
In addition to their tour packages, Tejwalbahrain.com also offers customized tours that can be tailored to your interests and preferences. Whether you're interested in history, adventure, or culture, they can create a tour that is perfect for you. They also offer visa assistance for those who require it, making it easier for you to travel to Saudi Arabia.
One of the best things about traveling with Tejwalbahrain.com is that they are committed to sustainable tourism. They work with local communities to promote responsible tourism practices and ensure that their tours have a minimal impact on the environment. They also support local businesses and use locally sourced products whenever possible, which helps to boost the local economy.
In conclusion, a tour from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia with Tejwalbahrain.com is an excellent way to explore the beauty of Saudi Arabia. With their range of tour packages and customized tours, you can choose the perfect itinerary that suits your interests and budget. Whether you're looking to immerse yourself in the country's rich cultural heritage, explore its natural wonders, or experience its vibrant traditions, Tejwalbahrain.com has something for everyone.
In addition to their expert guides and hassle-free tour packages, Tejwalbahrain.com also offers excellent customer service. They are available around the clock to answer any questions or concerns you may have and to ensure that your trip is enjoyable and stress-free. With their attention to detail and commitment to sustainable tourism, Tejwalbahrain.com is the ideal travel partner for anyone looking to explore the beauty of Saudi Arabia.
If you're planning a trip to Saudi Arabia from Bahrain, then look no further than Tejwalbahrain.com. With their range of tours, customized itineraries, and commitment to sustainability, they are the perfect travel partner for anyone looking to experience the beauty of Saudi Arabia. So why wait? Book your tour today and get ready for an unforgettable adventure.
Source:- https://tejwalbahrain.blogspot.com/2023/03/beauty-of-saudi-arabia-memorable-tour.html
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Trust me when I say that a night out at this spot AlUla is one for the books 🍻🍻🍻 Tour via @riyadhkabayantours #AlUla #alulaviewpoint #dadanikmah #AlUlaOasis #elephantrock #AlUlaOldTown #hegra #madainalsaleh #saudiheritagesite #alulatourism #theresalwayssomethingbeautifuloutofthemundane #thewanderingfeetandmind #lovinsaudi #DestinationKSA #destinationalula #AJourneyThroughTime #AlUlaMoments #arabnews #riyadhkabayantours (at Elephant Rock, Al Ula) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8sXbBKbgP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inrng · 6 months
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Photo: Al Ula Tour / Pauline Ballet
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mytripsa · 2 years
MyTrip Saudi Tour Operator
We offer the best tourist offers that meet the expectations of individuals, families and institutions with a variety of tourist services at the lowest prices.
Provide suitable tours for all categories: Youth - families - businessmen - students - women. Organizing recreational events. Organizing tourist excursions in various regions of the kingdom. Provision of transportation, farewell and reception services. Provide hotel and flight bookings. Provide licensed tour guides in different languages. Provide full meals, hospitality and tour documentation services. Arrange and coordinate the journey with all sides.
We organize An enjoyable Shagra & Ushaiqer tour with a group of our distinguished clients
A special tour with different nationalities of Ecuador and Venezuela for 3 days on the occasion of #Saudi_National_Day.
As part of the #Visit_Saudi Season a 9-day tour of our guests from America to explore many areas of Saudi Arabia.
A tour to discover the historic landmarks of the Riyadh region and Visiting the edge of the world for our guests from Brazil (March 2020).
A trip to explore the historical and archaeological monuments of Ola for our guests from Switzerland (March 2020).
