#Also Fylass’ chapter is next :D
that-fanperson-meg · 9 months
I quite literally just finished this lol, I’m so excited to work on the next part :] anyways here’s part five of…
Six Times That Twilight Knight Was There For His Siblings (and one time they were there for them)
Like every teenager across the universe, Twilight Knight’s sleep schedule was erratic and unpredictable as they come. But then again, he was semi-nocturnal which did give them an excuse. 
However this didn’t explain away the fatigue present in his body as soon as they fully woke up. It felt like he’d just gone through twelve hours of sparring without any breaks. 
In all honesty, the astral was ready to lay back down and hope that the feeling would go away.
Though like always, fate had different plans for the knight. As an alarm on their phone rang out with the annoying chime that all Haltmann Works Co. phones did. 
With a groan, Twilight Knight reached out to turn it off but then read the reminder that he had set days earlier; ‘hangout w/ Bandee today!!!’
“Three exclamation points, now that’s serious.” They said to himself, before they grabbed the mask that was laid on the sideways bookshelf that was used more as a desk than its actual purpose.
Putting on his pauldrons and sabatons as quickly as they could, the knight rushed down the hall until he reached the door that opened to the main deck. Bursting out the door, Twilight Knight was met with an overcast sky, which only increased the chill of the wind.
Carefully, he stood on the banisters that went around the deck. Just like they had a million times before, he jumped off, letting the wind catch their wings as he directed themself towards Castle Dedede.
For some odd reason, Twilight Knight found that flying took their mind off everything and brought them back to somewhere he’d tried to forget. He couldn’t explain it if they tried, it was nostalgia for a home that wasn’t his, a longing for a past that they carved out for himself. 
Turning their gaze back towards the ground, the knight realized that Castle Dedede was coming into his sights. Picking up speed as they glided towards the castle, the astral looked up at just the right moment to come in for a smooth landing.
Standing just outside the castle’s gate, Twilight Knight could see Bandana Waddle Dee waving to him as they ran up to meet him.
“Yo! Bandee, it’s great to see you!” The knight said, to a Waddle Dee with a large smile in their eyes.
Slightly repositioning their bandana namesake, Bandee replied, “yeah same, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you!”
From behind his mask, a fond smile formed across their face. “So, what do you want to do, or are we just gonna freestyle it?” 
“Uh- I actually have to run a few errands, and I was wondering if you’d want to come along?”
Twilight Knight chuckled to himself, “wow Bandee, using me for free labor? I feel so used!” They exclaimed with an overdramatic tone that made his sibling laugh.
“Alright, enough joking around. Let’s get going!” The Waddle Dee told him. 
Just as they’d expected, the Waddle Dee jumped on the knight’s back for a piggyback ride. After a moment of stabilizing himself, the two began walking down the path towards Cappy Town.
Despite what the name suggested, Cappy Town was not in fact entirely populated by Cappies and instead was filled with people from all across Planet Popstar. 
However as soon as the crowds of people caught sight of Twilight Knight and Bandana Dee, this fact seemed to melt away. As now the two were the center of attention. 
A second later the Waddle Dee nudged their sibling, getting the knight’s attention,“TK, people are staring. Why are they staring?” 
Twilight Knight answered a second later, “don’t worry about it. They’re probably just not used to seeing one of the great heroes of Popstar walk around so casually like this.”
Bandee looked confused for a moment after his compliment, perhaps realizing that they’re the great hero of Popstar that the knight was referring to. 
Finding all the groceries that the two had come there for took longer than expected. What with some of the places they were going to were out of what they needed, and both of them getting distracted more times than either one was willing to admit. 
The day finished and both of the siblings left carrying bags filled with snacks, cooking stuff, and whatever else caught their eyes. 
“There’s no way that you caught water on fire- I won’t believe it!” The Waddle Dee said in disbelief.
Twilight Knight rolled his eyes, “well you better. We all learnt a lesson today.”
“And that was?” 
The astral snickered to themself, “to never leave me in a kitchen unattended!”
After a moment, Bandana Dee started laughing along with him. However it soon faded, and just like clockwork, the knight’s older brother instincts kicked in.
Somehow they could tell that something was wrong with Bandana, how he knew was beyond them, but a feeling deep inside told him so.
“You good, Ban?” The astral asked, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. 
Judging by the Waddle Dee’s surprise, their instincts were right. “D-don’t worry! I’m fine, it’s just…” they trailed off.
Twilight Knight looked on, waiting for them to continue. “Did you really mean it?” 
“Mean what?”
