#Also Jere’s smile
korvessa · 10 months
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So much touching
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mitamicah · 3 months
Draw in my tent at Roussalo camping just now waiting for the door to open 🥰
(It is a need!!! Please let it happen 😭)
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dreaminofu · 10 months
I'm obsessed with the difference between Bojan's reactions
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X and X
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letgomypartypiece · 1 year
ive seen this video a million times but humans r so cute !!!! the gift of sharing makes us so happy :))
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hallietblr · 1 year
So my conrad request is basically the scene in season 1 where they (jeremiah and conrad) go to pick up the girls after they go skinny dipping but reader is there too and drives home with conrad?and smut but it could also just be fluff if you want
i’ve got you, always | c.fisher x reader
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a/n: yay!! another conrad fic :) <3 thank you so much for the request, i loved writing it and i hope you enjoy. i had it super fluffy at first but it kind of took its own turn so i hope it’s ok. also, thank you to everyone for all the support for my writing recently — you guys make my day and i can never thank you enough. i love you all truly!
warnings: slight angst, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, and swearing.
“are you fucking kidding me?!” taylor screams, putting her forearms onto the dock and searching, “i knew those girls were fucking bitches!”
belly and i swim towards her, “what happened?” belly asks,
“your fucking snake friends took our clothes and ran off, that’s what!” taylor hisses, “all that’s left are our phones.”
“they did what?” belly panics, lifting her high high enough to see the dock, “oh my god.”
i feel my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach and the colour in my face drain away. i didn’t even want to go skinny dipping in hopper’s cove but i did it anyways since taylor and belly along with belly’s friends were going.
“what do we do?” belly asks us, frantically looking around for a possible solution, “there’s a boat cover we could use!”
“are you fucking joking?” taylor scoffs, shaking her head, “absolutely not.”
“i’m calling conrad,” i tell them, grabbing my phone and clicking his name on speed dial.
i hear the girls bicker by me as my hands shake, bringing my phone to my ear, “c- conrad? i need you.”
“where are you?” he asks, concern laced into his voice. i briefly explain the situation as my lip quivers, “please hurry”
“i’ll be there as soon as i can, lovie. hang tight.” he promises before hanging up.
i turn to the girls and tell them that conrad is on his way while belly says that jeremiah is also coming. we patiently wait for what feels like hours in the water. i could feel my hands shaking as i keep myself propped up on the small dock since my legs were exhausted. my eyes were welling up with tears from anxiety — only hoping conrad will get here soon.
after what felt like hours, we heard a car’s engine running and then stop. he’s here.
“bells, n/n, oh my god,” jeremiah pants out, “i came as soon as you hung up.” he tells belly, “conrad is here too.”
on cue, conrad comes up behind jeremiah while holding a plastic bag of clothes, “nicole gave these to me. i hope everything’s in this.”
“thanks guys,” belly says sheepishly, “do you mind turning around?”
their eyes go widen in embarrassment but quickly turn around while taylor, belly, and i climb up onto the dock. we sift through the plastic bag, handing each other our clothes.
i quickly pull on my dry clothes onto my wet, water dripping body. i pull my drenched hair into a messy bun, with water droplets crawling down the back of my neck. the night breeze was freezing on my body. i shiver and close my hands into tight fists in attempt to stop the shaking.
taylor and belly are soon fully dressed again, in somewhat the same state as i was but much more collected than my embarrassed self.
“okay, you can turn around,” taylor tells the two brothers. they face us and motion us to follow them towards the cars.
“i can’t believe that they did that” jeremiah says, his arms crossed over his chest.
taylor scoffs, “i do, i literally called it that they were all bitches.”
conrad lets belly and taylor pass him to follow jeremiah, he gives me a small sympathetic smile and puts a comforting arm around me, “come on.”
we reach the two cars, belly and taylor whispering to each other, “we’ll ride with you, jere.” belly tells him before herself and taylor climb into the jeep. taylor gives me a quick wink before closing her door.
“see you two at home?” jeremiah asks conrad, who nods. the jeep soon pulls away onto the pitch black road and heads towards the fisher summer home.
“you okay?” conrad asks, facing me, “i’m sorry that happened, you didn’t deserve that.”
his hand is on my shoulder, his thumb slowly rubbing circles against the material of my shirt. i couldn’t even focus, and not in the typical sense when i’m around him. it’s usually butterflies, racing heart rate, heat on my cheeks, but this felt nearly the exact opposite.
it felt like my heart was being squeezed, my stomach was churning, and my stupid hands wouldn’t stop shaking. my vision was slightly blurry from the tears that were threatening to fall.
“you’re freezing,” he breathes out, “hold on”
he turns away and rummages around in the backseats of his car. conrad turns back to me and hands me a grey hoodie, his hoodie, “take this.”
i slowly take it from his hands, trying with every ounce of my strength to stop the shakiness of my hands. i didn’t want him to see the anxious state that i was in. it was such a stupid reason to be anxious anyways, taylor and belly were completely fine after getting their clothes. pissed off maybe, but not acting the way i was.
i have his hoodie in my hands but i don’t put it on.
“lets get you home, love.” he says but i can barely hear him with the ringing in my ears.
conrad starts walking towards his side of the car, assuming that i was also getting into the vehicle — but i feel frozen. stuck in one place.
why was it getting harder to breathe?
conrad’s hand is on the small of my back and my heart rate spikes up to an unbelievable high level, but not in that way. something is wrong, and my chest is hurting.
my hand goes to my sternum of my chest, slowing rubbing it as my breathing picks up. my body was trembling and my chest was rising and falling at a concerning pace.
“babe?” he stands up from his seat. my legs felt weak yet everything else felt heavy, why is it heavy? i feel myself collapse towards the gravel, but i don’t fall.
conrad was able to get to my side quick enough to prevent me from falling. his strong arms wrapped around me, “hey… hey, what’s wrong?”
i shake my head repeatedly, “i- i-” i stutter out and it’s hard to speak, my throat feels dry and it hurts.
he cradles me on the side of the road, “sh, it’s okay. nice and slow, what’s going on?”
“i c- can’t breathe” i tell him, his finger interlace with my shaking ones. he brings my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on them,
“you’re okay, love,” he says softly, “you’re having a panic attack.”
my eyes widen, i’ve never had one of those before. i shut my eyes in fear. my breathing doesn’t slow down for a moment, if anything, it feels like it’s going even faster now.
“look at me,” he whispers, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, “baby, look at me please.”
i open my eyes to look into his blue ones, “breathe with me, okay? nice and slow.”
i watch as conrad takes a deep breath, i try to but i don’t think it’s even possible to breathe.
“in,” he inhales, i attempt at copying his actions by taking a breath of air in, “and out.”
my breath trembles out of my lips, he slowly nods, “just like that, in…. and out.”
we take a few more deep breaths together, until mine regulates again. conrad smiles at me, “there you go, now do you wanna tell me what’s going on?”
i swallow, “i didn’t even want to go skinny dipping with the girls, i don’t fit in with them. they’re all so pretty and fun and everyone loves them. i’m nothing like them.”
a tear slips from the corner of my eye, conrad is quick to wipe it away, “so, i thought if i did it then maybe i’ll be like them. i thought they liked me too, fuck’s sake i’m so gullible. they all left! with me naked in some stupid cove.” i cry out, burying my face into my hands.
“oh, baby,” conrad coos, “sh…” he places a kiss on my hair.
he pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around my torso and placing his chin on my head, “you don’t deserve that, and you’re perfect the way you are. i don’t want to hear any of that ‘no one likes me’ shit, ok? because i do.”
“wh- what?” i ask, looking at him with watery eyes.
“i think you’re amazing just as you are,” he repeats, “you’re my y/n, i don’t want you to be one of those debutante sheep. i love you as y/n.”
my heart fills with so much love, i reach up to pull him into a kiss. he kisses me back immediately, his hands trailing up from my waist to cup my face.
“lets go home, yeah?” he asks after pulling away, “lets get you showered and into some comfy, warm, and dry clothes. we can cuddle and watch a movie. sounds good?”
“sounds perfect.” i blush, i finally pull on his grey hoodie. it falls to my mid thigh and it smells like him; cologne, cigarettes, and ocean water.
conrad helps me to my feet and opens the car door for me, “oh, and conrad?”
he looks down at me and hums, “thank you for coming to get me.” i say to him.
“i’ve got you baby, always.” conrad responds with a kiss before closing the car door.
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | tsitp masterlist
PAIRINGS : jeremiah fisher x reader
SUMMARY : the two friends try to do a movie stunt in a pool, but they end up making there own movie.
NOTES : i haven’t proofread this
“looks like your having fun.” you sarcastically commented while taking a seat beside jeremiah, your bare legs dangling into the cool pool water infront of the pair of you. you glanced over at the boy, concerned at the expression on his face and the tightness of his jaw. he had a solemn look about him as he gazed down at the pool and you knew why. you had accidentally caught him kissing belly in it just the night before but you hadn’t told him. you didn’t want your own emotions to get on the way of his.
“bad memories?” your voice was quieter this time, more reserved, as your curiosity got the best of you. you also wanted to make sure that he was okay since he did not currently look it. “something like that.” he mumbled before finally facing you. his jaw softened but you could tell he was keeping something in. he was mad at something or someone but it wasn’t you, if it was he would’ve already started an argument or atleast made a few passive agressive comments by now.
