#Also I can’t stop drawing nyc John help
beetle-baguette · 6 months
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Johnny boy
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Hey my favorite bunch of mods, how ya doing?
Now to my questions😁
What is your favorite song and why?
What is your favorite movie?
And last but not least if your have free 3 wishes, what would it be?
Sending big hugs to all of you, thanx for all of your work with this blog, it's a sunny, funny, place where I have meet a lot of wonderful peoples and where I can find peace in a hectic life.
‘Hai hai! I’m okay, how are you??
💗 Mmmm, you have to ask the hard questions, huh? Currently, my favorite song is probably either “My Jolly Sailor Bold” by Ashley Serena, because I really enjoy the beat and vibe, or “One For The Angels” by Transviolet, because my best friend played it for me as it reminded them of me.
💗 My favorite movie currently is “Howl’s Moving Castle”!
💗 My three wishes:
1. I’d wish for enough money to buy my Mom’s dream house.
2. Enough money to help my family pay off all their bills, as well as mine.
3. For my best friend to have everything she may need whether that be money or whatever.
Hugs returned!!’
~Mod Cecelia🩸
‘Hello hello hello! I am doing amazingly! Let us start with the questions.~
❤️ Favourite song... [He casually opens his Spotify] Let me see... “Rebels” by Call Me Karizma. It represents how I act as a person, not only as Vivienne. Like... it vibes with me.
❤️ Favourite movie... “Chicago” (2002). I had the biggest crush on Velma Kelly when I first watched it.
❤️ Three wishes, these are more self centred.
1) Letting go of my random bursts of envy.
2) Stopping the FREQUENT heartbreak.
3) Contentment in the people I'm close to.’
-💎 Mod Vivienne
‘Hi there. I'm doing all right. Having a little issue with life, but I'm getting by.
🧡 What is your favorite song and why?
Oh, that's tough... I have two. “Gloria” - Laura Branigan and “Hold On” - Wilson Phillips. Both are so good and are seriously uplifting songs. I really love them both.
🧡 What is your favorite movie?
“Jurassic Park”.
🧡 And last but not least, if you have 3 free wishes, what would they be?
Oh... UH...
1. To give happiness to everyone
2. To have our pets live forever.
3. To always have enough money.’
- 🐍 Mod Medusa
‘Hey Kathy!
I'm doing very well, thank you! I hope you are doing well also.
💛 I have lots of favorite songs... one that springs to mind is “Blue Jean” by David Bowie, why? He's one of my all-time fav artists growing up and the song brings back happy memories of when I saw him live in NYC.
💛 Ooh, I have soo many fav movies! Hmm, again one that springs to mind is “Death Becomes Her”.
💛 [Raises an eyebrow] Three wishes, huh? Wishes are dangerous... can mess with the balance of things... my wishes have so far... come true. I do not wish for anything more, I am grateful as is, thank you. [Bows]
I'm soo glad you feel safe, happy, and loved within our community. That makes me very happy. 🥰’
- Mod Vinca
‘Hey hey, Kathys81! ❤
I’m very well, thank you! I hope the same goes for you! Been a bit tired these last couple days, but that’s all on me (drawing til late hours, lol). Hmm on to the questions.
💚 I have too many favorites songs! So I can’t choose! They all are so different, depending on lots of things. But my favorite Arist of all-time is a Swedish singer named Rebecka Törnqvist.
💚 “Alien: Anthology”[*cough*SigourneyIsHot*cough*]
💚 My three wishes would be:
1. For my family and friends to live a long, happy, and healthy life. Without having to worry about anything.
2. To be able to go back and forth in time, to experience different eras… like teleporting!
3. To be able to meet my favorite LoveStruck characters in person. [ahem] 👀😳
Thank you for giving us such kind words! [hugs back]’
- 🍃 Mod Evina
‘Hi! I’m doing okay, been doing a bit better that I was.
💙 My favorite song… Hmm going to go with anything by John Williams.
💙 Favorite movie: definitely “Frozen”.
💙 Three wishes?
1. To be a full woman.
2. Become pregnant.
3. And kinda a goal, kinda a wish, to become a certified Midwife.
Thank you for the hug!’
- ✨ Mod Liora
‘Hey Kathy! I'm doing well, thanks; can't complain. 😁 Ooooh, questions...
💜 Favorite song: This can change from moment to moment, but for the past couple of years it's been "Heaven Is a Place On Earth" by Belinda Carlisle. Feels like I've always loved Belinda's voice from the moment I heard her singing with the Go-Gos, and this particular song was put back on my radar big-time by an episode of “Black Mirror” (San Junipero). Look, I'm a child of the 80's, I'm a hopeful romantic, and I love happy, bubbly (sappy) pop songs, okay? LOL.
💜 Favorite movie: I have two and both must be mentioned - "The Black Stallion" (1979) and "Carol" (2015). One is a horse film, one is a lesbian love story. Both are cinematic works of art and I had spiritual epiphanies watching both. Fun Fact: Having a spiritual epiphany at age 4 is kinda tough. [chuckles] I handled the "Carol" epiphany a bit better. 😉
💜 Three wishes, huh? Two of these are less wishes and more life goals, but here goes:
1 - To own a horse and learn to ride
2 - To publish one of the very many novels in my head (assuming I ever write any of them 👉👈 )
3 - … 👀
Am I really gonna say this in my "out loud" typing?
Yes, yes I am because maybe if I say it often enough, I can will it into being... To meet and befriend a chubby-chaser version of Helena Klein [blushes]
Now, did someone say hugs? [makes grabby hands] Come here, you! [hugs]’
- Mod Helena ⚔️
‘How’s it going, Kathy! Things fluctuate in life, but I generally stay on the happier, positive side of things. I hope all is going well for you & thanks for the questions! 😸
🤎 My favorite song is: “Gravity” by Sara Bareilles & has been for the past 10 years or so. She is one of my all-time fave singers and that song is just so hauntingly beautiful. She plays her vocal cords like an instrument in it! 🥰
🤎 My fave movies are “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” & “Tipping the Velvet”. I’m aware of how problemic the first movie is, as it’s a 50’s musical. I just adore musicals and grew up watching so many older ones, so I’m more forgiving for those than more recent movies. “Tipping the Velvet” was a lovely book by Sarah Waters, so when I heard the BBC had done a mini-series of it, I just had to see that lesbian hero’s journey brought to life! 🤩
🤎 3 wishes… hmm…
1. Financial stability for both my loved ones and me for the rest of our lives (while still being able to travel).
2. To be able to talk to animals & thus, be able to help elevate their voices. Saving habitats & species alike.
3. I’d wish for my wife (and future kids) to be happy and taken care of, should anything ever happen to me.
Lovely chatting with you, Kathys81! Take care! [Big bear hug from this werewolf!]’
~ 🐺 Mod Mackenzie
‘Hello, dear… I'm fairing quite well, and I hope you are, too. 🖤
As for the questions:
🖤 Picking a favorite song would be… an impossible feat. 🤣 I have far, far too many. I have been listening to a lot of Written by Wolves lately, though - so currently the songs “Demons”, “Lucky Stars”, and their cover of “Elastic Heart” are my top tracks.
🖤 Favorite movie is just as hard. 😅 Er... Hm... the original “Black Christmas”, maybe? Or the “Emperor's New Groove”? 🤣 I dunno… I have a lot. 😅
🖤 1. To be able to travel uninhibitedly.
2. To be able to see myself through the eyes of the people who care about me most.
3. A lifetime supply of pizza.
Hugs back to you, dear! 🖤
- Mod Ruelle
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clowninyourfeed · 4 years
tagged by: @zenyye I will put you out of your misery dw tagging: noone because i don't talk to any of my moots lmao
what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
when is your birthday?
Dec 29 2000
where do you live?
NYC! I highkey wanna go to those nice small European countries that are beautiful and treat you like an actual human being. Like the one's that are so good that their prisons shut down and the prisoners can study to be carpenters
three things you are doing right now
Trying to get through The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies (1:18 minutes in GOd help me), Drawing Minato Namakaze, Professionally Occupying Bed
four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
NCT fandom, John Wick Fandom, Haikyuu Fandom, Marvel Fandom. In other words. Beautiful men have piqued my interest.
how has the pandemic been treating you?
I now have an excuse to be the homebody that I am so that's great. But also talking to yourself for 6 months straight really makes the voices in your head so much louder. School is fked. We're basically teaching ourselves at this point
a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
H.E.R - 2 (If you saw the Snake Eve video you'll know what I mean ;))
school, university, occupation, other?
Junior in college. Majoring in Psychology and minoring in Philosophy and probably Asian Studies.
do you prefer heat or cold?
COLD. How people can actually go outside in the summer and sweat and d r i p I will never know.
name one fact others may not know about you
I am a 400 foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings. You prob wont notice the horns, my hair covers it.
are you shy?
I get agressively offended when people label me that...so yeah it's accurate lmao.
biggest pet peeves?
Teachers that call on you when your face is going through the stages of grief
People who cannot stand on a fcking line like everyone else
People who talk to you because they're trying to steal your food
When you finish making food and knock it over in one swipe
what is your favourite “dere” type?
Dandere- It makes me feel warm when a person only goes crazy around one person
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be
4- I am alive and fed and physically okay. Everything else is a flaming pile of garbage.
what’s your main blog
This one ✋
list your side blogs and what they’re used for?
@iandiareisland : it's for my Enhypen memes and rants
is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
Plz I am not shy just insecure as long as you spare me attention I am a lively zoo animal and I'm saracastic and annoying but I wont bite all the time I promise.
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
Another victim goes out in flames
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It had been several days now since Jessica’s brother made his sudden and stunning reappearance in her life, and into her general understanding of his actual being alive. She still wasn’t quite used to this as reality. Every time the words or phrase “my brother” entered her thoughts or left her lips, it didn’t feel like she could be talking about her own life. It didn’t help that she had not actually seen him since he showed up at the door. Spoke to him, yes, briefly, because brother or not, Jessica was not a phone person. Texted him, yes, although not as frequently as she had the thought to do so. But she hadn’t actually seen him again. A part of her was almost worried that if she tried to make arrangements to, it would turn out that she had drunkenly dreamed or hallucinated the whole thing.
So when Phillip called, suggesting they go out for dinner together, Jessica was anxious even as she agreed. It was lame and probably stupid to stress out over going to dinner with your own brother, even if he had risen from the grave, sort of, and she hadn’t actually known him as her brother for over 15 years. But she was anxious, enough that she had to finish a few bottles of whiskey and hole herself up in her office to research her current case several hours before he was scheduled to come pick her up.
Yeah, apparently her brother was a gentleman. He had insisted on picking Jessica up, choosing where to go, and that he would pay for it too. Jessica didn’t know what the hell was up lately with the men she had been encountering. Luke, Danny, Phillip all seeming to know manners, being men in NYC, seemed more far fetched than Phillip’s semi resurrection.
So far the case against the death-fire doctors was slow going, but she had picked up enough information to begin drawing some interesting parallels. Each of the men who died had been hailed as especially accomplished and revolutionary in their field, and each had specialized in something slightly different- neurology, surgery, and orthopedic works. They didn’t primarily work in the same building, but all were located in the same general county, and Jessica had traced that each spent one day a week working at the same hospital. Each also were noted to do “volunteer” surgery and works, some of which were undisclosed to public in specifics. Jessica also had done enough interviews with family and coworkers to note that each had described the man as of a similar personality type- driven, ambitious, singular in focus, and very efficient at work, to the point of having little time spent on personal life matters. Only Dr. Heath White, the person whose death had instigated Jessica’s investigation, was married, and none had children. They were all definitely far too fixated on their work- possibly a factor in their deaths?
Jessica had also noted that although most coworkers had not known the men well personally, and none of the family indicated spending considerable time with them recently other than Karen White, each person she spoke to maintained that the doctors had not seemed suicidal. Secretive, yes, preoccupied, and driven to the point of unhealthy, but not depressed or suicidal.
She was pretty sure that her biggest break would be found once she had finished looking through all the files that Malcolm had managed to pull together from the hospital’s system, once he hacked into it. She had noticed just in a brief skim that the three appeared to all be involved in what looked like similarly filed cases, each which were assigned numbers rather than patient names or even preheadings of John or Jane Doe. Malcolm had told her in an email that the files he had retrieved had been very hard to get to, deeply hidden within the system and not accessible to most of the hospital employees for retrieval. Whatever it was that all three men appeared to be working on together, it was not something that they wanted everyone to know about.
She pushed aside her lingering theories and thoughts on the case as her a knock sounded at her office door. Standing, stretching, and taking a final swig of whiskey, Jessica stood to greet her brother, awkwardly making a gesture somewhere between an effort of a hug and a playful punch on the arm that ended up getting their arms tangled. She flushed, laughing uncomfortably, and then hugged him, marveling again at how very different it felt to do so now with him taller than she was than it had when he was still wearing super hero boxers.
“Hey,” she said somewhat redundantly, stepping back. “You got a car? Or are we doing subway or taxi? That’s what I do, mostly, if I can’t walk. I don’t like driving much. Guess maybe you don’t, considering our history.”
“Subway, if you don’t mind,” Phillip said easily. “I don’t have a car. As you can imagine, that makes moving difficult, so it’s lucky I travel light.”
“Oh, speaking of that, Luke says he probably does have a job for you, if you want to try it out,” Jessica said as she followed Phillip out the door, hands shoved into her jacket pockets as they made the way to the elevator of her building. “Might not be your dream job, it’s a warehouse job through a friend of his. But if Luke’s offering it, I’m sure the pay and hours are decent, and it’s a start, right? Better than part time.” She smirked. “Besides, you tell them you’re Luke’s brother-in-law, and they’ll be intimidated enough to treat you right. Or just tell them I’m your sister, I’m pretty sure a lot of people are more scared of me than him.”
“Yeah?” Phillip said curiously, eyeing her. “That’s ridiculous. I can’t imagine people being scared of you. The most scary thing about you is your makeup during your grunge phase.”
“Says the kid who wore the same t-shirt with a stupid cartoon alien on it for four days in a row until Mom forced him to change it,” Jessica shot back. “Yeah, it’s kind of a thing, people get scared of you when you kill people. Or when you knock them around or lift cars in front of them.”
“But that’s still ridiculous,” Phillip insisted. “Whatever you’ve done, or can do, you have good reasons for it. There’s no reason to be afraid of someone who does things because they’re right. You only do those things to people who earn it. And you wouldn’t have your abilities if you didn’t deserve them.”
