#Also notice how both times she talked about Luke in hoo
People don't talk enough about the fact that the moment annabeth truly started respect Jason was the aftermath of the incident in ithaca. After Jason came face to face with his mom's ghost trying to lure him into gaia's trap.
This was not only a pivotal Jason moment but a huge stepping stone in annabeths character development.
She was able to compare Jason's situation to Luke's, and realised how truly noble Jason was, since he could've easily ended up like Luke considering the familial issues they both had, but didn't. Annabeth always worried in MOA that jason would turn his back on the team, but He didn't give in to the remnant of his mother's temptation of evil, even after all that he's been through. Which caused her to understand that jason is very trustworthy and is like the last person to betray anyone.
A part of me wonders that annabeths real reason to mistrust jason is only partly because he is Roman, and mostly because he bore some sort of resemblance to Luke, which was quite painful for her since she trusted luke only for him to backstab her. This may be a stretch, but it's a Lil theory I had.
’Annabeth took a shaky breath. ‘No other right choice, maybe, but ... a friend of mine, Luke. His mom . . . similar problem He didn’t handle it as well.’
I feel like, based on her tone when she talked about luke to Jason here, this is also the moment she truly realised that she shouldn't have put luke in a pedestal like that, even after the evil stuff he did. She realised that Luke could've changed, but he chose not to, and chose revenge instead, to me, this is the moment she FINALLY came to that painful conclusion about Luke, many many books later. Bc even in lost hero, annabeth seemed very wistful while talking about Luke to Jason (I mean, jason even sensed nostalgic attraction from her tone, so there's that).
I also feel like that's the moment annabeth was freed of her doubt of Jason's intentions. We know that she was very mistrustful of him during MOA and I feel like she always had that lingering doubts up until this moment tbh. But based on what she witnessed, she realised that Jason was truly a good person with a good heart with genuine morals. A hero through and through. Which is what made her admit to Apollo that "Jason was truly one of the best of us" a VERY high praise coming from a child of Athena, who's fatal flaw is hubris.
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sweetcurlyhaz · 3 years
Annabeth Chase: Ravenclaw or Slytherin?
This is so hard. So, before we start: English isn’t my first language, so sorry for my grammar errors. Then, this is MY opinion, if you have another one, you can comment and talk about it. Let’s start step by step. 
-Why Annabeth isn’t an Hufflepuff? I think everyone agree that Annabeth can’t be an Hufflepuff. So move on. 
- Could Annabeth be a Gryffindor? This question is nice, and I’ll show you why Annabeth can’t be a Gryffindor. 
1- Let’s compare Hermione and Annabeth. They’re very similar. They’re smart, clever, and are respectively the best friends of our protagonist. They’re also  stubborn and proud. But there are some differences, example: on the way they use their intelligence. Hermione is more practical: she don’t know something, she goes to the library. The golden trio must solve something they don’t know? Hermione goes to library. She’s smart, but also recognize that she can’t know everything. She always learn something new in every book. While the Annabeth’s intelligence is different. She never asks for help, she never searches in books the answer. She uses her brain, and thinks a lot, like in MoA. Annabeth, being daughter of Athena, prefer to think and to invent a strategy. She’s more schedule. Of course she’s read a lot, otherwise she wouldn’t know all these things, but when it comes a problem she prefers to cling only on her intelligence. I think they’re both have these differences due to their personality: Hermione is more insecure, and she knows deeply she can’t know everything, and we can say her intelligence is more practical. Annabeth is proud and confidence of her intelligence, and we can say that her intelligence is more strategic and “abstract” (take this adjective with a grain of salt. Abstract stands for “I don’t search in book, I use my mind”). 
2- Being a leader. Annabeth, we know very well, in HOO is the leader of the seven. But she’s not a leader because she want to, but because otherwise Percy and Jason could actually kill each other (I’m kidding). I mean she is the leader because everyone know she’s more strategic and keeps everyone concentrate. She have to take matters into her own hands, before something tragical happens. I think these are not qualities of a Gryffindor leader. A Gryffindor is a leader because of his/her glory and sense of justice. Annabeth is not a leader because of this things.
3- Another proof of why she isn’t a Gryffindor is the way she refuse to follow Luke. Luke was her friend, she was loyal to him. But after he change she doesn’t follow him anymore. Then, Luke goes to her and asks her for help. She doesn’t trust him. She loose her faith in him. So she doesn’t listen to him. Now, Gryffindors are very stubborn and they don’t forgive easily, but they also have a nobile heart. A Gryffindor would never abandon someone who needs help, they’re too knightly and they have a nobile heart. 
-Is Annabeth a Ravenclaw? Oh, gods. This is hard. Annabeth has all the reason to be a Ravenclaw, really. She’s intelligence, wise, creative (She want to be and architect). But there’s something missing. Annabeth has not an abstract mind. Let’s compare her with Luna. Luna has a very abstract mind, she’s creative, she’s dreamy, and she thinks a lot before doing something. Annabeth is not like that:
1- Annabeth is too impulsive. Okay, she is intelligence, clever, and knows always what to do in a fight and she always has a strategy (remember in the first book when they’re playing capture the flag: “Athena always has a plan” GODS I LOVE HER). But this is only when it comes to practical things: in feelings she isn’t so rational. She’s impulsive, almost aggressive sometimes, and she scares people (like Jason in The Lost Hero, lol). Ravenclaw are more pragmatic in every part of their life, even sentimental life. They rarely get controlled by their feelings, they rather be rational than being impulsive. Or at least, this is the way I understand Ravenclaw.
2- Annabeth hasn’t an open mind. Don’t get me wrong, now I'll explain myself with an example: Tyson and Annabeth. Annabeth at first doesn’t like Tyson, she treats him bad and without respect. This is because Tyson is a cyclops, and Annabeth is scared of them. First, this way of behavior isn’t rational, she only follows her instinct. Second, Annabeth has the same problem Hermione has with Luna. She has prejudice. That’s because Annabeth can’t be a Ravenclaw, her mind is too schedule, too much organized, and she never try too see Tyson’s point o view. Ravenclaw are open minded, they’re mind are always in process of new things and they don’t have problem to have a discussion. Annabeth mind doesn’t process like that. It’s not a bad thing, she just needs more time to assimilate this kind of things that touch her personally. Another example: when she’s angry or scared she tends to run away, she avoid the discussion. Example: in the battle of labyrinth where Annabeth avoid to discuss with Percy about Luke, about Rachel and about the last line of the prophecy. 
3-Annabeth gets angry with the Sphinx. In the Battle of Labyrinth Annabeth gets really really angry with the Sphinx because her questions were silly and, like, offended her intelligence. This is because these questions were just something that you know, you don’t have to think about it: or you know the answer or not. Annabeth want from the Sphinx a guessing game, something that challenges her mind. If in one hand this behavior can be of a Ravenclaw, at other hand it’s almost of a Slytherin. She gets offended, and she gets angry: the Sphinx touch her pride and her wisdom, which is the only “power” she has. It’s not also the silly game, but the fact that this game offend her pride. And we know that Annabeth is really proud. 
So...what’s Annabeth? I think now you know what I think about her. Yes, she’s a Slytherin. And now I’ll tell you why. At first I thought “Annabeth is a Ravenclaw”, but she has some Slytherin behavior that we can’t avoid.
1-She’s proud. Slytherin are well known to be proud, they prefer kill themseves rather than accept they’re wrong. Same as Annabeth. She’s a daughter of Athena and is normal to her thinking she’s always right. She’s stubborn, she doesn’t change idea easily, until she actually smash her face to a close door. Example: her relationship with Luke. Annabeth always think that Luke can be save, that he’s not evil, that he’s good. But when she see what he did to Selena she cries and she figures it out what he really becomes. Deeply she knows Percy was right about Luke, but admit she was wrong (to Percy, by the way) is like stabbing her pride. Being proud is not only a Slytherin thing, even Gryffindors can be proud. But Annabeth is proud is more similar to the Slytherin. If someone touch Annabeth’s pride she gets angry, she doesn’t want to discuss and she run away. I think this is a Slytherin attitude.
2- Again, I’m sad there’s no good Slytherin to compare her with. We only have Regulus, and I'll make him enough. They’re a lot similar, especially in loyalty. So, Regulus is on the side of Voldemort, he thinks Voldy has great purposes. But when Regulus finds out how much wiling Voldemort was to go, he turns his back to him. He agrees with his thoughts, but not with his measures. His loyalty ends in the moment Voldemort goes against Regulus’ principles. They’re not compatible in that way. So he goes against him, and he died trying to. Annabeth does the same with Luke. They’re friends at first, Annabeth even thought she was in love with him, but when she realizes what Luke does to achieve his goals she goes against him. Yeah, she never thought he was evil, but this doesn’t change anything. She stands for what she thinks is right, even if the purpose of Luke was interesting and attractive to her. Her loyalty to Luke ends in the same way of Regulus and Voldemort. Slytherin loyalty is selective and ends in the moment one goes against the goals and principles of the other.
About loyalty, we said that Slytherin loyalty is restrictive only to a small group. And that’s valid for Annabeth too. It might seem she’s loyal to everyone, but are we sure? She never says what she feels to anyone except Percy. She hides things that worries her from the seven, except Percy. She doesn’t trust Romans, but she’s trying. Her loyalty is very restrictive and hard to achieve. We know really well she has trust issues.
3- Annabeth fatal law: hubris. And that’s said all. She thinks she can do better than gods, that she can do a restart of the world with no wars, no poverty. She feels the same of Luke, that she can change the world in better because she’s better than everyone else. I don’t want to sound, well, too drastic, but these thoughts remember me Voldemort. Slytherin are ambitious, they think they’re better than everyone and they’re quite arrogant sometimes. Annabeth fits perfectly this category. 
4-She’s ambitious. Annabeth want to be an architect and she’s sure she will be one. She want to be recognize by everyone, leave an imprint to the world, be remember. This is so Slytherin, right? Having a purpose, being ambitious and be faithful only to this. We know she want to built something permanent also for personal reason, but we have to notice this part of her. 
5- She want to impress people. She really care of the opinion of people she cares about. And doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, because she feels it like a personal failure. Example: In MoA when Athena is angry with her, the goddess says she is disappointed by Annabeth. This opinion (fuck you Athena, you make sad our Annabeth) almost corrode her in the inside. She said she always try to make Athena proud of her. This kind of behavior makes me remember Draco. Even Draco cares a lot on what their parents think of him, he change for them, he do what they wanted him to do. Annabeth is quite the same, but she’s not a coward like Draco, so she’ll never change for Athena.
So, to recap, Annabeth has both Ravenclaw and Slytherin qualities. But her character has more qualities and defects of the Slytherin house. She has all of them: ambitious, intelligence, she want to be respected and she want fame. I think people don’t want her in Slytherin because Annabeth is a good person...I mean, you could be good and be in Slytherin, too. Unfortunately Slytherins are saw in this way for the picture and the stereotype Rowling create around them. Well, adding Annabeth in the Slytherin house can break down these stereotypes :)
So, this is what I think, tell me your opinion in the comments and reblog if you like this! Kiss x
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pastabrand · 4 years
Unpopular PJO/HOO/TOA opinions
This is gonna be wordy but I’m not sorry for it.
Percabeth is hella overrated. It’s nice, but I would prefer other ships over it and some of y’all Percabeth shippers are scary as hell
I love TOA. A lot people don’t like it because it doesn’t include the main 7 and another topic that I’ll mention later but honestly, I could care less. I’m glad that the others aren’t there other than cameos. It means they’re getting a chance to heal after everything and honestly, good for them. People like to cast TOA as an unnecessary spinoff that didn’t need to be included yet it gives y’all the type of character development you scream and beg for in other books. It’s literally the perfect character development trope you crave, yet puts a good spin on it.
Some of you haven’t even READ toa and say you hate it. Like what? How is that supposed to work.
PJO was way better than HOO. TOA sits in the middle of the two.
I love TOA because it shows Apollo’s character growth from one of the most arrogant, cocky, and prideful gods. And even then, he doesn’t go from that to a helpless mortal loving fool, he stays arrogant and prideful but less so. Not to mention more understanding of mortals and demigods live and what they go through. He doesn’t go from one extreme to the other, but one extreme to more of a center balance. It’s more natural that way.
While Jason’s death in TOA was sorta cheap, it goes to show demigods can die at the least expected times. If Jason had died during the war, then it would be “oh, well, that’s what war does. It kills people. Nothing new.” Compared to Jason going about life as normal and one small mission is his end. It’s more impactful and realistic that way. It goes to show that life as a demigod is always dangerous, fighting or not.
Jason’s anger to Percy for not noticing Nico’s feelings towards him is absolute bullshit. Fuck that as a whole. Nico acting cold and hateful towards Percy doesn’t and shouldn’t equal “I like you, notice me please”. The internalized homophobia should be Jason’s focus, not Percy’s lack of attention at Nico’s feelings.
Same for Leo about Calypso. Not to mention they both shove the blame onto Percy like its his fault when it really isn’t. Having your memory forcefully wiped mere months after a war isn’t gonna help when remembering stuff like that. Not to mention the Gods are bums who will try to do as little as possible and leave the rest to demigods. It leads to one sided anger and unnecessary confusion and guilt on the other side. Bad writing on Rick’s part tbh.
People need to stop acting like Jason didn’t die. That’s clinging into a ghost and not letting it move on. I hate to be the one who says it, but Jason is canonically dead and acting like he isn’t won’t change shit. It’s gonna lead to unhealthy habits in the future, trust me. You can’t write a fic post TOA then be like “oh yeah, Jason’s alive because I want him to :)))” because that isn’t how life works sweetheart.
