#selviya x subzero
roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober day 7: Couple. Starring Subselvi. Kuai Liang x Selviya levsloky (my OC).
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Yaay!! I got my love Subzero!! I’m so hoppy! 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤💖💖💖💜
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober Day 9: Silliness. Starring Subselvi. (Selviya levsloy x Kuai Liang).
Good news, I’m catching up. And i am currently in day 9 woohoo!.
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober day 6: teasing, Again Subselvi, Kuai Liang x Selviya levsoky. My favourite OTP.
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roselyn-writing · 5 months
❄️✨Strength of the Grandmistress 🩵🧊
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Been a long time since I drew something for SubSelvi/ColdStar, Here I am now with a brand new sketch of Selviya wearing her Lin Kuei outfit ✨. BG by @cienie-isengardu It’s the first time ever I made Selviya with a serious face lol, normally she is smiling or just neutral 😁.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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The ice goddess and her icy warrior, chapter 14
Contains some lemonish features. If someone thinks that is the OOC of Kuai Liang, Then you can skip that part. Pic not mine btw; I found it pinterest, Enjoy reading 🖤🖤✨.
"Love in an icy world"
The frozen terrain was blanketed in snow, and the air was calm and silent. The sky was dark, and the sun shined dimly over the cold landscape. A little breeze rushed through the trees and rocks, churning up the snow and generating a flurry of white. Icicles dangled from the tree limbs, glinting in the dim light. A chill hung in the air. It’s like a breathtaking and awe-inspiring masterpiece by an artist.
Amidst the silent, frozen landscape, the Lin Kuei temple proudly stands still, proudly announcing its authority in the place. The Lin Kuei temple is as ancient as this silent, icy land, and it is a part of it.
The air is crisp and biting. And the fading sun is casting a light-yellow hue on the horizon.
Selviya's eyes opened slowly. As she felt the dim yellow hue on her face and her hair, she completely woke up. still wearing her casual clothes, and her hair was disheveled and messy. She found her lovely pet sleeping beside her. She gently caressed his face as she lightly chuckled.
She glanced at her window. She pondered the beauty of the icy land they were in. She always wanted to live near the snow. She calls it home.
She gently held her pet as she caressed him tenderly. Ferrets always sleep like they are dead. They are so deep in sleep that their owners fear they are dead. But not to Selviya. She knew that he wasn’t dead, but she learned it the hard way when she was a young girl, the first time she brought him home after she took him to the vet. He slept like he was dead. He was sleeping so peacefully and motionlessly that she thought he had died.
She remembered how hard she cried when her best friend was dead. She was running in circles as she kept crying and calling for her parents. Then he woke up and drank from his bowl like nothing ever happened. When she saw him drinking the water, she rubbed her eyes twice to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating. It turns out that ferrets sleep like they are dead, and they are known for their ‘ferrets dead sleep’.
She chuckled, and then it turned into a burst of laughter. She came to him and hugged him tightly. Her parents came, and she explained everything to them, and they laughed with her too. They told her she was worried too much.
Selviya chuckled at this funny memory. She gently pulled Casper to her lap and caressed his sleeping face. She decided to put him on her pillow, change her clothes, and brush her messy hair.
She heard a knock on the door. She opened it, and it was Kuai Liang. He greeted her and hugged her.
"Did you sleep well?" Kuai inquired with a gentle tone.
Selviya nodded. "Yes, I did."
Kuai was still hugging and kissing her. Selviya made a yelping noise as she was pushed into the bed by Kuai Liang while being held tenderly in his arms. He gave her several kisses.
The change to a fervent manner didn't surprise her. But she was aware that it was coming. She wasn't opposed to it. She felt desired, good, and loved. As a result, it happened right then and there; she was now in Kuai’s embrace. She loved him, and she wasn't hiding her feelings for him. She adored his touch. He was adored in every manner possible.
He continued kissing her fervently. As they made out passionately, he felt her soft lips on his. She was very incredible. A real snow and ice goddess, she was his entire world, his angel of affection.
He had to stay by her side. It had to happen right away. The feeling of Selviya's skin on his fingertips was warm, soft, and perfect. Despite the fact that she is a cryomancer too, just like him, He gently removed her clothing. He was so overcome with emotion that he was at a loss for words, and she belonged to him.
Finally, Kuai removed all of her clothes. Her lingerie revealed her unadulterated beauty. Her physique was superb. He was completely and utterly in lust for her, but also out of a desire to express his love for her, he went on to kiss her.
He approached her from underneath and began kissing her chest. After that, he began kissing her thighs and belly. Her skin was like snow—soft and pleasant to the touch. He enjoyed kissing every inch of her soft skin, which made him feel fantastic.
Selviya moaned as he touched her, yet she loved the way he touched her and kissed her with passion. She giggled because his beard tickled her. It gave his chilly touches more sensation.
However, two loud intruders—Bi Han and Casper—interrupted their beautiful moments. Casper awoke because the bed moved violently when the ice lovers were making out, and Bi opened the door as he saw Kuai Liang and Selviya cuddling up in the bed. He shut the door and walked out, and he repeatedly apologized.
Selviya chuckled, but Kuai blushed and cursed internally because his brother ruined his moment for the second time. Selviya pulled Kuai Liang so they could continue what they started.
Kuai Liang gave in to her and kissed her once again.
After a while of lovemaking, both lay naked and panting on the bed. Kuai Liang glanced at Selviya, pondering her beauty, and he wondered how a guy like him won Selviya’s love and affection.
She noticed him glancing at her, and she smiled at him and giggled. Which prompted him to giggle too. They decided to wear their uniforms and go outside to greet the gang.
Tomas and Cyrax prepared tea for the Grandmaster. Everything is ready and set, and they only need the grandmaster's arrival in this hall. The aroma of the delicious tea started to rise and spread to the other halls and corridors. Selviya smelled it and sniffed it deeply, enjoying the beautiful scent.
Selviya and Kuai Liang sat down on the seats on the left side, while Tomas and Cyrax sat on the opposite side, facing Selviya and Kuai Liang.