Jessica eyed him, her brow furrowing. “I didn’t earn them, Phil. People don’t get superpowers because they deserve them, they just have them. Look at Kilgrave, did he deserve his? Besides, just because you have good reasons for doing things doesn’t always make it right. He thought he had good reasons for what he did, and he was a monster.”
She is twitchy now, as she usually is when the mention of Kilgrave comes up, and bolts out abruptly when the elevator lands in the parking garage of their building. Phillip puts a hand on her arm, apologetic.
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to offend you. I just…I believe in you, that’s all. I think it’s pretty amazing, who you are, what you can do. And what you can do with it.”
“You sound like Trish,” Jessica muttered, rolling her eyes. “You guys should get along great, she’s always “ra ra, Jessica the super hero” too.”
Phillip’s eyes flicker briefly when she mentions Trish, and he shrugs. “Maybe. Doesn’t seem to me like we’ll have a lot in common, from what I’ve read about her. Drinking is one thing, but hard drugs? And she’s been to rehab more than a few times, right? They says addicts are liars, just by nature of the addiction. I’ve known a few, had a few as foster parents. I always questioned how much of what they said was real and how much of it was an act.”
“Hey, that’s not who she is anymore,” Jessica said sharply, his words cutting deep. He wasn’t just implicating Trish, but herself as well with his declaration, although he had dismissed alcoholism as being different than drug addiction. “She’s been out of that life for a long time now. Hell, between the two of us, I’m the one people should be less willing to trust.”
“I’m sure you’re right, Jessie,” he said, shrugging. “You’re her friend, you know her. I wasn’t trying to cut on her. I’m just telling you what my experience has been. Like I said, I had foster parents into drugs, and a lot of kids in the foster homes and group homes too. It could really make life hell sometimes, living in that when there’s nothing you can do to get out of it.”
Jessica, having come to a pause in her walking to face him in Trish’s defense, blinked, uncomfortable and guilty at his second referral to his experiences in foster home. Every time she remembered growing up privileged, with all her basic needs met if not her emotional ones, in the Walker’s home, she felt almost personally responsible to know that her brother had not had the same experience. She exhaled, looking away.
“It’s okay. So, um….subway. Let’s get to it.”
Jessica started to resume walking to the parking garage entrance, stopping as a weathered gray mini-van entered to let it pass and park. She rolled her eyes, recognizing it as belonging to the Morrisons, a couple who lived on her hall and whom she avoided whenever humanly possible. The Morrisons had six kids, and Jessica knew them to be foster kids not because of their variety of ethnicities but because of the multiple obnoxious bumper stickers plastered over the mini-van, each some variation of declaring Nicole Morrison as being a “foster mom.” It reminded her of the fuss Dorothy Walker had initially made over being an adoptive mother when Jessica first came to live with her- only in public, of course. Although the woman had barely spoken to her, the public declaration of being a foster parent, which Jessica viewed as an invasion of the children’s privacy, coupled with the strangely quiet nature of children whenever she passed them, had made her suspicious of Nicole’s motives for having them and just how she may treat them behind closed doors.
Whatever. She was just glad she hadn’t been stuck in the elevator with her.
She hurried her steps towards the entrance of the parking garage, wanting to avoid eye contact as she heard Nicole Morrison get out of her car and lock it, and definitely wanting to avoid any kind of forced small talk. She heard the woman’s heels clicking as she started to walk, presumably towards the elevator or stairs, and wondered what kind of mother of six kids still felt the desire to wear high heels, and noticed that Phillip’s softer footsteps behind her had slowed in pace. She was starting to turn back towards him, to order him or tease him about hurrying up, when she first smelled the smoke.
Jessica frowned, thinking at first that either Phillip or Perfect Foster Mom was smoking, which was not only something she hadn’t though either engaged in, but was also not allowed in the parking garage, as several large signs declared. She didn’t actually see the fire until Nicole Morrison’s shrill screams pierced the air.
Jessica pivoted sharply, the tiny hairs on her arms and the back of her neck standing up in spooked recognition of what she was hearing. She recognized the sound of anguish mingled with terror. She had heard it too many times to ever be able to forget.
Nicole Morrison stood in between the rows of cars, writhing, arms flailing in panic. Her entire body was engulfed with flames, so brightly heated that Jessica could actually see hints of blue in the parts closest to the woman’s rapidly charring body. From over fifty feet away Jessica could still feel their heat, and the combination of smoke mixed with burning flesh made her cough, almost choking, before she forced her stunned, wire-tight muscles into action.
“Drop down! Stop, drop, and roll!” she shouted at the woman, but the woman was too far gone in pain and fear to probably hear or comprehend.
Jessica’s eyes darted, looking for some source of water, a blanket, a tarp, anything that might smother the flames, but there was nothing. It was a fucking parking garage, all she could see stretched before her was miles of useless vehicles. It occurred to her briefly that Dr. Heath White had also been burned to death in a parking garage, just before she sprung forward to try to help the suffering woman.
Tearing off her own leather jacket, she used it both as a protective cover for her hands and as a shroud over the woman as she pushed her down, then used her jacket to beat at the flames. It didn’t fully extinguish them, but they did reduce in volume enough for Jessica to be able to grasp the woman and roll her back and forth, smothering the rest. She choked, almost vomiting, when part of the woman’s skin peeled off into her hand, and tried to ignore the stinging burn of smoke irritating her eyes, throat, and nose. Her own hands were beginning to grow singed before she managed to fully put out the flames, but none of this was bothering her. Nicole Morrison had ceased making any sort of noise at all, not so much as a whimper, and what was left of her features and body was so horrific she barely seemed recognizably human.
Remember Phillip suddenly, Jessica tore her eyes from the woman that she wasn’t quite certain was even still living, barking out an order to him sharply.
“Phillip! Call 911, fucking hurry!”
But when she received no verbal affirmative, and whipped her head over her shoulder to repeat the direction, she saw that Phillip was nowhere within her view. What the fuck, where was he? Had he left? Had he been so frightened he bolted?
She couldn’t worry about that now. Hands shaking, she fumbled for her own phone, then, remembering it was in her jacket pocket, cursed vividly, reaching into the badly damaged garment for it. The phone cover and screen were burning hot to the touch, but otherwise appeared possibly still in working order. She dialed 911 with still unsteady hands, explaining the situation in a voice she didn’t quite recognize as her own, then looked down at the woman she was still kneeling in front of, knowing even before checking her pulse that she was dead.
Eyes tearing in what Jessica told herself was entirely due to the smoke, she stood, backing several feet away, and dialed Phillip’s number in between coughs. When he didn’t answer her, she dialed him again, then a third time, until he finally picked up, his voice almost as small as the child Phillip’s that she remembered when he said hello.
“Where the fuck are you, where the fuck did you go?!” Jessica almost screamed, the hand not holding the phone clinching into a fist and accidentally breaking the skin of the blisters forming on her palms.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, his voice still small, shaken. “I just…that woman, and…it was just so…I haven’t seen anything like that. The way she sounded, and the smell…I’m sorry Jessie, I couldn’t deal. I couldn’t do it.”
“You ran away? You just left?” Jessica said, incredulous, although this was what she already knew to be true. “How could you just leave her dying like that?”
“I’m sorry….I couldn’t deal with it, it was….I couldn’t be there,” he whispered, taking a shaking, audible breath. “I couldn’t have helped her. I knew it, and I guess I just…I panicked. I’m sorry.”
“It’s…it’s okay,” Jessica exhaled, the action invoking another coughing fit for a few seconds before she could catch her breath enough to continue. “Don’t…don’t do that again. Just…just go back to where you’re staying, okay? We’ll have to do this hang out thing later. I have to stay with her until the ambulance come. And probably the fucking police too. Fuck.”
She hung up, breaking into another coughing fit, and leaned back against the wall of the parking garage, as far from Heather’s body as she could be while still being able to see her. Closing her eyes briefly, she fought off a threatening panic attack for several minutes before dialing Luke’s number.
“Luke,” she said, her voice hoarse and strained, and interrupted with another cough. “I need….I need you to come to my office. No, not there, I mean the parking garage to it. I’m about to be asked a shitload of questions by the police, and I may need a lawyer.”
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You heard me correctly, I said JULY! Whoosh, this year is going by fast-but not in a good way if you know what I mean. This will be my last monthly wrap up where I am strictly staying home in quarantine as this upcoming week I’m heading back to work in person. Wish me luck!
We had quite the range this month from newly released, reality, musical and then some favorites from last month that I’ve continued watching. Without further ado here we go....
There’s going to be PLENTY of SPOILERS this go round. ESPECIALLY with my first pick of Stargirl. You’ve been warned!!!
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I need to talk about 1x10 or I’m going to burst!!! As stated above there will be A LOT of SPOILERS IN THIS POST!! So scroll down to the next picture if you don’t want it to be spoiled. 
You’ve been warned...again.
IT CANNOT END LIKE THAT!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Henry! Wow! 1) Epic fighting 2) The backstory and how he wasn’t going to give up on his dad AND THEN how he wouldn’t give into his dad. 3) HE DIED RATHER THAN JOIN HIS SIDE OR PRETEND (which I honestly felt was going to happen). His character arc and I can’t believe it’s over!!! 4) His speech at the end: *weeping.* I knew Brainwave was going to say he killed his mother. It just felt like the build up. Brainwave Jr. would have been a GREAT ADDITION TO THE JSA! AND OMG THE WAY THE REST OF THEM FOUGHT FOR HIM! I loved how they framed it so you could still see them in the back when Henry spoke to his father. Super heartbreaking. Man, it feels like a lot of people have been killed off this first season (or am I just still thinking about Joey?) 
Side note: Check out the Instagram Live between father and son Brainwave on Stargirl’s CW page. Jake Austin Walker did an AWESOME interview in his take over.
This was one of the strongest episodes overall and definitely one of my favorites so far. I agree with many others that while it is SOO GOOD and I want to rewatch it again, I don’t know if I can emotionally yet. I can’t remember the last time I felt that way about a show. 
Some other thoughts this episode: WAY TO GO BARBARA! Way to record them to translate later (such an awesome app btw, how do I get it?). I’m glad her and Pat came more to an understanding because I love them especially with that glimpse into how they met. Jordan’s parents give me the creeps, like the couple from The Visit vibes. I feel like Mike’s got to find out ASAP, especially because he’s spent time in the garage. Something’s got to show him the truth; because I’m really feeling he figures it out rather than being told. Very curious to see what his reaction will be. SOLOMON GRUNDY. Thank God Beth talked Rick down. She really is like Chuck in being the voice of reason. She did really well in the cafeteria too. While I still don’t believe Starman is Courtney’s dad, how cute was it when she put together her and Henry were cousins? Speaking of Court’s dad, who else didn’t feel like Starman was her dad until they saw that upcoming promo? I don’t know who that impostor is but he is not her dad. Something’s fishy.
Loving this show. So happy it’s renewed for a second season!! 
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THE 100
From a show I can’t get enough of to one whose final season is a disappointment. I’m not going to spend too much time talking about The 100 because I feel I’ll just be repeating myself from previous posts. However, I did want to include it because I haven’t spoken much about the previous 2 episodes that I wound up watching back to back and I didn’t overly dislike them. 
As many have complained, when you have a final season you shouldn’t introduce SO MANY new characters and just push aside your originals (or the ones who are left). You also shouldn’t include so many confusing plots that are making it look like were the main points overall (like this many world concept was around since the first grounders) and playing with time in so many episodes is hard to keep up with too. Having so many people separated makes it difficult to remember what just happened to this specific group because I haven’t seen them in forever. ANYWAY, I did promise some positives. I didn’t except to like 7x08 because of it being a flashback episode with brand new people that was just going to feel like a potential spin-off pilot. Well...I actually really enjoyed it and the concept that the bunker was used before One Crew. The characters were easy to like and it was cool seeing Allie again (and this time not as the villain). While it felt forced including the orb (is that what it’s called? If not that’s what I’m calling it), but I liked how all the other pieces fit together (ex: the flame, the grounders’ language). Honestly, I surprise myself to say this, but I’d watch another episode. For 7x09, I liked being on Bardo and watching Octavia, Echo, Diyoza and Hope slowly get “brainwashed” I mean trained. We all knew it wouldn’t work for Hope and if I was them I would rather be on Sky Ring than Bardo (but then I guess I’d go crazy, so...) I enjoy the Octavia and Levitt relationship and would love them to work out, but if this show taught you anything it’s to be skeptical. I also want to shift to the Primes plot, just to showcase John Murphy for a second. THAT MAN! What a character development he’s had on this show. From the first season where I was like come on Murphy to now me awaiting his scenes. From cockroach to someone who won’t view himself as a hero. So good and something that is fantastic about this final season. They might have forgotten about other characters, but they’re doing it right by Murphy. 
Well, that was more than I was expecting. ;)   
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It feels like I haven’t watched a lot of reality TV this year, which makes sense because of our quarantine situation (but then again I’m watching World of Dance, but that’s a different because it’s more of a competition/dance show. I’ll stop rambling). The Circle is a reality ‘game’ show that could be easily completed during quarantine and social distancing because the contestants do not see each other in person. They each have an apartment in this complex and only communicate with each other on a social media platform called the Circle. The objective is to become the most popular and an influencer who gets power over who stays and who goes in the competition. There’s some side contests throughout, but most of the show is just people chatting through an insta messenger and trying to learn as much as they can. Alliances are formed and cat fishes try to thrive all for the grand prize of $100,000. (Wow, that’s a lot!) It is SUPER addicting and very funny. Having a voice-over narrator really makes it even funnier because she says what we’re all thinking. Just about every episode a contestant leaves and then is able to meet one other person in their apartment. It’s been cool seeing their reactions as oftentimes it’s someone they did not expect AT ALL. I can’t wait to finish it. If you’re a fan of Big Brother than this is definitely for you. Looks like there will be a second season, which I am excited about.  
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Jumping from one Netflix show to another. Released on Netflix on July 3rd, I tried not to binge it all in one day because then it would be over (and we still don’t know if there will be a second season yet). This is definitely my feel good watch for July. If you want something that’s a quick watch and just wholesome and fun to escape our current world than this is for you. I always felt so happy after watching and couldn’t wait to watch another. While I was familiar with the franchise--the 90s movie and of course the books (although I was more of a Babysitter Little Sister fan, so I was very excited to see Karen), you don’t have to have any knowledge of the Babysitters Club to enjoy this show. I was hooked just about right away by this new series shown by me watching the first three episodes back to back. I really like how they set up each episode with one girl as the main focus (just like in the books) where she takes over the voice-over narration. Great representation and made modern to fit in with our current times. The first example that comes to mind is when Mary Ann babysits Bailey who is transgender. I liked how Bailey says those are her old clothes while they’re playing. It’s shown in a way that explains the situation without feeling like a lecture. It fits so naturally into the episode. And then Mary Ann’s speech at the hospital is super powerful for both Bailey and herself. This is just one example of how well represented this show is. Extremely strong cast and actresses who are the proper ages. I also love the adult casting and how they threw in a Clueless reference from Alicia Sliverstone (who plays Kristy’s Mom). As someone who is writing for this age group, I really liked hearing and seeing how authentic this show is. 
