#Also I note that between Bhaal hunting pegasi and Bane liking dead unicorns both of them appear to have it out for magic horses.
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Sacrifices favoured by Bane:
"Of late, clerics of Cyric have become a preferred sacrifice, though old favorites such as paladins, unicorns, children, and celestials remain popular with traditionalists." - Powers and Pantheons
Sacrifices favoured by Bhaal:
"the Lord of Murder is most pleased if the victim is one of your own kind and as formidable as, or more powerful than, you." - Elminster's Forgotten Realms.
Bhaal would rather not have children sacrificed to him, because it's not an impressive kill. You can go for the stylish assassin or the thriller villain as an aesthetic/method, but have some goddamn style for fuck's sake; you're supposed to honour him with your skill and make you both look good.
Bane? Kill 'em dead and wave their heads on sticks in front of their bereaved parents as a statement! Bathe in the blood of literal angels!
I often find it hard to track who is the worst out of these two, because every time I find something that makes one look terrible I see something I overlooked that makes the other one worse again (though on a different axis).
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