Selviya's thoughts once again stray throughout their chat. She recalls that when she found out the origin of who she is and where her cryomancy comes from, it wasn't what she had anticipated. Selviya is from Niflehim, while the Cryomancers and Kuai Liang are from Edenia. a universe apart from their own. The real world of snow and ice.
Selviya's case is a bit different and complex. She isn’t just from Niflheim. Her soul was born in Niflheim, whereas her body was born on Earth. It is hard to explain and believe, too. But hey! Unexplainable things happen all the time.
Just before learning this secret, She used to question where her soul left while she slept. What are these places she visited while her soul was free in the universe?
Now, she has the answer to the question she always wanted to know: She is a Niflheimer by soul only. She glanced at Kuai Liang while he was eagerly talking to Smoke and Cyrax. She didn’t want to disappoint him by telling him she wasn’t an Edenian like him; she was something completely different.
Selviya decided to inform him today. She can’t hide an important secret from the love of her life. He has a right to know. She breathed deeply, and she will await the right moment to tell him. Although his reaction is unsure, that doesn’t matter; she will tell him today.
Selviya was brought to reality by Tomas. When he asked her if she wanted to, she silently nodded with a smile on her face.
Tomas giggled at her, "Okay then," and poured her tea. He offered her a cup, and she took it from him and thanked him. She cautiously took a sip so that she wouldn’t burn her tongue.
Cyrax noticed that Selviya had been silent lately. She only offered big smiles and nothing else.
He looked at Kuai Liang and wondered, Did Kuai notice this too?
Kuai Liang seemed to notice it too. He gently called Selviya, "Dear? Are you okay?".
She softly smiled at her. "Yeah, dear, I am."
Before Kuai could open his mouth to speak, Casper rushed to Selviya with rapid speed and jumped on her lap.
Kuai gave a soft chuckle at this sight. He appreciates Casper and his actions.
He just can’t help but chuckle at Casper and Selviya. It’s like seeing a mother with her baby.
After a while of talking, Smoke and Cyrax excused themselves to leave. Kuai Liang nodded, and they left.
Kuai took a sip of his tea. He noticed Selviya was looking down while gently cradling her pet, Casper. He noticed her body language too. Her body stiffened. She took a lock of her icy blue hair and played with it. She sighed nervously.
Kuai Liang decided to ask her, so he gently called her. As expected, Selviya was startled, and she looked at him with a nervous smile.
"What is it, dear?" She spoke softly to hide her nervousness.
"Dear, Why are you nervous?" Kuai asked as he came closer to her.
"There's something I want to tell you," Selviya confessed nervously.
"What is it, darling?" He inquired softly.
Selviya took a deep breath. "Kuai Liang, I’m a Cryomancer, but I’m not from Edenia or Outworld." Selviya began. She studied his body language, but he is expressionless.
Kuai Liang’s eyes twitched multiple times. Then he chuckled. Which made Selviya smile nervously. Her mind was racing. Is he mad? or disappointed?
Kuai stopped chuckling now. He smiled at her and gently caressed her face. He kissed her soft lips.
"Darling, I suspected that you weren’t from my bloodline," Kuai Liang revealed. He isn’t disappointed or anything.
In fact, he gave her the warmest smile she’d ever seen, despite him being a Cryomancer: A creature of made of ice and snow.
Selviya let out a soft yelp. Her hand slowly covered her lips. She smiled warmly at him; her crystal-blue eyes glimmered with love. "So, you knew," she stated gently.
Kuai Liang smiled at her. "I wasn’t sure though."
Inhaling, Selviya stared him square in the eye. "I’m a Nifleheimer," she announced.
Kuai Liang wasn’t shocked or anything. He suspected that she wasn’t Edenian or Outwolder like him; she was something else. Her answer answered the question for him.
"Niflheim... is it real?" Kuai Liang inquired. His tone was laced with interest and fascination.
"Yes, it is real." She replied softly.
���I guess our trip in Virginia was just a vacation, huh?” Kuai Liang chuckled.
Selviya chuckled as Casper squeaked and climbed to her shoulder.
"He wants to sleep, Let’s go, love~" Selviya murmured, her tone laced with sweetness and love.
A red blush swept over Kuai Liang’s cheeks. "Let’s go, Snowflake~"
Then they headed to their shared bedroom. Selviya cleaned Casper, and he is asleep now. As for the Cryomancer lovers? They had to do something together in bed.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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Icy Goddess Chapter 13
“Casper the ferret”
A/N: It’s the first time I made a sketch or artwork for a chapter! It turns out great to do so! Also; I made Kuai looks younger ^.^ oh! One last thing! Please imagine the thing I drew is a ferret not a weird-looking cat 😅
Selviya woke up earlier than usual. She quickly washed her face and brushed her hair. She looked at her phone. There were unread messages and missed calls. She gave a perplexed look, she knew the caller was her mum and she sent her message about how is she now and she must come to get her pet, Casper, He had been causing trouble for her parents.
Selviya quickly put on her clothes and rushed to get outside the temple to go to her home. In her dimension.
On her way; she saw Cyrax and Smoke eating breakfast together. They smiled once they saw her.
“Good morning Selivy!” Cyrax greeted.
“Good morning Cy!” Selviya greeted back.
“Top of the morning to ya!” Tomas said, mimicking the British accent.
Selviya only chuckled at this. Cyrax wasn’t having it; he gave Tomas a deadpan look. He doesn’t want Selviya to be mocked for her accent, Tomas gulped at this. However, Selviya doesn’t see it that way.
“Rise and shine Smokey!” Selviya greeted back.
“Aren’t you going to have breakfast!” Cyrax asked.
“Sorry, I need to do something right now!” Selviya apologized, “see ya!”
“Okay then!” They both said in unison.
Selviya walks as fast as she can, she misses her parents and Casper too.
Selviya starts up her car, She looks at the fuel gauge, it is near the E. She hopes she can make it near the nearest gas station.
She used her Crystal Silvernium to teleport to the nearest gas station. There she can fuel up her car and buy breakfast.
To her luck; the were no full queues in the gas station, so she drove front so that she could fuel her car and pay for it.
Selviya got out of her car to take one of the gas pumps, she took the one that was for her car.
She put the pump inside the gas cap, she took out her phone while waiting for the gas pump to fill her car.
