#Alex mabb
acrosstheuniverse02 · 4 months
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[*] Alexandre Mahboubi
da: https://www.artstation.com/alex-mabb
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brittanibat · 6 years
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hunterhosts201 · 2 years
Trials In Tainted Space Wiki
Trials in Tainted Space is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew.
Mar 23, 2018 - When you come to, you find yourself firmly locked in a reinforced restraining chair. You jerk and try to pull free, but the structure seems to have.
5Universe, Lore & Mechanics
Find 'Trials In Tainted Space Wiki' related websites on ipaddress.com. IPAddress.com The Best IP Address Tools What Is My IP: Category: Trials in Tainted Space. New Public TiTS Patch Tomorrow With Roz the Power-Goo. July 2, 2018 Fenoxo Fenfen. Trials in Tainted Space.
Trials in Tainted Space features two different styles of encounter-able characters. Persistent characters have various attributes that may or may not be affected by the players interactions, and are stored in the same manner as the player character's data.
For a more comprehensive breakdown of characters featured in the game, see the Characters category.
Persistent Characters
Persistent characters are usually, though not always, named.
Able - Agrosh - Aina - Akane - Alex - Alex Surf - Aliss - Amara Faell - Amber - Amma - Anarrie - Anno - Anyxine Rhenesunne - Anzhela - Ara Kei - Ardia - Artie - Asennia - Astra - Atha - Attica - Aurora - Ausar Agent - Azra - Beatrice Reasner - Belle - Bess - Bethany Carver - Betsy & Victoria - Big T - Bran Flazingan - Brandt - Brandy - Briget - Briha - Brynn - Burt - Busky - Byron McAllister - Cameron - Canada - Candy - Captain Khorgan - Carrie - Cass - Celise - Ceria - Charles - Chaurmine - Cherry - Chrissy - Chupacabro - Ciaran - Colenso - Commander Schora - Connie - Cora - Crazy Carl - Cruff - Crystal Goo Incubator - Crystalline Shopkeeper - Cynthia - Dally - Dane - Delilah - Demon Queen Syri - Doctor Badger - Doctor Lash - Doctor Lessau - Double-Goo - Dr. Calnor - Dr. Teyaal - Edan - Ehstraffe - Eimear - Elenora Vanderbilt - Ellie - Ellira - Embry - Emmy - Erika - Erra - Estallia - Estie - Fazian - Fei An Strozo - Feruze - Fetch & Carry - Fisianna - Flahne - Forgehound - Frostwyrm - Fyn - Galina - Gene - Geoff - Gianna - Gil - Godi - Gold Squad - Gray Goo Armor - Gray Prime - Gwen - Haley - Hana - Hand So - Heidrun - Henderson - Hepane - Herman - Holiday - Holmes - Horace Decker - Horisha & Peck - Host Shukuchi Agents - Ilaria - Inessa - Irellia - Jade - James - Jardi - Jarvis - Jerome - Jerynn - Jesse - Johr - Julian Haswell - Juro - Kaede - Kalayna - Kally - Kane - Kara - Kase - Kaska - Kat - Kattom Osgood - Kazra & Lorre - Kelly - Kimber - Kirila - Kirlarwe - Kiro - Krissy - Krym - Lane - LDC - Lerris - Liamme - Lieve - Liliana - Linera Gerie - Liriel - Living Kegs - Logan - Lola - Luca - Lund - Lyralla - Lys - Lysander Chow - Mabbs - Maja - Maki - Marik - Marina - Marsail - Matron Oserre - Maximilian Steele - Merchant Queen - Mi'dee - Miko & Mai - Millie - Milly - Milodan War Alpha - Mirian Bragga - Mirrin - Mitzi - Myr Infected Queen - Myrna - Myrra - Naleen Brothers - Natalie Irson - Nayna - Nehzara - Nenne - Nerrasa - Nessa - Nevrie - Nine-tailed Zil - Nivas Oxonef - Nykke - Nyrean Princess - Ogram - Olympia - Orryx - Overseer Maike - Ovir Dancer - Paige - Penny - Petr - Petra - Pexiga - Pippa - Pirate Engineer - Pirate Mercenary - Prai Ellit - Pump-king - Pyra - Quaelle - Queen of the Deep - Queen Taivra - Queensguard - Quenton - Quinn - Ramis - Raskvel Broodmother - Raskvel Traps - Rat Thieves - Reaha - Regina Kasmiran - Renvra - Riley - Rival - Riya - RK Lah - Roo - Roxy - Roz - Rusher - Saec - Saendra - Sally - Sam - Scalla - Scout - Seifyn - Sellera - Sellesy - Semith - Sera - Shade - Shekka - Shelly - Shep Darnock - Shiare - Shizuya - Shock Hopper - Simone - Stella - Steph Irson - Storm Lancer - Sydian Matriarch - Sylvie - Syri - Tam - Tanis - Tarik - Tentacle Gardener - Terensha - Teron - Tessa - Tetra & Mica - The Bronco - The Seer - Tivf - Tlako - Torra - Tuuva - Ula - Ula's Father - Una - Urbolg - Ushamee Neykkar - Vaande - Vahn - Valden - Vark - Vedice - Verusha - Vi - Victor Steele - Walt - Wetra Hound - Wetraxxel Brawler - Xanthe - Xotchi - Yammi - Yancy - Yarasta - Yoma - Zaalt - Zea - Zeke - Zephyr - Zheniya - Zo’dee
Generic Characters
In addition to persistent characters, there are a number of generic encounter-able characters. For most of these, it is heavily implied that the player does not repeatedly encounter the same generic character over and over, and thus, the game does not store a full stat block for these characters without due cause.
There are a few limited exceptions to the rule of these always being a different individual: one example is V-KO. She is both a static character and a repeatable encounter on Mhen'ga; but as a factory-produced machine that is styled to act as a ubiquitous medical dispenser, more V-KO bots are liable to find their way to other planets while using the same 'encounter template' as the one on Mhen'ga. Indeed, there are plans to eventually enable the player to add a version to their ship.
