nascarwallpapers · 1 year
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2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup Series: Ryan Newman, #12 Alltel Dodge, Penske Racing. Download full resolution & extras on Patreon.
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Hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays! Four new firmwares have been preserved, with 3 belonging to Audiovox phones and the other being a Samsung phone.
Audiovox: CDM-8410, CDM-8910, CDM-8920 Samsung: SPH-A120
As always, the dumps are available on the Dumbphone Repo. Audiovox CDM-8410 (Alltel):
https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/file/jD4RAKLA… Audiovox CDM-8910 (Cricket):
https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/file/TTgjnIZJ… Audiovox CDM-8920 (Sprint):
https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/file/SSo2mTwL… Samsung SPH-A120 ("Jitterbug"):
The JTAG pinouts to these phones have also been made available. Audiovox CDM-8410 (Alltel): https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/folder/uHxkWTqT… Audiovox CDM-8910 (Cricket): https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/folder/jHhUkDiI… Audiovox CDM-8920 (Sprint): https://mega.nz/folder/2aoVnJJJ#ovZJG4cbvIOqLVEJBHrQSQ/folder/2So2HJrJ…
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mobileservicescenter · 5 months
0 notes
wytfut · 11 months
Deal with what you are dealt...
A simple comment that can confuse. Everyone does this. But most likely not like anyone else or what they may think is proper.
Even people who appear not to "deal with what they are dealt" actually do. They are dealing with it.... but it isn't recognized to anyone but themselves. As in a third party would say, " why don't they do something about that"..... but they are, and you don't recognize it.
I'm one of the "odd man out" types. The way I deal with issues/items/people I'm sure is considered pretty outlandish, or "what in the world was he thinking??" Or.... (I'm giggling here) a direction that no one in his right mind would ever do. My results "maybe different"....
Some of us are very good at dealing with what we are dealt. But are the "us's" really? Is it only because its recognized and seen popular or exceptable, when the end result appears.
Most of the time I don't believe we have the right to judge how someone handled "what they were dealt". I do catch myself though, ... and wish I hadn't.
LOLOLOL..... life is most definitely not sanitary.... judging, dealing, living.
No matter. ...
Generally I'm an "up" person. An extrovert maybe too much. Accepting. As I age, some of this, or at least parts go away. Is it age, or is it me? I hope its age and I recognize it, and try to amend.
But by golly, I still deal with issues every day. Sometimes it seems I get a streak of bad decisions. But when I get it right, it makes it all worth while. Gives me a feeling of self accomplishment.
You may think I'm writing about huge issues, that approach all of us time to time. I am, but I'm also writing about petty daily house keeping issues.
A persons personal values determines which way we decide to take something.
For example:.... I'm a tightwad. At least I consider myself one. I was getting financial assistance for a medication I'm on. This year they decided I make too much money. That has now cost me more than $800/year. Its a fancy convenient medication.
But another very old one is really cheap, as in almost free. I requested my personal Dr. to change my med to the this one. He tried to talk me out of it..... as its inconvenient for him and his staff if I'm on it. I dealt with it..... now I'm on the cheap one. I'm not out for my Dr. and staff, I just had to decide what was best for me.
I think I dealt with it correctly. I'm sure some don't.
Another example, something bigger.... life changing maybe: I retired from Lincoln Hoot and Hollar with over 30 years.
With the kids out of the house, and my position at that time, money was no issue. I was actually walking around with cash in my billfold. Many would consider this WAY too young to retire from a career.
But I did indeed retire. The job be what it may, for my mindset was way too stressful. Alltel was not a Mom/Pop sort of affair. Alltel didn't know/care about me or my fellow workers. Alltel was there to make money. Careers are secondary.
Lincoln Hoot and Hollar, knew who I was, and when I needed help from them, they actually did. For example when my house burned down, many privileges happened to my advantage.
We've struggled financially since retirement. I cannot deny. But we have survived, and I'm still a pretty happy guy.
Other events happened since then and have knocked the shit out of our financials, "if only I was still working at the phone company". But..... we are still here.
My current "deal", is my back (ad nauseum) . Yes continuing on and on and on. This in turn brings other deals to my table of life. My particular example being my "rat truck" project, sitting in the steel shed with a ton of dust on it. My back will not let me tackle this project. ... I'll deal with it, but at the moment I'm empty headed for answers.