People also need to stop pretending TOA doesn’t exist. You might not like it but you have to acknowledge that it is actually there and it follows the PJO/HOO timeline.
Paul was just a card to give Sally a nice man to lean on when it wasn’t necessary.
Percy should’ve been wayyyy more suspicious of Paul when he was first introduced. 6 years of abuse from a “father figure” isn’t just gonna go away because “oh he’s nice.” Guess what? Gabe was nice at first canoncially (even if it was for a very short amount of time).
Percy. Has. Serious. Anger. Issues. He’s sassy and stuff, sure, but he’s also got some severe anger problems that he both inherited from Poseidon and developed and festered over time from living with Gabe for 6 years.
Percy is the type to act like Hades or Apollo, attack a lesser being(s) because he can’t go after the big shot without fear of punishment. I wouldn’t be surprised if some his expulsions were from beating up various kids and/or teachers.
For the first half of TLT, Percy did not like Camp Half-Blood or consider it his “home” other than Grover and Luke. The camp treated him like shit because he was a noobie at first and then because he was a son of the Big Three. He hated Poseidon for his lack of care and lack of help when he and his mom were abused under Gabe. Had Luke talked to him during that time period and/or Kronos spoke to him in dreams, he would’ve joined the Titans. His loyalty for the camp didn’t form until near the end of TLT.
Nico and Percy basically had somewhat personality switches. Nico was an excitable, happy, laid back, and naive kid while Percy was a quiet, angry, and irritable kid. Nico’s switch came from Bianca’s death while Percy’s was more gradual. In the end, Nico became the quiet, irritable kid and Percy became the more happy, laid back kid.
Stop ignoring the fact that Nico, a literal 14-year-old, traversed into Tartarus. Alone. There’s always fics of Percy and Annabeth recovering or suffering from the after affects of the fall and war while Nico is relatively normal. The boy is not and has not been okay. His life has been one shitshow to the next ever since he was ten.
Both Percy and Nico have incredibly dark sides to their powers that they seemingly enjoyed that was fueled by anger. Percy with Achlys and Nico with Bryce. Percy admitted to liking torturing the goddess and Nico, though more subtly, seemed amused by Bryce and his attempts to justify his crimes and then frantic attempts to stay alive. Bryce literally says “I’m Bryce Lawrence! I am alive!” And Nico casually responds with “Who are you?” as he turns Bryce into a souless husk of a person. You cannot tell me that he wouldn’t have tilted his head innocently and cracked a small smile at that.
Piper’s portrayal as a Native American. Do I even need to go into that?
Percy. Liked. Luke. The boy knew the son of Hermes for what? 1 week? 2? Yet considered him to be a friend, possibly a close one at that. It probably went the same route Nico’s crush did. Hero adoration to actual romantic feelings but godspeed. Not because he just wanted to like a boy, but because, other than Chiron, Luke treated him with kindness, patience, and understanding as a male figure, something Percy didn’t really have growing up. Not to mention Luke helped Percy when no one else would. As a 12 year old, those type of feelings were bound to develop.
People who make the characters treat Percy and Leo as dumb, oblivious, or one dimensional sassy bois™️. Percy and Leo would be offended and/or defensive of such a thing because of childhood trauma. How many years do you think they can to endure that when they were younger from people they were supposed to trust or respect? You seriously can’t think they would be fine with it because their friends. Maybe a reference once or twice, but constantly? Absolutely not. Old habits die hard.
Solangelo seemed forced to me. I dunno, Nico’s whole confession felt like a ruse to get him set up with Will right away. I felt as though there wasn’t any real “connection” between the two prior to them getting together. It all felt rushed and out of place for the setting they were in. I’ve never understood it nor liked it and usually try to avoid it. That and Caleo seemed like a way to put all the characters in relationships so that they were “happy”, portraying that they needed to be with someone to achieve their happiness. Leo and Nico would’ve been better off single and learning to love themselves before loving someone else. Same applies to Sally.
Nico and Thalia would never get along because Thalia would be a reminder of what Nico lost (Bianca) and how easily how she could be replaced.
Demeter kids need more respect. I feel like that’s what Meg is for. To show that they can also technically be considered “Big Three” material because, if you forgot, Demeter is a child of Kronos as well. That means Demeter’s kids are cousins with the Big Three kids as well.
Aphrodite’s kids also need more respect. Aphrodite in the PJO universe is literally older than all gods, as she was born from Uranus’ gentials in the ocean and arose from there. Their powers could be exapanded wayyy more if they were focused on more.
Not to mention Poseidon kids could possibly gain attibutes of what would be considered Aphrodite’s powers since she was born from the ocean and vice versa. The possibilities are endless there.
That’s all I could think of for now! Lemme know what you guys think though.
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unexpectedreylo · 5 years
Time For More Speculation!
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The sizzle reel is out and EVERYBODY is talking about it.  Of course that means there are many interesting theories and many more painfully dumb ones.  (Sigh.)
Mark my words.  TPM turned trailers into events.  TROS has just hatched a new phenomenon, the sizzle reel that’s not a trailer but still is.  Look for every blockbuster movie from now on to do one.  
Let’s get to our top story:  Dark!Rey
Who knew that a popular fan trope would actually become canon?  I didn’t expect it at all but I have to say, regardless of context (and there are MANY possible contexts), thank God they had the cojones to explore that part of Rey.  It’s easy to think of her as the eternal Rey of Sunshine but the movies have hinted at something not quite so pure.
After I saw TFA, I had a hard time figuring out what was Rey’s harmatia, the Achilles heel where if this was a tragedy it would be her downfall or at least in a comedy (in the old sense, not funny ha ha) the one thing that would test her.  It wasn’t obvious, whereas in the prequels you could keep score on everything that was going to add up to Anakin’s downfall.
Then after TLJ the picture became clearer.  Her loneliness, her aggression, and repressed rage manifested through her defiance, her recklessness, and her tendency to clobber anyone who makes her mad.  Luke was freaked out not only at her power but also the casual way she went “right to the dark.”  You think that wouldn’t have made the Jedi Council of the PT era a wee bit concerned?
So yes I can now see how Rey could possibly turn to the Dark Side.  Remember Kylo’s vision?  Maybe it’s what he saw.  It would be Alanis Morrissette-level ironic that our two space wizards pine for the other to turn only for them to turn in opposite directions at the same time.  Especially since I strongly believe the resolution of this story depends on Kylo/Ben and Rey finally ending up on the same page, balanced within themselves, and destroying Sidious together.  
A thought had occurred to me.  Chances are if you’re reading this you’re big into Bendemption like I am.  I know that in order to do this, Ben must commit a selfless act.  What if that act is confronting Dark!Rey to turn her back to the light?  What if it’s a replay of Han’s confrontation with Kylo in TFA?  Imagine, Ben walking out onto one of those bridges over a bottomless chasm to meet Rey.  Imagine he leaves his weapons behind in his first Jedi-like act in years.  It’s just him.  He knows this story because he lived it before, only he was the one someone tried to save with love.  He knows full well his chances of surviving are not good.  But he’s the only one who could stop Rey from taking this path and plunging the galaxy into permanent chaos.  And then when he’s standing there pleading with Rey, it’s his second proposal to her.  He holds out his hand, this time a bare hand, for her to take. He knows Rey could just hack off his hand and then his head faster than she can say “Eff you.”  But it’s all he can do and he is in that moment accepting the will of the Force.  
It would be Poetic Cinema (TM).
What I think he could offer her?  Letting her know again she isn’t alone.  She will always have him and his love.  And this time it’ll work.  
Now Palpatine could try to stop this from happening and kill Ben.  But I think if this occurs, Rey will return him to life.  Then they go take out the trash. 
I may be right or I may have cooked up a good AU canonverse fan fic.
Of course if Abrams is willing to toss us this crumb now, who knows what’s still in the mystery box.  Many think there’s more to what we saw and I agree.  It could be a vision.  It could be a dream.  I don’t think it’s anything bizarre or complicated like a clone or a long lost twin sister (that would be a Steven From The Room problem).  Many have noticed she wears a ring on her forefinger and either it’s cool jewelry or it is influencing her behavior.  Notice also that her red beams are like Kylo’s.  Hmm.
Perhaps the whole point, regardless of what this is, is to show that Rey has her own dark side and she is not in any position to think of herself as better than Kylo/Ben.  Let’s face it, sometimes she regards him with a touch of self-righteousness mixed in with her anger.  I think it might actually sell his redemption better if we understand their differences are by degrees and the grace of the Force.  And it gives Rey, who’s got thicker plot armor than a Sherman tank, some peril.
Okay, on to the rest of it.
The beginning of the sizzle reel highlights the previous eight films.  I found it very interesting that it highlighted Anidala from AOTC as well as Han and Leia from TESB and TFA, and it included the Magic Hand Touch (TM) from TLJ.  It’s the only romantic gesture from any of the sequels.  HMMM.
Shot of the gang...I think the first act of this movie is going to be The Goonies or Stranger Things but with adults.  I think they’re looking out at the city shown a shot later.  Oh look, there’s Leia.
When Rey tossed that lightsaber though the trees, I noticed a couple of things.  First off, she looks angry.  She appears to be training (there’s a remote in the woods) but it wouldn’t surprise me if Kylo decided to dial her up again and she’s like, “Sod off!”  The second thing is the red strip of fabric around her hand.  Many Reylos have pointed out this is the red thread of fate.  Hmm.
Red-eyed Threepio!  I think that since the Resistance is desperate, it needs everyone to be a warrior, even protocol droids.  My guess is Threepio is reprogrammed to fight and this is a nod to the Terminator movies.
Judging by how that space battle is shaping up, this is Abrams’s “hold my beer” to the space battle in ROTJ.  Geez, that’s like every flying thing in the galaxy!
Kylo Ren’s strut...hoo boy.  *Fans self.*  Bonus points for the lightning strikes.
I’m calling it now...the rematch between Kylo and Rey is probably the end of the first act and the turning point in their relationship.  Again, he appears to be defending himself while she’s attacking and just as in TFA, he uses his stature and body size to press her further and further back.  Wouldn’t it be interesting if this time he defeats her (but of course doesn’t kill her)?  Or maybe it doesn’t end with someone winning over the other but with a kiss...there’s a lot of um, energy and tension there!  
(As a quick aside about the interviews, both previous ones and this new wave of interviews, if you can’t see Reylo coming like a Mack truck 100 miles away at 100 mph, I can’t help you.  Now it’s SO OBVIOUS.  I think the real reason they conveniently scheduled Adam to shoot another movie during D23 is to make sure he’s not around to spoil it because he can’t help but start laughing in a guilty manner whenever it’s brought up.  But we’re not going to see any kissing until the movie’s out.)
Finally, after we see Dark!Rey, notice the ominous tone Rey’s Theme takes at the end.  It’s opposite of the triumphant ending of Kylo’s Theme at the end of the first trailer.  HMMMMMMM.
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Joker x Reader (Frost’s Daughter) - Frost’s Secret - Part 11 [SMUT]
Ok. This is it. My first real smut I guess. Completely understand smut is not for everyone - the first 1/3 of this story is non-smut, it’s pretty obvious when its starts to head smutty, so feel free to stop there - you won’t miss out anything of the story if you don’t read it! I just had a request for some smut in the series so I just though *shrug* why not now?
For those of you who are reading the smut - I apologise haha this is the first time I’ve written full on smut really so... I’m learning. I’m cringe-y. I hope to improve haha Also I kind of edited as I wrote (So didn’t really edit haha) so i apologise if there’s like a tonne of mistakes... Anyway... Enjoy...?
Smut Request = ‘You have to do a smut between Joker and Frost’s daughter being her first time and her all shy and sweet as him all dominant. Pretty please’
WARNING: SMUT!!! FULL ON SMUT!!! (It’s also long - 6779 words)
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
“Happy families again, hm?” Both you and Frost spun around to the voice - having been walking back together from your mother’s cell - “Didn’t I predict it sweetheart?” The Joker sneered deviously.
You scowled. “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you, J…” You grumbled in annoyance, not forgetting this had all been largely his fault.
“Then don’t think I’ve forgiven you either, doll…” He grinned widely, though it was lacking any humour.
“For what?” You frowned in surprise.
“Oh, I don’t know…” He drawled as though bored of the subject, tilting his head up to the ceiling in thought, as he slowly stepped towards where you stood. “Disappearing?” He suggested, slinging an arm over your shoulder once at your side, spinning around with arched eyebrows, subtly pulling you away from Frost’s side, “Wasting my time…?” He growled lowly in your ear, tightening his arm around you and forcing you up against his side. You cringed slightly as this - the contact wasn’t wholly unwanted by you – but you had always been taught to fear the psychopathic clown and his peculiar behaviour. This didn’t feel like it should be any different.
You tried to pull away from his side slightly – both to see his face better and to put at least the bare minimum distance between the two of you to ease your discomfort. The Joker allowed you to shift so far from his side, but ensured he kept his arm around your shoulders so you couldn’t completely slip away again. “So, saving me was a waste of time?” You demanded hotly, though your voice gave your nerves away when it broke slightly. His proximity was getting to you. The kiss was still clear as day in your mind, still made your heart race at the memory and you desperately wanted to do it again. But the Joker had never told you what it had meant and now he was saying he regretted saving you? Was that true? But then why was he suddenly so more… touchy… then before? - always seemed to want a hand on you now – as though he wanted to keep hold of in case you tried to disappear again.