“what about you?” he leaned back on his hands instead of crossing them and you notice the slight falter in his breath, his chest hitching for a second longer before finally calming down. you pretended not to notice it. “honestly?” you asked with a sigh while looking away from jeremiah and back into the water, “i’m thinking about that scene from dirty dancing right now.” you failed to hide the small smile on your face.
jeremiah shot you a confused look before he finally broke out into a real smile, a soft chuckle leaving him. “when johnny lifts baby up in the water?” he questioned, recognition sparking all over his features. you hummed before facing him fully, a michevouis smirk on your face. “why don’t we do it?” you shrugged as you spoke before lifting up an arm to flex your hardly there muscles, “i’ve gotten pretty strong—“
“why don’t i do the lifting?” he suggested while standing up, pulling off his shirt and jumping in while his shorts on. you laughed while taking off your shirt aswell, leaving you in only pyjama shorts and a sports bra.
you slipped in the water before the effects of his stare took place, a shy smile overcoming you as you faced each other — now soaked in the water and underneath the starlight of cousins. “don’t go shy on me now.” jeremiah teased after shaking his hair, some of its fluffiness coming back before taking steps in the water over to you, “your gonna have to run and jump—“
“run?” you interrupted before he could finish his sentence, “i cant run in deep water.” you reminded him before pushing back your hair so it wouldn’t fall in front your face any longer. “i’ll just,” you paused for a moment, “come at you fast.”
“so run?” he raised a brow and you splashed water towards him, scrunching up your face in annoyance before readying yourself. “just come at me, i’ll catch you.” he promised, bringing his arms out to do just that. “you better.” you mumbled before stretching your body, a little dramatically, to prepare yourself. “just to let you know, the music is playing in my head.” you told jeremiah before you started towards him.
“mine too.” he chuckled before you finally began to move, going as fast as you could to get past the heavy water trying to keep you back until finally his hands were on your waist and he could attempt to lift you. he got you up into the air but perhaps too fast since you had went over him, your hands in the air as if you was flying as you dived back into the pool on the other side of the fisher boy. when you resurfaced he was laughing.
“you came at me too fast.” he joked as you went back to your place from before. “if you can’t handle me, jere, just tell me.” you teased him. the boy chuckled and shook his head, “i can always handle you.” you rolled my eyes at the comment but you still blushed at his attention.
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“if you drop me one more time, then i’m gonna drown you.” you joked as you once again came from underneath the water, slicking your hair back to keep it away from your face and swimming back towards your spot. “i just don’t know my own strength.” he joked, bringing his arms up and flexing the new muscles he had gotten over the year. you tried not to stare too intensely at them and instead kept your eyes focused on his face.
“is that why you keep dunking me?” you questioned with a tilt of your head. he nodded with a grin, bringing his arms out to catch you again. “this time we’ll do it, i know it.” he stated confidently. you smiled, beginning to rush towards him. you had managed to get faster each time. the water was easier to break through and it swiftly moved by you until finally you reached jeremiah.
he caught your waist just like last time and held you up, your hands coming to steady yourself on his shoulders automatically. “don’t worry, i’ve got you.” he mumbled and you could feel your stomach tighten, feeling on fire from his touch. you brought your hands up just like they had in the movie, giggling along with jeremiah’s chuckles before finally he let you down and you were stood infront of him with a sheepish grin still on your face.
“we did it!” you cheered while hugging him, his hands holding your waist tighter as you both celebrated. “i told you we would.” jeremiah stated before you pulled away to look at him again. “your so cocky.” you laughed through your own words. “when a pretty girl like you wants to be in my presence i have every right to be cocky.” he looked smug as he spoke and his hand tightened on you once more. “am i wrong?” he raised a brow as if to challenge you.
you didn’t respond, rolling your eyes playfully and turned to escape his grasp before you exposed the little crush you had on him. but his grip tightened so your movement halted, and you looked back around at his emotionless face. he was staring down at you with an unreadable expression. “jere, you okay?”
he didn’t respond, his eyes glancing down to your lips before he finally kissed you. without warning, without asking he simply pressed his lips against yours like that was the only way to answer your question. once he kissed you, your heart flowed and every muscle in your body relaxed. how much you needed this terrified you. you wondered if everyone felt this way. maybe it was just you, or maybe it was just you and him together.
he pulled away after a few seconds, squeezing your hips as if to ask silently if you were okay, and when you didn’t do anything he spoke. “i always knew i loved you.” he whispered in a hoarse voice that made you involuntarily shiver. you opened your mouth to speak, to say it back, but he stopped you. “i didn’t say it just to hear it said back. i said it to make sure that you knew.”
you spoke just as he finished, “i love you too, jere.” you smiled up at him and he returned it easily, your heart beginning to race again at this bubble of happiness you were confined to as you held each other. you leaned your head up to kiss him once again. this time, he grabbed your throat but didn’t choke you, just brought you so close that when you kissed you weren’t sure whose air you were breathing.
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callitwh4ty0uwant · 4 months
hiiiii !!!! I absolutely adore every single thing that you write; you’re incredible !!
i kinda sorta had a request if you don’t mind…
so conrad fisher x reader where they fake date to make belly and Jere jealous (reader has a crush on jere and con on belly obvi ahah) but they end up falling for each other ?
however the plan kinda works as well and now there’s like a lot of angst :0
have a great rest of your day and im soooooo looking forward to reading it if you decide to do so :))<3
Thank you for the request!!!
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Stole my tortured heart!
Pairing - Conrad fisher x fem! Reader
Summary; having a crush on Jeremiah isn’t easy when he likes Belly… so when agreeing to fake date with Conrad fisher to make Jeremiah jealous doesn’t go to plan and they end up falling for each other in the process.
A/n; my very first request! Thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful day aswell 💗💗
Pink and purple sky’s is what summer in cousins beach brought. Hot days and cold nights were always perfect, especially getting to see her- all time childhood crush shirtless when swimming at the beach houses pool.
Jeremiah and y/n, were close, but not as close as belly and Jere. So when figuring out he likes her, it came as a shock when he walked into her room, laid down on her bed and confessed that he liked belly, she cried when he left that night. 
Conrad fisher, also likes belly apparently. Which is why she resorted to walking into his room after finding out belly and jere had kissed on the beach the night before.
“They kissed” she stumbled in “what?” He looked up from his phone eyebrows furrowed “Jere and belly” she paused “they kissed” she finished pacing around.
“I know you like belly. Conrad, it’s kinda obvious” she shrugged making the boy climb out his bed and place two hands on each shoulder.
“Calm down” he hushed “I have a plan” she informed sitting down on his bed “plan for what?” Connie raised his brows “to make them jealous duh! But only if you’re up for it” she fell back her head hitting the soft mattress.
“What’s your plan y/n” she sat up at that. “We date” she blurted out making a surprised look “huh?” She stood “we fake date, you know like we have to all the sappy stuff like, hold hands, Kiss-.” He shook his head “maybe kiss” he added “extra” she shrugged “to make them jealous and maybe we’ll just get them”
“Okay, y/l/n, I’m in” he held a hand out for her to shake “perfect” she nodded taking his hand, as noise could be heard from the kitchen “starts now I suppose” she smiled up at him as they clasped their hands together and walked out the room hand-in-hand.
“Hey, guys.” Belly said eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the two of them holding hands “what’s going on here” he motioned between, Conrad and her.
“We’re uh..” she trailed looking up at Conrad “Dating.. we’re dating” he finished for her removing his hand from hers placing it around her shoulder pulling her in closer.
Jealous. Is what was written all over Belly’s face over the next few weeks, nothing over Jeremiah’s he didn’t care, at all.
The next few weeks were also hard to say the least, Conrad’s ‘touches’ had lingered a little too long, throughout the weeks.
For example, she, Conrad, Jeremiah and belly were watching a movie and obviously she sat beside Conrad his arm thrown over her shoulder drawing circles into her shoulder, the two had acting obsessed with each other throughout the weeks, Jeremiah and belly never suspected a thing.
A quick kiss to cheek could be felt as he got up from the couch mumbling something about getting a snack “you want anything.. babe” Babe. a simple pet name, that Conrad had called her.
“M’good” she mumbled “you not gonna offer us anything?” Jeremiah asked “youre not my girlfriend” he shrugged sitting back down beside her, butterflies errupted in her stomach as he caught her lips in a kiss.
She was caught off guard by the action, he had never kissed her before it was unexpected.
“We need to talk” she mumbled in his ear as she took his hand taking him into the separate room “I don’t know if I’m picking up some wrong signals here” she started “but do you like me? Cause you just kissed me and you’ve never done that before” she sighed “yeah- y/n ever since we made that deal after they kissed I couldn’t help it, these past few weeks have been amazing” he confessed.
“You like me?” She asked as he nodded lightly “good cause I was starting to worry” she chuckled walking towards the boy cupping his face in her hands and kissing him.
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can i request a one shot where reader has been friends with everyone in cousins for a while and has been around to see everything happen (susannah dying, the love triangle between belly, conrad and jere). fast forward to when conrad leaves the motel, he goes to reader after and they end up falling for eachother over time and reader shows conrad the love and support he deserves, and understands what he’s going through💞
A bit short, but I'm in a spooky autumn mood and these characters scream summer. Please send spooky/autumn requests
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’She chose him and now I can’t fucking breathe,’’ Conrad said as you sat together on your couch. He rubbed his chest with the heel of his palm and your heart shattered. 
He had showed up at your door unannounced a little over an hour ago, backpack over his shoulder and looking like he'd been run over by a truck. His eyes were red, like he had been crying. You took him inside without asking questions, knowing he needed a shoulder to lay his tired head on. 
You listened as Conrad recounted everything that happened since they took the road to Brown. His plan to tell Belly he still loved her. The kiss against his car. The motel. 
‘’I gave her so many signs that I still loved her, but she didn't hear me. She could have turned this around and we could have fixed our relationship, but she chose Jere. So I let her go.’’ 
You reached out to squeeze his hand, the one that wasn’t on his chest. 
The situation between Belly and the Fisher boys was incredibly messy. She was your friend and you could understand that feelings were difficult at that age, but juggling between Conrad and Jeremiah’s hearts was just hurtful for everyone involved. Just because she was confused with who she wanted, who she loved, didn’t mean she had to get a taste of both before making a choice. 
Conrad released a shaky breath, trying to control his emotions and not have another panic attack. ‘’I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you. I didn’t know where else to go…’’ 
You shook your head, dismissing his apologies. ‘’I’d rather you come and pour your little heart out to me than go through everything on your own and mope.’’
