#Alcina is that mother who always tell her daughters (I picked the most beautiful name for you and it gets rendered to this??)
caitlynmeow · 11 months
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One of the very not well known secrets of castle Dimitrescu is one of the nicknames that belongs to the middle daughter.
Generally speaking Alcina is not a big fan of nicknames. After all, she spent a lot of time picking the perfect names for each one of her daughters and to have the names butchered to shorter versions is not something she partakes in.
Alcina doesn’t use nicknames for her daughters. Pet names? Oh, she has PLENTY for each one of them, but their names remain intact.
And she expresses this.
But when very young Daniela was still getting her grasp on the spoken language. During an attempt to pronounce both her big sister’s name ‘Cassie’ and her title ‘sissy’ the youngest daughter of House Dimitrescu ended up saying CC and it somehow stuck. Cassie Sassy is also another nickname but shhh no one talks about that one
Years later, and it’s only within the castle’s walls that this particular nickname can be heard. Only uttered by those closest to Cassandra, never by anyone else.
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Do u think Alcina would get jealous if there partner had a favourite plushie to the point she considers it competition, the only thing stoping her getting rid of it is her partner being upset 
Umm, we are talking about the same vampire, right??? Of course, she would! You guys have the best friggin ideas I swear! This was such a fun write
p/n = plush name
Alcina Dimitrescu is not a jealous woman. 
She is the epitome of beauty and elegance, leaving no room for emotions such as jealousy to squander it. 
Yeah...right. That’s what she tells herself at least. 
To her credit though, Alcina is pretty good at keeping herself in check. Only lashing out, or asserting her dominance, as you call it, when absolutely necessary. The butcher’s son, for instance, got a taste of her rage when she caught him ogling your body like a piece of prime meat. He almost had his tongue cut out right then and there.
Alcina doesn’t do well with competition, and even though you’ve told her several times that there is no competition, she decides to weed them out herself. Can’t get jealous if there are no competitors, right?
Her jealousy doesn’t last long, she claims her spotlight one way or another. There is, however, one creature Alcina is unable to rid herself of. One that resides in her very castle. The closest any little rat has ever come to stealing her beloved y/n.
Even after long grueling days of wasting her time cleaning up Heisenberg’s messes and getting an ear full from Mother Miranda, all Alcina longs for is to crawl into bed and wrap herself in your arms. Tonight it seems the gods are frowning upon her because they have already stolen her place. She rolls her eyes at what should have been a cute display, had it been her, and instead moves to the vanity to start taking her makeup off.
Wiping away the stresses of the day helped lighten Alcina’s mood a bit. It was always such a relief to take her makeup off, knowing the day has finally ended and she can relax.
Making her way to the bed Alcina trips over the small wastebasket and curses herself for making you stir from your sleep.
“Alci, you ok?”
You sit up in bed, grabbing the sheets to cover yourself, but still keep an arm wrapped around your smaller companion. 
“Yes, I’m fine darling I-” Alcina stopped. “You know what? No. I am the Lady of this castle and I say p/n needs to leave our bed.”
“P/n is always allowed in bed!”
Alcina was too tired to start a proper argument and decides to simply give in. She refuses to hold you while that stupid plushy is sandwiched between you, effectively cock-blocking her. Its eyes mock her as it watches her toss and turn tirelessly. Alcina was not accustomed to sleeping “by herself.” The vampire felt uncomfortably bare without your body directly in contact with hers, but not bare enough to reconsider cuddling you and the plushy. Alcina is far too stubborn for that and simply chucking it to its rightful place on the floor would only upset y/n. No matter how much she loathes that plushy, she still does not want to upset you.
A smugness flashed across its cold dead eyes as it stared at her, clearly proud of its victory. Alcina only growled in response, baring her teeth like a territorial animal.
“You win this round, fucker.”
The next day was no different from any other. Alcina was kept busy with her daughters causing mayhem around the castle and paperwork needing to be done for some sort of ceremony. Naturally, when she does give herself a break, she chooses to spend it with you. This is how you ended up sitting here next to the fire, plushy at your side and Alcina by her lonesome across from you. 