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A Netflix original movie that has been on my list for a while that I just got around to watching. It didn’t come out too long ago. In the film, Sofia Carson’s character is a dancer who is a perfectionist. She gets on the bad side of a big NYC producer when she not only leaves her in the rain as she steals her taxi, but also knocks her, accidentally, off stage and becomes a viral video-this basically blackmails her in Broadway. This all happens within about the first 10 minutes of the film and the majority takes place back in her small home town (very Hallmark-like) in Wisconsin. While there her old dancing teacher wants her to share her Broadway wisdom with her young students. Meanwhile Carson has only been a chorus girl, so she doesn’t really have any. What draws her to helping the young girls is the chance to perform in front of a big choreographer that could get her to be the star she always dreamed of. The catch is that it’s the teacher dance in the childrens dance competition. While this might sound like a movie you’ve watched many times before, it was still worth it and a really fun watch. I think the kids really make the movie. They are adorable, funny and super talented. You feel connected with them really fast and want to see them succeed. I loved Dickie and how he joined the group. I think he was my favorite overall. I loved how inclusive the cast was here too (just like BSC) from a mixed race family, to single parents and even a student who was Deaf. It was great seeing the other actors sign to her. Carson’s character, April, can be annoying at times, but you understand it’s her character and something she needs to overcome. As I said before the plot may seem familiar, but the ending was something I didn’t see coming. Overall, wholesome, feel good and fun for the whole family. You can consider to watch while babysitting. (See what I did there??)  
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She’s back! I know last month when I included Violetta it was mainly me being excited to see the second season FINALLY streaming on Disney Plus. I had watched a few episodes (remember there’s 80 altogether, so even if I watched 20 that’s still very early on and just a dent in the season) and was still getting used to this season. Well, now I’m happy to report I am in the 40s and more than half way. For a bit I was watching many of these episodes a day, which told me that I was loving it again. Recently, I feel I need a little more of a push to watch, but it’s mainly because of certain story-lines that feel like they’re dragging. (For example: Violetta’s voice. One minute it’s fine and the next she’s like dying). For this section I have two words: LOVE TRIANGLES. And I’m not just talking about Violetta, Diego and Leon. For a bit it felt like each character had their own love triangle, which honestly I was loving. These characters have definitely developed a lot from last season, which allows this to happen. Olga was in a love triangle, which just recently got resolved. I think German is still in one because of his alter ego Jeremias. Jackie was “kind of” in one. For her it was more of a misunderstanding, which is very classic on this show. Lots more secrets have been uncovered in these episodes as well as songs! You know how excited I am for those. Overall, I think I’m still enjoying season 1 songs more (which get referenced enough in this season), but some of the season 2 ones are really growing on me. Specifically Leon’s Entre dos mundos and when he sings with Diego Euphoria in English. Also, Yo Soy Asi has been real catchy. I know Frederico will be coming back soon and I can’t wait to see him again!  
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Like many I watched Hamilton this month-actually on the day it came out. It’s been a musical that I’ve been intrigued by, but never thought I’d get a chance to watch because of how popular and expensive it is to see on Broadway. So, I was very excited to hear I’d get the chance when it was to be released in theaters for a special event. Then because of Corona it was released to Disney Plus, which was EVEN more convenient and exciting. I really enjoyed it and watched it twice within the same week. I immediately downloaded the playlist and started singing it around the house. I do this a lot with many of the plays I see, but depending how good they are is shown by how long I listen to the soundtrack. (Some of my top ones are Bandstand, Once, Newsies and Anastasia.) Because there are so many songs in Hamilton it is taking me a little longer to know all the words, but I feel pretty confident with the first act. It was the perfect timing for this to be released on Disney Plus. Not only because it was July 3rd, but also because of the world we are living in. Lin’s diverse cast brings to life the world of 1776 and the revolutionary war (as well as the time after it), but it’s such a strong commentary on our world today. This is something I am continually noticing with historical dramas/pieces being released within the last 5-10 years. It feels like there’s more we can say in this genre than in a commentary piece. I also like all the analysis videos I’ve seen popping up, which just make it even more powerful. (Like it being Eliza’s story and her putting herself back in the narrative. That the play Hamilton is named for both her and Alexander.) I don’t know if all of what I see were intentional, but  either way well done. I hope it doesn’t leave Disney Plus soon. 
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And lastly, 1917. I promised quite the range this month and you can see that’s definitely the case. I always enjoy watching war films and with 1917 there was so much hype (both before it came out and after) that I was interested to give it a watch. Giving the movie to my dad for father’s day felt like the perfect excuse to be able to watch it. Even though our DVD stuck in a few places (still don’t know if it was the player or the DVD itself), the film was very entertaining and I would suggest it to anyone who is a history/film buff. Taking place in WWI, we follow two British soldiers as they attempt to deliver a message about an upcoming ambush that could take countless lives. I feel that I often watch more films revolving around WWII, so it was very interesting to be immersed in the first great war. After watching I am not surprised that the film was up for so many Oscars. While cinematography is the first thing everyone discusses when it comes to this movie (and it should be because the one shot/long shot is sooo impressive and beautiful to watch. It really brings you into the scene and has a way of making you feel like you’re there too. There’s a realness to it that’s raw and new compared to other war films I’ve watched in the past), there’s so much more to this film too. First, I like how it connects back to Sam Mendes’ grandfather, so while it’s not a true story it has real facts in it. I LOVE the score and music to this film. In the scene where George Mackay runs at night through those ruined buildings I could really hear how well the music worked with the action. Because of this I made sure to listen to some of the soundtrack and now I’ve added some of the songs into my writing playlist. I have chills just thinking about it. The other point I want to bring up is the cast! While there are SO MANY big names in this film from Colin Firth to Benedict Cumberbatch, the two main characters are played by George Mackay and Dean Charles Chapman and they are the ones with the most screen time. If their chemistry and acting wasn’t so great then the movie wouldn’t be as successful as it is. Because of this I have been watching non-stop YouTube interviews of the two of them for this film. 
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They are so well-spoken, stand-up guys and I can’t get enough of their dialogues with each other and others. (You should watch these interviews too). While familiar with Chapman’s time on Game of Thrones, I haven’t seen him in much else, so I’m excited to see what he’ll have in the future (as well as checking out his IMDB page). For Mckay, I’ve seen him before when I just watched Ophelia earlier this summer so that was my first time watching him act. After that film I was curious what else he was in, but it was only after 1917 that I started doing more research. So far, I’ve only been able to watch the short film he was in called Infinite. While only 17 minutes it was very strong and deep. I highly recommend. As I’ve shared on this page already, in another post, the more I hear him talk the more of a crush I am developing. It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced a celebrity crush this strong so soon. This quarantine has to end so I can make it to England to just casually bump into him like one does. :) 
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20 notes · View notes
dherzogblog · 4 years
Happy Holidays Everyone! I started making these yearly playlists in 2001 as an attempt to connect with friends in the wake of 911. It was just before the dawn of ITunes, and way before social media. We were not in touch like we are today. I burned dozens of individual cd’s one at a time, printed up customized jewel case covers and snail mailed them all out. It was an annual month-long labor of love. Over the past few years, streaming music has made it much easier and faster to compile and distribute, and frankly much more fun. I still look forward to putting the playlist and blog together and sharing it with all of you. Particularly this year as it gives me a chance to connect with so many friends I haven’t seen in quite some time. It was a tremendously challenging year for all of us. I was grateful to have had my family here in LA the entire time, we remain healthy and well. The west coast Herzogs know just how lucky we have been. The next year will not be without its own challenges, but I'm hopeful we are able to move past this pandemic and the exhausting events of the past 4. More than that, I look forward to seeing each and every one of you in 2021. Until then, be safe, be well, and be good to one another. Enjoy the music.
ox peace, dh
Los Angeles CA. December 2020
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Khruangbin - Time (You And I) Don’t ask me to pronounce the name of this eclectic trio from Texas, but this dubby disco tune had me returning to its chilled out groove often during the last few decidedly “un-chill” months. Dreamy and funky, the groove takes me back to NYC’s early 80′s club scene and Ze Records releases from the likes of Kid Creole and Coati Mundi.
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Anderson .Paak- Lockdown Scenes from the front, June 2020
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Bill Withers (1938-2020)- Use Me The legendary Bill Withers left the playing field at the top of his game in the early 80′s, hardly heard from again. And while he didn't pass from Covid, his healing pop hymn Lean On Me seemed to be everywhere as people found music to help them cope with the challenges of the pandemic. Withers left behind a legendary and enduring group of hit songs that moved easily from soul to folk to pop, not to mention the subtle rolling funk of this one.
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Black Pumas- Fire Strong debut from an unlikely Austin duo that garnerd both buzz and grammy nods. The critics are calling it “psychedelic soul”. Not quite sure that nails it, but like the artists coming up next, they’re carving out new ground while drawing inspiration from classic sources.
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Gabe Lee- Babylon
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Marcus King- Wildflowers and Wine
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Charley Crockett- Welcome to Hard Times
Three artists that are literally changing the face of Country and Americana music. Soulful, authentic and diverse, reaching back for inspiration but always looking forward. If you like this sort of stuff they are all worth checking out. Each album is filled with quality songs.
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Low Cut Connie_ Private Lives Philly’s Low Cut Connie are back at it with a double album that plays like the soundtrack to a boozy night at your favorite bar. Sweaty, funky and not a little bit messy. If Peter Wolf and Bruce had a kid it would be this blue eyed soul boy. Adam Weiner grew up in the shadow of the Jersey shore and can't help but have a bit of that E Street hustle.
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Willie Nile- New York at Night One of New York’s beloved adopted  son’s dropped this love letter right into the jaws of a battered metropolis driven to its knees by the pandemic. It was heartbreaking to listen as the “city that never sleeps” came to a full stop. Somehow I still found myself coming back to it, imagining night’s ahead, when NYC is back on its feet and I’m roaming its streets. Looking for music, a beer, or maybe just a slice, and fueled by the irreplaceable energy and promise of the greatest city on earth.
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The Long Ryders- Down to The Well Americana pioneers the Long Ryders reunited last year for a surprisingly solid album. This single sounds like it could have been recorded during their 80′s heyday featuring their trademark Byrds like jangle and harmonies, but the lyrics mark this song as unmistakably 2020.
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The Speedways- Kisses Are History UK power pop outfit reach back to the the 60′s on this sweet slice of retro pop perfection.
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Billie Joe Armstrong- That Thing You Do
In the early days of the pandemic we had all our kids (+ a significant other) at our house for a few months. It worked out great and we were luckier than most. The biggest issue was keeping enough food, weed and wine around.  There were some great nights with amazing meals, followed by gathering around the TV together. We re-watched The Sopranos, binged Billy On The Street, and revisited some of our favorite movies. One night we went back to a old family favorite, Tom Hanks’ underrated love letter to the one hit wonders of the post Beatles era, That Thing You Do!  I’ve seen the movie several times and it never fails to please. A true feel good film and a perfect Kodak snapshot capturing a simpler time in American pop culture. 
While we watch the unlikely chart topper’s The Oneders  fizzle as fast as they rose to fame, its not really the point. The movie is really an old fashioned love story. Playing like a perfect hit song you can listen to over and over, full of both hooks and heart. I always thought the title track, written by Fountains Of Wayne leader Adam Schlesinger  (who we lost to Covid), brilliantly captured the British Invasion sound every group wanted after The Beatles stormed America. Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong must agree. During the pandemic he cut an album’s worth of cool covers including a faithful version of this one.
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Gerard Way (W/Judith Hill - Here Comes the End A tale of discovering music in 2020:  Heard this on a Netflix trailer for the series The Umbrella Factory. Turns out it is performed by Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) who also writes the comic book the series is based on. (got all that?) He’s joined on this searing garage/psych rave up by the talented and versatile Judith Hill doing her best Merry Clayton.
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Hinds- Spanish Bombs I’ve been following this Madrid based, all female outfit of punky garage rockers for a few years now. I think they are pretty great. This track, recorded for a Joe Strummer tribute bursts with an unbridled joy the stone faced and politically minded Clash could never muster. I bet Joe would love it though
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The Secret Sisters- Hand Over My Heart Have enjoyed their harmonies for some time now. This one gives me vague Wilson Phillips vibes and I don’t really mind. 
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Tame Impala- Breathe Deeper I know I’m supposed to like this guy, all the cool kids do, I’ve even seen the band at Coachella. Over the years very little of the music has stuck to me, but the pandemic offered a bit more free time to dig into this funky dubby, chilled out jam, and it stuck with me. Not to mention that 2020 was all about deep breaths.
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Ledisi (feat.Corey Henry)- What Kind of Love Is That Ledisi is back with some slinky, sultry R&B and jazzy vocals
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Dinner Party- FreezeTag An R&B/Jazz collective featuring Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder and Kamasi Washington use sweet soul on heartbreaking and all too familiar tale..
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Toots and The Maytals- Time Tough  I’ve written an awful lot about my love for Reggae over the years. Right after Bob Marley kicked the door down for me, Toots showed me around the house. Ska, rock steady, and roots. He was true reggae royalty and sadly we lost him to Covid, just after he released what would be his last album. Check my Toots tribute blog and playlist.
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Mungo’s Hi Fi- The Beat Goes SKA! These clever UK roots reggae collective never fail to surprise. This kitschy Sonny & Cher cover managed to make me smile every time I heard it. No mean feat in 2020
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Stone Foundation (feat. Durand Jones)- Hold on To Love Frequent collaborators with Paul Weller  (he appears on a track on the album), Stone Foundation are back with another batch of their UK soul revival stylings. This one features Durand Jones ( of Durand Jones & The Indications) on vocals and some great reggae style horns at the top.
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The Pretenders- You Can’t Hurt A Fool Can’t resist a good torch song, especially sung by the smokey voiced Chrissie Hynde. Was kind of shocked at how many good songs were on this album.
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Shelby Lynne_ Don’t Even Believe in Love Sultry country soul and one of her strongest albums in awhile.
