#Alliance Crusader
alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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call-me-enn · 22 days
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makuta-kotok · 3 months
Ideas for Narinder and The Bishops in my take on The Goat’s universe: Crusade of The Goat.
Leshy The Worm -> Balor The Badger : Stoic God of Law and Trade
Heket The Toad -> Thof The Crane : Whimsical God of Song and Scribes
Kallamar The Squid -> Karkharodo The Shark : Lone Goddess of Combat and The Hunt
Shamura The Spider -> Cephas The Monkey : Wily God of Art and Construction
Narinder The Cat -> Ragnyi The Wolf : Wayward God of Love and Fertility
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p0isonthewell · 4 months
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lordaeronslost · 29 days
Lucky ones
The warning had saved their lives.
From his small desk in their shared office at Valiance, Arcavius watched his longtime commander turned mentor as she read the latest report for what was now the third time.  Outside, the wind keened with a storm that had swept in off the water, leaving the windows and exterior walls coated in ice.
Somehow, given the reports that kept coming in, Northrend’s gales seemed far preferable to the fate that had come to so many who’d been in Dalaran instead.  Grimstryke’s warning had saved them to be certain, though the chill that crept down Arcavius’s spine had nothing to do with the cold.
Two more days and they’d have been back in Dalaran.  Half of them had been due to go and meet with some colleagues there ahead of their next duty rotation.  He had no doubt that whatever the plan had originally been for that, it was about to change.
He cleared his throat.  “Is there anything new in that one, Commander, or is it the same as the rest?”
“No,” she growled.  “No, not really.  No one seems to—blast it all.  No one seems to know anything beyond something apparently going terribly wrong just after the teleportation.  Some kind of attack.  This one at least suggests that more information could be forthcoming but I’ll be damned if—”
“Jude.”  Quin stood in the doorway, fully armored and cheeks ruddy from the cold.  Some of the snow and ice from outside was melting into her short-cropped hair in the warmth from the stove in the corner.  In her hand was an envelope bearing an Argent seal and she held it out toward the red-haired mage.  “Another report.  Orders were for your eyes first.”
Brow furrowing slightly, Jude came around the desk to take the letter from the paladin.  “Who delivered it?”
“You sure you want to know?”
Jude winced at that before she slid her thumb beneath the seal.  “Of course I don’t.  Do you think that—”
“I think that everything is coming at us very quickly and that every side is going to need every level-headed commander that they have at the ready,” Quin said, folding her hands behind her in a parade rest.  “Present company included.”
Jude winced again, reading the report once, then again.  Lips thinning, she handed it back to Quin.
“What is it?” Arcavius asked.
“We’re to leave a skeleton garrison here and immediately report to Stormwind for imminent deployment,” Jude said quietly.  “Alert the others, Cavandar.”
“Of course,” Arcavius murmured, feeling his heart start to crawl up into his throat.  “But why is the Argent Da—Crusade sending us to Stormwind for deployment?  Where are we going?”
“Seems that the attack on Dalaran involved nerubians,” Quin said, folding the report.  “Curious, that.”
“Very curious,” Jude agreed.  “But it does explain why they want us.”
“Yup,” Quin sighed.  “Because if there’s one thing that we’re as good at dealing with as undead…”
Arcavius winced.  “…it’s nerubians.”
“Spread the word, Arcavius,” Jude said again.  “Portals up at dawn.”
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da-riya · 1 year
Might just be skill issue but forming Bosnia is kinda hard cause it's not even an actual kingdom till you do a special event for it
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yami268 · 7 months
Thinking about having a Sky Knight version of the Scarlet Crusade and that definitely would make Aerrow question things.
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findmeinshattrath · 11 months
Really curious about the capabilities of Lightforged Draenei Death Knights.
Cuz this feels like it could be a Sir Zeliek situation to me, at least potentially. I mean, Zeliek could still wield the Light and retain a free mind purely because of his faith. Plus there where undead Scarlet Crusade paladins who, through some means, still used the light in Post-Cataclysm Tyr's Hand. The Lightforged are completely infused with the Light.
There's something there, I think.
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fireember345 · 1 year
The Lion Man and Cubs Prompt
A WOW fanfic prompt…
Do not own WOW
Anyone can use this fic….