Bored Jumper - Bothrioc Pidemme - Bothrioc Quadomme - Cockvine Adult - Cockvine Seedling - Corona Flamer - Cunt Snake - Cyberpunk Security Operatives - Daer Wormling - Deconstruction Unit - Doll Maker - Dr. Khan - Essyra Marion - Excavation Robot - Fenris Drone - Firewall - Frog Girl - Gabilani Vacationers - Ganrael Ambusher - Ganrael DeadEye - Ganraen Knight - Gold Remnant Brute - Gold Remnant Soldier - Gray Goo - Infected Crew Members - Korgonne Barbarian Female - Korgonne Raider Male - Lapinara Parasitic Female - LDC - Machina - Milodan Infiltrator - Milodan Male - Milodan Priestess - Milodan Temptress - Milodan War Lion - Mimbrane - Mining Robot - Myr Infected Female - Naleen Female - Naleen Futa - Naleen Male - Naleen Mating Ball - Nym-Foe - Nyrean Huntress - Nyrean Praetorian - Pirate - Pirate Juggernaut - Raskvel Female - Raskvel Gang - Raskvel Turret - Rat Thieves - Red Commando - Red Myr Guard - Red Zil Male - Rocket Pods - Rodenian Mechanic - Sand Worm - Security Droid - Security Drone - Security Robots - Sex Bot - Siegwulfe - Slamwulfe - Slaver Attendant - Slyveren Slavebreaker - Sydian Female - Sydian Male - Tentacle Gardener - The Pollen Dancers - V-KO - Vanae Huntress - Vanae Maiden - Varmint - Venus Pitcher Elder - Venus Pitcher Young - Venus Zil Trap - Zil Female - Zil Hornet - Zil Hoverfly - Zil Male - Zil Tribe
The game features a number of different location styles, each of which generally aims towards an overriding theme or approach to the content made available at that location. See Category:Locations for more detailed breakdowns of locations.
Ausaril (Invitation: Between December 22 to December 28 (real time). Can only visit once)
Poe A (Invitation: At 00:00 (in-game time) between October 26 to October 31 (real time), or a random 1/100 chance. Can only visit once)
Casstech Z14 (Your ship)
Blade (Kiro's ship)
The Phoenix (Saendra's ship)
Black Rose (Mirian's ship)
Talon Rogue (Kaede's ship)
Great Majin (Shizuya's ship)
Space Stations:
Tavros (Starting location)
Canadia (Invitation: Kiro or Delilah, or giving Krissy a lift)
Gastigoth (Invitation is received after completing the Stellar Tether quest.)
Breedwell (Invited after having 5 kids or donating 500,000 ml of cum to cockmilker.)
Mhen'ga (Inmediately available. First probe)
Tarkus (Available after locating the first probe)
New Texas (Invited after a day has passed)
Myrellion (Available after locating the second probe)
Zheng Shi (Available after locating the third probe)
Uveto (Zaalt distress call at lvl 6+ or after obtaining the third probe and progressing through Shade's storyline)
Stellar Tether (Tarkus. Main storyline. Second probe)
Queen Taivra's Palace ( Myrellion. Main storyline. Third probe)
Ghost Deck (Anno's storyline)
Pirate Base (Kara's storyline)
Kashima (Distress call: between October 24 to November 7 (real time). Lvl 7+. Travelling to or from Myrellion)
Munitions Factory (Myrellion. Optional Federation Quest.)
Akkadi Research Facility (Uveto. Optional Syri Quest)
For information about equipment and consumable items, see the items category.
Items that can be physically equipped to a character.
Armor - Melee Weapon - Ranged Weapon - Shield Generator - Accessory - Clothing - Lower Undergarment - Upper Undergarment - Piercing
Items that are consumed to attain various effects.
Transformative Item - Restorative Item - Combat Consumable
Other Items
Items that either don't fall under the former categories or otherwise have alternate uses.
Toys - Miscellaneous Item - Key Item - Unique Item
Game & Engine Mechanics
For information about internal mechanics, formulas, and other implementation specifics, see Category:Game mechanics
Addiction - Alcohol Consumption - Alignment - Appearance - Bad Ends - Combat Mechanics - Exertion - Exhibitionism - Minigames - Perks - Pregnancy - Racial Score - Special Ability - SSTD -Taint
Universe, Lore & Mechanics
There are several components that make up the TiTS universe. Some can be found below.
History and Lore
General story details and bits of background history on some events that have an impact in the TiTS universe.
Dumbfuck - Gush - Planet Rush - TiTS History - Treatment
Trials In Tainted Space Wikipedia
Applicable races found throughout the TiTS-verse. Note that not every single race encountered is listed. For more creature variants, see Category:Creatures
Anatae - Ausar - Bothrioc - Cundarian - Cylirian - Daynar - Dzaan - Essyra - Fanfir - Fhan’i - Gabilani - Galotian - Ganrael - Gryvain - Hilinara - Human - Huskar - Kaithrit - Kalabast - Kerokoras - Korgonne - Kui-tan - Lapinara - Laquine - Leithan - Lureling - Milodan - Myr - Naleen - Nyrea - Ovir - Rahn - Raskvel - Rodenians - Roehm - Saeri - Saurmorian - Siel - Simii - Sionach - Spinarran - Suula - Sydian - Tarratch - Thraggen - Tove - Vanae - Venus Pitcher - Vildarii - Vulkrim - Wetraxxel - Xhelarfog - Zil
Various organizations or companies that have presence in TiTS.
Aegis - Akkadi R&D - Bell-Isle/Grunmann - Camarilla - Carver Catering Company - Humphard Incorporated - Ice Teats - JoyCo - J’ejune Pharmaceutical - KihaCorp - Lapinara Sanctuary - Pyrite Industries - Reaper Armaments - RhenWorld - Snugglé - Steele Tech - Tamani Corp - Xenogen Biotech
Black Void - Gilden Republic - Gryvain Heartland Republic - Joint Ausar Federation - Mechanus League - Nova Securities - Scarlet Federation - Terran-Space Coalition - United Galactic Confederacy
Church of the One God - Followers of the Infinite Aspect - Followers of The Tear - Sky Mother - Star Seekers - Stormguard - Zyi
Information on technology found in TiTs either as a tangible object or conceptual vocabulary.
Artificial gravity - Artificial Intelligence - Codex - Hardlight - Hologram - Horse-Cock - Light drive - Medical Technology - Repulsor - Steele Tech Probe - Sublight engine - Warp tunnel
Trail In Tainted Space Wiki
There's a handy list of templates to be used when adding Wiki content regarding TiTS. See Contributing
Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space
And a list with content that needs to be created and/or updated. See To Do List
Trials In Tainted Space Character
The location of the main game itself can be found at the official Trials in Tainted Space website.