Bandana Dee sighed, “that I’m a hero of Popstar. I’m not as strong as Dedede, or brave as Meta Knight, or cheerful as Kirby. I’m just a Waddle Dee.”
The knight stopped in his tracks, which seemed to worry their sibling who stopped as well. 
Bandee was shaken by Twilight Knight’s affirmations and physically paused while they took it all in. Though in time, they accepted what their brother had said as the fact it was and thanked them.
The knight smiled behind his mask, “anytime bro. I’m always gonna be here to support ya.” 
Of course, the universe wouldn’t allow a wholesome moment without anything to punctuate it. And thus, a second later Twilight Knight broke into a coughing fit. 
“Are you alright?” Bandana Dee asked, worried for them.
The astral shrugged, finally overcoming his affliction, “yeah, I think I’ll take something for it when I get back to the Halberd.” 
With that resolved, the two continued back towards Castle Dedede while the sun hung low, peeking out behind the overcast sky.
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george228732 · 9 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Seven - Begin Anew
Fylass woke up in cold sweat, with their heart beating out of their chest, and their memories being clogged in the fog of the moment, only to realize that the place they were in wasn’t Wonderland anymore, but the real world; more specifically, the same room Fylass slept the last rainy night, on Lucid and Buddy’s Castle; the sun was rising, leaving a nice morning to spend, and the outskirts were filled with small puddles, sunken into the grass.
The kid’s fingers were trembling as they breathed in and out to calm themself down, and then, they saw the Club Brooch on their sweater, and thanks to that, they remembered why they placed it in in the first place. Their mood went from scaredness, to low frustration, as they looked at the drawer next to the bed they were on, noticing the box the brooch should be in.
"...Sigh." They placed it on the box and closed it shut. 
They left the bed, opening the door with their ESP as they grabbed their bag they brought with them, and used the hallways in front of them to get to the main room to see the people that took them in for the last day as a way to make them feel better, and sure enough, Fylass saw Lucid right at the end of it.
"Oh, kid! Good Morning! Are you… feeling well?"
"...I had a nightmare, but besides that, I am okay." Fylass chuckled slightly, trying to act as normal as possible.
"Oh dear, I am sorry to hear that…"
"I-It’s alright, I am fine now…" The kid tried to walk away. "So… Thank you and such, but I gotta leave."
Lucid was quite surprised to hear that. "I actually was doing waffles! Can you stay for a little so you can get them too? It’ll be worth it, I swear!"
Fylass was thinking about it, and even then, they didn’t want to be rude to say no; they accepted. "...Sure."
Lucid seemed happy and they left the hallway to get to the kitchen, as Fylass redirected themself to the dining room this time to receive that breakfast with regret, as their mind tried to recollect itself with their experiences in Wonderland.
"...What am I doing? That wasn’t real, what’s the problem with me? If I want to get better and have a normal life, I shouldn’t keep going there…"
They were about to open the door to their destination, but they were interrupted by the bird that bit them on the arm to not let them out last night, now standing on the kid’s feathery head.
"So… Good morning!" She snickered. "Are you doing well, today?"
"...I think."
"...Geez… Sorry to hear that, dude." Fylass had the feeling that she was being sincere about that statement she just made; normally, she wouldn’t be like that, always being mischievous and snarky, but it seemed that she couldn’t help but feel bad about such a young soul, going through so much torment.
"D-Don’t worry, it’ll be fine, I swear."
"Alllriiighty then. I heard that Buddy and Lucid are making waffles and some chocolate milk due to how cold the day is outside, so uh, feel free to hang out with us for a little more before leaving, would you?"
"That’s the plan." Fylass chuckled weakly. "Hey, uh… thanks, for worrying about me and such."
"I mean, that’s the least I could do! You are very appreciated by Lucid and Buddy, and you are nice to fellow Master Crowns, ironically enough, so yeah, you deserve some care, kid!"
"...I guess… Haha." Fylass opened the door, and went towards the dining room.
It looked pretty much the same as last night, but with a cold wind oozing through the cold windows; last night, the rain was making the entire environment feel like it was winter already, although, autumn days were starting to happen, after a nice summer full of joy, but also, Fylass’ blown swan song started right at the end of it. Quite ironic.
The kid silently went towards a chair that seemed perfect for them, and flied towards it with their odd looking wings to sit down. Soon enough, someone entered the same room as well, this one being Buddy, with that crown over his head, having a tray with some glasses of chocolate milk.
"Oh, good morning kid. Are you feeling well?"