A bit of a TMNT Parody
Mutated Anduin
Lion creature Anduin
Exiled Anduin
After Sylvanas defeat, Tyrande attempts to remove Anduin from power with a few of the Alliance members and nobles, Jaina tries to talk them out of it
Anduin feared that they were going to kill him and fled before he could be usurped
Feeling no longer able to return to the Alliance, fled to find his purpose with only his father’s sword and compass
He felt that he failed the Alliance and his father, lost hope, and wanders without any thought for his safety
He then was captured by the Scarlet Crusade, who hoped to take over Azeroth with an army created for the light
Since Anduin was the most excellent priest when it came to the light, they believed that his bloodline would be a crucial ingredient to creating warriors dedicated to eradicating those who deny it
They also collected animals to act as servants for when they wipe out rivals against the light, both Alliance and Horde, using Anduin’s Blood to harvest and mutate them
Anduin did not fight back with broken spirit until he saw the animals, the feline species being caged like he was
Varian visits his mind, telling his son that he must do what a king must do, restoring Anduin’s fire as his bloodline fused with a cub Savannah Prowler Lion, Sable Jaguar cub, Kitten, Cheetah Cub, Mountain Lion Cub, Snow Panther Cub, Jungle Panther Cub, Swift Stormsaber Cub, Tiger Cub, Sea lion Cub, Lion seal cub, and Grovestalker Lynx kitten, turning them into human cat men
Anduin used a smiting spell, regaining his sword to free the mutants, animals, and the creatures that now shared his DNA
All the while, the Alliance and Horde (Not together) were raiding the Scarlet Crusade base when they caught wind of their plan, not knowing Anduin was here until later
When Genn threw a lion out of the way, the dead animal collided with Anduin and the residue that created the mutants, turning Anduin into a Lion Man
Genn didn’t even realize what he had down until he spotted Anduin slowly transform
Anduin escaped before the Alliance, Horde or Scarlet Crusade could reach him, taking the cubs with him
Anduin was distressed by his new form but then find purpose with his newest children to take care of
Soon Anduin was found by a circus and became part of the freakshow, caged up with the cubs, not knowing who he is
At first, many made fun of him
But when one of the carnies were being harassed by a paladin and Anduin intervened, claiming that what he was doing was not the teachings of light
Anduin used a smite spell and defeated the paladin, earning the circus respect
He was given his own wagon for himself and the cubs
He then decided to name the cubs he saved
Savannah Prowler Lion named Varian
Sable Jaguar cub named Gallant
 Kitten named Neku
 Cheetah Cub named Samuel
 Mountain Lion Cub named Vivian
 Snow Panther Cub named Snowbelle
Jungle Panther Cub named Eclipse
 Swift Stormsaber Cub named Taifū
 Tiger Cub named Atticus
Sea lion Cub named Aqua
 Lion seal cub named Elodie
 Grovestalker Lynx kitten named Kiki
Anduin would teach them and care for them with any free time he had
With his act as the Lion Man, he became one of the acrobatics and well-favored
Anduin soon realized that he was needed as the poor creatures turned mutants needed guidance in a cruel and unforgiving world then left the carnival
The Alliance then began to search for Anduin as regret clawed into their hearts
The Scarlet crusade soon began their crusade as they began their mission for the light
Anduin finds the mutant that wished for help and leads them as they were discovered by the Horde
Baine recognized Anduin, happy to see he is unharmed and offer him to join the alliance as its new leader, not a Warchief but the Grand Peacekeeper
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It's about to be Vikings vs Mongols (I'm Scandinavia)
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alphamecha-mkii · 3 months
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ISA Victory by Graham Gazzard
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thejediexile · 2 years
Finally played Keepers in iron in Root and i finally have a new favorite faction
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makuta-kotok · 3 months
to be honest, I don't like it when people ship the lamb and the goat together, it seems kinda too cliche, basically they see something that looks similair to the other character and immidiatly ship them together, kinda like mickey and minnie
What was that?
Sorry, I can’t hear you over the barking of all the cute doggo Narinders.
I’ll be adding my own later today.
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graceintheshadows · 28 days
Lucky ones - Part 2
[see @lordaeronslost for part 1]
The dagger gleamed on the coverlet, polished gunmetal with the smallest hints of blued steel showing through, like stars in the night sky.  The moonstone in the pommel glowed dimly, like Elune set high on a winter night.  The pieces that matched it were laid out to either side and she stood at the edge their bed, staring at the weapons laid out across the blankets.
