#Album - Inca
neilyoungs · 6 months
if trans 1982 by neil young has one fan it's me if trans 1982 by neil young has no fans i'm dead etc etc
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Y'baditeeeeei nu creeeeeed 😭😭😭😭
Context: eu si ultima jivina de fosta de colega de banca ne-am ghostuit reciproc, dar mama inca o are la prieteni. Si aflu ca individa s-a maritat si a avut 2 rochii de mireasa.
A doua rochie era de fapt varianta alba si din alt material a camasii din care nu iesea cand se ducea la munca la birou + pantaloni albi cu niste abominatii de pantofi sport.
Prima rochie tho? Deloc stilul ei si foarte... familiara. Si cand zic deloc stilul ei, stiu despre ce vorbesc + ca nu avea treaba cu accesoriul de pe cap si incaltarile.
Si ma loveste.
Now, as your fave feminist and bi baditica, trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost mereu anti casatorie din motive strict personale. TOTUSI, am pe pinterest un album public plin cu chestii care sunt dupa sufletul meu si care a mai fost recent imbogatit, avand in vedere relatia mea cu senhor E.
Ei bine...
In albumul meu intitulat ironic Bridgerton Fairytale Wedding A+E, toate pozele de anul acesta sunt cu rochii fix ca cea a individei. Inclusiv tortul (care e alta estetica dar mi-au scapat cateva poze din alt fisier privat).
Ati spune ca sunt nebuna.
DAR vorbim de fata care stia ca pentru banchet vreau o rochie similara cu cea de mireasa a lui Nicole din Lacrimi de Iubire (cine stie) si nu puteam sa o fac decat pe comanda, fiind ceva aparte. Am hotarat sa nu mai merg la banchet, razgandindu-ma in ultimul moment si cumparand rochia pe care am vrut-o pentru majorat si care era acum (in sfarsit) la jumatate de pret (600 lei in 2011 erau bani seriosi). Ei bine, individa a venit la banchet cu o rochie facuta pe comanda dupa rochia de mireasa a lui Nicole din Lacrimi de Iubire. Pe albastrul ala gen lapis lazuli, culoarea mea preferata pe atunci, a ei fiind corai.
Daca nu v-am convins, peste tot si-a denumit nunta drept Bridgerton Fairytale Wedding N+B 🙃 Luna de miere? Fix orasul unde am fost eu cu E de mai multe ori in ultimul an, sora lui vitrega locuind acolo. Bine ca nu am fost la ma-sa in Sao Paulo ca facea Niculina rata la banca pentru luna de miere in Brazilia.
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Inca Roads • Can't Afford No Shoes • Sofa No. 1 • Po-Jama People • Florentine Pogen • Evelyn, a Modified Dog • San Ber'dino • Andy • Sofa No. 2
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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dollarbin · 2 days
Shakey Sundays #37:
Trans, Part 2
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Every artist worthy of your Dollar Bin buck has at least one wacky identity crisis record.
Joni declared God a boogie man and life one big Pork Pie Hat; a few years later she went full synth on Dog Eat Dog; Cat Stevens decided songs should be 18 minutes long and then dedicated a record to the Pythagorean Theorem; Sandy Denny tried out war-era white jazz under a thatched roof; Lou Reed strove to make an album that was entirely unlistenable; and Paul Simon dedicated years and millions of dollars to a musical about a caped Puerto Rican vampire kid...
And, of course, you've got your pick of midlife crisis Dylan records: most of his records fit that description. Prior to dedicating the equivalent of 5 albums in a row to Sinatra, he did everything from a cowboy soundtrack to 80's reggae, not to mention the still largely incomprehensible Self Portrait.
But for me, Neil Young's Trans remains, hands down, the very best identity crisis record in the dollar bin. I see I got my copy for 92 cents. And, now that I've dedicated an entire 65,000 word post to both exorcising and exercising my own personal demons associated with Trans, it's time that we settled in and talked about its actual songs.
First of all, Trans would be far better as an Eldorado length EP. Three of the album's songs have no place on the record thematically or musically; rather, Little Thing Called Love, the interminable Like An Inca and Hold On To Your Love belong on a Shakey / Joe Freakin' Lala duo record with the working title of Johnny's Island of Steaming Hot Dog Waste, or something akin to that: it's a perfectly dull set of songs which Young's new boss at that time, David Geffen, labeled as lousy.