Somehow what ever I did to deal with these obstacles, worked.... well up to this time. Dominoes come to mind here, so a true time line may prove different. But then.... its evolved.... and its a "new deal" to deal with.
My inspiration to this, came today to me after watching one of my favorite movies. I was not planning to watch it, in fact I had a whole scenario of things to do today..... now postponed a couple of hours. Patti had just "had it on", and it captured me again.
2 versions of this movie are out. One English (the original). And the American version. Both versions are excellent per my rating. Both were released kind of under the radar, with not much Marketing.
Boiled down, it shows me how a person struggles with the issues he is dealt, and what he thinks is the right decision/result, no matter how abstract it may appear, to keep himself comfortable.
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racecargraveyard · 2 years
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2000 Jimmie Johnson #92 Alltel Walkins Glen crash car custom. Thank goodness that wall was foam!
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
Commercial privatization - Part 2
(15.09.1236) BellSouth
(15.09.1236) BellSouth Central Communications
(15.09.1236) BellSouth Telecommunications
(15.09.1236) BellSouth Mobility
(15.09.1236) Ameritech Teleholdings
(15.09.1236) ATIL Ameritech Illinois
(15.09.1236) ATMI Ameritech Michigan
(15.09.1236) ATWI Ameritech Wisconsin
(15.09.1236) ATOH Ameritech Ohio
(15.09.1236) ATIN Ameritech Indiana
(15.09.1236) Ameritech Mobile Communications
(15.09.1236) Pacific Telesis
(15.09.1236) NVTS Nevada Telesis
(15.09.1236) PacTel Mobile Access
(15.09.1236) NYNEX Corporation
(15.09.1236) NEX NYNEX New England
(15.09.1236) NYX NYNEX New York
(15.09.1236) NYNEX Mobile Communications
(15.09.1236) Bell Atlantic
(15.09.1236) BACp Bell Atlantic Chesepeake
(15.09.1236) BAPm Bell Atlantic Potomac
(15.09.1236) BANJ Bell Atlantic New Jersey
(15.09.1236) BAPA Bell Atlantic Pennsylvania
(15.09.1236) BAPb Bell Atlantic Pittsburgh
(15.09.1236) BAPd Bell Atlantic Philadelphia
(15.09.1236) BADia Bell Atlantic Diamond State
(15.09.1236) Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems
(15.09.1236) USWest
(15.09.1236) USW.MT USWest Mountain
(15.09.1236) USW.PNW USWest Pacific Northwest
(15.09.1236) USW.NW USWest Northwest
(15.09.1236) QWest
(15.09.1236) USWest NewVector
(17.03.1999) Leap Wireless
(17.03.1999) Cricket Wireless
(17.03.1999) Jump Mobile
(17.03.1999) Pocket Communications
(17.03.1999) Aio Wireless
(15.09.1236) Cingular Mobility
(15.09.1236) Verizon Communications
(15.09.1236) Verizon
(15.09.1236) Alltel
(15.09.1236) MCT Communications
(15.09.1236) Verizon North
(15.09.1236) Verizon South
(15.09.1236) Verizon Northwest
(15.09.1236) Verizon West
(15.09.1236) Verizon Midwest
(15.09.1236) Verizon Quaker State
(15.09.1236) Verizon Delaware
(15.09.1236) Verizon Pennsylvania