She nearly flinched at the gentleness in her husband’s voice, wondering how many times he’d said her name before she’d heard.  The distraction—no matter the source—that had swallowed her whole was unforgivable.
I’ve gotten soft.  Perhaps dangerously so.
Of course, that had been by design.
“We’re sure they’re safely settled?”  She half-turned toward Keydyn, her brows knitting.  “That nothing will—”
“Siryn will be with them this time,” her husband said, setting aside his whetstone boot dagger.  “And Lord Sam and Lady Mina will be there, too.  They’ll be fine while the rest of us—”
“That’s what we’ve said a dozen times,” the priestess said with a deep sigh.  “More than that, even.  And sometimes it hasn’t been that way.  It hasn’t been fine.”  Her lips thinned slightly as Keydyn’s hands settled on her arms.  For a moment, she squeezed her eyes shut.
“What’s really bothering you?” he whispered.  “It’s not as if you’re actually capable of staying retired.  You’ve tried three times and it hasn’t stuck.”
“This could have been the time,” she said with the barest trace of wry humor.  A lump built in her throat and she stepped closer, leaning into his chest and inhaling the scent of woodsmoke and leather.  “I just thought—I thought it would be different.  This wasn’t in my plan.”
“What was?”  Keydyn rested his cheek against her temple, wrapping both arms around her as her head settled against his shoulder.  “Were you intending to go out hunting for—”
“Yes,” she whispered.  “No.  I don’t know—maybe I was.  Maybe I was going to make a request of someone to—to do it.”
“We knew that something bad was going to happen,” he said softly.  “The minute Jude got that letter, we knew.  I suspect you knew sooner than that.  Did he...?”
She nodded slightly.  “He did, but the warning wasn’t as stark.  I don’t know why.  Maybe he expected me to be able to glean more information from what wasn’t in the note than I did.  Perhaps he thought Elune would grant me insight.  Damned if I know.”
“Do you think he’ll join us?  Be called up like we are?”
Roiya took a slow, deep breath and shook her head.  “I don’t know.  Based on everything I know, I’d assume that he has duties that will keep him closer to home and considering that we don’t know exactly what kind of situation we’re going to be walking into...no.  No, Keydyn, I don’t think they’ll be calling him up soon.  Not unless he comes as a volunteer.”
“While the rest of us are voluntold.”  He shot her a grin and pressed a kiss to her jaw, then feather-light one to her lips.  “At least we get to go into this with family.  Speaking of, are you ready to eat?  I heard a rumor about one last big meal tonight before we have to finish making ready.”
“A last breath before the storm,” Roiya said softly, glancing back at the weapons laid out on the coverlet.  “Hopefully they’ll be able to see us off from Stormwind.”
“I’m sure that arrangements are already in the works,” Keydyn said, squeezing her one more time before he released her.  “Does she know?”
Her eyes fluttered shut and she sighed.  She knew who he meant.
She shook her head.  “No.  But by morning, she will.  Would you like me to...?”
“I’ll have something to send with yours just after dinner.”
Roiya nodded, letting one hand trail down his arm until their fingers wove together.  “We’ll make time,” she said softly.  “To make up for it.  The three of us.”
“And then the five of us,” he said softly, fingers tightening for a moment.  “This time, you’re stuck with me, Roiya Shadowpaw.  Whether you like it or not.”
The ghost of a grin curved her lips as she stared back at him.  “Bold of you to assume that I’m the one stuck, Keydyn Silverstag.  I am far more of a handful than you are.”
The ranger laughed and dragged her close again, slinging his arm across her shoulders.  “We’ll see about that.”
“Will we?”
“Certainly.  And so will any damn spider that tries to come between us.”
“Hell.  Any fate that tries to come between us.”  She reached up to run her fingers along his cheek and jaw.  “I love you.  You know that.”
“I know,” he agreed.  “And you know the same of me.  I came back from the dead for you.”
“You came back from the Dream for me.”
One corner of his mouth kicked up into a smirk.  “A little bit of both.  At least that’s how Nikus explains it.”
“Speaking of—he’s coming with us, isn’t he?”
Keydyn frowned, glancing toward the door.  “That’s the impression I got, but you know him.”
“I certainly do.  We both do.  But this—”
“I know.  We’ll have to see.  Have to find out.”
“Yes,” she said softly.  “Yes, we will.”
