rakinadraws · 10 months
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rakinadraws · 1 year
Something that I haven't noticed before, but the note there written in katakana words spelled "na" "sa," is the acronym for Narusasu/NS, usually that's how the japanese shippers call them. It's also the lore of why Narusasu day is dated on 3rd july, because "na" is for nana (7) and "sa" is for san (3,) that's why narusasu day is on 7/3 for japanese fans.
I maybe thinking it a little bit too much but hey, if Kishimoto intended it to be that way I'm not surprised either 🤣
Oh Sasuke, we know honey, we know
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Kishimoto you coward.
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rakinadraws · 1 year
Should I stream when working on my doujinshi?
I just want to ask if anyone would be interested if I stream on Twitch of myself working on my Narusasu doujinshi. Though I'll stream it during the day in my time (GMT+7) and probably will be on mic only if anyone is on the chat otherwise I would just focus on drawing. It'll be just a media so I can focus on working, probably no music either so you can put your own music but idk... what do you think? 😳
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rakinadraws · 1 year
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After months I'm getting back to work on this again...
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DO NOT REPOST (I'd know if you repost, I'm in your walls)
Bersama, Disisimu (Together, by Your Side) Part 1
Preview of my WIP doujinshi! It's going to be about Naruto x Sasuke story (Narusasu)
I'll come up with the summary (?) later
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rakinadraws · 2 years
Hello! What program do you use for your comics? I'm super curious!
I will always recommend using Clip Studio Paint for making comics!
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rakinadraws · 2 years
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DO NOT REPOST (I'd know if you repost, I'm in your walls)
Bersama, Disisimu (Together, by Your Side) Part 1
Preview of my WIP doujinshi! It's going to be about Naruto x Sasuke story (Narusasu)
I'll come up with the summary (?) later
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rakinadraws · 2 years
Hello! I wanted to say that the preview of the doujinshi project you're drawing looks great!! I read that it's going to be a long one so I hope you will manage to finish it as you like in time and without compromising quality (or stressing/overworking too much)! Also, I wanted to ask if there might be a chance for you to sell and ship the doujinshi overseas after the convention. I'd surely be excited to get it myself if possible, I'm sure it's going to be great!!
Aww thank you so much for your support and kind words!! I'll try my best !! (in my snail pace progress) Actually I've also been thinking about opening oversea orders, but I need to make preparations for it as it's my first time. And exporting and importing from Indonesia is kind of difficult due to the government (?) especially it's forbidden to export NSFW, (for now it's safe, but I'm just worried if i'd make one in the future) but let's just see after I finished the whole thing! I'm also thinking about selling e-book of it instead, (just in case if I can't sell oversea) but since e-book is easier to pirate that's just another thing to be worried of  😥
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rakinadraws · 2 years
Favourite SasuNaru/NaruSasu AU?
Personal AU, multiverse, where Sasuke is one sidedly in love with Naruto who's dating Hinata and meets the Naruto who lost his Sasuke in the last fight. That Naruto is already so much mature both physically and mentally due to grief, travel around the world and stray from Konoha because he was mad of what they did to Sasuke and his family. I like the gap (Naruto Boruto-The last era x Shippunden Sasuke) In the end the Naruto who's in love with Hinata realizes if Sasuke were to leave, that'd leave a hole in his heart, as if something is missing. But he was also being greedy. This is kind of a shitty love triangle story so I probably won't write it but I love daydreaming about it.
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rakinadraws · 2 years
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I'm so stressed out because the quality is kind of too much remembering the con is only in 2 months (I still have other works to do too) but also I don't want to reduce the quality bcs all I do is literally making fast paced comics and for once I just don't want it to be about quantity, I want to draw for myself with all I got for the things I love.
I'm starting to write my narusasu doujinshi's script again after several months not touching it, I've reached page 32 but it's still only a small part of it bcs I want to convey a lot of things about them, and that's a looooot. Writing is hard, and I forgot how to continue the story after that aaaa
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rakinadraws · 2 years
I finished the draft! It's 35 pages for part 1 bcs I need to chop it off into parts bcs the con is literally in 2 months Wish me luck!
I'm starting to write my narusasu doujinshi's script again after several months not touching it, I've reached page 32 but it's still only a small part of it bcs I want to convey a lot of things about them, and that's a looooot. Writing is hard, and I forgot how to continue the story after that aaaa
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rakinadraws · 2 years
I'm starting to write my narusasu doujinshi's script again after several months not touching it, I've reached page 32 but it's still only a small part of it bcs I want to convey a lot of things about them, and that's a looooot. Writing is hard, and I forgot how to continue the story after that aaaa
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rakinadraws · 2 years
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rakinadraws · 2 years
So I'll be attending local con and one of the merch I will sell is this as a standee! After the con ends I'll probably open PO for oversea fans, so I'd like your input if you're interested in buying my merch, and let me know what the kind of merch you'd buy! (though only Naruto+Sasuke ones bcs I'm literally only in that fandom, not the franchise sadge) I'm planning to make several standees which each of them is from different time (Genin-Shippunden-Boruto era,) stickers, keychains, and art prints. I'm also working on two Naruto doujinshis, but since the con will be held in less than 3 months, I'll absolutely not finished all of it, or else I'll be dead XD
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rakinadraws · 2 years
Life Update!