The Joker didn’t seem at all perturbed by your temper, still grinning widely. “Women!” He groaned, rolling his head dramatically as though in a Greek tragedy, “Always trying to twist your words, am I right, Frosty?” J shot Frost a grin, but Johnny’s face remained an emotionless mask. “All I’m saying, my dear, is the whole thing would have been completely unnecessary if you had been where you should have been…” The Joker explained with a knowing look in his eye before he bent down close to your ear, “With me…” He growled, the noise so smooth and seductive that - despite your annoyance - you found yourself fighting a shiver and biting your lip anxiously.
J’s eyes flickered to your mouth in that instant and you thought you caught a momentary look of almost lust. Before you could do a double take though, J suddenly straightened up, making you jump slightly, as he now forcefully smacked his forehead with the palm of my hand. “But of, course, where are my manners?!” He cried, pulling you back into his side as he turned, dragging you with him, to face Frost full on. “We haven’t formally been introduced, my dear sir!” J grinned mockingly, holding his free hand out to Frost who simply glared at it. “I’m J, your daughter’s new -“
“J-“ You growled warningly knowing what he was going to say, the very idea sending your heart into your throat, but you knew this couldn’t be at all easy on Frost. Was J serious – were the two of you a… thing? You glanced warily at Frost as J, though having now fallen silent at your reprimanding, was still grinning cruelly at Johnny’s blank, stony face – he wasn’t about to do or say anything to his Boss, you were sure of it, but he didn’t have appreciate the humour at his expense.
“Oh right… Of course…” J drawled with a nasty smirk, “It doesn’t matter that his daughter’s mine now because,” He let out a bark of laughter, “She’s not his daughter!” He cackled like this was the funniest punchline he’d heard in a long time.
You scowled up at the Joker and his merciless joking, swatting his arm without thinking about it. “’Yours’? You snarled, conflicted by the statement. The very word was controlling – belittling and objectifying to you – but, at the same time, you liked the idea of being J’s. And more importantly, no one else being his…
“Problem, doll?” The Joker asked expectantly, pulling back slightly so his arm slid along your shoulders, quirking a brow down at you with a smooth grin. “Are my sweet caresses not as desired as I was led to believe?” J asked innocently, the now at the back of your neck slipping down your spine in a purposely slow and seductive stroke.
You couldn’t hold back the shiver that ran through your body that time and you swallowed, trying to collect your thoughts again. “There was one kiss.” You mumbled shakily, swallowing the lump in your throat, unable to stop the burning heat in your cheeks at your confession and the way your body was reacting with Frost only a few feet away. “And that does not make me ‘yours’.” You said firmly, though your voice was lacking strength.
J could clearly sense the lack of certainty in your voice, but was more than happy to play a long, dropping his grin and considering you hard for a moment. “Very well, kitten...” He conceded coolly, “Make me work for it....” He muttered under his breath unhappily.
You turned away from him, content that you had somehow managed to get your way. “Oh, I shall.” You muttered, and you noticed J’s eyes widen out of the corner of your eye at this, his face lightening up as he tugged you back to face him again.
“Hoo hoo hoo, sounds like a little challenge there, my dear…” He grinned devilishly, “You might just live to regret that, my sweet…” He cooed shamelessly, lowering his head towards you and leaning in impossibly close. Your breath caught in your throat at the look in his eyes, unable to blink or look away…
A throat clear had J pausing just above you, a wide grin splitting his face before he snapped his head around to where Frost stood uncomfortably - he didn’t bother to raise his head though, his face still intimately close to yours. “Uncomfortable, Johnny boy?” The Joker asked innocently with a malicious, teasing look in his eye. “’Fraid to say you’re not her Daddy anymore, Frosty…” J pouted, “But,” He turned back to you, only reminding you just how close he was, “I’m sure I can fill that position quite nicely...” He purred suggestively with a look that was making it hard to remember how to inhale, your lips dry – though you didn’t dare lick them.
J wiggled his eyebrows playfully at your dumbstruck face and you managed to pull yourself together somewhat. “Behave.” You croaked, breaking his gaze to swat him playfully, breaking his gaze and managing to swallow past the lump in your throat as you shot Frost an apologetic glance. He didn’t deserve this torture from J.
“Oh, I will…” J grinned wickedly, then leaned in close to your ear. “For now...” He growled, making you gasp as you felt his teeth tugging gently on your ear lobe, his breath lightly brushing your skin and causing another shiver to run through your body.
You were abruptly jerked back down to reality, however, when you heard footsteps from your right, Luke striding quickly down the corridor, calling for Frost when he caught sight of him. He noticed you then as well, faltering when he saw the Joker bent low over you. The clown’s eyes immediately to Luke’s, though - once again - he seemed to find no reason to raise his head from yours, instead almost daring the young lad to comment on his position. “Well, if it isn’t lover boy…” J drawled dully.
“J.” You murmured warningly. Luke didn’t deserve any more punishment than Frost did – neither had done anything wrong. You felt J’s hand - which had been resting at the small of your back – now silently wrap around your waist, pulling you possessively closer to him. He made no comment though, simply watching Luke as the boy now approached more warily - his movements slower and careful.
“Luke?” Frost asked expectantly.
“Just – uh – just reporting on the girl.” Luke informed his superior, though his eyes kept flickering nervous to J. “We’ve still no sign.” His eyes glanced briefly to you this time.
“Cassie?” You asked in disbelief, “No one’s managed to find her?”
Luke shook his head. “There’s no trace that we can see - she’s good.” He commended reluctantly.
Frost sighed quietly, acknowledging this fact with a nod, then glanced away back down the corridor in thought.
“Have you tried talking to Kelly?” You suggested and suddenly all eyes were on you. “What?” You frowned, “She always used to hint she knew her daughter so well – maybe she could at least narrow down the search to a few specific places?”
“That’s not bad.” Luke pointed at you, nodding in agreement and you gave him a grateful smile. You felt the Joker’s grip tighten on your waist – close to being painful now - and you couldn’t help the slight twist of your lip at this. Could it really be possible that the mad man was jealous? Over you?
Frost nodded again, still staring down the corridor. “Fine.” He conceded, clearly not noticing – or not wanting to acknowledge - J’s behaviour and thinking of no better ideas. “I’ll go speak with her.” He muttered as though that was by far the last thing he wanted to do. “Luke?”
Luke nodded in answer and followed after his Boss as Frost headed back down the corridor you and he had only just walked up. You went to step forward - automatically going to follow after Frost like you always did – but found yourself, instead, held in place by the Joker’s tight grip still on your hip. “How many people does it take to question a person, my dear?” J growled lowly in your ear.
You went to open your mouth to protest but shut it again when you noticed Frost glance back - also noting your absence – but then carried on without much hesitation. He was happy to leave you here? - alone with J? Did he no longer feel he needed to police your life? You supposed he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter even if he – it wasn’t Frost’s place to question J. Still, you felt a bit hurt as you watched his retreating back.
But then you had to face the fact – once again - you were completely alone with J.
J also seemed completely aware of this.
You suddenly felt very awkward at how close you were to him, the knowledge of his hand on your hip reigniting the blush in your cheeks. You tried to step back – to put even the smallest distance between you and the Joker – but, though J’s grip didn’t tighten, his arm seemed to stiffen around you, trapping you in place.
“Problem, my sweet?” He drawled teasingly, quirking a brow.
You cleared your throat, your how body tense and uneasy. “You’re – uh – you’re very… ‘touchy��… all of a sudden…” You observed cautiously, unsure what he was playing at.
You were half worried you might accidentally provoke one of his tempers – his mood an odd one at the moment that you were finding difficult to read. The Joker didn’t seem at all fazed by your observation though, grinning lazily down at you, “What can I say, sweet heart?” He hummed pleasantly, “I finally got a taste of ya and now I’m hooked…” He purred, sin in his eyes. “And..,” You were suddenly strongly tugged forward by the arm around your waist, forcing you to throw out your hands to catch yourself on the Joker’s chest. “… I don’t like ta share…” J growled in your ear, his face impossibly close to your again, your whole body practically pressed up against his now. He seemed to breathe you in then, deeply – like you were some heavenly sent or potent heroin – then tossed his head back, arching his pale, muscular neck as he let out what sounded like a sigh of relief. “It makes me wonder, though, my dear…” He muttered, rolling his neck to drop his face back down to yours again, his heavy lids lifting again, “If your lips are that… Intoxicating…” He purred shamelessly at your ear - his warm breath fanning over your skin, causing a jolt of something through your body - “Then it only leaves other things…” You suddenly felt J’s free hand on your hip, slipping over your curves to the small of your back, then down even further to cup your ass and you jump sharply. “… To the imagination…” J grinned wickedly as your cheeks flushed hotly.
You could already feel an odd tingle between your legs at his words alone and you felt your cheeks burn even hotter. You cleared your throat and weakly tried to push yourself off his chest – almost surprised when the Joker let you, both his hands now slipping to your hips, the grip light, but still possessive.
“What’s wrong, doll...?” J purred lowly, not seeming annoyed that you tried to pull away, “You’re looking rather… sheepish…” He suggested with a wicked grin. He wasn’t demeaning you though - he seemed actually curious.
You glanced away from him down the empty corridor, partially confirming this. “I – uh –“ You croaked then cleared your throat. “I – I just think that…” You were stuttering and getting nowhere. You coughed again to buy yourself more time. The truth was though, you didn’t know what you wanted to say. You could feel your heart pounding erratically - you knew what happened if you went down this road, and you actually felt like you might want to… “Look J, maybe I should just go home…” You suggested cautious, your eyes flickering to his, then away, unable to keep eye contact with the man and stick to your guns of leaving. “I – I think I should just get some rest…” You mumbled awkwardly, knowing you were chickening out, but you were injured after all, you’d just ‘lost’ your father, you -
“I ain’t one to force a girl…” He murmured lowly, no threat in his voice, but he leant in towards you and didn’t dare move, trying to keep your gaze avert, but shooting him wary glances. One of his hands left your hips to catch your cheek, forcing your head gently round – you putting up no resistance – so you were forced to look directly up at him. “But I ain’t a liar neither, kitten,” He muttered, “I want you.” J growled hotly, his grip on your hip tightening suggestively, and he took a step forward to close the gap you had made so your body was once again pressed up against his. This time you were all the more aware of the pressure on your crotch. “Right here. Right now.” J murmured darkly in your ear.
You swallowed nervously. “J,” You gasped, “I’m – I’m not - I– I haven’t…”
“You’re a blushing virgin…” The Joker drawled with a knowing, shameless grin.
You dropped your eyes – unable to turn away with his grip on your chin – confirming his observation and feeling your cheeks burn even more at the mention of such an intimate detail.
“Trust Frosty to keep his daughter so…” J swung his head slightly in though, “Innocent…” He finally purred down at you with a wide grin. “That just makes this all the sweeter…” He drawled. You flickered your eyes up to him in question, only to find him now much closer than you remember and before you could do anything his lips had captured yours, swallowing your words.
The Joker wasn’t looking for a slow and sensual kiss, his hand on your face holding you in place as he greedily stole all your air, leaving you dizzy and somehow grasping onto the lapels of his jacket in an attempt to keep yourself upright. You felt he urge to moan into his lips, but, despite the lack of oxygen to your brain, you were well aware the two of you were still in the middle of the corridor - exposed on both sides to any passers by that might chose to come this way. J didn’t seem to care though, his hand on your hip now pushing your shirt up slightly and his cool fingers brushing across your skin making your muscles tense.
“J-“ You tried to say against his lips and he pulled back slightly, catching your lower lip between his teeth and tugging at it in a way that made you momentarily forget why you’d interrupted him in the first place.
“Problem, doll?” He hummed with a grin, prompting your foggy mind as he slipped his hand down your neck and bent to kiss the base of your throat. You could feel his other hand edging higher up your shirt, now stroking the skin just below the wire of your bra.
“I –“ Your breath came out in a hiss as you felt him nip at the delicate skin - not helping your attempts to articulate your thoughts. “Corridor.” You managed out, closing your eyes. You felt J’s grin against your skin, triumphant that you were no longer protesting his touches, but merely the setting.
“Oh, my sweet,” J murmured, his lips now making their way up to your ear, “as much as I’d have you right here, right now, begging up against that wall,” He snarled, tugging at your earlobe, “I’m gonna be a real… Gentlemen about this…” He said this in an almost frustration growl - clearly reluctant to play the role of decent man. Before you could say anything to this, the Joker’s lips were back on yours again.
You were dimly aware when the hand under your shirt was withdrawn, but you still jumped when you felt both on the back of your thighs. You didn’t have to have done this before to know what J wanted and as he lifted you up you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, unable to help letting out a slight giggle, unable to believe the ridiculous situation you’d got yourself into. You felt the Joker growl approvingly against your lips. Caught up in the moment, and feeling daring, you decided to throw caution to the wind and parted your lips experimentally. J was quick to notice this, making the most of it immediately, tasting and dominating your mouth.
You became quickly lost in the new, foreign sensations J was eliciting in you, that you barely noticed as he now carried you down the corridor, your hands clutching the lapels of his jacket again to hold him against you, even if you knew he wasn’t going anywhere. You hardly registered you had stopped again either, until you felt the Joker shift his grip on you to reach for the handle of the door now behind you.
Suddenly reality seemed to hit you and you pulled back from him sharply. “I’m – I can’t – I –“ You stammered worriedly.
“Doll,” J growled lowly, a hint of impatience in his tone now, “I told you I’m not forcin’ anything,” He muttered, bending to you again, his lips hovering just above yours, “But follow me through that door,” He warned huskily, “And there’s no turning back…” Your eyes flickered up to his where they watched you, darker than you’d ever seen them, holding promises of something hot and full of sin. He seemed to know what you were thinking, “Trust me,” He purred, “I’ll make it real good for ya…”
You lick your lips self-consciously. Why were you so reluctant? It wasn’t wrong. Was it fear? Fear of that first time? You had to do it at some point, right? And J was… he was ready for you. He wanted you. He would make it good. You trusted him.
