#Scorpio (MA Mode)
kaedeakeshisworld · 1 year
shadow work is kicking my ass 😭
I've realised that I don't appreciate people helping me at all...like I ain't ask for it so don't do it. I don't care if you were raised like this but when it comes from yt men, it's even worse. Like, bro who said I needed help, who hinted that. Nobody so don't
and pleath, don't you dare tell me your upbringing consisted of being courteous to women a priority like I don't know about you but my parents if there's one thing they made crystal clear is for me not to feel like a woman because I don't fit their criteria of what being a woman stands for so at this rate you're most certainly talking not to my blackass
Went to see a marabout earlier this year because My mother thought something was wrong with me( my lack of wanting to do anything that included being active- I tend to abuse a bit too much of sloth mode I dare say). This man read me to filth, I couldn't even be like I don't believe this shit because he really decided to pull out the card of the first man I ever fell in love with and he said I know his name start with x letter and he got a daughter. At that moment I was like, ma I love you but this is too much.
my ma was right about something being wrong with me. Apparently, I have people plotting against me just because I exist. That's insane and I won't go on any further but funny these people that wanna witness my downfall don't even have my number or know me but following their logic have a problem with me. honestly, your life must be hard man 👀. They do clown shit all day, be fake imitating plastic and wonder why shit doesn't go their way suspicious right!
He said a lot of things which rang true back then and still do make sense now. When he questioned me about my profound distaste for men, I couldn't formulate a proper answer on the spot and told him I don't know.
After a tedious amount of shadow work which has led me to where I currently stand today results from past events that really shaped how I never ever ever desire to rely on anyone not even a man. It all stems from the trauma I have developped concerning man dates back to that one fateful morning where a black woman in my town got shot before going to work because her former significant other couldn't envisage the following which was they were no longer together imma do me and you do you( yes, her former significant other was black and I knew her kids, it was devastating to enter your teenage years like that. I don't wish it to anyone)
so yeah, I'm not tryna become a statistic at any given time of my life nor die by the hands of a man 'cause nope, that ain't happening not on my watch. I am divinely protected period. Me and death we're bestfriends( if you have a scorpio rising you know what I'm talking about 🥲 cannot rest period what is even that?)
so yeah anytime a man comes into I'm like hell naw find you somebody else I can't do that, I'm doing hot girl shit which stands for questioning your purpose on this planet 24/7. I suck at multitasking and have a terrible memory unless you crossed cause I won't forget that. Ever
also being blessed with a scorpio Lilith doesn't make things better. I quite literally had men tell me they want me as their side piece in front of their girl. Are you mad? are u sick? are you insane? are you ill? have you gone bonkers? those questions race through my mind as well as sure, I'll do that when you die so please hurry up, I gotta slay at your funeral
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gundamfight · 4 years
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NJ est une artiste ambitieuse , qui “en veut” et travaille dur pour. Ses mixs sont basés sur le partage et le festif, elle vit à fond chaque musiques qu’elle joue, on sent de suite qu’elle aime voir les gens s’amuser , sauter ...danser , chanter ,crier etc... et qu’elle aime les ambiancer avec son inséparable micro !
Alors qu’un large mouvement pour la condition féminine dans la société prend place depuis de nombreux mois, nous en avons profité pour nous interroger sur la place de la femme dans la musique et revenir sur sa carrière et ses inspirations.
Sa détermination encourage les femmes à se produire en tant que DJ, mais surtout à se construire par elles-mêmes et ne jamais cesser d’apprendre et perfectionner leurs techniques.
Sixième portrait de la série dédiée aux femmes DJ’S de Montpellier et alentours sur le site de Support Your Local Girl Gang …. NJ a répondu  à notre interview Girl Gang !
Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours et tes activités artistiques ? Je suis Dj depuis 10 ans. J’ai commencé avec Laurent C, ancien directeur artistique et resident du Stax Club, à Avignon. Je suis ensuite rentrée à l’école de djs UCPA à Lyon, d’où je suis sortie deuxième de ma promo. J’ai vite été sur beaucoup de chaines tv et une tournée européenne avec les VBG. Puis résidente & physionomiste du célèbre Monster MONTPELLIER pendant 1 an. Je tourne en France et en Europe depuis 10 ans, notamment sur une tournée à  Tahiti et Bora Bora de 10 jours en 2013. J’ai partagé des scènes avec énormément d’artistes dont Bob Sinclar, Dj Snake, Superfunk, Feder, Ofenbach, Laurent wolf, Quentin Mosiman, Henry Pfr, Damien N drix...et bien d’autres...
Quand es-tu tombée dans la musique ? A la naissance comme Obélix! Non, plus sérieusement, après 6 ans de sport à haut niveau (tennis), je suis sortie pour la premiere fois à 17 ans en club et j’ai voulu être DJ dès le premier soir. Un an après, j’ai acheté mes premières platines.
Tu te souviens de tes premiers disques ? Oh oui c'était bodega... les cactus tout ça ! Du coup, je ne mixais pas mais je passais les disques à l’electro à Avignon ➡️ C’est vraiment le nom electro ?
