#Alpha couple
exhaustedacademic · 6 months
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Enjoy this poorly edited amalgamation
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peppershaker64 · 7 months
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"Good things never last. Bad things never die."
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pleasurepixxie · 3 months
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Mommy & Daddy want to use you as our plaything. 🧸🩷
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handinlovablehand · 1 year
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[drags myself out of the swamp covered in spanish moss and my own blood, breathing heavily and shaking] omg guys hi! yeah i just made a little something about the tallahassee liner notes haha
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scatterghosts · 2 years
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Alpha Incipiens by The Mountain Goats // Noon, or The Siesta by Vincent Van Gogh
Requested by @hydra-collector
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indiscriminate-idiocy · 8 months
Me and the bad bitch I pulled over the course of three albums and a few EPs slowly rotting away because we don't love each other and then burning our house down because John Darnielle thought it'd be poetic and wanted to break the hearts of theater kids and alt-rock fans everywhere:
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passivedemonic · 11 months
There is no deadline There is no schedule There is no plan we can fall back on The road this far can't be retraced There is no punch line anybody can tack on There are loose ends by the score What did I come down here for?
You You
“You have, uh, memories of the house that you first gained consciousness in, as a child, you think, when was the first time I was really conscious of my house? Even if you grew up in a hateful house, it's probably a nice memory, this awareness of your surroundings and that's where you belong. Now, the negative of that image, right, where you're conscious of where you are for the first time ever and you become conscious at the exact same instant that it's really not where you want to be? That's where these two people live." 
-- John Darnielle at Mills College Chapel in Oakland, California on February 11th, 2004
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downtohide · 1 month
This is an Alpha Sun Hat appreciation post because that song really has everything:
• Signature Alpha Couple sense of 'something is wrong here, but I can't put my finger on it'.
• Aztec references
• Mention of Tallahassee 6 years before The Mountain Goats invented the city for the album in 2002 (prophetic)
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doctorskelegoats · 1 month
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The mountain goats/Taylor swift Truther playlist has updated and it has some AMAZING pairs, like this one above: People say friends (who are pop stars) shouldn't destroy one another, what do they know about friends (who are pop stars)?
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Tay and Travis are out here chewing pseudoephedrine like bubblegum, getting revenge by loudly living their best lives.
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The parsimony of using a Jenny from Thebes song with a TPD song is beautiful and elegant, and although the obvious choice would've been something from Tallahassee Going to Dallas (about fleeing the police after having unalived an elected official) is better for thematic reasons.
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This one fucking rewired my brain, I had never before considered the similarities between dating Matty Healy and methamphetamine addiction.
Anyway back to Locked Tomb content next week, it's just been a very Goatlor weekend.
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going-to-marrakesh · 2 months
you can’t say alpha couple without saying fuck up
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kaboomthepossum · 2 months
Random 3 AM thoughts from last night: What if someone made Tallahassee into a musical?
Picture the scene: the audience have all sat down, they’re chatting away and then the lights go dark. And Tallahassee (song) plays. You can hear the singers but they aren’t visible by this point. The audience believe this to be a beautiful love story. Then the actors come on stage, and they sing first few desperate hours, beautifully, in perfect unison. This is when the couple arrives at the house for the first time. The house is falling apart, and gives the audience the impression that this is a tale of recovery, making the best of a bad situation, which is further implied by southwood plantation road; “I am not gonna lose you, we are gonna stay married” - it’s evident that their relationship is far from perfect, but hope still remains for them. Between this and game shows touch our lives, they each open a bottle of beer and drink it. In silence. Then they each smoke a cigarette. Again in complete silence. They walk inside and game shows touch our lives plays. It becomes clear to the audience how bad the situation really is once, after a short period of conversation, which slowly becomes less and less coherent, the house that dripped blood plays. There is no break between this and Idylls of the King. The couple sing this quietly, in seperate rooms. Again, there is only a few seconds break between the end of this and the beginning of No Children. The audience note the sudden aggressive shift to pure anger and hatred. On one half of the stage, the husband sings loudly, a bottle in his hand. On the other side of the stage, the wife packs a bag, and by the end of the song, she has left. The lights fade, and the interval begins.
