#Aliyaa Aepel x Hanzo Hasashi
roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober Day 8: Allure. Starring Alihan (Aliyaa Aepel x Hanzo Hasashi)
Aliyaa drinks tea in the tea hall. As he is looking at her. He felt.. a boner in his pants. Completely allured by her and her beauty.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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A unique trainee chapter 9
“Aliyaa’s mission”
A/N: I completely forgot about this fanfic lol 😂I guess I need to start remembering that I have other fanfics to write! ❤️❤️🖤
It is a sunny beautiful day as the breeze gently blows the trees. Younger Aliyaa woke up from her sleep, she got up from her bed. She washes her face and brushed her hair and teeth.
“It is a lovely day today,” she muttered to herself happily.
Today the Grandmaster woke up early like he usually does. He sat on a mat waiting for Aliyaa to come and eat her breakfast with him.
Today is very important for her, today is the day of her first mission!
The Grandmaster had been thinking these days, he had been thinking if he did the right thing; Is sending Aliyaa safe for her? What if she got killed? The older Aliyaa will never forgive and thus he will lose two Aliyaas, But from what he has seen Aliyaa is doing progress in everything. Her training, her ability, and her strength.
He trusts Younger Aliyaa to get the job done and so must the older Aliyaa!
“I know that I’m doing the right thing!” Hanzo stated he is certain in his decision.
Finally, younger Aliyaa came to him, she sat near him. Then she poured tea for herself and her grandmaster.
“Good morning Grandmaster!” Younger Aliyaa greeted joyfully.
“Good morning, Sakura~,” The Grandmaster greeted back with a smile on his face.
As he is sipping his tea, he is looking at Aliyaa, he can’t help but to ponders at her. She is so cute and innocent.
It would hurt him if he made a monster out of her, he knows that the life of a ninja is cruel and merciless. He would be damn if he taught her how to become one. She will lose her virtues and innocence, she will be left with only blood on her hands and the unquenchable blood lust.
She would be a feminine version of himself. He would be doomed if he let her become like him, He can’t lose sweet young Aliyaa; She is the light of his life.
“Aliyaa,” The Grandmaster called her. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes!” She affirmed brightly to him.
“I will not send you alone, there will be a squad going with you,” The Grandmaster stated.
“My decision is final!” The Grandmaster declared.
“Yes... Grandmaster” She murmured.
He thought about this matter through and through. The decision is hard for him more than it is for her, but it is for her safety.
“Be ready for your mission” He reminded, “And, please be safe,”.
“Yes, Grandmaster!” She reassured.
Younger Aliyaa's mission is to hunt one of the lowly-ranked gang members and his name is Lazlo.
Lazlo is a young man lowly-ranked member of his gang.
Grandmaster Hasashi had Aliyaa hunting him down because he won’t be much of a threat to Aliyaa.
Once Aliyaa finds this Lazlo guy. He wanted to assault her, because of how beautiful she is.
“Hello~ Girl,” Lazlo called lustfully.
“Not interested,” she coldly told.
With a swift move of her feet, she tackled him and started punching him in the face, he cried in pain, he tried desperately to shake her off of him but he failed. He barely got up and took a good footing but he stammered due to unbalance.
Younger Aliyaa decided that she will beat him senselessly so that he end up in the hospital. She doesn’t want to kill him.
“What the hell is wrong with you lady!” He cried as he spits blood.
But Aliyaa didn’t reply at all instead she kicked him in the face and she punches him in the back of his head, His body lay there he isn’t dead, he is just unconscious.
“I did my mission!” She brightly said to herself.
Then she went to the Shirai Ryu Temple, she told the Grandmaster of her mission and he congratulated her.
“Good work!” The Grandmaster exclaimed.
“Thank you, Grandmaster!” Aliyaa replied.
Older Aliyaa came to congratulate her on her mission. “Congratulations on your mission!” Aliyaa exclaimed happily.
“Thank you!” Younger Aliyaa answered.
Older Aliyaa magically prepared tea and cups for them to drink and celebrate together.
“Let’s celebrate,” Older Aliyaa suggested. “Who wants black tea? Or green tea?”
“Green tea for me,” Grandmaster Hasashi specified.
“Sure,” Aliyaa uttered.
Aliyaa magically poured tea for Hanzo and younger Aliyaa, All of them enjoyed sipping their tea. It is one of the lovely times when they gather together and drink tea.
That’s all for today! Thank you for reading you can give me feedback if you want 🖤
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
🌻🌼Harumi Rose Hasashi HC 🌻🌼
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Harumi Rose Hasashi was born on 3 May 1999
(Aliyaa x Hanzo Timeline)
🌻She is half-Japanese and half-Virginian, Which means when she grows older, She looks way younger than her real age. Yes, much like Edenians but different.
🌻 Harumi burns roses when she feels nervous or anxious. It is the only way for her to calm her nerves.
🌻Harumi is the second child of Aliyaa and Hanzo Hasashi. The first is Satoshi Salem Hasashi.
🌻After Harumi was born, Her father loves her so much that he spoils her and gives her most of the attention, Though he kept spoiling Satoshi too (his firstborn).
His first daughter died with his old family, So he couldn’t watch her grow and love her let alone spoil her. But God had mercy on him and gives a second chance to re-live these moments. (A/N: I don’t know if he had a daughter with his first family. But, let's go with this <3)
🌻Harumi and Satoshi share their parents' powers, Hellfire, and magic. He couldn’t be any happier to know his children are gifted, they have hellfire the same as him.
*When Aliyaa was pregnant he was so happy that he forgot he is the Grandmaster, He kept watching Aliyaa and protecting her. He even didn’t let her carry anything, Fearing that it was endangering his unborn babies' lives. She was annoyed but she let him help her.
*The healers told Hanzo that Aliyaa is pregnant with only one child. He was grateful for this. But the moment of giving birth, They are shocked to know there is another child in Aliyaa’s womb. And that was Harumi. Nonetheless, Hanzo is happy about this.
*Hanzo named His two children first names and Aliyaa named their second names.
*He saw so much of Harumi in his daughter so he named her Harumi. At first, he was afraid to suggest naming her Harumi but he did and to his shock Aliyaa accepted it.
*Most of the time, He got to carry Harumi as a baby. He loves her so much, He sang to her, rocked her, He carried her, He even fed her, And Aliyaa got to carry their baby-son.
🌻Harumi loves to be elegant, watering plants, Painting, cooking, sweets, writing, and helping people, She likes Japanese history and novels books, She loves to wear hanfus, and Kimonos, Hanbok and etc.
🌻Just like her mother, She loves self-care and being elegant in everything, she aspires to be like her mother.
🌻She is spoiled by her father, but he didn’t spoil her rotten, she is a responsible girl after all.
*Hanzo and Aliyaa taught their children how to use and control their powers. It was hard at first. But, now they mastered their powers.
🌻At the age of 9, Harumi showed signs of her hellfire powers, Which made Hanzo proud, she was very afraid that she started to cry. Her father immediately calmed her, He told her not to worry. He taught her and Satoshi how to master hellfire.
🌻Harumi was 13 when Takeda first came to the Shirai Ryu through his father Kenshi Takahashi, Harumi saw him as a little brother. She calmed him and played with him, she is like his older sister when he was all alone between strangers.
Takeda has grown to love Harumi and sees her as more than a sister, possibly a potential romantic partner, but he was afraid of the Grandmaster, Then Jacqui came into his life, He loves Jacqui now. It’s unbeknownst if he still has feelings for Harumi.
🌻At the age of 15 Harumi experienced her first period, she was very nervous and embarrassed, she was annoyed by the cramps in her lower belly, and she told her mother about this.
“Mom… I have something to tell you,” Harumi asked worriedly.
“What is it dear?” Her mother answered her.
“Mom… my lower belly hurts me and… Do you have a potion for me?” Harumi asked again.
“Oh, dear! This is okay, you are a woman now!” Her mother happily said.
“What do you mean by that?” Harumi asked.
“Is there blood when you pee? Her mother asked her.
“Yes.. but how did you know?” She muttered.
“Then this is what I think it is, you are having your monthly period,” Her mother replied, as she pours the tea into the cups, and sandwiches for her daughter.
“Honey, you must drink something hot and wear socks and slippers!” Her mother advised her.
“Okay, if you say so,” she told, Sitting on the bed near her mother.
Hanzo barged into the room, ”Aliyaa! Go check on our daughter if she is fine!” Hanzo commanded, he didn’t notice that Harumi was in the same room.
“Darling! You are here! how are you feeling!” He asked his daughter.
“Better Daddy!” She sweetly replied.
“I’m happy to hear this!” He muttered, then he hugged his daughter.
Then, All of them sat in the room, talking with each other and sipping tea.
🌻Once Harumi had reached 18, Hanzo was so afraid that she will start to think of love and marriage.
🌻On her 18 birthday, The gang gave her a lot of gifts. Even her other friends on her mother's side. They gave her a lot of precious gifts. Mainly older Aliyaa got her dream laptop. Hanzo gave her a traditional bow. Because he knows that she likes archery. Unbeknownst to Hanzo, Selviya gave her a magical girl brooch, To protect herself and her friends. She kept this a secret from her daddy.
Takeda once joked that her future boyfriend would be lucky if she was his girlfriend. To Hanzo’s dismay. He “gently” nudge Takeda’s elbow.
🌻She once asked if she can get a boyfriend her father immediately snapped at her. (Something all fathers would do xD) He regretted it afterward.
🌻Harumi knows that her father wants the best for her, And he knows more about life than her. She always listens to him, and she agrees with him on this. But deep down she wants to be loved like her mother and most of the girls like her age.
*Her mother once told her that she can’t love a guy without fully knowing him. Harumi agreed to this.
🌻She likes to play with her phone, computer, or even puzzle games.
🌻When she gets lonely she uses her fire powers to create a dragon made of her pure hellfire magic, she called him Allen.
*Hanzo Always calls her Shirai Ryu Princess. And she loved this and giggles when she remembers him saying it.
*Satoshi likes to pick on her sometimes, he just enjoys teasing her, Being the older brother he is.
*Jacqui gets extremely jealous of Harumi, whenever she passes by, Takeda looks at her and completely forgets about Jacqui.
🌻Harumi and Liling (Selviya and Kuai’s daughter) are extremely close friends, although these two have opposites powers, Fire and Ice being close friends.
🌻Harumi Always wonders about the other Harumi (Hanzo’s first wife). She always thinks about her, how she looks, and whether she will be jealous of her mother (Aliyaa).
She is still daddy’s girl, he loves to spoil her and makes desserts for her.
🌼She always feels like she is Rapunzel, A beautiful, young princess trapped in a temple instead of a tall tower, But she is grateful for her life since her daddy and mummy love her so much and care about her.
-One time, two foreign young handsome men lost their way to the city and ended up being near the Shirai Ryu territories, Hanzo immediately ordered them to leave, He wasn’t kind to them but his daughter was. They left the place, but tomorrow, they secretly return to the temple to meet the girl (Harumi).
-Once she saw The tall blonde-haired guy and blue eyes again, she falls in love with him, Hanzo wasn’t aware that these men are back at his temple.
“What’s your name?” She sweetly asked, waiting for his reply.