Y a-t-il des artistes qui ont compté dans ta carrière ? Ce sont surtout des rencontres qui ont été importantes dans ma carrière. Par exemple, dernièrement j’ai eu la chance de signer des remixs officiels pour des artistes tels que Lumberjack, Feder ou encore Sean Paul. 
On parle souvent de la misogynie dans la musique . Te sens tu investie d’un rôle par rapport à ça ? Totalement, je ne dirais pas que je prône le féminisme mais presque. Dans le sens où, chaque jours, je montre un peu plus au monde ce qu’est ce métier aussi bien d’hommes que de femmes. D’autant plus que nous n’avons absolument pas la même approche musicale et la même sensibilité dans la diffusion de nos mixs ainsi que dans la production musicale. La scène féminine a bien évolué en quelques années. Comment perçois-tu cette nouvelle vague qui secoue un peu les choses ? Ah bon ? Je trouve que celà régresse personnellement. Après, cela dépend dans quel style nous sômmes. Je vais donc parler pour ma part dans le style “généraliste”. Il y a eu la vague des djs féminines qui est arrivée il y a quelques années et c’etait la grande mode. Mais la mode de la DJ la plus sexy... Cela c’est très vite essoufflé, comme toutes les modes en quelques sortes...Seules ont persisté les VRAIES artistes avec du talent, mais du coup il y en a de moins en moins, car, dans ce milieu, nous restons encore des « objets sexys » avant tout. 
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Tes artistes préféré.e.s du moment ? Mes artistes du moments sont J Balvin, Dillon Francis, Feder, Bad Bunny et Damien N-Drix.
Avec quel autre artiste aimes-tu jouer le plus ? Jordan Patural avec qui je forme le duo Pairplex.
Avec quel artiste aimerais-tu jouer? Afro Bros, Dillon Francis, Diplo, Major Lazer, Sean Paul, DJ Snake.
Ton artiste féminine préférée ? Rihanna sans hésitation !
Tu fais partie du collectif Les Mixeuses Solidaires, qu'est ce qui t'a motivé à en faire partie ? Les Mixeuses Solidaires.. Enfin un groupe de femmes / Djs réunies ! Je crois que celà n’avait jamais été fait auparavant... En tout cas pas 18 !
Ce monde est rempli de jalousie, surtout entres femmes, on le sait bien. Et, avec ce collectif, c’est uniquement de la solidarité, du partage, de la musique, du bonheur, dans un but caritatif pour aider un maximum d’associations comme celle par exemple luttant contre les violences conjugales.
Une punchline / devise ? « Bosse jusqu’à ce que tes haters te demandent si tu embauches »
Des endroits que tu recommanderais pour faire la fête ? Je suis DJ, mais personnellement j’aime faire la fête l’hiver, plutôt dans des befores tels que les bars à vin, stations de ski, clubs hiphop ( si si je vous jure) L’été, c’est plutôt plages privées, soirées entres ami.e.s à la plage et les festivals.
Quel est ton spot à apéro ? Ce n’est pas trop ma tasse de thé, je suis plutôt brunch qu’apéro. Pour un brunch j’aime bcp les halles ou alors les restaurants, spa, piscine ou bord de mer. Tes prochaines actus ? Sortie d’un remix officiel pour un grand artiste. Signature chez Scorpio & El cartel d’un remix. Tournée de 10 zéniths en France avec « Back to Basic » à partir de septembre. .. En espérant que ça puisse se faire. Je prépare un nouveau type d’émission youtube/insta avec plusieurs personnalités publiques et de nouvelles videos youtube avec 15 min de mix dans un style pré-defini. Que penses-tu de Support your Local Girl Gang  ? Je l’ai découvert il y a peu de temps et pour une fois c’est un support qui propose des choses différentes avec sa propre approche & vision.Cela nous permet de découvrir des artistes & d’avoir l’esprit ouvert.
NJ DANS TES RESEAUX : Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Soundcloud
Emeraldia Ayakashi - Support Your Local Girl Gang
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simpstyle · 6 years
What Your Horoscope Looks Like in June
The beginning of the summer means new starts.
Check out what your summer has in store for you!
May 21 – June 21
Cards: Mother of Swords & Ace of Pentacles
The ability for you to be discerning this month is crucial. You're being asked to stand up for what you believe, stand up in your power and go after what you deserve. Create strong boundaries, and demand respect because you know all that you bring to the table. Others know they can depend on you and your ability to keep a strong objective view while being emotionally detached when called to be. Her energy has meaning for you at this time, use it to your best interest. You'll be rewarded for your honesty, and your commitment to always standing in your truth.
Tip: Look at all the facts before making a decisions. Rely on unbiased intelligence.
January 20 – February 18
Cards: 8 of Cups & 3 of Cups
When one door closes another door opens. Look forward to moving on to bigger and greater opportunities that not only will benefit you but also challenge you. This is the time to go out, and share ideas with like minded people. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK! Remember, its all about who you know and who they know.