"Yeah, I think so… What about you?"
"I slept nicely, although I am not sure if you did too." Buddy had a soft spot for the kid ever since the beginning; none were in very nice situations back then, but Fylass was kind to no end; they were with him in whatever situation, along with Shard, and other friends, and so, he really wanted to make the kid happy.
"Don’t worry, I feel better than last night, so I just wanted to say thank you."
"You don’t need to thank me. It’s the least me and Lucid could do for you. Your kindness needs to be repaid, for sure."
"...Yeah…" Fylass wasn’t so sure about that statement, and it showed.
Lucid came to the same room, with Crowny nearby, the former with a tray of waffles being held by his hands. 
"Those look pretty, for sure, thank you, Lucid."
"Aw, thanks!" Lucid left the tray on the table, and placed the plates around the seats, giving one to Fylass, along with a glass of chocolate milk to warm their heart and mind, although they only started eating after everyone was ready to eat.
Fylass ate as gently as they could, nicely contrasted to Crowny’s feral way of eating, but even if it still faintly felt like eating sand, the taste felt as if they were on a place that they really could call home; not the convent they were forced to be in as if it was a cult, or an empty home that couldn’t feel any more stale and lonely. 
They were happy, even if it was miniscule, that sense of faint happiness was starting to appear.
Fylass’ plate and glass were emptied quite quickly, still feeling regretful, but that regret felt fuzzy. They looked at the rest, which had their plates and glasses already emptied out, seemingly enjoying themselves at the scene.
"Well… Thank you, guys, but I have to leave. My house needs some care, and I need to check on my crops and garden; the rain was pretty strong last night, so I fear for the safety of my stuff, hehe…"
"Oh, that’s no problem, but could you wait a little, please?" Buddy left the room, and Fylass had no other choice than to wait a little, and when he came back, the kid noticed that Buddy now had a purple scarf on hand.
"Here, have this. We were going to give this off to Crowny, but it always fell off her tiny body, so I thought that you might give it better use, and considering that it is autumn, it couldn’t be more convenient."
Fylass looked at the scarf, not having any words to spell, but begrudgingly, they took it and wore it right after. 
"It does look great on you, kid!" Lucid said with joy.
"...Thank you… Are you really sure I can keep this, though?"
"Buddy nor I could use it, due to how small it is, so it’s only fitting that we give it to someone that could use it perfectly."
"...I swear that I’ll keep it with me as long as I am capable of. Thank you so much." Fylass went towards the main room to open the door, not before waving goodbye to the people that took them in, which waved goodbye after they did, just hoping for their happiness.
With their ESP, they opened the great main door, and left for their home, walking through the cold, grassy fields, trying their best to avoid the water puddles through their way there. The path was lonely, due to how cold the weather was, with no Waddle Dee or inhabitant of Dreamland present around Fylass’ point of view. They just thought that they would see no one down their way home, but that thought quickly faded when they saw their house in the distance, but it felt off, too pristine, compared to the wild rain of last night.
They ran towards it to check it out more deeply, only to realize that there were people around the house, which seemed to take care of it; looking further, Fylass realized they were their siblings, Selene, Dolly, TK, and Ades.
"Guys? W-What are you doing here?"
"Oh, hi Fylass! We were just taking care of your house while you were gone!" Selene was happy to see Fylass well, and their siblings seemingly were pretty happy as well, with Dolly hugging them afterwards.
"Hi there, best friend! Your flowers are so pretty, so Dolly decided to take care of them with Ades himself!" She said, giggling like an innocent kid. 
"I am quite surprised that you were able to grow all of these things around your house; you always seemed packed with surprises, and your crops and flowers are even more proof of that!" Ades had some first on his hands; he seemingly was having some fun with the garden Fylass had made for themself.
"Yeah, and the inside of your house is also extremely nice! It all feels so pretty and nostalgic, although quite lonely. Either way, you really know how to decorate, don’t you?" TK said afterwards, with an expression of calm, but humor in his vocal tone.
"...You guys were taking care of my house while I was gone?" Fylass looked at their home again. "Wow… I don’t know what to say… Thank you."
"Aw, no problem! It’s the least you deserve, for being a great person!"
"...Why are you guys being so kind to me, all of a sudden?" Deep down, Fylass knew the answer, but they didn’t want to hear it.
"Well… You deserve some nice moments, and considering how you feel, we would like to compensate you for all the things you’ve done for us! From the moments you made cookies for all of us, or those moments where you decided to talk with us about some problems!