The second half begins loudly and suddenly, with the husband singing See America Right. At this point, only half the stage is lit, with the husband visible. The wife cannot be seen. The side of the stage which is lit switches for Peacocks and International Small Arms Traffic Blues are performed by the wife. The switch happens again and the husband performs Have to Explode. Shortly after this, underneath a beautiful, clearly, starry night sky, the couple perform Old College Try. The singer alternates between lines, with them both performing the final lines “I will walk down to the end with you, if you will come all the way down with me”. This is when the audience become truly hopeful. They prepare themselves for the reunion they had always secretly expected. As morning comes, Oceanographers choice begins to play. The stage is clouded with smoke, and the wife walks into the house. They fight, and then embrace. As this is happening, the light outside the window is darkening, (to indicate time passing, and the hatred slowly returning). Finally, as the couple are staring into each other’s eyes, Alpha Rats Nest begins. Flames begin to appear at the front of the stage, and by the end of the song, the couple are completely hidden behind them. The last time they are visible, they are staring away from one another. As the music fades out, so do the flames. But the couple are gone. So is the house. And the lights on the stage all go dark. And the show is over.
Thank you for reading
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transgothicgenre · 1 year
collection of my favorite alpha couple related quotes
"You have, uh, memories of the house that you first gained consciousness in, as a child, you think, when was the first time I was really conscious of my house? Even if you grew up in a hateful house, it's probably a nice memory, this awareness of your surroundings and that's where you belong. Now, the negative of that image, right, where you're conscious of where you are for the first time ever and you become conscious at the exact same instant that it's really not where you want to be? That's where these two people live."
tallahassee (the song)
"This couple that, that was supposed to get a divorce and then didn't"
going to dade county
"This is another one of those little songs, uh, about two people who I love so much that I continue to cause them to harm one another, uh, and I imagine them in my mind cursing me, but they can't do it without my permission, 'cause they're my people, so. It's a very old song. I hope someday they'll forgive me, but I suspect that they won't."
"This song also has a message, but it's a sort of simpler message. And that is: if the person that you live with and love is trying to kill you, it's best to leave."
spilling toward alpha
"This used to be my favorite song to play. It's one of those songs about this couple that I dreamt of that, that was divorcing. Always they'd be divorcing. If you go over to their house, they were open about it, in my mind, you'd go and say, 'hey, you guys, what's up with you?' 'Ah, you know, I'm-a divorce his ass, fuck this guy,' and then he'd be like, watching TV, and go, 'She says that all the time and she's not going anywhere, she knows where the booze is at,' and then you say, 'Wow, what time is it getting to be? I suppose I'll be on my way. It was --' and you lie… 'It was good to see you both, I miss you, so come on down some, sometime,' and meanwhile, when you leave, you pray to the God in whom you don't believe that they will never, ever drop by your house, because they'll fuck that shit right up. I have an affection for this couple. I wish they would get the divorce that they need, but it never seems to happen for them. I'm in control of the situation, so there must be something wrong with me, that I won't give them what they want."
alpha sun hat
"…I don't quite get what is going on in this song. Most of the time I have a pretty good idea of what's going on with the people, and I don't really know what is behind the refrigerator in this song. I will someday find out."
alpha gelida
“This song is about a house in southern Florida where a lot of bad things happen because of the two people who are making the bad things happen to each other. They really do love each other but they’re not really entirely clear [on] how to express that. So, they try to kill each other.”
southwood plantation road
"This is a song about how you find yourself in a relationship that's really not going where you had hoped it would go, and you say to yourself in the seventh year of that relationship, 'Why am I still hanging out here? You know, that's seven years off my life, I only have so many on this planet. That's seven years I've given to this -- well, I'll stick it out another seven, see what happens.' I'm here to tell you that you don't have to give those second seven, really, seven seems like a fair point at which to start cutting losses. But you know and I know that you're not even here tonight if you're into the whole concept of cutting losses."
"There’s a Led Zeppelin song that goes ‘Good times, bad times, you know I had my share.' Well, this song takes out all the other stuff that was confusing the narrator, the parts about the good times and the having your share. This song is about having more than your share, more than everyone else’s share, bad times coming into your house and overflowing out onto your porch. Bad times. Bad times. Bad times! Game Shows Touch Our Lives!"
game shows touch our lives
"This here is a song. That I want you to sing...to the one you love. When the time comes, you will know when the time comes. You won't like it. You won't feel like singing. I want you to remember, when the time comes that I told you this thing would happen. It will make you look crazy. There's nothing like looking crazy to give you the edge."
