hamartia-grander · 1 year
The new resident evil movie looks soooo stupid but it has the whole queer band together so you bet your ass I'm watching it
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OCs you say... please, tell me more
hello anon i love you
[under a readmore bc i’m long winded!]
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So this is the #sixfanarts i did of them bc i’m me lmao. (see the bottom for image description) anyway! in order
(it’s been so long since i’ve had an opportunity to infodump about my ocs gniogrgiorg)
(also i’m fully embracing how fuckin cringy all these motherfuckers are i don’t CARE they’re my babies)
Nephariel (Nepha) is from Supernatural (Face Claim: Jill Marie Jones)
Resident dual-wielding pansexual and badass bitch. Nepha used to be an angel but she got kicked out (Fell) because she’s a rebel rebel (she tried to kill a motherfucker lol) so she fucked around as a human for a little while being depressed.
Eventually Crowley Supernatural comes to her and is like “hey if u come work for hell I’ll give u your mojo back” and she’s like “neat.” The terms were that she had to work for him for some number of years i think it was ilke 1,000 so basically she becomes an agent of hell but mostly she functions as Crowley’s personal therapist bc he’s got Issues. He couldn’t of course give ALL her mojo back but basically she’s like a fucked up powerful demon with wings it’s very complicated but.
She’s really feisty and angsty but she also just wants to be loved and her and Crowley are really good friends even tho neither of them will admit it.
(Her wings are like oil but i can’t draw so that doesn’t translate very well gnriognr)
Fenrik is from Marvel (ish). (Face Claim: Yang Yang)
Local royal gay. So Fenrik comes from a derivative of a thor roleplay from billions of years ago that’s gone through like four transformations which is why it’s Marvel-ish.
So the context for this one (without going into a lengthy anecdote about the backstory) is that Loki rules Asgard and is a dickwad. He ends up having a bastard child and banishes the guard (Avyinne) he impregnated to keep her from killing him bc he deserves it.
So Fenrik is the Prince and he’s got a lot of angst going on he’s not a happy lad. He hates his dad and sneaks out of the castle a lot but then he meets Llyre who’s this little bus boy at a tavern in the lower town and they meet and Bond and fall in love and it’s very sweet and they love each other a whole lot. Gets angsty when Loki finds out and Fenrik and Llyre try to leave Asgard to live on Midgard alone and in love and there’s smthg mildly triggering that happens but I’m not gonna go into that here!
Eventually he becomes king -- but only after being forced to marry a woman for Politics -- but they become really really good friends and all three of them love each other a lot Fenrik and Llyre deserve good things they really do.
Winnela/Winnifred/Winnie is from Doctor Who. (Face claim: Inbar Lavi)
Local unhinged queen. She’s not technically mine @yenneferw made her many many years ago for a roleplay forum of mine on ffn but we revamped her because she’s great.
So she grew up on Gallifrey with the Master and the Doctor and was the third member of their little group of terror children. If we were to put the Doctor and the Master on a continuum, Winnie would be somewhere between halfway and two-thirds between them, favoring the Master. How wild she is depends on the day.
When the Doctor got into politics on Gallifrey Winnie fucked off and lived off in the wilderness bc she hates politics and she hates Time Lords. She hates reading and claims she doesn’t know how. She doesn’t know how to come to terms with any sort of complicated emotions so she uses violence to make people do what she wants instead of admitting that she wants or needs something.
She has a lot of abandonment issues but is also allergic to vulnerability. She gets mad bc she’s paranoid the Doctor is going to leave her behind when he wants to leave for a few days to visit someone else. She gets mad jealous when the Master or the Doctor start paying more attention to one another rather than her. She really really really wants to be loved and needed and made to feel safe but she’s afraid of letting herself be Known and Seen. She actually regenerates bc she wants to kill the Doctor (or at least make him regenerate) to avoid coming to terms with the fact that she needs him and is happy to be with her friends again, and instead turns the gun on herself.