Eyebeam license key generator. For reference information on submitting written material to the TiTS game itself. See Writing Reference
For reference information on possible cheats and/or exploits in the TiTS game. See Cheat List
For reference information on editing a TiTS save game file (not recommended). See Save Editing
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2List of Ships
3Ship Stats
Ships are primarily used for transporting Captain Steele and his crew
Aside from transportation, there are a few extra things Steele can do while inside their ship.
Safely sleep
Shower to remove status effects including
All types of cumflation
Cum covered
Mare musk
Pussy plugged
Ships are also used in ship combat against other ships.
List of Ships
Acquirable Ships
Stats below are as purchased/obtained if all player stats are at 0
Armor Stats Name Shields Shield Def Armor Armor Def Max Energy Power Generation Agility Sensors Systems Thrust Accuracy Evasion Module/ Crew Capacity Weapon Capacity Fixed equipment Storage space Misc Base PriceCasstech Z14 3000 20 2015 30 200 25 20 14 25 33 21.5 36.5 4 2Machine Gun 10 Preinstalled: Laser Cannon 27200Ova'LEK 3500 30 2515 20 350 15 40 40 30 32 55 56 6 4(none) 20 34999Colt XLR 1000 10 5015 40 250 32 25 30 15 40 32.5 45 6 3Machine Gun 30 26399Spearhead SS 3000 20 1515 15 250 20 35 25 35 35 42.5 52.5 6 4Laser Cannon EM Cannon 20 44999Moondast Gruss 0 0 7015 50 300 38 10 20 20 45 30 32.5 4 3Coil Cannon Repair Module 5 50000MS-XI 5000 30 2015 20 300 50 26 45 40 25 75 38.5 9 4Missile Turret Shield Booster 30 249999Clydesdale K7 3000 20 2515 10 200 25 10 35 20 40 30 22.5 14 2EM Turret 50 Bonus crew capacity + 2 299999Sledgehammer 4000 30 4015 50 300 50 45 20 45 45 32.5 62.5 7 4Thermal Cannon Shield Disruptor
25 (Wardrobe) 25 (Equipment) 10 (Consumables) 10 (Valuables) 10 (Toys)
399999Sidewinder 6000 30 6015 45 400 85 30 65 55 120 92.5 90 10 3Heavy Armor 30 1499967Blade 3500 60 3500 60 350 75 70 25 50 45 62.5 92.5 8 4Laser Cannon Missile Turret 40 800855
Enemy Ships
Stats below are as during combat thus as affected by upgrades
Armor Stats Name Shields Shield Def Armor Armor Def Max Energy Power Generation Agility Sensors Systems Thrust Accuracy* Evasion* Modules InstalledModified Z7 500 20 3515 20 150 30 40 20 15 40 12.5 55Machine Gun Thermal Cannon Repair ModuleDr. Teyaal’s MS-XI 6000 50 2015 10 400 50 26 100 70 25 125 33Thermal Cannon Laser Cannon Coil Cannon Shield Upgrade Tuned Emitters Shield Vampire Capacitor Bank Shield DisruptorStar Viper Spearhead SS 2000 20 4515 55 250 50 35 25 35 35 42.5 52.5Sensor Suite Stealth Field Generator Heavy Armor Heavy Armor
* Accuracy and evasion stats have to be calculated manually and may be wrong
Ship Stats
List of stats and their purposes
Trials In Tainted Space Wiki Strange Egg
First layer of health a ship has. Can be regenerated in combat with certain ship gadgets and will fully regenerate after leaving combat.
Shield Def
Reduces the damage taken to the ship's shield health per an attack. Making it more effective against double shot and full auto Ship weapons.
The second and final layer of health a ship has. Can be regenerated in combat with certain ship gadgets, or slowly outside of combat by a dockmaster NPC such as Vahn or Shekka if she is a crew member. Requires a ship to be in port for repairs.
Armor Def
Reduces the damage taken to the ship's armor health per an attack. Making it more effective against double shot and full auto Ship weapons.
Ship Energy Store
The maximum amount of energy a ship can store at any one time. Ship energy is used to fire weapons and use certain ship gadgets. You will always begin combat with full ship energy.
Ship Energy Generation
The amount of energy a ship will generate each combat turn. Using the Recharge! ability will double the ship's energy generation for that round, but prevent the use of other equipment.
The primary stat used to calculate ship evasion. Is twice as effective at increasing evasion.
The primary stat used to calculate ship accuracy. Is twice as effective at increasing accuracy.
Secondary stat used to calculate ship accuracy. Is additionally used offensively and defensively for 'system checks' in combat.
Secondary stat used to calculate ship evasion. Is additionally used in combat to determine escape chance when using Escape!.
Determines the chance to hit with the ship's weapons when using Battle! during combat.
Determines the chance a ship has to completely avoid damage from an attack. Can be boosted during a combat round when using Evade! at the cost of preventing ship equipment use for that combat round.
Module/Crew Capacity
The amount of space a ship has to install ship equipment. Empty modules can instead be used to increase crew capacity.
Weapon Capacity
The number of hardpoints a ship has to install ship weapons. Unless otherwise noted, ship weapons also require a module.
Fixed Equipment
Ship weapons, upgrades and gadgets that can not be removed and do not count against the ship equipment limit.
Storage space
Determines total space per item type (Wardrobe, Equipment, Consumables, Valuables, and Toys) in Storage that a ship can hold.
Bonus crew capacity
Additional crew capacity that is not affected by Module/Crew Capacity.
Calculated Values
Below is a list of how to calculate certain ship variables (prior to ship ownership and item bonuses) Evasion
Ship thrust/2 + Ship agility
Ship systems/2 + Ship sensors
Ship Stat Bonuses
Ships owned by Captain Steele receive a bonus to certain stats based on Steele's own stats Evasion
+(Physique/(Steele's level *50)*100)% Bonus armor
The highest achievable bonus is*
12% at max physique with Quivering Quasarstatus effect and Signet of Bravery as accessory equiped
10% at max physique without bonuses
+(Willpower/(Steele's level *20)*100)% Bonus shields
The highest achievable bonus is*
30% with 'Iron Will'perk
25% without 'Iron Will'perk
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Weapon Damage (hidden)
* Highest achievable bonus is calculated at level 10, without the Perfect Simulantstatus effect as it requires the use of certain Fated Names or save editing to acquire.