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Jaime Wyatt- Neon Cross Outlaw country has a new bad girl. And in case you didn’t think she was serious, she enlisted producer Shooter Jennings (and his mom Jessi Colter on one track) to help make her point. 
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Daniel Donato- Justice 25 year old guitar prodigy call his music “cosmic country”.  Ok, now I’m listening. You should be too.
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The Jayhawks- This Forgotten Town 30 plus + after their debut this Twin Cities alt country group led by founding member Gary Louris continue to deliver. They find their inner Neil Young on this one.
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Lucero- Time To Go Home God I wish I was in a bar right now listening to this, even if I might be crying in my beer.
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John Prine (1946 -2020)- Lake Marie We lost so many this year, but this one really stung. A true American songwriting treasure, who was still making great music against all odds right up to his untimely passing. His songs are known for their simplicity, and economy of words. but this one goes against the grain. I’m still not exactly certain what it’s about. Sorrowful and haunting, yet somehow uplifting and redemptive. I heard him perform it live here in Los Angeles a just over a year ago and it has stuck in my head ever since. There is surely a place in heaven for the great John Prine.  He sang about it on his final studio album in 2018. Ironically it became the last song on his last record.
Thanks for making it this far....
***Play the entire songs/20 Spotify playlist HERE!***
3 notes · View notes
f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #233
Fri May 01 2020 [01:13 AM] Wack'd: We open on Deeden State Correctional Facility. It is, the narration tells us, incredibly hellish, but not infamously, because no one ever leaves to tell the tale. It is here David Munson is about to be condemned to death. [01:13 AM] Wack'd: (Also yes Deeden sounds like Deadend, this is its nickname, and what I'll call it because I'll probably just forget not to) [01:14 AM] maxwellelvis: Sounds more like Dee-Dee to me [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, David--or Davey as the priest calls him--is pissed because he didn't kill the guy he's being put to death for killing [01:15 AM] Wack'd: He killed lots of other people, sure, but not this one guy [01:16 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Davey gets electrocuted to death. And the priest sets about satisfying Davey's last request: [01:16 AM] Wack'd: Deliver a letter to one Mr. Jonathan Storm. [01:17 AM] Bocaj: DUN DUN DUN [01:18 AM] Wack'd: Did the Baxter always have this spiffy awning? I feel like it didn't.
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[01:19 AM] Wack'd: Oh hey, a modern update on the Baxter cutaway. We get to watch this priest explore while Sue gives him the rundown. [01:20 AM] Wack'd: Unfortunately they've arrived in the middle of a Johnny/Ben showdown. (Johnny had plastered a photo of Christopher Reeves over Ben's bathroom mirror.) [01:22 AM] Wack'd: Thank you Reed for explaining Ben's damage. And thank you Sue for getting POed over something that has been going on for literal years that you've never gotten POed about before.
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[01:23 AM] maxwellelvis: All for the sake of making the priest feel very very uncomfortable. [01:23 AM] Bocaj: I think its specifically because it happened in front of a priest [01:23 AM] maxwellelvis: "Should I wait outside until this blows over, my son?" [01:23 AM] Bocaj: Sue at her worst might be very 'how dare you let others see us as we are' [01:24 AM] Wack'd: Fair [01:25 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, Davey wants Johnny to clear his name. His mom never knew what a shit he was, see, and since he's getting executed for something he is actually innocent of, there's a chance she'll never have to find out. [01:25 AM] maxwellelvis: It might have helped if his defense wasn't "Yes, I'm GLAD, GLAD THE BASTARD'S DEAD! GLAD, YOU HEAR ME?! But I didn't shoot him." [01:25 AM] Bocaj: Ha [01:26 AM] Bocaj: God this is reminding me abstractly of the time that Batman stopped Joker from being executed because the specific thing he was being executed he didn't do. But only that very specific thing. [01:26 AM] maxwellelvis: "(Because if I had killed him, it wouldn't have been with a gun)" [01:26 AM] Wack'd: As for why Johnny, well, Davey knew him from bullying Johnny in high school. (He's not in Strange Tales. I checked.) [01:26 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh boy, this trope [01:27 AM] maxwellelvis: Yep, good ol' Davey Munson. Been here the whoooole time. [01:30 AM] Wack'd: Sick burn on Ed Koch outta nowhere
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[01:31 AM] Wack'd: (Though actually he's been in office for three years at this point so *shrug*) [01:31 AM] Wack'd: (It took Johnny two hours to get here by Fantasticar so maybe we're not even in NYC anymore? I dunno) [01:31 AM] maxwellelvis: "How'm I doin'? How'm I doin'? I'm not doin' so well." [01:32 AM] Wack'd: Hey, more silent panels! Artsy
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[01:32 AM] maxwellelvis: Silent AND black-and-white with zero grayscale [01:32 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, it seems pretty open and shut. No gloves, fingerprints all over the gun, and plenty of witnesses. [01:33 AM] Wack'd: But. [01:33 AM] maxwellelvis: Just one more question [01:33 AM] Wack'd: Johnny just doesn't believe Davey was smart enough to use a silencer [01:33 AM] maxwellelvis: Wow [01:34 AM] Bocaj: 😐 [01:34 AM] Bocaj: Damning with faint praise [01:35 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, Johnny heads to the scene of the crime, where he finds the stockroom. He thinks it's weird that the victim would've been back here with the lights out and the store closed. [01:35 AM] maxwellelvis: Wow, I was just joking up above with the Columbo routine. [01:35 AM] Wack'd: Also, it's weird that this liquor store is run by Abraham Lincoln, right? Not just me?
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[01:36 AM] maxwellelvis: "PISS OFF!" [01:36 AM] Wack'd: It's a conspiracy?!
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[01:37 AM] Bocaj: Those meddling Avengers or Spider-Man [01:37 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, Johnny gives chase, and the guy says "there's no way the cops could pin that hit on me", and we're like halfway through the issue so I guess now Johnny goes home and does something else. [01:38 AM] Wack'd: Dishonest Abe was too stupid to memorize H's phone number so now Johnny has a lead in the form of said phone number. [01:39 AM] Wack'd: Finds the warehouse, takes out a buncha dumb thugs. [01:40 AM] Wack'd: Johnny, that's torture, and on top of being ineffective it's generally frowned upon.
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[01:41 AM] maxwellelvis: Did he turn into a completely different guy for one panel? [01:41 AM] Wack'd: Looks like a coloring error, yeah [01:42 AM] maxwellelvis: Also, is Byrne the first guy to draw Johnny's eyes as glowing when he's the Torch? [01:42 AM] Wack'd: Maybe? [01:42 AM] Wack'd: Anyway H turns out to be a member of the Mafia. Or the Maggia I guess but fuck that it's the Mafia. [01:42 AM] maxwellelvis: That was a thing the first season of the 90's cartoon did, have his eyes and mouth glow like that. [01:43 AM] Wack'd: Oh hey, a Dick Tracy villains convention!
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[01:43 AM] maxwellelvis: Hammerhead! [01:44 AM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [01:44 AM] maxwellelvis: His one special technique won't be quite as effective against a guy who can fly and catch fire. [01:46 AM] Wack'd: He's able to go toe-to-toe with Johnny because he's got an exosuit. [01:46 AM] maxwellelvis: Ahh. Damn Maggia resources. [01:46 AM] maxwellelvis: But I like that Hammerhead isn't so committed to his gimmick as to commit tactical suicide here. [01:48 AM] Wack'd: Johnny manages to short-circuit the suit by melting some of its fuses. But Hammerhead doesn't realize his suit isn't working anymore and escapes by jumping off the building. [01:48 AM] Bocaj: And nothing of value was lost. [01:48 AM] Wack'd: He disappears before hitting the ground though and Johnny can't find him so he's probably fine. [01:49 AM] maxwellelvis: If he's got a power suit, he's probably got a teleporter. [01:50 AM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, that'd explain why Morrie was so worried as to specifically namedrop Spider-Man earlier. [01:50 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, here's the summation.
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[01:50 AM] Wack'd: Given the issue opens with Johnny picking on Ben I was expecting, like, something about bullying being a slippery slope or Johnny at least reevaluating his behavior but no he's a good good boy [01:51 AM] Wack'd: I like the twist that the mom knew the whole time, though. [01:52 AM] Wack'd: A better story woulda, like, tied things up thematically on that end too. Maybe get Sue involved? But it's cute. [01:53 AM] maxwellelvis: It's a sign of something that so far your criticisms have been mostly possible missed opportunities or ways to hypothetically improve the story. [01:53 AM] Wack'd: Yeah [01:54 AM] Wack'd: I think to a degree the modern era of comics storytelling is still kinda coming into its own, Fantastic Four has been spinning through so many creative heads it hasn't really had time to catch up [01:55 AM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, this is still technically the Bronze Age. [01:55 AM] maxwellelvis: I think the Dark Age kicks in in the mid-80's, but there's no real crystalizing thing you can point to. [01:56 AM] maxwellelvis: It's more gradual than dividing things into ages would make you think. [01:56 AM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, this is why I find John Byrne to be such a frustrating figure: [01:56 AM] maxwellelvis: There's no denying he's gifted, but he's just so unbearable as a person. [01:56 AM] Wack'd: Heh [01:59 AM] Wack'd: Regardless I'm just really 'gized to know that I'm reading a story that's not gonna be abruptly cut off and paved over [01:59 AM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, that is one advantage of a long run like Byrne's.
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: DJ Ted Bishop Nieves
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The newly-anointed Mr. Fire Island Bear 2018 is actually a veteran nightlifer and DJ in this city, breaking through during the days of ball houses and big clubs. He shares a bit of his history with Thotyssey, and hints at some amazing stuff to come.
Thotyssey: Ted, hello! Happy Pride! And of course, a big congrats on winning Mr. Fire Island Bear at Cherry’s on the Bay this past weekend! 
DJ Ted Bishop Nieves: Thank you so much, Jim.
How good did that win feel? It really felt amazing to win. I'll be honest, I'm still in a bit of shock. It was really quite a surprise for me to be entering the contest, and it blew my mind when I won. It was an amazing rush of joy that I really can't describe.
Have you done contests before this one?
My first "contest" was actually just a few weeks ago during the Urban Bear street festival run by Robert Valin and his Urban Bear team. They had their first ever Mr. Urban Bear Contest, and I had enough liquor in me to give me the bravery to enter. I ended up winning on the strength of my lip sync performance, lol! That contest, of course, was all in good fun and I enjoyed that immensely.
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And now look at you, you’re a pageant queen! How did the Fire Island Bear contest go... what was required of you?
It was pretty intense. The first part of the contest actually took place several hours before the event at Cherry's. Each of the contestants who signed up ahead of time sat with the judges for a pretty intense Q&A.
After that we had the event at Cherry's, and there we had to present two outfits: a "bar night" look followed by a fetish outfit. That was pretty amazing and difficult. I'm sometimes very shy, and had a hard time getting up the courage to go up there. Once I dd though, there was no going back.
So the bear world--and nightlife in general--knows you best as a DJ, which we’ll get to a bit. But first, let’s start at the beginning: where’s your  hometown, and what were you into growing up?
I was born and raised here in the South Bronx, where I was surrounded by a lot of loud family and friends! Many of them were loud because they were musicians, so I developed a love of music pretty early on. And that was really what I was into as a kid: music.
The kids I grew up with in the neighborhood all played together after school, and most of the day during the summer. I was the one who always had the boom box with him, playing the loud music as we played handball, slugs, red light / green light, or all the other games a lot of us played as kids.
What were you listening to?
Back then I loved it all. My sister introduced me to disco, but I also listened to rock, country, and just about any other genre that was showcased on Kasey Kasem's American Top 40 radio show. Haha! Do people still know that existed?
I bet they don’t!
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How did you discover nightlife?
I was probably about 16 years-old, and like a lot of kids in the Bronx I decided to get working papers, and had worked a few jobs around my immediate neighborhood... stock boy, and stuff like that. But at 16, I got a job at Alexander’s department store. One day while riding the train, I caught an older man checking me out, and he got off at the same stop as I. We started speaking, and he told me about a place called the Pier. He asked if I wanted to check it out. I said yes, and we exchanged numbers and we stayed in touch.  
That Friday after work, he picked me up for what I thought would be my first date with a man, but turned into my first class in NYC nightlife and drag and voguing and houses. That night I got the education of a lifetime, and he told me we'd do it again the following night.
That next night, instead of the Pier, we went to the legendary Tracks Nightclub on 19th Street. I stepped foot into that club, and it felt like I was home.That began my love affair with NYC's gay nightlife.
Over the years, I would be able to experience The Saint, Red Zone, The Copacabana, The World, Mars, my favorite of all time Sound Factory, and The Roxy. These places were my home, and I felt connected to them like nothing else.
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Were you voguing yourself, and turning lewks?
Ha! No, I never did master voguing, and was very shy back then. Never tried to draw too much attention to myself. But the LEWKS my friends would turn! Gurrrrrl. They were epic! Especially at Red Zone and The Tunnel.
Did you have a favorite Ball House?
Well, ALL the houses knew how to turn it in their own way. They all had it going on, so I wouldn't say I had a favorite house. However, you were always guaranteed crazy heights of entertainment when the Magnifiques, Aviances and Extravaganzas were in attendance at Sound Factory.
Is the new show Pose accurate in its portrayal of that time, from what little has aired so far?
I would say that yes, it's quite accurate as far as depicting the scene and the struggles of the people who were part of it.  It's really quite spot on.
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How did you ultimately get into DJing?
So, DJing started when I was pretty young. It's actually the reason I started working as a kid; I wanted to buy my own DJ equipment, and I did. I started teaching myself around 15-16, but it wasn't until my late 30's that I grew the balls to try and do something with it outside of it being a hobby.
Did you ever try using a DJ moniker before deciding to just go by your (presumably) actual name?
My real name is Ted Nieves. I decided to use “DJ Bishop” back in the 90s, when the X-Men introduced this character named Bishop, who absorbed energy and converted it into concussive force. I've always felt that a DJ absorbs the energy from the crowd and turns it back to them as concussive beats, so it seemed appropriate. Later on, as I started working, I added it to my own name in order to help spread my brand.
As of right now, what do you enjoy spinning most when given the freedom to do whatever?
Oooh. I'm seriously feeling my Afro and tech house vibes when left to my own devices. Those beats just get right under your skin, and drive your hips into madness.
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What have been some highlights for you, or major moments, DJing venues in this city over the years? 