‘’I don’t mope by myself—’’ 
You raised an eyebrow playfully, cutting him off.
‘’Maybe I do…’’ he conceded with a defeated sigh. 
Keeping everything inside had always been Conrad's way of coping. He rarely talked to anyone about himself or how he felt. It wasn't the healthiest approach, and you knew it, but you also understood that you couldn't force him to open up.
‘’Do you have a place to stay tonight?’’ 
Conrad sank deeper into the couch cushions, having not thought ahead. When he left the motel, he told his brother he was going to take a bus to Cousins to get the summer house back together, but he impulsively came here instead. 
‘’You can stay if you want. There’s no one in the guest room,’’ you offered.
‘’Thanks. For real.’’ He gave you a soft smile, grateful for everything. ‘’I don’t know what I would’ve done today if you had not been there.’’
‘’I’m always gonna be there for you, Con,’’ you promised, returning a smile. ‘’Right now, it might be raining, but there'll be happiness after her. Someone will turn your gray sky and paint it blue again.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @Veescorneroftheworld @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727 @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2
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tuituipupu · 2 months
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also hi jere.
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mitamicah · 4 months
confession time: After sleeping on it, I actually think I miss the Joker Out guys a bit more than I miss Jere and crew atm. That might be because it has been longer since I've watched them live comparred to Käärijä ...
... but because of this I'm actually tempted to do something very scandalous *gasp - I know; how nonkääryle of me* and only go for Hamburg tomorrow in hopes that Joker Out will get some Europe dates this fall as well :'D
(and if they don't then I hope the Käärijä shows in germany won't sell out too quickly :'D)
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#I miss looking into the bojan's intense wet brown puppy eyes and feel my stomach drop because of it#the adrenaline that wont leave my body for hours that make me giddy and silly because of a 25 year took notice of me#I miss witnessing janace's antics face to face#and jure walking around with or without bubbles sending us happy smiles durring novi val#I miss hearing bluza and sta bih ja#and I long to get my chance to hear astp live#I want to break down with other fans during sonce#I even miss the long ass umazane misli karaokes#I miss the chance of talking to the guys at shit o'clock in the night#and hell I already have three käärijä shows planned (almost) next month#so I will get my käärijä quota fulfilled#and it is not like I don't look forward to those concerts#but what I mostly look forward to in those are meeting up with you guys#I know I probably wont understand most what jere is saying#I will enjoy his antics#and häärijä and the daltons#the chance of hearing people's champion on stage again#maybe get paidaton riehuja again#enjoy my first outside concerts with him#see him be so humble and honest and just such an open and wonderful human being#but I probably wont meet him#the chance of getting a good spot is limited#the same connection that I got with JO in sweden is sparse#and I miss that#so as much as I am looking forward to backas and allas and ruisrock#I miss the intimate small concerts in places where he/they are less known#where the few of us meeting up are getting the time of our lives#but I also know that is not sustainable for him/them and that bigger crowds also have its unique experiences/advantages#I am pretty much just babbling#don't mind me
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caffeinemachine · 1 year
Life Jacket - Chapter 1
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
I just wrote this so quickly cause it was sitting in my head and it had to get out. Go read this post for an idea of what this series will be! I'm very excited about it!
Here's Part One!!!
Word Count; 1.2K
Cousins. Lots of mixed emotions came with going to Cousins. I loved it I really did, but I wasn’t blessed with the privilege of experiencing the blissful, worry-free love like my sister. Things still followed me to Cousins, responsibilities. And I always was stuck wishing they didn’t.
My siblings got to go swimming whenever they wanted, I had to swim once a day to “keep up with it” in my parents' words, mainly my Dad. I know they don't mean it. That in their hearts they do it out of love. Cause I do love swimming, I really do, but sometimes I wish reality could go on pause so I could live freely for a little while. With no concerns, or right way or wrong way, just me doing as I please. Without my Dad here the past two summers it helped. He’s harder on me than Mom. I grew up to realize it was just cause he didn’t really know how to be a parent. Does anyone really?  But his way of showing me love as a parent was by promising my success and ensuring my future. Well, I got recruited to Harvard's swim program with a scholarship so I guess his way of love kind of worked.
Despite everything, Cousins meant I got to see them. Susannah, Jeremiah, and him. Conrad. He was what stirred my emotions about Cousins the most. I’d had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t jeopardize our families like that.  I didn’t have time for boys. I had tried to date here and there, but everyone got bored, or mad that I “didn’t have enough time for them”. I couldn’t even get upset because they were right. I didn’t have time for them like normal high school girls did. I couldn’t hang out after school, I had swim practice and very few high school boys wanted to hang out just to do homework together once I got home if you know what I mean. I couldn't afford to be distracted, so I let them all go. I couldn’t do that to Conrad, put him in that situation. I also think I couldn’t do it to myself. The other boys didn’t matter, but him? Losing him would crush me so hard that I don’t think I would recover.
I drove to Cousins with Steven in my car.  I had saved up all summer and bought my trusty Volkswagen Passat last Fall. That was another pro about Cousins, the money. I've worked as a lifeguard at the club since I was 15, and I also did swim lessons there as well as private lessons. Those people will pay real well to have an all-star swimmer teach their three-year-old how to float I’ll tell ya.
“So you excited to work this summer?” I asked Steven. He got a job at the pool snack stand at the club and I had helped Jeremiah get a position as a lifeguard.
“Yeah, I guess, I’m excited to make big bucks like you have been all these summers.” He smiled at me making me instantly light up. Steven just had a natural energy to him that brightened people's moods. 
We jammed out to music for the rest of the drive and before I knew it we were pulling in the driveway. I noticed my mom's car wasn’t here yet. Knowing her and Belly, they probably stopped for snacks. Man, this house. I dreamed about this house. It was absolutely beautiful. I honked, our signal to them we had arrived. 
Jeremiah was the first one to run out to see us, but Susannah was not far behind. Conrad was nowhere to be seen, odd. I didn't have time to think about it though as Jere scooped me up in a big hug and spun me around. I noticed then how much he had grown since last summer. He probably started working out and he definitely grew a couple of inches. As we said hello he had a huge smile on his face, he usually did Jere was always a golden retriever in human form. 
Then Susannah came up to me. when Susannah hugged me it was like life went on pause, the way I always wanted it to. In her arms I was safe, in her arms I was still just her baby, the first born girl. 
“ Wow Y/N look at you, my precious girl, you've bloomed," Susannah said to me as she held the sides of my face. I never doubted a word Susannah said, the way she said things made me believe them. Susannah never said it and neither did I, but we were each other's favorites. She always spoiled me, she always was my number one fan. Susannah had a level of enthusiasm to her that most people didn't have. It probably wasn't fair for me to call her my favorite. She got to love me like a mother and spoil me like the fun aunt, and she never had to give me any of the negatives. So yes it probably wasn't fair for her to be my favorite, which is why I only ever told her private.
We all walked back inside, Susannah and Jere helping Steven and me carry in our bags. Still no Conrad. I dropped my bags on the floor as I scanned my eyes around my room. Nothing out of place, everything was as I left it. I really do love this room. It was bigger than my one back home, it even had a small walk-in closet.  Conrad and I had the biggest rooms, we were the oldest so we got the first pick of rooms. 
I'm mindlessly unpacked for a while before hearing the same signal I had done myself just a bit earlier, Mom and Belly were here. I didn't rush down after all, I had seen them just a few hours ago. I thought it was okay to let them have their own proper reunion with the Fishers. So I finished putting the rest of my clothes in my drawers before I went downstairs. However, when I open my bedroom door, I open it to find Conrad with his hand in mid-air as if he were about to knock. 
“Whoa- oh, hi,” I said somewhat skeptically, he had just appeared out of nowhere, where had he been when I would got here? He cleared his throat, shuffling his feet somewhat awkwardly as he put his arm down from its spot in the air and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Hey, um I was uh coming to say hello!  I was down at the beach surfing all morning, I didn't even realize you were here until your mom pulled up and you weren't with her.” He seemed nervous for some reason, I wasn't sure why.
“Don't worry about it, was the surf any good?” 
He smiled at me then, “ Yeah it was so good, I lost track of time.” I smile back at him, I had missed him. 
“Glad to know you missed my entrance for something worthwhile.” He laughed, me along with him before his face went back to being relaxed. He stared at me in silence for a few moments before suddenly, before I could even realize what was happening, Conrad had his arms around me. Conrad was hugging me. It was nice, but odd. Conrad wasn't the most affectionate person and this was very out of the blue.
“I'm happy you're here Y/N.” He whispered, slightly muffled by my hair. We backed away as I said,
“Me too.”  The silence stretched a moment too long for my level of comfort. He was too intoxicating, his gaze on me was all consuming, I had to get out of there. “I'm going to go say hi to my mom and my sister.” I rushed out, going past him down the stairs before he even replied.
This summer was already off to an interesting start.
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heavcnslyre · 1 year
chapter four — j.f. ( masterlist )
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“when you started crying, baby, i did too,
but when the sun came up, i was looking at you.”
taglist: @jellybassett @glowingtree @always-reading (comment or message me to join!)
susannah and laurel are asleep when the five of you get inside. belly immediately trudges up the stairs, not looking at any of you as she gets to her bedroom and closes the door. conrad for a second looks like he might follow her, but he decides against it, wandering into the kitchen. in the dim light, you almost make out a few bruises on his face. it makes you wonder what you missed that night during your own little breakdown. jeremiah slings an arm around your shoulder. “let’s get you to bed.”
“you got her?” steven asks him gently. jeremiah nods, but before you leave, steven pulls you into a quick hug. “i don’t know what happened, but i hope everything’s okay.”
you nod and hug him tightly. “thank you steven. i love you. goodnight.”
“i love you too,” he says. “goodnight (y/n). talk to me tomorrow, okay?”
you nod at him and jeremiah puts his arm around you again, leading you up the stairs. you still could not quite walk straight, both from the alcohol and the sobbing. he leads you into your bedroom, and as soon as you’re there, you sit on the edge of your bed and stare forward. “jere?”
