#Also let me happily just be with Asmo than make my MC treat him rude and all. He deserves better. We both do.
arklayraven · 1 year
Challenge for the OM writers/devs: Stop forcing my MC into a relationship with Solomon.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Okay, so I'm really skinny. Underweight tbh. And I'm kinda insecure about that, because I'm literary bones and skin.
Could I request Brothers dealing with some lesser demons who were laughing at MC because how small, skinny and "easy to break" they are?
All body types are valid and wonderful; just like some people can't control how much weight they put on, others can't control how much weight they can't gain. It's not always simple with body types - just look after yourself regardless of your size. Eat your 3 main meals, have small snacks or mini meals every 2-3 hours that are more healthy or if you have healthy main meals let your mini meals/snacks be unhealthy
Though too much of anything can be unhealthy so is there really a different between the types?
Also please everyone drink plenty of water even if you have to give it some flavour for it be more enjoyable!
"are you sure you're a human? You look more like a reaper to me."
Three demons surrounded you, leaning on the table as you tried to ignore them. Keeping your focus on the the worksheet Infront of you but a demon snatched your pencil.
"Hey, doesn't this remind you of Someone?" the demon laughed, pointing the pencil at you.
But they took it another step, they easily snapped the pencil in half with one hand. Throwing it back at you. You flinched away, covering your face but luckily it landed on the table.
They were all snickering. Prodding at your arms and sides. You squirmed away from them and slapped their hands.
"leave me alone..."
A different male demon grabbed your wrist, inspecting your slim wrist.
"hey don't grab them like that, you might break them! I mean look at them, they're bone!" The female demon mocked concern.
"Aw come on~ can't handle a few jokes? Humans really are weak."
Your wrist was thrown from his grasp; it smacked on the table and you hissed. Just before you could do anything the classroom door suddenly opened. The demons all whispered a fearful "oh shit" under their breath.
"I see you're living up to the title 'lesser demon', how wonderful for you."
His condescending smile immediately drooped
His hands moved swiftly and a whip appeared in them, he glared at them
The three of them gulped, looking at each other
"How many lashing should I give them, perhaps everytime they insulted you? Every snicker or chuckle - how about everytime they breathed?"
he snapped the whip with a snarl
They looked at you for mercy and you considered letting Lucifer having his way
But you felt a sick feeling in your stomach knowing how vicious he could get
"i just want an apology and to be left alone..."
"You heard them, beg for forgiveness and if i find any of you were bothering them again I won't let them decide your fate."
The three demons immediately got on their knees, legs shaking as they apologized repeatedly for their actions
You knew it was fake but apart of you felt happy hearing their apology
"you can leave now."
On that cue they ran out making sure to dodge the quick whip from Lucifer
The last one Getting caught on the butt and practically jumped out of the room
"They're foolish, love, you are absolutely ravishing and I could never ask for a more wonderful partner, let's go get some ice cream - my treat to help your bad day."
"ya wanna repeat that? Don't be going all silent just because I'm here~ go on, keep insulting the human, see what happens."
He chuckled, hands in pockets
The demons weren't sure how to respond
To test what he'll do or play it safe
Mammon twiddled a playing card between his fingers, a smirk on his face as he stood behind you
One of the demons opened their mouth but he just flicked his wrist, the card sticking itself in the wall just missing the demon
"I ain't very forgiving, ya see so it's best you start apologizing now or things could get abit messy."
You was surprised by how fast they all dropped
Apologizing and begging for you to forgive them
"Please leave, you've apologized enough."
They all ran out thanking you for being so kind
"awww but (Y/N), you could of made them your posse!"
"I just wanted them to leave, I know they aren't actually sorry."
"hfmp, they better be or else I'll get 'em - did I look cool?! I was practising that trick for weeks!"
You chuckled, kissing his cheek
He grinned even wider as he grabbed your hand
"you were real cool, you were like a spy."
"does that make you my stunning partner in crime? Your looks lure in the suspects and I get them? You can't convince me otherwise - you're a real beaut."
"LMAO, your faces~! I can't wait for this to go viral, perhaps even Prince Diavolo will see this, wouldn't that be unfortunate."
He kept filming, pointing the camera at their faces
They looked even more Horrified
A powerful demon was already coming to get them but now the prince could get involved?
"should I post it, (Y/N)? You're in it after all."
"I just want them to leave me alone, I don't care."
Levithan hummed, displeased at the demons
"it's pretty rude you're just standing there and not apologizing, they're the one in charge if you get found out or not."