“Ooh, do we still have those shortbread cookies from the other day? Or did Cassandra eat them all?”
“I hid some for you above the stove- top shelf inside the teapot.”
Your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Be right back.”
Alcina nodded and turned her attention back to her book. She felt a pair of eyes on her, but she tried her damnedest to ignore it. A few intense minutes passed before she slammed her book shut. “You think you’re so special, don’t you? Just because you had them first doesn’t mean you’re their favorite.”
The plush stared blankly at her. Its silence only egged her on.
“You better watch yourself, plushy. You just landed yourself a spot on Alcina Dimitrescu’s blacklist, and no one gets off of it alive. You might have them fooled with your dapper little suit and hat but I know who you really are under all that fluff. Punk ass plushy bitch. Y/n is mine, and I do not share.”
More intense silence filled the room as Alcina was about to strike down on the innocent creature until-
“Hey Al, can you come help me? I can’t reach the top shelf.”
She gave the plush a smug grin before taking her leave. “I know someone else who can’t reach either. Coming, my love!”
Alcina sauntered out of the room only to step right back through the doorway to extend the claw on her middle finger at the plushy. Giving it the most dramatic middle finger in all of Romania.
Sometime later
The cookies were gone within minutes of settling back down on the couch. Now you were lounging across the cushions, with p/n pressed tightly against your chest, finishing the final chapter of your book. You moved to get off the couch to return your book to its shelf and pick out another classic. Before setting p/n on the cushions you place a kiss on the top of their head. Alcina pretends not to notice this out of the corner of her eye and continues to glaze over the pages of her own book, waiting for her kiss.
It never came.
You walk past her without offering so much as a smile and Alcina is sent over the edge.
“That’s it, I can’t take it anymore! Y/n it’s me or the plush.”
You look back at her, rather taken back by her sudden outburst. “Um, excuse me?”
“You heard me. It’s either me or the plush. Take your pick.”
You arch a brow and put your hands on your hips. “Well, p/n and I don’t appreciate that tone.”
Alcina rolls her eyes. “P/n isn’t real!”
You gasp and rush over to the couch and cover their ears. “How dare you! That’s a very sophisticated young man/lady you’re talking about.”
“I am sick of always coming in second to that stupid thing. You act like you love it more than you love me! Giving it a kiss and not me, how rude. We both can’t keep living here; one of us has to go.”
That got you to laugh. “This coming from the same woman who, after sending me away to sleep on the couch after an argument, comes down in the middle of the night to sleep on the floor beside the couch because you got lonely.”
Alcina blushed.
“Something tells me you won’t let me go anywhere.”
She stays quiet, only giving a huff as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“If I give you a kiss now will you stop whining?”
Alcina pretends to consider this for a moment before answering. “Will you sit on my lap?”
“Of course, my love,” you smile.
“No p/n.”
You giggle as you make yourself comfortable straddling her things. “No p/n.”
Alcina pulls you flush against her front and kisses you. “Good.” She bites your lower lip, making you gasp. She takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss and relax back into the couch. Out of sheer pettiness, Alcina cracks an eye open to see the plush staring at your display of affection. She smiled into your kiss and gives it the middle finger before focusing all her attention on ravishing you.
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
I'll Always Come Back
ao3 link! this is kind of a sequel to come back to me [ao3 & tumblr]... but I also realise that three years probably doesn't make sense in reincarnation but we're gonna pretend that it does for the sake of daniela! and I meant to post this last night, but I fell asleep! anyway, please enjoy and tell me what you think!
You’d been in the village for a few hours asking about directions to the castle, but most of the villagers that you asked to direct you just looked at you like you were insane. You could see them whispering and staring at you before they would shake their head at you to stop you from asking them for directions. Letting out a sigh you’d completely given up until someone tapped you on the shoulder causing you to spin around.
“Oh, uh, hi, sorry. I, um, I heard you were looking for a way to the castle, is that right?” The person asked. You nodded your head and they smiled. “I can help you get there if you like. I actually work at the castle.”