She needs some therapy (actually everyone in that TARDIS does it’s pretty bad lol). In the words of the Master “she’s just particular.”
The eventual outcome of all this being that the Doctor, the Master, and Winnie all end up falling in love and fixing their issues and being a happy and content triad in the TARDIS. Fun times!
Krysta (Krystalliean) is also from Doctor Who but she belongs to Me (Faceclaim: Kriti Sanon)
Local smartass alien queer. So I think Krysta was probably my first oc? She’s also from the same ffn roleplay server (though a different universe thread) and she has always and always will be a mary-sue and cringy and i love her for it.
I recently revamped her history (recently as in like... a few years ago grnoigrn). So basically she’s the Doctor’s daughter whom the Doctor is not actually aware of. She was raised by a Gallifreyan who had a fling with the Doctor and ended up with a kid (usually i’m a looming lad myself but listen. I forgot about that until just now.)
Krysta (like Winnie) also hates those aristo time lord bastards (honestly if they ever met.... the vibes........) and is PISSED when she finds out who her other parent is.
So basically she steals a ship (not a timeship but like a regular spaceboat) and leaves Gallifrey for like a vacation to find herself or whatever. Somewhere along the line she gets caught up in some wibbly shit and jumped along the timeline a couple hundred years. Eventually she’s like “ok i miss my mom i should probably go home” and when she heads to the coordinates where Gallifrey is supposed to be... no Gallifrey. So, confused, she does like a scan for Gallifreyan technology and who does she find but the only motherfucker with a TARDIS left in the universe.
Hilarity insues. Eventually the Doctor figures out that they’re related and Krysta’s like “nope. fuck this. fuck you. fuck all of this.” But eventually they get close nd learn to love each other it’s ;-;
(also yes, her choker does have her name written in circular gallifreyan on it)
Soo next is Rafael from White Collar (Faceclaim: Manish Dayal)
(I also want to preface this with acab; white collar like all other crime procedurals is copoganda but it’s focused on the FBI instead of like. regular cops. I made Rafael WAY before the current rounds of protests and i’m one of those ppl who enjoys shitty crime procedurals but i’m very critical of them. just to get that out of the way)
Rafael is the local crime transbi.  He was created bc Neal Caffrey needs a boyfriend and that’s the that on that. He commits little crimes. Neal jokingly calls him the Kay Jewelers Caper bc he steals shit from little jewlery stores but nver does anything big to avoid getting heat. His day job is teaching criminology at a private school.
He and Neal meet because Raf gets framed for a jewel heist (something WAY bigger than anything Raf would fuck with) so Neal is there when he gets interviewed.
Neal goes to his house that night to try and help him and they talk and Raf reluctantly tells him about his little crimes and why he’s so nervous (the stuff from his latest job is still in a safe in his house) so Neal offers to get that shit off his hands since he can’t get rid of it bc he’s being watched.
So since Neal was there Peters like “WHY ARE YOU COHOOTING WITH OUR SUSPECT” and neal fuckin panics and is like “IDK WE WERE SLEEPING TOGETHER.” and bc peter is a weird cishet he’s like “oh fuck. ok. just don’t do it again.” so this turns into an elaborate fakedating thing that’s half bc peter thinks they’re dating and half because they keep trying to outdo each other (raf kissed Neal in the middle of the office and then Neal started taking flowers to his school to embarrass him and eventually they’re like “oh fucc we fell for our own con” but neither of them wants to admit it oops!! :D) and then the thing that happens in the show where neal has to leave the country happens and when he comes back he’s very injured and rafael is like :(( i’m in love with u bro
The whole point of the thread where he cropped up was turning peter into a criminal bc me and sydni are sexy bitches and we think peter and neal would have made a GREAT crime team so he’s neal’s respectable crime boyfriend and i love him. he has a cat named sappho and a dog named benvolio bc he likes classic lit and he got the cat before he transitioned when he thought he was a lesbian bc tbh that’s what i would do. Most of his free time is taken up inhaling puffy cheetos, drinking amazon tea, and playing inordinate amounts of tetris.