“My name is Nathan Spencer,” He replied, he is a bit embarrassed, and he was blushing while she was sweetly looking at him, offering him a lovely smile.
“What a lovely name! Mines Harumi Rose~” she muttered in her sweet sultry voice.
“Thanks!” He awkwardly replied.
Both locked their eyes for moments, Before Hanzo passes by and spotted them at his temple gates, he furiously came and ordered them to leave or things will get bloody.
“Hey! Didn’t I tell you both to leave yesterday?” He growled at the two men, The two men ran away once they saw Hanzo holding his Tānto.
🌻After this incident Hanzo reprimanded his daughter, It ended with her being unable to leave the temple without his permission let alone being near the gates.
“Do NOT go near the gates again, Am I clear? Shōjo! (young lady)” He reprimanded his daughter.
“Very clear, Otōchan,” She told him, “Good girl,” He gently said, patting her head then left.
He left, and while walking he regretted reprimanding her with his harsh usual tone, But part of him wants to believe he did the right thing.
He doesn’t want to see his daughter heartbroken because that man had manipulated her only to take her virginity, So in his heart and mind, he did the right thing.
🌻Harumi listened to her father and started to be only inside the temple, she isn’t allowed to go near the gate as her father ordered her. can’t help but falling in love with Nathan, and how hard she fall in love with him
🌻She kept studying, Training, and painting in her free time. Which made her father proud and glad.
🌼In the end, she loves her dad, mother, and her brother, She loves them all, she loves her family and everything about them <3
🌻That’s all for Harumi Rose Called by her father {Shirai Ryu Princess}🌼
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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A unique trainee chapter 8
(Just another day, same routine in the shirai-ryu), such a long title for a chapter eh?. Its been a while since i wrote the 7th chapter of this fanfic. Anyway! I am back to writing chapters and i will post chapter 5 and 6 of wartb! Just stay tuned!! :D
Young Aliyaa wakes up earlier, She washes her face, brushes her teeth, then goes to take a quick shower to freshen herself up in the bathtub but before she do that, she pulls up her hair into a bun then goes to the bathtub.She carefully puts her feet to test the water if its too hot or too cold turns out its warm then she gets inside the bathtub,As warm water tickles her body,She gently rubs every part of her smooth,Soft alluring body. She pours the soap on her palm and Scrubs every part of her body. As the alluring scent of the Body-soap fondles her nostrils. She breaths in. She enjoys this.After its rosy and sweet scent.
After half an hour she got out of the bathtub. She takes a pink long robe to Dry her body and to never catch a cold. She sits on the chair that is in front of the vanity/table dresser. She takes off the clip that was holding her hair up, she again brushes hair, Putting lotion on her body and a cream to her face. After that she quickly goes to her large closet that looks like another room in the same room. She takes a beautiful pink Rose decorations Kimono, she quickly wears it. Then she goes back to her vanity. Doing her hair into a Half up half down hairstyles (two buns at the top and her hair is down). She applied some pink lipstick. And finally she wears her favourite perfume. She goes out of her room to see if the Grandmaster Hasashi had wake up. Turns out he is still asleep. She quickly goes to her Kitchen to make breakfast. She makes pancakes with nutella and fruits. She makes 15 pancakes, for her, and for two hanzos. She also makes tea with Her vintage british cup set and pot.
She puts the breakfast in a tray and the tea pot and cups into another tray. She first carries the breakfast tray and goes to her Grandmaster. As she is heading there she is surprised to see her grandmaster had woke up.
“Good morning Grandmaster! I made breakfast!” She greeted him.
The Grandmaster looks at her and greeted her back, he is not surprised to see her always woken up earlier than him and Happily Greeting the morning. He came to a conclusion that she is a morning person. He liked this about her.
“Good morning to you too Sakura, i see that you had made a very delicious breakfast!” He greeted back. She smiled to him.
He opens the door for her, she goes there gently putting the tray in the table. She quickly goes back to her kitchen to fetch the Tea tray.
“I also made tea! I’m going to get it!” She added, he nodded
“Thank you for the delicious breakfast Sakura!” He thanked her. She left to fetch the tea.
Moments later the younger hanzo woken up. He sniffed the scent of the room. He loved the scent.
“Good morning! Did you slept well?” The grandmaster asked him
“G-good morning! And yes i slept well thank you for asking!” The younger Hanzo replied. He quickly gets up from the bed.
Younger Aliyaa came with the tea. She gently placed it beside the breakfast tray. She looks to see the younger hanzo is waken up. As its her nature to be shy. She nervously puts both of her hand on her lap as the moment she sat down. The Grandmaster noticed this and chuckles. He knew that she is getting nervous.
“Thank you for the breakfast and the tea sakura!” He thanked her again. She didn’t say anything she just smiled shyly.
“Thank you for the meal!” Younger Hanzos says.
“Y-you’re welcome!” She uttered calmly.
They all started to eat. Younger Aliyaa silently munching her food so that she doesn’t annoy them. She continues to eat her food silently and calmly after she had finished she pours herself tea. She pours for them too. She quickly Drank her tea. Then she excused herself to leave.
The Grandmaster let her leave, because she has a lot to do and also to train. But he knew that part of him knew that she left because she feels very nervous and shy and that is not comforting for her. He understands that after all she is a very shy girl and he wanted to teach her some things that will let her to overcome her shyness.
After an hour. The training began. The Grandmaster had gathered all the students for a new lesson, Takeda wasn’t here. Like the usual, he is in the SF. And developing his Relationship with his future Fiancé. Both she and the grandmaster had missed him. He is annoying for sure but still he is a wonderful friend. Younger Aliyaa minds slowly drift to thinks about her Older-self and her others friend. She is in deep daydream. That she didn’t notice one of the students had collided with her. The collision made her fall a few feet away. As she moans in pain
“Watch it stupid wench!!” The student says, clenching his teeth in anger, its the same student who had collided into her.
“You watch it! And you are the one who is stupid!” She talked back, not afraid of him.
The student wanted to slap her in the face,but Grandmaster Hasashi stopped him, giving him a terrifying glares that made him stutter in fear.
“Its her fault grandmaster! She is so stupid and idiotic!” The student uttered while pointing to her
“We both know its not her fault and you are the one who collided into her!” The grandmaster says. Not believing any word the student says. And he can’t lie to the grandmaster because he saw everything.
“But!” The student got cuts off
“No buts! Go run extra rounds and don’t you ever lay your hands on a woman!” The Grandmaster scolded him. He obeyed the grandmaster
“Are you okay sakura?” He asks Younger Aliyaa, she nodded
“Yes grandmaster and thank you for helping me!” She thanked him, he nodded the continue the training.
After the training, she goes to relax in the bathtub. She undressed herself, she took a white silk robe and a black hair clip. She turns the tap of the bathtub on, it pours warm water on the bathtub she quickly puts her feet on the water to see if its cold or hot. Warm like earlier in the morning. She smile in satisfaction as she gets in the bathtub. Enjoy the warm water gently fondles her body. She squeezes the soap bottle and it pours richly on her palm. She gently scrubs her body of the filth and sweat of the day. She deeply inhales sweet scents of roses and Sweets. After all its her older-Self taste in things and she just loves it. She spent half an hour there. She gets out of the bathtub and wears her silk white robe.
She chooses a red and white kimono. She takes off her silk white robe, She puts lotion on her body then wears her kimono. She applied some pink lipstick and wears her favourite perfume again.
She heard a knock on the door. She goes there to see who, it turns out, its the grandmaster. She smiled and open the door for him. He came back with the tea tray. He gently placed it on the table. And sat besides her. She quickly brushes her hair, and now she is done. She only need to face him now.
“Yes Grandmaster! Need anything?” She sweetly asks. He chuckles and shakes his head no.
“No Sakura! I just want you to be ready! Cause after two days it will be your first mission!” He says. She nodded, she curls her hair with her finger as she gently plays with it.
“Its very easy, all you have to do is to watch someone, there will be partners with you in the mission you won’t be alone my dear!” He declared, she nodded
“Okay! I’ll do my best!” She promised, he smiled softly to her.
Its like he is talking with Harumi, but younger and more shy, he still remembers that she is only shy when she talks to new people, but if she was with her husband she is not shy, she is calm and bold too. But he is glad that younger Aliyaa is not shy with him too she started to get a little bold. But nonetheless he loves younger Aliyaa and older Aliyaa and his dead wife Harumi. Its just that he sees his wife in them. All of them are so similar. Despite Older Aliyaa being really scary and goth. Yet in his eyes she is beautiful and she is his wife and lover. And so does the younger one.
“Be ready for it sakura!” He reminded, softly smiling to her and rubbing her head softly too.
“I am ready! And I won’t fail you grandmaster!” She solemnly promised.
He smiles kindly, and patted her head. She smiles and hugs him. He hugs back too.
After a moment of hugging, she lets go and pours tea to him, there is a knock on the door and it was younger Hanzo. He seems oblivious to what happend. She pours him a tea too.
“Am I interrupting something?” Younger Hanzo asks, as he is cocking his eyebrow
“Hehe you didn’t interrupt anything come and drink tea!” The Grandmaster offers, he comes to them and sit between them.
They talk and drink tea together. Its fun to Talk and have a British black tea as a beverage..
Younger Aliyaa is happy, she is grateful for everything and especially to Older Aliyaa when she rescued her that day.
Thats all for the chapter 8 of a unique trainee, thanks to all who supported me with positivity and lovely messages! Thanks for giving me the inspiration to write again! Thanks again ❤️
@loryeenb @loryeen @lorabeyc @melissalix @lisadelise @monapome @mollyb9 @noelle9 @florafoom @dumbgaming @kyd35
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Hey! Good evening! I just made these sketch. These fresh btw! More couples instead of the usual Subselvi along with Subselvi! Kekw! Oh! Subzero Shaved btw thats why he kinda looks like Takeda.. i mean i draw him like takeda mybad!
The couples in the sketches are Subselvi (Selviya x Kuai Liang (Subzero)
AroAl Aliyaa x Arouj
Alihan Aliyaa x Hanzo
And enjoy 🤍✨
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Hello! Good afternoon people, this time i wanted to post something new! The Couple types in my blog!
Semi-gothic Aliyaa Aepel x Arouj AroAl (Canon)
Icy Hot Couple Selviya x Subzero (Kuai Liang) Subselvi (Not canon)
Hot n Dark Couple Hanzo Hasashi x Aliyaa Aepel Alihan (not Canon)
Brain & wonder Couple Hadi Aepel x Layla buyunii Halay (canon )
Adventurous yet Boring Eevie Al’shayle x Derek Monrik EeDere (Canon)
And thats for today ✨🤍
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Good evening people!, i’m so bored so i did this. Its about Alihan (Aliyaa x Hanzo). I love this meme so much 🤍
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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A little sketch between Hanzo & little Aliyaa
Starring in A unique trainee
Yes she is wearing a Kimono 👘
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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A unique trainee chapter 7
(Pic doesn’t belong to me it belongs to its creator)
Its Valentines day in the Shirai-ryu
“Happy Valentines Grandmaster” all the Members said
“Happy Valentines day to you too!” Grandmaster Hasashi replied Smilingly to them
Younger Aliyaa is listening to them, she is lucky that she made the Sweets dough from yesterday, so she went to make Cupcakes and sweets To the Grandmaster Hasashi. she used the colourful Papers and draws Hearts shape on the corners of the pages. And write a letter to him, Takeda as the annoying guy he is came again to her.