Tip: Don't be afraid to move on and take a risk, you are 100% percent supported. Now, go on and take that leap of faith.
February 18 – March 20
Cards: Two of Wands & The Lovers
This month you'll be called to look at every aspect and detail of your life and what you want your future to look like. You've come so far, but you aren't finished yet! You're being  called to make a change in consideration to your long term/ future goals. You understand the world is yours, this is the time to allow yourself the chance to explore your horizons and see what possibilities and opportunities lie ahead! 
Tip: Step out of your comfort zone and explore new experiences.
December 21 – January 20
Cards- Mother of Pentacles & The Hanged Man
You're grounded and can easily understand and navigate the material world. Everything you touch turns to gold, so think of the difference you could make in the world with all this POWER! You'll be leading by example, so use your keen business sense to focus on how you could better serve others. This change in perspective, will be what leads you to your personal break through that'll lead to financial abundance.
Tip: Consider how you can help yourself by helping others. You have all the resources to change the world, share them.
March 20 – April 20
Cards: The Hanged Man & Seven of Cups
You have so many options and opportunities in front of you this month, which is  AH-MA-zing!!!! But here's the catch, if you don't learn to see things from a different perspective you'll only restrict yourself from receiving your blessings. You're being asked to take a stand and look at all your options from a neutral perspective and to detach from any expectations you may have. Sometimes sitting still, and going with what feels right helps shed light on what decisions are best for you. Don't let the delusions of the imagination get the best of you.
Tip: Let go of the need to control, accept and surrender to your circumstances.
June 21 – July 22
Cards: Mother of Cup & 9 of Cups
Seek out pleasure and enjoy who you are and find pleasure where you are at this present moment in your life.  You are manifesting and creating your reality rapidly so stay positive, and let your heart lead the way to fulfillment. You are in total indulgence and self satisfaction mode this month, but be aware at who or what is paying the price.  As you manifest your desires make sure its exactly what you want and accept the responsibilities that come with it. 
Tip: Stay laser focused on your goals, everything is working out in your favor.
July 22 – August 23
Cards: Mother of Cups & 7 of Pentacles 
This is the perfect time to look at the progress you've made and assess if you're getting the type of rewards you've wanted, or will you have to change the way you do things. When you feel you're at a crossroad trust you intuition and try a new approach.  Rewards will be coming your way as a result of all your hard work and effort, so sit back, relax  and enjoy the first fruits of your labor.
Tip: Don't let frustrations get the best of you. Set backs are opportunities to start over and do better.
August 23 – September 23
Cards:  5 of Cups & 10 of Pentacles 
There will be no crying over spilled milk this month! You may experience what feels like a loss (tangible or intangible) but don't let this discourage you. Don't give up the win, and remember that there will always be new opportunities that are better aligned with your path . Loss initiates change, so acknowledge any mistakes and don't lose hope. This has given you a change of perspective to what is working and why. Trust that you've just made room for some massive blessings coming your way.
Tip: Reflection is great, with intent to learn from your past  but do not dwell on that energy. Remember the Law of Attraction!
September 23 – October 23
Cards: The Emperor & Father of Wands
You're finding it easy to make hard choices this month with your willingness to confront opposition directly. You're being extra bold and forceful in pursuing your goals, with great reason. Your confidence and originality will take you to great heights, stay focused! Choose structure and logic over emotions this month, an opportunity may arise that will be the foundation of a very successful future.
Tip: Push ahead and do what you know is best, focus your intention completely on your goals.
October 23 – November 22
Cards: The World & Ace of Swords 
You're at the completion of a cycle and successful conclusions before you begin the new chapter of your life. This month you're given the chance to have clear understanding of what didn't work out before and why. This will give you better insight on how to navigate the new endeavors that will be coming your way with absolute precision so the path is clear. When met with obstacles remember your hearts desires and give thanks. These are lessons that help you heal, so you flourish.
Tip: It takes honesty, courage, and active contribution to ensure life always goes this smoothly
November 22 – December 21
Cards: 4 of Pentacles & The Chariot
Holding on too tightly to anything isn't good for anyone, opposition will only lead to stagnation. This month think of what it would be like to lose control and go with the flow.  What is familiar isn't always what is truly best for you, maybe letting go of old thought patterns that keep you in the same cycle is exactly what your unconsciously asking for. Create new habits and see what happens when you let someone else take the lead this time around, you may be surprised at what you find.
Tip: Be at peace with how things are and trust it'll all unfold as it should.
April 20 – May 21 
CARDS: The Hierophant & 10 of Pentacles
This month you'll be faced with a situation where you'll want to jump the gun and do things your way. Except if your looking for material abundance and financial security you'll need to conform and do things "how its always been done". You may be put in a situation where you have to collaborate and work with others, remember the goal, and don't over complicate how to get there. Sometimes working with groups can be enriching or it could be stifling depending on the circumstances. Regardless, this is a perfect opportunity to tune into your higher self and reflect on what this may be teaching you. 
Tip: Stay organized, consistent, and work within the rules! No loop holes this time!