When the process is done. Selviya put her phone inside her pocket, she went to pay for the gas. Then she wants to buy breakfast from the store near the gas station.
Inside the convenience store. There is a small section that sells donuts and coffee, She went there and ordered a strawberry donut and a hot cappuccino. The worker hastily made coffee and prepared her order in a small brown bag.
“Have a good day ma’am!”
“Thanks! You too!”
It didn’t take long for her to have her breakfast. She paid for it then she left it to her. She breathes with comfort and happiness. She misses her parents so much.
She was so hungry that she devoured her donut before reaching her parents' house. The coffee is too hot for her to be drank downed hastily.
She reached her parents' home. She got out of her car then she turned it off with her key.
With coffee in her hand. She is quite ready to meet them, In her heart she knows that her mother will make her hear words she doesn’t want to hear, Like she is a careless pet owner.
She buzzed the buzzer and waited for her mom or dad to open the door. Her mom opened the door for her, she was met with the same look her mom always gives her. A forced smile.
“Top of the morning to you Mom!” Selviya greeted, She gave a warm smile.
“Good morning daughter,” her mom greeted back.
As soon as her feet get inside the house. A white furry thing sprinted its way into her and jumped into her, Thus making her fall near the entrance.
“Casper!” She squealed.
Casper eagerly kissed and hugged her. He loves Selviya so much, one can tell by looking at it. Selviya holds him and gently massages his head.
“He was very troublesome as of late,” Her mother confessed. “Your dad and I are going to have a vacation!”.
“Wow! You deserve some rest, Mom!” Selviya muttered.
“Even if we finished! You still need to take him with you,” Her mom told her.
“Okay, mom!” Selviya replied.
“Hello! Daughter!” Her father said he rushed to hug her.
“Daddy!” She exclaimed, hugging him.
Casper jumped into Selviya's head, he didn’t want to be crushed by these two humans.
“I’m going to miss Casper,” Her father confessed, “ he was troublesome but I will miss his cute face!”
“You didn’t see him when he broke your mom's vintage tea set” he burst out laughing at this.
Selviya gave a light-hearted chuckle. She smiled at her father. Unlike her mother who huffed at this, her father loves Casper so much, Although the latter is mischievous and troublesome.
“He will miss you too! Daddy” She said brightly.
“Alright, Aran! Let us pack our stuff!” Her mother said, “We can’t miss the flight!”
“Wait! You are going now!” Selviya spoke.
“Yes now!” Her mother replied.
“Okay, did you inform someone to look after the house?” Selviya asked.
“Yes, My sister will come to look after it,” Her father said.
“Okay then!” Selviya uttered. “Goodbye then! I need to go”.
“Goodbye, daughter! Be careful!” Her father told her as he reminded her to be careful.
“Okay, Daddy!” She articulated.
But before she left, she went to her room to pack her pet supplies and his cage. Casper eagerly entered the cage so that he could be carried by his owner Selviya.
With that, Selviya is ready to leave the house. She carefully held the pet cage and put it inside her car. She used the seatbelts to keep it safe.
Selviya started up her car before she drove to her destination, she took a sip from her hot coffee.
She opened a portal using her Crystal Silvernium pendant. She entered it and thus reached her desired destination, The Lin Kuei Temple.
“Let’s go, Casper!” She brightly said, “To your new home!”.
Selviya parked her car in its usual place, turned it off, and then entered the temple.
She was met with Sareena and Bi Han who were having their morning stroll near the icy mountains.
“Hi!” Selviya greeted me with a big smile.
Sareena and Bi Han smiled at her and greeted her back. But they noticed the cage she carried.
They didn’t say anything but they only gave her a questioning look. She smiled sheepishly at them.
“Meet my ferret pet! His name is Casper!” She announced as she showed them her pet. Which is a white albino ferret named Casper.
“He is so cute!” Sareena chuckled.
“Wow! I never knew that you had a pet!” Bi Han muttered as he gently patted the ferret’s head.
“I didn’t mention it earlier, sorry” she replied sheepishly.
“That’s okay!” Both replied then they left to do their morning stroll.
Selviya went inside the temple carrying her cage and other things. She was stopped by Kuai, and the moment he noticed her, he went to her.
“Where were you?” Kuai asked, He was worried but he didn’t show it.
“I was in my parent's home to bring Casper!” She answered him, As she pointed to the cage.
“Oh,” He uttered.
“My parents couldn’t take care of him because he was causing trouble for them,” she continued.
“That’s understandable,” He replied.
Looking at the cute innocent ferret he can’t help but smile and gently poke his nose. In his heart and mind, he always wanted to have a pet when he was a younger man. Lin Kuei didn’t allow any, but he can allow it now. He even remembered sneaking a snow leopard, Luckily for him Bi han caught him and reprimanded him for it making Kuai return the panther to the wilderness again.
“I’m going to feed him now,” Selviya said.
“Okay then!” He uttered.
Selviya went to her room. She gently put the cage on the bed. Opening the cage door for Casper to get outside, Selviya prepared his food into his bowl. She fed him dried fish and eggs.
Casper made a happy sound. As he delighted in his meal. He loves the dried fish and the eggs that Selviya gives him.
After she fed him. She prepared a bath for him. He happily jumped inside the bath, and Selviya cleaned him with shampoo. Giving him a head massage. Then she pours water on him. Before she used the hairdryer. She holds him in her hand to ring out all the excess water from him.
She used a towel to dry him, and after that, she used the hairdryer on low, Lastly, she brushed him with a soft brush. She spritz him with a pet perfume and he is now ready for a snooze!
Selviya sat on her bed near Casper, she took a sip of her coffee, Savoring the delicious and sweet coffee. She gently covered Casper with a blanket so that he wouldn’t feel cold while sleeping. She took another sip of her coffee while looking at her phone.
Moments later, she heard a knock on the door. She hurriedly got up to open the door, she didn’t want people to awaken her pet.
“Hi,” she whispered to him.
“Hey~” He whispered back.