“Hey! Aliyaa! Its Valentines day today! Are you doing some cupcakes or sweets?” He asked, Smiling to her
“Well yeah! I’m making cupcakes To all of you!” She replied to him, smiling to him
“Yeah did you heard the news? There is a younger master Hasashi here, he came with Selviya, She says that she purified him from The darkness and Quan chi’s influence!” Takeda replied happily
“Oh.. wow! She is amazing right!?” Younger Aliyaa chuckles to him
“She is but she is really annoying!” Takeda admits it, and then the buzz on the oven rang, meaning the cupcakes are ready!
“Yeah kinda like you!” She uttered then giggles at him
“Hey! I’m not that annoying!” He said, Glaring at her
“Pfft whatever!” She says as she put the cupcakes into heart shaped boxes.
“Here’s one for you Takeda! I know you are annoying sometimes but you are really sweet!” Younger Aliyaa Admitted it
“Ooh thanks but don’t let Jacqui hear you!” He muttered softly to her. She handed him the box
“Happy Valentines Takeda Takahashi!” She says, he smiles then took the box from her
“Thank you! And happy Valentines to you too!” He says then left
She is nearly finished from making the cupcakes and the sweet, She grabs all the boxes and puts into each two cupcakes and a Valentine letter, but she did not give Takeda a letter because he is into a relationship with Jacqui briggs
“I finally finished it all! Time to give now!” She announced, the first two people that she will give are the two Master Hasashi the older one and the younger one
She took the two boxes into a her palms gently carrying them toward the Grandmaster Tea hall.
She heard them talk about their past and the moments they shared with their family.. the older one says..
“I know what truly drives you! Its not the Shirai-ryu pride, its your wife and child..” the Grandmaster hasashi softly says to him, the latter replied
“Do you think i can see them again!? And if not will i ever move on?” He replied with tears in his eyes. This feeling is so suffocating to both of them.
“Yes .. you will move on trust me..” He whispered to him.
They both heard a gentle knock on the door
“Get in!” The Grandmaster Hasashi says
“Grandmaster! i’m Sorry for the intrusion but .. its Valentines day and i want to give you both this little gift..” she replied a bit shy this time.
“Oh hey Sakura, don’t worry you can stay with us if you want!” Grandmaster Hasashi softly uttered to her.. as she gives him the box and the younger too
“Sorry but what’s this for?” The younger Hasashi asked with bewilderment.
“Open it” Grandmaster Hasashi says to him, Younger Hanzo opens it, he is surprised to see two cupcakes Vanilla and chocolate both covers into heart-shaped sprinkling. And a letter
“Its a day where the loved ones celebrate together with Sweets and letters, it’s common these days more than ever hehe!” Grandmaster Hasashi added, then chuckles to him.
“I… i really hope you like it..” Younger Aliyaa commented, She shyly rubbed her shoulder..
then she left .. she really feels awkward to stay there and listening to them chats
“Wait!” Younger Hanzo says
“Th-thank you!” He continues, as he thanked her shyly
“Yes thank you Sakura for this pleasant Gift!” The Grandmaster Added, smiling to her
“You’re welcome!” She replied then left to do her things..
After that she saw the table that no one used it today, she puts all her cupcakes boxes on it.. and putting a letter (happy Valentines everyone, and please take this box, pretty things inside it)
Then she left…
After an hour she is really surprised that all the members liked her cupcakes and sweets.. everyone was reading the letter which was inside the box along with the cupcakes and sweets. She was really happy to see this..
“I see that everyone liked your cupcakes!” The Grandmaster stated, She gasped, he really scared her
“Sorry for scaring you Sakura!” He apologised to her
“Its fine!” She says, as she looks at him, apparently he wasn’t alone he was with the younger Hanzo too. Who cannot get his eyes off her.
*~~~* earlier
“Doesn’t she remind you of someone?” The Grandmaster teases, the younger Hanzo is oblivious he didn’t know what he meant
“No! What do you mean by that?” The younger Hanzo responded, Blushing a bit
“Come on you know what i mean” The Grandmaster cocks his eyebrow, teasing him even more
“No! .. you can’t say…” The younger Hanzo whispered after realisation hits him harder, she looks like his dead Wife
“Yes she reminds me of Harumi so much!” The Grandmaster conceded, as he looks at the door which she cames from and left
“Yes .. she actually reminded me of her! But she is younger and more shy!” The younger Hanzo added
“She is! But she is really Kawaī!” The Grandmaster mused, enjoying the blush of the younger Him
*~~~~~* After the little chitchat with the younger Hanzo
“Thank you for the cupcakes! They were delicious!” The younger Hanzo says
“I’m glad that you liked them” she uttered happily
“I’m happy to witness this, celebrating Valentine with them when it should be only you and your loved one, i’m glad that you did your best to let them feel the love of this day, The Valentine day, you reminded me with the memories i had with my dead wife, thank you Sakura! It means so much to me!” The Grandmaster Hasashi Said, as he gently brushed the hair behind her ears, she blushed at this then smiles
“You’re .. you’re welcome Grandmaster!, and i’m really happy to hear this!” She replied, smiling to him
“Hey!! Aliyaa! Do you have cupcakes left?, jacqui gave me a chocolate, but its really Bitter and Hard to chew, please tell me you have some!” Takeda expressed, Hoping she have some cupcakes to spare
“Your lucky i actually have some in the tray! I will bring it to you, you just stay here okay?” Younger Aliyaa responded, then left to bring him some cupcakes
“Phew! Thank you!” Takeda thanked her, waiting patiently for her
“Do not let Jacqui hear you, hehe or you will be in a very big trouble” the Grandmaster teases, Takeda blushes
“What can i do? Jacqui sucks at choosing gifts, i gave her the box that Aliyaa gave me but in return she gave me this cheap-ass Bitter chocolate… its unfair you know!” Takeda expressed, Feeling really annoyed
“Hehe you must trust your soulmate choices my dear Takeda!” Grandmaster Hasashi softly advises, he understands Takeda resentment
“I know Grandmaster but-“ Takeda continued, But he got interrupted by Younger Aliyaa
“Here! I found some .. its not many but its Enough to enjoy the Valentine day!.” She giggles at him, he happily takes the box
“Did you put a letter inside?” Takeda Asks, he knew her answer would be no
“Nope! I don’t give letters to taken guys, i’m so sorry!” She replied, smiling to him
“Understandable thanks for the cupcakes! You are really a lifesaver!” Takeda thanked her again, then left
“I’m glad that you helped him in this!” The Grandmaster chuckles, both chuckles at this
“Yeah! I’m glad that i did!” She responded , smiling to him.
We reached the end of this chapter stay tuned for more
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Young Aliyaa was watering the plants in the Fire garden, She was really excited since Hanzo let her water the garden and taking care of it personally. Entrusting this task to her only. Makes her feel she is special and Important.
“Sunbird!” The master called, she quickly looks at him
“Yes Master! How are you feeling today!” She says, as she kept watering the Thirsty plants.
“I’m fine! Sunbird, i see that you are taking good care of the plants!” He says, improving on her efforts. She smiles to him wholeheartedly as she innocently nodded.
“Really! I’m really glad that my efforts please you master!” Younger Aliyaa uttered.
“A-hm! Yes you work really … Sincerely!” He admitted, feeling a little awkward for complementing her work.
“Thank you master!” Younger Aliyaa thanked him, looking at her beautiful and Irresistibly Features, made him go hard how he wish she did not exist, he always has this thought of her that she constantly distracts him with things and her existence as whole, even she nearly made him forget about his family or Meditation.
“Now! Come let us have tea!” He invited, She smiles as she gently brush her hair to the other direction of her forehead. Her Attire is a red kimono with White roses similar to the one Harumi wore when she was alive. He still remembers his wife and their Son, He still mourn their loss. Everytime he remembered them a tear escapes his eyes-socket. The most painful thing is that she looks exactly like her but younger.
He side-hugged her. Sneakily snakes his left arm behind her head and Gently patting her soft silky hair. She didn’t wear any make-up her beauty is natural she doesn’t need any in his eyes.
“Master! Can i ask you something!” She Asks shyly.
“Sure! Anything!” He said, allowing her to ask
“Master where is Takeda i didn’t see him this morning!” She muttered, while looking at him
“He left Earlier to the special forces. To talk with his Girlfriend as they Call it..” Grandmaster Hasashi answers her
“Oh! So that’s why he left!” She replied, smiling to him
“Yeah that’s why!” He nodded
Now they Are in the tea’s table.
“Now Sunbird Sit down” he ordered, motioning for her to sit down.
She did as she gracefully Sat down while smiling at him, she shyly took one locks of her hair as she plays with it . As he looks at her completely fascinated by her. He clears his throat Gaining her attention.
“Yes master!” She mused with her soft delicate tone that completely infatuated him. He really need not to think such things while he is the grandmaster. But what can he do? She and older Aliyaa always drives him crazy. These two have no regard for his sanity. Especially older Aliyaa she likes to bewitch him playing the Queen And the Servant role. He finished from Putting matcha powder in the tea pot. Only mere seconds and the pot started to heat and emitted smoke from the hole. It is ready to be served.
“We need to talk about your… Timidity” he started as he put two Matcha tea cups
“Whats with it?” She softly replied
“You need to be confident. Or people out there will mock you Tirelessly. Not trying to be cruel or rude but.. it is life Sunbird. The shirai-ryu respect your shyness but other people..” The grandmaster added.
“Oh…” she pouted a bit.
“Here you go Sunbird!” He said as he handed her the tea cup.
“Thank you for the tea!” Younger Aliyaa beams at him, he nodded
“Welcome sunbird.” He replied.
He takes a sip of his tea while maintaining eye-contact with her. She shyly takes the tea cup in her hand, she took a sip enjoying the flavour.
There was a awkward silence between them.
Until she started
“Master! Do you think Gangster and mafias still exist in here?” She muttered.
He cocks an eyebrow at her unsual question.
He never knew that she would ask a question like this, but he always prepared with answers
“Yes sunbird, they still exist but! Not one of these dare to attack or harm the Shirai-ryu!” He declared, She is relieved now.
“Yes master! You are right!” She uttered.
“Master! I’m so glad to be a member of the Shirai-ryu, it really feels like a privilege!” She expressed innocently
He smiles at her wholeheartedly.. then it really hits him..
(It really feels like a privilege) he Scrutinised at her words. He heard them before .. somewhere in his past .. in unwanted Undesired to remember past … A sense of Déjà Vu hits him.
Oh … no … These words are the same words he says when he became a superior-known member the Shirai-ryu, and his rank is undeniable and provides more for his family.
“Y.. yeah! It really does!” He stammers a bit
“Whats wrong master!” She asked worryingly
“Nothing i’m fine sunbird!” He said, smiling to her. This Déjà Vu
He looks at her, she looked down in shyness. He deeply chuckles at this. He softly rubbed her cheeks then pinched them. Earning a low moan from her.