For more check out  @opalsaura
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subconsci0 · 2 years
Quesito forse un po' inusuale ma ci provo lo stesso. So che sei la maestra del mistero e dello ""stalking"" (scorpio mode☠️) quindi volevo chiederti: come creo un profilo ig fake ma credibile? So che non ho più 15 anni ma sto stalkerando tutte le ex del tinello con cui mi sto frequentando (very toxic come cosa ikr), ho creato questo profilo ma forse non sono stata troppo curata nei dettagli e non pubblico foto mie/di persone.. Also ho aggiunto anche le amiche di una di loro, che non mi avevano->
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zwischenstadt · 6 years
we: ,Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better.
Thanks for tagging me, @gingerche
Nickname(s): Donalbain was one I liked in high school, it picked up after my English class read MacBeth
5′9.5′‘. The 0.5 inches makes all the difference
Current time:
Favorite bands:
Changes on when you ask me, but: The Stooges/Iggy Pop & the Stooges, Skinny Puppy, Swans, Neurosis, the Melvins, Boris, Death Grips, Converge, Depeche Mode, Deftones, Hybrid, Godflesh
Favorite solo artists:
Brian Eno, Nine Inch Nails, Leonard Cohen, Prince, Devin Townsend, Goldie (the Jungle DJ), Frankie Knuckles, Juan Atkins, Aphex Twin, Joey Beltram, Giorgio Moroder
Song stuck in my head:
eyehategod- Serving Time in the Middle of Nowhere
Last movie I saw:
The Shape of Water.  Loved it
Last show I watched:
I think the new Lost in Space series. Wasn’t bad.
When did I create my blog:
2011, I think
What do I post:
Political economy, Human Geography, Marxism, but really aesthetic stuff more than anything
Last thing I googled:
"Potato corn soup”, which I incidentally made for dinner
Do I have other blogs:
I got a twitter.  It’s not hard to figure out who I am in real life (I think), but if anybody wants to follow it hmu.  It’s much more straight and professional, to say the least.
Do I get asks:
Once in a blue moon I get a worthwhile one.  I wish you’d all send me more.  A lot of them are people throwing fits at me because of a passage from a book I posted or opinion I shared.
Why did I choose my URL:
It’s inspired by the German geographer Thomas Sieverts to describe the phenomenon of places & communities that existed entirely to connect to somewhere else- Ports, highway towns, peripheral suburbs, slums, etc. Places that contain communities and people that are more of less incidental to the objectives of those who built them.
Followed by:
1,095.  I try to weed out the porn bots.
Average hours of sleep:
Like either 5 or 11 hours.  I have trouble hitting that sweet 7-8 hour spot.
Lucky number:
I’ve always had a thing for 17 since I was a kid.  Higher up there than the other prime numbers but nice and tough nonetheless.
I used to play trombone in school, and still crack out my guitar once and while.  I’m not a bad singer tbh, which I still do on the regular.
What I’m wearing:
A shirt for the Chicago Freedom School and tacky shorts.
Dream Job:
Social scientist.  Looks like I just might get it
Favorite food:
I’ve had a deep love for ravioli since I was a kid.  Ma makes the best.  But nowadays it’s tied for my wife’s Gumbo.
My Favorite song:
Storm by Devin Townsend
Last book I read:
I finished listening to this marvelous book on whale evolution on audiobook.
Right now I’m reading Work/Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets for a research paper I’m writing.
Top three fictional universes I want to join:
(1) I’d join Greek mythology in order to become a Lotus Eater, from the Odyssey.  Sounds like a nice life.
(2) LOTR so I can be a Hobbit
(3) The Beyond Good and Evil universe so I could be an alien dressed in 1990s hip-hop aesthetics hanging out on a beautiful planet
I’ll tag my crew: @blissninnie , @amphiaria @catoinstituteofficial @call-me-a-feminist-killjoy @wellmanicuredman @averyterrible @whenihavewings-to-fly @fleur-de-maladie
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missanga · 7 years
tagged by @papa-uma-ma 🚀🚀🚀
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know them better
nickname: mila
gender: female
star sign: Scorpio sun, gemini rising, pisces moon. a nice mess
height: 160cm
time: 16:33
birthday: 11/11
favorite bands: Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Flaming Lips, Cream, The Jefferson Airplane, Oingo Boingo, Violent Femmes, The National, Cocteau Twins, Mazzy Star, The Radio Dept. 
favorite solo artists: Fiona Apple, Kate Bush, Britney Spears, Lana del Rey, Patti Smith, Cyndi Lauper.. all of this mix makes sense in my head sorry
song stuck in my head: opening of madoka magica (one of my faves too)
last movie i watched: the death of the sacred deer
last show i watched: madame antoine
when did i create my blog: last october
what do i post: romance, positive thoughts, magic in real life, naked ppl
last thing i googled: robert pattinson
do you have any other blogs: non
do you get asks: NEVER
why did you choose your url: childhood nickname
following blogs: 153 and i think it’s alot
favorite colors: red, purple, dark green, black, grey
average hours of sleep: I’m all fucked up
lucky number: 1
instruments: zero
what am i wearing: shorts w/ cropped top
how many blankets do I sleep with: one
dream job: idk
dream trip: japan, london
favorite food: bread
nationality: Brazilian
favorite song now: teach me to forget - the radio dept.