You watched him hesitantly, then finally gave a small, nervous nod. This didn’t seem enough for J, however, who simply raised an expectant eyebrow at you. You chewed the inside of your lip then, timidly leant forward, closing the distance between you and J once again, gasping as your lips met his again and you kissed him forcefully, J happy to reciprocate. You slipped your arms hesitantly up his chest and over his shoulders, locking them around his neck to lean further him to him. “I – want it.” You gasped between kisses.
You heard J growl in triumphant and his grip on you seemed to tighten, the door behind you suddenly flying open before slamming shortly after behind the two of you. The next thing you knew, the Joker was lowering you from his body onto the soft mattress of a bed. Your heart beat quickened then, fully aware of what was going to happen next, and tensing up at the thought. You didn’t want J to pull away from you, and you made this clear by keeping your legs and arms locked around him, entwining your tongue with his. J growled into your mouth as your attempt to cling to him rubbed your body against his, but he obliged your unspoken request, crawling over you, neither of your lips breaking away.
You let your legs drop from his waist now - though kept your arms around him - and felt J’s hands begin to wander your body once more, starting at your waist and eagerly bunching your shirt up. It wasn’t long before J broke away from the kiss, sliding down your body, slipping under your arms. You dropped your hands to the mattress either side of you once he was out of reach, feeling your abs tensing as he warm breath fanned over your exposed stomach.
The bruises left from your abduction were clear against your pale skin and J paid special attention to each of these, slowly working his way lower down your body until you felt his fingers begin to work at your belt.
A fresh wave of panic washed over you at this and you bit your lip anxiously as the Joker began to undo your jeans. You helped him, kicking them off as he worked them down your legs, but were grateful when the Joker then crawled back up to you, reuniting his lips with yours. “Beautiful.” He growled against you. You felt your cheeks warm at the compliment and then gripped lapels of his jacket, pulling at them – if you had to shed your clothes, so did he.
The Joker caught on quickly, shrugging the garment off, but when your fingers went to the buttons of his shirt he caught your hands. “Oh, no, doll….” He growled throatily, “You’re going to have to earn that…” He grinned wickedly, and you watched with wide eyes as he now pushed yours hands back above your head, holding them there with one hand whilst the other returned to your stomach, then slid up to cup your still-clothed breast, making you jump.
J grinned at your reaction and used his free hand to reach back into his trouser pocket, suddenly producing a pocket knife that he flicked open. “Since your hands are full…” J teased mercilessly, now easily cutting away your shirt, the cool metal on your flushed skin making your shiver as the material fell in rags next to you.
You briefly thought of how you were supposed to leave the warehouse now without a functional T-short, but then it truly hit you – you were now left lying under J in nothing but your underwear. J seemed to have already realised this, his gaze roaming over you hungrily, knife still in his free hand. “Still too many layers…” He tutted, his eyes flicking up to yours then as he brought the knife to your bra, easily slicing through the small amount of material between your breasts.
You blushed hotly as J threw the knife aside now, releasing your hands without a word to brush the remaining material off your breasts and expose them fully now. You kept your hands above your head, not sure what to do with them, and could only watch as the Joker slipped back down your body, his eyes never leaving yours, even as he kissed the delicate skin in the middle of your chest. You jumped slightly as he turned his head, placing his soft lips against the inside of your breast now, and you tilted your head back as one of his hands now began to softly palm the other breast in a way that had you chewing on your lip again. You felt, rather than saw, the Joker’s cool lips trail up your breast and you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips when he found your nipple, immediately taking the bud between his lips and rolling it under his tongue. You bit down hard on your lip now to stifle any noise, gripping the sheets behind you tightly at the foreign sensation.
J showed this attention to each of your breasts leaving you practically writing beneath him even before he was finished with his teasing. You could feel the warmth between your legs now – the want for more, even if you weren’t entirely sure what that really meant.
J seemed completely aware of what he was doing to you, his grin wide as he slipped a hand down between your bodies to where your panties still remained. He ran a finger along the material and you flushed hotly, feeling how wet you already were from his simple teasing a moment ago. The Joker watched your blush with delight, “So wet…” He drawled teasingly. “Just for me...” He purred with a wide grin. If you could have blushed more, you would of, but any embarrassed words you thought to say died on your lips as stroked you again, curling his finger into the material to apply more pressure, making your breath catch in your throat.
If it was possible, J’s grin seemed to widen further at this. “Let’s see just how sweet you really taste…” He growled seductively and all you could do was swallowed anxiously as he kissed and nipped his way down your body once more. You flinched slightly when you felt J’s cool hands on yours legs, his fingers taunting you with slow strokes up to your inner thighs before he finally edged your legs further apart to give him access to the heat in between.  
You immediately tensed, sensing what was going to happen next. “Relax, princess…” J purred from between your legs, breathing in the heavy scent of your sex. If you had wanted to, you didn’t think you could in that moment, your every nerve on edge as you watched, J’s eyes never leaving yours, as he now placed a lingering kiss on the material that offered your last shred of modesty. You were trying hard not to fidget under his touches, but this slow torment coupled with your worry was driving your body mad.
“Has anyone ever touched you, my sweet?” J hummed against you cruelly, the vibrations from his voice and the heat of his breath on your dampness enough to make you shift uncomfortably beneath him. You felt his fingers slip down your inner thigh rubbing against the edge of your panties, promising, yet never crossing the flimsy boundary still in place. You bit hard on your lip to stop yourself moaning, managing to shake your head desperately.
“Good.” He growled fiercely, and you squirmed slightly as you felt his teeth graze a line down your covered slit. You felt almost relief now when you finally felt J’s fingers pulling down the edge of your panties, tugging them off you.
You were bare now - completely exposed - and you didn’t think you cared anymore.
Your back arched as you felt J’s lips on you without any hesitation, greedily sucking and nibbling at your clit till your head was rolling back, your breath short and shallow. His lips were then replaced by his fingers, keeping you lost in hazy fog of heat as his mouth found your pussy. You couldn’t help the almost-squeak you let out when you felt his tongue on you, digging your fingers hard into the bed for grip, your back arching even higher now in an attempt to get more, feeling the pressure building quickly in your lower abdomen, your legs tensing.
The Joker pulled back then, his hands also leaving you and you couldn’t help the desperate whine that left you. You tried to push yourself up to see why J had stopped, but suddenly he was above you, forcing you to stay down. “So eager…” He purred teasingly, his lips hoovering above yours. You couldn’t stand it, pushing yourself up the distance you needed to connect your lips with his hungrily, yours hands reaching for his face without thought to try to hold him in place. J growled in your mouth but didn’t pull away kissing you back just as fiercely, his own want getting the better of him for a moment. You slid your fingers up into his hair, tangling them into the green strands as you pushed your hips off the bed to meet his, impatient for the friction on your clit again. J had a woken a desperate need with you and you wanted that release that his fingers and mouth had promised.
The Joker groaned against you and you could feel the obvious bulge still restrained in his pants. He moved a hand down between you, forcing your hips back onto the bed. “J –“ You gasped into his lips, “Please –“
J pulled away from you, his mouth hovering over yours “Patience, kitten…” He growled, sounding anything but himself. “I want the first time you cum to be with me buried deep inside you….” He growled throatily, and those words alone had your lower body tingling eagerly again.
You nodded desperately at that, feeling too far gone now to stop. J let out another growl at this – more carnal and before you knew it he was throwing off his shirt and his hands were working at the waistband of his trousers. You felt a rush of nerves go through you when the Joker flung his trousers aside, revealing no underwear, but instead, large erect member now stood tall against his stomach. You swallowed anxiously, trying to keep your focus on the Joker’s face, but you couldn’t seem to stop your eyes flickering down to its intimidating size.
J could see the fear in your eyes and he crawled back over you, keeping his body propped above yours with his arms. “No turning back, kitten…” He reminded you with an almost gentle growl. You nodded numbly, not noticing J shift his weight and jumping when you felt one of his fingers back on your clit again, biting hard on your lip as you were reminded of the delicious sensations J was able to make you feel. You nodded more confidently now, closing your eyes at the curling tightness quick to return in stomach just from J’s touch.
“Do you want it?” You heard J rumble above you. You nodded again, your eyes still close, neck arched at the stimulation that was easily bringing you back to your previous state.
“Oh, no, sweetheart.” The Joker cooed sternly, “I wanna hear ya say it…” He growled.
“Yes.” You gasped urgently, cursing his lazy circles on your clit, wishing he would move faster, attempting to move your hips against his hand in order to get more friction.
You felt J’s hand slit up to your waist then, pushing your hips down into the bed. “Ah, ah, princess…” He tutted gruffly, “Remember what I said…” He growled.
“Do it!” You gasped, “Please J, I –“ You shifted your hips pointlessly under his hand, craving the release he kept holding back from you.
J groaned at your begging - he wanted to keep you this desperate for longer, but his own resolve was already starting to crumble at the prospect of your small body around his cock. He shifted to one side, seeing you lain out before and knowing he could spend hours teasing every inch of your body, but right now both of you had more pressing needs you needed to satisfy.
You felt yourself tense again as J’s hand – that had been holding you down – now moved to your hip, your mind torn between the desperate want you had and your fear of the pain you knew was coming. “Relax, my dear…” J growled through his teeth, not sounding at all comfortable himself at the effort to hold back from his usual merciless behaviour. You bit hard on your lip, willing yourself to relax but you knew you were too nervous for it to have much of an effect. You felt the Joker line himself up with your entrance and only felt yourself tense even more. “Easy…” The Joker growled above you and you felt his hand move from your hip back to your clit again, beginning the same lazy circles as before.
Your nerves fought the sensations, but soon you felt that hollow ache in yourself again, your desperation overcoming your fear. “J-“ Was all you could manage out to tell him as you stifled a moan. The Joker snarled above you and then you felt the pressure at your entrance as he slowly pushed himself into you, grunting with effort. Your eyes stung with pain as your walls stretch to accommodate him, and the feeling was weird and foreign to you. You hissed quietly, and J stilled, letting you get use to his size. You kept your eyes closed, too embarrassed to look at J, knowing this was likely to be killing him.
“Doll?” You heard the Joker growl above you after a moment, his voice strained.  You nodded stiffly. “Look at me.” He growled gruffly, unable to soften his voice for you anymore and you snapped your eyes open in fear that you’d angered him. J was glaring down at you, but the heat in his eyes wasn’t from anger or irritation and before you could say anything he began to slowly move inside you.
You winced at first, but whenever you closed your eyes you would hear the Joker growl above you again until you held met his eyes. Soon the pain from J’s slow thrusts began to fade slightly and you felt the now-familiar build up of pressure in your abdomen.
 “Ah, J, uh –“ You groaned, your back arching slightly, allowing him better access. You gasped as he stroked at a particular spot deep inside you, tipping your head back as you tried to move with his body again for more friction.
“Now that’s what I want to hear, doll…” J grunted, his hand going to your hips to direct your movements. “Moan for me…” He snarled heatedly, his thrusts becoming rougher and faster.
You did as he said, moaning as he pounded into your hard now - not sure you could have held it back even if you wanted to. Your noises only seemed to encourage J who shifted his position slightly and was somehow able to penetrate even deeper within you, hitting that particular spot even better. You let out a cry of pleasure before gritting your teeth against the ever-building pressure. “Yes – ah – J –“ You choked out, feeling your walls contracting around him.
“Cum for me, [Y/N].” He growled, pulling your hips down onto him so he thrust as deep into you as he could. His words were all you needed to push you over the edge and suddenly you felt waves of intense pleasure rolling through you, your back arching sharply and your legs tensing in your ecstasy. The clenching of your walls around his member was enough to send J over the soon after, thrusting roughly into you a few more times before he pulled out of you, groaning in pleasure as he came on the sheets next to you.
You were gasping for air where you lay, blood rushing in your ears, as J shifted to lie next to you. Reality suddenly seemed to come flooding back to you, suddenly realising what you had just done and that you were now lying in a bed completely naked next to an equally naked Joker. Your cheeks burned brightly, trying to work out if there was a way you could lie to expose the least amount of yourself, squeezing your legs together at the tenderness between them.
“Not going shy on me are you, kitten…” J teased with a growl next to you and you bit your lip at having been caught. You let out a gasp of surprise as J now rolled to hoover above you again, “Surely not after what we’ve just done…” He grinned wickedly, “The begging…” He recalled, and you felt your cheeks flush even more, “The moaning…” You couldn’t stand it bringing your hands to your face, covering your eyes, feeling the heat in your skin under your palms.
“Now anyone would think you were ashamed, my dear…” J growled.
“No – no.” You said quickly, dropping your hands and looking directly at J’s scowl above you. “It’s just I’m - I’m processing…” You mumbled lamely. J arched an eyebrow at you, but didn’t say anything, shifting himself to lie next to you again.
“I – I do have a question though.” You muttered weakly in a brief second of bravery.
J interlinked his fingers over his chest and glanced across at you. “Is it how babies are made, kitten? Because Frosty really should have covered that one with ya before we –“
“I’m serious.” You scowled at him and he arched his eyebrow at you again, aware he seemed to have hit a tender spot. “I –“ You swallowed nervously, “I want to do that again –“ You confessed and J’s eyebrows shot up. “Not right now!” You said quickly.