(I'm going out on a limb with that conclusion because I have yet to hear all of the newly released tracks from those sessions that appear on Archives 3; my famous brother is probably choking on his microbrewed sourbeer in rage and swearing by Neil's yacht rock phase as we speak.)
Disappointingly, as near as I can tell Archives 3 doesn't offer any new truly Trans songs; Young apparently just recorded five core songs with his wall of machines.
(I don't consider the Mr Soul on this record a core song; Young says he jokingly recorded it as a Buffalo Springfield reunion audition tape. No wonder they never got back together.)
But forget about Mr Soul: I'm here to argue that every single one of Trans' original five songs is a winner.
Let's consider them in order.
Computer Age is a top twenty Neil Young track. If the whole record were this good we'd all talk about Trans in hushed tones and toss around descriptive words like masterpiece and mothercuddler. But Computer Age is the album's high water mark.
First of all, the song freakin' rocks: I totally dig its groove and hooks. Computer Age makes me want to cook up a six course meal made entirely out of recycled semi-conductors, all while dancing. Computer Age! Computer Age!
To my ears, Computer Age is the only piece of music on this record, or, frankly, on any of Neil's records between Re-Ac-Tor and This Notes for You, which sounds 100% finished and successful. Neil has plenty of visions; occasionally he fully nails one of them. The vocoder vocals all make sense to me here. The pacing is both stately and frantic. The bridge swoons.
We R In Control is nearly as good and twice as nuts.
The day I lose my mind entirely and start blogging here about how there was no moon landing and how Hilary Clinton is a Taiwanese super spy android, please know that I have adopted We R In Control as my personal theme song. And while you are at it, please get me some help.
There are more competing hooks in this song than in The Cure's Fascination Street - and I've counted, there are at least seven hooks in that song. Plus every one of Neil's hooks is bonkers. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! He attempts everything in the song: he swings; he stomps; he performs a solo on an 80s-era telephone's digital keypad.
Song three, Transformer Man, should be the other fully successful track on the record. After all, it's a truly beautiful song, a fact Neil admitted 10 years later on MTV Unplugged.
I love how there's one single nerd-club-level Shakey guy in the audience who recognizes this song as it opens - you can hear him let out a shocked Yeah! while everyone else fingers their MTV-issued bowls of mixed nuts and wine coolers and wonders what's up.
The summer that this live version of Transformer Man came out I was at journalism camp (yeah, Journalism Camp). Midweek I derailed an entire class taught by the LA Reader's music critic by complimenting his citing of this song as the only redeemable moment on the live record. He looked at me dumbfounded: a 17 year old existed who enjoyed Trans. The rest of the class sighed and waited for a resumption of normalcy. It took a while.
But the song's original take makes a critical mistake: Neil occasionally shuts off the vocal altering vocoder. Every time we hear snatches of his almost normal singing voice we get distracted.
See what I mean? When Neil's computerized pinprick of a voice quivers this song is shimmies. But when we know it's him singing we're disappointed and want to hear On The Beach.
Happily, there is not a single note on Computer Cowboy that sounds like standard Shakey.
Neil has spilled a lot of ink outlining his thematic intentions with this record; I think a lot of what he was trying to say is actually really valuable, and I'll get into all of that in my eventual post for Trans, Part 3.
But, try as he might to tell his interviewers that Computer Cowboy is a deep think piece centering around a cattle rancher by day who's a hacker by night and the implications of that guy's whole deal on life as we know it, this song has no possible justification, and that's makes it wonderful. Back in 1993, long after the Dylan show I chronicled in Part 1, all 5 or 6 adolescent boys in my bedroom and I definitely fell down laughing hysterically when Neil got to his "yippee-yi-yippee-yi-ay" fade out. He may continue to take this whole project seriously, but Trans is also just ridiculously funny.
Sample and Hold stands alongside Computer Age as the record's other attempt at something vital. There's just a lot of ambition to be heard in the track. Neil thought a lot about, well, something or other while working on this song.
Young issued an extended dance remix of the song in 1982 but left that version off Archives 3. A critical mistake!
I can't think of anything insightful to say about Sample and Hold other than please, go listen to it.
We know you'll be happy.