(two years later in a different venue) "Anyway, if you like this song and you know the words, I should like for you to sing it like you mean it, all of the words, because there may come a day, there may come a day when you're gonna need the words to this song. You'll be sitting there, going, 'What has become of my marriage? This blows!' I want you to remember that I gave you a little something that you could sing, because when that time comes, there won't be much to do besides sing."
no children
"This is a song about encroaching dread."
"I wonder if you guys saw this commercial that they used to play when I lived up in Iowa. I didn’t see it anywhere else, I don’t know if it was nation wide, or what, but, um, they use to have this commercial they would show that was like, you know… laughs it was the best thing. I hope you saw it! But I don’t know if it was maybe a Iowa and Minnesota get-people-to-go-to-the-lakes thing– though I assume you have lakes down here also. But it was a kid’s voice– oh, this is going to be a long story, hold on– It was a kid’s voice and reminded me of one of the best songs of the 80s, that great decade the 80s that brought us such great music as “Dear Mister Jesus.” Did you ever hear “Dear Mister Jesus?” It was a song sung by a five-year-old, and it was that sort-of Christian pornography, that like, you go, “Oh, the kid said Jesus. What could be better?” And if you are like a guy who is going to Mega Death shows in Long Beach in his spare time, you look at “Dear Mister Jesus” with wonder and reverence and go “Aw, this is the best time to be alive!” because “Dear Mister Jesus,” right? But it was clear that they had asked the kid to talk dumber then she actually was and she sings like: “Dear Mister Jesus, I don’t know what to do” and it was like that, right? So this commercial I’m thinking of that ran in Iowa, was the “Dear Mister Jesus” voice, but the kid was asking his father to take him fishing. This is the sort-of thing that weighs very heavily on Midwestern Dads, I think. If you are a kid listening to this, and you want to just rip out your Midwestern father’s heart, then I suspect asking him to take you fishing on a day he can’t do it is a good way to do that. But the commercial went: “Take me fishing, because I won’t be nine forever!” “Take me fishing, because there’s only one sunset a day!” And I would watch this video and go “Oh man, Dear Mister Jesus has gone fishing, this is cool!” Right? I want you to bear those noble sentiments in mind as I play an unreleased song from Tallahassee about the day the guy gets drunk and goes fishing."
alpha chum gatherer
"This is a song - takes place in California - it was on the first CD - it's about that moment in which you know it's not going to get any better, but you want to prove to somebody exactly how strong you are."
orange ball of hate
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bellswampconnection · 2 years
"anyway, it doesn't have 'Alpha' in the title, but the big secret is it involves those people who were supposed to get divorced and one of them just vanishes. It's called 'Letter from a Motel'."
-John Darnielle 1/30/1999, Bloomington, IN
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passivedemonic · 1 year
“Orange Ball of Hate”
when I hear the screeching weather vane in the wild wind and the pissing rain I know that one of us, I'm not saying who, has got rocks in her head the rain comes through the open window but you don't think so
I sure do love you I sure do love you
"This is a song - takes place in California - it was on the first CD - it's about that moment in which you know it's not going to get any better, but you want to prove to somebody exactly how strong you are." 
-- John Darnielle at the Cow Haus in Tallahassee, FL on February 6, 1998
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exhaustedacademic · 9 months
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forcedblackmail · 11 months
​​I'm straight and I love real girls. You know the type.. beautiful, exquisite, sexy... all the things you're NOT.
A real girl can excite Me with her touch, she can make Me hard with just one look, can satisfy Me in every way possible.
You cant, and never will.
You will never get the chance to touch Me, stroke Me, satisfy My sexual desires, the way a real partner is supposed to. You’ll never be a real for me.
What you can do though, is make sure I enjoy My time with real girls as much as possible.
You're going to send Me money to spend enjoying nights out with those girl that you have no hope of ever competeing with. You're going to provide Me with money for our dates, restaurants, vacation trips etc.
I want you to concentrate on this photo for a few minutes. I want you to realize your place and role in my world. You're just a cash faggot, walking wallet for satisfying my greedy whims. And so it will always be.
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