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k00272475 · 3 years
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24.11.21. Artist Research -- Alexandre Mahboubi, Victor Maury, Evan Monteiro
I recently finished watching the series Arcane on Netflix -- a show I had begun watching because I fell in love with the art and animation style -- and was very inspired by a mask-wearing group of vigilantes known as the "Firelights". Their mask designs, each entirely unique and based off of various animals, really caught my eye as masks are an important aspect of my project and I'm hoping to design and make a mask of my own using these character designs as inspiration.
I couldn't find the exact creator of these mask designs, so I looked into a number of the artists -- specifically the character designers -- behind Arcane and found three people in particular whose work really stood out to me: Alexandre Mahboubi, Victor Maury and Evan Monteiro.
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Alexandre Mahboubi (@alex-mabb) is a French illustrator based in Paris and a character designer for all nine episodes of the show. His work is mostly digital, featuring colourful, unique characters in settings of all kinds; modern, fantasy, etc. A lot of his work features little or subtle line-art, much like the style of Arcane, which is something I really admire in digital art as I still rely on it quite heavily. The landscapes he paints are often simplistic but beautiful, using angular shapes and dulled colours so as not to take away from the focus of a piece.
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Victor Maury (@victormaury) is a senior concept artist and character designer on Arcane and has worked as a splash artist for League of Legends for four years. His work is predominantly in the fantasy genre, known for large, detailed characters that dominate the frame. Each of his pieces tell their own story with dramatic expressions, poses and backgrounds, and I find his work really inspiring as an artist who loves working with fantasy too.
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Evan Monteiro (@artoflosingsleep) is another character designer on Arcane whose work really stood out to me (it seems I certainly have a specific genre of art that never fails to catch my eye). Dabbling in sci-fi and fantasy, Monteiro's work and characters are full of personality, story, colour and charm. Each piece is as imaginative as the next, and as someone with an imagination bigger than I know what to do with, I greatly enjoy this kind of art.
I love comparing the different artists' styles and techniques of colouring, shading and shaping -- and of course, each of their designs are incredibly inspiring towards my own work, which I most enjoy centring around characters. The mask designs from Arcane are certainly something I'm hoping to create an object specifically inspired by, but the artists' work as a whole will definitely have an impact on my project and art.
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ao3feed-turn · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 5, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
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ao3feed-whamilton · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 5, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
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Tara Badri, Tarek Toubale, Tashana Elainé Judson-Saul, Teka Tiphaine, Thibault Dardinier, Tianjiao Sui, Timothé Mercat, Tochukwu Emuwa, Tom Mouillac, ​ Tristan Deguingand, Ttashana Jayde, Varvashtyan Daniela, Victoria, Victoria Belton, Viktorija Pociute, Vince Saadoun, Vivian Buard, Yacine Toubale, Yonick Filopoulos, Агата Мироннова
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ao3feed-hamilton · 5 years
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
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ao3feed-lams · 5 years
Becoming Your Sacrifice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J2HS5H
by IWroteTheOther51
When Alexander Hamilton gets drafted for the Revolutionary war, he ends up getting a spot as a treasury secretary but on the midst of all of the war that's going on in america, he also ends up falling in love with one of his bestfriends and aide de camp, John Laurens, an american soldier whose married to another women but John never really loved his wife, his father Henry Laurens finds out that Alex is pregnant with John's child, so he pays someone to shut Alex up about the whole thing...and life just goes down hill from their, war is shit, everyone sucks, and no one plays games during these dark times. And lastly...you can't really trust anyone.