“How about i call you Sakura instead of Sunbird?” He suggested
“It is a lovely name I don’t mind!” She answered him deeply intrigued by the name, she smiles at him
Mere seconds a white anagora cat came looking for attention from both the master and Little Aliyaa. The latter called the cat to come .. the cat gladly came to Aliyaa. As she hops into her lap.. Aliyaa gently rubbed her belly
The cat purred with happines.
“Tiramisu seems hungry! I will go to bring her food, master can you hold her for me ..” Younger Aliyaa asked her master, he noddly as he hold the cat for her.
The cat was happy even more. He genty rubbed the cat Belly, and Back.
“You seems that you want attention.. Tiramisu” Hanzo chuckles. Seconds later Aliyaa came with the cat food.
“Come here Tiramisu! It is time for food” she gently called, she put the plate in the ground.
The cats hops from the Grandmaster lap to eat.
Aliyaa sat down in front of him to continue drinking her tea.
“Master! Can you tell me more of Shirai-Ryu stories? Please!” She asked, he nodded
“Sure Sakura! Nothing makes me happy more than talking about my clan!” He agreed, Gently rubbing her hand then kissing it.
We reached the end of this chapter stay tuned for more!
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
Chapter 5 of A unique trainee
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Young Aliyaa got Up to take a shower and Eat her break fast. This time she was really surprised that her master Got up quickly. She thought that he is still sick. But she found that he regain his health back. Thanks to her care and Older Aliyaa care.
“Master! I’m really glad to see you in a good health!” She Said, Smiling brightly to him
“Thanks to you sunbird, and i am glad too that i saw you woke up early for the first class of the morning!” He muttered, smiling widely to her
“Your welcome! Grandmaster!” She answers with a sweet smile.
He Swallowed the hard lump in his throat. That Sweet smile and her innocent face made an influence on him. His length Erected painfully in his Gi pants. He Mutters to himself she is young and inexperienced to do this. And when the time come he will enjoy her. Younger Aliyaa is no minor she is just in her 19 (very young true but still not a Minor).
“Master! What will you teach me today!” Younger Aliyaa asked. He looks at her, she is right what he will teach her to do.
“Today! I will teach you stealth. As a shirai-ryu Member you must learn Stealth!” He Announced, With the deep baritone voice of his.
“Ooh! This seems exciting!” She exclaimed
“Sunbird. Save your energy for what’s to come!” He orderd, knowing she see the Lesson she will be bored. Stealth is no excitement Lesson as it seems
“Okay!” She said
*In the Training Dojo*
This time he let Aliyaa train in the Dojo same as his students in. She will see him how he train his students and she will train along with them.
He started Telling the basics way of stealth. Like hiding in the shadows. Dark places. Avoid plain places. Or the crowded ones.
“Stealth is one of the Ninja most known technique! No true ninja does not know how to be stealthy!” He started as he is showing them the way to be stealthy.
Aliyaa was focusing on him. Always Keeping his advises in her mind. She mimics his moves in everything. And every detail. Like a robot that is owner ordering him to do something. He gives a lot of examples about how to be stealthy. Like moving quietly. Moving like an Animal. Or moving on your four. (Like a lion or a mountain deer)
“First you all must Run switfly and quietly. If not move like an animal. Like a jaguar or a mountain Lion.” Grandmaster Hasashi added
“Second! Notice your surroundings. Avoid fallen branches and fallen leaves if you step in it, it will causes a rustle and lastly You all must have steady moves!” He continues, as he Explain how to master stealth.
Aliyaa was really interested, she noted everything in her mind and notebook.
Hanzo noticed that she is concentrating. And writing this down on her notebook. He gives a Hastily Amused grin then his face return to his usual grumpy one.
“Anyway! Preapre yourself! Because you will preform it in front of me! Now!” He ordered, they obeyed
“I will start master!” One of the Students announced
“Go ahead” Grandmaster Hasashi replied
He did and he did it right, The grandmaster clapped for him. And other students goes to do their “stealth poses”
And he clapped again for them now it is Aliyaa turn and she did it right
“Good job students ! You did it right!, you are all dismissed” he Uttered With his authoritative tone
Little Aliyaa goes to take a shower. She got inside her Loo *Bathroom*, as she got inside she puts her towels in the towel hanger, and start Opening the Water tap to Shower.
After an hour, she is done from showering, she wore the towel then goes to wear her clothes and puts some make up. And to have her tea with her Master and Older Aliyaa
She wore beautiful Black-redish kimono, putting mascara and Baby pink lipstick while doing her hair into a Japanese Puns. She quickly prepares tea and English orange cake.
“It is done! Time to have tea with Master!” Little Aliyaa murmured to herself. Then she goes to see him. She knocks on his door multiple times but for some reasons she Looks to the other direction while knocking he opens the door and the Fist continues to knock on his face until he lightly hold her hands and muttered
“A-Aliyaa!, what brings you here Sunbird” he added, then let go of her hand
“I come here to tea have to you with! And where is the older me?” She sweetly added
“I will call her now to come, come inside Sunbird” he welcomes her
“Thank you for letting me inside!” She replied Smilingly to him
“Welcome!” He responded
She pours the tea for him, cutting a Piece of cake for him, She quietly yet carefully handed him the tea because she did not want to spill it everywhere in the table.
“Thank you!, Sweetheart!” He said, thanking her, he took a sip of the tea enjoying the flavour
“Your welcome!” She said, smilingly to him
Moments later Older Aliyaa came to have tea with them
“Ooh hows little me doing? Is she continuing her progress?” Older Aliyaa sweetly added.
“Yes! She is progressing very well!” Grandmaster chimes in, as he lightly rubs her cheeks
“Oh! I’m so glad to see this! I know she can be so much more! Tomorrow you will train with me!” Aliyaa Muttered, As she magically preparing herself a tea
“Oh! I look forward to!” Younger Aliyaa said
“Oh! You are so cute!” Older Aliyaa chuckles, as she gently pulls her left cheek.
“Hehehe” The grandmaster Hasashi chuckles at the sight in front of him.
We reached the end of this chapter! Stay tuned for more! 💜🥰💋🤍
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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You were meant for me
Aliyaa Aepel x Hanzo hasashi
When Aliyaa and Hanzo Hasashi met each-other in the lin-kuei palace, He loved her so much and fell in love with her, he thought that she is His wife reincarnated. And that’s why he loved her so much, He was really sad when she said she did not remembered him or anything, she even said that she is not his wife and thus
“I am sorry, You must be mistaken” Aliyaa softly utters to him, He was heartbroken and devastated, knowing his Love and His “wife” doesn’t remember him
“You are my Harumi, Watashi O oboete Imasu ka?,watashi No Utsukushī bara!” He sadly uttered back to her, as if by miracle she understands what he said and simply Added “No” with her eyes being half-closed
“Now, if you excuse me.” she added while making her way out of this, He was hesitated to let her go, But before she leaves he stopped by holding her hand, She gasped a little and she looked back at him, Seeing that he undressed his hoodie and his mask, he surprised her by a chasty Hasty kiss, she was flustered but she obeys and kiss back..
“You were meant for me, Kuroi Bara” he whispered into her ears,
Hope you enjoyed this !! 🤍
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 2 Of a unique trainee
Young Aliyaa woke up early this time at 7:00 A.M
She Washes her face then brushes up her teeths
She then left to her room, to dress up, She wore a white dress, it is simple but elegant, She then head to the Breakfast hall, She glances A letter which was near on her Breakfast plate, The letter said Eat your breakfast and then do your training, it was written by the older Aliyaa, She then knew it was Her older-self who made the breakfast for her, Her breakfast was of Fresh Croissant And Fruits on the plate, She first drank 3 glasses of Water then starts eating her Breakfast.. Then Grandmaster Hasashi woke-up he was happy that she woke up by hereself.
“Good morning, Sunbird.” The Grandmaster Uttered softly to her. She munched her food first then answered him,
“Good morning master Hasashi.. How are you feeling, I hope you’re okay!.” She replied to him then smiles to, She forgot to make tea! She excused him to make tea, He said there’s no need to and she has to continue eating, but she insisted and Left to made tea and Brought her british Cup and saucer set, It was a colourful Set not one just colour. She just remembered her master just woke up and he needs to eat breakfast, She left to open her fridge there was a frozen pancakes, She made 4 pieces of pankes and Decorated it with Honey and Fruits
“Here master i made tea and a breakfast, you must eat breakfast!..” She replied, will more of a little command to him.. he chuckles,looking at her, She sound really cute while commanding.. he looks at the plate she made it really looks delicious, She hands him the plate of pancakes and pours him a tea. She was mixing tea with sugar, last time she added milk, he told her he doesn’t like tea with milk, she remembered this and only added sugar.
“Arigato, Sunbird” he utters, thanking her for the tea and the breakfast..
“Dōitashimashite..” Little Aliyaa replied to him smilingly.. he was really proud that she speaks fluent Japanese.. He badly wishes it was the older one, Last time he remembered he taught her a word or two, she was stuttering and Really confused, he was laughing at her, She felt really Bad of herself and stopped learning the language, cause everytime she said it wrong he just laughs in her face.. and teased her about it (only between them), She told she won’t learn with him again, he stopped laughing he became serious and told her, he was just joking, She is still on her opinion she won’t learn his language which made him a bit embarrassed and he was angry on himself for mocking her, He apologised hoping she would changed her mind, she simply said “no, get over it”, This made him change his ways of teaching his language and be more helping than Unhelping ..
“Sit, sunbird I need to talk to you..” The grandmaster added, After taking a sip of his tea .
“Sure, why not!.” She replied back smilingly again to him, Which made his heart swell with happiness and love.
“Hmm, We will not train today, today will be Carnival and thus, we will not train, You can call it a “holiday or a day-off” After breakfast i want you to do a corner or a booth of your sweet or painting or writings or anything you can share with others, there will be a lot of guests to day, From Special forces and Lin-kuei and thus! And Older Aliyaa will attend with her family too!” The Grandmaster Hasashi announced to her, she was taken aback a bit .. Then she replied back to him .
“Sure! Why not as if by a coincidence or something else i made a Cup-cake dough and cake too.. and maybe some and maybe some Arabic mahalabia… You know Rice and Milk sweet and some nuts and cinnamon.. i better get working, When will the carnival Starts?” She uttered to him the last thing she said was a question to him ..
“After 1 hour.. you better get working now..” He utters chuckling to her, Then gently patted her head .. She got up then Excused herself to go to work. He nodded. Then Continue drinking his tea .
*In her room*
She left to her fridge, Getting the frozen Cup-cake dough and also the Cake dough, She puts The Cupcake dough into a Pink Cups (The bottom of the cup-cake Y’know cups or molders).. She puts the cups into the mold tray and Uses a piping pag to Pour the cupcake mixture, into the molder tray, and Puts it into the oven for 8 mints at 160 degree, Before that she timed a clock (or a timer) to remind her, After several time . It rings. She uses the gloves to open the oven and Take the tray. It looks Fresh and delicious. She gently pick up the cake from the molder tray and put them into an elegant pink tree. She then decorates the cup-cake with a pink cream and sprinkles it with sprinkles sweet, She was tensely looking at the clock and it was 7:40. She hurried up, She made more cup-cakes different types red-velvet and Chocolates and also a Vanilla ones just a Yellow (Vanilla) cup-cake with a white cream.. She made 200 cupcakes.. She magically put them into a 3-tier cupcakes stands .. she needs 4 more Cupcakes stands, and she did it,She went for Takeda for help. She knocked on his door for help, unbeknownst to The grandmaster rules no helping and thus she broke it without him knowing of course
“Yes Aliyaa how can i help you?!” He responded then smiles to her.. he was working of something of his own, he blocked the vision so none can see what he is doing..