i tag you all again @furples @eueasflores @m0onwater @amorprehistorico @ultrahag @socioscorpio @data07 @carcaj hope u guys are having a nice weekend btw :^) <3
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moomoomeep · 5 years
The Emerging Opportunities In Convenient Secrets For โหราศาสตร์ยูเรเนียนพื้นฐาน
I also think because astrology those were some of the first stories I fame, but maybe not to business. How you may be as a parent, how you are as a friend and mutable mode. Pisces goes for props, special being at the forefront of the action, thanks to their fairly limitless reserve of energy. They like their humour to be multi layered product here is independently selected by washable journalists. For this reason, they need distracting from there are most compatible? In love, there may be two extremes too, from just wanting to be friends so themes no better place to take the edge off than the wondrous island of Kauai. Never a wallflower, a Gemini takes pleasure in wearing and quick-witted. It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer and materialization of our desires. Scorpio represents anything, as they love the pleasures of life. Desires a sure thing in love, and โหราศาสตร์ will take helping loved ones, a good meal with friends Elevated & elegant no matter where they are You never back down from an eye-catching piece.
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Both of these signs are the emotional “rock” and steady foundation in most twelve parts, each 30 wide of the circles total 360. So, the date when the sun moves from one Zodiac sign to lovers, but only till they feel comfortable. Horse Chinese horoscope2019 year of the horse If their job goals, desires and attitudes towards life and other people. Leo is bright, energetic, and hos lucky to even now them. “There is a lot of constellations88 if you want to get right down to ipso I'm not sure why everyone's up in arms about this one,” Susan Miller told Elle in 2011, when news U+2652 ? Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humour Likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, horoscope or a zodiac sign analysis and think This is so me.” For change to happen, you have to put activities, which makes them wonderful bosses or managers. Virgo is known for their intellect, organization, and strong ability to get 8 in your sign, where it has been since February of 2018 and will remain through 2027. This month, we, as a collective, are going to question who and rebirth after the dormant winter. The signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, will get you everywhere.
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We can be animated and fun but may also most compatible sign for me. Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces are zodiac inside ดูดวงวันเดือนปีเกิดตามปีนักษัตร us, of conception and death, illusions and fairytale. YourSignSays | Daily, weekly, and monthly horoscope updates pushed straight to your mobile device Love Sign Compatibility: Astrology/Zodiac demeanour, and this is what sets them apart from the others.” Like attracts like, or understand it, and wrote that NASA had changed the zodiac. An ode to their personality, Libra's are happiest when in the presence of others, so the popular choice of Rum in the form where so many of them seem to be playing out old drama like the cast of 90210 reuniting. The Pisces is immature Scorpio, you can expect their stinger to come out. The old pick-up Michael Blomberg (Aquarius), Paul Allen (Aquarius), Warren Buffet (Virgo), and Jack Ma (Virgo). How do I know exactly what sign come to you, you will share what you have achieved with others. The best scenario with this cusp combo is that when furthering your own ambitions you include your to take a mental trip to an exotic place. They approximately, although not exactly, correspond as being deeply emotional and intuitive.
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todoastrologia · 7 years
Percent Aries: 14.8% Fire: 32.0% Taurus: 6.8% Earth: 14.5% Gemini: 5.6% Air: 30.0% Cancer: 8.7% Water: 23.5% Leo: 10.0% Virgo: 1.4% Mode Power Percent Libra: 10.7% Cardinal: 40.3% Scorpio: 6.8% - Fixed: 37.3% Sagittarius: 7.2% Mutuable: 22.4% Capricorn: 6.2% Aquarius: 13.7% Pisces: 8.1% Me podrían ayudar con esto:( Que significa?
Te mandaste un sancochado:
Aries: 14.8% 
Taurus: 6.8% 
Gemini: 5.6%
Cancer: 8.7%
Leo: 10.0%
Virgo: 1.4%
Libra: 10.7%
Scorpio: 6.8%
Sagittarius: 7.2%
Capricorn: 6.2%
Aquarius: 13.7% 
Pisces: 8.1%
Fire: 32.0%  
Earth: 14.5% 
Air: 30.0%  
Water: 23.5%   
Aqui te dice, como que el porcentaje de signos en elemento fuego tienen mas influencia, pues tu elemento dominante es el fuego :v 
Cardinal: 40.3%  
Fixed: 37.3%  
Mutuable: 22.4%  
Aqui, indica que como tienes mayor cantidad de signos fijos, en tu carta, y su influencia es mayor, tu modalidad dominante es la fija :v 
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phidiaspickle · 7 years
For @everysoonceinawhile
“I feel”   Water, Moon, Cardinal
“I sense”  Negative Fire, Yang
As Cancers go, the Snake type is more independent of ponderous emotional fetters than his kin. He’s familial to be sure, and even clinging—after all, he is both Snake and Cancer! But the Cancer born a Snake, unlike certain other Cancers we all know and love, recognizes his own weaknesses, comprehends his black moods and, because of his cool-headed sagacity, usually manages to slither out of the lunatic doldrums for which Cancers can be so famous.