(15.09.1236) Verizon Missouri
(15.09.1236) Verizon Minnesota
(15.09.1236) Verizon New Jersey
(15.09.1236) Verizon Maryland
(15.09.1236) Verizon Chesapeake
(15.09.1236) Verizon Potomac
(15.09.1236) Verizon Baltimore
(15.09.1236) Verizon Delaware
(15.09.1236) Verizon Atlantic
(15.09.1236) Verizon Indiana
(15.09.1236) Verizon Illinois
(15.09.1236) Verizon Philadelphia
(15.09.1236) Verizon Pittsburgh
(15.09.1236) Verizon Allegheny
(15.09.1236) Verizon Lehigh
(15.09.1236) Verizon Tri-State
(15.09.1236) Verizon Harrisburg
(15.09.1236) Verizon Stroudsburg
(15.09.1236) Verizon Bushkill
(15.09.1236) Verizon Meadville
(15.09.1236) Verizon Allentown
(15.09.1236) Verizon Blairsville
(15.09.1236) Verizon Summer ville
(15.09.1236) Verizon Brookville
(15.09.1236) Verizon Huntington
(15.09.1236) Verizon Clearfield
(15.09.1236) Verizon Cumberland Valley
(15.09.1236) Verizon Clinton
(15.09.1236) Verizon Keystone
(15.09.1236) Verizon Virginia
(15.09.1236) Verizon Bluefield
(15.09.1236) Verizon Durham
(15.09.1236) Verizon Georgia
(15.09.1236) Verizon South Carolina
(15.09.1236) Verizon Southeastern Carolina
(15.09.1236) Verizon South Georgia
(15.09.1236) Verizon Sumter
(15.09.1236) Verizon North Georgia
(15.09.1236) Verizon North Carolina
(15.09.1236) Verizon Mutual
(15.09.1236) Verizon Pee Dee
(15.09.1236) Verizon Coosa Valley
(15.09.1236) Verizon Tri-County
(15.09.1236) Verizon Alabama
(15.09.1236) Verizon Kentucky
(15.09.1236) Verizon Virginia
(15.09.1236) Verizon Washington
(15.09.1236) Verizon Atlantic and Pacific
(15.09.1236) Verizon Rhode Island
(15.09.1236) Verizon Bay State
(15.09.1236) Verizon Granite State
(15.09.1236) Verizon New England
(15.09.1236) Verizon New Hampshire
(15.09.1236) Verizon Massachusetts
(15.09.1236) Verizon Southern Massachusetts
(15.09.1236) Verizon Vermont
(15.09.1236) Verizon Maine
(15.09.1236) Verizon Chesire
(15.09.1236) Verizon Worcester
(15.09.1236) Verizon Boston
(15.09.1236) Verizon Middlesex
(15.09.1236) Verizon Suburban
(15.09.1236) Verizon California
(15.09.1236) Verizon Pioneer
(15.09.1236) Verizon Gold and Stock
(15.09.1236) Verizon Westchester
(15.09.1236) Verizon Manhattan
(15.09.1236) Verizon Metropolitan
(15.09.1236) Verizon New York
(25.08.383) BT Group
(25.08.383) EE
(25.08.383) Microtel Orange (UK)
(25.08.383) One2One T-Mobile (UK)
(28.08.932) Vm/O2
(28.08.932) O2 (UK) Cellnet
(28.08.932) Virgin Mobile (UK)
(28.08.932) Virgin X Virgin Mobile (Ireland)
(06.10.1898) Tesco Mobile
(01.11.1660) 3three
(01.11.1660) 3xtra 3three (Ireland)
(28.08.932) Digifone O2 (Ireland)
(01.11.1660) SMARTY
(01.11.1660) 48 Mobile
(01.11.1660) 3three+
(01.11.1660) 3.extra 3three+ (Ireland)
(26.04.1971) Hulu
(05.08.1986) Pluto TV
(31.01.789) MásMóvil Ibercom
(31.07.789) MásOrange Haoki Investments / Kili Spainco Project
(31.01.789) Amena Orange (Spain)
(31.01.789) MásMóvil
(28.06.1712) Jazztel
(12.12.1843) Yoigo Xfera Móviles
(20.08.1870) Llamaya
(20.08.1870) Lebara (Spain)