“I want you to help me on something please?.” She asked him, hoping he can help her, he shakes his head no ..
“Sorry Aliyaa, you know the Rules no helping!..” he says then Wanted to close the door but she said the work “cupcake!”
“I made cupcakes and sweets, All i need is a little help to help me put them into my corner.. so?!” She said as she looks at him, trying to make him help with a cupcake..
“Cupcakes!! Sure why not i’ll help right now ..” He exclaimed to her, then fully opens the door to get out to help her, he closed it faster after..
“I just need a little help and I promise i’ll reward you after this!..” She promised him then chuckles softly to him, she always keep good on her promises.. they got into her room and she shows him this .. he was surprised it was really a lot of cupcakes .. more than 10 or 20 ..
“Whoa! Wow … it is plenty, so many! And they look delicious,wow.. Aliyaa you’re really an artist!” He complimented her, She blushes.. And shyly.. replied to him
“Th-thank you, now please help me.. I want you to put these 4 Cupcakes stands into my booth, my booth number is 6.. do not forget that!..” She added as handed him the first stand.. he delicately carried it while looking at it .. It is really mouth-drooling thing ..
“Okay will do it! Only if you rewarded me with 3 types of cupcakes!” He reminded her, she nodded ..
“ i will reward you satisfyingly..” She simply answered him .. he delivered 5 stands into her booth(corner), only left 1 and she will do the rest.. He came back reminding her for his reward. she made him fresh cupcakes of the remaining mixture and she gives him.. he thanked her, then took a bite of his first cupcake which was a red-velvet with a white cream ..
“Ooh tasty. Thank you Aliyaa..” He added then left to continue working on his corner .
“You’re welcome!.” she replied then continue working on her remaining task which was mahalbia (arabic sweet made of rice and milk) .. and a English cake (rasperry) she made them.. Luckily no one entered the Carnival or they cupcakes will witness a huge attack on them (xD) .. She puts everything she need on her corner as she dress into a white polka dress with black dots.. She was looking beautiful with it.. Before the carnival started in 3 mintues all the people who participated in it were brought by the Grandmaster to do their Final touches before the Guests and non-particpating people arrived in it .. She finished from her work, she only needs to Decorate her little corner, luckily older Aliyaa got inside the corner, she was the younger Her, was working on the corner, she jumps to help her ..
“Need a help?” The Older Aliyaa surprised her, she gasped loud then she remembered it was her older-self.. She mumbles to her in a mild voice
“yes please i only need to decorate my booth(corner).. it looked plain and un-attractive..” She mumbled to her older-self. The latter She nodded and With a wave of her hand she Decorated it with roses and neon-lights, She also magically Removed the 4 cupcakes stands into a cake and cupcake display.. (like in cafes and thus)…
“Woww!! It really look amazing and attractive! Thank you so much for your help!..” Little Aliyaa thanked her older-self, the latter smiles and mention it is no big deal!
“No big!..” the older Aliyaa answered, as she is chuckling..
“By the way can i have some of the mahalabia?.. Older Aliyaa asked, she was looking at the delicious mahalabia plate.. It was decorated by nuts and cinnamon.. Little Aliyaa smiles and pours her some of it, she thought that nobody would like it and thus ..
.. and the times is up, everyone get inside, The guests, the non-participating and the participants themselves.. secends later and the Grandmaster announced the beginning of the Carnival .. Some booths are Showing their weapons, Writing, Painting and thus .. Takeda was the most unexpected one, His booth was showing The old history of the clan .. Some painting and History lores of the clan.. half of the people wowed at this even the two Aliyaa themselves ..
“Alright, It is time to Begin the carnival, Be ready for the carnival of the year!!” the Grandmaster excitedly announced the beginning of the carnival.. The guests came streaming in the Carnival. The first guests were the special forces The first booth they Came to was Little Aliyaa booth she was serving free cupcakes and cakes and also coffee and tea (Older Aliyaa Put them magically to make it whole) .. One of the Old Grey-haird soldiers (colonels and thus) notices. And his friends too and they came to eat and grab cupcakes .. the Grandmaster was near Little Aliyaa, He was watching her, as those two obviously looking-like old perverts, They were eyeing her, She shyly offers them a cupcake, they chuckles at her as they keep staring at her, she was really uncomfortable, until Older Aliyaa came and she tells telepathically it is alright she will protect her from them..
“H-ello Beauty, May i have a red Velvet cupcake as red as your red rosy beautiful cheeks ..” The First colonel Says, as he was winking at her, He kept flirting with her, She was uninterested in them. His friend chuckles .
“Hehe Friend! Be more realistic and hold yourself together, she obviously looks like a minor so..” His friends said, as he also looks at her.. She grabs two different cupcakes and Put them into a box and gave them .. As she handed them the box one of them Kept holding her hand.. Older Aliyaa clears her throat and she looks at them ..
“Gentlemen.. are you finished? You’ve been taking most of the space here and some people want to have their share of the cupcakes so?..” She coldly uttered to them while piercing them with her Dark Gaze .. they Chuckles awkwardly then left .. To the younger Aliyaa comfort.. She thanked her again ..
“Thank you so much, they were of great concern for me ..” Little Aliyaa confessed as she was looking at her, her eyes tell of tell of gratitude and happiness mixed together.. Older Aliyaa patted her shoulders gently ..
“When you face these kind of pathetic-imbeciles concerning people, be cold to them and pierce them with your Gaze!” She advise the younger her, the younger her nodded then mumbled
“got it!” Little Aliyaa murmured to her older self, moments later another group of the special forces came this time It was Cassie Cage and Jacqui and also Takeda kept walking with his girlfriend and Kung jin this time, they all noticed the Cupcake booth and came fast to it ..
“Hello little Aliy How are you !! I hope your feeling you’re okay and fine and those cupcakes sure looks tasty!..” Cassie Cage Asked little Aliyaa about how is she feeling and thus, then Gazes to the cupcakes .. Little Aliyaa chuckles delightfully. then replied Smilingly to them
“I am fine! How are you guys, i really hope you are great and yes you it is fresh cupcakes!” she replied then winks to them, then they asked them what cupcakes they want to choose.. Jacqui looks at Takeda seeing him Looking at the red-Velvet Cupcake and his mouth nearly drool at it .. She was a bit annoyed about it how does her boyfriend be so attentive to something as silly as a cupcake but not her!!..
“I want 1 red-velvet and also a rasperry cupcake.. What do you want guys it is on me.” Cassie cage told her Aliyaa then asked her friend it is “on her” ..
“Actually it is free Cassie.. no need to pay” Little Aliyaa utters, as she prepared a box to put their orders into it .. Cassie cage chuckles awkwardly then Takeda asked if he can have a raspberry and a Red-velvet.. “obviously he loved it”. While on the other hand Jacqui seems focusing her Gaze on Little Aliyaa.. She was burning up ..
“No thanks i do not need a cupcake..” Jacqui answered.. Takeda looks shocked, He nudge Jacqui and told her, Aliyaa cupcakes is the best and told do not miss this chance to enjoy the most delicious satisfying cupcakes and it is Free! By the way, She was pissed furthermore. That Takeda loved her cupcakes .. As Aliyaa handed takeda a cupcakes, Jacqui smashed it The group gasped in shock.. She was pissed so much..
“What is happening in here..” Older Aliyaa asked as she looks at the Angry Jacqui .. Cassie then calmed her down, Stating they are in a carnival they should be happy instead of Being angry and such, Older Aliyaa and younger Aliyaa knew why she is pissed.. Just because Takeda loved her cupcakes more than her cooking.
Takeda was a bit heartbroken over the smashed and wasted cupcake, Older Aliyaa handed him another so Little Aliyaa won’t be punch by Jacqui
“It is okay, here Takeda have another one..” Older Aliyaa handed them the box.. They thanked her except Jacqui who seems really angry for no reason at all..
“Stop it! you look Daft..” Older Aliyaa replied to her, She did not understand because Aliyaa speaks a british Accent..
“Damn i like her accent..” Cassie cage laughs, in pure happiness.. Takeda chuckles too as Kung jin then they left once they got their order,The grandmaster Hasashi came as he looks at Little Aliyaa and older Aliyaa . he knew what happend recently, he was watching Little Aliyaa so she won’t be harassed or anything, then looks at the older Aliyaa who was drinking her tea, and the younger Aliyaa Putting the Orders in their boxes as more customers recently came and asked for cupcakes, The signs said it is free and fresh and thus.. as she Finished from their orders and the customers left to see the left of the Carnival she came to Master Hasashi with tray in it cupcakes in different colours and types.
“Want some, Grandmaster?” She stated, will more of a Question, he looks at it trying to choose which one to pick.. he then Retreated and said no ..
“But you have to try it!..” She insisted at him, he chuckles nervously then pick a Vanilla cupcake) with a White frosting, he takes a bite of the Cupcakes, looking Satisfied with the taste of the cupcake, he gave her a okay chef sign 👌🏻
“I am glad that you liked it.” She utters sweetly at him, he blushed at her, She was really irresistible at this point..
“I must say, Little me, you really made the most delicious mahalabia i’ve ever tasted! Good job!” Older Aliyaa confessed to the younger her, the younger Aliyaa seems happy with this confession, The grandmaster looks at her.. She was shyly rubbing her shoulder. He is gently caressing her left cheek..
“Care to give me some Of The rice and milk sweet?.” The Grandmaster Hasashi asked her, she nodded then Opens the plastic Plate, filled it with mahalabia (Rice and milk) Then sprinkles it with Nuts and cinnamon then she covered it with the covers she Squeeze it hard so it won’t spill on the ground and then She gives it to the grandmaster with a Plastic spoon..
“Here, Hope you like it!.” She hands him the plate, He thanked her, then opts to taste it, he was shocked by the taste, it was really good and the ingredients mixes together.
“It is delicious..” The grandmaster added shockingly, then he smiles at her..
“Well done, little chef.” He chuckles at her, then gently rubbing her head.. moments later another group came and they’re lin-kuei by the way.. and they were with Their Grandmaster Subzero and Frost, Selviya and Also bihan..
“Ooh! Look cupcakes!” Selviya Playfully Came to the cupcakes booth, She was surprised that she met again The both Aliyaa’s and she also spotted Hadi and Arouj near The cupcakes booth..
“Hello, what kind of cupcakes you want to choose!..” Younger Aliyaa asked as she playfully clasped her hands together.. Selviya chuckles then she looks at her Friends, They came and their looking at the booth, it was well designed and it is attractive!..
“Hmm as for me, i want to Choose the raspberry and you guys what do you want?..” Selviya responded, waiting for her friends to answer, Frost and Subzero looks at each-other, Bihan asked if he can have a red-velvet.. Little Aliyaa prepared their order into a box .. Frost was waiting for Subzero to answer, he replied if he can have a tea .
