#Alistar Vein
capriblue · 3 months
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some more icons I had requested over instagram
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zoyazenik · 2 years
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emily’s endless list of ocs ✨ ↳ vaella targaryen & gareth tully, dragon fire 💥
Targaryens are closer to Gods than men. That is what the small-folk whisper across Westeros, and it was true - for all except one. Vaella Targaryen had dragon fire coursing through her veins, and her temper rivalled that of Balerion the Dread. Yes, the Targaryens may be Gods, but Vaella was more dragon than human. 
Born the first and only child of Rhaenys Targaryen and her late husband, Alistar Huxley, the tale of Vaella was a tragic one. Her father, the last of his great house, struck down in battle only months after her conception; and her mother, stricken with grief had almost succumbed to a grievous death during childbirth. Vaella Targaryen was born like all others, amidst blood and tears and the screams of a mother - but what made her different were the feral calls of Abraxas the Silver Fiend in the distance.
So yes, Vaella Targaryen was a Targaryen through and through, but she was no God. Gods do not kill as Vaella does, and they do not rejoice in the cries of their enemies.
The Tullys drew their strength from the river, and it was to the river they returned when their lives had run their course. Centuries after he was gone, the phrase would be uttered by his ancestor, but that did not make it any less true. Gareth Tully was born in water as cold as the ice that came with the winters, but his heart warmed at a temperature hotter than the average man.
Second son to Edmure Tully II, Gareth had grown up with a sword in his hands and his family words sung to him every night before bed. But whilst his older brother had been pampered into the perfect Lord of Riverrun, Gareth had learnt to listen. When you’re seen as the fool amongst your brothers, it was easy to go by unseen and thus, learn of the violent misdeeds of your foes. 
A trait that came in handy when assigned sworn shield and protector to the Princess of Dragon Fire.
taglist 🦋: @samwilsonns, @kiara-carrera, @fleetwoodmcs, @dio-nysvs @lizziesxltzmxn, @villanele, @daisyjohvson, @arrthurpendragon, @aaudace, @julianblackthcrns, @richitozier, @megdonnellys, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @moirei, @luucypevensie, @chlobenet, @eddysocs, @phoebestarks, @stareyedplanet, @waterloou, @raith-way, @jvstjewels
[want to be added or removed?]
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giannalloyd · 2 years
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✨Gialistar date✨
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@gyubby99 I rewrote a few lyrics of it for alistar-
King of Mean
I'm so tired of pretending Where's my happy ending?
I followed all the rules I drew inside the lines I never asked for anything that wasn't mine I waited patiently for my time But when it finally came She called his name And now I feel this overwhelming pain I mean it's in my veins I mean it's in my brain My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame I know exactly who to blame
I never thought of myself as mean I always thought that I'd be her king And there's no in between 'Cause if I can't have that Then I would be the leader of the dark And the bad Now there's a devil on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And he's calling me the King
Being nice was my pastime But I've been hurt for the last time And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me The anger burns my skin, third-degree Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea There's nobody getting close to me They're gonna bow to the Evil King Your nightmare's my dream Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes
I never thought of myself as mean I always thought that I'd be her King And there's no in between 'Cause if I can't have that Then I would be the leader of the dark And the bad Now there's a devil on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And he's calling me the King of mean (calling me, calling me) The King of mean (calling me, calling me) The King of mean (calling me, calling me)
Something's pulling me It's so magnetic My body is moving Unsure where I'm headed All of my senses have left me defenseless This darkness around me Is promising vengeance The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive There's nothing to lose When you're lonely and friendless So my only interest is showing this princess That I am the King And my reign will be endless (endless)
I want what I deserve I want to rule the world Sit back and watch them learn It's finally my turn
If they want a villain for a King
Side note: "Villain for a king". He's talking about hus father. Okay carry on.
I'm gonna be one like they've never seen I'll show them what it means Now that I am that I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad 'Cause the devil's on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And he's calling me the King of mean (calling me, calling me) The King of mean (calling me, calling me)
I want what I deserve!