(20.08.1870) Lycamobile (Spain)
(19.04.1769) Euskaltel
(19.04.1769) Virgin telco
(29.06.2000) Hits Mobile
(29.06.2000) Oceans
(29.06.2000) Netllar
(01.04.1928) Cable Móvil
(30.11.1830) RACCTel
(03.07.1995) RACCtel+
(31.01.1999) Pepephone
(24.06.1998) Simyo
(13.07.1998) R
(26.01.1995) Telecable
(06.07.2020) GuuK
(31.05.1993) Embou
(23.11.1922) Populoos
(03.05.1) Post Danmark
(03.05.1) TDC
(03.05.1) youSee
(29.06.1149) Violet Telia (Denmark)
(05.06.1634) Call me Debitel (Denmark)
(01.03.1797) 3three (Denmark)
(01.03.1797) OiSTER
(03.05.1) Nova FM Radio Merkur / Sky Radio (Denmark) / TV2 Radio
(06.06.1944) Voice FM (Denmark) DCR
(29.11.291) TV2 (Denmark)
(07.09.1050) BTV (Denmark)
(08.07.988) NTV (Denmark)
(05.03.1512) Salto TV
(04.08.860) MVTV
(06.02.1274) Mokka TV
(05.09.770) ØJTV
(29.10.1176) STV (Denmark)
(23.12.1777) STV+ (Denmark)
(15.02.1050) FTV (Denmark)
(07.10.1797) FTV+ (Denmark)
(21.07.1078) ØTV
(05.06.1020) Kosmopol TV Lorry TV
(18.04.1682) Kosmopol+ Lorry+
(26.03.658) TV2 Echo TV2 Zulu
(28.06.1491) TV2 Charlie
(25.02.1777) TV2 Fri Næsby Lokal-TV / Kanal København
(31.08.1913) TV2 News
(15.11.1970) BTV24
(26.02.1914) NTV24
(30.05.1986) Salto 24
(25.03.1987) MVTV24
(01.11.1988) Mokka 24
(09.08.1971) ØJTV24
(22.01.1930) STV24
(13.10.1986) STV24+
(25.09.1927) FTV24
(01.10.1986) FTV24+
(12.07.1946) ØTV24
(27.01.1771) Kosmopol 24
(24.04.1855) Kosmopol 24+
(30.04.1850) TV2 Sport TVS / TV2 Film
(24.06.1946) TV2 X Canal 8 Sport
(17.02.1995) TV2 Oiii TV2 Teddy / TV2 Bavian
(30.06.1996) TV2 Comedy hayu.
(31.10.2000) TV2 Guld CS:GO
(03.05.1) TV3 (Denmark)
(29.06.1149) TV3+ (Denmark) TV6 (Denmark)
(29.09.1276) TV3 Puls ZTV (Denmark)
(05.06.1634) TV3 Max TV3 Sport 2 (Denmark)
(06.06.1944) TV3 See Voice TV (Denmark) / TV7 (Denmark) / TV2 Business
(01.04.1896) TV3 Sport (Denmark)
(20.10.1019) TV4 (Denmark) TVDanmark
(29.11.1135) NvTV (Denmark) TV Næstved
(17.03.1249) VTV (Denmark)
(03.02.1227) TVTre (Denmark) TV Trekanten
(05.03.1163) ATV (Denmark)
(23.06.1579) HnTV (Denmark) TV Herning
(01.02.704) ÅTV (Denmark) TV Aalborg
(03.01.364) TVA (Denmark) TV Aarhus
(14.01.1131) FbTV (Denmark) TV Fynboen
(25.05.1914) TV4.2 Kanal 2 (Denmark)
(23.07.1034) TV5 (Denmark) TVDanmark 2
(24.11.1811) TV6 (Denmark)
(15.02.1954) TV9 (Denmark)
(27.06.-208) Posten Sverige
(10.07.1469) Electrolux
(01.04.1969) Spotify
(17.03.1292) Mojang Mojang Computerhouse
(27.06.-208) Telia
(27.06.-208) TV4 (Sweden)
(02.04.747) AEG
(22.03.934) Siemens
(03.08.1770) Telefunken
(05.11.1967) Soundcloud)
(15.08.673) Porsche SE
(01.01.1177) Volkswagen Group
(01.01.1177) Volkswagen
(15.08.673) Porsche
(04.02.455) Audi
(04.02.455) D-Rad
(04.02.455) NSU Motorenwerke
(04.02.455) Wanderer
(04.02.455) Slaby-Beringer
(04.02.455) DKW
(04.02.455) Horch
Slovakia / Czechia
(18.10.1209) PPF Group
(16.02.1247) Slovenska Posta
(04.09.476) Ceska Posta
(16.02.1247) Slovenska Telekom
(16.02.1247) SMT T-Mobile (Slovakia)
(25.01.1279) ST2 O2 (Czech Republic)
