#Allison yiik
bubbie995 · 3 months
Why do you wanna know my name?
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I wanna know who I’m looking at.
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ezcatart · 9 months
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Michael's Dreamed Connections
my piece for the yiik iv fanart contest!
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emoangel44 · 2 months
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tripposting inspired by sinclairstrange
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yaoimafias · 3 months
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i love my little girl more than you do i dare you i dare you
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yiikcourse · 1 month
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sunkern-plus · 2 months
yiik fursonas
alex: a panda. you know why
michael: a black cat
rory: "okay so i've put a lot of thought into my species and i think i'd be a jellyfish"
vella: at first i was thinking a persian cat but then to go with the "sammy is vella is essentia" theme i'm going with a german shepherd
claudio: a rabbit, because it just seems "him" and he would totally like his fursona to be a reference to usagi yojimbo
chondra: a teddy bear because unlike her brother she is NORMAL (lying through her teeth)
essentia 2k00: a robotic dog
bonus yiik iv fursonas:
allison/carrie/nameless girl: a plush rabbit or a cat to go with the alice in wonderland theming
asuka: a chameleon or a toucan, for color reasons, maybe a poison dart frog?
jocasta: a peacock, only she's a girl and has big boobs
wilfred: a crow, obviously
william: thinks furries are lame
bonus semi/sammy:
a puppy. because oupys and kitys (dali) are friends. probably a shih tzu because Small Dog Trauma
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chelastuff · 9 months
The Big Alchael Meta Post
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So, I'm obsessed with Alchael. I think it started as joke, but like my relationship with YIIK, it progressed to a point where I could no longer pretend it was ironic.
I’ve made Alchael related metas before, but none of them really cover everything I wanna say about them. Because of that, I figured it would be easier to just make one giant Alchael meta analysis that goes over everything in one place.
Sometimes, I’ll half-jokingly say things like “Alchael is canon and the most important relationship in YIIK”. While it’s true that it’s a joke and hyperbolic, I do think that there is some real strong evidence that Alex is into Michael in a way that goes beyond platonic affection, and that Alex’s obsession with Michael is massively important to the plot. If you’re totally new here, you’re probably wondering where I’m even getting this from, especially since a lot of people’s impression of Michael is that he’s there for comic relief early in the story, but he becomes irrelevant after a certain point only to come back when Proto-Michael happens. But in this post, I’m gonna lay out my reasoning and begin to unravel some of the Alchael related layers in the story. Also, it’s solely going to be focused on 1.25 - so no I.V stuff (I will probably have more to say on them after it comes out, but that will be its own post).
I. Background
I’m gonna start by hitting you with some general background knowledge in case you aren’t super deep into the meta-conversation and theorizing surrounding YIIK, so here it goes:
Alex, being an unreliable narrator, changes aspects of the narrative to suit his own delusions and wants. Alex presents the story as taking place in 1999, but it actually takes place in 2016. Similarly, Alex claims that he is 26 and Michael is 19, when Michael is actually older than Alex. 
The biggest evidence of this comes in the form of the ONISM post “Weird game a QT’s brother made”, where Michael describes “seeing this girl” and playing a game made by her kid brother. Allison is Alex’s older sister, so if the girl in the story is Allison, it would mean Michael is around Allison’s age, making Michael the older one. The post would also indicate that Michael’s primary relationship was with Allison, not Alex. 
Of course, all of this is very different from what we actually see in the game, and I think once we figure out what changes were made and why, it can be very revealing. Michael, instead of being Allison’s friend, is now recast as Alex’s best friend. Instead of being his actual age, he’s permanently stuck at 19, studying for the SATs forever. And importantly - Allison is completely gone from the picture, totally erased from the narrative aside from a few references to her. The fact that she was the one who Michael’s primary relationship was with is gone completely. Alex effectively erased Allison from the story in order to take her place - and this place was Michael’s romantic interest.
II. Nubile 
So, given that Michael in YIIK is effectively fulfilling a fantasy/delusion of Alex, I think it’s worth pointing out some lines that are kind of… strange, and in my opinion, are further evidence that Alex’s obsession with Michael goes beyond simply wanting to be his friend. Mainly, I want to point out this exchange: 
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(footage source)
For those who don’t know, the definition of nubile is “(of a young woman) sexually attractive” or “(of a young woman) sexually mature; old enough for marriage”. Haha, funny joke right? Michael is using a word to describe an attractive woman, but he’s not a woman! How unexpected!
I’ll circle back to the nubile thing in a bit, but for now I actually wanted to point out something else about these lines. If we assume that the relationship that we see between them in YIIK actually represents what Alex wishes it could be, it’s strange that Michael still delivers lines that are mocking Alex in this way, isn't it? It’s also interesting that Michael’s go-to insult is often calling attention to Alex’s body, and that in this case, he uses this to point out just how attractive he is in comparison. The comparison isn’t even solely about fat shaming Alex here - the use of the word “nubile” is pretty explicitly making it about being more sexually attractive than Alex. 
