#Allenby Beardsley (Berserker System)
gundamfight · 4 years
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theconjurervfx · 5 years
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sweetgoufbrah · 5 years
The G Gundam Rewatch! Episode 30.
This is the one with Allenby. I like Allenby, you guys.
We start out with Bolt Gundam battling a cool lady Gundam who rips his arm off and beats Argo. Bolt Gundam gets its arm ripped of a lot. Lots of arm killing in this show. Argo and Nastasha head to their car, dealing with the reporters as they go. Once the car start driving Domon reveals himself in disguise and every one is like “HOW?!”. Domon isn’t usually this good at this kind of stuff. Weird. Argo warns that Domon should be cautious with that Gundam. Thanks bro.
Domon, Rain, and the kids head to an arcade. They some people playing a nifty VR fighting game. One of the players is a girl and she’s got a win streak going on. Domon is totally into it. I am too. Domon calls next, everyone finds out he’s a Gundam Fighter and the girls like “Sure, bring it” and he does! So we get to see the VR game as a hologram and the characters are drawn with while outlines and I like it. The two fight so good and hard that they cause the game to EXPLODE. Everyone bails because the cops show up. Domon meets up with the girl briefly and recognizes who she is, Neo Sweden’s Gundam Fighter. Allenby Beardsley, super cutie.
So, ol’ Wong decides to have Allenby fight Domon because that’s his thing. We see Allenby in a shifty lab hooked up to wires and machines and stuff. She isn’t too keen on it, or being a fighter for that matter. There’s an asshole scientist and a nice scientist. Our girl sneaks out and lands on Domon by coincidence. Uh-huh. Domon takes her back to the boat for dinner and we learn that she was a li’l orphan taken in by the government and raised to be a Gundam fighter, so that explains why she isn’t really into it.
HOWEVER! After fighting Domon, she felt excitement while fighting! That seems to happen a lot. But soon the day of battle comes. Now let us talk about Nobel Gundam. It’s Noble Gundam in the dub and it’s such an odd switch and name either way. I assume it’s named after Alexander Nobel, but its a sailor scout? Either way I love it. I mean come on, its super fun. It can go Trans-Am!
Before the fight, Allenby tells the scientist not to mess with her business during the match. Domon and Allenby begin their fight, and they’re having a whole mess of fun! I’m having fun too! But Asshole Scientist decides no to all that and tells Nice Scientist to activate the system. Nice Scientist is like “Aw come on man, don’t” but Asshole is very firm. So, they activate...the Berseker System.
Allenby starts freaking out and screaming and I hate it and it makes me mad! Nobel Gundam’s “hair” raises up (they’re cooling fins) and starts glowing red. Allenby’s strength and speed skyrocket as she assaults Domon. It’s no longer fun and Domon is sad and so am I. He reaches out to Allenby, telling her that this isn’t how he wants to fight her. IT’S WRONG! So, with a pseudo Hyper Mode, he cleanses Allenby and Nobel of the Berserker System with SHUFFLE POWER, frying the system much to Nice Scientist’s relief.
The two Gundam’s stand again, but Allenby is far too tired. She collapses and Domon catches her. His Gundam cradling her Gundam. It’s sweet and beautiful. It’s always good to see the budding romance of two young Gundams. Even Master Asia is impressed by Allenby. See, for the whole tournament every time Wong sets up one of Domon’s fights Master Asia is like “Oh he’s my student, he’ll totally win.” and Wong is always like “Oh yeeeaaaaah?” and then Domon wins and Wong just goes “Well lookit that, crazy”. It’s a thing they do.
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