#Alisson Myrain
coffeewithacold · 5 months
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Ah, yeah. Me, my moral dilemma related to the desire for revenge and the teachings of Sarenrae, which says that everyone should have a chance to redeem themselves, and the three worshippers of Calistria in my environment
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sadruru · 5 months
" The path of forgiveness of Sarenrae or violent revenge according to the precepts of Calistria? Oh, that's a dilemma for Alisson, isn't it Coffee?
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My trade for @coffeewithacold YES I FINALLY FINISHED IT FOR YOU MY DEAR!!! 💋👄💅🏻
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coffeewithacold · 21 days
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Alisson is slowly but surely creeping up to level 7 and the ability to wear medium armor. This is more likely for Act 2, but I wanted to draw it now.
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coffeewithacold · 5 months
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She still don't know that her sword has a mind. Lawful Good mind.
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coffeewithacold · 4 months
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the cleric of Erastil, the refugee from Galt and the paladin of Abadar gathered at one table…
@nnibarrel 's half-elf cleric Essa, @vrroche 's human paladin Siegfried and my Alisson agreed on the order in the Stolen Lands
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coffeewithacold · 6 months
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I will play the kingmaker campaign with some of my colleagues, and this became a good reason to shake the dust off my old baroness from 2020. Well, not a baroness, but a mercenary >:3
Neutral Good magus-bladebound, adopted daughter of a mercenary whose own daughter caused his death. Alisson is really a good girl! I mean, literally, her main spell in the CRPG was the beast shape of a dog. Also that sister of hers is her main reason to find a group - her own strength is not enough to cope with Vivien, devoid of any hint of sympathy or remorse.
And, well... in the CRPG she was Sword Saint, but I was too young and never got into the details. But all this stuff with Black Blade? Who also has their own consciousness and will? My GM said that Alisson's Blade will be Lawful Good longsword. I am so excited to play that campaign
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coffeewithacold · 30 days
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the return of the fringe that Alisson has been getting rid of for years! Cool mercenaries don't go to the barber to get their hair cut, cool mercenaries get their hair cut with an explosion
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coffeewithacold · 1 month
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A serious and dramatic group of adventurers
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coffeewithacold · 5 months
Kingmaker campaign started!
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Alisson said "NO we'll try to connect him to not fight!! We should HEAL him, maybe he'll let us go through this doors!!". And it's worked.
Also in the group are two halflings, and there was too much tiny doors in corridors. "Alisson raises her leg!"
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coffeewithacold · 2 months
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I found watermelon challenge in my bins, and that for the third day
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coffeewithacold · 3 months
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"Give Swapper your memory - Swapper give you her power"
Today we had fairy things and jokes. Alis was about to trade her memory for the fairy's magic, and it was a really frightening scene. And other PC's couldn't make out what they were saying because the fairy had made it so that only they understood each other at that moment. It was a hard choice, but Alisson choose to remember. The first step to healing is to stop avoiding the fact you have a wound.
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coffeewithacold · 3 months
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I had a hard day
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coffeewithacold · 4 months
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"let's dance?" "Yeah, why not?"
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coffeewithacold · 4 months
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Every halfling is invited with a plus one... and a half
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coffeewithacold · 4 months
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I wanted to draw The Judgment tarot card with Alisson on it, but the Death card fit her better. End of something important. Life maybe.
And also red apple... forbidden fruit, temptation, blood, human mortality… etc. And, more importantly, the emphasis is on red. Since her friends died, there is only the color of their blood on her hands.
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coffeewithacold · 4 months
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"The one who's haunting me… She's a real sadist. She... enjoys the suffering that she causes, and in her cruelty she won't stop at anything.…"
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