The demons gasped, staring at you and then back at Levithan
They immediately started apologizing, blaming their actions on just jealousy
You shook your head and they began to sweat
Fearing they're going to put on blast for their actions
Surprised by your defeated sigh
"just go....it's not worth it."
Levi was about to argue differently but the demon had already left
"Wha!!!! I felt like an anime protagonist! Did they say anything else to you?! I swear they can't tell what beauty is-"
"it's fine, they weren't wrong."
"HUUUH???!!!!!! don't listen to them, (Y/N), I think you look just fine the way you are and yo-you should see yourself as attractive too-! because you're awesome and Your loo-looks are even more cool!"
He hugged you, hiding his red face in your shoulder
"You're brave to think you're in any position to even breathe in their direction, for all our dignities It would be best you apologize and leave."
They were ready to bolt right there and then
They looked at you and started to apologize but Satan clicked his teeth
"be sincere, we can be here for as long as we want until you feel genuine guilt for your actions."
He slammed his hand down on the table
The lesser demons cowered
You just sat there, frowning
You just wanted to be left alone and let your feelings out
The demons apologized again
Making sure to add sincerity in their voice but Satan kept making them repeat themselves
It got to the point you had to cut him off
"It's fine, they've apologized, let them leave."
He hummed, annoyed but nodded
The demons scrambled out of the room, fearing to even look at the two of you
"if you ever need me to go back at them I'll do just that, I couldn't believe they would say something like that to you."
"thanks for helping, just let them leave instead of using your energy."
"I'll try to but I'll make sure there is no next time, you don't deserve to be spoken to like that and you are far more charming than any of them, I for one, adore how you look."
"repeat that again~? I hope I didn't hear you three insulting my darling, it's so ugly to shame others for their body."
The demons tried to utter out a response but he just stared at them
Tilting his head as he smiled
He got closer to them, staring into their eyes
Soon enough they were charmed
"why don't you tell me why you thought it was okay to speak to (Y/N) like that."
They all began speaking; expressing their envy for your relationship with asmo and the other demons
One of them just telling him they saw you as fragile and unlikable
Asmo smiled wider before suddenly grabbing one their chins, a snarl on his face now
"do you feel sorry? Are you ashamed of yourself?"
They all said yes, apologizing to you
"thanks asmo, you can let them go now."
He happily did as you said, telling them to leave
He nuzzled into your body, hands wandering over it as he grinned
"They're just jealous demons who can't handle their own Insecurities, you're not like them, everything about you is good looking - inside and out! I couldn't ask for anything more~"
"yes!!! I'm in love with you and your body is marvelous to look at, i can't get enough of you!"
"Apologize and leave or I'll make you my next meal."
Straight to the point
And it was effective
His size was already intimidating but his willingness to devour whatever he wanted was scarier
They apologized to you, Getting on their knees and telling you how gorgeous you were
You felt your mood get worse so you waved your hand
"don't bother, a sorry was enough, you can leave now."
They shot up but Beel bite the air Infront of them when they passed him
They shrieked and picked up their speed
"I can't stand people like that.... they're more clueless than mammon."
He sat with you
Clenching his jaw, you held his hand and leaned against him
"Don't listen to them, I think you look really nice, I like the way you look but I know the important thing is that you like the way you look, I don't mind how you look because you'll still always be you."
"Hey gorgeous, are these idioits bothering you? What a shame, I was hoping lesser demons knew how to keep in their place."
He wrapped an arm around you
Glaring at the lesser demons, they grew more nervous under his hateful eye
They muttered to themselves for not realising he was there but belphie mocked them, asking them to speak up
"what's with the change of energy? You were confident about your opinions before, what changed?"
They couldn't answer without looking weak
Belphegor only grinned at them
He kissed your cheek
"that's what I thought, scram!"
They ran off, not daring to look at you
They couldn't even hiss or glare, knowing the demon behind you would have their throat for it
They were lucky to not get hurt when he found them
"thanks, sorry, did you come here to sleep?"
"I was looking for you, keep me close, okay? Don't listen to those demons - they wouldn't be able to tell what's good or not even if their lives depended on it, you're perfect the way you are."
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
But how would the dark brothers react to cannon brothers, I feel like they would ridicule and make fun of how they treat mc saying their weak or somthing.
ALSO ASKED:  How do you think the dark alternate brothers react with the other brothers? Like the dark lucifer seeing his alternate and MC happily together?
Alright! Time for more mirror antics! Wherein we get the dark brother’s side of things! Prepare for a lot of grossed out demons, and a parallel storyline. As always, all brother prompts get long, so the rest is under the cut!