She let him enter the room, and as he did, he glanced at the sleeping Casper in her bed. He knew that she didn’t want to wake him up
He gazes at the gorgeous woman in front of him. She always intrigues him; she is alluring. Her icy blue hair resembles the beauty of ice and snow; Her pale skin is like the purest shade of white and snow, Her eyes are another tale as they say. Her eyes are light blue shade intriguing and beautiful. She was like made by the ice gods— perfect and gorgeous. and she is for him to take and love.
“What are you looking at?”
Her soft and soothing voice had brought him back to reality, cutting his trail of thoughts. He smiled at her. He gently held her hand and kissed it.
Selviya smiled at him. She gave a light-hearted chuckle, She hugged him with force then she kissed his cheek. He hugged back and he kissed her lips with passion.
She is the most beautiful woman in his eyes. And he only wants to marry her. She is the perfect one for him; she is his soulmate.
He wants to marry her as soon as he can, He doesn’t want anyone to claim her before he does. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her for a hug. She yelped and chuckled at this.
Kuai only lets himself be like this when he and Selviya are alone. He just can’t control himself when they are alone.
He puts a hand on her waist and the other behind her head and begins to kiss her. He is lost in the moment and just holds her and kisses her lips gently and passionately, then he nuzzles her neck as he whispers to her.
“I love you” He whispered to her.
“I love you too” she whispered back to him.
He broke the kiss to breathe. He takes one strand of her hair and twirls it around his fingers, he loves her hair so much that he is obsessed with it. Selviya’s face is covered with blush; she finds it completely romantic of him to do this to her.
Kuai is fascinated by her, She is like a magnet that pulls him towards her. Before he kisses her, He was startled by the hasty knocks on the door. Selviya and Kuai quickly went to open the door. Because Selviya doesn’t want Casper to wake from his sleep.
The one who knocked was Bi Han; he told them it is lunch-time and they must be there. then Bi han left them to go to the hall.
Kuai nodded but he was a bit angry because his brother ruined this moment for him. He wanted to kiss his love and Bi Han came only to ruin it.
Selviya and Kuai left for the dining hall. each sat in their chair. Selviya sat near Kuai and Bi han. Sareena, Cyrax , and Smoke joined them.
Before Selviya eats her meal, she notices a little creature running around and that is Casper. He is always like this, the little ferret rascal.
“Casper!” Selviya called.
Casper jumped into her arms and snuggled himself inside her fur coat, as he gave her the cute eyes.
“Come here!” She said as she hugged him gently.
Cyrax and Smoke are shocked to see this. They didn’t notice that Selviya brought a pet into the temple. If memory serves pets aren’t allowed in the temple. They looked to Kuai for an explanation.
“pets are allowed” Kuai announced.
“Oh, Okay then!” Cyrax replied.
Kuai shifted his gaze to Casper. He was still in Selviya’s fur neck, enjoying the warmth of it. Then he popped his head out to look at the people.
He captured the hearts of all the people in the room. He is cute and mischievous too.
Kuai patted his head gently. Which prompted Casper to jump into his lap. Kuai couldn’t resist it so he gently held him and patted his head.
“I guess he likes you,” Selviya said with a smile.
“He does? I like him too!” Kuai exclaimed with happiness.
Kuai kept patting him. He even forgets to eat his meal. Selviya never wanted him to get distracted and not eat his food.
So she gently whistles to get Casper’s attention. It worked and Casper jumped onto Selviya’s lap. Kuai frowned mentally but he didn’t show it. He started to eat his food.
Everyone chatted and ate their food, Enjoying each other's conversations and stories alike.
The atmosphere was calm and enjoyable to everyone, There was no tension or anything.
After eating everyone put the dishes in their washing spot and left to do their business. Selviya took Casper and went to play with him in her room. While the others went to practice new fighting techniques and tactics. For Selviya; it is a bit early to practice because she is busy with her ferret pet.
Selviya gently hugged her ferret pet. Casper enjoys her touches and anything related to it. As the cute ferret he is, he snuggled inside her coat.
“Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy!” She said in a playful tone.
Casper only made cute sounds to answer her questions. He licked her cheeks too.
“Awwww! You love me?” She voiced with a playful tone.
Selviya felt her eyes get heavy as she yawned while holding Casper. She quickly goes to the sink to brush her teeth then she jumps on her bed to sleep. Casper slept beside her. Both dozed off and snoozed in a dreamless sleep.
Kuai opens the door to see his love. He saw that she was sleeping with her pet beside her.
He smiled at the sight before him, he turned off the lights and closed the door behind him to let them sleep.
“Sweet dreams” he softly muttered.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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Ice Goddess and her Icy Warrior Chapter 11
A/N: it’s been a while since I didn’t update this fanfic! But! Here I am! 😄
“Returning home”
Kuai Liang woke up to the voice of people laughing and talking together. He just remembered that he isn’t in the Lin Kuei temple anymore, but he is in Aliyaa’s dark palace.
He wanted to go back to sleep; however, his head is throbbing from a migraine. He is annoyed by this migraine that kept pulsing in his head.
He knew if he continued to force himself to sleep. It would hurt even more, so, he got up from the bed. He found some clean clothes of a Virginian design. He wore them, although the fact that it is not his taste in clothing or anything.
Then he goes to rinse his face and comb his hair. He saw a big interior mirror he moved toward it to see himself.
He looked neat and stylish, although, he is old and a tough Grandmaster. He smiled at himself, for being tough and stylish.
He joined the others in the main hall. there, they appear to be eating breakfast. He greeted them.
“Good morning,” Kuai greeted.
“Good morning to you too,” Aliyaa greeted back.
“Morning, Luv~” Selviya greeted back.
The others greeted him too. Kuai chose a seat near his love, Selviya Levsloky.
The food table is long and big, it is filled with the most delicious foods of all cuisine. Arabian, British, French, etc.
Kuai is hungry he couldn’t decide what plate he chooses to eat from, but one plate caught his eye and that is french toast. It is a delicious plate that made his mouth-watering.
Selviya noticed this and she grabbed the french toast for him. putting the plate in front of him.
“Wellness,” Aliyaa said.
Kuai took the fork and the knife. He started to cut the toast like a gentleman, A man with manners of eating.