A 10-day tour around Saudi Arabia for our guests from China (February 2020)
A 14-day trip around Saudi Arabia for our guests from Italy (February 2020)
Our 20-person Tour to Qassim on Feb 2020 #Mytrip
MyTrip Saudi Tour Operator https://mytrip.sa 966163255300 [email protected] Saudi Arabia, Qassim
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tues[day] 16 September 1834
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very good one last night – fine b[u]t hazy morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 57 1/4° at 8 35/.. a.m. – at my desk at 8 1/2 –
Kind let[ter] to M- [Mariana] gl[a]d she h[a]d found but by means ov[e]r w[hi]ch I h[a]d no control th[a]t ‘I h[a]d writ[ten] even less
‘oft[ene]r to th[o]se who are perpet[uall]y heap[in]g up[on] me kind[ne]ss aft[e]r kind[ne]ss, and whose ver[y] situat[io]n in life ma[ke]s
‘th[e]m suppos[e]d to be the 1st obj[ec]ts of my consid[eratio]n’ - … if ‘n[o]t mo[re] heart, I h[a]d comm[o]n sense th[a]n
‘to val[ue] the th[in]gs of th[i]s world accord[in]g to the scale w[hi]ch h[a]s been laid d[o]wn for me – H[a]d you bel[ieve]d me
‘oft[ene]r, and kn[o]wn me bet[ter], it w[oul]d ha[ve] sav[e]d us b[o]th m[u]ch pain – B[u]t if heav[e]n h[a]s will[e]d it oth[er]wise,
‘let us n[o]t compl[ai]n – the fin[a]l ruler of ev[en]ts is wiser th[a]n we – I am deep[l]y sensib[le] of all
‘y[ou]r affect[io]n; b[u]t, fr[om] the mom[en]t of y[ou]r hav[in]g delib[eratel]y told me y[ou]r determinat[io]n, and the lead[in]g argum[en]ts
‘w[hi]ch ga[ve] rise to it, my chief endeav[ou]r w[a]s to be convinc[e]d and reconcil[e]d – Mary! you trust[e]d me
‘too lit[tle] for happ[ine]ss – Rem[em[b[e]r th[i]s, and be comfort[e]d – cheer up – trust me, you ha[ve] m[u]ch to hope –
‘m[u]ch mo[re] th[a]n you seem aware – the prosp[ec]t will bright[e]r by and by – I ha[ve] nev[e]r fail[in]g consol[atio]n
‘or the th[ou]ght, th[a]t you will be happ[ie]r in oth[e]rs, th[a]n you c[oul]d ha[ve] been in me – confide[en]ce w[a]s
‘too m[u]ch shak[e]n on b[o]th sides – Mary! the last blow on mine, w[a]s too severe – Be
‘comfort[e]d – be assur[e]d, th[a]t you ha[ve] act[e]d wise[l]y for us b[o]th – viol[en]t changes are gen[erall]y irksome
‘to all p[ar]ties at 1st; b[u]t, rememb[erin]g wh[a]t I mys[elf] ha[ve] suffer[e]d, I do n[o]t eas[il]y desp[ai]r for anyone –
‘I do n[o]t feel inclin[e]d to say m[u]ch on the subj[ec]t of our meet[in]g – the reflect[io]ns to w[hi]ch it w[oul]d gi[ve]
‘rise, c[oul]d on[l]y be painful – Do as you th[in]k best’ – Hope ‘h[e]r niece’ will exceed h[e]r
all h[e]r expectat[io]ns – ‘I can eas[il]y ent[e]r int[o] y[ou]r motive for call[in]g h[e]r Percy’ – pleas[e]d at the th[ou]ght
of h[e]r go[in]g to the Rhine next y[ea]r – on[l]y anx[iou]s ab[ou]t h[e]r choice of a compan[io]n – ment[io]n Geneva as a
fine town ‘hav[in]g man[y] lit[erar]y and econom[i]c advent[age]s’ and th[a]t a fam[il]y of 2 or 3 might live in
affl[ue]nce at Rolle for £250 a y[ea]r – date the latt[e]r 1/2 p[age] 3,  Mon[day] 15 Sept[embe]r and say it shall go [as] last
might, the herald of the sm[all] parc[e]l (stays, 6 laces, p[ai]r of Earrings fr[om] Geneva and b[oo]k, Coxes’