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storykeeperkyle · 6 years
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @spadillelicious (Thank you ^^)
Tagging @asksimbaandkovu and every person that I don´t know who want to do it :3
Name: Huh?
Nickname: Alistar~
Height: Close to the floor...
Nationality: Just for friends, though
Favorite fruit: It´s better if I say which one I don´t like Soursop
Favorite season: Autumm
Favorite plant: Azaleas, Lotus and Jade
Favorite scene: Eh... I don´t know, I like a lot of things
Favorite color: Gray <3
Favorite animal: Wolfs and Dragons. -But dragons aren´t anima--- Shuuush.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: I have Cooffee vein, but I love the three
Average sleep hours: 7
Dog of Cat Person: Dog person
Favorite fictional character: WAIT, DO I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE? For now Black Hat.
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two or three.
Dream Trip: I want to know all the world! And meet all the friends I´ve known!
Blog created: Created? 2017... I think so. My first publication was like two months ago xDxDxD
Number of followers: 16 xD I mean, how?
Random Fact: I have permanent eye bags, plus, my eyes are almost black, my avatar design doesn´t have black holes per eyes for nothing.
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wirelesscc · 8 years
I don’t hate Galio’s rework by any stretch of the imagination, but not a lot of him is in the rework apart from the fact it’s a stone monster with wings.
His color scheme on the base skin is incredibly boring and reminiscent of a few towels around my house.  This is incredibly sad for me because I liked the high contrast of his prior blue and yellow.
Gatekeeper no longer has the same red that underworld TF has on his model/splash, and looks more like a Jade Fang Cassiopeia counterpart.
Hextech just makes my colorblind eyes scream from trying to process if it’s brown or a really rusty red
Enchanted Galio has such unsaturated colors I didn’t even notice there was metal around the blue cores on his shoulders.
He’s really cocky and overeager and not a more reserved humble guardian and just feels like another Zac/Draven kind of V.O.
His kit looks fine, I don’t mind it, it’s just new and I haven’t tried it so I won’t say anything on it.  He’s going to want “some ap” apparently, so it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me that his knock up and what appears to be his ult are probably going to be magic damage in the same vein of Alistar’s abilities.
He walks now, which bothers me because he’s gone from an overhead protector to some weird golem that walks how I imagine Bluto from popeye walks.
I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it.  If it were a new champion, I’d literally have zero problems.  But it’s not.  I liked every other update on release except for this one and Mordekaiser’s.
I’ll probably see if I can refund the Enchanted and Hextech skins when he’s released.  If I like the Gatekeeper voiceover, I’ll probably hold onto that one, but if I don’t it’ll probably get refunded too.
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CAMILLE DIAMOND is a .32 year old LADY from the noble house of DIAMONDS situated in the DIAMOND MOUNTAINS.
No matter the fairy tale, there is always a Cinderella story. In some, the poor servant girl is good and kind and her kindness is the reason for her happy ending. But for Camille, it was her beauty and cunning that moved her from simple miner’s daughter to ruling Lady of the Diamond Court. In truth, Camille had a thirst for a better life since she was young. No, Camille was destined to control her own glittering fate and she used every gift she was born with to secure her Lord.
Camille was only a young woman of twenty-six when the former Lady Diamond had tragically died. She left behind a widowed husband and two children and above all else - she left Camille an opportunity. Using her connections, the ambitious redhead slipped into the stone castle on the night of young Aurora Diamond’s ball. Many Noble Suits had come to pay their respects to the girl and to her father who still mourned his wife and Camille was determined to catch the eye of one handsome Lord.
That night she flirted, laughed and danced - the mysterious girl in a silk dress and fluttering lashes. But of all men she enchanted, it was Lord Diamond himself who looked more alive than he had been in years in the girl’s company. Twenty years her junior, he wasn’t the young prince Camille had dreamed of, but he was darkly charming and lavishly rich. There was a hunger there, lurking beneath the surface that answered to her own. And so, Camille spun a web, slowly entrapping the Lord - giving her carefully saved innocence and declaring herself ruined. Little did Camille know that Alistar had plans for her - not just his wife, much to his children’s chagrin.