"...I appreciate the kindness, but you didn’t need to do all of that…"
"Yes, we did! Besides, we had fun doing this, for you, and for us!"
Fylass was speechless, for sure, but they hugged their siblings with all of their strength, as they tried to hide their tears of gratitude; they didn’t know why they were feeling this emotional, but they were happy for sure.
"A-Ah… Thank you, guys. Let me get into the house and leave this backpack here, I’ll serve you some sea, if you like." Fylass entered the house, and did as such, noticing how pretty the house was, seemingly being decorated even further by their siblings and other friends. 
They moved to the kitchen, pulled out some teacups and started to make some tea; afterwards, they opened the fridge to get some cheesecake, as they heard the rest entering the house. Fylass realized that there was little to nothing on the fridge, leaving things like candies and such as the only things left. 
"Bummer…" They took the candies, which were small chocolates, and afterwards, they took the recently made tea and poured it in the teacups next to them, and left towards the living room to give them to their invitees.
"Here. I was going to give you guys some cheesecake, but I have barely anything in my fridge, haha…" They laughed a little, and gave the teacups and chocolate pieces to them.
"Oh, that’s alright! Don't worry about it." Selene said with compassion in her tone.
"Thanks for understanding. I might need to get some groceries, though, and I think I have enough money to cover my necessities, hehe."
"Wait, you are a kid… Where do you get your money?"
"Oh! I just sell my flowers and crops to get it. It’s kinda hard, but not impossible!" They noticed the faces of surprise when Fylass said that.
"...So, what you are saying is that you work as well?"
"Yeah… Don’t worry, though! I am fine, and I can do these quite easily."
"...How long have you been doing this, though?"
"Well, ever since I lived on my own, like a year ago."
"..." Everyone went silent. How could this be? Fylass has been living on Popstar for one year or so, and ever since the beginning, they had to resort to live on their own and work alone, and no one realized? Even with that though, they always gave out food to them, as if it didn’t care. Did Fylass even eat?
"H-Hey, what if we go out shopping for groceries a couple of hours later? I would like to get some things, and considering that you are in need of buying stuff, I see this as a win-win." Ades said, even though the true reason for it was by pure concern for the kid’s wellbeing. The rest seemingly knew what Ades was doing, so they came up with excuses to go out shopping too.
"Oh, sure. I don’t mind!" Fylass, though, seemingly was unaware of their plan, much to the rest’s belief.
"Well, in that case, we will get going." Everyone left the teacups on the floor right next to the couch they were on.
"That’s alright. See you in a couple of hours, then!" Fylass said, as the others waved goodbye towards Fylass, and left the house, as the kid decided to use the bathroom.
"...Wow… I never thought Fylass was that vulnerable…" 
"We need to spend more time with them. I didn’t think that Fylass needed to be that independent from day one, and considering what they’ve gone through…"
"...We need to make them happy.
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george228732 · 10 months
Fylass In Wonderland -Chapter Eight- Plagues
Pleiades stood there, behind a tree; he seemed stressed. "...Sir Pleiades? What are you doing here?" Fylass said with curiosity.
"...You need to go with me, you need to see something." He said as he revealed a secret path that seemed to be a shortcut to Pleiades and Mikuto’s domains. "...Why are we going back, Dolly thought that you wanted us to go to the Card Castle!" Dolly said, confused. "That’s the plan, yet, it is imperative for you to go back, something is happening. Please come with me." 
Fylass and Dolly were confused, but nonetheless, they decided to go with Pleiades back at his base, so they could see the thing that he wanted them to see. The path was chilly, with the wind seemingly getting stronger with each step, until the three saw the Cherry Blossoms on the ground, although some of them seemed withered by unknown reasons. Fylass felt uneasy, but they kept going.
Soon enough, they were back at the same hole that Dolly and Fylass crossed to get to the base, and by pure instinct, they decided to crawl in, yet again, to the Diamond’s Domains.
The area was exactly the same as before, although with the difference that many of the Cherry Blossoms were withered. Blossom was right next to one of those withered spots, and she was scared. When she saw Pleiades once again, she felt slightly relieved. What was happening?
"How’s everything, Blossom? Have things gotten worse?" Pleiades asked Blossom, and she responded, nodding, as her way of saying yes.  "I see… Fylass, accompany me, Dolly, please stay with Blossom.
Fylass followed Pleiades, which went towards another exit of the area. This new place seemed to have been abandoned for a while, with trees without leaves and a forgotten ground below their feet. "...Sir Pleiades, what is happening?"
"...That is happening…" Pleiades said, pointing at one of the trees, which seemed to have… cracks?