Oh, that's a really hard question... but I think that I can narrow it down a bit! The first major milestone for me was when G Lounge asked me to be part of their now legendary DiLF party, promoted by Mark Lander and Franco DiLuzio. 
Next would be getting to be part of the team of DJs that work with NYC promoters Antonio Cedeno and Shane Tate. It's always an honor to be listed as a part of their teams. Also, being a part of the Fire Island Bear Weekend has been amazing. I've played the opening party two years in a row, and loved every minute of it.  
Finally, now being able to have my own party in partnership with John-John Punki (Mr. Eagle 2017) at Rockbar. Those are really some of my proudest moments.
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Did you ever think the bear scene would become as huge as it is today?
Yes. The bear community was built out of a need for acceptance. The level of shaming and prejudice in the gay community has always been really bad. We're all aware that, often, the oppressed become the oppressors. Well, it is certainly true in the gay community. We are oppressed, so we need to oppress those who are larger than we think they should be, or skinnier than we think they should be, or who have a different color skin than we find attractive... and it goes on and on.
That doesn't mean, of course, that it's always love and light within the Bear Community. But I have certainly experienced more love and acceptance here than I have in the other aspects of gay life that I've experienced.
And with that said, that is why I believed from the beginning it would be a growing community. Who doesn't want to walk into a room of people that all look different, and not feel like they are judging you? Man, that's heaven right there.
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Okay, that brings us to the gigs. First off, there’s the Pride edition of Soaked at Rockbar in the West Village on Friday, June 15. John-John appears,  J. Rios and Matty B. host, Viva Vidalia performs, and dudes in underwear get wet for our entertainment. This monthly has been a huge success for Rockbar!
This is actually my debut with the Soaked team, so I'm super excited about it. What makes it even more special is that there is a full upgrade of the sound system at Rockbar that [manager] Jason Romas and I worked on. It's going to be the official unveiling of that, and I can't wait to blow people's socks off with that sound.
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And you'll be back with John-John at Rockbar for your actual monthly, Purgatory, on June 28th! Hey, why aren''t we calling it FURgatory?
LOL, we had originally wanted to use a different name, but had to change it at the last minute. “Purgatory” was whet we came up with because that sounded sexy and naughty, and it kinda stuck. But maybe we should put it to a vote and see if people would like us to change it to FUR-gatory.  What do you think?
Either works! What's the scene like?
It's a really fun vibe. The party takes place right after RuPaul’s Drag Race, so people are really happy (usually) and very chatty after the show. We like to carry that vibe over, and slowly make it sexier. I bring a blend of pop, house, and EDM to the event, and I keep it sexy with our gogo dancers. We've had awesome response to the event, and are excited to continue and see how it goes.
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And tell us about (r)Evolution at the Hangar, also in the West Village. It looks that venue is trying to have more defined nights there (named parties, established DJs, some drag, etc).
Yes. (r)Evolution Saturdays at The Hangar was born out of them wanting to have a legit, full-on house music event that catered to the classic house heads, and the new kids that are still discovering what real house music is. DJ Mando and myself talked about it, and determined the sounds we wanted. We worked with management to come up with an official name for the event to start branding it, and breathe new life into this NYC gay nightlife fixture. 
There are a few plans to really begin fleshing out some other nights as well. As you know, the Hangar has been a haven for many of our brothers and sisters of color for decades now, and yet so many people don't even know about it. I mean, can you believe that this coming Pride march, they will be celebrating 25 years of service to our community?
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So, anything else coming up for you?
Well, along with Soaked and (r)Evolution this week, I have Purgatory next. And Pride Sunday is a double-header for me playing at Rebar from 2-9pm for their annual Pride celebration, followed by The Hangar's Annual Pride and 25th Year anniversary celebration. So, it's a jam-packed June for me.
Nice! Enjoy the gigs! Okay, last question: What should a young, new DJ do when trying to make a career in this business?
Work hard and promote yourself.  No one will believe you if you don't believe it yourself.
Thanks, Ted!
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DJ Ted Bishop Nieves spins weekly Saturdays at The Hangar NYC (10pm), and last Thursdays at Rockbar for Purgatory (10pm). Check Thotyssey’s calendar for all his scheduled gigs, and follow DJ Ted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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jafreitag · 3 years
Grateful Dead Monthly: Hollywood Sportatorium – Pembroke Pines, FL 5/22/77
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On Sunday, May 22, 1977, the Grateful Dead played a concert at the Hollywood Sportatorium in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
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The Sportatorium was built in 1968 in a then-sparsely-populated and unincorporated area of Broward County southwest of Fort Lauderdale and northwest of Miami. The developers were a couple of guys – Stephen Calder and Norman Johnson – who opened a horse track and later a motorsports track nearby. The plan for the venue sounds like a proto Florida Man’s fever dream. From the Wiki:
Among the plans for the Sportatorium were sports events, ice follies programs, auto and boat shows, and eventually a “Gold Coast State Fair”. The Sportatorium was constructed as a hangar-like facility constructed out of concrete, a steel roof, an asphalt floor, and no air conditioning. Originally designed to seat 18,000 for stage events and 15,000 for arena events, it opened in December 1969 with only 6,000 seats.
“The idea was to have a facility which could have entertainment and events out of weather”, said Bruce Johnson, Norman Johnson’s son, who managed the arena until 1980. At first, it hosted indoor rodeos, indoor motocross events, wrestling, boxing, and some concerts.
According to the Wiki, the first event in the Sportatorium was the 1969 Miami Rock Festival on 12/27-29. The Dead played that Fest on 12/28, but Deadlists indicates that the venue was the International Speedway (the aforementioned motorsports track?), so the Wiki is likely inaccurate. The Sportatorium ultimately did become the premier concert mecca in South Florida, fulfilling the Johnson family promise of something something inside. Here’s a list of who played there in the early/mid-’70s: ELP, Zeppelin, the MC5, Fleetwood Mac, and Spirit in 1971; ABB, Floyd, and Yes in 1972; Uriah Heep, Zappa, Elton John, and Chicago in 1973; Dylan and King Crimson in 1974; the Doobies and Skynyrd in 1975; and the Eagles, ZZ Top, Clapton, and KISS in 1976. Yeah, the ’70s were eclectic and amazing, and dominated by duuudes.
By the late ’80s, the Miami Arena was the main stop for big acts, and the Sportatorium was reduced to booking stale metal bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. (Zero shade: I’m fine with Maiden and Priest, but they were past their primes at that point.) The last show there was on 10/21/88 – some country and western unknowns. In 1992, the land was zoned residential. In 1993 after Hurricane Andrew, the Sportatorium was leveled.
The Dead played there for the first time in 1977. (They returned in ’78, 80, and ’85.) Let’s get to the tour and the show. Caveat: I am a complete ’77 geek. I don’t think that the band played a bad show that entire year, and most of them were exemplary.
The band started the year with a handful of Cali shows – San Bernardino (2/26), Santa Barbara (2/27), Winterland (3/18-20) – before heading to the other coast. By then, the weird/cool segue-happy ’76 approach had been jettisoned for something leaner, setlist-wise. The 1977 template was basically the one that the band would use until 1995: A crowd-pleaser opener or openers; Bobby stuff (sometimes cowboy, sometimes blues, and Dylan in the ’80s-90s) interspersed with Jerry stuff (mostly ballads); a big first-set closer; a big second-set opener; a song or two leading into something sorta jam-able; drums and space; a vaguely-segued, three-to-five-song, crowd-pleaser ender that could/would include Bobby energy and Jerry gravitas; and encore that might be fun. Shit was predictable, but it worked.
In April, the band landed in Philly (4/22), traveled up to Springfield, MA (4/23), traveled back down to Passiac, NJ (4/25-27), camped out for five nights (4/29-30, 5/1, 3-4) at the Palladium in NYC, then jumped from New Haven, CT (5/5) to maybe the best three consecutive nights in their history – Boston (5/7), Ithaca, NY (5/8), and Buffalo (5/9). The tour then wound its way around the eastern half of the country: St. Paul > Chicago > St. Louis > Tuscaloosa, AL > Atlanta > Florida (two places, including the Sportatorium) > Richmond, VA > Baltimore > Hartford, CT. My recitation of that itinerary isn’t gratuitous. Like the setlist architecture, the tour structure was starting to take shape. The only reason that ’77 didn’t become the template for the latter was Mickey’s June 20th car accident, which gave the band a summer break that extended until September.
On a recent road trip, my best friend and I deep-dived into the Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast, the “official” podcast from Rhino Records, who owns the vault. The first season was a track-by-track dissection of Workingman’s Dead. The second season was a track-by-track dissection of American Beauty. Those records celebrated 50th birthdays last year. Somewhere in the second season, main talker Jesse Jarnow mentions that touring wasn’t really a thing in the late ’60s and early ’70s. His point, which comes across with great aplomb in an interview with road manager Sam Cutler, is that the Dead had to create the tour concept for themselves before they could draw ‘heads into following them across the country year after year. Anyway, I can’t recommend that podcast highly enough – it’s been fantastic so far, and I’m excited to hear when it goes next. Well worth a listen.
So. 5/22/77. It must be alright if Dick Latvala picked it as the third release in the vault series that bears his name? Yep.
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The show starts with a fun Funiculi Funicula wiggle, then drops into a funky The Music Never Stops. Next is a fantastic Sugaree that seems to go on forever. Is it the longest of the tour? No. According to a post on the Dead for a Year blog, there were seven versions of Sugaree in 5/77. (I confirmed that.)The longest is 5/28 (18:43, per Deadlists); the next longest is 5/19 (17:02). The rest, including 5/22, fall into the 13-15 minute range. This one is 15:38, and it doesn’t disappoint. The rest of the first set is a trade off between Bobby and Jerry. El Paso, Peggy-O, Minglewood, Friend of the Devil, Lazy Lightnin’ > Supplication, Ramble on Rose. All excellent. The first set-closing Dancing in the Street is just slightly less great than the Cornell version.
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The second set-opening Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin’s Tower is just slightly less great than the Buffalo version. (Hey, DW. Just checking if you’re awake.) The Samson & Delilah pops, and Donna isn’t a minus, until she is. After a so-so Brown-Eyed Women and an even more so-so Good Lovin’, she’s back to lead Sunrise. Whatever. The Estimated > Eyes ticks all the boxes for me. Estimated is big and round, and Eyes is plenty fast. The segue from Eyes into Wharf Rat is an honest >, noodly and smooth. (Deadlists calls it Space, but it’s better than that.) A short Terrapin and a long Dew ends the set. And Sugar Magnolia is a suitable encore. That’s my take.
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Here’s everybody’s favorite Deadhead with his listening notes. Ladies and Gentlemen, Emcee ECM…
When GD archivist, Dick Latvala unearthed a damaged analog tape of 5/22/77, it was probably one of best finds/surprises in Grateful Dead taping history. Of course, the story of Rob Eaton acquiring the Betty Boards of 5/8/77 (among many other shows that were missing from the vault) takes first prize, but most people in the taping community already knew about Cornell from audience tapes that circulated. With 5/22/77, nothing circulated. It was a completely unknown show, which made it’s mystery all the more intriguing. Latvala and crew painstakingly restored the damaged analog tape and released it for all of us to hear as Dick’s Pick Volume 3 in 1995. The show opens with a mind blowing Music > Sugaree combo, the latter being an all-time version. Listen to the way Garcia weaves a hypnotic spider web of notes in Sugaree. Later in the set we get a sizzling Lazy>Supplication and a tender Peggy-O. The set closes with a groove-a-licious version of Dancing In The Street that gives Cornell a run for its money.
In Set 2, we get our faces melted with a spellbinding Slipknot! and a joyous Franklin’s Tower. Eyes of the World starts with a gorgeous lengthy opening jam before the verses and ends with an otherworldly jam that leads into a stunning Wharf Rat. Then we get to the reason why Dick Latvala released this show. It’s one of those magical Grateful Dead moments where everything seems right in the universe. Here, somehow, Wharf Rat finds its way into Terrapin Station WITHOUT the Lady With A Fan section. It’s the only time this ever happened. From there we get another incredibly rare treat: Morning Dew. The last version the band played was at Cornell two weeks before this performance. Dew was only played five times in 1977, and all of the versions are astounding including this one. Also, this is the third of only four performances ever of the TerraDew combo. Wish they would have played it more just as I wish they would have performed the Playin’ Palindrome more often. A legendary Grateful Dead show in the legendary month of May 1977. Time to revisit this Dick’s Picks if you haven’t done so already.
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As Ed mentioned, most of this show is an official release, Dick’s Picks #3. (Idk why they opted to include Sunrise over BEW or Sugar Mags.) Here’s the Spotify widget…
And if you’re not on Spotify, or just want the whole show, transport to the Charlie Miller remaster of the soundboard recording HERE.
More soon.
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guldenboy-blog · 7 years
IMPORTANT PLZ READ!!!!!!!!1111!!1!!!!1!!
Everyone talks about the star wars or marvel expanded universe. but what about the most important The disney channel live action sitcom universe this is a shared Canon and confirmed shared universe of most disney channel shows (including cory in the house and wizards of waverly place.) here is a list to SCIENTIFICALLY P R O V E THAT THIS IS THE BEST SHARED UNIVERSE OF THEM ALL.TV series ( (Edit:Oh and also spiderman is there I'm preety sure the crossover with jessie wasn't canon but whatevs) That's So Raven Cory in the House The Suite Life of Zack and Cody The Suite Life on Deck Hannah Montana Wizards of Waverly Place Aaron Stone Zeke and Luther I'm In The Band Good Luck Charlie Pair of Kings Shake It Up Peter Punk A.N.T. Farm Kickin' It Jessie Bunkd Austin & Ally Lab Rats Violetta Liv and Maddie Best Friends Whenever Mighty Med Kirby Buckets Dog with a Blog Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors KC Undercover Boy Meets World Girl Meets World Clueless Perfect Strangers Family Matters Full House Fuller House Gilligan's Island Girlfriends The Game Hangin' with Mr. Cooper The Hughleys Meego Moesha The Parkers Sabrina the Teenage Witch Step by Step Teen Angel You Wish
List of crossvers: Does not include cameo characters:Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star New Year[edit] Main article: Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star New Year Austin & Ally and Jessie crossover in a New Year's hour-long special episode combining both shows titled Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star New Year! It aired December 7, 2012.[4] In the episode, Austin, Ally, Trish and Dez travel to Times Square where Austin is booked to perform on New Year's Eve. When they can't get through New York City's crowded streets, Jessie comes up with a plan to get them to the stage and to ultimately have Austin record one of her songs.
