#Also sorry rein the world will definitely not be very nice. lol. lmao.
koilccc · 9 months
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Happy birthday Rein!!! Hopefully the world starts being nicer to u this year </3
(alternate expression and color scheme under the cut)
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kageyuji · 4 years
Can I get a matchup for Supernatural, Sherlock, Friends, Harry Potter, Twilight, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Phantom of the Opera, Percy Jackson, Pirates of the Caribbean, Newsies, MHA, Haikyuu, and Mystic Messenger please? Thanks, sorry about all the fandoms, way more than 8 lol. You only have to do the ones that you can figure out a ship for. I am 5'7, shoulder length hair dyed red, slightly overweight, and I am bisexual. I love to read and write stories. 1/3 sorry about all the fandoms again lol
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This took an unreasonable amount of time and I’m so sorry for that! My dad’s been stressed with work, so I was helping him. Also I took you up on your offer and didn’t do all of them, because I couldn’t really choose, sorry about that.
For Supernatural, I ship you with Sam!
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Sam was/is a theatre nerd and you can’t tell me any different
He’s not one to sing a whole lot, but he would definitely sing the other person’s part if you started singing a duet
Sam is the quieter of the Winchesters, or of any one is Supernatural really, and would usually rather spend his nights cuddling with you than our drinking with Dean.
He also understands your anxiety. He doesn’t have it bad, but he did have a bit of social anxiety during college.
Not to mention that when he was in the mental hospital, he was introduced to several people with mental disorders and he had a bit of a better understanding for them
Sam likes to stand up for others, not so much himself. But he’d back you up whenever someone tries to pick a fight with you.
He understand if you wanted out of the situation, but if you were feeling a bit more confident than usual, he wouldn’t hesitate to help you out.
Sam is a big teddy bear, he’d never hurt you. He does understand if you don’t want to move too fast, though.
He’d let you set the pace in the relationship, you’d probably have to initiate any kind of affection before he realizes it’s okay for him to do it.
For Sherlock, I ship you with John!
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He runs a popular blog, and therefore loves reading and writing
He’d love to read whatever you’ve written, and if you’d be okay with it he’d be fine giving you little tips.
Also, he’d probably ask to be a beta reader or an editor for you, he just wants to help.
On the other side of things, he’d actually die if you read anything he’s written
He knows it’s our there for the world to read, but he doesn’t think you would take time out of your day to read it.
He’s another person I feel is pretty big on mental health and understands you anxiety; after the army and developing PTSD he could never imaging being one of those people who “get over it”
Actually, he was taught breathing exercises to deal with his PTSD and so he does them with you whenever he sees you getting anxious.
He’s very aware of it, always watching you when you’re in crowds to make sure you’re okay
Romance is also a bit of a touchy thing for him, so he always ask before he does anything, even if it’s as simple as holding your hard.
The last thing he wants to do is pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable.
For Twilight, I ship you with Alice!
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Such a sweet person oh my goddd
She’s so understanding of...everything really
Alice is really good at picking up on whenever you’re anxious, it’s a skill she’s developed over the years
She’s definitely the type of person to outwardly speak up against any type of aggression — be it that someone is a different race, trans, queer, or disabled — she’s straight up decking all the boomers.
She tries to get you to fight your own battles. Not because she doesn’t care, but because she knows you’d like to defend yourself. That being said, if it gets to the point that you’re backing away, she’ll stand for you.
She is perfectly fine taking it slow with you
She’s a vampire, she has the rest of eternity, so she’s in no rush
Alice is very into communication, she doesn’t want to do anything that you aren’t comfortable with.
So she ask you before doing anything, asking if it’s okay for her to even hold your hand or hug you
Plus, the Cullen’s are pretty closed off. They don’t really talk to people outside of themselves, so you don’t have to worry about meeting a lot of people close to her. Just her family.
For Phantom of the Opera, I ship you with Erik/The Phantom!
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Singing? Singing
He doesn’t care how good or bad you sound initially, all you’ve got to do is be nice to him and he’s yours
But he will definitely try and give you lessons, he knows even good singers can get better at their craft
Erik doesn’t have friends. You could count Madame Giry, I suppose. But you really don’t have to worry about Erik wanting you to go with him to parties and such. He hates that type of thing anyway, too many people.