“yeah?” he replies quietly, looking in your dresser drawers for pajamas. you blink back tears.
“is there something wrong with me?”
he stops what he was doing and immediately turns to you. you don’t look at him. “what?”
“is there something wrong with me?” you repeat. “something that pushes people away?”
jeremiah kneels in front of you, grabbing your hand gently. “(y/n), what happened tonight?”
you’re about to answer but are cut off by a rush of tears again. you shake your head and grab your phone, pulling up the video that you had seen earlier. he watches it closely.
“is that peter?” you nod. “who’s the girl…oh, shit. it’s cassie, isn’t it?” you nod again, burying your face in your hands as you cry. you weren’t a huge crier like this usually. you wonder if it’s the alcohol making you more sensitive. you also have never been cheated on before, at least not like this. you aren’t sure how you’d react in any other setting. jeremiah lets out a heavy sigh before turning off your phone and placing it on your dresser across the room. then, he sits down on the bed next to you and wraps his arms around you, allowing you to sling your legs over his and put your arms around his waist as you cry on his shoulder. he rubs circles in your back gently as you cry, definitely getting makeup all over his shirt, which you’re pretty sure is a new shirt. the thought of that, somehow, makes you cry harder. “i’m sorry jere.”
“shh,” he shushes you. “it’s okay. i’ve got you. you have nothing to be sorry for.”
jeremiah holds you for a while longer as your tears turn into sniffles. his hand is running through your hair, brushing it out of your face the best he could. as you pull your head off of his shoulder, he smiles at you and wipes some of the mascara off of your cheeks.
“hey, you’re too pretty to be crying like this.”
you laugh and pull further away from him so you’re sitting side by side. “you’re cheesy.”
“i meant it,” he says, a serious expression on his face. “you’re too good for him, okay? and cassie…who knows what she was thinking. but you’re too good for her friendship, too. you’ve got us. you’re going to be okay.”
you smile at him weakly. “i know. i don’t know what i would do without you,” you look down and study your hands. “i’m sorry for yelling at you. and getting so drunk. and making you play babysitter. you’re supposed to be having fun too.”
“spending time with you is fun,” he says. you bump his shoulder with yours weakly.
“stop being cheesy,” you both smile and sit in silence for a moment. he grabs your hand gently and squeezes it once before standing up.
“c’mon. let’s get you ready for bed.”
the next morning, you wake up with a pounding headache. you groan at the incoming sunlight from your windows, a sight that you usually adored in the mornings, but could not stand today. as you stand up to close the shades, you look on the floor by your bed and see a pillow and one of jeremiah’s blankets laid on the floor. he had slept in here last night. a rush of emotion runs through your body as you remember everything from last night. the bonfire, the text, jeremiah… it was a lot. and you were so embarrassed. you can’t believe that you ruined everyone else’s night with your meltdown. especially jeremiah’s. he was too good to you, that was for sure. you quickly close the window shades and slump back into your bed. as you’re deciding whether to get up or to just die there, you hear a soft knock on the door.
“come in,” you call out, your face buried in your pillow. you hear soft footsteps before feeling the covers lifted up beside you and someone slip into your bed. you look up and see belly laying there, studying you. “you okay?” you ask her. she nods.
“are you?”
you groan and bury your face back into your pillow. “no. i’m going to die.”
she laughs lightly and pulls your hair from your face and begins to braid it. “you’re not going to die. that’s just the hangover. jere’s making you some hangover goop smoothie. says it’s supposed to help.”
“lovely,” you say sarcastically and belly snorts. jeremiah always had the weirdest, healthiest recipes, the kind of stuff that you knew was good for you but it made you gag just from the scent. you never had a hangover this bad before, so you had never tried this specific recipe. you really hoped it would work.
“(y/n)?” belly says quietly after a few moments of silence as she ties the braid in your hair.
“what happened with peter?”
you roll over to face her. “oh. yeah.”
“you don’t have to tell me,” she says. “steven just mentioned that something had happened and i figured maybe you wanted to talk about it.”
“thanks bells,” you smile weakly at her. as you do, you look closer at her face and your eyes widen. “your cheek is bruised.”
her hand shoots up to touch her cheek. she smiles sheepishly. “oh. yeah.” she mimics you.
“what happened?”
belly shakes her head. “you first.”
you sigh and begin to explain the story of your night to her. how you didn’t get a text from peter all day until you were at the bonfire, how he sent you the video of him and cassie ‘on accident’, how you got super drunk to try to ignore it, how jeremiah had helped you through all of it. belly looks shocked by the end of your story and shakes her head, a look of sympathy on her face.
“oh (y/n) i’m sorry. i really thought he was a good one,” she says and you shrug. “and cassie! i mean, why would she ever do that to you?!”
“i dunno,” you admit. “i guess i don’t care to find out.”
“you don’t?”
“nah. they don’t deserve my time, right? better to just move on and never show weakness.”
belly sighs. “i guess… but, you’re allowed to be sad. she’s been your best friend forever. and you really liked peter. just, don’t dismiss your own feelings. let yourself cry it out and then figure out the rest later.”
“you’re right,” you nod. “as always.”
she giggles and you rest your head on her shoulder. a few moments later, there’s another knock at your door, and steven peaks his head in. “can i come in?”
you pat an empty spot on the edge of the bed and he sits down, facing you and belly. “you guys okay?”
you nod, then look up at belly. she nods too. steven faces you. “i can kill peter if you want me to.”
“jeremiah’s got a big mouth,” you joke. they both nod in agreement.
“you could say that again,” belly says.
“we were all just worried about you,” steven admits. “and you, belly. you took a pretty nasty hit. you can’t step into a fight like that.”
you lift your head quickly (which caused some extreme nausea) and face belly. “belly?! what happened?!”
she sighs. “conrad got in a fight with some guy. i tried to help separate it and got an elbow to the face.”
“oh, shit,” you say gently, examining the bruise on her cheek. “you gotta be more careful.”
“i know,” she says. “i just didn’t think about it.”
you sigh and rest your head on her shoulder again, looking back at steven. “well, how was your night steven?”
he shrugs. “until the cops came, i had a great night. i hung out with shayla, she’s really cool.”
“yeah she is,” you giggle. “you know she’s gonna be a deb?”
“a deb?” he looks at you in shock. “i completely forgot that was a thing.”
“i’m gonna be a deb too, you know,” belly chimes in. steven shrugs.
“yeah, but you’re my sister. that’s not really my concern, is it? i gotta worry about the girl i like being a deb. what if she asks someone else to be her escort? oh god, what if she asks me?!” he stands up quickly, shaking his head. “i gotta go. i’m glad you guys are okay. i gotta go.”
you and belly watch as he leaves in panic and burst out into laughter. “oh my god he is so dramatic.”
you nod. “yeah he is.”
belly stands up from your bed and stretches, extending a hand out to help you up. “c’mon. let’s go investigate what jere’s making you. maybe it’ll really make you feel better.”
you follow her downstairs, your headache getting worse the more time you spend upright. it takes everything in you not to retreat back up to your bed to lay there forever. instead, you enter the kitchen behind belly and are hit with the smell of pancakes.
“there she is!” jeremiah exclaims, a wide grin on his face as he spots you. he spins around, grabbing a cup of green smoothie — maybe? — and hands it to you. “my special recipe. will kill any sign of a hangover that you have. and pancakes on the griddle, if you’re up for them!”
you take the cup graciously and smile at his energy. “thank you, jere. i’ll let you know after i drink…this.”
he nods, smile still on his face as he turns back to his pancakes. “belly, you want some pancakes?”
“yes please,” she says, walking past the two of you, her eyes lingering on conrad, who was laying on the couch, his arm over his eyes. he also had a cup of green-smoothie-thing, but it sat untouched on the coffee table. jeremiah follows her gaze and scoffs.
“he’s ridiculous. if he would just drink the juice, he would feel so much better.”
you look at your own cup in your hand. “so…juice, is what you’re calling this?”
jeremiah laughs and gently ruffles your hair. “it may not look great, but i swear by it. drink it, (y/n). you’ll feel better!”
“whatever you say,” you take a small sip of the beverage. to your surprise, it really was not terrible. it had hints of almost every vegetable and fruit you could think of, but somehow, it all went well together. you raise your eyebrows at jeremiah. “this is actually pretty good.”
“told ya!” he exclaims, flipping a pancake off of the griddle then reaching to turn it off. “alright ladies, pancakes right here. i gotta get to work, so enjoy these, please. don’t want them to go to waste!”
jeremiah grins at you then drops his voice, placing a hand gently on your arm. “you doing okay?”
you look up at him. “i’m okay. thank you, for everything. really. i would be lost without you.”
he shakes his head and rubs your arm gently. “you don’t have to thank me. just giving you the treatment you deserve.”
the two of you stare into each others eyes for just a moment, but to you that moment felt like forever. he had no idea the effect he had on you. he had no idea how desperately you wanted to be held by him again, how desperately you wanted to just kiss him so deeply with all of the feelings you’ve been suppressing for the past five years of your life. he would likely never know how you truly felt for him, and the thought of that made you sick all over again. it was not a good idea to keep thinking of him like that. it wasn’t good for your head or your heart. if anything were to happen, it would have happened by now. and after everything that just happened with peter, you weren’t sure you would be ready for anything for a long time. not that you had to be. not like he gave you reason to be…right?
“alright well,” he says, breaking the moment the two of you were sharing. “i’ll see you after work. drink that whole thing, plenty of water, and do some yoga or something. you’ll feel so much better.”
jeremiah gives you one last smile before he leaves. once he’s out the door, you turn to look at belly, who was staring at you, a pancake in her hand. “saw that.”
“saw what?” you ask. she gives you a knowing smile.
“(y/n), you are so blind. drink your juice.”
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! swearing, fluff (lmk if i missed anything!)
Steven’s Pov
“Conrad? man?” I called out for him — walking towards him, he was there standing near the shore with his phone in his hands.