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rastronomicals · 5 months
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8:05 PM EDT April 14, 2024:
Tyrannosaurus Rex - "Frowning Atahuallpa (My Inca Love)" From the album   My People Were Fair and Had Sky in Their Hair . . . But Now They’re     Content to Wear Stars on Their Brows (July 5, 1968)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under:    Hippie Shit with John Peel playing the part of MC     
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emi-maru · 11 months
the two I wanna recommend rn are Mittsies - Vitality and Maya, Aztecs & Inca by Mr. Nicky (tho you could also check out Ancient Mesopotamia by him) :3
Actually listened to the whole Equilibrium album while coding today and it is definetly not something I usually listen to, it could be come a mood thing for me ngl. I can imagine it's really great for zoning out while listening (I guess that's why it's called trance lmao I did not know Mr. Nicky and Maya, Aztecs & Inca is kinda stuck in my head now
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tagged by @corintuckerr to post 4 of my recent favorite albums !
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these r all ones i've found and enjoyed in the last 2 ish weeks ..... album titles under the cut <3 ANYWAYS. tagging @serethereal @radiointerview @concordewillfly @alpacinolover @girlboyofarc and anyone else who wants to !
los incas modernos self titled ep
sometimes i wish we were an eagle by bill callahan
god's trashmen sent to right the mess by fievel is glauque
the great depression by defiance, ohio
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transmascreplica · 11 months
what are ur favorite fz/mothers songs ive always wondered ^_^
honestly my favorite albums under the zappa umbrella are only in it for the money and bongo fury and those both feel kind of like cheating because in it for the money leans so much into the beatles mockery that the only real zappa elements that come out are sound collage and torturing his band members. and beefheart carried bongo fury so 🤗
songs specific: muffin man, idiot bastard son, absolutely free, carolina hardcore ecstasy, concentration moon, willie the pimp, inca roads- i listen to albums too much to remember names but basically all the one size fits all songs where napoleon murphy brock sounds beautiful and stuff.
TRUE ANSWER: jewish princess and the homophobic one 🤤
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 7.25
Act Like a Caveman Day
Antifascist Pasta Day (Italy)
Bayreuther Festspiele begins (Wagner festival; Germany) [thru 8.28]
Be Adamant About Something Day
Community Day (Galicia, Spain)
CTNNB1 Awareness Day
A Day Out of Time (Last Day of the Year; Mayan, Galactic)
Ebernoe Horn Fair (Sussex, UK)
Feed the Country Ducks Day
Festival of Picaresque Animality
Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International AfroLatinx, AfroCaribbean & Diaspora Women’s Day
International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners
International Red Show Day
International Sop Rapping Over Vocals Day
John Knill Day (Cornwall, UK) [Every 5 Years]
Jumatul Bidah (Bangladesh)
Jumat-ul-Wida (India)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 5.17]
Mugwort Day (French Republic)
National African American Hepatitis C Action Day
National Campus Press Freedom Day (Philippines)
National Carousel Day
National Clay Day
National Day of Galicia (Spain)
National Hire a Veteran Day
National Houston Day
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day (UK)
National Video Game Team Day
Occupation Day (Puerto Rico)
Rain of Black Worms Day (Romania)
Red Shoe Day
Republic Day (Tunisia)
Rosiland Franklin Day
Santiago Apóstol (Spain)
Test-Tube Baby Day
Thread the Needle Day
Traditional Palestinian Dress Day
World Drowning Prevention Day (UN)
World Embryologist Day
World IVF Day
World Youth Days 2023 begins (Lisbon, Portugal; Roman Catholic; until 7.31) [Varies; @Every 3 Years]
Food & Drink Celebrations
Candles on a Cake Day
Culinarian’s Day
Frozen Fruit Freeze Day
Indie Beer Day (Australia)
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
National Wine and Cheese Day
4th Tuesday in July
Waterton-Glacier Science & History Day [4th Tuesday]
Independence Days
Abode of Heaven (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Andany (Declared; 2017; Dissolved Sep. 2018) [unrecognized]
Commonwealth Constitution Day (Puerto Rico) 
Rathunis (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Anne (Eastern Christianity)
Christopher (Western Christianity)
Cucuphas (a.k.a. Cueufas, Cougat; Christian; Saint)
Feast of Formation of Saint Ann (Mother of the Virgin Mary; Byzantine Rite)
Furrinalia (Old Roman Goddess of Springs)
Glodesind (Christian; Saint)
Holbein (Positivist; Saint)
Hot Fudge Sundae Day (Pastafarian)
Ilyap'a Festival (Inca thunder god)
James the Great (Western Christianity)
John I Agnus (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Le Mans (Christian; Translation)