“Good, you all made it,” Diavolo grinned, his sharp teeth still sticky with drying blood. “Today, we shall all rival Barbatos in ability, for a moment.”
“The fuck does that mean?” Mammon replied sharply, arms crossing over his chest, before Lucifer’s hand collided with the back of his head and he hissed out a breath. “Goddammit!”
In front of them, was what was quite obviously a standing mirror covered in an elegant white cloth, stained with red. “A mirror?” Asmodeus crooned, stepping forwards to brush his fingers over the silk that hid his reflection from himself. “Oh, might I?” He bat his eyelashes at the Prince of the Devildom, who was laughing wildly. Diavolo grabbed the Avatar of Lust by the throat, lifting him from the ground, and throwing him into the opposite wall. Asmo moaned, rolling to his feet as he collided heavily with the floor. “Now, now, Daddy Dia, if you wanted to play, you should have just said so...”
“We’ll go in order of age,” Lucifer cut him off with a glare, to the exasperated eye roll of Satan. “Do you have an issue with that, brother?”
“I have work to do, so if we could hurry this along? You’ve yet to explain the... necessity of looking into a mirror. We have those at the House of Lamentation.”
“Very well!” Diavolo moved along the line, making sure the demons were in order, before he stood beside the mirror, pulling the cloth away with flourish. He presented it proudly. It was gilded, the glass reflecting brightly, as if it was brand new, but it looked quite old. “This was a gift from my father. When you look into it, you’re meant to be able to see what you’re doing in an alternate dimension. Exciting, isn’t it? I’ve decided to use you as my guinea pigs. Lucifer, you’re first.”
The prideful demon sighed, stepping in front of the mirror, filling it with his massive form. He stared intently at his own reflection, waiting for something to happen. It wasn’t long before the wish was granted, and the glass began to shudder and melt into liquid. Lucifer cocked his head, interested now in the artifact, his fingers running the width of the mirror, but it didn’t give under his touch. Suddenly, a picture began to appear. In it, was the Devildom, but nothing like he had ever known it. It... looked more like the human realm, on a warm, calm night. Lights from cozy little shops reflected off the wet pavement.
There, from around the corner, came himself. This was not the demon he knew himself to be, this version looked weak, over anything. He was small, in a casual human form with peacock feather patterns decorating his cloak. How utterly ridiculous, Lucifer thought to himself, focusing on the image. He wasn’t alone, there. Ah, MC. Well, at least this strange mirror version of himself still had a pet.
Or, no, that wasn’t right. MC was dressed ridiculously, not matching the other Lucifer in the slightest. They clung to his arm, giggling as he helped them over a puddle on the ground, gesturing to the movie theater. “So? Which movie would you like to see?” He heard himself question, and the true demon grimaced.
MC leaned up, and pressed a kiss to the mirror creature’s cheek, lacing their fingers together as they mumbled an answer. Lucifer felt sick to his stomach. What kind of demon had such capacity for kindness? It was disgusting, he wanted to force them both to their knees. MC’s throat ought to be opened for such behavior, and his own? Punishable by death. Lucifer couldn’t help the way his fists clenched, a snarl building in his throat as he turned away, the mirror solidifying behind him.
“Filth,” was all he had to say as he moved to stand at Diavolo’s side.
Greed cracked his knuckles as he stepped up, the grin on his face dirty and wide as he squared himself in front of the mirror. “Alright, you glitzy fucker, show me what I’m missing!” Behind him, Levi groaned and smacked himself in the forehead. “Ahh, shut up,” Mammon answered, rolling his neck as he met the gaze of his reflection. Just as he opened his mouth to admire his jewelry, his image began to ripple and fade, replaced by what looked to be a pawn shop. 
The first person he noticed in the picture was MC, strolling lackadaisically through the aisles, poking at the items they found interesting. He squinted at the sight, focusing in on the details. They were dressed in athleisure, with a basic black top over grey joggers and sneakers. “C’mon, Mammon! I’m supposed to go to the gym with Beel today!” There was no ring on their finger, and they clearly had no problem talking back to him.
Then, he saw it. Himself. Dressed... like he was poor? Both hands of his alter were planted on the counter of the pawn shop as he grit his teeth. “Whaddya mean they’re not real! I sto-- I borrowed ‘em straight from the Demon Lord’s castle!” The pawn shop owner shrugged, pushing the trinkets back across the counter. 
“Ugh!” He complained, snatching up the trinkets before looking around. MC was leaving. MC was leaving?! The artificial Mammon ran out the door, eyes panicked. “Hey! Hey wait for me! MC?!” The real demon’s nose wrinkled as he shook his head.