pict[ure] of It[al]y borr[owe]d edit[io]n of 1815, too old when last at Lawton Dec[embe]r 1833) to be s[e]nt off by me of today’s mails –
‘I f[ou]nd my a[un]t m[u]ch the sa[me] as I left h[e]r, and Mr. Sund[erlan]d told me, he th[ou]ght her gen[era]l health qui[te]
‘as good - b[u]t she is uncert[ai]n - th[i]s seas[o]n of th[e] y[ea]r, or rath[e]r lat[e]r, h[a]s gen[erall]y tir[e]d h[e]r ver[y] m[u]ch
‘and I fear, if she gets ov[e]r the wint[e]r at all, it will be ver[y] indiffer[entl]y – she suffers a
‘gr[ea]t deal, yet her cheerful[ne]ss does n[o]t forsake her – She desires me to gi[ve] her love, and say
‘how gl[a]d she shall be to hear you are bet[ter] – the 30 shil[lin]gs for Th[oma]s Beech’s gr[ea]tcoat
‘are p[ai]d, and I will pl[a]ce th[i]s sum to y[ou]r acc[oun]t – If you do n[o]t feel qui[te] sure of my und[er]-
‘-stand[in]g all y[ou]r wishes ab[ou]t mon[e]y matt[e]rs, tell me mo[re] partic[ularl]y wh[a]t you w[oul]d ha[ve] me
‘do - G[o]d bless you, my d[eare]st Mary! Ever ver[y] espec[iall]y y[ou]rs AL- [Anne Lister] – nice en[ou]gh let[ter] to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] will consid[e]r ab[ou]t the fourgon ‘when I am mo[re] ab[le] to fix up[on] my next line of route’ – ‘I am perf[ectl]y astonish[e]d th[a]t I h[a]d y[ou]r let[ter] 12 days ago, and th[a]t I h[a]d been at ho[me] a fortn[i]ght
‘on Sat[urday] – I kno[w] n[o]t how the ti[me] h[a]s slipp[e]d away – I ha[ve] been so busy ab[ou]t my law-concern,
‘etc. etc. the days ha[ve] seem[e]d like mom[en]ts; and I ha[ve] s[in]ce been out of the h[ou]se – yet I ha[ve] oft[e]n
‘th[ou]ght of you, and wond[ere] how you w[oul]d set[tle] all th[]se disag[reablenes]s I w[a]s so griev[e]d to hear of…….
ment[io]n let[ter] fr[om] Vere – shall go and see h[e]r one of th[e]se days – at pres[en]t can ma[ke] no plans –
‘my poor aunt suffers a martyrdom; yet still she lives, and may live for sev[era]l m[on]ths –
‘It is a gr[ea]t comf[or]t to me to see h[e]r so pleas[e]d at my hav[in]g g[o]t a lit[tle] fr[ie]nd to ta[ke] ca[re] of me
‘in my trav[e]ls – I hope you will tell Miss Tate - B[u]t, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s wh[a]t you s[ai]d th[a]t I ha[ve]
‘nev[e]r forgott[e]n; and it is you th[a]t I shall alw[a]ys th[in]k of, and thank w[i]t hall my heart –
wr[ote] th[i]s morn[in]g und[e]r the seal – ‘I do hope to hear fr[om] you soon, if it be only one line to tell
‘me you are bet[ter], and ha[ve] settl[e]d th[in]gs mo[re] comf[ortabl]y th[a]n you expect[e]d – Do n[o]t troub[le] y[ou]rs[elf] one
‘inst[an]t ab[ou]t a frank – I shall be delight[e]d to see a Norfolk postmark – I shall troub[le]
‘L[or]d St[uar]t w[i]th a note to L[ad]y St[uar]t de R- [Rothesay] and a lit[tle] no[te] to d[ea]r Charlotte ab[ou]t the parc[e]l fr[om]
‘Paris - Ev[e]r, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ - Gen[era]l acc[oun]t of my journ[e]y to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] hop[e]d for so[me] comm[issio]n in Paris - perh[aps] she doubt[e]d my abil[itie]s - c[oul]d n[o]t doubt how
