#Also shout out to Kyle for suggesting the title of this post. The pun was so good I couldn't leave it out.
bumblekastclips · 11 months
Tangle Tails: UnderTangle
KYLE CROUSE: Here's a question from Morlas. "It's a beautiful bumbleday outside. The bumblebirds are singing, the bumbleflowers are blooming. On bumbledays like this bumblekasters like you should be answering this bumblequestion. Do you wanna have a bumblebad time? Because if you take one more bumblestep you are not going to bumblelike what bumblehappens next. Tangle falls into Undertale what happens?"
IAN FLYNN: Oh, the Paragon route. That's not the official term, I'm mixing with Mass Effect, I know -- but the good route. KYLE: [chuckles] The Pacifist Route? IAN: Pacifist Route! There we go. Yeah. KYLE: She tries to make friends with everybody? IAN: Yeah, she's gonna make friends with everybody. She's gonna laugh at all of Sans' jokes. She's going to save the underworld... home? God, it's been so long, what do they call it? New Home. Ah, I've fallen behind on my Undertale lore. Almost called it Deltarune, jeez o' pete. KYLE: [laughs] IAN: Point is, no, she- she's going to defeat Flowey, she's going to get the best possible end, everyone's going to be happy and, y'know, live happily ever after. Nah, nah, nah, Tangle- Tangle's the best thing to happen. KYLE: Mhm, mhm. Besties Papyrus and Tangle... terrifying. IAN: [chuckles, then in a Papyrus voice] "Now you are blue! That's my attack!" [as Tangle, excited] "Oh my God, I'm blue now!" KYLE: [laughing] The Tangle and Mettaton Dance-off! IAN: [chuckling] Ratings go through the roof within the first ten seconds. She's like, "No no no no no, keep- keep the fight goin', I wanna dance to this music more!" [begins humming Death by Glamour from the Undertale soundtrack] KYLE: [laughs] "Breaking news! Local lemur saves hell!" Tangle looks in the mirror. "Despite everything, it's still you." And then she's like, "Heck yeah!" [chuckles] Starts dancin'. IAN: [chuckles] The biggest hurdle she has is actually wanting to leave Toriel's house and all the pie. Like, she's super comfy. "Aw yeah, this is great!" She can hang out here for awhile! But eventually she'll want to go home, and that will lead to the confrontation, but she'll- it'll take her longer to move on. KYLE: [after chuckling] Yeah. Yeah...
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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