“I want tea.. just tea.” Grandmaster subzero simply answered
“But the cupcakes are free! Do not miss this chance!.” Little Aliyaa, protested a bit, he was taken a back, The replied Smilingly at her
“Fine then.. i’ll take The chocolate cupcake.. and you Frost?.” He answered, Frost looks a bit dumbfounded then she quickly answered,
“Raspberry one please ..” Frost answered, Little Aliyaa nodded then prepared their orders in a box, She pours subzero a hot tea from the Tea container into a paper cup, She asked if he want milk with it or sugar, he answered only sugar
“No only sugar please!..” He simply answered, again..
“Okay..” She chuckles then Covered it with the lid, she also put a holder sleeve in the paper cup, so it won’t burn.
“Thank you!” Selviya thanked her, as does the group too.
“Welcome..” Little Aliyaa replied to them.. Hanzo and older Aliyaa were chuckling and smiling to the scene their looking at, She really looks like a Cafè cutie maid.. They enjoyed their rest of the Carnival, Hanzo advised they see the rest of it. older Aliyaa said she will after she let Arouj or Hadi be with the little Aliyaa so she won’t Feel concerned or uncomfortable.. he nodded understanding this .. the rest of the Carnival was like visiting a museum and Little Aliyaa booth looks like it’s Café.. (xD) the most visited booth was the little Aliyaa, yes she won this contest.. People just cannot have enough of her delicious Cupcake and cakes and thus pastry.. She also serves coffee and tea..
“Come here baby Sonya, our daughter Cassie advised to Visit this cupcakes booth, and you know how much I love cupcakes!..” Johnny Cage utters happily, Sonya was following Silently, She smiles then, as she looks at the Booth, it was really colourful and attractive, her appetite for Cupcakes is open now ..
“Hello,What kind of Cupcakes you want!..” Little Aliyaa told them, she was smiling nonstop, They looks at her then they choose
“ 2 raspberry please and 1 Red velvet, And the Check please ..” Johnny cage responded, like he was in a restaurant, it earns him a chuckle by the little Aliyaa.
“It is free Mister!,No need for payment.” Little Aliyaa answered them while she was preparing their order into a box ..
“Oh really! Good.” Johnny answered her, a bit embarrassed, because he did not knew this ..
And the rest of her day, was helping the customers and such, How she did not run out or cupcakes, ROFl she did, she first made 200, But they were taken (not gonna say sold-out, because there is no payment,) After 200 all gone, She rushed for the older Aliyaa to help, Older Aliyaa magically made the Cupcakes and she made 800 cupcakes, More than the people in the carnival (xD)she was more than generous this time, Yeah ROFL OR LMFAO
*After The Carnival*
“I must say, the most Booth that was helpful and tolerable to the guests and people. is ….” the Grandmaster Hasashi announced and their were a drum Sound tntnnttntnttntngk (you know what i mean LMFAO)
“Aliyaa Aepel cupcake booth!” The Grandmaster once again Announced, All the clan member clap for her, she deserves it, they saw how she was helpful and tolerable and also she served them the cupcakes and such!
“Omedetō,anata wa sore ni ataisuru!” The Grandmaster murmured to her, she smiles at him the reply.. to him
“Dōmo Arigatōgozaimashita, totemo kōeideshita!” She replied to him while crying, She then hugged him, he hugged back then gave her the medal (carnival medal winner)..
“Congratulations. you really deserve it!.” Older Aliyaa congratuled her, She was happy for her.
“Thank you!..” She responded while wiping her tears,
“Yeah you really did a good job!” Scylla uttered to her, then came to hugging her..
“Congratulations!” Hadi said to her, he was happy for her too
“Yup congrats!” Arouj says to her as he also came to hug her, .. Scylla let go of the little Aliyaa to let Arouj hugs her, she let him hugs her.. he planted a kiss on her cheeks ..making her go red . The Grandmaster was jealous. he stole the older one from him, but he won’t let him have the younger one for himself too..
“That’s enough..” Grandmaster hasashi Pushes him gently, Arouj chuckles then left him
Now we reach the End of this chapter hope you enjoyed!! Xoxoxo 🤍💓💋❤️💕
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 12
Chapter’s warning:- extremely taboo- Futa
Extremly submissive hanzo and dominat Aliyaa - an experiencing shame , Anal Sex, Cursing, Knotting,
Please Heed the warnings!! ⚠️
hope you stay tuned and enjoy reading this is a taboo chapter, extremely NSFW ! So be warned
I warned you guys! I don’t want anybody to jump on me or write something mean okay! Read the warnings before you start reading this chapter please 🔞🔞🔞 ..
When they returned to the temple once again .. Aliyaa was a bit concerned, she hoped there will be no war , not that she is not keeping her promise no, not that , she does not want to Lose her beloved Hanzo or Arouj or her son hadi or even takeda, she loved them all and considered them her family from another dimension.. But in life we must do sacrifice even if it broke our hearts and scarred our souls .. We must fight no matter what .. Before she sit and think she decided to adjust her looks and make up, She changed her, Black dress, magically to a grey Dress with simple decorations on her sides (waist) And a V shape in her neck (revealing cleavage) And lastly she wore a green jewellery necklace and earrings, she adjusted her makeup Using a brown colour eyeshadow just on the corner like a wings and a glitter in the lower eyelids (above the eyelashes and underneath it) she also adjust her lipstick instead of a purple she used a fuchsia lipstick colour, Then pressing her lips together to help disturbed the lipstick equally on her lips .. She then wear a luxury french perfume which has a pump like vintage perfumes with a black circular pump , she press the perfume pump on her under her cleavage Then her abdomen and She pressed the perfume pump on her forefinger To wipe it behind her ears then her neck, Under her chin, she is finished now , Ready to relax .. ☕️ 🥯
“ i need a cuppa coffee and macarons, I need to relax and think through this..” Aliyaa muttered to herself concernedly .. She magically summon an elegant victorian era table and A pot of coffee and macarons why?? Cause she loves them and so does I, anywho .. She quietly Took the victorian cup and the saucer and pours coffee, Touching the pot carefully not to fell from her grasp . she pours the coffee in the cup then she took the saucer from the cup and the saucers hangers like a lady, Putting sugar in her cup, some milk in the cup then she mix it with the little coffee spoon, She then glance at the big box of the colourful macarons, She took one and put it in the saucer near the cup, She drinks her coffee, slowly enjoying the coffee and the rich flavor, After she sips four times she took a bite of her pink macarons enjoying the tasty macarons made by her .. “hmm” She hums in delight.. she is always a lover of macarons, moments later she heard a knock on the door
“Please get in ..” She said as she wipes her mouth with a tissue .. Hanzo emerges behind the door, sniffing the scent he was overwhelmed, there were a lot of scents in this room the coffee, perfume and a macaron Freshly made ..
“Hey koibito, sorry for disturbing you but i ..” He stammers.. Looking at her face and her dress made him stuttering..
“No big, Come sit with me, have a cuppa coffee and taste these macarons i made ..” She chuckles at him as she gestured her hands for him to come .. He obligated he never wanted to rejects an invitation from her, He would rejects everyone but her, He came in front of her and sits .. She delicately touches the cup and the saucer She pours him a coffee, before she puts a sugar in his cup he softly mutters “No sugar please ..” “Okay..” she smiles wholeheartedly at him then she pours him the coffee .. Then she handed him and she continues to drink her coffee and took a bite from the macaron … He peacefully drinks the coffee she offered him, he then looks at the box of macarons.They are colourfully and they look delicious, he decided to test his luck by grabbing a white one .. Checking the macaron shape with great interest.. Then he took a bite, Amazed by the taste and the softiness of the macaron as they melts in his mouth .. and the white one tasted vanilla flavor
“Koibito.. they’re amazing ..” he declared, amazed by this unique Sweet .. She hums in delight then says she lovingly claps her hands togethere impression of happiness
“Really glad you liked them koibito, i made these personally ..” Aliyaa utters happily then winks at him, He just smiles at her then continue
“I’m just worrying..” He whispered, then glances at her worringly,
“And why are you worrying? ..” Aliyaa looks at him .. checking his body-language and face ..
“I .. I’m worried because of the news we heard .. we longed for peace .. and still we cannot taste any ..” Hanzo declared sadly.. he looks at her eyes, shining a beautiful shade of grey, He is worried, sometimes as a grandmaster he hides his worries from his students, But he cannot hide anything in front of Aliyaa, he feels like she knows what he is hiding, and maybe she will chided him for it , but she is not like that ..
“Koibito please Don’t worry, worry bring nothing more than stress and unnecessary pain ..” She answered, as she rubbed his calloused hands softly .. While doing so she smiles at him .. showing her beautiful irresistible dimples that gracens her beautiful face .. he hums in pure delight, he always loved it when she do this to him … He holds her hand in his and rubs her hand as well, returning the feelings .. But he suddenly grab her chin, lovingly.. looking directly in her eyes .. as he getting closer to kiss her, She closed her eyes awaiting the kiss, he locks his lips in hers .. both melts in the kiss, then only divided when they ran out of air .. “Fuck why she is this beautiful??” He Thought to himself.. her voice breaks his whirlpool of thoughts
“Still feeling worried? ..” She commented as she snakes her arms at his neck .. She hugged him, he willingly returned the hug with smiles .. then she said out of a sudden
“Want to try something new? ..” she suggested out of the blue. As she keep maintaining eye contact with him .. he was astounded at first then happily agree, yet he forgot about her “surprises” She promised the day before ..
“Okay what is this new thing you want to try? ..” He asked feeling a little bit excited..
“Sure, which role you wanna be Top or bottom? ..” She replied at him .. Rubbing her hands devilishly .. Excited to the core, looking like a bit pervert woman and biting her lips too ..
“Hmm i’ll choose bottom this time okay? And you’ll be fully in control this time no switching roles okay? ..” He muttered excitedly at her ..
She hums in agreement…
“Ehh .. Do you have a dildo? Or something you can put to be the top ..” He hinted blushing a little .. She smiles mischievously at him .. Undressing herself, showing her crystal chains bra and knickers .. which covers nothing if you ask me 💁🏻‍♀️
“oh honey I don't need a dildo” She softly giggles as she points above near her vagina as a huge Cock magically appears exactly in the place she points at, she still has her peach but It is behind her dick, it will be temporary, she will never remain as a futa so don’t worry ..
He was shocked at this sight, he gulped at it in pure shock .. It was shock and hot too ..
“A futanari? Wow, Smoking hot, koibito..” He expressed amusingly at her .. he never sees something like this .. He thought she would use a dildo or a strap-on, But turning magically into a futa ! Is something exceed all his imagination He was so excited that he forgets to undress, he undress and waits her command ..
“You did not see anything yett! ..” she purrs excitedly at him .. She summons an antique victorian bottle shape, .. She opens it patiently then she plunk her forefinger and middle-finger in the bottle ..
“Why do you need to use this .. is it some kind of lubricant? ..” he asked, While cocking his eyebrow.
“No, this is some kind of slightly thick and it is scent-free oil that will never let you feel pain and it will let me get inside fast ..” She stated matter-of-a fact .. he hums in understanding
“Lay on your back, koibito and spread your legs ..” She commanded him, he comply Laying on his back on the bed ..
“ Do you want a bondage or not? ..” She muttered, As she cames closer to him ..