Your eyes lit up. “Oh, really? I would appreciate the help so much!” You replied. “My name’s Y/N, what’s yours?”
“Oh, my name’s Bela. It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Bela said as she squinted her eyes at you. “This might be a weird question, but have I seen you around here before?”
You quickly shook your head. “No, I’ve never been here before. I actually just moved here from overseas.” You replied as the two of you walked together.
“Hmm, my apologies then. You just look so familiar.” Bela said. “We’ll have to go get my sister before we make our way to the castle, Y/N, I hope the delay is alright with you.”
“It’s more than fine. I’m in no rush, really.” You said. “So what can you tell me about the castle and, um, the Lady of the Castle? What was her name, Alicia? Alice? Allison? I can’t remember.” You finally said after a few guesses.
“You mean Lady Dimitrescu?” You raised your eyebrow. “Her first name is Alcina, but nobody calls her by her first name. We address her as My Lady, Mistress, or Lady Dimitrescu.” You nodded your head at Bela’s explanation. “Will you wait right here? My sister, Cassandra, is taking an awfully long time in the shop and I’d like to get back before it gets any darker out.”
You nodded your head again. “Yeah, I can wait. It’s no problem for me.” You gave her a small smile that she returned before leaving you by yourself.
“Be wary of that one, child.” A voice said from behind you but when you looked back there was no one there so you shrugged it off.
You waited for a bit before you saw the blonde return with a brunette. “Do you think Daniela will like what I picked out?” You heard the brunette ask. You assumed she was Bela’s sister, Cassandra, but who was Daniela? “I know she’s been sad since the passing so I hope this cheers her up!”
“Trust me, Daniela’s going to like it.” Bela replied before she stopped in front of you. “Meet Y/N, Cass. I told them I work at the castle and that I would take them there.”
Cassandra frowned. “But you do-“ Bela elbowed her and growled a bit. “Oh, right, right. Yes, we work at the castle and would be more than happy to show you to it, Y/N!” Cassandra said with a big smile on her face.
“Come on, let’s go. It’s getting darker and colder by the minute and Lady Dimitrescu hates it when we arrive back late.” Bela said as she took your hand and started dragging you up the path that led to the Castle.
You shifted the bag on your shoulder as it was starting to become uncomfortable to carry. But you didn’t make your discomfort noticeable or at least you thought you didn’t until Cassandra leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“Want me to carry that for you?” Cassandra asked. You would’ve told her no, but she was already pulling the bag down your arm and on her own shoulder. “There! Much better.” She said before closing the distance between her and Bela. “Does Y/N seem familiar to you?”
“Yes! I asked if I’d seen them around, but they just moved to the village.” Bela replied. “But there’s just something about them that I can put my finger on.”
You could see Bela and Cassandra talking, but you couldn’t hear a word they said. You shoved your hands in your pocket as a cold wind sent a shiver down your spine. You didn’t even notice that the two sisters had stopped until you ran into Bela.
“Oh, sorry. Is something wrong?” You asked as you looked at the both of them. They shook their heads in response. “Alright then. Are we close to the Castle? The sun is barely visible and I know you said you wanted to get back before it got darker and colder, Bela.”
Bela gave you a small smile. “Yeah, the Castle is just over this hill.” Bela replied as she took off her cloak. “But put this on. It’ll hide how messy your appearance is to Lady Dimitrescu until we can get you cleaned up for her.” You took the piece of clothing from her and wrapped it around yourself.
“Fantastic! Now, come on before I freeze to death.” Cassandra said with a small cackle. You raised your eyebrow but didn’t question her. When you arrived at the Castle doors, Cassandra turned to you. “Do not speak unless she speaks to you.” You nodded your head before Cassandra opened the door up, ushering you and her sister inside from the cold.