“I’m okay, Steven” Conrad replied — his back still turned to me, shaking his head. “What’s happening man?” I asked, walking closer to him — genuinely concerned after seeing him stand up so abruptly earlier.
“Panic attack. I-I’m okay, i’m okay now” Conrad replied shaking his hand — like it was normal for him to have this kind of incident, like it happened to him before. “Okay, do-do you want to tell me what got you worked up or should we just pretend this didn’t happen?” I asked him — walking closer.
“I-I got into stanford” he turned around — his face filled with worry. My face started to lighten up “What? Are you serious?” I smiled.
“Yeah man, my mom has this fantasy about me finding myself in the west coast” He said, his voice filled with panic. My brows furrowed “Okay but Connie, this is a good thing. You’ve been dreaming about it, about getting into stanford”
“Well but it doesn’t make sense anymore you know. I-It… It’s just things are starting to get better with Jere and he’s going to Finch in the fall which is close to Brown so.” Conrad looked at me. I went and grabbed his shoulder gently “But.. but you don’t need to choose right this second okay? Just talk to him.”
He shook his head no “He doesn’t even know about it, he doesn’t know that I applied. Just please don’t tell him.” I just nodded then walked beside him patting his back — respecting his decision.
The things he would do for his brother, it was always him who puts his family above anything. It was his dream — to get into Stanford, it was also his mom’s dream, he wanted to go, it was a great opportunity but he can’t, he chose not to so fuck it I guess.
“Let’s go?” I asked — walking beside him. He looked at me and nodded before stopping, pulling his phone out “Oh and Steve” I turned around and stopped walking too.
“She’s coming” Conrad said — smiling gently, his eyes lighting up, handing me his phone. My brows furrowed — confused with who he was talking about. Who “she”? is, i looked at his phone then it all clicked, the only one who was missing.
“My sister?” I whispered — looking at my sister’s text that says ‘I’m coming tomorrow’. I looked at Conrad — he had a big smile on his face. He looks so happy, this means its true.
We’re finally complete. She’s finally here, my sister is finally here. God I could cry because of how happy I am. It’s been so long, i’m finally seeing her — we’re finally seeing her.
“Holy shit” I whispered under my breathe before going up to Conrad to hug him. Conrad chuckled “I’m glad she’s coming, we’re finally complete, Steve.” he pulled away and smiled.
“Omg let’s go, we need to fix her room!” I said giddily — jumping up and down before pulling Conrad with me towards the house.
Conrad’s Pov
Today was the day — Y/N was coming. She finally answered. It was just me and Steven who knows, we didn’t tell the rest because we thought that it would be a good surprise. It wasn't just me and Jeremiah who didn't see her for so long, it was also her siblings.
There was her car, she's finally here - with us. I saw her hop out of her car, with a bag in her hand. I walked towards here - smiling gently. The moment she saw me, she smiled so big and walked towards me "Hi" she said, her voice so gentle.
God how I missed her. She was still so beautiful, so stunning. The one I have been waiting for. I reached out for her hand, she held mine back.
I smiled — looking at her in the eyes. "Hey there" she looked down, giggling softly. I missed that sound. God I missed everything about her, I missed my bestfriend.
I went and grabbed the bag from her hand and guided her inside the house to surprise everyone else. As we went inside the house, we saw Belly going down the stairs — as soon as she saw Y/N, she ran to her and hugged her. Steven came in to the view yelling Y/N’s name before joining his sisters.
"Oh you guys, I missed you so much. I am so so sorry for shutting you guys out, I just needed time for myself." Y/N said to her siblings. I can see that she loves them truly, she just didn't want to hurt them, that's all.
Jeremiah walked inside the living room, Taylor behind him — smiling as they saw Belly and Y/N hugging.
Belly pulled away — tears in her eyes, she shook her head no "No, I am so so sorry for getting mad at you. You were struggling too and I was too insensitive about it. I just.. it just looked like you were so strong so I guess I kind of got jealous about that but I understand, we understand so don't say sorry" she said before pulling Y/N again for a hug.
"Oh my cinderbelly. Stop crying! it's open house, we need to stop Aunt Julia." Y/N said giggling pulling away from both of them. She walked toward Jeremiah and hugged him before going to Taylor — hugging her too.
I went and walked beside her and guided her upstairs to her room. That was much better, her being here. Her going here, us being complete. This just made me want to fight for this house more, this just made me not want to give up.
Y/n's Pov
It was definitely good to be back. As soon as I saw Conrad's text, I just had to go here and fight with them. I had to be there beside them.
There will always be a special place in my heart for this house, since it was also special to Susannah. We considered it our home and we will always consider it our home. It is our safe place, forever and always.
As I got done unpacking my stuff, I went down to the kitchen to get some food to eat — until I saw Aunt Julia with Skye. As I was about to go back upstairs, I heard Skye say "Oh, hey, Y/N. I see you're here too" they smiled at me.
I turned around and smiled back at them "Yeah, I just got here earlier" I nodded before walking towards the island “Also are those muffins?” I asked. Skye nodded offering me one but Aunt Julia cut me off.
“Oh those are for the open house” she paused “Morning” smiling gently. I nodded, I looked at the door seeing Jeremiah and Conrad walk in it. They just got done swimming.
“Hey, Jeremiah… Conrad” Skye said, both Conrad and Jeremiah just smiled. “Uhm how are you guys doing now, you know.. since your mom?” Skye asked the boys — their voice filled with worry.
Conrad looked at Jeremiah before answering “Rough” Jeremiah said then Conrad replied “Rougher now that our aunt is stealing our house” he looked — his eyes filled with no emotions.
Aunt Julia turned around — leaning on the table “I am not stealing anything, Conrad. Like it or not, I get to choose what happens and I chose to put it in the market” Aunt Julia said smiling at us sarcastically “You know, you guys should hit the road now, to avoid traffic” I looked at Conrad, waiting for his answer.
Conrad shook his head no “Sorry but we’re not leaving. We’re staying for the open house” he said before walking beside me. Aunt Julia shook her head no “Oh no no, I cant have teenagers laying around here during open house. You guys need to go somewhere else.”
“Just let us stay” I said — trying to convince Aunt Julia, she shook her head “I’m sorry, I don’t have time for this.” she said before walking away.
I just looked at Conrad — he smiled at me gently before guiding me towards the living room.
As I went down the stairs, I heard the doorbell ring. I went and walked towards the door to open it. There was a lady with folders in her hand “Hi, what can I do for you?” I asked. “Hello, I’m the realtor. I’m looking for Julia” she said — smiling.
“Oh for the open house?” she nodded — I paused trying to come up with an explanation. "So uhm, the open house has been cancelled. Our apologies, it is totally last minute." I smiled gently. She furrowed her brows, “Sorry but who are you?” she asked, genuinely confused with who I was.
Conrad went beside me — I felt him put an arm around my shoulder “She’s my girlfriend, and she’s right. The house is not for sale” In my confusion, I looked at him, unable to understand why he had called me his "girlfriend", completely forgetting that he was probably doing this just to give us some time “Conrad right? I’m so sorry about your mom” the lady said. Conrad was about to answer when we heard Aunt Julia yell
“Ignore them! the open house will still happen. There’s just a problem with the ac, but it’s not too big of a deal,” she said, walking between us.
The lady's brows furrowed “That is not a small problem Julia, it’s supposed to hit 95 today!” the lady said — Aunt Julia smiled before walking towards her and guiding her outside of the door. When Conrad closed the door, I heard him say, "Hey, I'm so sorry I called you that, I-" I went and patted him on the shoulder.
"It's fine, Connie. It's totally cool, don't worry about it." I said walking towards him — putting an arm around his waist while his arm is around my shoulder. He nodded smiling at me —smiling because it didn’t bother me, smiling because he heard that word again, the word ‘Connie’.
It felt good to call Conrad 'Connie' again. Being back like this felt so good, so unreal - normal and happy, but the word 'girlfriend' sounded much greater especially coming from him. I would say, it did give me butterflies.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc @allnrsnz @yeosxxx @elvishoe69 @be4tric3s
hi everyone!! sorry if it took me so long to update — i was just to tired and i kinda didnt know what to write next but here it is !! i’m sorry if theres mistakes here and there but i hope everyone likes it !!
lmk if you guys want to get tagged :)) lots of love !!
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willowrites · 11 months
I have this idea going around my head for a few days, maybe a crossover outer banks x the summer i turned pretty?
Sooo, the reader is Jeremiah's and Conrad's sister and she has been having a crush on Steven for YEARS, and even tho Steven also had a crush on her but never did anything about it, ANYWAYS.
This happen the same summer that Belly has her debutante thing going on and Jeremiah and Steven had jobs at the club ok? So lets say.... The reader is going every day, Steven knows it, but he doesn't know why or where is she going after a while, at first he thinks she's going to see him.
But actually turns out that, JJ is a waiter there, and they have been hooking up since the first day she got to the vacation house (lets just say her family always got there like three or two weeks before Steven's family)
Maybe Steven sees them together during his break, idk?
I would always chose JJ so he can be the main focus of this but just for funsies i want a Steven regretting he didn't act on his feelings for her♡
PAIRINGS. jj x fem reader, steven x fem reader
SUMMARY. you and jj have been hooking up for a while and one day as you were spending time together someone caught you two and it wasn’t pretty.