He took a bite after he cut a piece of the toast, and he hummed in a satisfied tone. enjoy the taste of the french toast, such a delicacy, He thought to himself.
the french toast is soft and mushy. He wished he could munch on it forever, but good things never last as he thought to himself.
Moments later, Hadi came with a tea tray in his hands, he gently put it in the center of the table. In everyone’s reach.
Eevie quietly took a cup of tea, she started to pour the hot beverage onto her cup, then she added the milk and sugar, and stirred it up with a teaspoon.
After sipping his coffee, Arouj took a napkin and wipe the corners of his mouth. Arouj had just finished eating breakfast.
“So! How are you and your clan?” Arouj asked, with a smile on his face.
“So far, everything is good,” Kuai answered.
“I’m just wondering; why are you here guys?” Scylla pondered, “Shouldn’t you be doing “stuff”.
“We are here to investigate something,” Kuai replied, He can’t possibly think of something intimate while he is on a mission.
“That’s understandable,” Aliyaa encouraged.
While hearing everyone talking and giggling with Kuai. Derek deliberately made a shrill sound with his fork, as he scratched his fork on his plate.
“Ugh! Stop it!” Eevie muttered while covering her ears.
“Sorry.” He blankly apologized.
Kuai knew that Derek is annoyed at him for being with his daughter Selviya. In his mind’s eye, Kuai wonders, Selviya isn’t his daughter from this world, she is from another world. Another time, where he is dead and couldn’t watch her grow. So, Being annoyed at him is pretty pointless.
Aliyaa knew that the atmosphere is getting worse between these two. She quickly changed the subject.
“How’s everyone Kuai?” Aliyaa asked, with a smile on her face.
“They are fine,” Kuai told, as he pours himself a cup of tea. He couldn’t resist the smell of the tea.
All this time Selviya is quiet, either she is eating or drinking tea. She is worried that Derek is trying to harm Kuai. She doesn’t wanna see them fighting or hurting each other. She cares about them both.
In the middle of talking, Aliyaa’s mirror made a vibrant sound. Alarming everyone in the room.
Aliyaa quickly got up from her seat to look at her mirror. What the mirror shows made everyone's blood run cold.
A group of cyborgs gathering around in an unknown HQ. Among them is a yellow one and a red one, There is also a new face joining them. a demonic creature wearing a grey ninja attire with yellow veins on his skin, and his hair is grey and flowing. Kuai immediately recognized him, It is Smoke.
“Smoke!” Kuai called in utter disbelief.
“Holy moly!” Selviya called while looking at the mirror in fear.
“Quick guys! I think you don’t have much time before they reach the Lin Kuei base” Hadi urged the two cryomancers.
“On it!” Kuai affirmed.
With a flick of her finger, Aliyaa created a portal for them to reach the Lin Kuei base. At any moment the attack will take place.
Luckily, they were able to alarm the others before the Lin Kuei cyborgs assault.
Older Kuai and younger Kuai were able to create a spiky ice fence that will hold the cyborgs from attacking. So Selviya can use her powers to eliminate them all easily.
Frost rushed to escort all the trainees and Lin Kuei out. She is ready to use her cryogenic powers if needed, she stayed guarding the gate from the cyborgs and helps others to escape. In a safe dungeon underground.
With her magic wand in hand, Selviya called the power of the celestials and stars to guide her hand in victory. the Crystal Silvernium shines brighter as Selviya ascends her celestial form.
Adorned with a beautiful blue gown that shines brighter than the stars themselves.
Although the cyborgs destroyed the icy fence.
but that gave Selviya the time she needs to transform and save everyone.
The cyborgs managed to wreak the temple’s gate. But they couldn’t fight Selviya as she easily blinded them all with her holy light magic.
“Celestial blessing!” Selviya commanded the crystal Silvernium.
With her power amplifying with crystal Silvernium power to shine a powerful beam that wiped the cyborgs. Finally, their souls rested in peace.
Cyrax and Sektor aren’t done yet. In the shadows lurks Smoke. Looking at the five people in pure hatred. He will kill them all, He will have his revenge on Lin Kuei and Subzero who abandoned him to his death. He will take pleasure in skinning them alive.
After Selviya’s light beam ended, she returned to her human form as the celestial gowns disappeared from her body, leaving her with her human attire.
Cyrax attacked Bi han, Sektor targeted Kuai and Young Smoke, and Kuai was ordered to rescue the others while Selviya stayed to fight the revenant smoke.
“Who the fuck are you?” Sneered the revenant Smoke at Selviya, as he fired a smoke bomb at her.
She dodged it easily as she aimed an ice sphere at his legs, freezing his legs in spot. She cartwheeled in front of him and kicked him in the face.
“Your salvation!” Selviya answered.
Selviya kicked him with a force that he rolled over and fell face-first on the ground. He groaned in pain. The kick made him see stars, as he barely stand up. He felt pity for himself because a kick from a woman makes him dizzy.
He rushed toward her with his kunai poised to strike her in a vulnerable place. Her knees for an example.
The revenant used his smoke abilities to vanish in a cloud of smoke; as he easily dodged her ice attacks. He appear behind her up in the air as he tackled her from behind.
both rolled on top of each other. But the revenant easily pinned her down and started to choke her.
She panicked and wailed. Then she started to scratch his hand with her painfully long nails. She succeeds in this as he lets go of her throat to see his bleeding hand. She exploited this moment to kick him in the face again. Then she cartwheeled away from him.
“You are strong. Woman,” the revenant praised. He will admit it: the woman is very attractive and expert at fighting.
“Thanks! You’re not bad yourself,” she replied to him.
In his dark state of mind and heart, Smoke feels pure hatred for his ex-friends, for the lin-kuei. He would do anything to harm them and make them bleed for what they did to him. His first reaction is to kill this woman. He knew that she is Kuai’s lover and he will have this as the best revenge.
He will kill her and vanish into the shadows. Then Kuai will come and discover her lifeless body in this bloody place, then Kuai would mourn her and would go crazy for her. This is the best revenge he has in mind.
Selviya knows that the revenant can’t be reasoned with. They are doomed to be hateful of the people they know. Because they thought that they are “abandoned” to their death.
Selviya must make him unconscious so that she can restore him; if Raiden failed in doing so, she won’t.
