#Alcquee is sassy
incognitowetrust · 5 years
Which canon characters would you ship ocs with?
Hmmm… good question… 
I kinda rule out character who already is canonically in a relationship, so I certainly don’t ship any of my OCs with Goku, Vegeta, etc… 
For this, because I like DBX2 and because I’m bad at remembering long lists of things when I need to, I’m gonna be thinking of the instructors/characters in dat game. 
Honestly, Gelato is kinda too shy to flirt much, and would be too embarrassed to act on much, but… it’s not hard for him to find strong people attractive. RIP, Gelato, died from too many boners from the ridiculous amount of strong characters in the series, pffff. 
Well, I guess Patty Zinger might have a soft spot for Tien, and she’d probably wanna baby Chiaotzu a little. On my long list of ideas-I-have-but-will-probably-never-get-around-to I kinda wanted to draw Chiaotzu wearing a sweater she made and her just being like “well don’t you look handsome” like a friggin’ mom. And she’d probably try bringing meals to Tien as encouragement and fuel for training. Pat is fluffy as fuck. 
A character I have a lot of love for is Android 16, and so maybe he’d be a good character for me to ship somebody with. Unfortunately I do have a problem of not having enough proper “content” out of my characters, and I also have MORE characters still in the making, and sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s a more significant OC vs much more background characters. I suppose Petri might be good to ship with 16, because she was created in a lab, and so they both got that in common… hnnnn I need to draw her again like everyone else. 
Alcquee is originally from Suringa (her backstory has shifted around a bit over time, but making her from the planet Gelato grew up on is a good way to “link” her in with other OCs of mine) but ends up travelling around a bit, and because she has a pretty confident personality, I can imagine her talking flirty to a lot of characters, so that might make her more “shippable” than some of my other OCs. She acknowledges the series is full of characters with perfectly sculpted asses, she wants to tap ‘em. xD … and because on Suringa she kinda seen as a sort of witch, she might enjoy getting attention from people who aren’t so familiar with her reputations on her home planet. Lol, give her any single guy, she’s gonna test the waters. She might have fun trying to tease and work up Nappa or Raditz. Or trying to get some kind of reaction from Hit, even though he’s deadly, she’s never been scared of much because she can regenerate. 
Majin Ume is awkward as fuck when it comes to “romance”, she doesn’t have the best understanding of personal space, and has kinda a intense personality, being sometimes immature, and high-energy. If she sees a guy she likes she might just follow him around and stare intensely at him… uh… be patient with her, she’s trying. At first she could come off as creepy, clingy, and weird, but hey, anyone willing to be patient and understanding of her will get their own personal squishy body guard. She could certainly get along with Majin Buu, but idk if they’d be something I’d ship, because I feel like she needs someone who can balance out her crazy a little more, you know, someone who can bounce off her in healthy ways and not encourage her more mischievous behaviors. She might like Captain Ginyu, because he’s big, and purple, likes sweets, and is very entertaining… Captain Ginyu is Captain Ginyu, he’s hard not to love. Or maybe she’d like Yamcha just because she’d enjoy seeing his reactions to if she’d do shit like jump out of a bush and surprise/startle him… also, Yamcha has the floofy hair, and is dorky. 
Well… I guess that’s kinda all I really got to say. I hope that at least this mighta given some kind of looks into a few of my characters. 
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