(04.09.476) Cesky Telekom
(04.09.476) CMT O2 (Czech Republic)
(23.02.1443) Globtel Orange (Slovakia)
(25.07.-323) Oskar Vodafone (Czech Republic)
(16.02.1247) TV JOJ
(01.03.1786) JOJ Family
(03.03.1945) JOJ Plus
(25.03.2000) JOJ WAU
(23.01.2017) JOJ 24
(15.04.2013) JOJ Sport
(05.09.2016) JOJ Sport Plus
(15.10.2015) JOJ Cinema
(15.10.2015) JOJ Cinema 2
(15.10.2015) JOJ Svet
(01.01.2020) Jojko
(04.09.476) Prima TV (Czech Republic)
(25.01.1279) Prima 2
(20.06.1993) Prima Cool
(08.03.2011) Prima Love
(23.01.2017) Prima Fun
(23.01.2017) Prima Cola
(03.04.2020) Prima News
(02.04.2018) Prima Krimi
(01.02.2013) Prima Zoom
(20.11.2015) Prima Max
(01.02.2013) Prima Show
(20.11.2015) Prima Star
(23.02.1443) Markíza TV
(26.07.1942) Markíza 2
(23.08.1994) Markíza Doma
(31.08.1996) Markíza Dajto
(20.08.2012) Markíza Krimi
(01.02.2016) Markíza Klasik
(25.07.-323) (CME) Central European Media Enterprises
(25.07.-323) Nova TV (Czech Republic)
(16.09.860) Nova 2
(30.01.1993) Nova Fun
(06.01.2016) Nova Lady
(25.08.1997) Nova Action
(29.01.2013) Nova Gold
(01.04.2002) Nova Cinema
(01.04.2002) Nova Sport 1
(05.08.2015) Nova Sport 2
(23.08.2011) Nova Sport 3
(23.08.2011) Nova Sport 4
(05.03.2013) Nova Sport 5
(05.03.2013) Nova Sport 6
(14.06.660) 4iG Nyrt.
(06.06.269) Magyar Posta
(06.06.269) Magyar Telekom
(06.06.269) Westel
(14.06.660) Yettel Communications
(14.06.660) Pannon
(25.04.-1230) Vodafone (Hungary)
(06.06.269) RTL (Hungary)
(14.06.660) TV4 (Hungary)
(25.04.-1230) TV2 (Hungary)
(11.04.1825) Virgin 21
(26.09.1726) One World Radio
(06.09.1944) Radio Eska
(06.09.1944) Eska TV
(04.06.1800) Roshan
(24.08.1511) Pos Indonesia
(24.08.1511) Telkom Indonesia
(24.08.1511) Telkomsel
(16.05.896) LG
(17.03.1865) Toyota
(07.01.1502) NEC
China / Taiwan
(07.07.1982) Baidu
(05.09.1980) Alibaba Group
(19.01.1833) Li Auto
(30.06.1980) Chery
(18.06.1832) Dongfeng Motors
(20.09.1910) Voyah
(08.02.1388) Xpeng
(17.10.1920) Geely
(26.03.2008) Geometry
(18.01.1938) Livan
(11.01.2021) Jidu
(04.02.1859) Roewe
(19.03.1977) Rising Auto
(21.10.1903) Leapmotor
(09.10.1701) BYD
(02.05.1979) Denza
(01.02.1912) ZTE
(26.12.1990) Nubia
(13.05.1846) HTC
(01.07.1949) Huawei
(10.01.1966) Honor
(05.05.1260) Oppo
(01.06.1889) (1+) Oneplus
(15.08.1863) Realme
(23.10.2006) Vivo
(22.05.2009) iQOO
(30.09.2010) Xiaotiancai
(09.06.2010) imoo
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touhouweed · 10 months
only mobile providers medieval peasants had were like, alltel
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wetdreamdrops · 11 months
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Alltel Wireless - 2006
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abvilittlerockar · 1 year
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A great choice for Little Rock Hotel near Arkansas State Fair, the Little Rock is close proximity to Gator Park, Alltel Arena, and Peggy's Zoo. Stay at Hotel near Little Rock Zoo Arkansas.