“Oh I disagree…” J grinned lazily, suddenly reaching for you and pulling you into him until you found yourself  straddling his waist.
“J-“ You protested, only too aware of his eyes now roaming your entire body as you sat above him and you lost your trail of thought for a moment as you also realised this was the first time you had been able to fully appreciate his naked torso beneath you.
“Doll?” J prompted sly, running his hands up your thighs to your hips. You scowled at him, then sighed. “You – you said earlier that it –“ You gestured vaguely to the bed next to him and J arched his brow again at your innocence, “ – it would be sweeter because I was – I hadn’t –“
“Yes?” J grumbled impatiently.
“Well, does – does that mean I’m not – I won’t -” You sighed, ducking your head. You didn’t want to ask, but you couldn’t help worrying about it. “Does it mean I won’t be as good for you?” You finally managed out, wincing.
The Joker paused for a moment, then grinned devilishly. “Oh, my dear,” He purred lowly, “You’ll be better…” His hand began rubbing up and down your hips. “But you’ll also be mine…” He growled, now slipping his hands up your back to pull you down to him. “The thought that all this,” One of his hands smooth down your spine to your butt, squeezing your cheek enough to make you jump and flush hotly again, “is mine alone…” He growled. You flicked your gaze up to J’s, where he was watching you with that now-familiar hot look in his eye, and you brought your hands up to his chest, letting your fingers run over the muscles and feeling them flex under your touch. You should probably have a problem with his possessive behaviour, but it only made your heart swell and a shiver run through you. You let your hands slide lower on him, fanning over his stomach, making J growl at your teasing, before you let them rest at his hips, a smirk on your lips as you leant down to find J’s.
Maybe you did want to do it again right now…
Tags For Everything: @thatwriterizzy @sheldonsherlocktony @arkhamsurviour @beautifulbows924 @angelicshinigami @jemjem-chan @nerdybirdyfiz @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
Tags for Joker: @sonyandsam @ivefeltthiswaybefore @inoke @molethemollie
Tags for Frost’s Secret: @girlbehindthecameraposts @mundane-cup-noodles @sami1024 @spn-marvel-nerd
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uttertrashdumpster · 6 years
HoO Headcannon
Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.
What if, in addition to Bob and Damasen, Luke also showed up? He was Percy’s and Annabeth’s foe in the last war, after all. Maybe after landing in Elysium, he spotted the two in Tartarus and decided to make up for what he had done.
One day, bored of Elysium, Luke decides to explore the other corners of the Underworld. Without knowing, he is looking straight down at the dark pits of Tartarus, at two small dots walking alongside each other. As they approach his field of vision, he makes out a head of blond hair and a shiny bronze sword in tattered orange t-shirts. Overcome with familiarity, Luke decides to investigate. At first, the couple is just shocked that Luke, of all people, would show up, but end up overflowing with the relief of finding someone familiar. He journeys with them into the depths of Tartarus, joining up with Bob and Damasen along the way.
He faces Tartarus along with the Titan and the giant, but Annabeth and Percy pull him along with them before he can completely sacrifice himself, giving him a second chance at life. 
After his escape from Tartarus, he joins Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge to deliver the Athena Parthenos to CHB as his way of bringing peace to his teenage-years home after he actively waged war against it (Nico would probably explain the Greek-Roman War to him). Luke becomes extremely protective of the other three, always taking watch at night and using his swordfighting skills to assist Reyna with her zombie legion. 
They then get veered off-course to San Juan, where they encounter the Hunters and the Amazons. Luke freaks out when he thinks Reyna is “kidnapped” and searches the entire place upside down for her. After a while, he finds her in a small room... with Thalia. The two of them finally gets the closure they deserved after a year (or two?)- Thalia understands how Luke’s heroic sacrifice saved Olympus, and Luke understands how she never stopped loving him. Luke confesses his love for her, but Thalia decides to remain friends as she has found her place among the Hunters, which Luke respects. Thalia asks if he has any pressing problems, to which he tells her about the impending Greek-Roman War. She says she would do anything in her ability to help. 
After the crew of four reaches camp, Luke stands at the edge of the border, next to Thalia’s pine tree, and draws both camps’ attention to himself. Greek demigods, astonished as to how the old Hermes Cabin Counsellor could be alive and standing, drop their weapons and stared in disbelief. Roman demigods, confused, temporarily take their eyes from the onagers to observe Luke (maybe some think he is Jason, due to their similar appearances). Luke starts telling them about his story and why it never feels good to be engaged in a war. The two sides, entranced as if they are charmspoken to, starts to agree with Luke, though some (i.e Octavian) are still wary.
As the Seven return and Gaea rises, Luke bravely throws himself into the fight, defending the same demigods he had launched attacks against about a year ago. He joins forces with Percy to slay a herd of monsters. He is the one who intercepts a giant trying to attack Piper and pull her out of Jason’s grasp onto the ground, earning a ghastly wound on his shoulder. As the giant prepares to make the final move on him, a blast of lightning blasted the giant out of his way. Up in the sky is Thalia, shaking out of fear as she controls the air and lightning surrounding her.
Annabeth is the first to visit him in the infirmary, talking about how she had missed him and wanted him as her brother, fighting by her side. She tells him about her adventures- finding Percy, meeting her new friends, going on her solo quest and defeating her greatest fear. Luke’s grin is stupidly wide- he is so happy for her. She confesses to losing his knife during her fall into Tartarus, to which he tells her it is okay to let go of her past to enjoy her new future.
After he has been healed by Will Solace, Hades/Pluto has apparently noticed his absence in the Underworld, and sent Thanatos to reclaim him. Seeing this, Nico and Hazel object, saying how he clearly has a second destiny to fulfil (just like Hazel herself), and how much he makes them and their friends happier in their lives. After seeing the trauma and emotional scarring the demigods had been through, Thanatos relents.
Luke is introduced to the rest of the Seven, who all admire him as a ‘big brother’ after hearing about his talents. Along with Thalia, the ‘big sister’, they spend time together as a big, happy family. As they grow old and build families of their own, Luke watches in contentment, knowing that he always has a lifelong friend- a soulmate, almost- of his own. 
He leans his head against Thalia’s. The most evil, manipulative forces have been destroyed. The hero is redeemed, allowed to have a second chance at life, and build his own family. 
All is well.
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theparkertingle · 7 years
Something Bitter
Percy's not as oblivious as everyone thinks he is.
Or an examination into Nico and Percy's relationship through PJO and HoO (ao3)
The thought first crosses Percy’s mind when he invites Nico in for birthday cake on his fifteenth birthday. He recognizes the look that Nico gives him, but it’s gone within seconds and Percy thinks he must of imagined it, hopes that he has, because Nico deserves better and Percy’s pretty sure he’s already let Nico down enough. The guilt gnaws at him and it’s a bit like Calypso all over again.
He pushes it down just like he did with her. The Titan War (and Annabeth) serve as a good distraction, but it’s hard to ignore when he bathes in the River Styx and Nico’s hopeful eyes about finding information about his mother, about helping Percy are so focused on him. Some part of him almost wishes he noticed it earlier, so he could’ve pulled away, not put through Nico through this. The other part wishes he never noticed at all.  
Because Percy understands, he really does.
There’s a bitter taste in his mouth.
He doesn’t want to become Nico’s Luke.
But he doesn’t know if he can prevent it anymore, if he even has the right to. He wants to direct Nico’s eyes to someone better, someone like Will, who, he’s noticed, sneaks glances at Nico during campfires before looking away, blushing slightly, someone who could return Nico’s feelings. He wants Nico to talk to him about it, so Nico could move past whatever feelings he has for Percy instead of suffering on his own, but there’s nothing really Percy can do. He hates feeling this useless, hates constantly letting people down. The bitter taste doesn’t go away; he doesn’t know if it ever will. Some hero he is.
Annabeth confides in him a couple weeks after the war, after Nico’s finally accepted that he has a place in Camp Halfblood (and Percy prays that he’s learned to accept himself too), that she’s worried Nico might have a crush on her, that she’s caught him a couple of times staring at her and Percy with something akin to jealousy and hurt.  
For a brief second, he wants to tell her the truth, that she has it backwards, but it’s not his place to out Nico, especially when Percy’s not sure Nico’s accepted it himself. So, instead, he frowns at Annabeth, pretends to be oblivious, because that’s how people see him anyway, and tells her that they can try to be more private with their relationship until Nico has moved on or made peace with it.
He spends the next couple months at camp trying to subtly let Nico know that he’s accepted regardless of his orientation, at least by Percy, tells Nico about how he would go to the Pride Parade in New York with his mom every year, about how some other campers had recently come out to Percy, about how Apollo tried to hit on him right after the war ended and if he wasn’t in love with Annabeth, maybe he would’ve have flirted back. The last one gets a reaction out of Nico, who’s staring at Percy like he’s grown another head. Percy just laughs and ruffles his hair.
What he doesn’t tell Nico about is how Luke made him feel when he first came to camp. He doesn’t tell anyone about that, not even Annabeth nor his mother. That wound is too fresh, too real and the real reason he understands exactly how Nico feels.
It’s a month or two later that he disappears, wakes up with no memory of anything, except the name Annabeth, in a place that seems skew, not wrong, but not right either.  He meets Nico where he ends up, doesn’t remember a thing about him, but still feels the intensity of Nico’s stare. He wonders if he should ask Nico about Annabeth, if he’s seen her around this camp, but something instead his head screams at him not to and he doesn’t understand why because he doesn’t even know this kid.
Getting his memory back is a whole lot like being force fed every single terrible thing he’s ever done in his life and remembering Nico (and Bianca and Zoe and Charlie and Silena and Luke and....) were the worst of it. Percy finds out Nico’s gone, dreams it, Nico stuck in a jar, barely surviving and he can’t sleep for the next few days. It’s the Labyrinth all over again and no one on the ship seems to even care that much except for Hazel.
It’s only when Nico’s safe, when he sees him later in Piper’s arms, that Percy lets himself relax for the first time since he ended up in Camp Jupiter. But then Annabeth’s being dragged into the pit and he just got her back and he lets himself fall with her.
He makes Nico promise to lead the other demigods to the Doors of Death as he’s falling in Tartarus. As he falls, holding onto Annabeth, onto his world, he feels sick, feels like he deserves the hell that’s going to come for him down there, because he just used Nico’s crush on him to get something.  
He’s surprised that Nico’s not one of the people that cursed him. He almost wishes Nico did.
When he gets back from the pit, Jason’s looking at him differently. Not like the others, who look at him and Annabeth like they’re fragile, scared to ask about what happened down there. Not like Annabeth, who looks at Percy like she’s afraid of him sometimes, like she can’t see anything but him and the poison and Akhlys (though Percy can’t blame her, because that’s all he sees when he looks at himself). No, Jason’s looking at Percy like Percy’s done something to personally offend him. The sinking realization hit Percy. Jason knows. He thinks then that Jason might have the right to hate him.
Nico also tells him to give him space. Percy throws up and doesn’t sleep that night, Annabeth looks at him, worry etched on her face. He pretends it was a Tartarus flashback. It happens more than once and he wonders what it says that what he did to Nico is haunting him more than Tartarus ever could.
Percy never really expected it to come out the way it did, never really expected it to come out at all since the secret had somehow survived two wars, but Leo’s pestering Nico about his (lack of a) love life after a campfire one night at camp, not able to sense the tension that immediately results or notice the glares from both Jason and Percy and Nico just snaps, “You try moving on from Percy.”  
Nico’s gone before anyone can react, but he sees the shock on everyone’s face, except Jason's, who’s too busy staring at Percy’s lack of reaction and Percy thinks Jason might’ve just put it together that Percy knew all along.
“You knew and you didn’t say anything?” Jason’s glaring at him and he’s never felt so much anger from Jason before. It reminds him of eerily of Thalia.  
He doesn’t give Percy time to respond, because Jason’s already trying to go after Nico, the other’s still not really having recovered from the shock, but Percy stops it, “I need to talk to him.” He’s surprised that Jason doesn’t protest.
He finds Nico on the beach a couple minutes later, glaring at the waves. Percy sits down next to him, silent.
“Jason, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Not Jason,” Percy replies and it’s silent again. The two of them, staring at the ocean.
Nico’s the one who breaks it, voice timid and Percy’s hates that he’s the one who has reduced Nico to this, “Did you know?”
He doesn’t know what answer Nico wants to hear, doesn’t know what he could do to make this situation better, because Percy’s so sick of messing up Nico’s life and all he wants to do is help Nico. He settles on a story instead, “When I first got to camp, I was put in the Hermes cabin too. It was the first place that I actually felt like I was a part of something, that I wasn’t the weird kid who somehow blew up a school bus or who wasn’t smart enough or who couldn’t protect his mother, I was just another camper. That’s when I met Luke.”
He feels Nico’s gaze on him, but Percy can’t look away from the water, doesn’t know if he’ll be able to finish talking if he does, “I never had crushes in the mortal world, never had friends, just people who were against me, who labeled me as different, so I didn’t know right away, but there was something about him.”
“Luke figured it out the same time I did,” Percy laughed, tone edging on bitter, “It was the day before I left for my first quest. He just smiled about how I had good taste and I was suddenly just floored with the realization. He used me just like he did to Annabeth, but the difference was he actually cared about her.”
He’s so close to shutting his eyes and just stopping, but he’s never told anyone this before and maybe it’ll help the both of them, “When he tried to kill me, when we got back, he taunted it in my face, laughing about how the gods didn’t care about me otherwise why would have Aphrodite made me love him.”