“Wow, it’s beautiful in here.” You said softly as you followed the sisters up the foyer stairs. “And the both of you work here?” You asked. The Castle seemed a bit familiar to you, but you knew that you had never stepped foot in it before, let alone Romania until the other day.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” A voice called out from across the room. You turned your head to see a very tall woman clad in a white dress walking over to the three of you. “Bela, Cassandra, you were out well past the time you were supposed to be. Explain.”
Cassandra cleared her throat. “Apologies. I couldn’t figure out what to get Daniela. And Bela picked up a foreigner from the village who wanted to see the castle, Mother.” Your eyes widened a bit at her last word.
You turned to Bela. “Mo- Mother? But you said you wo-“ You were cut off by the Lady of the castle.
“Silence, little one.” Lady Dimitrescu said. “Girls, go show your sister what you got her while I clean our guest up.” The two sisters nodded their heads at their Mother’s request before flying away. Wait, flying away? You shuddered a bit which caused an amusing smile to grace the Lady’s face. “Oh, don’t worry, little one, I’ll take good care of you.”
You allowed her to lead you upstairs to what you assumed to be her chambers. The furniture in the room was huge but compared to her it looked perfectly normal compared to a woman of her height.
“Lady Dimitrescu?” You asked. She hummed. “What’s going on?”
The Lady chuckled softly. “I am preparing you to join us for dinner tonight. I have someone who will be pleased to see you… again.” You didn’t catch the last word she said as it was muttered. “Now, go wash up, draga mea, we mustn’t keep my daughters waiting.” She said as she gestured toward the bathroom.
You washed up as quickly as you could, making sure our face was clean and your hair looked nice. When you emerged from the bedroom, you found the Lady sitting on the bed next to some clothes.
“Put this on and then we will head back downstairs.” She said, gesturing to the clothes on her right side. You took the clothes back to the bathroom and changed into them. “You look marvellous. Come now., let us go eat.” Lady Dimitrescu said as she headed for the door.
You followed behind her until the two of you entered the dining room where you saw Bela and Cassandra sitting with a redhead that you assumed was Daniela.
“Daniela, this is our guest for the night, Y/N. I’m sure your sisters have told you of their arrival to the village.” Lady Dimitrescu said before gesturing for you to sit down. The redhead, Daniela, had yet to look up at you or even acknowledge your presence and you could see the Lady’s face crease into a frown as she sat down. “Daniela, acknowledge our guest, please.”
You heard Daniela sigh until she looked up at you and gasped. “You.” She whispered. She stood up from her chair and made her way over to you. “You came back.”
You frowned. “I’ve, um, I’ve never been here before.” You replied before taking glances at the Lady and her two other daughters. “I think you all have me mistaken for someone else.” The sense of familiarity from the Castle was still heavy on you and you felt like maybe you had been there before.
Tears welled up in Daniela’s eyes as she turned to face her Mother. “Mother, they don’t remember me? Us?” She asked.
Lady Dimitrescu gave her daughter a sad smile. “You have to help them remember, dear.”
Daniela nodded her head before turning to face you. She pointed at your hand. “May I?” You hesitated a bit, but nodded, giving her permission. When she took your hand in hers, you felt a tiny spark.
“Dani?” You whispered. “You’re my Daniela.” You looked up at her with a smile on your face, one that she reciprocated. “I… there was… I couldn’t… how?” You settled on a question.
“It’s a bit of a long story, and I’m more than happy to share it,” Daniela said. “But right now, I’m just happy you’re back. I missed you.” She whispered as she cupped your cheek. She leaned in to kiss you and you met her halfway. The kiss causing a flood of memories to come back to you about your past time at the Castle and with Daniela.
“I missed you too.” You replied when the two of you broke the kiss. You almost forgot about the company that was still in the room until someone cleared their throat causing you to flush. “Oh, I’m sorry, My Lady.” You said sheepishly.
The Lady gave you a dazzling smile. “It’s quite alright, dear. I’m just glad you remember our dear Dani and how much the two of you meant to each other.”
You flushed even more. “Well, I’d be a fool to forget her again.” You said before pressing a kiss to Daniela’s forehead. “I’ll always come back to you, love.”
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