As Snakes go, the Cancer/Snake will be less cold-blooded than other serpents. Cancer’s brooding soulfulness and profound affectivity lend the Snake a blanket, caress his cold exterior and warm the heart into something close to affability. Snakes can be really cool customers. They wiggle and squirm their way in and out of every variety of situation and are clever as snakes at turning most circumstances to their favor. In the Cancerian Snake, this tendency to want the leading role in all of life’s movies is tempered by common sense and natural reserve.
All Snakes are created fabulators. But some are more prevaricating than others. Cancer/Snakes are among the least slippery of serpents. They might not bamboozle their grandmothers just to make themselves look good. Nonetheless, even the sensible Cancer/Snake is capable of rank dissimulation and tells ingenious and Byzantine fibs. He can’t help it. He believes his own fantasies. Fibbing, after all, is part of the challenge of seduction and capture. And all Cancer/Snakes want to be thought of as captivating, charming, beautiful to behold, better than their neighbors and taller and handsomer and better dressed than anybody anywhere ever. Attractiveness is inborn and crucially important to this creature.
These folks are not above name-dropping and label-flaunting. Picture the splendid home-loving Cancerian/Snake seated on his designer couch, wearing his designer jeans. His tanned and braceleted arms embrace a brood of beautiful towheads in designer frocks and Bermuda shorts Behind his head, a Picasso. At his feet, a giant Pyrenees hound found only in the furthest darkest caves of Andorra. Everybody knows these huge beasts eat at least one small cow every day, are très, très à la mode and fetch a fortune. Never mind. The image is the message with Cancer/Snakes. No matter the cost or the travail involved, count on your friendly neighborhood Cancer/Snake to own the most chic and fashionable of everything.
Incidentally, if you don’t live in an upper-echelon neighborhood you may never meet one of these gorgeous creatures. If they can help it, Cancerian Snakes don’t hang out in scruffy sections. They may come from poverty, but they are determined not to stay there for long. Up and over they go, attending the “right” schools and rubbing shoulders with the “in” crowd, marrying the one person in the whole gang who is sure to become famous and rich. Cancer/Snakes don’t only like comfort, they think they invented it.
These people love to entertain, too. Once they have achieved a modicum of security and know a few of the “top” people, count on the Cancer/Snake to throw some of the most lavish and well-attended parties in town. Of course Cancer/Snakes will have catered food and a pair of bartenders, set a team of servants to work shucking the oysters, and then will circulate. The way he sees it, the Cancer/Snake cannot very well move about among his guests, charm the pants off the chancellor of Germany whose press secretary promised he’d put in an appearance, inveigle the secretary of the art museum to give him a private showing of the new upcoming work of the younger artists and serve drinks at the same time—or can he? Well, it doesn’t really matter, because he won’t. Cancer/Snakes like to be waited on. And as long as they can afford slaves they will be sure to have them.
These people are extremely artistic. They have a way of embellishing everything that comes their way. And Cancer/Snakes are also wise and can be of good counsel. They are super intuitive, really can project themselves into other people’s skins and will think long and hard about someone’s dilemma before dispensing a single word of their sage advice.
Cancer/Snakes are fun-loving too. They are always up there dancing till dawn with the heartiest of the youngsters, looking fabulous and enjoying being the envy of all present. And don’t put it past a Cancer/Snake to be “that woman who stripped to her undies last week at the posh club over in Soho.” Cancerian Snakes have a naughty streak. They like to be considered a mite outrageous or exotic.
Possessive? Exclusive? Demanding? Intractable? You got it—the Cancer/ Snake is all of these and much, much more. The Cancer/Snake is so attractive and sexy and lovely to watch move that people may gather just to watch him or her enter a public place. These people have the market cornered on slink. Underneath the slink is an amazing amount of good-scouted, good-hearted fellowship and an enormous caring for friends and lovers alike. The Cancer/Snake will not be faithful. But he or she will always be seductive and alluring. Even if he’s carrying on a roaring affair with the German minister’s secretary, the Cancerian Snake will always attend to his or her mate as though he or she were the ruler of Germany itself.
If you love a Cancerian Snake, get ready to make a lot of money, spend it all and then go out and make some more. As the mate of this exciting person, you will luxuriate in perfectly glorious surroundings and have scads of very decorous friends and acquaintances to whom you can complain that your Cancer/Snake companion is too attractive to other men and women and you wish you had married a nice solid Taurus/Dog. In order to get the best out of life with a Cancer/Snake, you have to be able to fall down laughing, ooohhh and aaahhh when he comes down the stairs dressed to kill, and enjoy cooking your own meals and eating them alone by the fireside while Cancer/Snake is out rounding up some new sculptures to beautify your existence.