The game calls back to the “nubile” joke in the next scene: 
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I almost feel like I’m being redundant with my analysis at this point, but, like, come on. Now Alex is the one pointing out Michael’s relative attractiveness, and Michael just straight up nonchalantly agrees with him! Sure, this is the kind of joke flirting that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary between friends, but once again keep in mind that all of this is being presented to you through Alex’s filtered lens, which is why I believe that it highlights the specific belief of Alex's that Michael is more attractive than him. With the use of the word "nubile", it makes it specifically about Michael’s sexual desirability and compares him to a woman! It’s stuff like this that really makes me doubt that Alex just innocently wants to be Michael’s friend, and makes me think there’s some other stuff going on here.
III. ONISM / Obsession
Now, I want to jump all the way to the near end of the game to highlight a monologue that happens right before the New Years Eve segment, wherein Alex reflects on his past with Michael, how they fell apart, and the inconsistencies within his own story. I highly encourage you to watch this scene and the monologue yourself, especially since I see a lot of people glaze over it in let’s plays, due to the sheer amount of (seemingly irrelevant) detail that it has. Here is a link.
The first thing I want to point out is just how much about his meeting with Michael that Alex remembers and is able to recite in excruciating detail. With how much Alex is able to go on and on, we are shown how many details he remembers about the summer Michael moved in and the house he lived in. I don’t think anything in the game is described in as much detail as Alex describes Michael’s house. Yet, when it comes to remembering how old Michael was when he moved in or moved away, and what year he moved away, Alex contradicts himself multiple times. I believe that the reason why he’s stumbling over himself when it comes to the timeline is because Alex’s timeline is wrong. I think It might even be an instance where he knows he’s lying, and he’s scrambling to cover his lie.
Then, Panda reminds Alex that he and Michael had “a falling out”. The details of this are fuzzy, but it seems to involve Alex traveling to Canada to meet Michael and ultimately being stood up. Although, I think it’s very possible that the actual reason they “fell out” happened before this, and Alex is omitting those details. I find it pretty wild how obsessed Alex must be in order to fly to another country just to try and fail to rekindle his relationship with Michael. 
However, it seems even after this “falling out” happened, Alex never actually got over Michael. Not only does Alex wish for a world where Michael is 19 forever and thus never leaves him, he also remains a regular visitor of his website, ONISM. In fact, it’s Alex’s obsession with Michael’s creation that sets the stage for the entire plot. It’s how Alex discovers Semi’s disappearance, and where he gets the basis for the version of her (Sammy) that he creates in his head. This is one of the main reasons why I say that Alchael is the most important relationship in YIIK.
I.V. Losing My Religion
Throughout the game, you receive phone calls from someone who calls himself “your best childhood friend” and who is very heavily implied to be Michael. In one of these calls, he describes listening to “Losing My Religion” with Alex. 
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The song is also brought up in the monologue before New Years Eve that I mentioned already: 
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So, it seems like Losing My Religion is a song associated with Alex and Michael’s relationship. Given this, is it possible that we can learn about them from the meaning of the song? Michael Stipe, who wrote the lyrics of the song, has consistently said in interviews that the song is not literally about religion, but rather about a narrator who has unrequited love for someone else, and loses his composure in front of them. He even referred to it as a “classic obsession song” in two separate interviews. 
Now, it’s worth noting that the timeline that is being presented in those screencaps actually makes zero sense. Losing My Religion became a hit in 1991, but if the game takes place in 2016, Alex should have been born around 1990. For this to make sense, Alex would have to have been listening to Losing My Religion with Michael when he was one year old, and with how vividly Alex remembers the summer that Michael moved in, I just don’t find that very likely. In my personal opinion, I think what’s more likely is that this is an extension of Alex’s main character syndrome. If you’re the main character of reality, a song is a hit when you listen to it the most. If this is true, it means that Alex was repeatedly listening to a song about unrequited love and losing your cool around a person you’re obsessed with right around the time that he met Michael. Very interesting! On a related note, when I was researching the meaning of Losing My Religion for this meta, I came across a Michael Stipe quote where he said “I've always felt the best kinds of songs are the ones where anybody can listen to it, put themselves in it and say, 'Yeah, that's me.’”, which kind of blew me away because this is exactly what Alex does with all media, so it would make perfect sense if he did it with Losing My Religion as well.
With that, I'm going to end the analysis here. Although this covers pretty much everything I wanted to say about the Alchael implications in the base game, I get the feeling I'm probably going to have more to say about them when I.V comes out. I also may write some more YIIK metas on other topics, so let me know if you'd like to see that. Until then, thanks for reading!