“No fuckin’ way,” he grumbled, looking away from the mirror. “Me? The Great Mammon? Chase some weak human?” He couldn’t believe it, spitting on the floor to get the bad taste out of his mouth as he moved aside.
Next up was Levi, who shoved his hands in the pockets of his oversized hoodie as he stepped up to replace Mammon at the front. “There’s a mirror just like this in Oh No, I Went Through A Portal And Now I’m The Ruler of A War-torn Universe Hellbent On Destroying Every Other Realm Because I Married The King’s Daughter And Then He Died In A Terrible Snowshoe Accident.”
“Can you shut the fuck up?” Belphie yawned from the back, his body twisting and curling in the back of the room.
Levi’s cheeks reddened in anger but he turned his attention to the mirror. Almost immediately it melted for him, the picture appearing clearly before his eyes. His bedroom, if it was for a child. His fish were tiny, with no visible teeth, just circling calmly in the tank. His Navy photos and weapons were gone, replaced by... dolls? What the fuck?
On the floor, his mirror image was sat on the floor with MC, both of them focused intently on a video game. As the weaker copy won the game, he threw his fist in the air in excitement. “YES!” He cheered, turning to MC with bright excitement in his eyes. They leaned in and kissed him hard on the lips, cooing their congratulations. The true demon watched with horror as his alter flushed bright pink, nervously jumping to his feet. 
“I-I, uh, I’m... OMG,” he hid his face and ran from the room, leaving a confused MC alone. Who was this whiny child? Leviathan was the Admiral of Hell for fuck’s sake! He didn’t run from a small kiss. Confusion and unhappiness welled inside of him, as he realized that in some small way, he was envious of even his own copy.
The Avatar of Envy facepalmed, shaking his head as he hissed his disapproval before looking back up, only to find the image gone. 
Satan’s tongue ran across his teeth as he side eyed his older brother, clearly unhappy with what he had seen. “What? The other Levi a better monster than you?” He watched as Envy burst into laughter, almost falling to the floor as he howled, and rolled his eyes, shoving him out of the way. “Finally,” he grumbled, “let’s get this over with.”
He met his own careful gaze in the mirror, and it began to ripple outwards,, revealing a face looking back at him. His own face, if he looked more pedestrian. Standing behind him in the bathroom was MC, looking anything but put together. A massively oversized traffic cone orange t-shirt with a hole in it on the bottom left. They yawned wide, stretching, before shuffling forwards to put their cheek on the alter’s shoulder blade, arms wrapping tight around him from behind.
“Mornin’,” they mumbled into worse-Satan’s button down bed shirt. The weak Sin laughed softly, warmly, turning to pull MC into their arms, pressing soft kisses over their forehead and cheeks.
“Good morning, Kitten,” he sighed. His eyes were full of love, a foreign concept to the real Satan, who felt the familiar burn of hatred in his chest. This other him, who did he think he was? He was okay with being nothing, and loving a human? 
It didn’t make sense, and not understanding only fueled his rage. No version of himself, no matter the universe, was allowed to be so weak, and useless to the cause. His hand smacked the mirror, earning a hissed warning from Lucifer, but he did not go through as he had hoped, to strangle this version that threatened to water down his legacy.
Satan’s fingertips were blackened with his hatred when he retreated, disgust curling his lips.
Lust adored a good mirror, and when he stepped up, he immediately leaned in to stare into his own eyes, falling in love with himself all over again, as was only proper for a demon as truly incredible as he was. He hissed in shock and unhappiness when his image became distorted and began to disappear. “How rude,” he complained, voice still a sultry low even as he complained. His attention was caught when he recognized himself at a club that looked as if it was meant to be The Fall, but it was so boring! There were no naked angels dancing for their lives, no one fucking on tables, and no blood anywhere, as far as he could see.
His mirror version was dressed, and not even immodestly, which was a tragedy in itself. More than that, he wasn’t dancing. He was sitting on the barstool, sipping a cocktail as he watched MC dance, with a dreamy look on his face. After a moment, they joined Asmo at the bar, grinning wildly as they ordered themselves a drink.
Asmo cut in before MC had a chance to speak, taking one of their hands in both of his, his eyes almost wet. “Maybe I’m just drunk,” he started, and on the other side of the mirror, Lust was already groaning audibly in complaint. “but I love you, MC. If I ever loved anyone as much as I love me, it’s you. It’s okay, if you don’t wanna sleep with me, you know? Because you like me for who I am, and no one has ever done that before. Thank you, okay?” 