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chai56love · 1 year
LANDOKMAI - Taxi (Acoustic Version) [Official Lyrics]
I’ll take a taxi run out of this town I’ll leave all of your shit Take it allTell me, how could you do Disgusting things to me I pity for all the other girlsWhen my heart decides to leave you behind You know my life has changed for a better life I hope you’ll find someone who truly desire But what goes around, comes aroundI just want you feel the same as me Cuz through all those day I'm sick of your sicknessWhen my heart decides to leave you behind You know my life has changed for a better life I hope you’ll find someone who truly desire But what goes around, comes aroundWhen my heart decides to leave you behind You know my life has changed for a better life I hope you’ll find someone who truly desire But what goes around, comes aroundแปลเป็นไทย
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nrgjdoria · 2 years
Phone Numbers as Email
Send text messages via email to a phone:
Alltel [10-digit phone number]@message.alltel.com Example: [email protected]
AT&T (formerly Cingular) [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net [10-digit phone number]@mms.att.net (MMS) [10-digit phone number]@cingularme.com Example: [email protected]
Nextel (now Sprint Nextel) [10-digit telephone number]@messaging.nextel.com Example: [email protected]
Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel) [10-digit phone number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com [10-digit phone number]@pm.sprint.com (MMS) Example: [email protected] T-Mobile [10-digit phone number]@tmomail.net Example: [email protected]
US Cellular [10-digit phone number]email.uscc.net (SMS) [10-digit phone number]@mms.uscc.net (MMS) Example: [email protected]
Verizon [10-digit phone number]@vtext.com [10-digit phone number]@vzwpix.com (MMS) Example: [email protected] Virgin Mobile USA [10-digit phone number]@vmobl.com Example: [email protected]
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doubtingdebispoems · 2 years
Tell Me Why Tell me why I love youGive me one reasonTell me why you ask meTo quit seeing himTell me why you don’t answerEach and everytime I callTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I believe youWhen all you do is lieTell me when you go to workYou always give her a rideTell me why you never feelIt necessary to hideTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me your reason for wanting me hereWhen you’re happier almost anywhereTell me why you want meWhen you leave me all aloneTell me why we bought this houseWhen you’re never homeTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I should stayWhen I could just goTell me why you want me hereI really need to knowTell me why I can’t have friendsWhen you’re out on the townTell me is this how it endsYou’re not wanting me aroundTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I’m with youTell me all I need to knowPlease tell me anythingThat will make it easier for me to goTell me anythingTell me anything at allIf you think of anythingYou think might make me stayDon’t tell me anythingI won’t care anywayI no longer need a reasonTo keep on loving youDon’t bother askingThere’s no explanation to you I oweI won’t tell you anythingI won’t tell you anything at allBy D.J. Huggins-GreenAugust 30th,2022@8:28p.m.Mingo Jct., Ohio283 WordsTell Me WhyTell me why I love youGive me one reasonTell me why you ask meTo quit seeing himTell me why you don’t answerEach and everytime I callTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I believe youWhen all you do is lieTell me when you go to workYou always give her a rideTell me why you never feelIt necessary to hideTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me your reason for wanting me hereWhen you’re happier almost anywhereTell me why you want meWhen you leave me all aloneTell me why we bought this houseWhen you’re never homeTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I should stayWhen I could just goTell me why you want me hereI really need to knowTell me why I can’t have friendsWhen you’re out on the townTell me is this how it endsYou’re not wanting me aroundTell me anythingTell me anything at allTell me why I’m with youTell me all I need to knowPlease tell me anythingThat will make it easier for me to goTell me anythingTell me anything at allIf you think of anythingYou think might make me stayDon’t tell me anythingI won’t care anywayI no longer need a reasonTo keep on loving youDon’t bother askingThere’s no explanation to you I oweI won’t tell you anythingI won’t tell you anything at allBy D.J. Huggins-GreenAugust 30th,2022@8:28p.m.Mingo Jct., Ohio283 Words
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Outline: Are you finding an answer that permits you to move Windstream email to Gmail account ? Or on the other hand would you like to gain the strategy to relocate from Windstream to Gmail account ? Assuming this is the case, then Pen Drive Data Recovery software tracking down closes here. Since in this article, you will get an answer for trade Windstream Email to Gmail account.