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, George Washington, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton, Charles Lee, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Martha Washington, George III of the United Kingdom, Theodosia Burr Alston, Angelica Hamilton, John Adams, Frances Laurens, Henry Laurens (1723-1792), Dolley Madison, George Eacker, Philip Schuyler, Martha Laurens Ramsay, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), Theodosia Burr, John Church Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Buck, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), John Barker Church, James Laurens (1765-1775), John Jay, James Hamilton Sr. (c.1718-1799), Henry Knox, James Reynolds (fl.1783-1792), William P. Van Ness, Hugh Mulligan Jr., Nathanael Greene, Nathaniel Pendelton, Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Charles Lee (1732-1782), Thomas Conway (1735-c.1800), David Hosack (1769-1835), Richard Montgomery (1738-1775), Alexander Hamilton (Cat), Levi Weeks (1776-1819), Charles Lee (1758-1801), John Baker White (1794–1862), Charles Lee (1732-1782)'s Wife, Benjamin Tallmadge, Caleb Brewster, Anna Strong, Abraham Woodhull, Edmund Hewlett, John Graves Simcoe, John André, Benedict Arnold, Mary Woodhull, Tench Tilghman, Peggy Shippen, Abigail (Turn), Richard Woodhull, Selah Strong, Nathaniel Sackett, Robert Rogers, Robert Townsend (1753-1838), Samuel Tallmadge, Samuel Townsend, Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis, Ensign Baker, Nathan Hale (1755-1776), Nathaniel Tallmadge, Akinbode | Jordan, John Parke Custis, Cicero (Turn), Philomena Cheer, Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe, James Rivington, William Bradford (Turn), John Robeson, Lola (Turn), Aberdeen (Turn), Henry Clinton (1730-1795), Lieutenant Gamble (Turn), 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, Samuel Graves (1713-1787), Mary Floyd Tallmadge, Captain Wakefield, Charles Scott, Freddy Morgan, Thomas "Sprout" Woodhull, Sarah Livingston (Turn), Queen's Rangers, Captain Joyce, William Howe 5th Viscount Howe, Austin Roe, Lucas Brewster, Reverend Worthington, Lucy Scudder, Lydia Ketcham, Rachel Clark, Dr. Mabbs, Corporal Eastin, Walter Havens, Awasos, Mary Graves (1772-1860), Richard Grosvenor 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802), Thomas Lynch Jr, Sarah Townsend (1724-1800), Patience Wright, Thomas Woodhull Sr, Francis Marion (c.1732-1795), Edmund Hewlett's Mother, Becky Redman, Hannah Ketcham, Elizabeth Lloyd Loring (1744-1831), Bridget Graves (1750-1795), Captain Jim Ryder, Lieutenant Chaffe (Turn), Rachel Peale, Colonel Jonathan Cooke, William "Billy" Lee (Turn), Peyton Randolph (1721–1775), John Randolph (1727–1784), Keturah Strong Woodhull, Sarah "Sally" Townsend (1760-1842), William André (1760-1802), Mopsey (Dog)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Maria Reynolds, Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Thomas Jefferson/Angelica Schuyler, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George III of the United Kingdom/Samuel Seabury, Aaron Burr & George Washington, Martha Manning/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan/George Washington, James Madison & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, John Adams & Richard Henry Lee, Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Angelica Schuyler, George Eacker/Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Thomas Jefferson/John Laurens, Aaron Burr/John Laurens, Philip Hamilton/Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Dolley Madison & James Madison, John Laurens/Original Male Character(s), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens/Angelica Schuyler/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Caleb Brewster & John Laurens, Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777)/John Laurens, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge/George Washington, Jane Jefferson/George Washington, Aaron Burr/George Washington, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton & Hercules Mulligan, Charles Lee/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Theodosia Prevost Burr/Jacques Marcus Prevost, Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan, Abigail Adams/John Adams, Alexander Hamilton & Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Jonathan Bellamy (d.1777) & Aaron Burr, John Adams/John Hancock/Charles Thomson, Caleb Brewster/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Robert Townsend/Abraham Woodhull, John André/Alexander Hamilton, John Graves Simcoe/Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett & Anna Strong, Edmund Hewlett/John Graves Simcoe, Nathan Hale (1755-1776)/Benjamin Tallmadge, Robert Townsend & Mary Woodhull, Benedict Arnold/Benjamin Tallmadge, Anna Strong/Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster & Anna Strong, Anna Strong/Selah Strong, Edmund Hewlett/Original Female Character(s), Edmund Hewlett/Richard Woodhull, John Graves Simcoe/Lola (Turn), Aaron Burr/Angelica Schuyler, Dolley Madison/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens/James Madison, Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Additional Tags: American Revolution, Mpreg, Gay Founding Fathers (Hamilton), Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Family Issues, Dysfunctional Family, Politics, Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Scares, Forced Pregnancy, Secrets, Developing Relationship, Relationship(s), Slave Trade, Shameless Smut, BDSM, LGBTQ Themes, Porn, Jealousy, Kinks, Bromance to Romance, War, Humiliation, Praise Kink, Soulmates, Boys Kissing, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Confessions, Marriage Contracts, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Breast Fucking, Cock Tease, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Crossdressing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Boys In Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship/Love, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Not Suitable/Safe For Work, Possessive