#Alle spalle
neottolemo · 5 months
Le cose belle
Le cose belle rimangono tali anche se te le lasci alle spalle.
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gonfiatalavena · 6 months
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lasshoe · 4 months
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n03m1blog · 2 months
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ragazzoarcano · 7 months
Ti salvi ogni volta che ti lasci alle spalle tutto.
— Andrea Filocomo
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halion-halion-aito · 6 months
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affogonellamarmellata · 8 months
potrei star cadendo anch’io nella tentazione dardato quindi domanda: quando dargen e diodato se ne sono andati dal palco, dargen gli ha detto qualcosa ma non capisco cosa, te hai sentito?
allora ho capito benissimo di quale momenti parli, l'unica cosa che ci sento è "ho dovuto dirlo", che penso possa riferirsi o alle sue dichiarazioni pro palestina della prima e della seconda sera, oppure a quel suo commento sul non essere politico ma umano (cit.)
in entrambi i casi, Dargen l'uomo che sei
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little-smartass · 1 year
I'm watching The Pale Blue Eye and I have to say it is fucking delightful watching a whole cast of english actors doing american accents. every time a new character shows up it's like "oh excellent, another famously english guy here to play a character from the american south!" I am living I need to know who decided on casting like this immediately.
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fujikoi · 8 months
a ridaje con la pubblicità occulta
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9. Beh, sicuramente il porno. Ma a volte mi basta il pensiero giusto ✨
10. Non saprei proprio. Anche perché quello che è strano per me, non è strano per qualcun altro 🙈🤷🏻‍♀️
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muppetjackrackham · 8 months
Have you seen the 2007 movie version of Sweeney Todd at all (the one with Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman?) I personally really liked Alan Rickman as the Judge, and he wasn't a bad singer either.
i was actually JUST watching it last night this is so funny but yes i have! i think it gets a bad rep sometimes because it's a movie musical in the same vein as phantom of the opera 2004 but visually it's one of my favourite adaptations of sweeney todd because of how well it utilizes it's victorian london setting and makes it feel as gritty and grimy as it would have been. as for judge turpin i think alan rickman and timothy spall are kind of underrated when it comes to their respective portrayals. judge turpin needs to have a particular kind of ick factor and imo both alan rickman and philip quast (from the 2014 lincoln center half concert half staged production of sweeney todd that you can actually find on youtube for free should you wish to) are easily the best because the 2014 lincoln center version has mea culpa in it (a song that seems to get cut more often than not because it's literally just judge turpin self-flagellating and singing about how he's lusting after johanna à la judge claude frollo in the hunchback of notre dame) and both philip quast and alan rickman just. play judge turpin in a way that is both weirdly charismatic and also so fucking sleazy that it just makes sense.
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calcitriolo · 1 year
Ieri parlavo di ragazzi con mia nipote di nove anni.
"Io cerco di fare tutto per piacere alle persone"
Mi si è stretto il cuore.
"No, a zia, se cerchi di compiacere gli altri solo per piacergli l'interesse passerà presto. È giusto che tu sia te stessa e che ti amino per quello che sei."
"Ma zia! All'inizio devi fare un po' finta di essere come vogliono loro... poi, dopo, sei te stessa!"
E vabbe' amo', che dire, hai vinto tu
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clacclo · 1 year
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Alba in POV.
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silviaaquilini · 2 years
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
He really TURNED AROUND he had NO REASON TO but he TURNED AROUND to watch the uh "gay friend who has a crush on me but totally unrequited" to say "più amore"
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gaysessuale · 2 years
dopo sessantacinque anni di ponderazione intensa ho trovato LA foto che cercavo per icona, bless
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