WARNINGS. nothing really just light making out, angst, and heartbreak
AUTHORS NOTE. this was so fun to do sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy it I kind of switched up the prompt I hope you don't mind ♡ not fully edited
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you had just got out of watching belly’s debutant rehearsal. the debutant was in a few weeks. you didn’t know who was going to be your escort when the time came but you knew you wanted to pick who would go with you by yourself.
your mother, susannah kept pushing that either steven or her friend's son could be your escort but one annoyed you to the point where you wanted to drown in your own pool, and the other…well the other is not an option.
you’d had feelings for steven ever since you’d met him which was when you were little. you guys were childhood best friends because your moms were best friends.
every summer you’d vacation in cousins. every single summer.
you never got tired of it, but you did get tired however of waiting for steven.
you were sure he knew you had feelings for him but he never reciprocated the feelings back. so last summer you made a pledge to yourself. if after a week of vacation, you didn’t get any signal that your feelings were mutual, you’d get over him.
again and again, you waited but when you pushed it another week and got no sign, you knew you had to let him go.
you were hurting yourself more than he could hurt you.
so you busied yourself with other things. you went to the boardwalk with belly, you would get ice cream with some of your friends you knew from the country club your mother was involved with, and you even started going out by yourself.
you learned self-love and learned to be on your own which was a big thing for you.
so while on the usual road trip to cousins you were confident it was going to be a great summer. you weren’t coming in with the mindset that you’d be excited to see steven or be in his presence. you came in with the mindset that you’d be able to treat yourself and have fun.
as soon as you got there your mood skyrocketed. the best feeling was pulling into the driveway or the beach house and taking in the sweet and salty air.
“y/n honey can you help me bring in the groceries please?” your mom asked you. “you both too.” she looked at conrad and jere.
“yeah sure,” you responded getting out of the car and planting both of your feet on the driveway of the beach house. you immediately smiled at the symbolic situation.
my home away from home. you thought to yourself
you took the groceries inside helping susannah sort them out into the cabinets and the fridge and as soon as you were done you grabbed all your belongings and went to your room.
you opened the door with a big smile and placed your duffel bag on the bed and your staircase next to the closer.
you then ran and jumped onto your bed relaxing on the soft comforter. you were always sad you didn’t have the same bed back home.
“y/n! belly’s here!” your mom shouted from downstairs.
your face lit up as you jumped off the bed and sprinted downstairs.
you and belly were always the closest. not only because you were both girls but because you were practically sisters. both the same age, with only a 10-day difference between birthdays. you were bound to be inseparable.
“y/n/n!!” belly shouted as she ran towards you and engulfed you in a hug. “oh my gosh i missed you so much even though we were literally face timing last night.” she laughed.
“i missed you, ten hours is too long.” you pretended to act sad.
“beck.” laurel spoke.
“there’s my girlfriend.” your mom said opening her arms for a hug.
you smiled at laurel and hugged her next knowing who was behind her.
of course, seeing his face made you feel strange but it’s not as bad as all the years before.
“hi steven.” you greeted trying to act as normal as possible.
“hi y/n/n.” he smiled pulling you in for a hug.
he always smelled good.
y/n stop it.
you pulled away quickly trying to come up with something to talk about.
“steven…you should really start working out.” you frowned playfully. “you won’t find a girl in cousins when it feels like i’m hugging a noodle.”
“hey hey hey. i work out.” he rolled his eyes shoving you playfully. “yo wait where’s conrad and jere?”
“they’re-“ before you could finish your sentence conrad and jere jumped from behind him.
“yo what the fuck!?” steven jumped causing his mom to glare at him. “i-i mean fudge. my bad mom.”
“well, look who it is.” jere smiled. “hey bells.”
belly smiled and jumped into jere’s arms “jere!! i missed you so much.”
“oh yeah belly way to show who’s your favorite fisher brother.” conrad said.
i internally rolled my eyes. jealousy is a very interesting look on you conrad.
belly shied away at what conrad said. conrad ended up just messing up the hair on top of her head.
“guys guys guys. i don’t know about you guys but i think it’s time for a….”
“belly flop!!” the boys exclaimed.
you saw as all three of them worked together to carry belly out of the house and assumed to drop her into the pool.
you took this chance to go upstairs and change and get ready to go out into town or the boardwalk.
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“hey mom?” you said as you were walking downstairs.
“yeah baby?” your mom replied from the kitchen.
“can i go to the boardwalk for a little bit?” you sat on one of the stools meeting the counter. you analyzed how your mom was making a charcuterie board of different cheeses. you assumed it was for her and laurel.
“alone? you didn’t wanna stay for girl's movie night? we’re watching la la land.” she smiled trying to convince you.
“i’ll be back by then i promise. pleaseeee” you begged.
“okay fine, also nice outfit i wonder who made you buy half of those fashion staples.” she smiled. you were wearing low-waisted flared jeans that accentuated and flattered your curves and paired it with a square neck flowy white flower patterned shirt.
for jewelry choices, you chose a dainty silver necklace with a pearl as the accent and medium-length thin silver hoops. you then had on your regular silver rings none too chunky and for shoes you chose your Doc Marten sandals.
“thank you, mom. i love you.” you went to kiss your mother on the cheek goodbye.
you then made your way to the front grabbing hold of your white bag you would take to store your stuff.
you brought an extra sweater just in case the sea breeze was a little much, the digital camera that your mom bought you to save memories, your blanket, a towel, a book, and your self-care bag which contained lip gloss, gum, a mini hair brush, a tide pen, eyelash curler, and your wallet.
your outfit: (i love doing this it’s so fun)
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“hey y/n where you going?” you heard a familiar voice call.
it was steven.
“oh i’m just going to the boardwalk.” you waved and started walking off.
“and you’re gonna walk?” he raised his brow.
“yeah, why not.” you laughed nervously.
“you’re not walking, i’ll go with you.” he said grabbing his car keys from his pocket and unlocking the car. “get in.”
“no steven the whole point is to enjoy the walk and-” he interrupted you by putting his finger on your lips. “shhh…now now little y/n/n. you’re not walking end of story. get in let’s go! we’re wasting time.” he said.
it was going to be a long day.
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“let’s go eat.” steven said as he was licking the ice cream he bought. you were also devouring yours, which he bought as well.
“he says after literally inhaling his ice cream.” you narrated his statement.
“what?! a man has got to eat to feed his muscles.” he kissed his bicep.
“and what muscles are we talking about? the muscle memory you have to eat?” you rolled your eyes. “let’s go to that one place what is it called? it’s more on that side of the town though. i forgot what it’s called. it was recommended to me.”
something something nest you think.
“just search it up smart one.” he said swallowing the last bite of his ice cream.
“that’s what i was going to do” you hissed. you went on your phone and looked up restaurants in your area.
the pelican's nest! that’s what it was called!
“found it! let’s go.” you told him walking back toward the parking lot. you climbed in his car sitting in the passenger seat as he climbed into the driver's seat.
“send me the location,” he demanded.
“a please would be nice.” you shot back pressing airdrop to send him the location.
he scoffed. “oh no i’ve been driving you around all day and i bought you ice cream.”
“doesn’t mean you can be a bitch.” you were pretending to be preoccupied on your phone. “and not to mention you quite literally dragged me into your car.”
“oh whatever i did not drag you, i just threatened you.” he smiled.
“oh yeah that’s better!” you sarcastically threw back.
after that, the drive was quiet and not at all long. you just noticed once you got more to the other side of town it was different.
“right here. pull into the parking.” you pointed.
“right alright chill,” he said turning the wheel in that direction.
“well you were gonna miss it.” you snorted.
“no i wasn’t,” he said in a way you could tell he was.
he put the car in park and cut the ignition. then you both got out.
“i’m so hungry let’s go.” steven groaned.
“yeah, i bet. you only ate the whole boardwalk.” you joked. steven shoved you playfully as you both walked inside looking for a table.
once you found one you sat down and looked at the menu. your mouth was watering when you took sight of the wings. your stomach saw it too apparently because it growled.
“looks like i’m not the only one who’s hungry.” steven smiled down at his menu then only moved his eyes to look at you.
you hated how good he looked right now.
“shut up. that’s why you literally look like-”
“hi what can i get you two?” the server spoke.
you knew what exactly you were ordering but you wanted to look for a drink.
“hey can i get the smoked salmon and the shrimp appetizer and oh! also pair that with an unsweetened iced tea,” steven ordered.
“unsweetened iced tea? maniac” you spoke.
the server laughed. a quite attractive laugh, actually.
“perfect and you?” the server then asked you.
“hi, can i get a…” you looked up to look at the server but you were interrupted. not by anyone but by who you saw.
you didn’t know him but he was extremely attractive.
“a…” the server waited starting to smile.
“sorry uh…a- i mean the wings please and then an unsweetened iced tea but can you put two sugar packets inside. thank you…” you bit your lip nervously closing the menu.
“yeah of course, your food will be right out beautiful,” he said walking away.
oh my god.
beautiful? your heart was beating out of your chest.
you didn’t know but steven felt a pang in his chest.
“anyways…that was weird,” he said and then started up a conversation.
you conversed, made jokes and jabs at each other, laughed, and ate but somehow the server was still on your mind.
too bad it was just a one-and-done conversation.
so you thought…
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the next day
gosh, you were sweating.
you were currently at the country club sitting at one of the stools next to the bar area of the pool which wasn’t really a bar but whatever.
you were waiting for a server to give you a beloved icee. you needed it asap.
“yo! jj, you’re on im going on break!” the server who took your order shouted.
but…what about my icee.
“alright man have a fun break.” you heard back.
the voice sounded familiar. way familiar.
“remember, the ladies don’t dig the hair net. ditch it.” the guy told this so-called jj.
he laughed.
that laugh, it made your heart jump. you’ve heard that laugh before.
“icee for y/n?” the server, jj, called.
you paused before speaking now wanting to embarrass yourself. “yeah here.”
you made eye contact with him.
he was way more beautiful up close. his blonde hair flowed with the breeze that was coming in. the light smile he wore.
“you’re the girl from yesterday. the unsweetened iced tea hater,” he said sliding you the icee.
“y-yeah that’s um that’s me haha,” you said back nervously.
“i don’t like unsweetened iced tea either but don’t tell your boyfriend i said that.” he gives another smile.
i cannot let this man think i’m taken.
“my boyfriend…? oh you mean steven. yeah no. he’s not my boyfriend.” you looked down at the slowly melting icee.
“oh really? you guys seemed really close.” he shrugged tapping his fingers on the counter.
“yeah no we’re just really good family friends.” this was really getting awkward.
“so you’re single?” woah not awkward anymore.