Magnerich of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Maxfield Parrish (Artology)
National Baha’i Day (Jamaica)
Nissen, Abbot of Mountgarret, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Paul (Christian; Martyr)
Shylock Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Slippery Slim (Muppetism)
Thea and Valentina (Christian; Virgins)
Thomas Eakins (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
The Adventures of André & Wally B. (Pixar Cartoon; 1984)
Air Force One (Film; 1997)
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (Film; 2008)
Armor Wars (Film; 2025)
Back in Black, by AC/DC (Album; 1980)
Batman: The Killing Joke (Animated Film; 2016)
Broken Quest (Animated tV Series; 2013)
Caddyshack (Film; 1980)
China Grove, by the Doobie Brothers (Song; 1973)
A Chorus Line (Broadway Musical; 1975)
Drinking Buddies (Film; 2013)
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Fame, by David Bowie (Song; 1975)
First Lensman, by E.E. "Doc" Smith (Novel; 1950) [Lensman #2]
Good Burger (Film; 1997)
Hemingway’s Adventures of a Young Man (Film; 1962)
Justice League: Warworld (WB Animated Film; 2023)
Kill ‘Em All, by Metallica (Album; 1983)
Lara Croft Tom Raider: The Cradle of Life (Film; 2003)
Last Train to Clarksville, recorded by The Monks (Song; 1966)
Lego Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Lucy (Film; 2014)
Maximum Overdrive (Film; 1986)
Paul’s Boutique, by The Beastie Boys (Album; 1989)
Porky’s Spring Planting (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Ruby Sparks (Film; 2012)
Seabiscuit (Film; 2003)
Step Brothers (Film; 2008)
The Tree’s Knees (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
X-Files: I Want to Believe (Film; 2008)
Yes, by Yes (Album; 1969)
You Can’t Hurry Love, by The Supremes (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Jakob, Jakobus, Thea, Thomas, Valentina (Austria)
Ana, Yana (Bulgaria)
Beata, Jakov, Krsto, Valentina (Croatia)
Jakub (Czech Republic)
Jacobus (Denmark)
Jaagup, Jaak, Jaako, Jaap, Jako, Jakob, Jass (Estonia)
Jaakko, Jaakob, Jaakoppi, Jimi (Finland)
Jacques, Valentine (France)
Jakob, Valentine (Germany)
Anna (Greece)
Jakab, Kristóf (Hungary)
Cristoforo, Giacomo (Italy)
Jēkabs, Marika (Latvia)
Aušrinė, Jokūbas, Kristupas (Lithuania)
Jack, Jakob, Jim (Norway)
Jakub, Krzysztof, Nieznamir, Sławosz, Walentyna (Poland)
Jakub (Slovakia)
Jaime, Santiago (Spain)
Jakob (Sweden)
Jac, Jack, Jacki, Jackie, Jackson, Jacky, Jacques, Jimmie (Universal)
Coby, Colby, Diego, Israel, Jacob, Jacoby, Jack, Jackie, Jackson, Jaclyn, Jacqueline, Jacquelyn, Jacques, Jaime, Jake, Jakob, James, Jameson, Jamie, Jaquan, Jaqueline, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jim, Jimena, Jimmie, Jimmy, Kobe, Koby, Kolby, Santiago (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 206 of 2024; 159 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Av 5783
Islamic: 7 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 26 Lux; Fiveday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 July 2023
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 10 Dante (8th Month) [Holbein]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 35 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 4 of 31)
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seconddoubt · 1 year
trans by neil young ✌️
my favorite lyric: ogh longest answer on earth, this question is taking me forever due to two things 1. i've never been a fan of picking out lines from their context as is, even the most gut punching of lines can be turned into a nothing if it stands by itself, no build up, context, contrasts, etc. and this sort of goes doubly for a concept album, it's hard to point to even just a whole song here as they feed each other to create this sort of sci-fi dystopia, and 2. a lot of the vocoder stuff isn't even meant to be heard properly! neil drew a lot of inspiration for this album from the program his son went through to learn to communicate and wanted the songs to reflect that aspect of you know he's saying something but you can't understand it. but i've been reading the lyrics now, for me the whole thing (simplified) boils down to questions of how does humanity fit in in a world going digital, when we're competing against the perfection of the machine (boy wouldn't it be weird if current events are reflected in my interpretation 🤔) i love how sample and hold feels like a prediction of tinder era dating where we're browsing people like we do products, picking out your perfect partner based on a picture and some specs, there's a line in computer age i love for summing up a lot of the themes of the album "When I see the light / I feel like more than just a number" but ok if imma isolate one song it's computer cowboy simply because i'm in love with the picture it paints in my mind, you've heard of the cyber punk and the cyber witch, but a hacker being a cyber cowboy that's just lovely, isn't this part so funny
And the wild coyotes yowl As he trots beneath the floodlights And of course the rhythm is perfect!