Selviya quickly rushed towards him before he can jump; she easily slid through his widening legs and kicked him in the balls.
He groans in pain as he holds his sack in an attempt to lessen the pain. Selviya rolled to the side and got up to hold her wand to restore him to life.
“Purification!” She said loudly.
A holy beam of light struck him he yelled in pain and horror. He thought that he was dead and dusted away due to this amount of power.
But, no. Moments later he woke up and saw his hands, he can’t believe it. Is he alive? For real? or is it just a dream he longed for?
“Welcome back to life Tomas Vrbada!” She greeted him with a smile, as she lend a hand to him.
He cried in happiness; He is indeed alive. After all these years, he has been a slave to evil and darkness. Now, he is free and alive.
“Thank you… ” He croaked. “I’m forever indebted to you,”
“Nope!” She said with a smile. “You don’t owe me anything!”
He smiled at her. She is beautiful, and kind. She is everything he dreams of.
“Kuai is so lucky to have her,” Smoke thought in his mind.
No matter what he feels or thinks; He can’t let her know. Even if Selviya doesn’t want anything in return. He vows to protect her.
Grandmaster Kuai Liang with the help of his brother Bi Han. was able to behead Sektor then he knocked Cyrax unconscious.
He rushed to check on his love. Is she alive or dead, he was afraid, a lot of thoughts raced through his mind. He can’t bare to lose her.
He promised to protect her no matter what. Luckily, He saw Selviya helping human smoke.
“Smoke!” Kuai called, he was running toward them.
With a big smile and teary eyes, he hugged his best friend. He had lost hope in restoring him, but Selviya didn’t.
“Kuai!” Smoke uttered as he hugged his lifetime best friend.
For long moments they hugged each other. They didn’t see each other in decades, of course, it would be more than a short hug.
Then they break the hug and talked with each other. This sight warmed Selviya’s heart, she promised that she will bring him happiness. It is all she cares about.
Young Smoke was scared when he saw his other self is old and tormented; the same said for Cyrax, who was holding the hand of his cyborg self.
Both were traumatized. Although they didn’t go through what their older selves had been through. It is a miracle that they didn’t. They only pitied themselves.
“Care to explain?” Stated the newly restored smoke.
“It is a long story,” Kuai answered with a smile.
But the happy moments didn’t last. Because young Hanzo and other Raiden came.
“Thank you so much for protecting my warriors,” the other Raiden said, with a smile on his face.
Young Hanzo, Young Kuai, Other Bi han, Young Smoke, and Cyrax were sad because it is time to say goodbye to Selviya and Grandmaster Kuai Liang, their saviors. They can’t forget their stay here. But everything is gotta come to an end.
“You’re welcome,” Grandmaster Kuai uttered.
“Goodbye, guys! We will miss you!” Selviya expressed, She will miss them greatly.
“Thank you for everything,” Young Hanzo said
The other men nodded in agreement.
“You’re welcome!” Both Selviya and Kuai said.
“Goodbye!” Young Kuai spoke.
“Goodbye!” Selviya and Kuai replied.
they waved goodbye to each other before leaving for their world.
The other Raiden said nothing; he only gave a satisfied smile. Then in a flash, they all disappeared.
Selviya hold her wand, she rushed toward the cyborg Cyrax. She must do it before he gains consciousness.
Selviya raised her starlight wand. The wand started to shine then Selviya muttered. “Purification!”
A ray of light flashed from the wand. As it covered the cyborg with a holy light. It started to restore every human aspect in him. The metallic structure began to melt off as it give way for his flesh and skin to grow back. His organs started to breathe, his heart started to beat humanly, and everything about him is turning human now. During this whole process, Cyrax was unconscious. He is being reborn again. As he was a human being.
Smoke and Kuai stared in awe at what was happening to Cyrax; he is being reborn. By the hand of a celestial girl.
Selviya finished restoring Cyrax. Both Kuai and Smoke rushed to see Cyrax. He is human again. Although he is younger than him. He was a cyborg for decades! As for Smoke, he was a revenant he didn’t age either. Only Kuai and his brother aged.
Kuai and Smoke carried the unconscious Cyrax to a sofa. There he slept peacefully.
“It is over, finally!” Kuai muttered in happiness as he wiped the tears of joy.
Selviya only smiled; she didn’t say anything.
“Yes, it is.” Smoke nodded.
Selviya had one final thing to do today. And that is rebuilding the temple again.
Selviya used Crystal Silvernium. She raised high above her head and commanded it to rebuild the destroyed temple.
A colorful ray emerged from the crystal as it rebuilt everything in a blink of an eye. Both men are impressed with such power.
“Let’s go check on the others!” Selviya suggested.
The other men nodded and then went toward the others. They announced that the cyber initiative is done and they won the battle.
“That’s great!” Frost exclaimed, “Thank you Grandmaster and Selviya!”
“Frost! You did good too,” Selviya replied.
“We all did great,” Bi han summed up.
Cyrax finally woke up. He is surprised he is seeing new faces and they all look real to him.
“Kuai Liang? Bi Han? Smoke?” Cyrax questioned, “You guys are alive?”
“Yes, we are,” Grandmaster Kuai answered.
Tomas and Bi han nodded at him, Cyrax looks at his hand, he is alive again. He smiled, not believing what he is seeing.
“Welcome back to life, Cyrax!” All said to him.
“Happy to be back alive again!” Cyrax expressed with tears in his eyes.
He looked at Selviya, “Thank you,”.
“No need to thank me,” she responded.
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Hello good afternoon! Today Imma going to post Subselvi Content 💙💙❄️🔷❄️❄️☃️⛄️🌨️
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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💠Icy date ❄️
Kuai Liang and Selviya are having a date 💙
Such a cute couple! 😍😍🥰
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober Day 25: Kiss, Starring Subselvi Kuai Liang x Selviya levsloky. My OTP
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober day 14: Smooches. Starring Subselvi.
Kuai Liang x Selviya levsloky.
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober Day 13: misunderstanding. Starring Subselvi for the Millionth time. Selviya x Kuai Liang. My favourite OTP.