“yeah, i am actually. it’s weird i’ve never seen you around here before. do you live in cousins?” you tried making conversation.
“no actually, i uh…” he cleared his throat. “i live sort of across the little marsh area. i just come here for work because i make a lot.”
“oh, that’s smart. well…will you be here all summer?” you tried asking with a flirtatious tone.
you’re sure he picks up on it because he grins pulling his eye contact on my face to the floor.
“will you?” he rose a brow.
“yeah, why not.” you shrugged.
“then yes i will.” as soon as he said those last words that was the beginning of something and you didn’t know what to expect.
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july — a month later
“shhh you gotta be quiet.” jj whispered as he was dragging you somewhere.
you tried to stifle your giggles as much as possible while also trying to keep up with him. you tightened your grip on his hand as you ran through the country club halls.
after you and jj had met officially, you were going to the country club every day just to see him.
at first, you guys would just be talking day by day. after the first week you guys started texting; very flirty but also getting to know each other on another level. on the third week he kissed you while you were walking and exploring the club.
on the third week, you guys hit the closet where the country club kept all the party supplies like tablecloths and such. what did you guys do?
kiss. lots of kissing.
and today you expected it to happen again.
jj looked around to check if anyone was around before opening the door and dragging you in.
he closed, locked it, and turned around.
“you’re so beautiful y/n.” he whispered pulling you close and connecting your lips. “can’t get enough of you.”
you kissed back wholeheartedly. you’d really been liking spending time with him. only by knowing him for a short period of time, he’s easily become one of your favorite people to talk to.
“you’re the beautiful one,” you whisper against his lips. his cheeks got redder when he pulled back for a second. he then smiled at you and pulled you in for a harsher kiss causing you to gasp.
you didn’t know how loud you were being until there was a jiggle of the door handle.
“who’s in there?” someone said but not just anyone. steven. it was steven’s voice.
you didn’t know what to do so you stayed silent.
“i’m not dumb i heard you. whoever’s in there come out right now before i call security,” he demanded. oh god. this is not good.
“we gotta go out.” jj said grabbing your hand.
he opened the door and walked you both out.
your head stayed down trying not to make eye contact.
“y/n?” steven said. you looked up and he was paler than usual. “what the fuck?” he looked at jj. you could see the anger that was building up inside him.
“it’s not what it looks like. we weren’t doing anything bad in there.” you quickly defended yourself.
“oh so i’m just supposed to believe that you weren’t fucking a worker.” he seethed. he ran a hand through his hair and paced back and forth.
“we weren’t doing anything i just told you!” your voice rose.
“we really weren’t.” jj spoke up.
“no no, you shut the fuck up.” he cursed at jj. “and you…you are coming with me. let’s go. i’m taking you home.”
“what?! no. i’m not going home with you and you’re not in charge of me.” you shouted standing closer to jj still holding his hand.
“oh yeah? i don’t think his boss would be delighted to hear about this altercation. come with me now.” he warned.
fuck, you didn’t want jj to lose his job.
you looked at jj who didn’t seem intimidated but more like defeat.
“fine.” you spoke to steven while still keeping eye contact with jj. “i’m going to go but i’ll text you.”
he nodded and you didn’t know whether or not to kiss him even though you really wanted to.
you and steven walked out of the building steven striding towards his car at a fast pace. you were annoyed with him. why was he being such a jerk?
you both climbed in the car and for a second you thought he was just going to be quiet the whole time but then he spoke.
“y/n, what the hell. like actually what the hell.” he turned toward you.
“what? am i not allowed to have a boyfriend?” jj wasn’t your boyfriend but he was close.
steven gulped. “so he’s your boyfriend.”
“no but still what gives you the right to order me around and completely embarrass me in front of someone i like.” you defended.
“oh so now you like him.” he emphasized. what was he talking about?
“what are you talking about why are you saying it like that.” you were annoyed.
“oh no nothing it’s not like we’ve liked each other for so long,” he said sarcastically.
“what are you saying right now? we? what do you mean we?” you were trying to understand.
“we as in us as in you and me. y/n i’ve been liking you for a long time now so i don’t understand what you’re doing,” he confessed as if you knew or could tell.
“you…no, you don’t.” you shook your head. you felt the familiar feeling of your throat closing up. you did not want to cry so you tried holding it in.
“yes i have and i still do and you’re over here completely disregarding it?” he questioned. as soon as he said that your emotions changed. you were angry.
you were angry at the fact that he was making you feel bad for how you felt. angry because he didn’t do anything about it sooner. angry because you felt all of the blame was being put on you.
“disregarding it?!” you raised your voice. “steven, i have tried my very fucking hardest not to be fucking heartbroken every time you disregarded me. i know you knew i had the biggest crush on you. for years i’ve admired you and looked up to you and my biggest fucking dream was for you to confess something for me. to reciprocate those feelings back but all i got were comments about girls from back home or…or something to do with ‘oh this girl is so fine’ and i got sick of it. i waited and waited for you to say something but nothing happened. i’m done waiting for you to fess up and i will not be blamed for moving on.” you were crying now. hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
steven was quiet. he knew he was wrong. he knew he took advantage of you and he knew you were right. he couldn’t blame you for moving on when he did nothing about his feelings toward you but make you feel less confident in yourself.
the car was silent. only sniffles and short breaths were being heard. until he broke the silence.
“i’m sorry.” his voice cracked. he regretted not making you his. he regretted not confessing his feelings and he regretted making you cry and he’ll live with that
after a few seconds, you spoke again.
“i hope so because with that i am ready to move on. i don’t want shit to be weird but i’m ready. i can’t keep pining after you. i really like him and i’m sorry if those words bother you but it’s true. i want you to find someone and for the longest time imagining that was one of the hardest things to do but now the thought doesn’t even bother me and i am so proud of that.” your tears were dry and a weight has been lifted off of your chest.
“i understand, i never wanted to hurt you.” he said. “i want you to be happy y/n and if that means pursuing him then i’m happy for you.”
you smiled. “thank you”
“you know i love you right and i want to see you happy?” he told you.
you nodded. “and you know i love you and wanna see you happy?”
“of course.” he grinned.
“crazy. heartbreak and healed all in what? ten minutes?” you laughed.
“sounds about right.” he sighed. “go back. he’s probably freaking out thinking i’m going to get him fired.”
you nodded opening the door. “i’ll see you at home.”
“see you.” he waves.
holy fuck.
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
Sweeter than usual
Conrad Fisher x reader
“I’ll take care of this guys” Conrad flashed his fake ID around the car ignoring Jeremiah’s baffled “with that?” and the giggles coming from Belly and Emmy in the backseat.
It only took 5 minutes of then staring at the store in silence before Conrad came out the store empty handed.
“Oh, no. What, ID didn’t work Mr Herbertson?” Jeremiah leaned out the window mockingly at Conrad before winking at Belly who was also leaning out of her window too.
“Fuck off. At least I have one” Conrad drawled, raising his middle finger to emphasise his words. Emmy tried to ignore the way his attitude sent chills down her spine, really she did. Honest.
“What?” Jeremiah scoffed moving out the car, “listen, it’s cause I don’t need one all right? Jumper and I are tight, we’re like bros. C’mon how hard could it be?” He shut the door behind him flashing a smirk at them all ‘watch and learn’ he mouthed.
Famous last words.
“Watch and learn my ass” Emmy snorted.
“Awww look at that face” Conrad teased and Belly laughed at the pair.
“So, what? Do you want to, like, pay someone to in and buy it for us or…?” Jere started.
“Try a different store? Hop a few towns over where they don’t know us as well?” Conrad finished.
Belly and Emmy looked at one another in the back seat, communicating with their eyes. The long years of being best friends allowed that sort of thing. Emmy lifted a brow first as if to say ‘you’re up’
Belly sighed “Yeah, I just don’t think that anyone is gonna buy your Guam ID”
“I mean who even chooses Guam-“ Emmy leant forward resting her chin on Conrad’s seat.
“I’d love to hear your plan Belly. And don’t even get me started Emmeline. I don’t see either of you heading to the store” Conrad turned to make eye contact with Emmy holding her gaze.
“Why don’t I just go in and ask?” Belly said confidently. Too confidently.
“That’s not gonna work” Conrad disagreed, Jeremiah nodded along. “It won’t”
“Okay” Belly shrugged and got out the car.
“Yeah I didn’t think that was her plan” Emmy sighed and rubbed her hand over her face and in Belly’s defence, inside the store she’d been the closest to success and yet still left empty handed.
“Well now what?” Jere asked the four once again.
“Emmy…” Belly started.
“No” the girl stopped her.
“But look at your outfit you could so do it. And, you’ve done it before-“ she contributed
“Leave the clothes out of it Belly. And yeah I’ve done it. At home with friends. In desperate times, not here in cousins”
The boys looked at one another in confusion before Belly caught Conrad’s eye lifting a brow the boy immediately understanding what she needed.
“C’mon Emmy this is a desperate time” he begged her, looking at her in the way he reserved for her, feeling a grin pull at his lips when she rolled her eyes and let out a groan.
“Conrad Fisher, you fucking owe me,” she pointed to the eldest boy.
“Anything you want” he allowed himself to smile at her flushed cheeks, “so what’s actually happening?” he looked back to his brother when both girls stepped out the car, the siblings rushing to follow them. When Conrad rounded the back of the car his eyes widened slightly. Emmy’s denim skirt been undone and rolled down at the waistband and her halter top adjusted to show more cleavage. Well, shit. She’d already looked hot but this? This was too much.
“Hey…uh maybe we should just drive a town over after all?” He tried to remain cool rubbing at the back of his neck, eyes flickering down at the girl.
“It’ll be the same there,” she sighed, “who did you say was working today?” She asked Jere groaning once again when he reminded her it was Jumper.
“Fuck” she mumbled, ignoring Belly’s whoop and Jeremiah’s whistle as she walked towards the store emphasising her hips as she did so. She couldn’t, however, ignore Conrad’s eyes burning into her.