Percy wonders if Nico’s felt that way too, “Kronos would taunt me about it, try to use it as a bargaining chip to get me to go over to the Titan’s side,” Percy stops himself for a second, trying to collect himself so he didn’t come across as more pathetic than he already was, “At the end, he apologized, said that I deserved better,” he lets out a self-deprecating sigh, memories of Tartarus fresh in his mind, voice closer to a whisper, “Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t.”
Nico doesn’t speak for a couple minutes. Percy assumes he doesn’t know what to say, that the thought of Percy and Luke never even crossed his mind. Though, Percy can’t blame him. It had always been about Annabeth and Luke and Thalia, Percy always orbiting on the outside of the three of them.  
“Why are you telling me this?”
“To show you that I get it,” Percy finally turns his head to look at Nico, smiling sadly, knowing Nico needs to hear this, “To show you that this isn’t something I would ever look down on you for. There are days when I hated myself for liking him after what he did, for who he was, and maybe it’s not the exact same thing, Nico, but I understand.”
He thinks Nico’s struggling to maintain eye contact and when he responds, his voice is shakier than before, “Percy, I -,”
When it looks like Nico isn’t going to continue with his thought, “It might not happen overnight, but you’ll get past it, find another guy who can love you the way you love him, but you won’t be able to until you accept it completely yourself.”
Nico’s eyes have gone glossy, slightly red and it’s enough for Percy to pull Nico into a hug and consequently feel the kid break down in his arms.
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mojorising74 · 7 years
I am a Monster.  Let me tell you why.
So, I have had many people really want to know why I didn’t enjoy The Last Jedi and I’ve held back answering because the film is fresh and I don’t want to ruin anyone else’s experience.  I did post a four word review of the film on Facebook (”That was... not good.”) and I was stunned to discover that this opinion was not a popular one.  Literally stunned.  So stunned I actually began to question my own thoughts on the film.
And taking some time away from the film and considering all the moments in the film I can recall, (I’ve only seen it once) I’ve decided to alter my review.
That was... really not very good.
So, here we go. I’m gonna break this down in the order as it was experienced by me.  I’m not gonna go back and edit this, so I apologize for typos. But I really don’t want to spend any more time on this then I have to.  This feels like my eulogy to Star Wars.  And I don’t want to linger here.
First off, the opening crawl.  This is a weird one, contested by many, except those in the theater with me.  The crawl was slanted, drifting slightly off to the right of the screen.  It was weirdly noticeable by everyone in my group.  We were slightly off to the left of center in the audience, but measuring the distance at the top of the screen to the scroll on our side vs the distance on the other side made us feel really confident that that the scroll was in fact slanted.  Like, Rian Johnson was putting his own slant on things (I see what he did there).  Or maybe the projector was tilted.  Either way, I missed the entire opening crawl because my brain opted to obsess over this detail.  I’m willing to accept most of the responsibility here, but yeah.  Slanted crawl pulled me out of Star Wars and made me think about how crawls were shot on a plate and how easy it would be to tilt the camera to give it a new cinematic flavor and blah blah blah.  Basically the slanted crawl had no bearing on my overall enjoyment of the film, other than I had retained nothing from the crawl going in and the movie was going to have to stand on it’s own cinematically, with no summary backstory.  
Good or bad, in the interest of full disclosure, I present this fact for your judgement.
Yeah, it’s gonna be that kind of review.
Right off the bat we get the first ESB call back of an evacuation shuttle leaving a planet while the First Order looms in the background.  From the trailers, I’m already expecting an AT-AT walker snow planet battle, so immediately I’m put on the defensive that the film is not gonna learn from criticisms of The Force Awakens and is going to attempt a rehash of “greatest hit” moments from the greatest Star Wars film.  George Lucas referred to this as “poetry” when he recalled certain elements in the prequels, saying “They rhyme.”  The new films seem to be seriously leaning in to this theory, but it feels like fan service rather than nuanced storytelling.
I’m disappointed by this but it is in no way a deal breaker.  Back to the movie.
Poe, by himself with no squadron waiting, decides to face off the First Order’s new weapon (The Dreadnaught) by flying his tiny x-wing to meet them.  We are then subjected to a laurel and hardy routine sponsored by Verizon Wireless, where General Hux is made out to be a total buffoon and completely incompetent.  (People will remember that one of everyone’s favorite part of the prequels was how the robot army was totally incompetent and easily out smarted by our clever heroes.  Or, the opposite of that.)  
But this scene also made me wonder about the intelligence of our hero as well.  He flies out to meet the star destroyers and only then does he decide to charge up his boosters for his daring plan?  “But Carl, he was playing it by ear!”  No, the generals on the resistance ship clearly know what his plan is and disapprove.  So, Poe actively decides to show up for this fight completely unprepared.  But whatever.  That’s a nit pick.  I know that, but these things start to weigh on me.  See, it wasn’t a story element that he needed more time to charge the boosters, it was a purposefully extended scene to stretch out a “can you hear me now” joke at the sake of plausibility. 
Disagree with me?  Think of the scene like this.
Hux gives his speech about how he will not take prisoners (instead of just shooting the guy out of the sky which would have delivered that message so much more succinctly).
Poe says his first line “I’m holding for General Hux.”
Hux looks confused for a moment, but quickly realizes he’s being played. “Blow him out of the sky!”
Cut to: Poe’s ship where his engine charge is ready and he blasts off and away.
All the same story beats with a quick, satisfying laugh that doesn’t stop the story or undermine the competency of the characters involved.
Speaking of competency, that brings up my next note.  Poe is a fucking Mary Sue.  Holy shit.  The next sequence of Poe destroying ALL but one of the cannons recalls one of my least favorite moments in Force Awakens.  That one shot where Finn is watching Poe fly around bulls-eyeing something like NINE tie fighters and several ground troops without even breaking a sweat.  It sets up this ridiculous expectation, that either Poe is that much better than everyone else in either the Resistance or First Order, making everyone else depressingly bad at their jobs, or him impossibly good.  Either way, it’s lazy story telling.  
We’ve seen good pilots in both of the previous trilogies, all of them having force powers to help them fight at elevated levels, but I’ve never felt, watching any of the other films, that one pilot was enough to single handedly sway any battle.  Battles in the previous films always felt epic and sweeping.  Poe feels like an OP video game character.  The kind that inspires patches to reduce his power because he kills the fun of playing the game and takes away the sense of menace from the foes he faces.
So, we’ll skip the next few nit picks; (bombs “falling” in “space”; why are space bombers slow when there is no gravity or atmosphere? Why are bomb bays triggered by a single button garage door opener? Why would you waste bombers on a mission that clearly calls for a missle or.. an unmanned vehicle blasting into hyper space?  We’ll get to that later cuz holy fuck.)
I want to point out that I’m getting nit picky at this point, but watching the film, I have NOT checked out.  Still engaged.  Still excited.  There is some Star Wars shit happening and I am in for the ride!  Woo hoo! Snoke is pissed and is gonna murder the fuck outa that buffoon Hux for letting the Resistance escape into hyper space.
So, the rebels come out of hyperspace and Leia casually mentions that she has a tracking device to help Rey find her way home.  
LITERALLY MOMENTS LATER, the First order leaps out of hyper space and everyone starts screaming “They tracked us some how!”  My brain, which has been literally processing story elements that are fed to me as they are fed to me immediately makes the connection between the First Order tracking the Resistance and the bracelet on Leia’s arm.  Those mother fuckers are tracking that shit, and that means they can also find Rey, which means Rey and Luke are in danger as well.  Hux even says “We have them tied to the end of the line.”  And this is further cemented as what is happening when Snoke suddenly forgives Hux like he’s the best general who ever lived.  Like maybe he just explained to Snoke that they found the tracking signal and he’s about to serve up Luke Motherfucking Skywalker.
Except, that’s not what happened.  What actually happened is that the First order had finally perfected some 50 year old Imperial technology that was briefly mentioned in Rogue One.  Hux didn’t have a clever plan that pleased Snoke.  He had some technology.  Technology that Snoke would have already known about.  Snoke sent Hux back to work like he nailed it, when he should have been like “You fucking idiot, you are the luckiest son of a bitch in the world that you completed that technology cuz we should have finished these guys already.  I’m taking a body part.  Get back to work.”
And the secret space tracker that Leia had?  Didn’t need it.  Finn steals it briefly in a cowardly attempt to save the girl he has a crush on, But other than that, it has almost no bearing on the story.  Rey uses her connection to Kylo to fly back and surrender to him.  The tracker was only used as a plot device to introduce Rose, and to show Finn in a most unheroic light.  Again.  A familiar bell rang many times in The Force Awakens.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, because the best moment in the movie happened before this and I want to talk about it.
Kylo and the first order have caught the resistance with their pants down and they are fucking shit up.  Kylo cruises in on the lead cruiser, aims at the bridge, and suddenly senses his mother standing there.  Overcome with emotion, Kylo realizes that he can’t kill his mother.  That doing that would mean there is no chance for his redemption.  And he CHOOSES TO SPARE HER LIFE! 
But oh shit, two other fighters are cruising with him and they dont hesitate to fire on the bridge.  There is an explosion and Leia is sucked out into space.
Ladies and gentleman, this was possibly the greatest moment in Star Wars history.  Leia was dead.  Her death had powerful meaning.  In the moment of Kylo’s redemption, he has it stolen away by others.  His path to forgiveness destroyed.  He will never be forgiven by the other characters in the film.  he is doomed to fight as evil because the forces of good will give him no quarter for killing their general.  He is a cursed man.  His guilt will know no bounds.  
I sat there in the cinema, speechless.  Completely destroyed emotionally, openly weeping.  Carrie Fisher leaves the film, her character arc complete, her death a meaningful and truly shocking moment in the film.  Absolutely stunning.
And then she opens her eyes.  And I start crying for a different reason.  She holds out her hand and force pulls herself to safety, ignoring the other heroes on the bridge who were also blown out into space.  She chooses to use her magic powers to save herself and let everyone else die.  
Like a fucking hero.
I was stunned at how terrible this moment plays on screen.  Truly stunned.  Leia had literally just given a speech on how soldiers die heroes but never commanders.  Her first chance to put her money where her mouth is, she ignores her own advice and saves her own skin instead.
This also gave me the stunning revelation that Leia would not be dying in this film, because as bad as Rian Johnson is at Star Wars, he’s not so bad to miraculously save a character only to kill her off later because her epic heroic death is still waiting in the wings.  Knowing that Carrie Fisher had died made me feel like her character would never get the incredible exit from the saga that was just missed in the preceding opportunity.  Princess Leia will die off screen between films.  Or she will be digitally reincarnated.  But neither of those things serve her memory or her character.  The Force Awakens had a lot of missed opportunities, but none of them like this missed moment here.
Meanwhile Rey is trying to convince Luke Skywalker to come back and he insists that he has no intention of ever returning.  WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE A MAP TO WHERE YOU WERE HIDING?  WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING? WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!
While we’re here, Chewie eating Porgs while they gather around him to ponder the deaths of their kin is nothing less than horrifying.  These creatures are sentient and aware they are bing eaten, and instead of running for their lives, they stare sadly at the creature eating them.  These creatures are not long for this world. This is my only note on Porgs.  
They’re... fine.
Also, ghost Yoda can shoot lightning bolts?  Is that something they could always do?  Why the fuck are we fighting a war when theres an army of lightning powered ghost warriors wandering the cosmos.  Hey Ghost Yoda why don’t you make yourself useful and ghost your way into a star destroyer and lightning the fuck out of power core?
Ghost Yoda shooting lightning fundamentally breaks Star Wars.  
Moving on...
Seriously.  We’re just getting started.
Back at the resistance, Finn has decided to sneak off the cruiser with Leia’s bracelet.  Now, remember, at this point in the film, I’m still thinking the bracelet is the way the First Order is tracking the resistance.  The whole “they must be tracking us through hyper space” plot line feels super thin and the only thing holding it to reality is a passing reference in a film that takes place roughly 50 years before this one.  Remember, there is literally no reason, that I as a casual movie goer, should think that the First order has in fact figured out this new tech and are not following this bracelet instead.  Nothing about Snoke’s response or Hux’s response suggest this is the case.
So, I’m thinking, fuck yeah.  Finn has figured this out, and he’s gonna try and lure the First Order away by pretending he’s Princess Leia.  Like a hero.  This is gonna draw the First Order off the Resistance and put Finn in a lot of danger.  Danger that’s gonna get super cool when Rey follows the beacon home and discovers her friend captured by storm troopers!  What a crazy action packed reunion that’s gonna be!
Oh wait.  Finn is sneaking off to lure Rey away from the First Order, so the two of them can be together after the resistance is destroyed, or something.  Like a... hero?  Is this really the conclusions a hero comes to?  I mean, i get it, the movie calls him out on this, but like, didn’t we already do the “Finn is running away” plot line in the last movie?  Didn’t we already resolve that he’s not a coward and willing to fight for what’s right?  He knows Rey won’t be cool with this move.  What the fuck is he doing?  WHAT THE FUCK!
Ok, so, he tells Rose what he was really up to, and she magically understands the quantum mechanics of tracking a ship through hyper space.  Finn and Rose, the janitor and the repair girl, within moments of being presented with a problem come up with the most far fetched solution that could possibly be, WHILE IGNORING THE MOST OBVIOUS PROBLEM IN THEIR HANDS (I mean honestly, even if someone had briefly looked at the tracker and said “What about this”, followed by a quick explanation and I could move on, but in the 2 1/2 hour run time there just wasn’t enough time to address this obvious plot hole).