Behavior, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Human Disaster Aaron Burr, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Angst and Tragedy, Male Slash, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Homophobic Henry Laurens, Homophobic Language, Hamilton References, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Henry Laurens' A+ Parenting, Illnesses, HIV/AIDS, First Kiss, Gender Identity, Fist Fights, Fights, George Washington is a Dad, Some Humor, Dark Past, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gang Rape, Semi-Public Sex, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Post Mpreg, Penises, Painplay, Painful Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Worship, Sharing Body Heat, Sharing a Bed, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Secret Children, Substance Abuse, Suicide Attempt, Suicide Notes, Domestic Violence, Confessional Sex, Protectiveness, Historical Inaccuracy, Historical References
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Kassel Germany, bdsm, bondage, strippers, sex, anal sex, porn, backpage, sex toys, bondage art, swingers, Dubai UAE, Tangier Morocco, Nina Dellis, Nina Toubale, Tarek Toubale, Lea Toubale, Simply Abbi, Abbi Chalk
Oumaima El Idrissi, Rachid Rassidi, Ray Hanullah, Rémi Conte, Remy Wei, Reuben Attia, Reuben Hunt, Roberta Lupp, Rose Borel, Rossella Bittichesu, Roxane Altmayer, Salomé Person,  ​Sam O’Connor, Samer Khalil, Samuel Lancri, Sarah Rolland Barclay, Sebastian Erazo, Seck Amadou, silvietta viola, Simply Abbi, Sinead Murdoch, Skye de la Mare, Sonia de Leebeke, Sonia Pereira, Stacey Mcsorley, Stefanie Williams, Stephane Del Pérugia, Stephanie Kirk, Stephie Palmer, Susaan Thapa, Susie Vieira, Talia Laikin, Tara Badri, Tarek Toubale, Tashana Elainé Judson-Saul, Teka Tiphaine, Thibault Dardinier, Tianjiao Sui, Timothé Mercat, Tochukwu Emuwa, Tom Mouillac, Tristan Deguingand, Ttashana Jayde, Varvashtyan Daniela, Victoria, Victoria Belton, Viktorija Pociute, Vince Saadoun, Vivian Buard, Yacine Toubale, Yonick Filopoulos, Агата Мироннова, Aaron Besnainou, Aaron Bsn, Abbi Chalk, Abhelaashan Easparanathan, Adriana Campos, Adriana D Santos, adrien saby, Agatha Mironova, Ahmed Toubale, Aidette Cancino, Aïla Lankaranian, Aldrich Li, Alex Dimitriou, Alexandre Majed, Alexis Bordeau, Alexis Fouchereau, Alexis Navarro, Ali Finlay, Alice Dogruyol, Alina Minakova, Alio Flos, Alizée Guena, Anastasia Krutova, Anna Booth, AnneSophie Antas, Antoine Dgt, Antoine Geiger, Antoine Huret, Antoine Runacher Vpe, Ashraf Uddin, Athene Xenia Aristocleous, Beatriz Castillo, Becca Hawkins, Bella D’Anzi, Benjii Neuf-deux, Bianca Esposto, Brittany Burgunder, Caitlin Thomas, Caleb Ng, Camille Mercat, Carmem Parada, Carol Lunardi, Chaï Sabbah, Charli Beaumont, Charlotte Scott, Charlotte Sleet, Chloé Barthe, Claire Maral, Clémence Bonal, Cyrus Shayestehkia, Daniel de Araujo, Dany Acevedo, Davy Danet, Dee Wasielewska, Deguingand Charlotte, Domilė Abelytė, Dorian Pujol, Egle Sakalauskaite, Ella Joy Lawrence, Emily Jade, Emily Jade, Eva Clairambaud, Eva Klares, Eva Lopez Eiro, Eve Bombole, Fabrice Dobill, Felipe Stockler, François-Xavier Peraldi, Gabbie Jarvis, Gayann Ngom, George Gerakios, Georgia Bell, Georgia Harris, Gianni Runfola, Giovanni Fior, Guilherme Oliveira, Grâdi Useni, Guilherme Oliveira, Harmony Pina Mayani, Harry Barnes, Hassina Toubale, Hector Mabbe, Hélène Chéné, Hiba M’khatri, Hortense Pl-Dn, Hugo Prando, Iam Samira, Imogen Hudson, Iris Obadia, Isabel Gorse, Isabel Palacios, Ismaïl El Belghiti, Jack Burlison, Jenny Correa, Jessamy Lelliott, JM Rixter, Joely Thompson, jojoelpollo, Jonathan Poullain, Jordan Monaghan, Jos Donald, Josephine Mather, Josephine Viat, Jpos Torres, Julia Smadja, Julie Naudet Crea, Julie Tran, Juliette Lyons, Kai Gittos, Karim Eltayeb, karina escolero, Karissa Ures, Kassem Toubale, Katia Rebecca, Katie Lindsey Smith, Katya Smolko, kevin fares, Khalid Mohamed, Krissy Cela, Laetitia Colonna d’Istria, Laika Jeroni, Lais Harumi, Lander He, Laura Anna Maria, Lauradele Sorcelle, Layla Daniel, Léa Coquelle, Léa Toubale, Lee Beevers, Leigh Innes, Leo Witt, Lewis Compton, ᴄʟᴀᴜᴅɪᴀ ᴛɪʜᴀɴ, Lina Herron, Lottie Butler, Louise Henderson, Lucas Descause, Ludovic Schille, Lydia Simonis, Maga Makhauri, Maria Thattil, Maria Uws, Marie-eva Barclay, Marine Castan, Mathilde de Miribel, Matthias Perrod, Maxence Verrecchia, Maxime Yeh, McLaren O’Rear, Médéric Leteurtre, Mel Dodd, Meropi Stamna, Mia Et Lisa, Mia Imbault, Mia Matsumiya, Mohamed El-keurti, Mohamed Toubale, Morais Martins, moraismartins13, Nadia Nuseibeh, Nadine Neyla, Nine Halimi, Noémie Beriye, Nolie Gaudesaboos, Noran El Maghraby, Oceane Bonnet-Deravin, Oceane Morales, Oscar Wendt,
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nina--toubale-blog · 7 years
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Nina Toubale | Nina Dellis
http://www.ninatoubale.com/ http://unitedkingdombdsm.com/ http://www.brightonbdsm.com/
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Aaron Besnainou, Aaron Bsn, Abbi Chalk, Abhelaashan Easparanathan, Adriana Campos, Adriana D Santos, adrien saby, Agatha Mironova, Ahmed Toubale, Aidette Cancino, Aïla Lankaranian, Aldrich Li, Alex Dimitriou, Alexandre Majed, Alexis Bordeau, Alexis Fouchereau,
Alexis Navarro, Ali Finlay, Alice Dogruyol, Alina Minakova, Alio Flos, Alizée Guena, Anastasia Krutova, Anna Booth, AnneSophie Antas,