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woashi · 2 months
Nameless Psychosis has got me thinking…
Did Carrie ever leave a note when she died?
How did Rory know it was the girls from school to push her to such a point where she killed herself?
Now I’m gonna throw the idea of the note out of the window and say that Rory DID know it got that bad and “thought she could’ve handle it” so he never stepped up, he never intervened because HE would’ve been more involved than he already was.
“About being MY sister” he says talking about the reasons why Carrie was bullied in the first place.
And I think about the KNN Rory and I know that that he isn’t Rory Rory but he mentions to be there when a friends in need. Maybe a part in his head is still feeling shame of letting it happen?
He wasn’t only upset that he lost his sister he was upset that he had the chance to stop it and he never took it for his own selfish reason of not getting too involved with it.
Similar to how Alex could’ve stopped the final pushes that made Rory kill himself.
Rory reached out and Alex was like “no lol? Robot time.”
Or maybe that’s rly obvious and I’m shitting out of my ass like I always do idk.
It may be in your face but I’m stupid.
Also I’m dead set on NC to be a manifestation of both Rory’s and Alex’s guilt.
Alex’s own guilt about letting him and his sister grow distant and Rory not stopping Carrie from jumping off the overpass.
They’re both neglectful brothers in their own way. But I think the “Good Brother Bad Brother” is complete bullshit, because they both hold good and bad traits. The “muddling up” NC does is probably just a red herring and is there to fuck with you because I believe both are bad and good and since she gets dubbed Carrie but looks like Allison …erm… idk
I think that cause for the ad read for the GBBB(<-lol cba doing it again) it was the other way round of how I thunk it.
“Like uhhh no? Rory isn’t the bad brother? He cared about Carrie even more than Alex cared about his sister!!” Well, erm… you’re both wrong because that’s not how people work!
They’re both bad. They’re both good. They’re both extremely guilty about how they’ve treated their sisters.
Idk I’m rambling at this point and it’s 1am which means I sprout a LOT of nonsense like one time I thought the reason alex wore glasses was because it’s a metaphor for how short sighted he is with everything eueueueue… no.. that’s just a character design, Ray… you’re better than that…. Good erm… YIIK scholars give me a finger wagging if I’ve got anything wrong or if I’m saying the obvious and I sound slow!!!!!!!!!!!
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chocolatesquirrel · 9 months
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A drawing of Michael K. holding his gun and the Nameless Child/Allison with a Karta for the YIIK art contest.
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aj-thegreatest · 5 years
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The return of “AJ’s strange fascination with Yiik”
(Allison is Alex’s little sister (18) and in my version she’s dating Essentia)
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tcmmykinard · 5 years
hi, i have a question! if you could change anything about the canon teen wolf series, what would you do differently?
lmao okay here we go: everything after at least season 4. that was just a big ol’ mess..just like. no., allison dying? nah didn’t happen, writing kira out like that??? lordt.. she stays!, same goes for hayden wtf was with writing badass chicks out?,stiles/scott whole fight thing in season 5? yiikes scott believed stiles from the start, thanks; literally anything bad that happened to derek Officially didn’t happen now, the whole stiles spark thing that they brought up and then ignored was wild and what even was the point aka they should have put more story into that instead of dropping it like that lmao, stiles being shown as actually consistently smart?? this one has actually been bugging me since i made a smart!stiles gifset – they show hints of him being super smart and near on level with lydia and then they go and have him say stupid shit for the comedy effect like “you read that movie”  and “coyotes can tiptoe” (don’t tell me he wouldn’t research the hell out of coyote stuff for malia..) and the “potassium is k” line like bitch? seriously? anyway they stop with the comedy effect and actually show him being a smart lil egg thanks!, cora stays!! again with badass chicks why tf did she even leave jfc, boyd and erica? don’t even get me started they are alive and well.. and honestly i’m sure there’s more but this was off the top of my head lskjdflsd
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bubbie995 · 2 months
This should help with that Nameless Psychosis, right?
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ezcatart · 3 months
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we met in a dream
a world slipped through the seams
i don’t want to go
i don’t want to leave
happy (late) 4/04!
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emoangel44 · 3 months
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lost love
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bubbie995 · 1 year
Have I posted this yet? Well, Tripposting as parappa characters!
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bubbie995 · 1 year
I feel a little sad for people who see Allison Eagleston as nothing but a vessel for the Evil Wilma Carrie. They miss out on so much joy out there. She's my little friend! My girl! I go to any trippost there's a 50% of seeing my bestie there even if i don't end up retweeting whatever it is. It's like edgy illustrations of Marina Splatoon etc. What if instead we just let a little more love into the world.
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