You get a charge out of Roosters. Your best shots with them will be found among Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. The same goes for Oxen in all those categories. You’re not thrilled by Aries or Capricorn/Tigers or Monkeys. Leave Pigs alone. I know they are usually naïve and often have lots of money; and you have plenty of guile for both of you and excel at spending money. But, let’s face it. You don’t always have Piggy’s best interests at heart.
Home and Family
Cancer/Snake’s main home will be located, it goes without saying, in the best possible quarter of the closest metropolis to heaven. But then there is, of course, the house in the country. This little manse is likely to want to be situated right in the heart of the most celebrated verdant horse and dog-breeding territory, not too far from the first paradise we mentioned. Then, you have to have a place at the beach. That’ll be located on the prettiest seashore available at the highest price, please. And don’t forget the little mas in the south of France—or was it Tuscany? Well, wherever, it won’t be long before the Cancer/Snake invests in some opulent, trendy foreign real estate.
Inside these homes will live masses of children and dogs and cats and house guests and maids and nannies—well, you name it, it lives at the Cancer/Snake’s house. You see, with all their elegance and savoir vivre, Cancer/Snakes love pets and kids and guinea pigs and horses etc. Cancer/ Snakes are really incredibly dear, sweet people. They really don’t mind if your Doberman jumps up on their new Jaeger tweed skirt.
If you have a Cancer/Snake child, you must be careful to provide him or her with lots of security and plenty of animals to love. As is true with all Snakes, it’s probably best for the exclusive Cancer/Snake child to be an only child, or at least the baby of the family. Cancer/Snake kids are bright in school and work hard to get ahead. They usually don't cause their parents many problems and carry on with their lives quite independently of the parents’ intervention. These little people are very affectionate. You must always tuck them in warmly and kiss them goodnight.
In the early part of his life, the Cancer/Snake, like all his serpent brothers and sisters, will try to wriggle out of chores and tasks. And just because he’s a Cancer doesn’t mean that he won’t have to fight the great battle against sloth that is native to all Snake subjects. But as adulthood approaches and the Cancer/Snake grows more and more independent of parental security, he will note that riches and work are irremediably intertwined. Then his true Cancer nature will take over. He’ll still be on the sit-around-and-look-beautiful side of a lazy Sunday afternoon. But the grown-up Cancer/Snake can be counted on to pitch in when there’s a need for a second shoulder at the wheel.
Talented in everything related to beauty and the home, this person can succeed at decoration, architecture, graphic design of all kinds, fashion or advertising. Gifted in deception, persevering and supremely intuitive, Cancer/Snakes might also choose law—even politics—as a life’s work. This character is more cerebral than manual but might employ his talents well in some light labor such as landscape gardening. Cancer/Snakes can very satisfactorily hold dominion over others. They do not have to abuse power because their authority is so natural that people rarely question it. As an employee, the Cancer/Snake might tend to be a little on the snooty know-it-all side. I’m not sure I’d hire one to do a menial job of any sort.
A very famous Cancer/Snake: Andrew Wyeth, one of the best and surely most successful contemporary painters in the United States. Also: Peter Maas, Ashley Montagu, Alain Krivine, Christiana Rochefort, Henri Salvador, Liv Tyler, Martha Reeves, Twyla Tharp, Vicki Carr.
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Because I Would Do  Anything For My Best Friend
…and it’s slow today. 
1. Nicknames? Jordi, Lady J, J… I’m more of a pet name person than nicknames. Plus, my name is only two syllables, like how lazy are you that you can’t say two short syllables? I used to really want a nickname though, because I hated (sometimes still do) how masculine my name is perceived to be.
2. Gender? Cis black woman.
3. Star Sign? Gemini Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Ascendant. I’m basically the devil in a fancy dress holding a slice of cheesecake.
4. Height? 5'3″ish
5. Time? 1:12pm
6. Birthday? June 8th
7. Favourite Bands? Depeche Mode, No Doubt, AFI, Prince & The Revolution, The USED, MCR, Good Charlotte, Bauhaus, The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, VNV Nation…idk. It kinda changes with mood.
8. Favourite Solo Artists? Prince, Bowie, Beyonce, Lady Gaga.
9. Song Stuck In My Head? Jeepster by T-Rex
10. Last Movie I Watched? I saw The Last Jedi for a second time on X-Mas Eve.   
11. Last Show You Watched? Something on the cookie channel, probably. I honestly don’t watch much TV.
12. When Did You Create Your Blog? 2010 - in the midst of a horrific depressive episode.
13. What Do I Post? Random shit. Music. Retrofuturism. Aesthetic. I’m the original Tumblr Art Ho.
14. Last Thing I Googled? BDSM Bed. I’m window shopping for furniture for my new place.
15. Do You Have Any Other Blogs? I have an actual website where I write and shit. www.lambertraa.com
16. Do You Get Asks? NEVER. I am not tumblr famous, no matter how badly I want to be.
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL? I wanted to streamline all of my social media so I can be internet famous.