"...What…? Are the trees made of porcelain, or something?" Fylass asked.
"...That would’ve been a better situation than the one we’re in at the moment." Pleiades seemed to move faster than before, and Fylass had to keep up the pace, only to see, at the end of the path, a giant patch of land that had a hole the size of a pond, with dark cracks bursting out of it like if the whole area was made of glass. Fylass was shocked by this scenario.
"This world is starting to fall apart…" Pleiades said to Fylass. The latter was silent, and out of curiosity, they took a peek to what was in the hole, only to see, what would be considered, a visual cacophony, with lots of bizarre imagery, along with creatures so strange that not even the most talented writer of horror could be able to decipher; and it also was a literal cacophony, with lots of discordant sounds without recognizable pattern, that seemed to vary from clocks ticking, to some of the most harrowing screams a kid could be able to see; Fylass was sure, that they were looking directly, at Hell.
"W-What is this?!" Fylass asked to Pleiades with concern, only to realize that Mikuto was there as well, not even bothering to establish a conversation.
"If I am being honest, I don’t know." Pleiades said. "Ever since I had a memory, this was always there, but it was much smaller before, and it seems that it wants to keep expanding. This hole of the raw madness of Wonderland was always here, making an already insane place, into something straight up of a madhouse." Pleiades looked at the hole, and out of nowhere, another crack was made. "It is growing faster. Much faster…"
Fylass’s heart was racing; what could happen if someone fell on it? What was it capable of doing? What will happen to Wonderland if it keeps expanding? "D-Do you atleast have a vague idea of what this could be…?"
"...It seems like a feeling, or rather, a lot of feelings, smashing themselves together to create agony, or something maybe even worse, like hundreds and hundreds of repressed memories, climbing on top of the other to see how to break in in a world that serves as protection for someone. Who is that someone, you might say? Who is to tell? I am not the one that made this in the first place, anyways…"
Fylass didn’t seem to understand the situation they were in, or rather, they were in denial about what was happening. "W-Why did you call me then…?" Fylass said.
"I called you, because I need you to act fast. The Queen is surely related to this, she is always involved, at the end of the day. Do you have a weapon?"
"...I had my shears, but they are gone now."
"Then you should use this." Pleiades suddenly grabbed something that was stuck on his hair, this thing being a green key, with a diamond symbol on it.
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"There’s a door on the back of my throne that uses this key to be open; open it and you’ll find a ladder, climb it down, and you will find an armory, take the weapon of your liking, and close the door, please." Pleiades said as they gave the key to Fylass. They were silent, but they thought that this might help them in their endeavor. "...Thank you."
Fylass came back to the base, and Dolly saw them. "Oh hi, best friend! What happened back there?" Dolly said.
"Oh, it was… nothing. Pleiades just gave me this key, and told me to use it behind the throne to get a weapon."
"Ooooh! That is amazing!" Dolly said with excitement.
Fylass nodded, as they went towards the throne and, indeed, there was a door on the back of the throne, and they used the key on it; opened it, and, effectively, there was a ladder leading to a secret room, in which Fylass and Dolly decided to use.
The room below was filled with swords, bows, and other kinds of weaponry, which made Dolly and Fylass amazed. "Wow! This is so cool! Dolly didn’t know Sir Pleiades had this!" Dolly said, as Fylass looked at the weapons they might like, until they saw it. Sharp Shears that had an emblem shaped like a club. It was perfect for them, it even had the perfect size for them!
"...This is it." Fylass said as they grabbed the shears. "Er, c’mon Dolly, let’s get out of here." 
"Aw. Dolly wanted to have a weapon too…"
"...Do you know how to weild one…?"
"...Good point, ahaha… Let’s go!"
Fylass and Dolly used the ladder yet again, closed the door, and locked it with the key. "Hm, the shears… They surely fit for someone like you." Pleiades said behind Fylass and Dolly, now in front of his throne.
"Oh! Uh… Yeah! I like these."
"I am glad you do. Anyways, feel free to use the shortcut again to keep going your way towards the castle, and be quick…"
"I will do so, Pleiades." Fylass said as they went towards the shortcut, along with Dolly, and in the distance, someone was looking at them. "...Hm, the Club got themself a fancy weapon, huh? My partners surely were right about them, heehee…" Said the final Cheshire Cat, Artemeta. "I assume they are going to the circus. Might aswell call my buddies to give them company in that madhouse." Artemeta said, as she disappeared in a blind spot of the Diamond’s Domains.
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