#Also this is specifically an outlet to support each other but also if you're proud of a specific sentence you've written send it over!
whump-quotes · 1 year
Tumblr media
I made a change to the rules - or not really a change, more a clarification!
"Already existing media" now includes your friends stories!
Specifically, I want to start a thing called "Shoutout Saturday"!
So many of the quotes that stayed with me the most I've read right here on tumblr and AO3, and I know I'm not the only one.
So here's what I came up with!
I'll use Saturdays to specifically post submissions from things that gave you whumperflies from 'non-traditional' media be that fanfics, whumblr, etc.
Try to still keep them short-ish!
They should work on their own, without needing the context of the whole story
In your submissions, include which story you got this from, who wrote it, and where we can find it (either a link, or at least tell me the website)
You can submit them all week, I'll just post them on Saturday!
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opticalsuperstore1 · 1 year
Let's Talk Local | Five Reasons Optical Superstore Loves Being Australian-owned and Operated
Optical Superstore is proud of the fact that they remain a wholly Australian-owned and operated business in the Retail | Optical space.
What Does it Mean to Be An Australian-Owned Business?
It's all about keeping it local. Being Australian-owned and operated means that all day-to-day operations and business activity occur within Australia. From the hard-working teams at each level of management to the front-of-house staff you meet in any Optical Superstore location, everyone is working towards providing the highest level of vision care for Australian families.
There are many benefits to being a wholly Australian-owned and operated business, both for our customers and the Australian economy.
Here Are Five Reasons Optical Superstore Loves Keeping it Local!
(1) Vision Care For Australians: First and foremost, by keeping all of their operations within Australia, they can provide their customers with high-quality products and services tailored to the Australian market's unique needs. Independently operating optometrists work onsite, trained to understand the specific eye care needs of Australians. Optometrists qualified in Australia meet some of the highest skilled requirements globally.
(2) Optical Appliances That Meet Australian Needs: Optical Superstore aims to deliver prescription glasses that stand up to the Australian climate. That's whether your purchase is for that outdoor life: sun, surf and sand, or work at home or on the road. The Optical Superstore family strongly believe that Prescription glasses must be as tailored to your conditions as our Aussie lifestyles require.
(3) Keeping Business Management Operations within Australia: The opportunities to create jobs and boost the economy are intrinsic to the way Optical Superstore does business in Australia. There is something to be said for playing a role in the bigger picture as far as the economy goes (both locally and nationally). So, Optical Superstore is proud to employ local staff and do a little bit to help stimulate the Australian economy.
When you support Optical Superstore, it has a far-reaching effect. Couriers, optical staff including optometrists, dispensers, technicians, mechanics, and admin teams -- your support positively impacts many others. Optical Superstore also supports local suppliers of wholesale items (cases, lens cloths, spectacle nose pads, and the list goes on), keeping money local.
Not to mention baristas! Of course, every SUPER optical outlet runs on coffee.
(4)The Highest Standards Maintained: Optical Superstores are eager to focus on Australian-based production processes for the manufacturing, fitting, glazing, and quality control elements of prescription eyewear harness the strict quality control standards of the nationally recognised optical standards. As a result, an Optical Superstore customer can trust that all products and items are safe to use and meet all relevant Australian regulations. So whether you're after non-prescription sunglasses, safety glasses for P.P.E. purposes, the latest in digital multifocals, or something in between, everything is designed and provided to the Australian public with these standards and principles in mind.
(5) Customer Service is Key: Being wholly Australian-owned and operated also allows us to provide exceptional customer service. We get the needs of Australian families because we are locals, too! Our team members are passionate about delivering the best possible service, ensuring customers have a positive experience at every visit.
As a wholly Australian-owned and operated business, Optical Superstore takes great pride in community involvement and supporting local causes and events. We are committed to being active community members and giving back wherever and however needed.
In conclusion, Optical Superstore is proud to be YOUR wholly Australian-owned and operated Optical | Retail business. They value their role in the Australian allied-health services landscape. And when it comes to the unique needs of Aussie families, customer service, and a standard of eye care, you can depend on, Optical Superstore loves keeping it local!
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bewareofchris · 8 years
Same anon as before (am I triathanon?): 1. The worst part was that the moment I finished, my first thought was to reread it all again. (Srsly, I can't spend my entire life rereading sassverse it's unhealthy for me.) 2. I get what you're saying. I really hope you get something published. 3-4. I am so happy to hear that, because there's so few authors in general who would even bother with that kind of giant cast, but it definitely makes the world seem more real. (1/2?)
(2/3 I hope) 5. No problem. I thought that since I’ve been way too obsessed with it, maybe I should tell the author how much I love it. I think my favourite character is Malik, because he’s such a hypocrite and knows it. He also reminds me of myself, I’d probably do the same as him in the beginning, and he has some of my favourite lines (“pemphix is not a word” and the rant at the bachelors party against Leonardo). On my first two read throughs I think it was Kadar or Claudia.
(3/3) I really just like Claudia in the games too, and Kadar is just great at dealing with everyone’s shit and at the same time he’s so innocent. Also my favourite relationship is the one between the Al-Sayf brothers, because it’s so real. It’s just like a real sibling relationship. My favourite storyline is a bit harder, because there’s so many of them. (I can’t change the beginning of this, so ¾?)
