#Alolatale Lore
cringywhitedragon · 2 years
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(More crappy MS Paint lore-bits)
Darkner and Lightner Souls are pretty much identical, with their only differences being the central color.
Not listed here are Pokemon Souls: Which are best described as being a sort of "In-between" of human and monster. They have the Determination of Humans and the affinity to Magic like Monsters. Because of this, neither side is capable of absorbing a Pokemon soul. Plus, they make for a terrible source of DT anyways.
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cringywhitedragon · 2 years
Alolatale Info: The Amalgamates (Project Chimera Test Subjects)
Intro: The failed attempts of experimentation during Phase 1 of the Aether Foundation's secretive "Project Chimera" Experiments, an attempt by the foundation to create a "Beast Killer" to help combat the extraterrestrial threat of UBs before they switched to experimenting on Pokemon through the use of a Modified form of Determination.
All of these subjects are Monsters who had "Fallen Down". In hopes of trying to get their souls to linger after they passed on, their comatose bodies were injected with Determination. The aftermath of this experiment resulted in the subject's melting and fusing into a series of horrifying monstrosities who would later be sealed away in one of the abandoned wings of the Foundation where the experiments took place.
There are currently 7 known subjects that have been recorded in the Foundation Database:
Specimen 001 (Codename: MEMORYHEAD)
Comprised of: Unknown (Believed to have been created from the residue left behind by the other subjects)
Bio: The origins of this specific specimen are currently unknown as it isn't composed of any of the documented test subjects. Tests however, have shown that it's body is actually comprised of residue left behind from the other subjects.
There are currently three known instances of this being. These creatures communicate using methods similar to that of Unown. To the naked ear, they sound like noises one might hear from an old dial-up connection but this all changes when the listener uses any form of communication device capable of picking up a signal.
Those who hear it's voices are encouraged to "Join them". Some have reported a feeling of being tempted towards these creatures and report having a hard time resisting the voices. It is best if you refuse their advances and get away as soon as possible.
Extra: It is also known that these creatures have a tendency to leave behind parts of themselves on any surface they might come into contact with. Dubbed a "Bad Memory" by Employees, it is highly recommended that you don't handle this substance with your bare hands as contact or consumption can result in symptoms similar to that of PTSD. Fortunately these affects only last about a minute and it's recommended that any "Bad Memories" found to be laying about be sealed into an air-tight container as it has also been know to return to those who touch it.
Specimen 002 (Codename : ENDOGENY)
Comprised of: Dog Monsters
Info: The first of the "true amalgamates". This specimen is entirely comprised of dog-like monsters. It's considered to be one of the more safer subjects due to it's friendly demeanor but it is still advised to remain cautious around it like the others.
The subject has a large hole on it's head that leaks out an unidentifiable black substance when it is happy. This substance thankfully is considered harmless.
Specimen 003 (Codenames: REAPER BIRD)
Known Composition: Wimsalot, Final Froggit, Astigmatism
Bio: An elongated bird-like creature. This subject is known for it's rather elusive nature as it prefers to say out of the way of most people. Despite it's rather frail appearance, it is capable of shapeshifting into another form dubbed "EVERYMAN", a form it often takes when it decides to attack.
The Reaper Bird's last reported sighting was by an employee who was snooping around the old Subject Storage room.
Specimen 004 (Codename: SILENT NIGHT)
Comprised of: Rudolph "Rudy" Holiday, Gyftrot, Icecap
Bio: A deer-like amalgamate that partially resembles a Christmas tree. Silent Night , or Rudy, is one of the more friendlier of the test subjects and currently poses no active danger to any Employees. He's described as being rather jovial and friendly but has been prone to mood-swings when one of the other subjects tries to take control of their shared body.
Silent Night is covered in Christmas decorations as of a result of a collision with some boxes. They are rather close with subject 006 "So Cold" as the two can often be heard talking about their families.
But despite this subject's usually friendly demeanor towards the staff and other Subjects, Silent Night often shows signs of depression when alone.
Subject 005 (Codename: LEMONBREAD)
Comprised of: Shyra, Moldbygg, Aaron
Bio: By far the most aggressive of all of the subjects. It earned it's codename from the rather distinctive lemony smell that it's body produces.
Both known and feared by most of the Foundation. It has made multiple attempts to escape in the past and was responsible for injuring 4 people when the President's Daughter made an escape with that Cosmog. She distrusts most of the Foundation, especially Branch Chief Faba. The only employee shown to have been able to safely interact with her without being attacked is Alphys.
Specimen 006 (Codename: SO COLD)
Comprised of: Crystal Drake, Vegitoid
Bio: The poor suffering soul of Crystal Drake (Snowdrake's Mother). The most unstable of the subjects as noticed by staff as she appears to be falling apart. She prefers to be alone most of the time but has been noted hanging around with Silent Night.
She earned her codename from the unusual chill that fills the air when she is near.
Specimen 007 (Codename: CHECKMATE)
Comprised of: Darkner Monsters
Bio: Comprised from Monsters that came from another world. It's body is shaped similar to that of a chess piece which is how it got it's codename.
This subject's neon colored body gives off a bioluminescent glow when in the dark. It does not react well to bright light sources and has been known to get agitated if directly shined with a light source like a flashlight
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cringywhitedragon · 2 years
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Alolatale Lore: Shadow Cloaks (Based on Ralsei's shadowy appearance from Chapter 1)
A rather unique form of magic adopted by the Boss Monsters of the Dark World/Ultra Space.
Originally developed as a way for Royalty to keep their identities concealed when out in public. The castor shrouds themselves in a magical shadow-like cloak that obscures their body from view, leaving only their eyes and moth visible. Clothing worn by the castor is unaffected and these shadow-cloaks will even remain up when exposed to light.
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cringywhitedragon · 2 years
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(Please excuse my terrible art, for I cannot draw. Also some of the grammar might be a bit shitty on some of these)
Some lore bits for Alolatale, this one being focused on the Darkner variation of Boss Monsters
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