hap[py] I sh[oul]d ha[ve] been to do my best – ‘I h[a]d a lit[tle] fr[ien]d w[i]th me wh[o]se good care soon set me
‘ab[ov]e Mr. Freeman’s medicines; and we h[a]d so[me] delightful wander[in]gs am[on]g the Savoy m[oun]t[ai]ns – I do
confess th[a]t my ‘bowels yearned’ tow[ar]ds M[on]t Blanc; b[u]t he w[a]s a lit[tle] surly, and the 2 Savoy and
‘avocats who attempt[e]d his summ[i]t, and s[ai]d, tho’ unbeliev[e]d by any, they reach[e]d it, were
‘gl[a]d en[ou]gh to get d[o]wn ag[ai]n – they h[a]d no reg[ula]r guides, on[l]y 1/2 a doz[en] peasants, two of wh[o]m
‘h[a]d made the ascent bef[ore] – and, h[a]d they been a few h[ou]rs lat[e]r, w[oul]d prob[abl]y ha[ve] been lost –
‘we made wh[a]t is call[e]d the gr[a]nd tour of M[on]t Bl[an]c’ ….. cross[e]d the Gr[ea]t and lit[tle] S[ain]y Bernard…
we h[a]d no  Gollis-work – the lit[tle] Inns ver[y] fair[l]y comf[orta]ble ‘exc[ept] one in the vil[lage] de Ferret
‘where th[e]re were on[l]y 2 bedr[oo]ms for the wid[ow] and h[e]r 8 child[re]n. one manserv[an]t and 2 guides, our 2
‘selves, and 2 sick inf[an]ts the poor wom[a]n h[a]d tak[e]n to nurse, tout compris, at 6 fr[an]cs each
‘p[e]r m[ou]th – we ret[urne]d by the Savoy lakes and Chamberi – saw the pass of the Echelles, and the gr[a]nde
‘Chartreuse - sp[en]t 2 or 3 days at Lyons – tho’ man[y] of the h[ou]ses damaged or destr[oye]d in Apr[il] are
‘alread[y] repair[e]d or rebuilt, th[e]re are still too man[y] traces of the émente - Sev[era]l opul[en]t  
‘manufact[orie]s ha[ve] left the town, and set up th[ei]r establ[ishmen]ts elsewhere - th[e]re are 3 large ones just complet[e]d
‘at Voiron now communicat[e]d w[i]th Echelles by a fine new r[oa]d of 3 posts - th[e]re are sev[era]l new
‘r[oa]ds finish[e]d and in prog[ress] - th[a]t by S[ain]t Etienne io[ene]d 2 y[ea]rs ago (miss[in]g Lyons) saves 3 days’ journey to
‘Marseilles’ – 2 or 3 days at S[ain]t Etienne and 2 or 3 at Clerm[on]t – ‘the view fr[om] the Puy de Dome,
‘is one of the m[o]st interest[in]g and extraord[inar]y I ha[ve] ev[e]r seen. – a vast assembl[a]ge of cones of extinct
‘volca[noe]s – a vast coulée (sea) of lava - b[u]t the heat w[a]s so excess[ive] in walk[in]g up, and the air
‘is cold at the top, I on[l]y st[ai]d ab[ou]t 1/2 an h[ou]r – Do tell the girls, they nev[e]r saw s[u]ch a dirty fig[ure]
‘as I w[a]s on com[in]g out of the fine silv[e]r mines (op[ene]d 2 or 3 y[ea]rs ago) n[ea]r Pont de Gibaud - B[u]t
‘the coal-mine of Firminy, n[ea]r S[ain]t Etienne, astonish[e]d me m[o]st – It is exact[l]y like a comm[o]n
‘st[one] quarry, (open to the day, and work[e]d in the sa[me] way) b[u]t the rock is coal of excell[en]t qual[it]y –
‘It is on[l]y 3 y[ea]rs th[a]t it h[a]s been work[e]d in th[i]s way, and is the on[l]y coal-mine kn[o]wn of the kind –
‘the miners at the silv[e]r mine were chief[l]y Germans – Be the gov[ernmen]t wh[a]t it may, I nev[e]r saw
‘so gr[ea]t an app[earan]ce of improvem[en]t and prosper[it]y in the count[r]y – the écoles des mines ha[ve] done an
‘infin[it]y of good to the mining int[ere]sts of the count[r]y’ - din[e]d w[i]th L[ad]y CL- [Charlotte Lindsay] and the Berrys – ‘and w[a]s deligth[e]d w[i]th my