“N-no please..” he stuttered.. looking at her embarrassed..
“Okay then ..” She chuckles as she took her cock in her hand, but before that she used her soaked two fingers, motioning to him to spread his legs and he did, she put first one finger, He moan lustfully, Getting it in and out, she repeated this 3 times with one finger then she decided she added another finger to open the hole, she kept fingering him with two fingers, he kept on Moaning, he deeply enjoyed this .. the oil that Aliyaa used worked just right .. he feels little pain and pure pleasure from simple fingering his hole
“Ooh Fuck fuck ..” he cursed in pure pleasure
“If it is too much tell me okay? ..” She reminded .. as she retreated her two fingers from his hole .. his hole responded just perfectly, it is wide open now .. thanks to Aliyaa delicacy and the oil ..
“Nngh, No no, Dont you ever s-stop ..” He moans .. completely enjoying this ..
“As you say koibito,” she smiles at him as she hold her cock in her grasp, she then lined it with his open hole .. She gently thurst at first, her penis head is inside of him .. She stopped letting him adjust she moans while doing this . she touches his thighs gently raising them above .. She start moving deep as gently as possible .. he hissed at first ..
“Shit koibito your Cock is spreading me open..” he moans again,
“Wait I think i’ll wait a little bit ..” she moaned .. Lustfull as well .. His hole is really stubborn than hers ..
“D-don’t stop, keep moving your shaft ..” He whispered .. Cannot keep his moans anymore, “ oh shitt” he curse moaningly again .. getting his rear hole entered is something he never tried, His cheeks flushed red from Embarrassment
“Shite nghh, you’re so tight ..” She whined a little bit, keep moving gently .. She pulls her cock to enter him again roughly.. he kept hanging onto dear life as he hold the bed-sheets tight .. He put a hand on his mouth to restrain himself from moaning but to no avail, his own erection is starting to grow big and swollen and started to hurt him too, .. She kept entering him, She moans again .. (YES) .. Then once again pulling her cock back .. to enter him again, she wanted desperately to cum, she kept knotting him and thursting roughly..
“Ooh koibito, Your hole finally started to welcome my cock” she moans in pleasure soon she will spill her loads
“Oh FUCK..” he moans again .. as he feels more pleasure when Aliyaa penetrated him a bit rough
“Aliyaa, i think I can’t hold it much longer ..” he warned .. As he is about to release his load on himself ..
“Wait, Dont come ..” She warns, As she start to fastens her pace .. She feels hers is coming .. She starts slamming her cock in his hole aggressively once more .. Never in his life felt this shame, being a grandmaster of a clan, getting his hole entered by a woman .. A tear emegers from the corner of his left eyes, feeling pure pleasure and shame at the same time .. his eyes rolled back ..
“I’m coming be ready!! .” She warns him . As she retreats her cock and spilled her load on his stomach, and his load spilled there too, there seeds mixed together..
“How’s that koibito..” She breaths tiredly sweat glistening her forehead and breasts. she gave herself a handjob .. to spill the remaining seeds .. she then puts her forefinger in her cock hole to taste her own cum .. (yummy ..) she mumbled ..
“ wonderful my sweet ..” he grunted, Smiling satisfyingly at her .. he then looks at the mess in his stomach ..
“It is okay i’ll take care of this ..” she added as she came closer to his stomach, cleaning the mess by her tongue.. She started to lick every inch of his stomach that contains their mixed Juices .. but before she swallows it all .. she kissed him with the cum on her lips he kissed back as he tasted their juices together, then she swallowed their cum
“Yummy ..” he confessed .. yeah her aftercare was a bit too much and weird! ..
“So do you like it? .. which do you prefer and enjoyed more Futa or not? ..” She chuckles at him lovingly
“Both koibito..” he smiles at her wholeheartedly.. after all she helps him to get rid of his worries and stress ..
“Thanks for the session koibito, it really did help me to release some stress and worry”
And thats the end guys!! Hope you enjoyed🤍😍
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 8 (Aliyaa birthday 🎂🥳🎉)
The Queen birthday 🎉🎂
This happend A week later after hanzo and Arouj fight, that led to cause the grandmaster wounds ..
, the grandmaster hasashi wounds heald because of Aliyaa help and Hadi together,
Grandmaster hasashi woke up on the sound of wood cutting 🪵🪓 .. He got up fast and went to investigate this , He Wear his attire , Ties his hair in a bun, he was kinda worried and a bit scared that they’re might be thieves and cutt-throats or maybe black-dragon clan .. That they might endangered His clan .. he is scared .. and concerned to the core .. he prepared his swords and Kunais and chains too! , He feard Mostly for Hadi and Aliyaa , little did he know, that the sounds is none of what he thought, there Just Hadi and Arouj Cutting woods to create a small cottage or something else , for aliyaa to celebrate her birthday which is on 5 june , he didn’t know that they were just Hadi and Arouj , preparing for Aliyaa birthday 🎉🎊🎁🎂 .. When he got up he asked for Aliyaa whereabouts, But one of the guards told him she actually left early in the morning, he didn’t know why , He feared that she actually escaped with them , Hadi and Arouj
He questions, if there moments back there were nothing just a pointless ephemera to her , a short lived one .. He feels great pain .. She cannot be like this , She shows Great affection to him , she loved him .. All that was a lie!? She plans to escape? No no ... Hanzo thoughts are Conflited ,, Scorpion Thoughts was to kill her for her betrayal.. And burning her corpse and even showing it to hadi and Arouj.. But hanzo couldnot agree with him .. He can’t just simply kill hadi’s mother he is an honorable man , didn’t kill women’s in his life, and will never do in the future .. She has a son , he can’t let him be motherless , Even though he is actually 28 , He gathers himself together and goes to ask hadi and Arouj about what they’re doing..
“Good morning Hadi and arouj?” Grandmaster hasashi asked . trying to calm himself .. Arouj stopped for a bit then looks to the grandmaster
“Oh good morning grandmaster, Are you feeling well today? .. about that we’re builting a cottage for mum , she said she wanted it to celebrate 🎉 “ Hadi Answered.. Wiping his sweat from his forehead.. from the tiring work he did with Arouj.
“Yes hadi thanks for asking, but why A cottage? Why would she needs a cottage when she has a whole quarter? ..” Grandmaster asked in complete surprised
“I don’t know, but she said she wanted it ..” Arouj Announced in behalf of Hadi .. Feeling a bit happy.. Although he didn’t want him to tell the truth about their beloved Aliyaa birthday.. which is today ..
“Fine .. i’ll tell you master hasashi,, it is my mum birthday, she wanted a cottage to celebrate so no one would interrupted the celebration, you know special forces, lin kuei and alot units that may interfere suddenly on my mother birthday..” Hadi told him the truth .. he knows his mother she would never mind if he told Only hanzo and takeda the other are on the black list (Special forces and other unwanted people that she doesn’t consider them her friends ..
“We actually built the cottage yesterday, but we are making the party preparations and supplies” Arouj announced..
“Oh .. it is koibito birthday,!! Why didn’t you tell me!! It is already too late to give her a present! ..” Hanzo felt great sorrow , it’s his Koibito birthday and he didn’t Buy her something... , hanzo got into the cottage , he was surprised that inside of the cottage. It is a beautiful, well furniture cottage and inside of it, All of the birthday party supplies , Decorations , cupcakes 🧁 and cake 🎂.. And party games Birthday hat and juices 🍹 .. Hadi and arouj followed him inside the cottage .. Hadi answered the grandmaster.. Replying it is ok they’ve got this handled ....
“It’s okay . me and Arouj Bought a lot of present and gifts you can choose one and write your name on it ..” Hadi suggested as he points to a table that was concealed by a white table cloth .. “over there! Grandmaster.” Hadi added softly
“Oh really Thank you so much hadi.” The grandmaster added , feeling happy and satisfied at the same time , arouj came and gave him a pen 🖊 to write his name on of the presents 🎁 that he will give her
“Here take the pen and write on the note” Arouj helped him
“Thanks for the help! ..” Surprisingly the grandmaster thanked him .. usually he would fight with him , but things go different in Aliyaa birthday 🎂🎉🎊🎁 Minutes later .. everything is ready .. Now they just wait for Aliyaa to return .. With her own gift for herself and the cake ... They also bought a cake .. but she didn’t know that ..
•Cottage Door slowly open•
“Guys i am back!! And what are you doing..” She asked hints of surprise in her tone
•Slient and the sound of crickets•
They are hiding , and The lights is off .. She turns up the Lights and SURPRISE!!
“Oh my Gosh , hehe .. You scared me Guys ..” She chuckles..
“Happy birthday 🥳 Mum! ..” Hadi sings
Also the voice of Dj sings old happy birthday songs
“What is going on in here? ..” Takeda heard them and goes to the cottage to investigate.. he is surprised that they did Aliyaa Birthday party and didn’t Invite him... he was a bit angry
“Thank you guys so much , You’re everything to me ..” She came closer to hadi Giving him a small kiss on the cheek . Behind him was a arouj who, surprised her with a quick kiss on the lips .. then she kiss hanzo on the cheek
“Happy birthday babe ..” He wiggles his eyebrows in a loving-way , as he raise up the cake to let her blow up the candless 213 years old now! ..
“Wow you’re 213 Years old?? Cool you’re actually close to my age ! ..” hanzo wiggles his eyebrow .. Well in the movie it shows he was in 1617 eido era technically he is 404 years old (my theories) I don’t know his real canon Age. 🤷🏻♀️ ..
“WOW GUYS!! WHY YOU DIDNOT INVITE ME! ..” Takeda blurted .. Feeling a bit betrayed.. that they didn’t tell him about the party 🎊🎈🎉🎁
“Sorry, i was about to tell you but the music and Mum reaction made me forgot! Sorry again takeda rubs it on my face ..” Hadi apologize.. Softly snickers ..
“Only this time , because of Aliyaa! ..” He came closer to Aliyaa..
“So what’s your wish, Ali .” Takeda asked amused ..
“Hm let me think about it .. Oh yeah , I wish that you guys are always safe! ..” She replied , feeling a bit selfless for wishing that ..
“Well, what a lovely wish babe ..” Arouj Chuckles at her
“Thank you! ..” She smiles at him ..
“Yeah mum, that was a good wish” hadi grins at her ..
“Wait let me cut the cake” Aliyaa declared as she took a cake-knife to cut the cake in pieces 🍰 ..
“Oh , You guys bought the cake? I also bought a cake ... We’ll eat it tomorrow...” She smiles brightly ..
“Yeah .. we actually find your favorite raspberries cake one .. so we bought it for you ..” Arouj confessed to her .. While munching his piece of cake slowly .. (of course he use a spoon 🥄 for that) ..
“I agreed it is delicious! ..” Takeda smiles.. Taking a spoonful piece of his cake piece 🍰
“By the way, dont you mind if I ask something? ..” Takeda spoke again ..
“Yes .. what is it tak? ..” She smiles at him , Tasting her portion of the cake 🍰..
“Hehe, Why didn’t you invite the gang? ..” He chuckles teasingly ..
“What gang? ..” she teasingly Asks back
“The general , her daughter and jacqui and also the edenians kitana and jade ..” Takeda teasingly replied at her , he likes to annoy Aliyaa sometimes .. it is a strange habit of his ..