“Maybe we should go get her?” Conrad tapped his foot, gaze not breaking from the store door.
“Connie it’s been like 2 minutes” Jere smacked his back moving to wrap his arms around Belly.
“Two minute too fucking long” he huffed, looking at the sky.
“Better open the trunk boys!” Her voice called out and he snapped his gaze back down seeing her grin as she walked towards them. Jumper may as well have been hypnotised the way he was following her and looking at her. Conrad clenched his jaw.
“Don’t get pulled over and god if you do? I’ll claim you stole in on my shift. I’ll see you tonight?” Jumper turned his attention to Emmy and ran his eyes over her one more time not noticing her noncommittal nod before heading back to work.
“What?” She asked Conrad who just stared blankly. “Half cherry, half coke” she shrugged and held out the cups to Jere and Belly who smiled in thanks already sipping them and heading to the car. She then pulled out the lolly from her pocket quickly ridding the wrapper and placing the candy in her mouth.
“Nothing for me?” Conrad questioned lifting the final crate of alcohol into the trunk and closing it.
“You hate slushys say they’re too sugary..” she trailed off as he stepped closer to her.
“I still like sweet things” he corrected her, reaching forward and pulled her hand holding the sucker towards his mouth.
“Mmm” he moaned slightly, “sweeter than usual” Conrad smirked, heading back towards the drivers seat.
Well, fuck.
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darkeralmond · 1 year
conrad x fem reader where y/n is invited to a sleepover with belly but ends up with conrad
prompt options:
“Who cares what anyone else thinks?”
“Can we pretend, just for tonight, that we don’t hate each other?”
“This might sting.”
thank u sm for the requests!!!
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Conrad Fisher x fem! Reader
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synopsis: Y/N is Belly’s best friend who’s coming to Cousins for her birthday. While Belly’s asleep, you go down to get water where you find Conrad. You have to act like you hate him because of an incident that happened a few summers ago, now he finally wants to talk about it.
warnings: fluff, Connie being a cutie, she/her pronouns, Connie helping you with a splinter <3
word count: 1.8K
a/n: These prompts go perfect together! Thank you so much for requesting this, ILY!!
masterlist | request info
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It was Belly’s birthday and it was your job as her best friend to come down and celebrate it with her. This was the third time you've gone down to Cousins. Once when you were 7 and the other when you were 13.
Belly had been talking a lot about her and Jeremiah recently on the phone which made you feel both happy for her and relieved for yourself. The time you came down when you were 13, something happened between you and Conrad which made you see him differently.
It was a simple game of Spin the Bottle. A game that sparked an unexpected crush. A small kiss that made you feel guiltiest you’ve ever felt. After that, for Belly’s sake, you ignored Conrad. Whenever he’d try to talk to you, you would look the other way. You knew Belly had feelings for him which is why you put her first and yourself second. That’s also your job as her best friend.
When the bus finally made it to your stop, you grabbed your things and Belly’s gift before making your way off the bus. You were greeted with Jeremiah and Belly waiting for you while smiling. “Happy Birthday, Belly!” You rushed over to her and hugged her as tight as you could.
She laughed while hugging you back, “Hi! I missed you so much!” You two practically squished each other with this hug.
You let go and hugged Jeremiah loosely this time. “Hey, Jere!”
He smiled as he hugged you, “Welcome back, Y/N.”
When you finished your reunion with the two, you turned your attention back to Belly and held out the gift bag for her. “I got you a little something.” You shook the bag while smiling wide. She giggled as she took it out of your hands. “We can open it in the car,” you suggested.
You hopped in the back of Jeremiah’s red Jeep while Belly sat in the passenger seat and Jeremiah sat in the driver’s seat. She opened up the bag and pulled the tissue paper out which revealed the present. “Oh, my God!” Her jaw hung open as she pulled out the maroon colored bikini.
Jeremiah’s face turned red as he stared at the bathing suit. “There’s no way you’re gonna wear that,” he teased.
She shot him a look before turning back to you. “Thank you, Y/N. I love it.”
“Anything for my best friend,” you smiled.
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Belly laid on the bed next to you fast asleep. Your head throbbed and your mouth felt dry. The alcohol finally set in hours later when you were sober. You needed some fresh air. You slipped out of bed and crept out of Belly’s room. You shut the door gently behind you as you made your way down the hall and down the stairs. It was pitch black, so you had to feel your way around to make sure you didn’t bump into anything.
The house was silent, the only things you could hear were the waves that came from the ocean outside and the occasional groans from the wooden floor below you as you tiptoed through the house.
You entered the kitchen and opened up the fridge door, the light illuminating the whole kitchen. Your eyes squinted at the sudden bright light before quickly adjusting. It seemed like the fridge was full of everything but bottles of water.
“What're you looking for?” You gasped and turned around to see who else was in the room. There he was, sitting on the counter next to the window while sipping on his beer can. Of course he was there. How did you not notice him? You wanted to go back upstairs without another sentence exchanged, but you also really wanted your water. You decided to just look away and put your focus back on the fridge. He sighed, “Can we just pretend, just for the night, that we don’t hate each other?”
Your heart rate accelerated as you let out a small exhale. “I’m just looking for water. That’s it.”
He let out a hum, “Let me see.” He hopped down and walked over to the fridge, his face now fully lit in the fridge light. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn’t slept in days, he had a cigarette tucked behind his ear, and his breath smelt of alcohol. His arm brushed past you as he stepped in front of you. He reached into the fridge and grabbed a water bottle hidden behind a large carton of orange juice.
He turned to face you while holding out the bottle. He was so close, you watched as his chest rose and fell in rhythm with his breaths. “Thanks,” you said as you took it from his hand. You cracked the top open and took a long sip. Now satisfied, you turned away to head back to Belly’s room. “Can we talk outside?” Conrad asked before you could even make it past the doorway.
You stopped in your tracks and looked back at him, meeting his gaze. You then looked out of the glass doors leading out to the pool. The ripples of the water mixed with the pool lights caused a reflected light to appear on the ceiling. You were just saying how you wanted some fresh air. “Uh, sure.”
He led the way out to the pool deck, he slowly opened the door as to not disturb anyone in the house. You made your outside, sitting down on a chair next to the pool. The view was always beautiful, but you had never seen it at night like this before. The glistening aquamarine pool, the dock strung with lights, the ocean that whispered in the starry night. It was all so beautiful.
Conrad took a seat next to you, whipping out a lighter from his pocket and snagging the cigarette out from behind his ear. He placed it between his lips and lit the end of it. He pulled it out from between his lips and blew out the smoke in an exhale.
He held it out to you, offering you to take a hit. You’ve only smoked a couple of times at parties here and there, so at least you knew what you were doing. You took the cigarette from between his fingers and placed it between your lips. “Why do you hate me, Y/N?” he asked as you blew out cigarette smoke.
You passed it back to him, “I don’t hate you. It’s quite the opposite actually.” You tucked some strands of hair behind your ear. He stared at you, hoping you would say more, but you weren’t about to tell him about Belly’s long time crush on him. It wasn’t your business to tell. “It’s just… I don’t think people would be too happy if they knew how much I don’t hate you.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Who cares what anyone else thinks?” The cigarette hung out of his mouth as he spoke. You looked over at him and met his eyes. “Is it because of the kiss?” He took the cigarette out of his mouth, smoke escaping through his nose as he breathed it out.
You stopped breathing as your mind went blank. You looked out at the dock to avoid eye contact with him, “Nah.” Yes. It was. “I don’t really know…”
He chuckled. “It’s fine, you can tell me.”
You looked up at Belly’s window, paranoid that she could hear your whole conversation with Conrad. You looked over at the dock again then back at him. “Can we walk further down?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said. The two of you got up from your seats and carefully walked down the deck towards the dock. The cold Cousins breeze flowed through your hair as you shivered in your oversized t-shirt. This wasn’t the appropriate attire to be wearing on a cool summer night. Then again, you weren’t expecting to spend your time sneaking around with Conrad outside while Belly was asleep.
You finally made it to the end where you felt comfortable to talk. You looked over at him and sighed. “After the kiss, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” you explained. “Belly wasn’t happy after that because she said she didn’t want either one of us breaking each other’s hearts, so I told her I wouldn’t do anything. That’s when I started ignoring you to somehow make those feelings go away, but it didn’t work.” You stared out into the water while frowning. “I know it was just a stupid kiss and that we weren’t gonna start dating after that, but it was the first kiss with someone that made me feel special. It made me feel like we had a spark.”
He sighed, leaning against the wooden railing. “Yeah…the kiss changed me too,” he said. “I hope you know that you have a kind heart, and you’re smart, and you’re one of the best girls I’ve ever met.” He smiled. “If we can’t date, so be it. That doesn’t mean we have to act like we hate each other.”
You nodded your head. “Yeah,” you smiled. You ran your hand against the wooden railing. Before you could pull your hand away, a splinter stuck into your finger deep. You winced as you pulled your hand away swiftly.
“You alright?” He grabbed a hold of your wrist to see your hand. That’s when you both saw how deep the sprinter was. “Let me see if I can get it out,” he said. He attempted to grab it with his fingers, but they were too big to keep a hold of the small wooden splinter. “I’m pretty sure my mom had a pair of tweezers somewhere.”
You nodded your head as the two of you made your way back inside the house. He quietly shut the door behind you two and snuck up the stairs. This was risky, especially if Belly caught you now. That motivated you to stay quiet. You followed him into his mom’s bathroom, shutting the door behind you two. He turned the light on and began searching through her drawers to find her tweezers. You sat down on the toilet seat lid, looking around the beautiful bathroom. The white tiles on the floor, the ceiling pattern, the shower curtain. It all screamed Susannah.
Conrad finally found the tweezers and leaned down in front of you. “This might sting a bit, okay?” You nodded your head. He then pinched the spot where the splinter was, causing you to harshly suck air through your teeth. Then, the pain was over. “Got it.” He threw away the splinter piece and put the tweezers away.
“Thanks,” you said.
“Anytime,” he smiled in response.
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