‘vis[i]t – all were in good sp[iri]ts, and were ver[y] agreeab[le], and k[i]nd – I h[a]d nev[e]r seen so m[u]ch of L[ad]y Charl[otte]’
(Lindsay) ‘who says th[in]gs so nice[l]y, and wh[o]se man[ner]s are so interest[in]g, she made qui[te] an impress[io]n
‘up[on] me – Miss Berry is really wond[er]ful – Thank you ver[y] m[u]ch for giv[in]g me th[ei]r addr[ess] – I w[a]s
‘qui[te] gl[a]d to improve so nice an acquaint[an]ce - unexpect[e]d pleas[ure] to see L[or]d St[uar]t – ‘wh[a]t
‘an enviab[le] tour in Norway! I wish a [I] knew a lit[tle] mo[re] ab[ou]t it – If I live, I mean to go
‘th[e]re one of th[e]se days – my a[un]t, as to gen[era]l health, is m[u]ch the sa[me] as when I left h[e]r - b[u]t she
‘suffers a martyrd[o]m fr[om] rheumat[i]c pains; and her medic[a]l men fear she can[no]t long survive
‘the wint[e]r – I enclose a lit[tle] no[te] for Charlotte - Bel[ieve] me, d[ea]r L[ad]y St[uar]t, alw[a]ys ver[y] truly y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’
th[e]n wr[ote] on 1/4 sh[ee]t the foll[owin]g ‘Shibd[e]n hall - Mon[day] 15 Oct[obe]r 1834. My d[ea]r Charlotte – I s[e]nd you a ver[y] lit[lte] no[te], the herald
of a ver[y] lit[tle] parc[e]l, w[hi]ch Miss Berry w[a]s so good as prom[ise] to bring fr[om] Paris – I told L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s for you –
‘I alw[a]ys th[ou]ght of giv[in]g you so[me] sm[all] rememb[ran]ce on y[ou]r entrée int[o] the gr[ea]t world – I wish[e]d it to be so[me]th[in]g useful,
‘and on[l]y hope I ha[ve] chos[e]n well, and th[a]t you will like the watch for its own sake, and for mine – I hope you
‘are all enjoy[in]g yours[elf], and look[in]g qui[te] rosy and well at Highcliffe – I sh[oul]d n[o]t kno[w] it ag[ai]n – If you still
‘hunt for fossils, and care as m[u]ch as ev[e]r for the collect[io]n, you can fancy how disap[pointe]d I w[a]s to f[i]nd, on
‘reach[in]g here, th[a]t all my fine specimens fr[om] Auvergne silv[e]r-mines, and man[y] oth[e]rs th[a]t were pack[e]d
‘in the carr[ia]ge tool-box, were lost in Lond[on], thrown away as lumber, I suppo[se], by the c[oa]chmakers’ men, who th[ou]ght
‘antiattrit[io]n better worth – I oft[e]n th[ou]ght of you among the high alps of Savoy, and wish[e]d you were w[i]th me –
‘wh[a]t sketch[in]g for Louisa! Gi[ve] my love to h[e]r – I shall alw[a]ys feel ver[y] m[u]ch interest[e]d for you both; and
‘bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Charlotte, y[ou]r ver[y] sincere and affect[iona]te fr[ie]nd A. [Anne] Lister – my kind rememb[rance]s to Miss Hyriott’ –
w[e]nt d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 11 1/4 and s[e]nt off th[e]n by Geo[rge] my let[ter] to ‘Mrs. Lawton the Rev[eren]d M. Miller’s Scarborough’ –
br[eak]f[a]st – Mr. Parker s[e]nt the lease of ‘Lidgit’ to Mr. Lamplengh Wickham Hird for A- [Adney] to r[ea]d ov[e]r – she r[ea]d it al[ou]d to me –
the game reserv[e]d as in my leases - on[l]y allow[e]d to ha[ve] 7DW. und[e]r plough – penalty £10 p[e]r DW. - n[o]t to cut or
prune timb[e]r – 34DW. - n[o]t to und[er]let exc[ept] w[i]th writ[ten] leave – Rent £100, term 10 y[ea]rs – asleep 1/2 h[ou]r – at my desk at 1 5/..