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Sketchober Day 11: Jealousy. Starring again Subselvi (Selviya x Kuai Liang)
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Ay ay Aliyaa! can you do Subselvi!, Ice Queen Selviya x Lone traveller warrior Kuai Liang! it would be a blast ✨✨💁🏻‍♂️💖
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Here you Go anon! Ice Queen Selviya! x Lone warrior traveller Subzero
Upon entering the Tavern in the middle of the town the lone Warrior traveller. Sub-zero Heard a group of men whispering about an Ice Queen that lives in the northern mountains of the country. He also heard them saying she is an evil ice Queen with magic she hurts people for fun and the enjoyment of it.
Subzero could not help but to think about her. She is evil and she will die by his hand. And he will be saving the lives of people for the years to come.
The waitress came and ask what does he want. He only muttered “tequila” the waitress nodded then left to bring his drink.
He kept eavesdropping the group of men. They kept talking and talking about the mysterious Ice Queen. That had been scaring people for many years.
One of the men muttered “ i heard that she has an army of ice Soldiers, they all made of clear ice and they cannot be killed!” He muttered loudly. The people didn’t care they were drinking and they could not care nonetheless.
Subzero didn’t bristle at this though, he’s a Cryomancer himself and he will take her down. Woman or not she must go down.
“Ha ha! That what you just heard? I heard she has a magnificent power that can freezes towns and cities in mere seconds!” The other guy uttered. Not really scared but more in challenging way.
Subzero yet again thought. This Ice Queen is really powerful. He can’t help but think that maybe she is not terrible as they made her to be.. maybe she’s just misunderstood. Alone? Maybe! But he will find out.
The waitress came with his drink. She softly places it in the table in front of him. He holds the glass and takes a sip. Enjoy the drink.
Still hearing the same group of men talking about the mysterious Ice Queen.
After finishing his drink, he paid for it then got out, determined to find this “Ice Queen” .
He walked and walked. After hours he reached the nothern mountains. The place looks creepy and eerie at the same time. Its looks abandoned and no sign of life.
However, that didn’t move Sub-zero not even the slightest. He kept walking toward the icy mountains.
There he found a beautiful ice palace. He bravely went to it. But before he knocks the door itself opened. He is surprised but yet again his bravery overcom his fears. He treads inside the ice palace.
The place inside looks more beautiful and well-designed, he looked at corner of the palace at awe and wonder. He is really shocked yet amused
“Hello Stranger! How can i help you?” A beautiful voice uttered, and its owner is more beatiful.
“I … i just lost my way to the city..” he said, Masking his fear and his motivations. He felt bad for lying though.
“Oh i see! Its okay! I will guide you to the nearest city!” She muttered, smiling to him
Her face is being masked by a shadow, the dimeness of the light in the room. Masking her face from him.
After mere seconds she got up from her icy throne, marching toward him.
He hold his ground, he is not scared. She gently cups his chin. She smiled to him in a seductive way, he can’t deny her beauty. She is wearing a beautiful white dress, her hair is down its long and blue icy colour. She is so beautiful.
“Perhaps you should stay for dinner. Then you can leave!” She suggested, he nodded
He thought is this really the ice queen? She is not scary or evil. Its the contrary. She is beautiful and benevolent. They made her look like an evil witch who like to curse people for no reason at all!
“I’ve been warned from you.. but all i have seen is a beautiful benevolent woman!” He says, she looks at him. The she chuckles
“And you believe rumors? True people say a lot of wrong things about me, but i don’t really care” she answered. As she magically built a dinner table
“Can i ask you one thing?” He started.
“Yes?” She replied
“Your powers, you have been borned with or curse?” He added.
“Born with it” the Ice Queen replied
He smiles, he had removed his helmet. His armors and his gauntlets.
“What are you doing?” She asks, a bit uncomfortable
“ nothings to worry about, i’m just making myself comfortable!” Sub-zero answered
After eating dinner, Subzero can’t help but to fall for her. She is beautiful, kind and benevolent
She is in her throne, reading her favourite book, he came to her. He is blushing, a bit embarrassed of himself
“Yes? Do you need anything?“ she asked him
He made a swift move of his hand, revealing his powers to her, she gasps and smiled. He has the same powers as her.
She gently put her book in table nearby. She got up to him. As she looks at him repeating the same thing he did. She smiled and wowed at this
“Wow! You’re a Cryomancer too!?” She uttered, happily
“My name is Kuai Liang” he replied
“Mine’s Selviya!” She muttered happily
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman!” He says, then he kissed her hands
She smiles, she blushed. And she is certainly that she is happy. She found the man of her dreams and she is falling hard for him. The feelings are reciprocated.
Sub-zero snakes his arms around her waist, she did this same with hig neck. They both kissed each other. They’re in love and they’re madly in it.
“I love you my ice queen!” He Confessed
“Me too my warrior” she confessed too
Welp! We reached the end of this smut! I hope you like it anon! 🤍✨
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Hey! can i ask for Selviya x Kuai Liang Kinky Smut/NSFW?!
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Slave Selviya! X King Kuai Liang! Kinky Smut!
Selviya is a Beautiful girl in her 19s. She works as a florist in her tiny shop. She likes Flowers, roses and plants as a whole. She is born with magic. And its ice (Still a cryomancer). She knows that magic is hated in here. People afraid of magic. Selviya is in another Country. And King Kuai Liang is from nearby country. He rules his country with strict hand, laws and rules. He is just. And he is loved by his subjects. He has an unstoppable army. And he is powerful himself. Rumors say that he uses magic. But she doesn’t believe rumors.
One day Selviya was in her shop. Her Country had been Conquered by the nothern country. King Kuai Liang country. She was so afraid and hid under her table. She didn’t realise that her magic is spread and revealed her hide-out. She was roughly Taken by the enemy army and as Many of the womens and girls. Her country lost the war and the Merciless King won over them.
“From now on you belong to Our King. king Kuai Liang.” The soldier Says.
“Dedicate yourselves to our Bīng dìguó empire! Or you will be executed!” The soldier Growls at the girls/womens.
“We .. we dedicate ourself to our new empire!” They replied fearfully. Except Selviya she was silent.
“And you girl? Why won’t you dedicate yourself to our empire?” The soldier Asked Selviya, she was scared. But still she won’t grovel to the enemy.