Charlie Shakes It Up[edit] Main article: List of Good Luck Charlie episodes Charlie Shakes It Up is a special episode of Good Luck Charlie which features crossover appearances from CeCe, Rocky, Flynn, Deuce and Gary Wilde of Shake It Up. The crossover aired on June 5, 2011.[5][6] In the episode, Teddy, Amy, and Charlie visit Chicago and are accidentally taken to the set of Shake It Up Chicago, where they are mistaken for a pair of dancers known as the Duncan sisters who are set to appear on the show. Meanwhile, back in Denver, PJ and Gabe hold a yard sale, while Bob becomes obsessed with a TV show.
Take This Job and Love It[edit] Main article: Hannah Montana (season 2) In Take This Job and Love It, Roxy becomes a bodyguard for the President of the United States (John D'Aquino's character in Cory in the House). Miley convinces Roxy to take the job, but realizes that Roxy is the best bodyguard ever. She goes to get her back and ends up disguising herself as Lola and is mistaken for the professional dog whisperer. She succeeds after being forced to eat dog food.
Weasels on Deck[edit] Main article: List of I'm in the Band episodes I'm in the Band features crossover appearances from Zack, Cody and Mr. Moseby of The Suite Life on Deck in the episode, "Weasels on Deck", which aired on October 11, 2010. The episode featured the titular band, Iron Weasel, trying to get a gig on the S.S. Tipton with the help of Zack and Cody.
The Manny with the Golden Bear[edit] Main article: List of Special Agent Oso episodes Special Agent Oso had a crossover with Handy Manny titled "The Manny with the Golden Bear". The episode is the very first Disney Junior crossover. In the episode, Handy Manny (with his tools) and Special Agent Oso help fix the flat tire on a bike for a young boy, then they help teach the boy how to ride it.
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas[edit] In the crossover special of Good Luck Charlie and Jessie, Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas, Teddy and PJ fly to New York City for a university tour, but a snow storm prevents them from returning home in time for Christmas. After stumbling upon Jessie on the subway, the Duncan siblings partake in a Ross family holiday like none other. Back in Denver, Bob takes the Duncan kids to meet Santa, but Gabe is not in the holiday spirit. The crossover special aired on November 29, 2013.[7]
Halloween Night at the Museum[edit] Main article: List of Ultimate Spider-Man episodes The Ultimate Spider-Man episode "Halloween Night at the Museum" features crossover appearances of the animated versions of the cast of Jessie. The episode premiered on October 10, 2014 on Disney Channel.[8]
Jessie's Aloha-holidays with Parker and Joey[edit] Jessie's Aloha-holidays with Parker and Joey is a one-hour special episode of Jessie which features crossover appearances from Parker and Joey, two characters from Liv and Maddie. It also features an appearance from Maia Mitchell. Jessie's Aloha-holidays with Parker and Joey aired on November 28, 2014.[9]
Karate Kid-tastrophe[edit] Jessie featured Phill Lewis as Mr. Moseby, hailing from the Suite Life franchise.
Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med[edit] Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med is a special crossover episode of the two Disney XD series Lab Rats and Mighty Med. It aired on July 22, 2015. Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med drew a little under 1.25 million total viewers and was the third highest-rate original scripted cable TV series telecast for that week.[10]
In this crossover special, Donald Davenport and Chase create an invention, but Davenport tries to sell it without consulting Chase. In retaliation, Chase then unknowingly sells it to archvillain The Incapacitator who uses it for his evil plans. Meanwhile, Kaz and Oliver sneak into the Bionic Academy while trying to track down The Incapacitator. Chase gets hurt when they all try to stop The Incapacitator, but Kaz and Oliver transport Chase to Mighty Med Hospital in an attempt to save him. Meanwhile, Adam, Bree, Oliver and Skylar work together to try to find The Incapacitator and defeat him once and for all.
Multiple series crossovers[edit]
That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana[edit] Main article: That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana is a crossover special among the Disney Channel Original Series That's So Raven, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, and Hannah Montana. The crossover, which aired as a 90-minute special consisting of episodes of the three series respectively, premiered on July 28, 2006.[11][12]
Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana[edit] Main article: Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana is a crossover between the Disney Channel Original Series Wizards of Waverly Place, The Suite Life on Deck, and Hannah Montana. The crossover, which aired as successive episodes of the three series, premiered on July 17, 2009, and was highly watched, drawing 9.3 million viewers and breaking several ratings records at the time.[13][14]
Monstober Spooktacular Weekend[edit] On October 2 and 4, 2015, seven Disney Channel series featured crossover appearances with each other. The crossover appearances took place among Jessie, Girl Meets World, I Didn't Do It, K.C. Undercover, Best Friends Whenever, Austin & Ally, and Liv and Maddie. The unifying theme for the crossover appearances was a haunted house attraction that was part of New York City's Central Park Spooktacular celebration; it also involved the same mysterious masked character appearing on each of the programs. The crossovers involved two characters from each show appearing at the Central Park Spooktacular with the characters of the show that they were appearing on.[15]
Dale Davis[edit] Dale Davis, a character from Zeke & Luther, appeared in the Kickin' It episode "Wax On, Wax Off" as well as "An Ice Girl For Boomer" which is an episode of Pair of Kings.
Laughy Cat[edit] Principal Mitchell from Kirby Buckets has a cat named Laughy Cat. In Lab Rats episode "Bionic Dog", Bree was watching Laughy Cat, and in Mighty Med episode "Wallace & Clyde: A Grand Day Out", there was a Laughy Cat T-shirt.
Clutch[edit] Clutch has appeared in Lab Rats: Elite Force, Kirby Buckets, and Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything. In Lab Rats: Elite Force, he was an Olympian and Oliver's hero. In Kirby Buckets, he was one of Kirby's drawings. In Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything, he was a video game character. Share so everyone on Earth noes.
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petersasteria · 7 years
Life - Bradley Simpson Imagine! AU (Part 1)
A/N: Requested? No.
Pairing: Brad x Reader
Inspired by one of my favorite movies!
Y/S/N = your sister's name
Lindsay = other sister (apologies if your name is Lindsay)
Monique = your boss (apologies if your name Monique)
Audrey, Henry, Sarah = Lindsay's kids
* * * *
You live in NYC a.k.a the big apple. You work for this really big and famous modeling agency named 'Monique's Style'. You happen to be the executive assistant of Monique. Let's just you're her favorite. You absolutely love your job! You get to party every other night with your colleagues and some models. Recently, you've found a girl named Tinka who has the potential of being a model. As a part of your job, you were able to get her as a model for your company. Monique is jubilant about having you in her company.
Tonight, you're going to New Jersey for Lindsay's birthday. You're the youngest sibling out of three. Lindsay is your eldest sister and Y/S/N is the middle child. You and Lindsay are really close. Your mother died when you were 7 years old. At that time, Lindsay was in New York fulfilling her dream of being a dancer whilst Y/S/N is at home taking care of you. Now, both of your sisters have kids except for you. Lindsay has three kids whilst Y/S/N have two. Y/S/N is currently 5 months pregnant. You're the fun kind of aunt.
Lindsay's party wasn't that grand. It was just you, Y/S/N, Y/S/N's husband, Lindsay, Lindsay's husband, Y/S/N's two kids, Audrey, Henry, and Sarah. You played some games and watched Lindsay open her presents. It was everything. Simple, yet contented.
You were having your usual Sunday brunch with your colleagues at a fancy restaurant, when you get a call from Y/S/N.
"What?" you ask, "Y/S/N, slow down. I can't understand you."
"Lindsay and her husband met an accident," Y/S/N slowed down, "And they didn't make it." Y/S/N cried.
"Oh my-" And with that, you tried your hardest not to break down in a really fancy restaurant. Your colleagues noticed and asked if you were okay.
You went to stay in New Jersey for awhile. You were in Lindsay's room, bawling your eyes out. You stood up to leave, but you saw the closet door open. You peeked inside and saw Audrey, Henry, and Sarah sitting down on the floor next to each other with tear stained cheeks. You sat down with them and held them close to you.
Just then, Y/S/N peeked in and said softly, "People are paying their condolences downstairs. I think they'd appreciate it if you guys would be downstairs."
The three kids went downstairs as you and Y/S/N stayed behind.
"Y/N, can you please go to the store and buy some blue napkins?" Y/S/N asked nicely.
"Why?" was all you said.
"Y/N... I've arranged the funeral, I cooked, I took care of the kids. All I'm asking you for, is to go to the store and buy blue napkins, so that the guests won't remember our sister with table napkins sitting on their laps when they eat." Y/S/N lost it at this point. It was true, though. You weren't really much of a big help. As soon as Y/S/N said that, you just shut up and agreed to buy them.
Still in New Jersey, two people went to Lindsay's house to speak with you and Y/S/N.
"We have letters for you. It's from Lindsay before she passed away." The man handed you both the letters.
"It also says here that Y/N Y/L/N will be their legal guardian." The lady said.
"What?" Y/S/N was gobsmacked.
"Yeah, what?!" you were shocked even more.
"You'll be taking care of the kids from now on. You'll be like they're mom." The man shrugged.
"Why can't Y/S/N have them? She IS a mom. She has the mom body, the mom haircut... super mom!" You tried to reason out.
"Sorry, it really says here. There's nothing we can do about it." The lady said before they left.
That night, you talked to the kids about living with you in New York.
"What?!" Henry, the second child, shrieked.
"We're living with you?" Audrey, the eldest, asked.
"Mhm." All you could do was nod.
"Who's going to give me a bath?" Sarah, the youngest, asked.
"Me." You smiled.
"Who's going to take me to school?" she asked again.
"I guess, I am." You answered.
"And make me chicken fingers?"
"Me." You smiled. "Look, all we got to do is stick together. Alright?" you continued.
"Alright. C'mon Sarah it's time for your bath." Audrey said as she carried Sarah to the stairs, with Henry following.
You brought the three kids to New York with you. You bought pizza (for take-out of course). You all have one pizza each. It came in a paper plate and a soda.
"I love New York pizza!" Audrey exclaimed as you walked out of the pizza place.
"Aunt Y/N, can we go to the Statue of Liberty tomorrow?" Sarah asked sweetly.
"No, because we won't be-- wait, where's Henry?!" you screeched.
"He said he'd be back!" Audrey said, looking around.
"I go to the bathroom for a second, and he's gone?!" you panicked.
"There he is!" Audrey pointed at Henry talking to an old man who owns a hotdog stand.
"I said no mustard." You overheard Henry talking to the old man.
"Okay. No mustard." The old man said as he fixed a hotdog for Henry with no mustard. "Who's going to pay for this?" the old man asked as he handed the hotdog to Henry.
"Henry!" you yelled as you, Audrey, and Sarah walked towards him.
"Aunt Y/N will pay." Henry said to the old man.
"Hi I'm Eric." The old man introduced himself.
"Yeah, hi." You said as you paid the old man. "Why did you leave and not tell us?" you asked.
"I don't like pizza. I wanted a hotdog." Henry said.
"Next time, when you want a hotdog tell me and we'll all go together." You told Henry as you all crossed the street.
"Where are we going to dinner?" Audrey asked as she ate her pizza.
"This is dinner." You said.
"Gee, mommy never let pizza be our full dinner." Sarah said.
"And dad always said not to eat AND walk at the same time." Henry said.
"Well, they're not here to yell at us so it doesn't matter." Audrey rolled her eyes.
A month later, you were packing some of your things to bring to New Jersey. You see, it was around Easter time, and you were celebrating Easter with Y/S/N, her husband, and her kids.
"Audrey, get out of the bathroom!" You yelled as you got some clothes out of your closet.
Henry knocked on the bathroom door and said, "Fire! Fire!" in the most unenergetic voice.
Audrey opened the door and walked up to you.
"Why are we going back? We should spend more time here." Audrey asked.
"Spend more time here?"
"Yeah. We can move here." Audrey crossed her arms.
"We can't sleep in one bed every night." You reasoned out.
"We'll move to another apartment. It's a huge city! You'll be closer to your job and everything. You love your job!" Audrey said.
"What about Henry and Sarah?"
"What about them?!"
"They've got school, you have friends, and you grew up in that neighborhood."
"That's why it's a sad neighborhood. Everywhere we go reminds us of mom and dad. The kids treat me differently."
"We'll talk about this later."
"Please think about it aunt Y/N." Audrey pleaded.
"Alright, let's go we have a train to catch! Henry, stop brushing your teeth they're gonna fall out!" you said loudly when you found Henry in the bathroom brushing his teeth for the nth time.
You all grabbed your things and put it in the back of the cab.
"I can't put hippo in the bag!" Sarah whined as she can't put her stuffed animal in her tiny pink bag.
"Oh, give it to me!" Henry snatched the hippo and the bag out of Sarah's grasp and shoved the hippo in the bag. Apparently, Sarah had been having trouble with hippo for awhile and made Henry lose his shit. "There! He's in the bag! Are ya happy now?!" Henry asked, annoyed.
You arrived at New Jersey and spoke to Y/S/N about what Audrey said.
"That's not part of the plan." Y/S/N said.
"That's YOUR plan, Y/S/N." you sighed.
"What's wrong with moving down the block? I think the calm of the familiar is better than the hustle bustle of the city." Y/S/N said as she glanced at all the kids painting Easter eggs. "Kids, keep the paint on the eggs and not on each other please!" She pleaded.
"Y/S/N, Sarah thinks hippo's parents are on vacation and they're coming back. Henry walks around like a zombie and draws skeletons. Audrey's my only ally." You told Y/S/N and her husband, John.
"You really have to watch her." Y/S/N said as you mentioned Audrey.
"Look, they're not happy."
"Y/N, they're not gonna be happy anywhere right now."
"Let's just think this through." John said to Y/S/N as you joined the kids.
"The Easter bunny's not coming! The Easter bunny joined 50 cent!" Henry said aggressively.
"Henry, why do you have to be a brat?" Audrey said.
"YOU'RE a brat." Henry rolled his eyes as he painted an egg.
Meanwhile, Y/S/N and John talked about Audrey's request.
"I think Y/N's right. I think the new environment would help the kids. If it doesn't work out, they can always go back here to New Jersey." John said.
Y/S/N finally agreed and now you're looking for an apartment with the help of a real estate agent.
"How about this one?" the real estate agent asked. This was the 10th picture of an apartment she showed you. It wasn't your type.
"Um, no."
"I heard there was some pretty decent stuff at Queens?" the agent tried. She really did.
"No. We're Manhattan people." You said quickly.
The agent showed the next picture and you gasped.
"Oh wow!"
The agent smiled and said, "Four bedrooms and close to Central Park. Only 9,000 a month."