wr[ote] my no[te] to C. St[uar]t and at 2 1/2 h[a]d writ[ten] so far of today, and h[a]d fold[e]d and seal[e]d up in envelope my no[te]
4 p[ages] of 1/2 sh[ee]t to ‘The Lady St[uar]t de Rothesay’ enclos[in]g in the sa[me] my no[te] to ‘the hon[oura]ble Miss Stuar]t’
and enclo[e]d th[e]se and my no[te] to ‘The hon[oura]ble L[ad]y St[uar]t Whitehall’ und[e]rcov[e]r to ‘Lord St[uar]t de Rothesay
3 Carlt[o]n h[ou]se terrace London’ – s[e]nt the ab[ov]e let[ter]s at 7 p.m. by Geo[rge] – A- [Adney] and I out at 2 3/4
to Brearley hill to meet Holt ab[ou]t gett[in]g wat[e]r for John Bott[omle]y and ab[ou]t sink[in]g pit to enab[le] me
to look aft[e]r Mr. Rawson – gett[in]g the wat[e]r will cost ab[ou]t £16 to £20 sink[in]g and driv[in]g at 3/. to 3/6 p[e]r y[ar]d
ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds – ord[ere]d th[i]s job to be advertis[e]d next week for lett[in]g as als[o] the pit sink[in]g – H- [Holt] th[in]ks
the pit will cost ab[ou]t 40/. p[e]r y[ar]d sink[in]g ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds deep to the low[e]r bed – saw the place n[ea]r the
upp[e]r gateway just ab[ov]e Conery wood in the Park farm well f[iel]d – w[i]th a sm[all] fire engine m[i]ght
get coal th[e]re for man[y] y[ea]rs – eas[il]y road[e]d al[on]g the f[ee]t of Bairstow, out just bel[ow] Whiskum cot[tage]
int[o] the new bank to H[alifa]x – pit to be oblong 8ft. x 5.4 .:. ab[ou]t n[o]t qui[te] s[ai]d S. W. [Samuel Washington] tonight, 5 sq[uare]
y[ar]ds stuff will co[me] out at each y[ar]d depth of sink[in]g – 5 x 100 = 500 y[ar]ds of stuff cart[in]g d[o]wn
to the f[ee]t of the wall oppos[i]te the h[ou]se = ab[ou]t £20 – the wat[e]r of dirt band (36 y[ar]ds band) and four-
-score y[ar]ds band to be gath[ere]d up in sink[in]g and turn[e]d the conery clough separ[atel]y or n[o]t to the h[ou]se –
H- [Holt] s[ai]d the coal w[oul]d sell at 8d. at the pits’ m[ou]th – and [no] turnip[ke] to H[alifa]x w[oul]d ma[ke] a penny
a load diff[eren]ce – Rawson sells at 9 1/2d. in the town – we sh[oul]d sell at 9d. – w[oul]d av[era]ge 5 1/2 corves
or loads p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d – 20 loads or one score w[oul]d sell for 13/4 at the pits mouth –
 gett[in]g  .   .                             4.6        13.4 – 8 = 5/4                                        say 1s.3d. p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit .:.
pull[in]g and bank[in]g              2.6      
                                                              say 3d. p[e]r load profit                          1 ac[re] or 4840 y[ar]ds = £242+ £60.10s.0d.