“No!” She firmly shout.
The soldier look to each other. And they have the same thought. Which is to break her into submission. And that is R*pe. Yup. They Took her down and Took of her clothes. Revealing her beautiful and irresistible body. The womens and the prisoners were shocked and scared. They could not do anything.
“Fine then. You will be our toy!” The soldier replied, taking of her bra’s and touching her everywhere. She screams and screams. But no one came to save her. All the prisoners Let their head down in fear and regret.
One of the soldiers firmly grope her breasts and the other her private part. They continue to do so until they heard a voice that made them stop. It was their King Kuai Liang.
“What is the meaning of this?” He says roughly. Eyeing his soldiers with his piercing blue eyes.
“Your majesty! We were disciplining this Ungrateful Brat. She disrespected me and she was rude!” The soldier replied, fearfully of him
“Even if she was disrespectful, you have no right to do this. I’m ashamed of my soldiers. Who thought they can be lustful animals, Leave her and get the hell out of my sight before i make an example of you!” He commanded, the soldier Flee out of the place.
The King look at the girl. She was scared, she is looking down in shame. She couldn’t look into his eyes. To her shock he smiles at her
“Come here girl. Don’t be afraid little one. I won’t harm you” the King Says. His voice is soft and gentle.
She quickly wore her clothes and came to him. She is timid and scared. She shyly look at his face and his piercing blue eyes. They weren’t kidding when they say he uses magic. He gently raise up her chin. Kissing her cheek. Moments later he licks her cheek in lust. She is bothered but what she will do…
“Whats your name beautiful?” He Asks. Can’t get his eyes off her
“Its .. Selviya” she shyly responded.
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful creature like you~” he chuckles. She blushed at this.
“Th..thank you for saving me..” Selviya shyly says.
“You’re welcome..” the King replied, he extend his hand.. she hesitated.. but she puts her hand in his… he magically calls for his royal carriage. And it came. All of the prisoners were taken to his country. Making them the new citizens of it. Their country doesn’t exist anymore.
There are aloft of Girls. And womens. The King let the womens work in Bakeries, Sewing. And lot of things. Unlike the girls who are to similar to Selviya age.. he let them work in his palace.
The servants in the palace, gave the girls the Clothes of a female Servant of the palace.After they wore it. The King calls for them to come.
“Why hello. My beautiful creatures. I am King Kuai Liang your new king. Unlike the old pathetic one of yours. I am a just king. I Wrong no one. And i will make you work here. Because the soldiers … will do the same thing they previously did to the Beautiful girl over there” The king Says. Firmly yet gently. They know who he refers to. But he didn’t say her name so that he won’t rub the salt on her wounds.
“You girl.. you will be my concubine!” The King declares. As he points to Selviya. She is shocked and embarrassed… but she knows that he won’t harm her.
She walks up to him. He looks at her. Its the first time he has a concubine of his. He knows that she will be enough and enjoyable.
“Sudru lead her to my chamber. And let her wait for me” Kuai Liang Orders his servant. His loyal and faithful servant obliges, Out of respect and loyalty to his king.
“Yes your majesty!” The servant responded, as he leads Selviya to his chamber.
It was a Huge, wide chamber. It has a blue colour like the Snow. The place include furs. As a mat and the mattress of the bed. Its cold inside and Its looks like a room from a frozen palace. Fitting to his cold nature.
“Stay here and wait for the King” the Servant says the left.
Moments later the King came, with his fully glory. he was fully clothed. When he came near her. He took off his attire. She did the same. In fact she want to do this. She is not forced or anything. She just want do this.
“Come here little one” he commanded, she obeys
He snaked his arms on her waist. Hugging her then possessively kissing her. She kissed back.. after a moment of kissing. He hastly took off her dress. Naked in front of him. She is blushing..
He headed to his huge chair, she is looking at him. He gestured for her to come. She comes to him.
He sat on the chair. Putting his arms on its chair-arms. She understands what he wants and she came to it. Doing it before he even ask.
“Good girl! You even know before i say! Mhmm wonderful~” He added, chuckling afterwards
She is on her knees near him. Taking his member in her Mouth. Sucking deeply on it. Not forgetting to bobb up her head while sucking. She completely Let go of his memeber. To breath some air. He tapped his finger patiently for her. She licks his tip to tease him. He moans as he put his hand on her head to encourage to do more than licking. She sucks more and more until she reached his whole length. She is panicking. She didn’t wanna choke on it.
“Ahh yes.. oooh.. F*Ck yeah..” He moans. He pulled his member out of her mouth. So that she can breath again.
“Hmm your good at it. Still i crave more than a few Bjs” Kuai Liang replied, smiling to her
“Yes sir!” Selviya responded, then continue to suck on it.
He is enjoying this moment. Enjoying the pleasure she gives him.
He knows that she is a Cryomancer like him, and he will breed her for more Cryomancers. And his lineage will rule. This Kingdom forever. Seeing his only will done across the centuries. But he didn’t know that she is more than a Cryomancer, she has magic powerful magic, she can grants immortality. And she will give him this. Because she loves him..
Feeling himself closer to orgasm.. he stopped her. She obeyed him. He gestured to his bed and she goes there. She sat on the mattress. Her back against the bed.
He took the usual intimate position. He gently rubs her private part. Fingering it to become wet. So that his member easily slip inside.
After mere moments. Her Vagina becomes wetter and wetter. He knows that she is now ready..
He gently penetrate her Vagina. Penetrating her virginity as the blood droplets slipping through her thighs. And soaking the mattress. He stops so that he let her adjust to his size. After minutes he started to thrust into her. It was Slow and deep. She moans. She is enjoying this. After that his thrusts becomes harder and deeper. She moans louder this time
“Shhh shh honey” he shushed her, putting his hand on her mouth to muffle her cries.
After more thursts of his. Both came together.
Selviya panting heavily, and so does the king. He panting heavily and stopped to breath.
“This is so…enjoyable!” He muttered happily.
She thought that it is over. But to her surprise its not.
“We are far from over” he amused, Using his power to create an ice chains. To bound her to his bed.
“Be ready for round 2” he chuckles darkly.
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