The place was great, but the price wasn't as great as the apartment. You had no choice but to move in Queens.
You went to the apartment in Queens and check things out. You got apartment 1D (a/n: wink wink)
"Okay, here's the bathroom."
"Only one bathroom?"
"Yeah. There are two rooms over there."
"Okay. Henry and Sarah could one room and Audrey the other room. Then I'll sleep on the pull-out couch." You said.
"There's plenty of room for a pull-out couch and you get a nice view." The landlady said.
"So, in the ad it said something about a visual security system. How does that work?" you asked politely.
"Oh. When someone ring the doorbell, you look out the window; that's the visual part. And you yell at them if you want them to come up or not; that's the security part. Here are the keys. Welcome to this apartment. I'm only available between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning because I have a life." And she left.
You turned to the kids and said, "So, home!" The kids ran up to you and hugged you.
That same day, your things arrived and Y/S/N and John came over to help with your things.
"I ordered pizza and it's gonna arrive in 30 minutes!" Y/S/N cheered.
"Okay, kids let's put your stuff in your rooms!" John said as he grabbed Sarah's bike.
In Henry and Sarah's room....
"I want this bed!" Sarah shouted at her brother who was sitting on the bed she wanted.
"Look, in the old house I had this bed and you had that bed." Henry calmly said.
"But I want this bed!" Sarah shouted yet again.
"That's it! Hippo goes out the window!" Henry stood up from the bed he called dibs and grabbed hippo.
"Followed by Irwin!" Irwin is Henry's pet turtle.
In the living room...
"Guys, stop fighting!" You said as you looked at Y/S/N. "It's hard. Like, really hard."
Y/S/N smiled and gave you a hug instead. Being –already 6 months- pregnant, she's not allowed to be stressed.
You pulled away from the hug and heard a knock on the door. The door was already wide open, but the person was really polite. You and Y/S/N turned around and saw a nice looking Indian woman. You approached her and said hi.
"Hi, I'm Nilma. I live across the hall. I made samosas."
"Wow! Thank you so much. I'm Y/N and that's Y/S/N, my sister." You smiled.
"I caught this little one screaming around the hall." The landlady interrupted as she grabbed Nilma's 5 year old son by his shirt.
"It's okay. Mr. Carlos is deaf." Nilma said.
"Well I'm not." The landlady said as she left. Nilma told her son to go back to their apartment.
"So, I see you have kids too. Maybe a play date sometime?" Nilma asked nicely.
Y/S/N immediately came over and spoke to Nilma as she handed you the samosas and put it in the kitchen.
"Hi. You see, these kids are our sister's kids..." Y/S/N told Nilma.
"These aren't her kids?" Nilma asked.
"No. Our sister passed away and left her kids with Y/N. I was wondering if you could help her with some things."
"Of course. Say no more."
"Thank you so much."
Y/S/N and Nilma looked at you. You gave them a look that said 'what?'
"Nothing. Just mommy talk." Y/S/N answered.
"So Y/N, where are you taking the kids to school?" Nilma asked.
Your eyes widen in realization. You never thought of that. You were so focused on your job and moving to a different apartment, you forgot that the kids have to go to a school.
You looked at Nilma and nervously smiled, "I got it. I got it covered."
The next day, you went around Queens to look for a school. You, Henry, and Sarah went inside this random school, but they didn't like it. You've been looking for schools all day and Audrey wasn't helping. Instead, Audrey flirts with every guy she sees.
"Really Audrey? C'mon let's go to a different school." You groaned. You're about to lose your shit. Until you found a Christian school. You were really desperate, so you checked it out.
You went inside the church (which was part of the school) and found some people there.
A man with curly hair smiled at you.
"Hello." He smiled at you.
"Hi. I would like to speak to the principal." You smiled.
"That's me! Let's go to my office." He said and shook your hand.
-at the office-
"Being a Christian is really great. We've been Christians for as long as we can remember. Right kids?" you said as you looked at the three kids who were smiling.
"Okay. We just need to run some blood tests to make sure they're really Christian." The man said.
"What?" The color drained from your face and instantly became nervous.
"Yeah. You heard me." The man smirked.
"The kids can't do that, because they're scared of blood." You said.
"It's a joke." The man chuckled.
"Now, why would I joke about that?" You asked.
"The blood test. There's no blood test. It's a joke. You don't have to be a Christian to go to this school."
"Yeah. There are only a few Christians who live here."
"Thank you, father."
"It's pastor."
"Oh. Thanks, father pastor."
"Yeah, Pastor Brad actually." The man said.
"Oh. Sorry."
"It's alright. So, tour?" Pastor Brad asked. You immediately agreed and he took you around the school for a tour.
* * * *
Lmao reblog if you liked it
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day0one · 4 years
Coronavirus updates: Texas reports single highest daily rate increase of infections 9 hrs ago
The novel coronavirus pandemic has now killed more than 311,000 people worldwide.
More than 4.6 million people across the globe have been diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new respiratory virus, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to testing shortages, many unreported cases and suspicions that some governments are hiding the scope of their nations' outbreaks.
The United States is the worst-affected country, with more than 1.4 million diagnosed cases and at least 88,898 deaths.
Today's biggest developments:
US death toll surpasses 88,000 Texas reports single highest daily rate increase of infections 137 cases of NYC children with syndrome associated with COVID-19 Judge rejects Martin Shkreli's plea for early release Here's how the news developed on Saturday. All times Eastern.
1:17 p.m.: UK to get Oxford COVID-19 vaccine 1st as part of pharmaceutical deal The United Kingdom will have first access to Oxford University's COVID-19 vaccine if it's successful, a U.K. government official said Sunday.
Oxford has signed a global licensing agreement with U.K.-based pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to deliver 100 million doses of Oxford's potential vaccine; the company will work to make up to 30 million of those doses available for the U.K. by September as part of the deal, according to Business Secretary Alok Sharma.
"This deal with AstraZeneca means that if the Oxford University vaccine works, people in the U.K. will get the first access to it, helping to protect thousands of lives," Sharma said in a statement.
Researchers at Oxford and Imperial College of London will also receive 84 million pounds (about $101 million) in government funding toward developing a vaccine, Sharma announced.
Human clinical trials for Oxford's coronavirus vaccine began last month. Imperial's vaccine trial is set to begin in June.
The U.K. has the third-highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and the second-highest number of deaths in the world, according to Johns Hopkins University, with more than 244,000 cases and 34,716 fatalities.
12:20 p.m.: Gov. Cuomo urges New Yorkers to get tested, demonstrates swab test during briefing New York has more testing capacity than New Yorkers are using, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday.
Some drive-in sites that can do 50,000 COVID-19 tests daily are only doing about 5,000 a day, the governor said.
To urge those eligible to get the COVID-19 swab test -- often described as unpleasant -- the governor demonstrated getting one live during his daily coronavirus briefing.
"This test is not an invasive test. There's no pain to this test," Cuomo said before the test. "This is nothing about this test that should intimidate people from not taking this test. It's fast and easy, and so fast and so easy that even the governor can take this test. That's how fast and easy it is."
A doctor wearing personal protective equipment then collected a sample from the governor using a deep nasal swab.
"That is the whole test. I'm not in pain and discomfort," Cuomo said after the seconds-long test was administered. "There's no reason why you should not get the test. You don't even have to be New York tough to take that test."
New York state has more than 700 testing sites and is performing up to 40,000 tests a day, Cuomo said. The state also has formed a partnership with CVS, the governor announced Sunday; more than 60 CVS pharmacies across the state will be able to do 50 or more tests a day.
New Yorkers eligible for the diagnostic test include anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, those who have had contact with someone with a confirmed case, a person in a precautionary or mandatory quarantine, health care workers, first responders, nursing home employees and essential workers. Additionally, those who are returning to work during Phase 1 of the state's reopening, such as construction or manufacturing workers, are now also eligible, the governor announced.
The state also launched a new website Sunday to find testing sites.
11:15 a.m.: 137 cases of NYC children with syndrome associated with COVID-19 There are now 137 cases of children with Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 in New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced during his daily press briefing on Sunday.
Of those cases, 66 have tested positive for the coronavirus or antibodies were detected. There has been one death from the illness.
De Blasio implored parents that if they see their child exhibit any of the symptoms of the syndrome, including persistent fever, rash, abdominal pain and vomiting, to immediately call their health care provider.
"Early detection saves lives of children," the mayor said.
Overall, the number of daily hospitalizations has remained flat since May 14, while ICU admissions and the percentage of people who tested positive for coronavirus were both down, de Blasio said. There were 469 ICU admissions, down from 506 on May 14; and 11% of people tested were positive, down from 13%.
Meanwhile, beaches will remain closed Memorial Day weekend but de Blasio did not rule out the possibility that they will be open later in the summer.
"It's still not safe," the mayor said, adding that walking on the beach is permitted but if officials start to see people congregating and are going against recommendations, they will take further measures.
De Blasio also implored New Yorkers to give blood as the supply in the city has gotten low due to a lack of blood drives because of coronavirus-related social distancing.
The New York Blood Center, which helps supply additional blood to area hospitals, is down to a two-day supply of blood.
"We need to make a comeback quickly," de Blasio said.
Hospitals have their own emergency blood supplies but unless they receive additional blood, some surgeries cannot move forward, the mayor said.
10:30 a.m.: Spain daily death toll under 100 for 1st time in 2 months For the first time since March 16, Spain's one-day death toll from the novel coronavirus dropped below 100.
Spain reported 87 new deaths on Sunday, bringing the total deaths in the country from the pandemic to 27,650.
The country's Health Ministry reported 652 new cases.
Spain has had 231,350 confirmed COVID-19 cases, which is the fifth most cases globally after the U.S., Russia, the U.K. and Brazil, according to data from Johns Hopkins.
Fernando Simon, chief of emergency response, said the rate of transmission is low, "which makes us think that we are in a favorable situation," but that a second wave is possible.
7:39 a.m.: Eric Trump implies Democrats, Biden using coronavirus as conspiracy to hurt President Trump by 'taking away' MAGA rallies In an interview on Fox News Saturday night, Eric Trump baselessly accused Democrats and Joe Biden's campaign of trying to use the coronavirus to hurt his father, President Donald Trump, politically by "taking away" his campaign rallies.
Speaking on "Justice with Judge Jeanine," Eric Trump tossed a number of confusing and wild accusations about Democrats, Biden, and the coronavirus pandemic -- appearing to claim that lockdowns around the country were part of a Democratic/Biden manufactured conspiracy to stop the president's campaign rallies and hurt his political prospects, despite the virus death toll now approaching 90,000 in the United States.
The president's son accused Democrats of wanting to "milk [the coronavirus] for everything they can" and seemed to imply that Democrats and the media were blowing the pandemic out of proportion to hurt the president, saying that after Election Day the "coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen."
Asked how the virus has impacted President Trump politically, Eric Trump blamed Democrats for rallies being put on hold, which he called "Donald Trump's greatest tool":
"Biden can't go on stage without making some horrible blunder. I mean even from his basement he's making awful gaffes every single day, so, his campaign is thrilled that he's not going out there. And they think they're taking away Donald Trump's greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time," Eric Trump said. "So they they will and you watch they'll milk it every single day between now and November 3, and, guess what, after November 3rd, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen."
"They're trying to deprive him of his, his greatest asset, which is the fact that the American people love him. The fact that he's relatable. The fact that he can go out there and draw massive crowds. Joe Biden can't get 10 people in a room, my father's getting 50,000 in a room and they want to do everything they can to stop it. So make no mistake, to a lot of them... a lot of them this is a very cognizant strategy that they're trying to employ. It's no different than again the nonsense that they're trying to throw in the Hope Act," he continued. "It's no different than the mail-in voting that they want to do all these places. It is no different than wanting illegal immigrants to vote in our country. It is a cognizant strategy. And it's it's sad and again it's not going to be allowed to happen we're going to win November."
Eric Trump claimed using the coronavirus is a "cognizant strategy" by Democrats and/or Joe Biden and implied they played some role in "taking away Donald Trump's greatest tool" -- which is a confusing and baseless accusation given not only was the decision to stop rallies made by the president's own campaign, it came as many experts said large gatherings like political rallies shouldn't return until as recent as next year.
Also, he's echoing comments President Trump made early on as the virus first spread when he called it a Democratic "hoax" given their response to the virus. But, months later, Eric Trump is now implying the response to the virus is some Democratic conspiracy while experts like Dr. Fauci are warning that reopening the country too soon could lead to "needless suffering and death."
4:48 a.m.: Texas reports single highest daily rate increase of infections The latest number of of coronavirus cases in Texas jumped by 1,801 in a single day, the highest daily rate since the state started tracking data. The number of cases reported now stands at 46,999, according to the latest figures released by Johns Hopkins University.
There are currently 19,093 active cases statewide with 1,791 patients hospitalized -- which is an increase of 75 from yesterday.
A total of 678,471 people have been tested out of a statewide population of around 29 million people.
The state of Texas has also reported 1,305 fatalities -- an increase of 33 but down from the two day high of 58 and 56 the previous two days.
12:35 a.m.: Federal judge blocks North Carolina governor’s restrictions on religious services A federal judge issued an order on Saturday that allows North Carolina religious leaders to reopen their doors to their congregations in spite of the governor’s warning that they risk spreading coronavirus.
Gov. Roy Cooper said he wouldn’t appeal the ruling blocking his restrictions on indoor religious services.
A hearing is scheduled May 29 on whether the order will become permanent.
The order prevents Cooper from taking enforcement actions against religious worshipers but also states they should observe recommendations for social distancing and reduce transmission of the virus when possible.
Governor Cooper's spokesperson issued the following statement in response to the order.
"We don't want indoor meetings to become hotspots for the virus and our health experts continue to warn that large groups sitting inside for long periods of time are much more likely to cause the spread of COVID-19. While our office disagrees with the decision, we will not appeal, but instead urge houses of worship and their leaders to voluntarily follow public health guidance to keep their members safe."
7:45 p.m.: 'Pharma Bro' denied release from prison Martin Shkreli, the former pharmaceutical executive imprisoned for fraud and most infamous for hiking the price of a lifesaving drug, was rejected for release due to COVID-19.
Shkreli, 37, had argued for release in part because of his work in bio pharmaceuticals, which he said could benefit the public. If allowed to research coronavirus, Shkreli said he could bring a cure to market.
MORE: 'Delusional': Feds slam 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli's attempt to leave prison to find COVID-19 cure The judge flatly rejected the claim.