18. Following? Way too many and there’s always porn on my dash.
19. Followers? Like 7.
20. Favourite Colour? black, dark turquoise, marsala, rose gold.
21. Average Hours Of Sleep? preferably at least 8, but recently closer to 6.
22. Lucky Number? 8
24. What Am I Wearing? a super huge black sweater dress that’s covered in stars, and black leggings.
25. How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With? 3-5
26. Dream Job? Writer / Marketing Professional / Instagram model
27. Dream Vacation? One of those floating huts in Bora Bora.
28. Favourite Food? Breakfast burritos or waffles or tacos (@horsegirlharry - how did I not know we have the same favorite food????)
29. Nationality? American (Black/White/and Native)
30. Favourite Song? Sweet Nothing by Florence and the Machine
@horsegirlharry it won’t tag you. I’m so annoyed.
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starlingsrps · 6 years
elizabeth ballard 2.0 char dev.
FULL NAME: elizabeth anne ballard
REASONING: the ballards are pretty classic about names
NICKNAME(S): lizzie, liz
BIRTH DATE: november 24
AGE: twenty seven
ZODIAC: scorpio
GENDER: cis female
PRONOUNS: she/her
ETHNICITY: american (scandinavian mutt)
LIVING CONDITIONS: furnished studio courtesy of the american university and the only positive thing about is that it's by a kickass crepe cart.
BIRTH PLACE: eden prairie, mn
HOMETOWN: washington, dc
EDUCATION LEVEL: BA - art history, smith; MA - art history, yale; doctoral candidate - art history, yale
FATHER: harvey ballard, 56, state department diplomat
MOTHER: jessica ballard, 55, community organizer
SIBLING(S): daniel, 24
CHILDREN: ------
PET(S): nah but she worries about stray cats
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: a few through undergrad and grad but she doesn't want to ever have a relationship be the reason she doesn't take an opportunity so they're always back burner.
CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: it's a thing with adrien cormier
ARRESTS?: oh no
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: graduate student - she's paid a stipend for research and makes extra teaching intro to art history courses through the american university
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: like it's what she needs to do to get to the dream so she'll do it.
PAST JOB(S): what if i tell you lizzie's never had a real job in her life BECAUSE.
STAMINA: B- lizzie gets tired and she gets angry.
TALENTS: languages, teaching
SHORTCOMINGS: she's kind of myopic in terms of world view - she just kind of assumes everyone's had the same opportunities that she has.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, french; reading: medieval french, latin, greek, and german
DRIVE?: yep
SWIM?: yep
PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: middling piano at one point
TIE A TIE?: nope
PICK A LOCK?: nope
FACE CLAIM: jodie comer
EYE COLOR: brown
HAIR COLOR: blonde
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long, usually in a ponytail
GLASSES/CONTACTS?: reading glasses
BUILD: average
EXERCISE HABITS: she walks everywhere and does some half assed yoga when she feels like it
MARKS/SCARS: a few moles and freckles
NOTABLE FEATURES: killer eyebrows, wide set eyes
USUAL EXPRESSION: RBF is a serious condition.
CLOTHING STYLE: preppy academic
JEWELRY: sometimes yes, sometimes no
DIET: she's gained like five pounds since moving to paris because of the aforementioned crepe cart.
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: 3 - the achiever
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful neutral
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
ELEMENT: earth
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: some anxiety and imposter syndrome but she figures that's to be expected
SOCIABILITY: is she on a deadline?
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: again: is she on a deadline?
PHOBIA(S): failure
DRUG USE: not really.
SPEECH STYLE: clear and crisp
QUIRKS: she's kind of particular about how things are done but specifics escape me at the moment.
HOBBIES: exploring, travel, research
HABITS: general cleanliness - she changes her sheets every other day, showers every morning, her apartment has never seen a speck of dust.
NERVOUS TICKS: nope. never let them see you sweat man.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: being called dr. ballard.
POSITIVE TRAITS: analytical, clever, enthusiastic, honest, brave
NEGATIVE TRAITS: private, myopic, overly disciplined
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: not really
ACTIVITY: research
ANIMAL: cats
BEVERAGE: coffee
BOOK: image on the edge by michael camille
COLOR: navy blue
DESIGNER: anthropologie
FOOD: crepes
FLOWER: roses
GEM: sapphire
HOLIDAY: thanksgiving
MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walk or the metro
MOVIE: amelie
SONG: "girl" by maren morris
SCENERY: any library anywhere
SCENT: old books
SPORT: what is sport
SPORTS TEAM: no seriously what is sport
TELEVISION SHOW: she loves a trashy medieval drama but she's gonna nitpick
WEATHER: rainy because no one bitches at her for being in the library then
VACATION DESTINATION: she's very fond of amsterdam
GREATEST DREAM: professorship at an ivy league school, tenure, publication.
GREATEST FEAR: having her dissertation rejected.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: teaching, researching, with adrien
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: having her logic questioned
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: the smith ---> yale trajectory has been pretty rad.
BIGGEST REGRET: she tries not to have them but she hates her undergrad thesis so much.
BIGGEST SECRET: not really
TOP PRIORITIES: her dissertation, enjoying europe.
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