She didn’t like the idea of the druid staying behind.  They’d need both he and his daughter both in the field as healers at the very least, regardless of the magnitude of what they’d end up facing.  That was still an unknown beyond knowing that it would be nerubians.
To what end and what fresh war they were walking into, the priestess-assassin known as Shadowgrace wasn’t certain.  All she knew was that after three attempts at retirement, she was headed out again to war.
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Medieval knight!Jason Todd who's a long-lost son of the Wayne earldom. He took up a crusade when he was younger but was believed to be dead. Only to reveal himself several years later during the swordsmanship tournament hosted by Wayne family. Just as Dick was lying in the sand coughing up blood next to his discarded sword, his unknown challenger took off his scarlet helmet and the entire court erupted in chaos.
That was years ago now. Since then, Sir Todd made amends with his family, but they are by no means close. Jason managed to gain a title and a fief on his own, independent of his family and he takes no small pride in that. These days he and his merry group of loyal warriors take up mercenary work and guardianship if the person has enough coin.
When the local baron hired him to be a personal guard for his daughter, Jason was sure that would be an easy job for a good amount of gold. The red knight soon found out that being your bodyguard is not as easy as he thought. You were quite the escape artist. Whenever a banquet or an audience was too boring for your liking, you simply vanished, and Jason had to search for you high and low to drag you back. It made him grind his jaw and caused his temper to flare more than once.
You were thrilled and appalled that someone spoke to you so crassly and brazenly. Other soldiers your father assigned to you treated you with the utmost respect and gave up after a few months. Not the red knight. He proved himself to be just as stubborn as you, if not more. At this point, it wasn't about money anymore. He just couldn't stand the thought of some spoiled daughter of a noble getting the better of him. Jason had no qualms about throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you back to the castle, while the plate of his armor dug uncomfortably into your stomach.
After six months of this, Jason was fed up with your nonsense and was ready to collect his gold and disappear for good. You were hiding from the baroness, some nonsense about dress fitting or a dance lesson. Jason was just returning from the training grounds when he saw you sitting on the ground near the barn, playing with a fresh litter of kittens. You knew the cat and the kittens well, and judging how other animals treated you it wasn't your first time there. You met his gaze and winked at him, placing a finger to your lips. Your first shared secret.
After that day, your personal guard Jason somehow became your partner in crime. He looked the other way sometimes or followed in a safe distance. You fascinated him, and somehow, before he even knew it, he started to fall for you. He wanted to deny it. Jason reminded himself time and time again why it was a horrible idea. However, he couldn't keep himself from falling more and more for you.
Another day, another one of your daring escapes. This time was, different, though. You took some of your belongings and your horse while leaving a letter to say your goodbyes. Jason did not care for exploring the feelings of absolute horror that grasped his heart at the thought of you disappearing from his life. He immediately set out to search for you. You couldn't escape too far and he knew where to go. He knew you better than anyone.
When he caught up with you, you were residing in a tavern in a small cozy village near the edge of your father's land. You were always annoyed and scathing whenever he came to bring you back home, but this time, you were just sad, almost tearful. Jason demanded an explanation for your unusual disappearance, and the one he received almost made him shatter the pitcher in his hand. The courting season was swiftly approaching.
He knew of your fear and unwillingness to get pawned off for alliance and title. He was also aware that your parents were adamant in marrying you off before grow out of marrigable age.
Which is why your loyal guardian made you an offer. You stay in the village for its upcoming festival, relishing in last days of freedom without responsibility, before returning home. This offer served not only you, but Jason as well. He wanted to revel in your presence before returning to your old life where he was the knight and you were the noble.
In hinsight, he should've realized that was a mistake, because in these last few days he became aware of how smitten he'd become. It was all too easy to forget his duties when you were pretending to be a simple village girl.
You peroused the stalls, gawking at everything you saw and chatting his ear off. He watched you trying to eat the commoner food with your bare hands, hilariously failing. When they arrived in the square where the dance was held, you haven't hesitated before grabbing his hand and pulling him for a dance. Jason wanted to protest, but your bright smile convinced him. He twirled you amongst the townsfolk before he noticed familiar faces heading your way. The baron's soldiers, no doubt they were looking for you.
Quicker than you could react, Jason pulled you into a darkened corner, covering your body with his, pressing your lips together. He kissed you until he knew the guards were gone. He pulled away to apologize but before he could say anything you grabbed him by the lapels of his cloak and pressed your lips together again. You kissed him with sweetness and desperation that stole breath from his lungs, and Jason had no choice but to melt into you. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing you impossibly close to him, your hands slipped from his cheeks to his hair.