Tools                                          1.0      
Taxes                                          8.0     or 1/4 1/2 p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit                                              = £302 p[e]r ac[re]
 fr[om] Brearley hill A- [Adney] met me at Whiskum cot[tage] – th[e]nce d[o]wn the o[ld] b[ank] to H[alifa]x to the Bowling
foundry for fire-grates for n[or]th parl[ou]r n[or]th ch[ambe]r and tentr[oo]m – th[e]n to Miss Hebden’s – good acc[oun]t
of Charlotte Booth – th[e]n to Whitley’s – br[ou]ght ho[me] vol[ume] 3 [octavo] Lyell’s geol[og]y and Busby’s Journ[a]l am[on]g
the viney[ar]ds of Spain and Portug[a]l – and pamphl[e]t by Jo[h]n Travers on the Tea duties – th[e]n to Thorps’
ab[ou]t acorns and plant[in]g sett[in]g Bairstow w[i]th th[e]m – ho[me] up t he o[ld] b[ank] at 6 55/.. – din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] – h[a]d
Washington – noth[in]g to be made of Mrs. Machin ab[ou]t the sale of h[e]r 11DW. of coal – b[u]t
W- [Washington] told he w[oul]d call ag[ai]n on Sat[urday] – A- [Adney] and I sat talk[in]g and read[in]g the newspap[e]r Geo[rge] br[ou]ght
b[a]ck th[i]s ev[enin]g – w[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9 3/4 to 10 3/4 – wr[ote] all b[u]t the 3 first lines of th[i]s p[age] till 11 1/2 p.m.
at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 59 1/2° in my study – ver[y] fine day – no[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n Heath to say the front pew in the north gall[er]y nearest to the west gall[er]y was at lib[ert]y rent 1 guin[ea] a y[ea]r
2 notes · View notes
traveltoarabia · 11 months
À la découverte de la riche tapisserie d'Arabie Saoudite : une visite guidée
L'Arabie Saoudite est une terre d'une beauté captivante et d'une histoire enchanteresse, et quelle meilleure façon d'explorer ce royaume fascinant qu'à travers une visite touristique méticuleusement planifiée ? Berceau de l’Islam et abritant de nombreuses merveilles naturelles et trésors culturels, l’Arabie saoudite offre une incroyable gamme de sites et d’expériences aux voyageurs cherchant à s’immerger au cœur de la péninsule arabique.
Le joyau du désert Riyad : une oasis moderne Votre voyage à travers l'Arabie Saoudite pourrait commencer à Riyad, la capitale du pays et une métropole moderne qui allie à merveille tradition et innovation. Commencez votre visite touristique par une visite de l'emblématique tour Kingdom Center, qui offre une vue panoramique sur la ville et les paysages désertiques environnants. Ensuite, plongez dans le riche patrimoine de la région au Musée national et au palais Murabba.
Djeddah : la porte d'entrée de la Mecque Djeddah, surnommée la « Mariée de la mer Rouge », est une ville côtière animée qui constitue la principale porte d'entrée vers La Mecque pour les pèlerins. Pendant votre séjour à Djeddah, n'oubliez pas d'explorer le quartier historique d'Al-Balad, un site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, où vous découvrirez une charmante architecture traditionnelle et des marchés animés. La fontaine du roi Fahd, l'une des plus hautes fontaines du monde, orne le front de mer de la ville, créant une toile de fond époustouflante pour votre expérience touristique.
Merveilles naturelles
La Mer Rouge : Paradis de la plongée L'Arabie saoudite bénéficie d'un littoral le long de la mer Rouge, réputé pour ses récifs coralliens vibrants et sa vie marine. Envisagez un arrêt dans la ville côtière de Yanbu ou d'Al-Lith, où vous pourrez vous adonner à la plongée en apnée ou à la plongée sous-marine et explorer le monde sous-marin à couper le souffle de la mer Rouge. Les plages immaculées et les eaux cristallines sont une véritable merveille naturelle.
Bout du monde : des paysages à couper le souffle Pour une aventure unique, embarquez pour un voyage au « Bord du monde », une falaise spectaculaire située juste à l'extérieur de Riyad. Cette merveille naturelle à couper le souffle offre des vues spectaculaires sur l'étendue infinie du désert et est parfaite pour la randonnée, la photographie ou simplement pour profiter de la tranquillité du désert.
Trésors culturels
Sites UNESCO : patrimoine historique L'Arabie saoudite possède plusieurs sites classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, tels que les merveilles archéologiques d'Al-Hijr (Madain Salih) et l'art rupestre de la région de Hail. Ces sites donnent un aperçu de la riche histoire du royaume, notamment de l'ancienne civilisation nabatéenne et des pétroglyphes préhistoriques.
