#Also this was an excuse to draw human mob lovelie more I enjoy drawing his head LMAO
clownsuu · 11 months
i just love lovelie! i just noticed that they don't have scars in the mob au, did she joined the mob voluntarily?
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Oh he does! They just aren’t noticeable from the front smhh
cw semi spooki imagery(???)
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Technically it’s not a scar JDHDHDD but rather a completely open back smh (ripped wings gone wrong since hers are far more larger than Rob’s are/were)
Cons: well he can’t fly anymore LMAOO- and their back is rather unsightly (they don’t really mind it though- more power to ya if you power through your insecurities)
Pros: free storage to put her whip in smhh (and other things)
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