He indulged little longer before letting voice of reason win, pulling away. Jason reminded you that you shouldn't be doing this, reminded you of your respective postitions. You didn't listened, instead, you uttered words Jason both wished and dreaded to hear.
You loved him.
He asked of you to never say these words to him again, and without another word he took your hand and led you back home as he tried to ignore your quiet sobs.
Despite your promises, he catches you trying to climb out over one of the garden walls during your courting ball. Jason wanted to strangle you, not that he enjoyed watching you dance with all those idiot nobles while all he wanted to do was to take you and carry you somewhere where there only be the two of you. This can't go on much longer, he has to end things tonight. Jason takes on a quest, to slay creatures in the southern forest. Surely you'll understand eventually...that the distance is good for both of you.
Months go by, and the pain the red knight felt when leaving you felt bearable. The other soldiers in his unit were curious as to why the infamous red knight left such prestigious position. Some speculated it was because the position was too peaceful and the dead son of Wayne was hungry for blood. If only they knew the true reason he left, but it was for the better. No one needs to know. One day, a messenger arrived, bearing a letter that stated there was an attack on the baron's family. The baron and his wife were badly injured and you were missing.
How was this possible?! You were supposed to be safe here! Without missing even a single second, Jason rode his horse tirelessly to the city. He will find you, and whoever took you will pay for every scratch he finds on you with their life. When he rescues you from your kidnappers, you're barely conscious. Gently, he pics up your weakened body and carefully carries you over the dead bodies lying everywhere. When he brings you back home, as he always done, he is adamant to never leave your side, no matter what takes. With heart full of determination, he asks, no, demands your hand in marriage. His name, his fief, his sword and his hearth, all of it is yours.
The baron is wise enough to give Sir Jason his blessings. After all, who's better for his daughter than a man who is able to set the world ablaze to safe her?
Art: Crown; Katerina Kirillova
Tags: @thinkingofausername, @fir3flytv, @ivysangel, @cherrrysstuff, @xxgoblin-dumplingxx, @mostly-imagines , @applejuicebegood
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lordaeronslost · 20 days
Lucky ones - Part 7
[Part 6 is here.]
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Several days ago.
“Master Shaw.  I understand that you have a problem that you’re hoping I can solve for you?”
For some reason, her robes felt heavier than usual as she pushed back her hood, letting red hair cascade free to fall across her shoulders.  Shaw glanced at her, then murmured something to the SI:7 agent at his side.  The agent nodded and slipped past her and out the door.
The lock clicked.  She crossed her arms.
“Was that necessary?” she asked.
“I don’t want to be interrupted,” Stormwind’s spymaster said, dropping heavily into a wood and leather folding chair.  Everything about the room’s furnishings screamed that this arrangement was temporary, that it was meant to be packed up and loaded onto a ship at a moment’s notice.  The building itself was an old warehouse, long fallen from use since the collapse of a few mercantile companies in the wake of the death of Theramore, now nearly a decade ago.  That the spymaster had set up shop here, near the docks, suggested that matters were just as serious as she’d started to suspect they were the night before when word had finally come of what they’d feared.
Shaw waved a hand toward another camp chair like the one he’d settled in.  “Have a seat if you’d like.”
“Will this take long enough to warrant that?”  She crossed to the offered chair anyway, smoothing her robes as she sat.  The emblems of the Argent Crusade and the Kirin Tor were embroidered on the breast, two points of a triangle where the last, on the bottom, was the emblem of the old Retribution—her unit of Alliance irregulars, the one all but wiped out when Theramore died.  They’d tried to reactivate them since but never succeeded.
And yet, here she was, settling into a chair across from Mathias Shaw who was either about to make a clandestine case for the same or appeal to her as a former officer of the Alliance in the hopes that she’d help.
Quin had told her what she’d managed to learn from the SI:7 agent that had been waiting to escort her here.  The idea had merit and left her wondering if Shaw had been paying a hell of a lot more attention whenever a mage was around than anyone had ever realized or if he’d consulted someone on the matter.  The way she saw it, there were equal odds for both.  Shaw watched as she settled, leaned back in her chair.  Jude Auroran met his gaze with a steady one of her own.
He took a breath.  “Do you prefer Commander or Viscountess these days?”