So, Finn, Poe and Rose decide to disobey orders and embark on a mission after being told that there is only one man in the galaxy that can hack into a first order star destroyer.  This man, will be identifiable by his flower pendant.  That he always wears.  At all times.  So he can be identifiable.  To people sent to him to hack secret codes.  You know, just in case.  Also he is always at the high stakes gambling tables.  Not eating.  Not reading the paper in his apartment.  He exists in a constant state of high stakes gambling.
Sigh.  Fine.  Let’s go find this guy.
Finn and Rose leave in a shuttle and are immediately identified as a shuttle leaving the ship by the First Order but they are told to ignore the shuttle and to continue chasing the main ships.  This scene is really fucking important for later on in the movie so let me reiterate on this point:  A shuttle left the resistance ships and was immediately tracked and identified by the First Order.  Yeah, you know where I’m going with this, but let’s just leave it here in your fucking brain for a minute, the way it sat in mine for the rest of the movie.
So, now we get a weird story arc for Rose.  Rose hates everyone who lives in this city.  Why? Did she live here?  No.  She was a slave growing up in a mine somewhere else.  But rich people who live in this city built weapons from stuff the slave children mined so fuck this town and everyone in it.
This,’rich people were mean to me so I hate all rich people’ storyline feels like a super weak attempt to make a political statement about classism and suggests that future Star Wars films are going to be about the poor people rising up and defeating the elitists who are literally getting rich off of watching us kill each other.  This is a clumsy metaphor for what’s happening in the world. (It also completely ignores that this city is also home to the sometimes lover of one of our main resistance heroes, so maybe not everyone is so bad?)
But fine.  Clumsy metaphor.  Poor people good, rich people bad.  Got it.
Rose and Finn find the man they are looking for but are immediately arrested and thrown in jail.  The absolute worst jail in movie history.  First off, they are locked up together.  But not only together, with a third person.  A magic person who claims (and actually does) he has the exact skills the duo is looking for.  Skills our characters have been told do not exist outside of the man with a flower on his coat.  
This new man breaks them out of jail with items he snuck in (deus ex incompetence), only to discover that BB-8 has already dispatched the guards and was literally moments away from rescuing them himself.  I point this out because none of the suspension of disbelief required above was necessary to get out of the situation.  The movie just did it.  Inexplicably.  Just crammed in a  moment to waste our time.  
Which I suddenly realize is a recurring theme in the film.  Cramming in moments that have no bearing on the story to fill time.
Fine.  They escape.  But they do not try to reconnect with the guy they saw at the casino.  They instead decide to scrub the mission and head back.  I’m weirdly on board with this because this whole plan was incredibly contrived from the beginning.  Anything to get back to the story at hand.
But this new person they met in jail just keeps forcing himself on them, rescuing them at the last moment from... I’m not sure what.  Going back to terrible jail?  It’s not hard to break out of.  They’ve already decided to leave the planet empty handed so, I’m not really sure what the stakes are for this camel cat chase scene are supposed to be.  Like, it seems to be a crazy desperate escape from being temporarily hindered.  Whatever.  All your friends are dying in the slowest chase scene across the galaxy ever, but this action packed chase scene has almost zero stakes.  Think about where you’re investing your story moments, people.  
Shake it off, there is still a lot of movie to get through, but at this point, the movie is actually working against me.
Ok, so Finn and Rose escape the gambling city, leaving the slave children to be whipped and beaten for their participation in the escape, and all of the camel cats are immediately round up and returned to the stables, to be also whipped and beaten for running away.  (This is proven fact when we revisit the children later on and find them still working in the stables, sweeping straw. If the camel cats were still gone, there would be no need to tend the stables and we already know the slavers are not opposed to beating the children or the camel cats.)
But hey, none of that matters cuz “Game on!”  We have a hacker!  Who claims he can do the thing.  With zero credibility or references.  But by god, this is our only hope.  Cool.  Lets break into a star destroyer.
I wanna pause here to point out there is a storyline happening between Kylo Ren and Rey that is STUNNINGLY good.  Like it’s happening in a different movie.  It’s layered and nuanced and tragic and heartfelt.  Love love everything in this storyline up to the point that Kylo Ren pulls a Homer Simpson trying to murder his omnipotent son, Bart, in that one Tree House of Horror episode just before Bart turns him into a jack in the box. 
Kylo Ren is moderately more successful then Homer and manages to kill off Snoke by cutting him in half with my favorite move from the Star Wars video game.  And then comes the dance fighting ninja guards who are TERRIBLE at their jobs.  Just terrible.  There’s no other way to explain what happened to human resources.  The outcome of what happened in that room is going to reflect very poorly on the Royal Guard.
But the movie insists I need to watch the Rose Finn stuff so it sends me back to them sneaking onto the star destroyer, where they are immediately identified by an astro mech who spots BB-8.
Moments later they are caught by the First Order, but BB-8 is not captured.  Even though he is with them and was the reason they were caught in the first place.  Somehow, he isn’t captured with them.  the movie suggests it’s because he is hidden under a box, but the Star Mech saw him through the box and the astro mech is present for the capture, but has now apparently forgotten about BB-8.
Sure.  Fine.  Moving on.
Now, I forgot to mention something because during the throne room fight, the movie felt like it was winding down, but I remembered from the trailer that Captain Phasma still hadn’t shown up in the movie and was getting worried that Phasma might be under utilized in this storyline (unless there was some big reveal coming up that totally legitimized her involvement in the film.  Spoiler alert: there isn’t.)
Seriously, why is Phasma in your movies?  Are you trying to make a statement about Boba Fett?  That the only thing a villain needs to become iconic is a cool costume?  Is this a bet you guys made with the original trilogy guys?
So, Phasma shows up, escorts the prisoners to the hangar (not the brig) in order to immediately execute them.  Not interrogate them.  Not hold them prisoner. “But Carl, they knew Finn and Rose would never talk so no need to question them! Also, the hacker already told them everything they wanted to know.”  Ok, first, hacker John only told the First order about the ships sneaking off the spaceship.  Information he was only privy to because he was allowed to be a part of a top secret mission briefing by Poe leading a mutiny against Laura Dern.  And also, master interrogator Kylo Ren is on this ship.  He can mind rape these kids and get all their secrets.  There is NO WAY execution is the next step in the plan. Zero chance.
Hang on.  Hold up.  Let’s talk about Laura Dern who has picked the absolute worst teaching moment that any officer could choose.  The resistance is in tatters.  The main general is in a coma.  Your captains are going down with their ships one at a time.  DON’T BE COY WITH THE DETAILS WHEN DEALING WITH YOUR BEST PILOT!
Also, what the fuck is up with your hair and wardrobe?  Purple hair?  That’s it?  You were like “Space movie lady?  Purple hair, right?” and everyone was like “Sure. That sounds right.” Lazy lazy lazy.....
So, Phasma is gonna execute these fools but KABOOM! and Phasma and her troops disappear.  Finn is surprised by this and decides to make his escape.  But then suddenly out of the smoke comes (wait for it) CAPTAIN PHASMA!
Wha...?  Where did she go?  Did they all run off for a second and then suddenly go “Wait.  Did we kill those guys? Do you guys remember why we came in here?  Fuck.  Lets go back and kill those guys before we leave.  We got the order all mixed up again.”  Just... baffling.  They jettisoned her out of the scene, just so she could reenter the scene dramatically.  Just because the shot of her coming out of the smoke looked cool.  That’s it.
So, now Finn and Phasma fight.  And the backstory between these two characters is thick, and by thick I mean, non-existent.  Nothing feels earned in this battle, including Phasma’s incredibly lack luster “death”.  So, Finn the janitor lucks into victory against the hardened warrior... again.
Man, have we ever seen Finn win a fight in these movies?  Have they been trying to sell us an incompetent hero?  What exactly has Finn done to help the resistance in either of these films?  Is Finn the worst character in Star Wars?  Talk amongst yourself.
But before you do, I want you to consider one thing.  After watching the film, I was pretty vocal about how Finn, Rose and Poe’s plan did absolutely nothing to affect the outcome of the film.  Their adventure was completely pointless.
But I was wrong.  They did cause one thing.  
On the Resistance ships, 30 evacuation shuttles are slipping away, under the assumption that the First Order won’t be able to see the shuttles.  This is a stupid plan, especially since the movie goes out of it’s way to explain that the First Order can ABSOLUTELY track shuttles flying away. (Editor’s note: its been pointed out to me that the shuttles were using cloaking technology, cloaking technology that the First Order had no problem seeing past, simply by possessing the knowledge that it existed.  Lazy lazy lazy...)
But let’s buy into this.  The resistance is escaping, and Finn, Poe and Rose have handed a traitor over to the First Order and directly caused the deaths of 23 of the 30 ships flying away.  Two thirds of the survivors were killed because Finn, Poe and Rose didn’t follow orders.
Now, this is fucking dark.  Holy shit, hubris killed the resistance.
But in the next scene, Poe is leading the goddamn charge against the walkers.
YOU DON’T GET TO DO THAT.  You disobeyed orders that killed off almost 300 of the remaining 400 soldiers.  You are summarily executed.  Not the hero of the final battle.  After Poe and Finn’s bullshit, the entire resistance can fit in the goddamn Millenium Falcon.
These characters are not heroes.
So, lets skip over the nit picky shit (Finn can suddenly fly a ship?  When did he learn?  He’s been in a coma since the last movie and one of the main plotlines of the last movie circled around Finn not being able to fly a ship.  Why drop a battering ram so far away from it’s target?  Why not blast the base from space?)
So, then Luke Skywalker shows up and fools everyone into believing he’s actually there, when he isn’t.  It’s magic and shit.  No one can touch him.  (Except we’ve already established that you can indeed touch him through the void, but Nvmnd).
This scene is annoying for two reasons.  One, it’s lame.  Two, the director went through so many lengths to set this up.  He showed a shot of Rey looking at a drowned x wing, so when Luke shows up magically at the end of the movie, folks are like, “He must’ve force lifted the x-wing out of the water and flown it here.”  It was such an easy head fake explanation that utilized information the audience knew from past movies along with necessary story elements to make something believable.  
There are so many head scratchingly stupid moments in this film, that it absolutely stuns me this much thought went into this sequence. To maintain my suspension of disbelief in this moment, the director offered a single well thought out visual to sell Luke’s silly plan to the audience.
So that tells me that the filmmakers were perfectly capable of taking moments established in previous films and building on them smartly.  They just... didn’t.
It’s like when my teacher would give me lower marks then  the rest of the class, not because my paper was worse, but because I was capable of so much more.  Yeah, it seems unfair, but fuck you.  Life isn’t fair.  You get to direct endless Star Wars movies for the rest of your life.  Try not to piss in my mouth while you do it,
Which brings me to my final example of why this movie completely fails.  Laura Dern decides to save the resistance by launching a ship into hyper space directly into the main star destroyer.
Are you serious?  Has this always been an option?  It literally destroyed the ship with the hyper space tracker.  All of the other ships could have escaped if that first bastard who went down with his ship would have done this.  Every death star could have been destroyed with a single freighter.  Holy shit, we could build a canon that shoots things at light speed and destroy everything.
If this has always been an option, it’s ridiculous that it is only thought of now.
Also, if the First order only has one ship that cant track the resistance ships, why not just everybody scatter into hyper space in every direction?  They can’t follow everybody.  if 10 ships are left, 9 get away.  there are literally dozens of different ways to get out of this situation that even the most inexperienced leader could have sussed out, other than abandoning ship to everyone’s immediate execution. 
Heroes are supposed to be great.  There are no great heroes in The Last Jedi.  
So that’s it.  Not a good movie.  Soup to nuts an utter failure.  On par with the worst of the prequels.  And once everybody has had a little time away from the film, you’ll all agree with me.  Just like you all loved the prequels for a little while, until some sober son of a bitch walked up and pointed out a few failings.  
And then the whole goddamn thing comes tumbling down.
0 notes
thejokersenigma · 6 years
Joker x Reader (Frost’s Daughter) - Frost’s Secret - Part 9
Ok, this part isn’t great, but at least I’ve finally written it! Yay! Hope it’s not terrible! Joker’s a bit ooc, but it was interesting trying to make him cruel and comforting!
Sorry again it took so long!
WARNING: Minor Language
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
You still felt the kiss lingering on your lips as the Joker carried you into the now-familiar warehouse. He had automatically lifted you out of the car, ignoring your protests that you were more than capable of walking, and you were slightly grateful for it - your body still weak and his arms a welcome security compared to what you had been through.
Frost was already inside, waiting oddly anxiously for a man that rarely show emotion – your kidnapping clearly having shaken him quite badly - for his boss to return and, hopefully, with you in tow. Luke stood next to him, lingering awkwardly, apparently not sure where he should be or what he should be doing.
The sight of you in the Joker’s arms definitely seemed to take both of them by surprise - especially when the Joker’s stony glare looked anything but tender. You couldn’t blame them, J’s behaviour surprised you as well. The kiss in the car had stunned you into silence, but when the Joker broke away, he had simply turned, his jaw tense, and roared the car back into life, accelerating ridiculously fast back to the warehouse without a word.
You had no idea what he was thinking, and you might think he regretted it if he didn’t seem determined to constantly be touching you.
The Joker carried you past your father without a or even glance in his direction, and headed through the warehouse, Frost following on a few steps behind, looking tenser than usual. J continued into his office without a word, moving behind his desk and you screwed your face up in pain as he lowered himself into his chair, forcing you to sit on his lap, still cradled against him. You felt awkward to be in such an intimate position with father hovering opposite you on the other side of the desk, the silence tense as you glanced uncomfortably between Frost and J.
Your father didn’t know what had happened, but he could clearly sense that something had. You cleared your throat self-consciously and your frost’s eyes flickered to you. “Um – uh – w-what is the plan?” You asked, trying to break the unease.