Cold: For a woman of humble beginnings, Camille was quick to become the cold, vain noble woman you’d expected. Diamond blood runs through her veins and as such, she is just as pretty and as cruel as her namesake.
Seductive: Camille knows her strengths - her body, her looks, her charm. It is one of her more enviable tools and she will continue to use them to ensure that she always gets what she wants, not matter what the cost.
Resourceful: To be ambitious, one needs to be resourceful. And for an ambitious woman like Camille, she had plenty of resources. Her connections, for one, are perhaps Camille’s strongest arsenal. Alliances are her forte.
Mind: Like all those who originate from the Diamond line, whether they be noble or peasant, Camille has a strong affiliation of mind manipulation. In truth, there are some area’s she struggles with - seduction and fueling a fantasy were always her strong suits. But altering past memories or mind-torture? With the decline of magic in Wonderland Camille fears that her grip on her husband might fade also.
Lord Alistar Diamond: Lord and husband, Camille likes to think she has Alistar wrapped around her little finger. The pair share a hunger for power and a goal for the throne, despite Alistar’s reservations. But to ensure her place in the Diamond house, Camille must still provide an little diamond of her own. A child.
Aurora & Tristan Diamond: Forget Cinderella, Camille is more of a wicked step-mother. Well, sister due to the age. Both not only resent Camille for replacing their mother but for the fact that she has so much sway over their father. However, as the children will soon find out, Camille is a powerful ally as well as a foe.
Cora Lovelace: The girls are in fact cousins, though the pair endeavor to keep their relation a secret. It was Cora who ensured that Camille secured entrance into the ball that night and that Camille would be dressed like one of the finest ladies in all of the land. The pair write often and feed each other information but there is genuine love there.
LADY CAMILLE DIAMOND is portrayed by EVAN RACHEL WOOD and her role is currently CLOSED.
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madamlaydebug · 7 years
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..."Just like the cycles of the moon turn from light to dark grey, so to does our consciousness go through cycles of being asleep and awake, for no matter how wise we are or how rich and powerful we become, the universe has higher patterns that many of us have become blind to and ignore! We may wish for a life to be lead by only love and light, but just as the seasons change, the polarity of life runs deep through the course of our veins. When we think about IT, how would we ever know that we are dreaming if it were not for the process of awakening to remind us of this opposite nature? How would we know what life IS if there was not the threat of death to affirm IT? We may never know the 'why' in life, but we can know 'what is'!... Notice how the best stories that inspire us are the story of the hero, the one who overcomes great conflicts, and triumphs over the shadow influence, as they transcend towards the rising sun becoming a true god or goddess co-creator! ... Do not underestimate the power of your influence, for we each have a specific task at hand before us, and we each have our own specific set of conflicts and experiences that we will encounter along this journey, and IT is this that will serve as platforms for the expansion or decay of our spirit! At times we may get sidetracked from the Universal tasks and assignments, as we may get caught up in the drama of life and begin to cling to dreams and illusions. But just like meditating on our breath, we can shift our awareness and suddenly shift and sway the living currents, regaining the connection to the co-creative process. The key is finding and bridging that gap between the conscious and unconscious, it's found within seeing the unconscious at work within our-self, for this self reflecting process is what makes the unconscious conscious as we reclaim fate!" ~Alistar Valadez... Instagram: @alistar_valadez @dmt_metal Art by: Justin Totemical @totemical #Totemical #dmt #wordsofwisdom #divinemomentoftruth #inspirationalquotes
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giannalloyd · 4 years
Alistar: ¿Por qué no tienes novio?
Gianna: Tengo una madre estricta. ¿Tú por qué no tienes novia?
Alistar: Tienes una madre estricta
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giannalloyd · 4 years
Alistar: Tengo un problema
Nair: Mátalo
Alistar: ¡¿Puedes calmarte por, no sé, UN segundo?!
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