MC smiled warmly, and kissed the tip of his nose. “Of course I like you for who you are, Asmo. You’re so special to me. I love you too.”
The Sin gagged at the sight. There was no Avatar of Love for a fucking reason. Because it was disgusting. That was the reason.  Why lay hands on someone to get absolutely nothing out of it. e wretched, and turned away from the mirror, sauntering to the other side of the room. “I’m much too pretty to be looking at such ugly things,” he huffed.
Beel’s hulking form would not fit in the mirror no matter how far back he stood, and he knew it, so he stood in the center of the room under the vaulted ceiling, and let his skin bubble and twist, melting in on itself as the excess sloughed off. Before long, he stood, almost human sized again. His fly wings still buzzed against his back, and his mouth watered as he fought the urge to feast on the flesh he had left behind.
Still, he had work to do, and work was the only thing to even semi-consistently top his starvation. He shook the viscera from himself as he looked into the mirror, stomach howling. The glass its solid form under his gaze, giving way to a view of a smaller version of himself, with no wings in sight, at a restaurant table. Hell’s Kitchen, the tasteful sign on the wall provided. Across the table was MC, gently holding his hand as they presumably waited on their meals to be provided.
The demon and human creature seemed to be chatting, laughing with each other, but Beelzebub was focused on how his mirror companion remained so calm, only mildly complaining about his rumbling stomach. It seemed this alternate version of himself was only hungry, not a glutton. Not really. What else did this man desire?
Apparently the answer was MC. When the food came and Beel dug in, he kept looking, making sure MC was fed as well. Unconsciously he leaned towards them, even going so far as to shift his chair so he was closer. When dinner was done, he sighed. “Do you want dessert, MC? We could share something. You deserve something sweet... Thanks for always being there for me.” The hungry small-thing smiled brightly, and the human laughed, leaning in to kiss him, hard.
Gluttony’s brow furrowed as he watched. This wasn’t a sin at all, this was two weaklings who loved each other and enjoyed dinner, nothing more. How DARE this mediocre copy use his name!
His anger, however, was short lived, as his stomach finally won out and he turned, dropping to his knees to bury himself in the remains he had left on the floor.
Finally, the seventh born. He blinked awake at the pungent smell of flesh, uncurled from the corner as he realized it was his turn to look into the mirror. His body coiled and twisted before settling in the shape of a man, his body more fluid and used to shifting than that of his twin. He stepped with solid foot to the ground, looking intently into the mirror, wiping his eyes as he yawned. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would be able to rest. A long moment passed, and then the glass began to dip into itself, shimmering into the last of the brother’s windows. 
There, he saw. A tiny looking creature, although perhaps it was part cow, carrying a pillow under his arm as he entered the living room. MC was there, on the couch, reading a book, but that didn’t deter Sloth, who simply crawled until he was almost in their lap, before closing his eyes. MC didn’t seem the slightest bit phased, simply lifting the book up and over his body while he got comfortable, and then freeing a hand to stroke through the sleeping cow’s hair absentmindedly.
Under their breath, MC began to hum a lullaby, but the real Belphegor growled at the mirror. It was a low sound, one that filled his chest before spilling from between clenched teeth. It didn’t make sense. This tiny sloth was much too vulnerable to be resting that way, and in the arms of a human? What kind of trust would that require, to know beyond doubt that they would not attempt to injure him in his sleep? He did not fear death. Death was impossible, as the Sins would thrive as long as humans lived, but he could certainly still feel pain.
Was this love? If so, it was less appealing than he had ever dreamed. His dead heart did not bother to stir or beat in his chest, as if in agreeance. Belphie studied the image in the glass, committing it to memory. Such an egregious error could not soon be forgotten. 
“Now that you’ve all had your share of the artifact, I’ll need a written report on your experiences. In the meantime, why don’t you give me a brief summary.
The room filled with discontented hisses and growls, along with the gnashing of teeth, as overlapping stories devolved from modern language, to ancient ramblings, and then into the deep chaotic rumbling of the Abyssal tongue.
Diavolo took it all in, relishing every word of what had happened. It was all so very interesting, especially the parts that horrified and angered them. The mutterings of “filth” and “fuckers” mixed with the howl of a language that had no words.
“How fascinating,” The Demon Prince beamed, gesturing to the door. “You may all go. I assure you in the name of my Father that such unsavory matters will be dealt with accordingly. Clearly, this weaker world cannot be allowed to survive. Thank you all for your participation. Meeting adjourned.”
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