Windstream association was laid out from the side undertaking of Alltel Enterprise's landline business and combination with Bravery Correspondences Gathering. A FORTUNE 500 association offers advanced network exchanges and development deals with any consequences regarding various kinds of clients.
It likewise offers a webmail administration called Windstream webmail account. With the help of Windstream email, you can without a very remarkable stretch make on-time portions and autopay sums. Windstream email clients are moreover allowed to make corrections and can in like manner keep a brain their dynamic administrations with the entryway. However, there are loads of limits to this assistance.
Like Windstream, Gmail is additionally webmail or email administration that is served all over the planet. Furthermore, Gmail offers various one of a kind fates, for example, immense extra room, modest and low labor (just you!) to keep up with, online anyplace access, and significantly more.
"Two or three days earlier, I changed email stage to Windstream and moved 2 email accounts. In any case, I can get to the webmail through the web. I endeavored to send messages from Windstream and a blunder occurred. Of course, I'm not content with the Windstream email. I want to move messages from Windstream to Gmail. Any thoughts for my necessities ?"
An Expert Arrangement - Windstream to Gmail Movement
Pen Drive Recovery software Email Reinforcement Wizard is an in all cases utility especially expected to handle email movement questions. It grants clients to move Windstream messages to Gmail directly. Furthermore, its components and work are astounding and give a simple to-utilize stage to its clients. It is 100 percent secure and allows the client to move messages from Windstream email to Gmail account on any Windows and Macintosh machine.
Moves toward Move Windstream Email to Gmail Record
Send off the arrangement on your PC.
Select the Windstream choice and give subtleties.
Pick the email envelopes which you need to move.
Select Gmail and enter the subtleties of your record.
Begin the Windstream to Gmail relocation process.
The most effective method to Move Messages from Windstream to Gmail Record ?
Send off the arrangement on your PC. The product upholds the two Windows and Macintosh PCs.
Select the Windstream choice and enter every one of the subtleties of your email account.
Pick the extra Cluster choice to move numerous Windstream accounts without any problem.
Select the expected letter box information or envelopes which you need to move into Gmail account.
Tick on the Gmail choice in the given rundown of document saving choices.
Enter the subtleties of your Gmail account in the UI board.
Select the Extra email channels for the specific email relocation process.
Begin the Windstream to Gmail movement process.
Windstream to Gmail Relocation Apparatus - Highlights and Advantages
Cluster relocate Windstream Records:
The arrangement grants you to cluster move various post boxes and email records of Windstream to Gmail without a moment's delay. The arrangement gives the group choice offices which permits you to get to various Windstream accounts without a moment's delay.
Specific Envelope Transformation:
A portion of the time there are very few envelopes that you would rather not relocate into Gmail account. Therefore, with Windstream.net Webmail to Gmail Relocation instrument, you can move simply unambiguous email organizers of Windstream to Gmail account.
Jam Email Credits:
This item certifications to safeguard the email parts and components while you move Windstream.net email to Gmail. It keeps every one of the components of all email, for instance, Subject, Date, From, To, Inline pictures, dynamic connections, orchestrating, etc.
Keeps up with Interior Organizer Pecking order:
During the cycle to moving messages from Windstream.net Webmail to Gmail, the item assurances to holds the organizer structure. Its affirmations to keep the first email content as that of a unique one.
Move all Windstream Email Organizers:
The arrangement moves all organizers during the Windstream to Gmail relocation process. It doesn't make any difference what sort of organizer do your Windstream email accounts hold. Additionally, it moves all things which you chose in the relocation methodology.
Advance Mode choice:
It offers a choice to do explicit email movement by giving an alternate decision of "Advance Mode". With this decision, you can move messages by date range, from, to, subject, and some more.
"As of late, I was in desperate need to move Windstream messages to Gmail account. I utilize this answer for move messages from Windstream to Gmail account with no issues. This arrangement gives an immediate technique to move messages from Windstream to Gmail account without any problem. Much obliged to you Pen Drive Recovery software group."
"Hace unos días, me cambié a Windstream y tengo 2 cuentas de correo electrónico configuradas allí. Puedo acceder a las cuentas a través de la web. Intenté enviar correos electrónicos desde Windstream y se produjo un mistake. Por otro lado, no estoy satisfecho con el correo electrónico de Windstream. Quiero mover correos electrónicos de Windstream a Gmail. ¿Alguna sugerencia para mis necesidades?"