And last but certainly not least is the babiest boy Bao-Ling from ATLA! (Faceclaim: Yoo Seung-ho)
He’s the resident sweetheart babygay. So basically the premise is that there’s like, a draft in the Fire Nation and Bao-Ling’s dad is a general so it’s kind of expected of his kids to go into the war. But, Bao-Ling has a hip issue and his leg is a little wonky so he walks with a limp. He also has an immuno-deficiency so he’s not really fit enough to go into the army.
But bc the Fire Nation is awful, the exchange for being exempted from the draft without absolutely losing all ur honor is that he became a domestic worker (read: servant) in the palace when he was pretty young (mostly he worked in the kitchens washing dishes and shit since he was so young). So he drops in rank pretty significantly but not quite as bad as the other option. Plus he was a child and had no choice in the matter his parents chose the optino to keep their own face.
When Zuko got banished Iroh brought Bao-Ling with them bc he loved the boy and was like “he deserves a better life” so he pulled strings and got Bao-Ling to come with them under the pretense that he would be Zuko’s personal servant.
So they kinda vibe like that but eventually Bao-Ling and Zuko become really close friends and best friends and they’re close confidants. Bao-Ling helps Zuko get over his internalized homophobia bc Bao-Ling is Also Gay and he also helps keep Zuko in line bc sometimes he can be a bitch.
They both get mutual crushes on each other but bc they’re stupid they’re both like “but he would never feel the same about me :((” but it’s obvious to iroh so he helps them get together.
Eventually Bao-Ling becomes like a super wise person like Iroh (though not nearly as good of a firebender) and they help save the world :’)
Anyway that’s like the top six fav oc’s i love them all very very much and PLEASE feel free to come in asking about them some more I will owe you my whole life.
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A #sixfanarts art. It consists of six boxes with drawings in them. It’s labeled “give me six characters to make a fanart of!” and I have written “OC edition!” in the top corner. In order from left to right, top to bottom:
In a box labeled Nephariel (SPN) is a drawing of a dark-skinned woman with dark, straight hair. She is wearing a purple crop top over a fishnet shirt. She has black, oily wings and a gold “traditional” halo (it surrounds her head from behind rather than floating on top), all over a red background.
In a box labeled “Fenrik (Marvel) is a drawing of a young Asian man with dark hair. His skin is washed out and he wears a dark purple robe with a dark brown cloak over his shoulders with the hood down. He is at the right-hand side of the box looking out with a small smile on his face. The drawing is over a purple background.
In a box labeled “Winnie (Doctor Who)” with “[not mine!]” written on the side: a drawing of an olive-skinned woman with long dark brown hair wearing a short dress looks out of frame with her arms thrown out to the side and a bewildered, wild look on her face. This is over a dark blue background.
In a box labeled “Krysta (Doctor Who)” is a drawing of an olive-skinned woman with long auburn hair and piercing green eyes. She weards a red, low-cut button down top with a round collar. She is wearing a choker with a circular gallifreyan dangle. This is over an orange background.
In a box labeled “Rafael (White Collar)” is a drawing of an olive-skinned man with dark hair and stubble on his face. He looks out of the frame smiling at the viewer. He wears a dark blue button-up shirt with a light purple tie, and a desaturated plum-colored blazer. This is over a magenta background.
In a box labeled “Bao-Ling (ATLA)” is a drawing of a young Asian man. His back is to the left side of the box. He has dark hair and looks with concern out of the frame. He wears a dark red robe and a lighter red blanket/shawl draped loosely around his arms. This is over a pink background.
(please let me know if there’s anything I should change/add to the description!)
Again Anon thank you so much for asking!! Sorry it took so long but I hope you’re still aroudn!!
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