"The court does not find that releasing Mr. Shkreli will protect the public, even though Mr. Shkreli seeks to leverage his experience with pharmaceuticals to help develop a cure for COVID-19 that he would purportedly provide at no cost," U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of New York Kiyo A. Matsumoto wrote.
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activistnewsnetwork · 6 years
Families Belong Together protest over the weekend in more than 700 cities.
Activists organized a nationwide protest on June 30 to demand the Trump administration reunite families, and end family separation and detention at the border.
The Families Belong Together march took place in Washington, DC, in Lafayette Square — across from the White House — at 11 am on Saturday, June 30. According to organizers, some 30,000 attendees gathered by 11:30 am. Sister marches were expected to take place in more than 700 cities and towns across the country.
“The ‘zero tolerance’ policy is Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, and he has the ability to get rid of that policy at any time,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, the policy director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, one of the dozens of groups that are organizing the protest. “So we’re not going to stop organizing until the end of zero-tolerance policy. That’s ultimately what created this crisis, and our demand has been so clear from the very beginning that that’s what needs to happen.”
President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week that ended the large-scale practice of splitting up parents and kids, but his administration will now detain families together — and it seeks to do so indefinitely.
There’s also the question of the more than 2,000 children separated from their parents. Accounts from immigration advocates and migrants within detention say the process to reunify families is fraught with problems. A judge has ordered the Trump administration speed up family reunification and stop deporting parents without their kids, but bureaucratic hurdles remain.
Even as the administration reunites families, it’s seeking to deport them together. It is also proposing a rule that would radically change the asylum process, by making people ineligible if they cross the border illegally.
These policies are energizing the June 30 protest, even after pressure forced Trump to balk on family separations. “It’s a clear sign we’re winning the argument, that Trump is feeling the heat,” Karthik Ganapathy, spokesperson for the Families Belong Together March and MoveOn, another group organizing the protest, said last week about Trump’s executive order.
#FamiliesBelongTogether Families & children do not belong in indefinite detention. Join these 6/30 events around the country: https://t.co/Vdt84JE9pG pic.twitter.com/EP56zDb0cy
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) June 29, 2018
“But at the end of the day what was announced today doesn’t actually solve the problem, in a bunch of ways,” Ganapathy added. “In terms of the kids who’ve already been separated, in terms of clarity on whether or not they’ll ever do this again … and lastly, on this question of indefinite detention — and in some ways that’s even worse.”
The Families Belong Together protest encouraged protesters to wear white, in solidarity. The march in DC featured speeches from activists, faith leaders, and children and families.
Trump’s policy has reignited activism on immigration
Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy has galvanized activists nationwide, with a fervor reminiscent of the early days of the Trump administration and the travel ban.
On June 14, progressive groups organized “Families Belong Together” protests in dozens of cities to call for an end to family separation.
Spontaneous protests have also broken out across the country. This month, demonstrators confronted Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as she dined at a DC Mexican restaurant. And New Yorkers recently gathered at LaGuardia Airport to welcome children, reportedly separated from their parents, who were set to arrive in the city.
About 600 women were arrested on Thursday during a nonviolent civil disobedience action organized by the Women’s March. Hundreds of protesters took over a Senate office building to call for the abolition of ICE and the end of family separation and detention.
630 women in foil blankets are being arrested in Hart Office building now as they chant “Abolish ICE” and demand an end to family detention. #WOMENDISOBEY pic.twitter.com/k3J1lmqIPA
— Women’s March (@womensmarch) June 28, 2018
“Civil disobedience is a strategic intentional tactic,” Sarsour said last week, before the protest. “We have to be helpful to the people we claim to fight with and for.”
The June 30 protest is building on those mobilization efforts, especially as the intensity of the public pressure has, as Ganapathy noted, forced the Trump administration to shift course on family separation.
“I really think this is an organic thing,” Ganapathy said. “I really just think we’re tapping into this deep and visceral sense of outrage that people feel. This can’t be who we are as a country, we can’t go down this path.”
The #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch, in tweets and photos
Marches took place across hundreds of cities on Saturday, drawing in thousands of people, including immigrant rights activists, politicians, and celebrities. Actress America Ferrera, singer Alicia Keys, and composer and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda took part in the DC rally. Actress Kerry Washington took part in an event in New York, and singer John Legend in Los Angeles.
Here is footage of Washington in New York:
.@kerrywashington speaking truth at the #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch in NYC: https://t.co/D96wZWKeiP
— Courtney Fuller (@courtneygfuller) June 30, 2018
And of Miranda, who sang a lullaby for children separated from their parents:
Lin-Manuel Miranda is singing a lullaby for children separated from their parents pic.twitter.com/csctFNjR5T
— Meg Wagner (@megwagner) June 30, 2018
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) posted a video hitting the Trump administration for its zero-tolerance immigration policies:
Helpless, caged children *still* don’t know if they’ll ever see their mothers again. This reckless Trump policy of family detention must stop.
Rise up for justice. Continue mobilizing because #FamiliesBelongTogether. We need you. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch –NP pic.twitter.com/zDO7Nuaaxn
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) June 30, 2018
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) spoke at a rally in Atlanta, telling the crowd, “We may have to turn America upside down to turn it right-side up.”
“We may have to turn American upside down to turn it right-side up,” Rep. John Lewis says at immigration march in Atlanta. pic.twitter.com/T9FVBotWlU
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 30, 2018
Here are more images and videos from across the country:
Huge crowds flowing into Lafayette Park at the Washington DC rally, wearing white, toting water and sunscreen. Tremendous cheers for the opening welcome from Sebastian Medina-Tayac of the Piscataway Nation. #FamiliesBelongTogether #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch pic.twitter.com/TGdOznJwXI
— Anna Galland (@annagalland) June 30, 2018
I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be separated from my child .Hold these families in your heart and don’t forget their struggles – @aliciakeys #FamiliesBelongTogether #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #EndFamilyDetention #AbolishICE pic.twitter.com/6W6HTcC5eX
— Voto Latino (@votolatino) June 30, 2018
Listen to the children. #FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/M3Q6lGQiWi
— ACLU (@ACLU) June 30, 2018
Thousands of signs, thousands of voices… do you hear us @realDonaldTrump? You will in November. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #VoteThemOut pic.twitter.com/hl6FMZLko9
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) June 30, 2018
Actress America Ferrera reads a letter from a grandfather fighting to sponsor his granddaughter: “I want you to imagine that this is your child, that you are this grandfather.” https://t.co/1JXiRRkVzD pic.twitter.com/Gxenlw0jJp
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2018
According to the White House press pool report, Trump was also met with protesters near his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday. Signs included, “I really do care you should too #begone,” “Even the Trump family belongs together,” and “Do you know where our children are?”
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atypical60 · 7 years
Well, I decorated the tree on Friday.  It wasn’t an easy feat because half the lights we had for the tree were no longer working so I ended up having to get out of my pajamas, getting dressed and driving to Walmart to purchase new lights.  I love the lights on the tree. It’s so weird but when the lights are turned on I love to squint my eyes and look at the tree out of focus—it looks dreamy that way.
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The decorated tree.  It’s not themed. It isn’t fancy. It is simply a tree filled with memories in the form of ornaments!
Anyway, our decorated tree is not a fancy one.  There is no “theme” nor is there anything fancy or elegant about it.  Some years I wrap ribbon around the tree like garland.  Other years I adorn the tree with garland of little gold balls—that’s what’s I did this year.  There is really no rhyme or reason in the way the tree is decorated.
The tree is embellished with ornaments that I’ve had since my first Christmas in NYC at the apartment on Riverside Drive.  It was the first Christmas my ex-husband and I spent together. He wasn’t big on having a tree but I insisted.  I found our tree in the form of a beautiful fir that was sold down in the East Village.  The vendor was willing to sell a full, and very tall tree to me for $15.00.  But he was also quite cynical in the fact that I would have to drag the tree from the village up to the West Side.
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Suffice it to say,  I looked pretty ridiculous dragging a huge Christmas tree on the NYC subway but it was well-worth it!
No problem—where there was a will, there was a way, and I dragged that tree down to the subway, and the huge tree rode the subway from 14th street up to 94th Street with me. The tree was ridiculously huge and heavy. But I didn’t care. I wanted the tree.  And I got it!
We had a “tree trimming party” that year and I still have a few of the ornaments.  One ornament, in particular, stands out to me and always brings fond memories when I hang it.  It’s a little golf ball with the image of Santa painted on the face.  Our friend, Steve Hartnack, gave it to us.  And the reason that I have fond memories with this ornament is that at the beginning of every Holiday Season, back when all of us were in our twenties, Steve hosted, right before Thanksgiving, a “Friendsgiving” dinner.  Hmmmm I think he may have actually invented Friendsgiving!  But it was a ton of fun.  I’ve lost touch with most of that group but the great thing is that I have wonderful memories. And those memories surface once a year as I go through the ritual of hanging the ornaments on the tree.
The infamous Santa Golf Ball Ornament from Steve.  This little nugget is almost 40 years old! Wow!  I can’t believe it!!
These ornamental memories are my ghosts of Christmas past—and they are happy ghosts that always bring a smile to my face, and also a sentimental tear or so.
Here are some of my ghosts!
I’ve always gotten ornaments that say something about my kids.  This guitar is for Roman. He’s my musician and has been playing guitar since he was in high school.  I think of him every year I hang this on the tree..
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This ornament was  purchased at the 2007 Oireachtas, when Oona was 18. It was supposed to be her last Oireachtas.  She took a hiatus and went back as a Senior in College. But with each year when I hang his up, it brings back fun memories of her Irish Dance days!
Jake was our all-star baseball player!  He lived, breathed and ate baseball when he was younger.  I always think of him when this is hung up!
Oona was in 4th grade when she made this.  How pathetic am I that I still hang this torn, broken pretzel ornament?  Actually, I’m not pathetic.  I’ll hang this until the pretzels turn into crumbs!
It isn’t a tree ornament, but this was purchased way back in 1990 when Jake was 7 years old and Roman was 4.  I couldn’t resist because it looked like a cross between both boys.  It’s one of the ornaments I look forward to displaying each year!
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Here’s another throwback to the ’90’s.  It’s an homage to my roots! 
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This Polish Blessing I think was given to us from one of my ex-husband’s relatives.  I really should give it to him but I’m too selfish.  I think of Kielbasa, Pierogis and Texas Chocolate cake when I hang this up!
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Barbie.  I HAD this Barbie doll back in 1959. I remember the day I got her. It was at Green Acres Shopping Center and I loved this first, of many Barbie’s so much and I think of the day I got this doll when I hang this ornament!
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Statue of Liberty Claus!  You know what memories I have when I hang him!
And there are new ones too.
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This was new last year, but it is already making memories of our trips to Paris and throughout France!!
This is a new one.  I love this little red truck. I have this red truck on a bowl too. But the memory this will give me is that it pays to discount shop.  I got this at Walmart for $1.97.  The same ornament is being sold at Ballard Designs for $12.95.  Yeah.  You read that right!
It’s funny how a simple action such as placing an ornament on a tree can evoke so many memories.  I think back of past Christmases and the history of family trees that we had.
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All of these ornaments make for pause when decorating because of the memories I have–it takes me FOREVER to decorate the tree!
My mother, when she was in better days, always placed the “good” tree, the real one, in the living room upstairs.  That was the tree she would admire in the evening with a cup of tea. It was the one we were allowed to stand near as we had our photos taken.  Immediately upon unwrapping the gifts, and with five kids, there was a ton of paper floating around the house along with the toys Santa delivered, she would carry, in about ten trips, the presents we received and place them around the other tree. The one in the finished basement.
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When we had a real tree….Can you spot the snowman ornament?  It was my all-time favorite as I was growing up!  
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Is it any wonder that I love the color red and plaid?  This is how I grew up!  Check out the tinsel on the tree. My father was so particular about tinsel placement. I swear he spent at least three hours doing this–and none of us kids were allowed to assist!
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This was the first fake UPSTAIRS tree that my parents got.  To me, it’s a sign that my parents not only were getting older, but that they weren’t well.  My mother was becoming ill and my dad suffered his first heart attack.  The tinsel placement isn’t good at all.  Funny how a tree can talk…
Now, this tree in the basement was a rather sad looking tree. It was spindly and thin and the branches were sparse—it was the saddest of all fake trees.  Next to the fake tree was a fake fireplace—in all its cardboard beauty.  I don’t remember any fake logs but I do remember a little multicolored foil spinner, so that when the spinner was plugged into an outlet, the foil reflected to appear as though a fake fire was burning in the cardboard fireplace.
Atop of the fake fireplace stood four felt and wire angels.  Each of the angels had a letter and when placed properly “NOEL” was spelled out.  I loved those angels and would play with them for hours.  The thing is, when I think back of that basement scene, it was kitschy and tacky—but as a child, I adored it.  And looked forward to every Christmas because it was like having my own little Christmas wonderland!
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The Christmas Basement. So very 1960’s!!!  Note the drawing of the snowman ornament.  
With the kids all grown and living away from home–Roman in NYC, Jake in Los Angeles and Oona in Cincinnati, Christmas memories are different.  The memories are more about our time together and not about the gifts we receive.  Santa passes by without stopping these days.  Christmas morning isn’t an early wake up and a run downstairs to the tree.  It’s a sleep-in morning with a late breakfast and then the meal preparations.
But it’s all good.  Because when you get older you realize that Christmas is not about the presents but is about the present.  Our ghost of Christmas present makes sure we enjoy our time together.
What will the ghost of Christmas future bring?  Hopefully what the present brings—and will leave us with the gift of a strong memory of the great times we’ve had over the years!
For now, I’ll sit back and admire the tree–I’ll also have Bonaparte fix the crooked angel.  On second thought, I’ll keep her the way she is—it makes for a better memory!
I got this great pair of  fancy pants at Old Navy!  I’m wearing them on Christmas. Aren’t they great?  I’ve never worn anything this flashy in my life!!  But I couldn’t help it–and the price was great too!  What do you think?
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From my Instagram feed!  These pants–I love them so much. They go so well with the Dulci suede shoes from J. Crew and a black Tippi Sweater!  The hair I’m wearing is Samala from Janet Collection!  Isn’t she pretty??
Remember the video I posted the other day?  John Roberts’ The Tree?  Here’s an even funnier one from him–and Debbie Harry is a riot! Last Year/Next Year/This Year
    My Ghosts of Christmas Past Well, I decorated the tree on Friday.  It wasn’t an easy feat because half the lights we had for the tree were no longer working so I ended up having to get out of my pajamas, getting dressed and driving to Walmart to purchase new lights. 
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