my favorite song + the song that's a fucking bop: COMPUTER AGE
the song that makes me cry: lol not even i am crying to this album
the song i most dislike/least love: like an inca
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funeralcity · 2 years
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@ermor tagged me 2 post 4 albums ive been listening 2 regularly lately thank u for tagging me n_n!!!! these r what i have been enjoying during my late night walks recently
fiction - luciferという名のお人形, the cure - disintegration, grouper/inca ore - grouper/inca ore, a tribe called quest - the low end theory
i tag @tracklesspath @dogsplayingpoker @mosasadogs whoever else wants 2 do it feel free 2 count this as me tagging you as well n_n
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stealiesjam · 5 days
Dweezil Zappa @ Revolution Hall, Portland OR 8/9
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Words by Santiago Beltran After a long stretch of 5 years , the triumphant return of Dweezil Zappa has graced fans everywhere, new and old alike. Calling it the ‘Roxpostrophy’ tour - he presents rare variations of classics including picks of Frank’s fan favorite albums ‘Roxy and Elsewhere’ as well as ‘Apostrophe’. Recently, the newest incarnation of the band stopped by Portland, Oregon’s Revolution Hall. 
At the top of the set, the Dweez took the opportunity to explain to the crowd how these ‘prototype’ versions of old classics end up having a unique identity of their own. Timeless selections like ‘Inca Roads’ , ‘Cosmik Debris’ and ‘St Alphonso’s Pancake Breakfast’ were all featured and really showed off how Frank molded and tweaked them all over time- in many cases transforming the song structure altogether- to achieve the final versions. 
Close at hand as always , was the incomparable Sheila Gonzales on sax and keys (yes, even simultaneously). An absolute staple of every Dweezil lineup and very much a crowd favorite, she has been Dweezil’s right hand gal for the better part of two decades and it really shows. The inner family complications that have presumably prevented Dweezil from touring made this one a very special occasion. All signs point to another tour formulating soon. 
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so i've still been working through neil's discography, so here's the albums i've listened to for the first time and not previously discussed
on the beach - 9/10
my least favourite of the ditch trilogy, but the one i listen to most often. sad and bleak, yet warm and hopeful, and side two is utterly mesmerising.
best song - see the sky about to rain. ben keith is a treasure
comes a time - 7/10
song for song this album's wonderful, but i don't like the arrangments. it's dense and slick, to the point where it feels less sincere; i've heard some beautiful solo versions of the title track, already one, human highway, but here they're just enjoyably catchy
best song - look out for my love.
re-ac-tor - 8/10
thirty minutes of endearingly silly jams and eight minutes of being pinned against a wall and beaten with hammers. glorious
best song - shots, stunningly good, nothing comes close
everybody's rockin - 3/10
very funny in theory, less so in principle. all one song, and that song wasn't so hot in the first place. at least it's short
best song - kinda fonda wanda is pretty cute
old ways - 4/10
it's okay. kinda bland. i defy anyone to say anything interesting about this album
best song - my boy is lovely
homegrown - 8/10
the only thing funnier than the idea of neil shelving an album for being too sad then releasing tonight's the night instead is this album actually being sadder. but all the songs that popped up elsewhere make so much more sense here, and the deep cuts are wonderful
best song - white line. gorgeous
landing on water - 7/10
this could easily be an 8. fuck it, it could be a 2, i don't fucking know. genuinely one of the most baffling albums i've ever heard. the mix is wild, drums ramped up to the front, then synths, then guitar and vocals, and given they were built over demos the vocals are already tentatitive, so it fully sounds like neil is drowning in his own songs. the songs themselves? i haven't a clue. i think i enjoy them? i haven't a clue, but it sure is compelling
best song - weight of the world, be it fron the production, performance or song itself, straight up feels like it's suffocating me
life - 4/10
the "normal neil but synthpop" album i thought landing on water would be. first side's rather good, second falls off a cliff, but very little off this album makes too much of an impression either way, except maybe for the laziest song of all time in too lonely. the synth stuff actually helps the songs though imo
best song - either inca queen (the quote from like an inca is genuinely inspired, and the rest is pleasantly moody, plus the acoustic guitar/synth combo works really well) or we never danced (sounds absolutely nothing like neil young but is rather lovely in its own right)
this note's for you - 8/10
one of the genuine major surprises i've had in this deep dive; this note's for you is great. i thought it'd be a throwaway big-band-blues album where it all sounded like one song, but it's as varied and compelling as you'd hope, just bluesy. i prefer the smokey jazz-club songs but while there's no classics on here, everything's good
best song - coupe de ville. atmospheric, melancholic, haunting and enrapturing from start to finish
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dollarbin · 7 months
Shakey Sunday #12:
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Neil Young has offered up a lot of weird images over the years. He's sought to identify the miscreant who slipped sponge in the bells he once rung; he's sailed heart ships through broken harbors; he's kicked it in the Astrodome with Pocahontas.
