#Alsaeida the Musical Toon
alsaeidaville · 6 years
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"Come on Sammy boy! Let's play a tune and tap our feet! Let the demons have their dance! This little imp just wants to play~" ------------- Ye heard it right! My little boi here is in an AU with Sammy Lawrence from BATIM! Now what kind of AU you might be askin? Well keep watch and more stuff might be revealed~ Also excuse my poor ways of colorin stuff right qwq I'm still learnin toons n all haha.
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
Entry 1
. . .booting system . . . . . .system re-booted 'Finally. Oh hello! You must be the reader, right? Well care to hear the tale of a mad toon and his posse that ruled over a town? ... No? What- Why I never! I'm going to tell you anyways! But I will start from the beginning and you will be referred to as... Diary! Yes! So without further ado, I will start us off with a small stu-' . . .System Hacked System Shut Down ------- Now what was that about? Oh well, we will have to find out soon enough yes?~
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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So yeup Finally finished this as well and did 2 versions of it c’8
So who are the other two? I will hopefully make refs someday and include the trio’s lives together in their home~
The bird is the scariest >w> MREHEHEHEH!
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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I AM STILL ALIVE!~ Yurp, this be my boi again and that’s his own personal quote. I’ll be hoping to make a mini comic to showcase him a little more on his past and how he came to AlsaeidaVille. Been tryin to rework the plots in my head and making sure things make sense to how things were done. Otherwise enjoy some simple art with him in it~
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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J-"Bendy look-" A-"NO! I refuse to accept this!" A-"Listen to what I-" A-"Listen?! LISTEN?!? I refuse to listen to what you have to say!" A-"That runt is not gonna be part of my show!" J-"It isn't just your show now!" J-"You're gonna need to listen to what I have to say or else-" A-"Or else what, Joey? You gonna fire me? HA! Good luck to that! A-"Everyone that's seen my show loves me Joey." A-"I highly doubt anyone's gonna notice him there." J-"They will once he's grown and in your show." J-"Now there is no more discussion about this!" A-"That runt ain't bein' in my show Joey." J-"Then I guess he'll just take over." A-"Joey-" J-"I've already had it up to here with your attitude. Whether you get along or not is no longer my problem. If you refuse to accept this then you're out of the show, your name will be taken and given to this little darling right here, and you will have to find another name for yourself." J-"Am I understood?" J-"Ben-" A-"Call me Bendy and I swear it will be the last thing you'll do. That goes for the runt as well." ------------------ WHOOO! That was....a bit more writing than I thought 8'D Oh well Hope y'all enjoy this! It is Alsae's first look at lil' Bendy, AKA his 'bro' So yeah c'8 More on it later right? Haha!
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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In the spirit of Halloween I made this ... I failed at making a poster :’D Good try right?
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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"This is the last time I'm telling you this, you are to NOT EVER go outside! Am I understood?" "...." "Ben-" "I'm NOT Bendy sir....but yes....you're understood...." "Good. Now go run along and bother the staff. I have to talk to a client." --------------------- Uh oh...someone's in trouble. Also these pictures, minor ones, are mainly a past/flashback of this poor lad and his life before AlsaeidaVille. Take all the guesses ya want on whom was just talkin to him c8 Or scolding rather heh.
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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Leaving this in Sketch format for a basic idea on the city Might delve more into it if folks ask haha
And yes! Toons and humans co-exist here perfectly fine c8 So do come in and have a great time! Don’t mind those tiny notes surrounding certain spots either~ They mean nothing~
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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HERE WE GO! A height chart and reference sheet of my boi~ So yeah there are 4 forms he has and only 3 are known.... There might be 5 who knows c8 But only very few folks know them and are willing to reveal it There are some notes of when he use to be around Joey and would write back to him for Alsaeida believes Joey keeps messing him up in someway haha.
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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A: "So...got any talents new friend?" P: nothing but silence A: "Excuse me, but I don't think I quite-" P: static sounds erupt A: "...Oh my....now this is gonna be the start of a new friendship~" ----------- Yup....Alsaeida and his new pal. We can call him Mr. Potoo c8 This birb was Alsae's first friend and employee on helping to conquer said city and he's quite a scary boi More on him later though~
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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"I take my pills and I'm happy all the time I'm happy all the time I'm happy all the time I love my girl but she ain't worth the price She ain't worth the price No, she ain't worth the price" ------------------- I was listening to a song recently and... This happened c8 Yurp.... ... ONTO MAKING THE CITY MAP! Song by: Weathers, "Happy Pills"
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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... YUP! I drew him when he was just a wee lil’ demon ... I called him an ‘inkling’ which by my own definition means: Inkling - Newborn/Infant toon created via an Ink Machine, Demonic Summoning, or birth of two toons (mix of any or all, depending on the situation) That’s just me though heheh!
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alsaeidaville · 6 years
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"DAMN IT! Close the damn portal! The creature is coming through!" "I...I-I can't...I have to see my new child...!" "That is not your child, Jerry! That's a monster! Close it! Close it!" Not a reply came back as a scream was heard, a roar following after, and cackles of electrical currents followed through. It was that night that the new studio had lost their first creator of a new character and all he saw was this for the first time. Nothing was left from the aftermath except for tons of ink, and a small inkling toon that was the result of a loss. Not even to this day did the studio ever forget their beloved creator and friend. --------------- I know that I'm mostly doing tidbits and pieces of my lil' boy and all, but soon enough I might leave a full on story of him or wait until I get enough interested followers to reveal more about him. Might end up finishing his City that he takes over along with the tower that rules it over. Y'all are free to ask him questions until then as well!
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