He understands your anxieties, and he’s always there to help you. He can be a little overbearing, always asking if you’re okay, if there was a particular reason you’re upset.
When he finds out you were abused and cheated on in the past, his initial reaction is...anger. Not at you, never at you, but at your ex.
Then he realized that’s not what you need and he goes all soft again.
He takes it slow wether you told him you wanted to or not, he doesn’t want to scare you off.
Plus, he’s new to relationships too and doesn’t want to move too fast, he just doesn’t know what a reasonable pace is.
For Newsies, I ship you with Crutchie!
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I mean he loves to sing
Crutchie is such a sweet guy, honestly
He knows about your anxiety, and he’s really comforting
He’ll tell you dumb jokes and make stupid puns to calm you down
He hates mean people too. He’s learn to accept his leg over the years, but he still knows that people with disabilities or other minorities are often attacked for things they can’t help.
Crutchie doesn’t like conflict all that much
Sure, he had to be a little aggressive during the strike, but any other time he’d rather settle things in a more civil way
So he’d be all for calming the situation down if things get too violent
Crutchie has never even thought he had a chance to get a significant other, and so any sort of affection had him forgetting how to function properly
Therefore he has no idea how much affection is too much or too little
So he lets you take the reins. You have to make the first moves for most things.
For MHA, I ship you with Uraraka!
Todoroki was an honorable mention
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Another sweetheart
She has anxiety as well, maybe not as bad as you do, but it’s there
So she helps whenever you get anxious, probably makes a dumb joke or two or three
She would love to read your writing! She’d probably ask to edit for you too, but she’s not that great at it lmao
She does to love read with you though and could definitely get behind library or book dates.
She doesn’t have that big of a friend group, it’s mainly just Midoriya and Iida, both of which are pretty chill people
She doesn’t mind if you want to take things slow or fast in the relationship. Just as long as you are not uncomfortable, then she’s perfectly fine
She actually really likes singing, and as much as she would love to just sit and listen to your voice for hours on end, she can’t help but want to do a Disney duet with you.
For Haikyuu, I ship you with Tsukishima!
Kenma was an honorable mention
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Tsukki is pretty reserved, meaning that he wouldn’t necessarily drag you to all of his games.
He gets that you may feel uncomfortable, so it actually worries him. He’d be excited if you did come, but he’s not upset if you don’t.
Speaking of reserved, Yamaguchi is the only person he really talks to outside of volleyball, and therefore doesn’t have a crowd of friends you need to worry about meeting
Also he has that same glare, you know the one I’m talking about.
Tsukishima isn’t big on PDA, so he’s fine taking things slowly. Again, you’ll probably have to initiate some of “the firsts” just because he doesn’t want to push you or make you uncomfortable or make feel pressured by him asking.
Tsukishima also has a hate reserved specifically for rude people, and that goes for any kind
He usually isn’t one for reading, but he likes reading your writing
He just thinks that it’s very personal and that you you can learn a lot about a person just by someone’s writing
For Mystic Messenger, I ship you with Yoosung!
Jumin was an honorable mention
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He loves music so much! His favorite isn’t classical music, though he doesn’t dislike it either
However, I feel like he also has a small admiration for Broadway musicals, his favorite is probably Wicked.
He’d love to sing with you, he’s a sucker for domestic life and I feel like his favor thing is singing and dancing in the kitchen while covered in cake batter
Yoosung is just a ball of anxiety and bad sleeping habits
So he understands when you get scared in crowds or groups of people, he watches out for it.
When you do start to panic, he make sure he’s there to give your hand an encouraging squeeze and try and get you out of the situation.
He is very much a lover and not a fighter, but if someone tried to pick a fight with you he’s definitely throwing hands
He knows you won’t if it gets too violent, so he likes to protect you however he can
It’s pretty hard for him to open up, too
So he would be pretty slow to open up too, he doesn’t want to rush you and so he fears that if he moves too fast you’ll leave him.
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