Al-Ula : voyage dans le temps à travers l'histoire Al-Ula est un trésor de merveilles archéologiques et historiques. Explorez les magnifiques tombeaux creusés dans les falaises rose-rouge de Madain Saleh, souvent surnommées la « Deuxième Pétra ». Promenez-vous dans la vieille ville d'Al-Ula et imprégnez-vous de l'atmosphère de cette ancienne oasis du désert.
Le chemin le moins parcouru
Quartier vide : le Rub' al Khali Pour le voyageur intrépide, le Rub' al Khali, ou Quartier Vide, est un vaste désert qui s'étend sur plusieurs pays, dont l'Arabie Saoudite. C'est l'un des terrains les plus difficiles au monde, mais sa beauté austère et sa solitude offrent une expérience unique. Rejoignez des expéditions guidées ou faites un voyage autoguidé pour explorer l'immensité du désert.
Province d'Asir : le joyau vert Dans la région sud-ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, la province d'Asir est connue pour ses champs luxuriants en terrasses et ses charmants villages de montagne. Le parc national d'Asir est un endroit idéal pour faire de la randonnée, observer les oiseaux et profiter d'un climat plus frais que le reste du pays.
voyage arabie saoudite
voyage organisé arabie saoudite
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crosscountryrally · 4 years
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Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky confirmada por JBXE para la temporada 2021 de la Extreme E y se completa la grilla para la primera fecha
La piloto sueca Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky será la contraparte femenina a Jenson Button en el nuevo equipo JBXE, propiedad del campeón del mundo de Fórmula 1 de 2009, en la Extreme E 2021. Con esto, la grilla de 18 pilotos ha quedado conformada para la primera fecha en Al-Ula, Arabia Saudita. 
La piloto con experiencia en la  Scandinavian Touring Car Championship (STCC), donde fue la primera mujer en ganar una carrera en 2018 además de otras series GT y turismo europeas como la ADAC GT Masters, la Audi TT Cup y la Scirocco R-Cup, se desempeñó como probadora de los compuestos de neumáticos Continental para la Extreme E durante casi los últimos dos años, lo que lo hace una de las pilotos con mayor experiencia en el SUV Odyssey 21 de la categoría eléctrica.
“Estoy encantada de unirme al equipo de JBXE junto a Jenson Button, se siente como un sueño hecho realidad” comentó Åhlin-Kottulinsky.  “No solamente podré competir con un compañero de equipo tan fantástico, sino que ambos creemos realmente en la plataforma de la serie. Extreme E es más que un deporte de motor común y corriente, es un deporte con un propósito que podemos utilizar para exhibir vehículos eléctricos y motivar a las personas a reconsiderar sus puntos de vista sobre las consecuencias del cambio climático. Si podemos hacer que esta serie de carreras sea emocionante, innovadora e interesante de seguir, aumentará la voluntad de realizar cambios grandes y pequeños, en beneficio de nuestro mundo y de todos los habitantes del planeta”.
“Estoy encantado de darle la bienvenida a Mikaela a JBXE y de tenerla como mi compañera de equipo. Ella trae consigo una experiencia fantástica detrás del volante y su trabajo con Continental y Extreme E hasta este punto demuestra claramente lo valiosa que será para el equipo” agregó el fundador y piloto del equipo JBXE, Jenson Button. "En Mikaela tampoco tengo ninguna duda de que tenemos una embajadora increíblemente valiosa para representar a JBXE, y Extreme E en su conjunto, en la lucha para crear conciencia sobre el cambio climático y ayudar a implementar los proyectos del Programa Extreme E Legacy”.
Pilotos de Extreme E
Rosberg Xtreme Racing: Johan Kristoffersson / Molly Taylor
X44: Sebastien Loeb / Cristina Gutiérrez
Acciona Sainz: Carlos Sainz / Laia Sanz
Chip Ganassi Racing: Kyle LeDuc / Sara Price
Hispano Suiza Xite Racing: Oliver Bennett / Christine GZ
Veloce Racing: Stephane Sarrazin / Jamie Chadwick
Cupra ABT: Mattias Ekstrom / Claudia Hurtgen
Andretti United: Timmy Hansen / Catie Munnings
JBXE: Jenson Button /  Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky
 Imagen: JBXE
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