Hello! How are you? I hope everything is fine for you, it's been a long time since post anything lol. I've been busy with work and commission, and that's the reason I don't even draw for myself anymore. I feel bored and even screaming internally bcs all I do is to draw, draw, and draw. My mind just want to avoid drawing since it's all I do for work, and I don't want to make it my hobby too. So that's why I've been finding out new things to enjoy for fun; playing and ranking up in game, practicing talking to myself bcs I'm considering streaming, and even I start to cosplay again. All that just for making myself feel alive, to find new purpose in life.
Also I got ganglion cyst on my wrist, it's all fixed for now but I still have some pain in my wrist, it's due to the constant drawing. I've been working as a webtoon artist since 19 and it's kind of put a toll on my wrist, with loads of work, and also tight deadlines.
But thank you so much for all the suppprt, kind comments and reblogs that you gave me, especially for anon who donate to me on kofi, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry though for suddenly on hiatus after that, but I hope you can see this and know how grateful I am!
I've been considering on getting back to drawing for myself again, making fanarts and stuffs, just need to get back that satisfaction and happiness when drawing, otherwise if all i feel when drawing stuffs is just frustration, then it'd be just genuinely hard for me to get back on drawing again 🥺
Thank you so much for reading!!
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rakinadraws · 3 years
I was rewatching Naruto again and got into sasuke retrieval arc, and just knew about one of the ending's lyrics and it translated to this,
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It's a song about gathering your courage to talk to your crush.
And the song ends with this cut,
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I know it can be interpreted as platonic, since the pictures before this were about Shikamaru+Chouji, and Sakura+Ino too, by "their's standard" if it's m/m or f/f then it must've been "platonic only." But apparently there are also pictures of Hinata looking at Naruto from afar and Naruto looking at Sakura too, which from the series' point of view, they're considered as "romantic."
Which I think it's cute since they're kids and kids tend to have crushes on their friends, person from opposite gender, etc. They're still so young and can't recognized what kind of feelings they have. All they feel was, "I really wanted to talk to this person" bcs they're interested with the said person, and got happy and feel the butterflies in their stomach when they finally able to talk to them. Those exact feelings can grow later on when they got older.
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rakinadraws · 3 years
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Art : Sasuke’s thoughts about what Kakashi said about Sakura’s feelings in the manga
From this manga page
Artist: Egly
Lofter: Duryodhan
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rakinadraws · 3 years
This is a rant about N*ruto (or B*ruto in particular,) this contains my personal thoughts about the franchise overall. Please be mature and approriate if you want to reply to this.
And warning to S*susaku shippers because it contains kind of negative impressions about them.
So... I don't know if it's just me but... has anyone else realize that the franchise is promoting s*susaku more? It has been a while, like giving fillers that contain uch* ha family, that sasuke's or sakura's importance feels like nothing except for shipping materials. I've watched probably dozens or even hundred episodes of b*ruto, i remember S*kura being extremely busy that she didn't even have any time to teach S*rada, but once s*suke is there, she seemed to have much time that she stalked them training until night. And Sasuke's character has been inconsitent. Like one time he's still as cold as ever, but whenever he's with his new family, he's as soft as cotton. I just think it's weird... Naruto is still his friend that he cares about, but when Naruto grief for the possibility that in the future he would have to kill boruto if he can't control himself, sasuke's reaction is anything but ignorant. He just tell Naruto to man up, to pull himself together. Not being comforting at all... but whenever he's with the uchiha family, he always smile a lot (too much even,) and becoming a comforting mom type of character. I don't know but I hate this kind of writing... it's as if Naruto and Sasuke are grown up men that they can't be vulnurable? Especially Sasuke is a good friend, although maybe not so direct. Do you remember when Obito was impaled and Naruto wasn't ready to let him go? Sasuke told Naruto to go with him fighting kaguya, but he saw Naruto grief, so he let him be for sometime until he's ready to battle again. Or when Naruto cried parting way with his father but Sasuke gave him sometime before he declared his revolution. Or when Naruto grief for the fallen shinobis in the war, he was down until Sasuke tease him with, "are you done Naruto? I'm not." Which made him get up again. So in short Sasuke isn't that type of character who tell his friend to "man up," he's that kind of friend who'd give his friend sometime to mourn because he understand well how it feel losing someone. I'd say they romanticize s*susaku that they even changed Sasuke's to be "softer." They have to, otherwise it won't be appealing to the shippers. Because they want to promote s*susaku more.
I'm getting more tired because lately the new official contents have to be s*susaku related, that even the new spin off is about them (the Sasuke retsuden series.) I mean... it was for their 20th anime anniversary, but NONE about the spin offs are promoting Naruto as the main character or about what naruto is in general. It's about shipping. And it's getting even more and more obvious that they have to make s*susaku illustration for christmas. Everything is about them nowadays. Probably because Boruto don't sell well they have to depend on the old characters, or even worse, the s*susaku fanbase.
It's just so sad that they treat Naruto/Boruto fans as if they're nothing except when they're S*susaku fans. The franchise just feed them more and I'm genuinely scared due to the amount of the fanbase they have, because they're known for one of the most toxic fanbase I ever know. That I can't even vent this on Twitter, I don't want to be given death threats over fiction. So I hope Tumblr would be more mature. I just really feel the need to vent this out because my friends aren't in the naruto fandom that i don't have anyone to talk about this and I'm really frustrated. I LOVE naruto. So much. That it's really depressing this franchise is now just a money milker. RIP my childhood.
I probably should treat Naruto just like how Harry Potter fans treat HP; 'Death of The Author.'
I mean who else would make Naruto and Sasuke kiss? Masashi Kishimoto? Pfft--
No, of course I'm the one who'd make them kiss.
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