But Mideast Vacation, the opening track to Life, Young's troubled snot nose of a younger brother to Rust Never Sleeps (both are Crazy Horse records that employ the "let's record my nutty new songs live in concert and then add overdubs so as to call it a studio album" approach), features what is either one of the silliest or most terrifying images in Shakey's entire career.
"I was Rambo in the disco," he snarls, describing his reaction to hearing Death to America chants while on hollibobs with the wife and kids. "I was shooting to a beat."
We'll take it as a given that Neil is not self-reporting actual events: I've checked with Interpol and there are no international warrants out for his arrest.
So what's the tone here? Irony? Despondency? Fury? Inebriation? Take a listen, and let me know if you have any ideas. I'm forever lost when it comes to this entire record.
The track sounds equal parts silly, sincere and feverish, the keyboards shape shifting and oozing into oddball corners like alien play dough in the hands of a brooding demon. There's nothing boring here; that's for sure.
The record's second song, Long Walk Home, contains no comparable depth or intrigue. Neil and the boys sound lovely on the chorus but everything else in the song, from the rockets red glare cannons to the 80's piano, sounds like it's ready to serve as the theme song for Farm Aid At Sea, a 10 day cruise starting and ending in Fort Lauderdale that Donald Trump probably already has in his ass shaped pipeline.
But fear not, Dollar Binners, there is music worth hearing on this record. The third track, Around the World, is a wonderful and fairly psychotic collage of just about every tone Young had experimented with during his wacky 80's. Buckle up and consider a helmet:
We've got Landing on Water's churning synths and drum fury, riff work and bass stomps carried over from Re-ac-tor, Everybody's Rockin's silliness when it comes to discussing some lady's fashion choices and Trans-level anxiety, not to mention some terrific screaming and a brutal, pounding fade out that anticipates Eldorado. There's nothing from Old Ways to be found in this song, I guess, but that's just fine by me.
Sadly, the record fails to build on Around the World's vast and bizarre palette. Side 1 wraps up with the far too long and ultimately dull Inca Queen that makes us wish we were hearing Cortez the Killer or Interstate instead, and Side 2 features five songs that are all too boneheaded and boring to write about (okay, I admit that there's some pretty sweet guitar work in Crying Eyes but that song is about 65 seconds long and Side B may as well have been written by a bunch of bozos attending a songwriting workshop led by Stephen Stills, Richard Marx and John Cougar Melonhead).
Neil famously put himself behind bars on the cover of this record, a not-subtle-in-any-way reference to the unhappy five years he'd just spent as a Geffen Records recording artist. I was 11 when he put this record out, too young for Neil Young. Thank god I was born when I was and first encountered Young two years later. By that point he was fresh out of the pen, ignoring his parole officer and busy committing crimes against mediocrity.
Hope you'll get the chance to do the same on your Shakey Sunday.
Cheers Everyone.
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rastronomicals · 2 years
8:13 AM EST January 2, 2023:
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention - "Inca Roads" From the album One Size Fits All (June 25, 1975)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Sounds like Zeuhl to me ---
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cenaindie · 1 month
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National – Música para mulheres mutantes, seres abissais e incas venusianos https://cenaindie.com/album/national-musica-para-mulheres-mutantes-seres-abissais-e-incas-venusianos/
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