“Plan?” Your father questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“About Cassie.” You explained, very conscious of not moving a single muscle where you sat – half worried you would annoy J somehow, and half not wanting to make your position anymore compromising in front of your father.
“We have men on it.” Your father answered stiffly, staring formally straight ahead, trying to keep his eyes averted from you and the Joker. “They’ll track her down eventually.”
“But, I –“
“You are doing nothing.” Frost said firmly, all his attention now focusing on you.  “You’re getting some medical attention and staying put.” You blinked slightly surprised, never having heard him sound more like a father before.
“But-“ You continued to protest.
“End of.” Your dad growled. “No more getting involved.” His face was deadly serious.
“But she’s my sister –“
“Who locked you up.”
“But –“
“Doll.” You now heard the Joker growled in your ear and you flinched -  having also forgotten about him, and now feeling his hand tighten where it rested on your hip. “You’re staying put.” You opened your mouth to protest again, but you felt the Joker’s grip tighten even more and you cringed, thinking better. Frost frowned, concerned at your reaction, unable to see the Joker’s hold on you.
You bobbed your head slightly, “Fine.” You murmured.
“That’s better.” J crooned in your ear and his grip on you loosened, but his hand, still hidden from Frost by the edge of the desk, now slipped under the edge of your ruined shirt, his cold fingers making you jump as they slowly began to rub small, soothing, circles into your skin. “Now tell Frosty to disappear.” He murmured in your ear. You glanced at your dad - swearing your cheeks must be on fire – who must have heard as he seemed to stiffen, hesitating before he then reluctantly then and left without you needing to say a word.
“Why -?” You began, turning back to look at J as the door closed behind Frost, but, before you could finish, the Joker had captured your lips into a kiss, swallowing up the rest of your words.
“I didn’t think Frosty deserved the torture of seeing that,” J purred against your lips, “but I was going to do it either way.” He growled, now resting his pale forehead against yours. You gasped grateful breaths of air as you watched his face, his bruise eyelids closed and his face looking almost relaxed for the first time since he’d come for you. One of his hands had worked its way up to your face and you flinched slightly as not gripped your jaw firmly. “Don’t think for a second though, dolly,” J growled, his eyes snapping open to stare into yours hard. “That I’m buying your little act.”
Your mind was slow from the intensity of the kiss and, for a moment, you had no idea what he was talking about. “What?” You mumbled, furrowing your brow.
J pulled back, much to your disappointment - having been hoping he was going to return to your lips again - “Stay put was it, kitten?” He questioned with a bemused expression, though his eyes were dark. “I don’t like being lied to…” He drawled warningly. “But Johnny-boy can believe what he wants…” He dismissed, his gaze glancing to the closed door before flicking back to yours, making you drop your eyes guiltily. “You demanded an answer in the car, dolly,” He growled lowly to you, “I only think it’s fair that you do me the same courtesy…” He mused, the grip on your jaw loosening slightly and he trailed his thumb along the skin, tracing the line of bone. “So, tell me why it is you care so much about this girl?”
“Well – uh – she’s – she’s my sister.” You stuttered out, eyes on his lips, knowing his piercing gaze would make it even more difficult to find the words - already struggling to keep your mind focused thanks to his distracting touch.
“Whom you have known less than a week, and - in that time – kept you locked up and tortured, princess?” He growled. “Try again.”
You couldn’t stand his distracting touches or close proximity anymore and went to push yourself off his lap, surprised when J actually let you go. You felt his eyes follow you as you slightly hobbled, your legs still weak, around the desk away from him, pausing where your dad had stood only a few minutes ago. You were immediately missing the Joker’s touch - not realising how much you craved it before until you were given it – but you needed to think straight, and you couldn’t when his lips were that close and the memory of them so fresh, or when his taunted you with caresses.
You get your head down on the carpet, your back still to the Joker, taking a deep breath. “I don’t think she is my sister.” You finally confessed, your voice slightly croaky. “Well, not wholly.” You corrected quickly, then sighed, turning back to J, though not bothering to raise your head. “You probably don’t care.” You muttered, flopping down into one of the leather chairs that sat opposite his desk.
“Au contraire, dolly…” J drawled with a devilish grin, now leaning forward in his chair and placing his elbows on the table, interlacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them. “Now you have my attention… Hoo hoo” He giggled.
You eyed him warily. “I – I just noticed little things whilst I was with her…” You muttered, ducking your head again to stare at you lap where your hands rested. “Things that reminded me of Frost…” You murmured. “And it – it just occurred to me that – that I don’t do anything – look anything – like Frost…” You mumbled. “And… seeing my mother…” You breathed quietly, and, if the room hadn’t been silent, J probably wouldn’t have been able to hear you. “I don’t think Frost is my father.” You finally admitted, your voice cracking - saying it out loud just making your suspicions hit home and you felt a painful pang in your heart.
You bowed your head further, you couldn’t believe you were telling the Joker this, but who else did you have to talk to about it? You should tell Frost your suspicion though, shouldn’t you? But how would he respond? Would he just abandon you? You had no ties to him if it was true - no reason for him to need to look after you anymore – you weren’t his problem.
You didn’t want to lose him. You didn’t want to lose your dad.
The giggling in front of you snapped you out of your thoughts, and you glared over at J where he rocked in his seat with laughter. “You think that is funny?!” You demanded.
“Oh, I do!” He grinned through his chuckles. “I think it’s hilarious that Johnny-boy’s wasted his life on a brat that isn’t even his!” He cackled. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it when I first saw you! Of course, you’re not Frosty’s!” He hooted. “The only bits of him in you are the ones that can be taught - it’s obvious!” You felt the tears stinging your eyes at his cruel words and you blinked rapidly, ducking your head again. “I also think it’s hilarious,” He gasped, “that you clearly think he’s now going to up and leave you.”
“What?” You sniffed, snapping your head up at that last comment.
“It’s clear on your face, princess.” J giggled, “And why else would you be talking to me about this?” He grinned, “You’re afraid to tell him in case he ups and leaves ya!”
“And you don’t think he will?” You asked, ignoring his callous words.
“Dolly, I thought you would know Johnny-boy better than anyone!” The Joker laughed harshly. “The man is aggravatingly soft where you’re concerned!”
“But I’m not –“
“If you’re so concerned, kitten…” J purred, “Let’s do a little experiment…” He grinned, and you watched, confused, as he now reached for the phone on his desk.
“Wait, no!” You cried suddenly realizing what he was doing as the Joker sent Frost a message summoning him back to the room.
“What are you doing?!” You demanded desperately.
“Putting your mind at ease, princess.” The Joker said simply, placing his phone back down. “Like a nice person, doll.” He grinned devilishly. You scowled, wondering if it was possible to escape the room before Frost showed – though that wouldn’t stop J from telling him.
It didn’t take long for the knock at the door and Frost to reappear in the room. “Boss?” Frost questioned, his glancing to you in concern, glad to see you were no longer on J’s lap, and that you had seemed to suffer no additional harm.
“There’s been a minor revelation, Frosty.” The Joker grinned, and you glanced back to where he sat, begging him with your eyes to shut up, but J ignored you. “Seems the little doll here, isn’t yours.” You felt your heart drop and you closed your eyes, waiting for the world to implode around you.
“Is that a – uh – joke, sir?”
“Bet you wish it was, Johnny.” J sneered. “But little [Y/N] here figured it out – you might want a word with that little wifey of yours – and perhaps a paternity test!” The Joker hooted viciously, sinking back into his chair and kicking his legs up onto the desk, watching the consequences of his statement.
You glanced anxiously at Frost who had been staring in shock at J, but his eyes now turned to you with a look of confusion and possible pain. You couldn’t stand it, dropping your eyes and feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt – for what you weren’t sure – maybe stealing his life when you didn’t deserve it – because you weren’t his. You felt the familiar twinge in your chest at remembering this again.
You didn’t lift your head until you heard the door slam which made you flinch, spilling the tears that had gathered in the corner of your eyes. You let out a shaky breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding. “Why did you do that?” You mumbled at the floor, knowing J would be able to hear.  “Why are you so cruel?”
“Cruel? Oh dolly, that was merciful.” The Joker grinned pitilessly. “I’ve saved you month of tortious circling around whether you ought to tell your dear, beloved not-daddy.” He faux-pouted. “Why, if anything, you should be thanking me!” He exclaimed, beaming sinisterly.
You sniffed, gritting your teeth as you now shoved yourself angrily to your feet and stormed out of the office. You had trusted J – turned to him when you didn’t know who else to confide in – and for a moment you had almost felt safe with him.
But then he’d gone and thrown it in your face.
Maybe it was his way of caring, maybe he really did mean it, that  – behind all his laughs and giggles – he had wanted to save you from the pain of worrying over what to do. Right now, though, you couldn’t handle his sharp, to the point – basically cruel – help. You needed to escape the cold truth for a bit.
You had no family.
It suddenly seemed to hit you as you walked nowhere in particular, just striding, lost, down the corridors of the warehouse, hands stuffed moodily in your pockets. Your mother might be your biological mum, but she wasn’t really your mother – not since she left you - especially not when she kidnapped you. And now your father wasn’t your father. You had no father - no idea who he was at least – and, chances were, he was just another criminal thug who, if you were lucky, had been shot in a dark alley years ago.
You stopped in the middle of the large loading bay you were walking through. That was a cruel thought. Frost was a ‘thug’ after all, Lucas was a ‘thug’. So, why then, did you feel so bitter towards this man you didn’t know? Because he had never contacted you? Chances were, he didn’t even know you existed. No, the person to hate - to blame - was your mother. And that bitch was lounging around in the warehouse somewhere.
You ground your teeth in fury and now turned to stomp off with more purpose now, heading for the ‘staff room’. You shoved the heavy door open, immediately spotting a small group of men taking there break by playing poker around the small rickety kitchen table. They turned now to see the newcomer, surprise to see it you and even more surprised to find there was no Frost following on behind you. “Where’s Kelly?” You snarled, your temper overcoming any intimidation you felt from the large burly men. They looked at you and then at each other in confusion. You sighed loudly, rolling your eyes. “My mother?” You growled, “Frost’s bitch?” You hinted.
The men’s eyes lit up at that and you rolled your eyes again. Trust that to work. A familiar figure now stood up on the opposite side of the table, catching your eye. “I know.” Lucas offered.
“Great.” You muttered, “Show me.” You growled, and Frost’s protegee nodded, slightly bewildered by the request – and your mood - but willing to help.
Lucas tossed his hand of cards on the table, “I’m out lads.” He muttered, not seeming to care about the money he had lost and grabbing his lose cash he had yet to bet, unhooking his jacket from the back of his chair. He strode over to you, shrugging on his jacket, and held the door open for you to exit back out into the corridor.
He led you back towards J’s office and you felt your stomach tighten, paranoid the clown would step out as you past, and really not in the mood to see him again right now - your blood still simmering at his betrayal.
He didn’t show though, the door remaining closed as you followed after Lucas. He hadn’t bothered to try to make conversation or question you over your cause, clearly sensing your mood. You felt bad that you were taking your temper out on him – none of this had anything to do with him after all. “Thanks Lucas.” You muttered quietly, as good natured as you could muster at the moment - which wasn’t much.
He back at you in surprise. “Uh - no problem.” He murmured, turning his gaze back to the hallway ahead, knowing better than to push the conversation further.
Eventually he stopped at a rather non-descript door, much the same as all the others. “She’s – uh – down there,” Lucas said, pushing the door open and gesturing down a set of stairs that led down into the dark. “Third room on the right.” He explained, then hesitated. “Do you – uh – want me to come down with you?” He asked.
“No,” You murmured, staring down into the basement of the warehouse. “I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, uh – good luck?” He offered, still not sure what you goal was, as you took the first step. You didn’t response, now descending down the staircase, treading more carefully as you neared the bottom, the light fading to barely anything. You found another door at the foot the steps, and pushed this open, stepping out into another corridor, the air considerably colder than upstairs. The walls were lined with doors that seemed to lead to varying sized store cupboards, the bare concrete illuminated by flicker bulbs above that looked like they might die out at any moment. You counted the doors as you walked till you found the right one, hesitating for a moment, worried for a moment that it might be locked, but you tried it anyway, surprised when it opened, and you stepped in.
You saw mother sat against the back wall looking worse for wear - though her state triggered no emotion in you - but she wasn’t alone. Stood above her was Frost, a gun in his hand aimed at your Kelly’s head.
He glanced back at the sound of your entrance. “[Y/N]?” He exclaimed in surprise, the break in his voice taking you aback, and you felt all the anger in your body dissipate instantly, suddenly feeling like a scared lonely child. You wanted nothing more than to run to her father and hug him - something you hadn’t done in many years after you had found out about his reputation and his need to maintain it.
Now that wasn’t what held you back though. He wasn’t your father. He now felt like a stranger to you and you couldn’t help the hopeless tears welling in your eyes. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless. You hadn’t felt any of the aches from your bruised body since confessing your realisation to the Joker, but you knew why now, all the pain concentrating in the centre of your chest.
Nobody wanted you. Your mum didn’t. Your dad didn’t. And now even Frost wouldn’t.
Tags for Everything: @lexiiiii28 @nerdybirdyfiz @beautifulbows924 @angelicshinigami @arkhamsurviour @thatwriterizzy @sheldonsherlocktony @jemjem-chan @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
Tags for Joker: @ivefeltthiswaybefore @sonyandsam
Tags for Frost’s Secret: @sami1024 @mundane-cup-noodles @girlbehindthecameraposts
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