Probably either Kadar protesting restrictions on women’s clothing or Altair finally figuring out who sass is. The first because Kadar not only finds a cause, he also does something about it. The challenge of him having to make sure his girlfriend doesn’t get the wrong idea and his thoughts on the matter of staying with one girl over the other are so clever. The former is (one of times I cried) so in character to Altair, because of course he didn’t take it well. (I lost count, 4-5/? I think?)
Altair’s an asshole, and the fact that he is still one, even after having changed a lot is refreshing. He is so angry, but no one realises (who said the guy was bad at acting?). That he decides to take a break to figure out what he thinks of that is a great nod to his development. Also, too few take up the character development Altair has in the game, but in sassverse it is dealt with perfectly, as it is one of the major plot lines. (5-6?/?)
Still same anon: One of my favourite things in sassverse is how the internet plays a huge role in more than one way, and the formattings of every media outlet are distinct from each other. It makes more sense, especially when it is based around characters in their teens and twenties after 2000. So many just ignore that to have characters talk to each other in the old way. I could also talk about sassverse forever. (I have a tumblr, but I haven’t used it for 2 years that’s why I’m anon. 6?/6?)
+ Yes you are triath-anon because I give randomnicknames to anons I have conversations with so I can keep track of them.  (This started all the way back on LJ)  But specifically triath-anon because you havemarathon-read Sass 3 (or 4) times.  
+ Large casts are amazing, I mean they can behard to keep track of but still amazing.
+ (its funny how this started out as three asksand it became 4, then 5, then 6 because Sass started out as a possibly 30chapter fic, then 50, then 70, and then I just quit trying to contain it.)
+ MALIK WAS SUCH A HYPOCRITE.  MALIK WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE.  But he did work his way around to realizingit.  Also SO SHALLOW.  So incredibly shallow.  
(+ Phyllis is my favorite.  That’s partially true.  I think she’s super fascinating.  But if I had to pick a main cast/mainnarrator, I’d probably say Altair was my favorite because he’s a shit but he’sa loyal shit.  And he had a lot of thingsto realize/overcome with minimal to no support from anyone.  That takes a lot of constantdetermination.  I mean he also hadimmeasurable wealth and nothing but time, but still.  Considering where he came from and what hisinfluences/examples were as a child, it’s a miracle he’s a functional human being.)
+ almost all of the lines I remember clearlyfrom this mammoth beast were said by Kadar. “I AM A BENEVOLENT CANDY GOD.”  “Amagical waffle santa has left me food.”  Etc,etc.
+ I think the thing that I feel the most proudof with Kadar is how he really did slow-build the ultimate reveal regarding himstruggling with depression.  Because it’snot something that happened to him suddenly, it just slowly got out ofcontrol.  But also Kadar is what I wouldlove to aspire to be, forgiving and empathetic and still optimistic.
+ There are far too many relationship dynamicsin this for me to nail down one I liked the best, but the few I found mostinteresting were probably Mrs. Finch/anyone she knows (BECAUSE THERE ARE SOMANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS THERE.  Whydidn’t she keep Edward?  Or Desmond?  Or Altair? Why didn’t she step in earlier? Why didn’t she stop Phyllis?  Whatdid she really think of all of it?  Why didshe hate Maria in the end?  Like, shecomes across loving and sweet and loyal but considering the shit she witnessedand allowed, there’s an untapped “wtf” going on there.)  But also Altair/Desmond.  It’s not as open and supportive as theAl-Sayf brothers because there was a lot of secrets and very little trust, butstill, I like Altair/Desmond’s relationship.
+  Theoriginal ending of Sass called for Altair not to know that Malik was a manuntil he literally saw his face again. Whatever chapter he figures out who Sass is, the week prior to that wasme following my sister around going BUT HE HAS TO FIGURE IT OUT, DOESN’THE?  HE HAS TO FIGURE OUT THAT SASS IS ADUDE BECAUSE HE’S SUCH A FUCKING TWAT RIGHT NOW HE COULDN’T HANDLE FINDING ITOUT FACE TO FACE.  HE HAS TO FIGURE OUTSASS IS A MAN AND DEAL WITH THAT BEFORE HE MEETS MALIK.  And her agreeing with me the whole time whileI whined about how it changed the whole rest of the story.  
+ Altair will never outgrow being anasshole.  It’s one of his corepersonality traits.  So is hisanger.  But he does try hard.
+ I could go on about Sass forever too.  But what I learned about theinternet/communication while writing Sass is how ridiculously new smart phonesare.  Like I started writing it and thenfound out the Iphone didn’t even come out until like a year into thestory?  I think Altair gets it right whenit first came out and that’s because I figured he’d just buy whatever becausehe doesn’t care.  
+ that MSN on your phone thing tho, that’s howI talked to my girlfriend.
+ not related to anything you said but I livein constant regret that I didn’t set Sass up in a way where one could casuallykill William Miles and have no realistic consequences.  (And Calvin. Fuck Calvin.)
Feel free to always ask me about Sass.  I will pretty much always answer.
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