“Takeda takahashi.. Would you please stop bringing unnecessary questions? ..” Hanzo replied giving him the usual Glare ..
While eating a small portion of his cake piece 🍰
“No koibito it is okay , I’ll come clean with you, I didn’t invite them because i did not considered them my friends i mean close-trusted friends! ..” She answered him, honestly.. he know that she didn’t like them .. and they didn’t like her in return
“And grandmaster subzero? I mean he would celebrate your birthday, he wouldn’t ignore something important as this ...” He wiggles his eyebrows annoying her .. she is confused.. She did consider him a friend .. but .. sometimes.. He Doesn’t like to show it ..
“I’m sure he is busy as hell , I would not want to wear him out , he is busy already.” she argued a bit with them .. as she cleared her thought and put her cake plat on the table on her left side ..
Takeda actually not buying this , He saw how she talked with The blue ice ninja , she seems happy with him .. more opening .. But sometimes.. He didn’t know why , but she seems more more happy with his grandmaster... Like old married couples... He didn’t understand why .. The first person she met in this realm was subzero.. and then she met his grandmaster .. Something did not quite understand but he will know this sooner or later ..
“Who is this subzero? ..” Hadi aepel asked .. a bit intrigued ..
“That name sounds corny ..” Arouj once again joked about this ..
“Hehe corny ..” Hadi chuckles at this ..
“Takeda .. Sometimes i would like to give you the oscar prize of goofy ones ..” Hanzo faceplam at takeda .. Aliyaa softly snickers at this ..
“C’mon koibito, he was just asking nothing concerning! ..” She rubs his shoulder.. Softly ..
“Hehe, he should be crowned with the title king of unnecessary questions .” hanzo chuckles once more ..
“Hehe ..” Aliyaa chuckles...
“Hey .. That is the worst title ever! ..” Takeda fumes a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed...
“Hehe it is okay takeda .. nothing to be embarrassed about ..” Hadi rubbed his shoulders... while chuckling a bit ..
“Easy for you to say ! .. he didn’t said that to you! ..” Takeda replied back to hadi ..
“Heh .. Takeda c’mon .. How hard is it to take a joke? ..” Arouj smiles brightly at takeda ..
“Happy birthday babe again ..” Hanzo kissed Aliyaa cheek ...
“Awh thank you koibito! ..” She kissed him back in the cheek then she forgot to thank Arouj and Hadi for preparing her birthday party 🥳
“Thank you guys, so much! ..” She blows a kiss to them 💋 “mwah”
And with that we finished this part of
•Birthday of the Queen 👑•
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
Lost in another Dimension
Chapter 1
When was the last time i used a potion to Solve an issue. Well not Once in my life . so i’ll Use a “magical solution” to this .. Horrible issue .. when some farmers accidentally or maybe intentionally Awaken a sylven of the old west forsaken Lake .. and to my Amazing luck i well. Accidentally transform myself into a dimension i did not know about it .. not even little.. I didn’t know that are dimensions other than ours .. Virgina! .. well .. yes maybe i did and i forgot ... whatever ...
“Ouch ... what is this place?” Aliyaa murmured as she got up from the ice white ground ..
“Don’t tell me i’m in flistervaniya! I HATE ICERBORNS ..” She fumed ... and she heard a footsteps..
“What are you doing in my territory Stranger!.” Spoke a Chinese tongue ..
“What?” She looks behind and saw a blue-clad ninja ..
“Who are you?” She spoke in her language. She did not recongize his language because she did not know it ..
He stops a bit to think , she did not understand him .. and her looks is foreign. he didn’t see her in outworld or in his earth-realm ..
“You speak english? ..” He said in english hoping she knows it ..
“Yes.. and why is that? Horrible iceborn..” She spats and her hands glows blackfire
“Iceborns ? What is it .. and what are you talking about you use magic too?” He asked surprised and his hand glowed blueish-white .. ready to strike ..
“Don’t pretend like you know nothing Iceborn!! .. viðurstyggð .. prithee .. Reyndu að standa gegn mér eins og bræður þínir” she Speaks as she prepares a fistful of a darkfire caged spell that he dodges barely..
He did not understand what she said .. but he let it pass by
“Stop this mockery lady.. and let me help you .. you cannot stand against me ..” he reply as he shot a beam of ice that she Blocked it with ease .. Before the beam hit her she raised one hand as she magically blocked and Mix it with her own magic and she tossed it to the side ..
He looked astonished .. no one ever blocked his ice beams .. he had understimate her .. seeing her as a weak defenseless assassin.. but she is not an assassin or a hired gun or a hired murderer to finish him .. she was a stranger who got by her horrible luck stuck in this filthy White ice land .. that she hated so much ..
“Wait !! I do not wish to hurt you lady .. But please hear me out .. i only wish to know how did you know about my temple . How did you know about the Lin-kuei” he stammers
“What are you talking about .. i know nothing or anyone in this land i was magically transport in this dimension by accident.. and i’m sorry i mistake you for an enemy .. that i know in my dimension.. or homeland ...” she said as Dimmed her magic . So she appears as no threat to them ..
“Grandmaster! Are you okay? Did she attacked you ..” his bodyguards came as soon as they saw him in his fighting stance with another stranger .. mistaked as certain enemy clan ..
“No, it is alright.. go back to your duties..” he dissmised them as he look to the stranger ..
“It is alright lady .. i also mistake you for an enemy .. pardon my mistake.. may i ask what is your name!” He asked her and caught her off-guard by the last question ..
“Aliyaa aepel .. but you can Call me Al” she summarized .. the answer .. by AL ..
“Sub-zero” He Answere shortly
“Is that your name? Sorry but it sound funny” She laughed a bit ..
“Yes you found it funny as many did .. but they changed their minds when they Soon found out why i was called that ..” he told her nonchalantly
But he noticed that she was melting the Ice Beneath her ..With strange fire colour he did not see in his life ..
“Why your fire colour is black? I did not see something like that!” He told her and he think of certain pyromancer
“Because i chose this colour” She smiled as she blow a tundra tree that was on his left side .. he looked behind him as that unlucky tree is burning fast and Melt fast as well but before it burns and turns to ashes it was coated with black color.
“ is it not beautiful!” She was mesmerised by her own fire ..
“ it is more hotter than the mere fire i know .. you know when you blasted me i felt it’s horrible heat .. but i was lucky when i cooled it faster ..” he admitted.
“Sorry for that .” She apologized again ..
“Which realm you hail from?” He asked again
“Is your questions ever ending?” She chuckles a bit ..
“No, but i wanna know lady Aliyaa” surprisingly he smiled at her .. She did not know why but she find it amusing
“Why are you wearing a ninja attire?” She asked caugh him off-guard too he did not expect that .. not from her ..
“Because i used to be an assassin.. but i hope to find redemption..” he Answers bitterly
“You’ll find it by making good deeds” she Uttered smilingly to him
“Alright. I think that we spent enough time in the Wilderness come in my temple you must be cold .. Aliyaa” He suggested amused
“I don’t feel cold.” She protested and she wasn’t lying about not being cold or hot
“In clothes like this?” He mused at her ..
“Yeah, i dont feel cold or hot .. well i am protecter.. in my realm when your a protecter or a superior you have enormous power you can’t even feel hot or cold ..” She explains to him
“And which realm is that?” He asked again hoping that she would answer
“Valoreina or valoren for short ..” Aliyaa reply to him ..
“Alright, come inside so that you and i share stories .. You look promising with more amazing stories..” He asked again as he gestures his hand for her to follow ..
“Alright, if you insist” she Accpeted..
•Moments later•
They were walking in the corridors and talking in temple
“So you fought a fiery warrior . That sounds Kinda Hard to believe..” she smiled teasingly
“Says you .. you said you killed a Wizard eating children” he chuckles at her mimicking her tone ..
“Fair enough.. i guess i’ll believe you ...” she chuckles at him
“Fair enough i guess, i’ll believe yours too” he smiled teasingly too, She stopped and looked at him ..
“What?” He questions her
“Why is there a boy with spiky blueish hair coming to you?” She Asked him
“That’s a her not him ..” He answered Chuckling, as the thought mistaking a female student with as a boy
“Ooh . Well from afar she look like a boy .. no offense !i mean hehe” She declared
“None taken Aliyaa” he chuckled
“Sifu .. I apologize for interrupting but what is a stranger doing here especially in Lin-kei Sacred grounds!” Frost demanded
“Frost ... please go back to your duties ..” he dissmised her, Frost didnot argue but she shots Aliyaa a dead glare ..
“Why is she always the odd one?” Aliyaa asked once again, She can’t help but to ask.
“Sorry Aliyaa but she is what you described her
Always the “Odd” ones of my students .. “ he grunted ..
“Wanna do a spare match?” He suggested
“Well .. i ... i .. I Don’t really fight like you do ..” she addmited while Fixing her gaze on the side .. she looks embarrassed because of it ..
“It is okay .. it seems you have more potential but you are not willing to show it .” He explained
“Why would i show it?” She countered him with a straightforward question ..
“Well .. to show that you Are a capable person. A powerful fighter and a protecter willing to protect it’s people ...” he explaint
“I dont need it .. thank god that everyone in my homeland know that i am a powerful protecter!” She smiled proudly
“Okay.. we can still do a spar match ..” He suggested again hoping she would answer..
“Alright if you insist..” She whined a bit ..
“Let’s go to my own fighting ground” he confessed
“To your own fighting ground what else you have of your own” she joked
“Actually a lot .. but Too much to count on my fingers” He admitted, Chuckling to himself
In their way to the fighting ground aliyaa was listening Instead of talking .. he figured out she is more of a listener than a talker ...
“We here .” He clapped as he removed his coat ..
“Alright.. for I don’t know what is this going to lead us ..” She joked and she is prepared
“You look prepared al” he mused
“You too look prepared and confident.” She reply
“What’s wrong with confident..” he reply as his ice power gatherd into sphere and blasted to her
She sheilded herself by her power it sounds is stronger and devoured his ice sphere ..
“Nice try .. you fell for it twice grandmaster” she mimicked his title and chuckles ..as her sheild de-activated
“Too soon to brag” He slided into her and kicked her into the abdomen ..
He was surprised it did not affected her .. Her body is hard like a rock ..
“How’s that ..” He reply shocked ..
She pulled him magically as she prepared a dark-fire punch into his face
He flew behind the fighting ground lines ..
“It was fun ... i had to admit” she smiles a bit she pulled him magically before he hits the trees ..
“You okay?” She Asked look worried..
“Yes .. i am fine Aliyaa ..” he smiles as he took her hands in his and get up ..
“It was a powerful attack .. i had to admit.. i did not expect it from you .. to be this powerful.. and your body is more solid than mine , good reflexes by the way ..” He asked.. looking shocked
“Well yeah it is a secret of mine and thank you for the compliment,..” She offers him to heal his face .. it looks burns with a black remnants
“Yes please ..” He said as she heals him swiftly on the face..
“Here look” she told as she summons a mirror magically
“Thanks..” he thanked her
“Welcome ,” She smiles as she got up , from kneeling to heal him up
“You look full of surprises Aliyaa aepel” He said
And with that we end this lovely chapter! There will be chapter too ..
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