“Commander is fine,” she said.  “It’s the title that matters in our current scenario, isn’t it?”
He hitched one shoulder in a slight shrug, canting his head momentarily to one side.  “Maybe.  Maybe not.  That depends on how you decide to look at it.”
“Are you appealing to me as the Viscountess Greymantle, then?  Because I’m not sure how far that will get you.  I know that you didn’t call me here to talk about my father or my family.  Did you?  Because if you did, that will take us into a very long conversation about how you hid the fact that my sister didn’t die from me and mine for several years while SI:7 used her for every deep cover operation it could.”
His brows lifted for a moment and he shifted in his chair to sit forward slightly.  “Your point is taken.”
“Good.”  She crossed her arms.  “Quin said this is about potentially being able to open a portal.  What’s the ask?”
“Would I be way off-base to assume that your family had some kind of anchor at your residence in Dalaran?  One that you used to make it easier to portal in and out?”
She watched him for a few seconds, then shrugged.  “You wouldn’t be.  Go on.”
“Would it still work?”
A chill crept through her.  “Would what still work?”
“Do you think you could still hone in on the anchor?  Open a portal to wherever it is now?”
She stared at him for a few seconds, letting the silence linger as she weighed her response.  “Probably.  Do I need to lay out all the reasons that could be incredibly hazardous given what the reports are saying?”
“You mean the fact that the anchor could have been vaporized or possibly be at the bottom of the sea.”
Jude nodded slowly.  “Those are distinct possibilities.”
Shaw exhaled, leaning forward with elbows against his knees.  “I had.  Clearly.  But would you know that before you opened the portal?”
“Maybe, maybe not,” she admitted.  “Depends on how we go about it.  If it’s been vaporized, obviously we won’t be able to locate it.  If it’s at the bottom of the sea, well.  That’s a different can of worms.”
“But if it’s not?  If it’s neither of those things?”
“Then it should be doable,” she said.  “To open it.  I’ll need a few mana stones so I can hold it open long enough for my forces to get through.”
Both of his brows went up.  “Your forces?”
“Shaw.  You don’t get to ask me to do this without it being my people going through and me with them.”  She held his gaze steadily, expression growing grim.  “But you’re not a fool.  You already knew that.  What’s the other part of the ask?”
“You already know what it is.”
She nodded slowly.  “And if I’m unwilling to bend knee to the High Exarch?  What then?”
Shaw paused, studying her for a few moments.  “Who would you answer to, then?”
“Master Shaw.  This isn’t our first dance and I sincerely doubt that it will be our last.  Who would I bend knee to?”
Her regarded her a few moments more, then leaned back in his chair.  “And if I can find a way to make that happen?  Somehow?”
“Then you’ll have us, such as we are, under all the old rules.  Assuming that’s acceptable.”
“What do you think?”
“I think you need us, Mathias,” she said, standing.  “I’ll figure out if there are any surviving anchors I can lock a portal onto.  Send a messenger if you’re able to make the arrangements.  You’ve got five hours before my people are on a boat under the Crusade’s banner.”
“Something tells me that’s a banner you’ll fly regardless of the arrangements made.”
She smirked.  “That’s because you’re a very astute spymaster.”
“Thank you for noticing.”  He stood and moved to unlock the door with a small key from the cuff of his sleeve.  She drifted behind him, waiting as he unlocked the door, his hand on the knob as he caught her gaze one more time.  “You are allowed to say no, Commander.  I’m not an idiot.  I know the price you and your people have paid over the years.”
“Someone just destroyed a place we called home for a very long time in many different ways, Master Shaw,” she said quietly.  “In this world, in this life, the paying never stops.  I’ll talk to the rest, but I imagine whether you can make it happen or not, we’ll still do it—just not under the official banner the Alliance would probably prefer.  Send the messenger to tell me either way.  I’d like to know which way the wind is blowing.”
He nodded and opened the door.  “Thank you, Commander.  For your time and discretion.”
“The pleasure was mine, Master Shaw.  I look forward to hearing from you.”
She walked out of the warehouse with her head held high, ignoring the looks and whispers that she caught from the corner of her eye as she made her way back to the docks, to the others.  Whatever happened, whatever word Shaw sent, if she could find an anchor, they’d go.  Damn the man, though, he’d known that already.
They’d played each other, but she had the feeling that somehow, he’d gotten the better end of the deal.
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