I want to believe that USB Drive Data Recovery software like this article. This review clarifies the technique for move Windstream email to Gmail. It gives an answer that straightforwardly moves messages from Windstream to Gmail account straightforwardly. With this utility, all of the data in your Windstream.net email account gets saved to Gmail without any problem. The item saves no qualifications of your email account in UI. For different subtleties, if it's not too much trouble, contact the specialized group.
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officermaddie23 · 2 years
Alltel wizard commercial
basically Nanl in a nutshell 
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wytfut · 2 years
wth is with the title?
I live in my own little world. Pretty sure most folks that know me personally, know this. And they either just handle it, or ignore... No matter. And the “Captain Obvious” side of it, is me running around with blinders on, missing reality.
I came up with this title, as I wanted something that tells a bit about me, AND is obscurely different enough to draw curiosity. Why that? I don’t know, ... guess I've never been one to appear common, or like everyone else. Pretty sure most folks like to be the individual they are,... but maybe a touch afraid of attracting attention.   Because of my attitude towards being an individual, I do attract attention. I don’t believe its intentional (could be), but no matter... I’ll let someone else decide
Been that way most of my life.... I like being me. Never insulted so much as when Lincoln Hoot and Hollar got bought out by Alltel. I went from Bruce Whitefoot to , umm.... really can’t remember that number anymore. LTT, I could call any department, and they’d at least recognize the fact to know me, whether they did or not.
I am a grandpa. I’ve got 5 grand kids.... love them all. Don’t get to see them enough.
Grumpy..... yup, older I get the grumpier I’m getting... thats a fact.
Pants.... since 1999, I have put on the pounds. I went from my fighting weight of 197 (I was at that weight for over 20 years) to my max of 257. When I got up to that weight, my pants were starting to become uncomfortable. Even with upping in sizes a couple of times. This in turn would add to the “grumpy” side of  the title. 
Lil known side note: I’ve been on a diet since October, and here in February, I’m down almost 30 pounds. Really got tired of pants that hurt. Been a battle, losing weight and my back. Want to get down 50 total.... I’m pretty sure I can do it.
X world...   as in Excelsior Henderson World, or Super X community, etc. 
I’ve been a member of many organizations thru the years. None have met or surpassed what I’ve experienced in this community. Have developed some strong everlasting friendships, all over this country.... and few in other countries. 
This group of folks..... I like to think it wouldn’t mattter, if the common denominator was something other that “Super X”, and still be attractive .... BUT as we all know Brucie, its because its different that attracts me. 
Thus “Grandpa Grumpy Pants X world” ... and you can search that on youtube.
Just posted another video yesterday on youtube. Here I’ve got 5 already and thought I’ve be lucky to get 4 a year. LOL
That came about, as my original video I chopped into 4 episodes. And then I remembered a bunch of stuff, I had forgotten, and made the 5th epsiode of the original 4....    I’ve probably still forgotten more stuff. I’ll get it all on there sooner or later. 
I’m nutz...
Cleaning my video files yesterday on my pc,  I recognized that I’ve probably got 2 more videos ready to publish. And one already edited waiting. 
Pull in the reins Brucester...   
This site, and the youtube site, both will have episodes other than Super X context.   The title isn’t “strictly”... 
I know my audience will never be huge. I’ll never make a penny on any of this. But so far I’ve been enjoying. And as long as my Grand kids have access to both, I’m happy.
Talking into a camera/mic isn’t near as intimidating as the first time, but I must admit, I do get tongue tied easily. Editing... I’ve figured out a process that makes it easy for me. Not a smooth motion yet, but getting there. 
Uploading to Youtube is a real clock eater. I’ve had to get up close and personal with my computer. Get to know the ins and outs everyone else knows except for me. Tech language, just kicks my ass, 99% of the time I have no idea what the words are telling me. And then the grumpy shows up...
Thanx Jordan Anderson for your help. 
Those Youtube influencers.... I highly respect the work they do to do what they do. Amazing quality, and talents. 
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racecargraveyard · 2 years
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2000 Jimmie Johnson #92 Alltel by Action Racing Collectables.
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