Antoine Dgt, Antoine Geiger, Antoine Huret, Antoine Runacher Vpe, Ashraf Uddin, Athene Xenia Aristocleous, Beatriz Castillo, Becca Hawkins,
Bella D’Anzi, Benjii Neuf-deux, Bianca Esposto, Brittany Burgunder, Caitlin Thomas, Caleb Ng, Camille Mercat, Carmem Parada, Carol Lunardi, Chaï Sabbah,
Charli Beaumont, Charlotte Scott, Charlotte Sleet, Chloé Barthe, Claire Maral, Clémence Bonal, Cyrus Shayestehkia, Daniel de Araujo, Dany Acevedo, Davy Danet,
Dee Wasielewska, Deguingand Charlotte, Domilė Abelytė, Dorian Pujol, Egle Sakalauskaite, Ella Joy Lawrence, Emily Jade, Emily Jade, Eva Clairambaud, Eva Klares,
Eva Lopez Eiro, Eve Bombole, Fabrice Dobill, Felipe Stockler, François-Xavier Peraldi, Gabbie Jarvis, Gayann Ngom, George Gerakios, Georgia Bell, Georgia Harris,
Gianni Runfola, Giovanni Fior, Guilherme Oliveira, Grâdi Useni, Guilherme Oliveira, Harmony Pina Mayani, Harry Barnes, Hassina Toubale, Hector Mabbe,
Hélène Chéné, Hiba M’khatri, Hortense Pl-Dn, Hugo Prando, Iam Samira, Imogen Hudson, Iris Obadia, Isabel Gorse, Isabel Palacios, Ismaïl El Belghiti, Jack Burlison,
Jenny Correa, Jessamy Lelliott, JM Rixter, Joely Thompson, jojoelpollo, Jonathan Poullain, Jordan Monaghan, Jos Donald, Josephine Mather, Josephine Viat,
Jpos Torres, Julia Smadja, Julie Naudet Crea, Julie Tran, Juliette Lyons, Kai Gittos, Karim Eltayeb, karina escolero, Karissa Ures, Kassem Toubale, Katia Rebecca,
Katie Lindsey Smith, Katya Smolko, kevin fares, Khalid Mohamed, Krissy Cela, Laetitia Colonna d’Istria, Laika Jeroni, Lais Harumi, Lander He, Laura Anna Maria,
Lauradele Sorcelle, Layla Daniel, Léa Coquelle, Léa Toubale, Lee Beevers, Leigh Innes, Leo Witt, Lewis Compton, ᴄʟᴀᴜᴅɪᴀ ᴛɪʜᴀɴ, Lina Herron, Lottie Butler, Louise Henderson, Lucas Descause, Ludovic Schille, Lydia Simonis, Maga Makhauri,
Maria Thattil, Maria Uws, Marie-eva Barclay, Marine Castan,
Mathilde de Miribel, Matthias Perrod, Maxence Verrecchia, Maxime Yeh, McLaren O’Rear, Médéric Leteurtre, Mel Dodd, Meropi Stamna, Mia Et Lisa, Mia Imbault,
Mia Matsumiya, Mohamed El-keurti, Mohamed Toubale, Morais Martins, moraismartins13, Nadia Nuseibeh, Nadine Neyla, Nine Halimi, Noémie Beriye, Nolie Gaudesaboos,
Noran El Maghraby, Oceane Bonnet-Deravin, Oceane Morales, Oscar Wendt, Oumaima El Idrissi, Patricia Christin, Pierre-Marie Muriani, Pierrot Ducrot, Quentin Freismuth,
Rachid Rassidi, Ray Hanullah, Rémi Conte, Remy Wei, Reuben Attia, Reuben Hunt, Roberta Lupp, Rose Borel, Rossella Bittichesu, Roxane Altmayer, Salomé Person.,
Sam O’Connor, Samer Khalil, Samuel Lancri, Sarah Rolland Barclay, Sebastian Erazo, Seck Amadou, silvietta viola, Simply Abbi, Sinead Murdoch, Skye de la Mare,
Sonia de Leebeke, Sonia Pereira, Stacey Mcsorley, Stefanie Williams, Stephane Del Pérugia, Stephanie Kirk, Stephie Palmer, Susaan Thapa, Susie Vieira, Talia Laikin,
Tara Badri, Tarek Toubale, Tashana Elainé Judson-Saul, Teka Tiphaine, Thibault Dardinier, Tianjiao Sui, Timothé Mercat, Tochukwu Emuwa, Tom Mouillac, ​ Tristan Deguingand, Ttashana Jayde, Varvashtyan Daniela, Victoria, Victoria Belton, Viktorija Pociute, Vince Saadoun, Vivian Buard, Yacine Toubale, Yonick Filopoulos, Агата Мироннова
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nina--toubale-blog · 7 years
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Nina Toubale | Nina Dellis
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Aaron Besnainou, Aaron Bsn, Abbi Chalk, Abhelaashan Easparanathan, Adriana Campos, Adriana D Santos, adrien saby, Agatha Mironova, Ahmed Toubale, Aidette Cancino, Aïla Lankaranian, Aldrich Li, Alex Dimitriou, Alexandre Majed, Alexis Bordeau, Alexis Fouchereau,
Alexis Navarro, Ali Finlay, Alice Dogruyol, Alina Minakova, Alio Flos, Alizée Guena, Anastasia Krutova, Anna Booth, AnneSophie Antas,
Antoine Dgt, Antoine Geiger, Antoine Huret, Antoine Runacher Vpe, Ashraf Uddin, Athene Xenia Aristocleous, Beatriz Castillo, Becca Hawkins,
Bella D’Anzi, Benjii Neuf-deux, Bianca Esposto, Brittany Burgunder, Caitlin Thomas, Caleb Ng, Camille Mercat, Carmem Parada, Carol Lunardi, Chaï Sabbah,
Charli Beaumont, Charlotte Scott, Charlotte Sleet, Chloé Barthe, Claire Maral, Clémence Bonal, Cyrus Shayestehkia, Daniel de Araujo, Dany Acevedo, Davy Danet,
Dee Wasielewska, Deguingand Charlotte, Domilė Abelytė, Dorian Pujol, Egle Sakalauskaite, Ella Joy Lawrence, Emily Jade, Emily Jade, Eva Clairambaud, Eva Klares,
Eva Lopez Eiro, Eve Bombole, Fabrice Dobill, Felipe Stockler, François-Xavier Peraldi, Gabbie Jarvis, Gayann Ngom, George Gerakios, Georgia Bell, Georgia Harris,
Gianni Runfola, Giovanni Fior, Guilherme Oliveira, Grâdi Useni, Guilherme Oliveira, Harmony Pina Mayani, Harry Barnes, Hassina Toubale, Hector Mabbe,
Hélène Chéné, Hiba M’khatri, Hortense Pl-Dn, Hugo Prando, Iam Samira, Imogen Hudson, Iris Obadia, Isabel Gorse, Isabel Palacios, Ismaïl El Belghiti, Jack Burlison,
Jenny Correa, Jessamy Lelliott, JM Rixter, Joely Thompson, jojoelpollo, Jonathan Poullain, Jordan Monaghan, Jos Donald, Josephine Mather, Josephine Viat,
Jpos Torres, Julia Smadja, Julie Naudet Crea, Julie Tran, Juliette Lyons, Kai Gittos, Karim Eltayeb, karina escolero, Karissa Ures, Kassem Toubale, Katia Rebecca,
Katie Lindsey Smith, Katya Smolko, kevin fares, Khalid Mohamed, Krissy Cela, Laetitia Colonna d’Istria, Laika Jeroni, Lais Harumi, Lander He, Laura Anna Maria,
Lauradele Sorcelle, Layla Daniel, Léa Coquelle, Léa Toubale, Lee Beevers, Leigh Innes, Leo Witt, Lewis Compton, ᴄʟᴀᴜᴅɪᴀ ᴛɪʜᴀɴ, Lina Herron, Lottie Butler, Louise Henderson, Lucas Descause, Ludovic Schille, Lydia Simonis, Maga Makhauri,
Maria Thattil, Maria Uws, Marie-eva Barclay, Marine Castan,
Mathilde de Miribel, Matthias Perrod, Maxence Verrecchia, Maxime Yeh, McLaren O’Rear, Médéric Leteurtre, Mel Dodd, Meropi Stamna, Mia Et Lisa, Mia Imbault,
Mia Matsumiya, Mohamed El-keurti, Mohamed Toubale, Morais Martins, moraismartins13, Nadia Nuseibeh, Nadine Neyla, Nine Halimi, Noémie Beriye, Nolie Gaudesaboos,
Noran El Maghraby, Oceane Bonnet-Deravin, Oceane Morales, Oscar Wendt, Oumaima El Idrissi, Patricia Christin, Pierre-Marie Muriani, Pierrot Ducrot, Quentin Freismuth,
Rachid Rassidi, Ray Hanullah, Rémi Conte, Remy Wei, Reuben Attia, Reuben Hunt, Roberta Lupp, Rose Borel, Rossella Bittichesu, Roxane Altmayer, Salomé Person.,
Sam O’Connor, Samer Khalil, Samuel Lancri, Sarah Rolland Barclay, Sebastian Erazo, Seck Amadou, silvietta viola, Simply Abbi, Sinead Murdoch, Skye de la Mare,
Sonia de Leebeke, Sonia Pereira, Stacey Mcsorley, Stefanie Williams, Stephane Del Pérugia, Stephanie Kirk, Stephie Palmer, Susaan Thapa, Susie Vieira, Talia Laikin,
Tara Badri, Tarek Toubale, Tashana Elainé Judson-Saul, Teka Tiphaine, Thibault Dardinier, Tianjiao Sui, Timothé Mercat, Tochukwu Emuwa, Tom Mouillac, ​ Tristan Deguingand, Ttashana Jayde, Varvashtyan Daniela, Victoria, Victoria Belton, Viktorija Pociute, Vince Saadoun, Vivian Buard, Yacine Toubale, Yonick Filopoulos, Агата Мироннова
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Nina Toubale - Nina Dellis http://ninatoubale.com/ http://brightonbdsm.com/ http://unitedkingdombdsm.com/
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Kassel Germany, bdsm, bondage, strippers, sex, anal sex, porn, backpage, sex toys, bondage art, swingers, Dubai UAE, Tangier Morocco, Nina Dellis, Nina Toubale, Tarek Toubale, Lea Toubale, Simply Abbi, Abbi Chalk
Oumaima El Idrissi, Rachid Rassidi, Ray Hanullah, Rémi Conte, Remy Wei, Reuben Attia, Reuben Hunt, Roberta Lupp, Rose Borel, Rossella Bittichesu, Roxane Altmayer, Salomé Person,  ​Sam O’Connor, Samer Khalil, Samuel Lancri, Sarah Rolland Barclay, Sebastian Erazo, Seck Amadou, silvietta viola, Simply Abbi, Sinead Murdoch, Skye de la Mare, Sonia de Leebeke, Sonia Pereira, Stacey Mcsorley, Stefanie Williams, Stephane Del Pérugia, Stephanie Kirk, Stephie Palmer, Susaan Thapa, Susie Vieira, Talia Laikin, Tara Badri, Tarek Toubale, Tashana Elainé Judson-Saul, Teka Tiphaine, Thibault Dardinier, Tianjiao Sui, Timothé Mercat, Tochukwu Emuwa, Tom Mouillac, Tristan Deguingand, Ttashana Jayde, Varvashtyan Daniela, Victoria, Victoria Belton, Viktorija Pociute, Vince Saadoun, Vivian Buard, Yacine Toubale, Yonick Filopoulos, Агата Мироннова, Aaron Besnainou, Aaron Bsn, Abbi Chalk, Abhelaashan Easparanathan, Adriana Campos, Adriana D Santos, adrien saby, Agatha Mironova, Ahmed Toubale, Aidette Cancino, Aïla Lankaranian, Aldrich Li, Alex Dimitriou, Alexandre Majed, Alexis Bordeau, Alexis Fouchereau, Alexis Navarro, Ali Finlay, Alice Dogruyol, Alina Minakova, Alio Flos, Alizée Guena, Anastasia Krutova, Anna Booth, AnneSophie Antas, Antoine Dgt, Antoine Geiger, Antoine Huret, Antoine Runacher Vpe, Ashraf Uddin, Athene Xenia Aristocleous, Beatriz Castillo, Becca Hawkins, Bella D’Anzi, Benjii Neuf-deux, Bianca Esposto, Brittany Burgunder, Caitlin Thomas, Caleb Ng, Camille Mercat, Carmem Parada, Carol Lunardi, Chaï Sabbah, Charli Beaumont, Charlotte Scott, Charlotte Sleet, Chloé Barthe, Claire Maral, Clémence Bonal, Cyrus Shayestehkia, Daniel de Araujo, Dany Acevedo, Davy Danet, Dee Wasielewska, Deguingand Charlotte, Domilė Abelytė, Dorian Pujol, Egle Sakalauskaite, Ella Joy Lawrence, Emily Jade, Emily Jade, Eva Clairambaud, Eva Klares, Eva Lopez Eiro, Eve Bombole, Fabrice Dobill, Felipe Stockler, François-Xavier Peraldi, Gabbie Jarvis, Gayann Ngom, George Gerakios, Georgia Bell, Georgia Harris, Gianni Runfola, Giovanni Fior, Guilherme Oliveira, Grâdi Useni, Guilherme Oliveira, Harmony Pina Mayani, Harry Barnes, Hassina Toubale, Hector Mabbe, Hélène Chéné, Hiba M’khatri, Hortense Pl-Dn, Hugo Prando, Iam Samira, Imogen Hudson, Iris Obadia, Isabel Gorse, Isabel Palacios, Ismaïl El Belghiti, Jack Burlison, Jenny Correa, Jessamy Lelliott, JM Rixter, Joely Thompson, jojoelpollo, Jonathan Poullain, Jordan Monaghan, Jos Donald, Josephine Mather, Josephine Viat, Jpos Torres, Julia Smadja, Julie Naudet Crea, Julie Tran, Juliette Lyons, Kai Gittos, Karim Eltayeb, karina escolero, Karissa Ures, Kassem Toubale, Katia Rebecca, Katie Lindsey Smith, Katya Smolko, kevin fares, Khalid Mohamed, Krissy Cela, Laetitia Colonna d’Istria, Laika Jeroni, Lais Harumi, Lander He, Laura Anna Maria, Lauradele Sorcelle, Layla Daniel, Léa Coquelle, Léa Toubale, Lee Beevers, Leigh Innes, Leo Witt, Lewis Compton, ᴄʟᴀᴜᴅɪᴀ ᴛɪʜᴀɴ, Lina Herron, Lottie Butler, Louise Henderson, Lucas Descause, Ludovic Schille, Lydia Simonis, Maga Makhauri, Maria Thattil, Maria Uws, Marie-eva Barclay, Marine Castan, Mathilde de Miribel, Matthias Perrod, Maxence Verrecchia, Maxime Yeh, McLaren O’Rear, Médéric Leteurtre, Mel Dodd, Meropi Stamna, Mia Et Lisa, Mia Imbault, Mia Matsumiya, Mohamed El-keurti, Mohamed Toubale, Morais Martins, moraismartins13, Nadia Nuseibeh, Nadine Neyla, Nine Halimi, Noémie Beriye, Nolie Gaudesaboos, Noran El Maghraby, Oceane Bonnet-Deravin, Oceane Morales, Oscar Wendt,
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