#As long as you are having fun that’s all that matters! (And not 100% blatantly copying a character)
clownsuu · 11 months
i just love lovelie! i just noticed that they don't have scars in the mob au, did she joined the mob voluntarily?
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Oh he does! They just aren’t noticeable from the front smhh
cw semi spooki imagery(???)
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Technically it’s not a scar JDHDHDD but rather a completely open back smh (ripped wings gone wrong since hers are far more larger than Rob’s are/were)
Cons: well he can’t fly anymore LMAOO- and their back is rather unsightly (they don’t really mind it though- more power to ya if you power through your insecurities)
Pros: free storage to put her whip in smhh (and other things)
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nohaijiachi · 7 months
Why I Think The Fandom Has Been Doing Aziraphale Dirty Ever Since Season 1 And It's Only Gotten Worse With Season 2 And It's Killing Me Inside
Before we get into the subject matter of the title let me preface a couple of things:
1- All that will follow is, big surprise, my opinion and my interpretation of this character. Do I think I am The One And Only Who Gets The Blorbo Right and that my ideas are 100% the way the author(s) intended to convey the character? No.
More likely than not the way I see Aziraphale could be intensely different from the way Authorman sees him, or Actorman sees him, and I don't think that my interpretation is necessarily any more correct than anybody's else.
That said, if I also did not think that I am, in fact, correct on a certain level, I wouldn't have bothered forming such a thought out opinion of Aziraphale in the first place, nor would be sitting here, writing this post that I can already tell is going to be entirely too long and might probably ruffle some feathers.
So I'll be writing the rest of this post with the caveat that I while I do think my interpretation correct, I'm also not trying to change anybody's mind nor to discredit anybody's else interpretation of Aziraphale. We can sit here in the sandpit and hold different opinions and still be able to build sandcastles together, it really isn't that deep at the end of the day; I can assure you, I'm not here to fight nor cause fights with this one.
2- With the above point, comes also the fact that I won't bother continuously saying "In my opinion" for the rest of this post. You already know that. So, if something will come across as a bit caustic, do know that it is very much tongue in cheek and I am poking a bit of fun at general fannish habits that I am also very much quote-unquoute 'guilty' of having partaken into, and will partake into again plenty of times in the future, I'm sure.
So, with that: Here's Why I Think The Fandom Has Been Doing Aziraphale Dirty Ever Since Season 1 And It's Only Gotten Worse With Season 2 And It's Killing Me Inside
A large part of the people comprising this fandom prefers Crowley. There, I said it.
This fandom's preference blatantly skews toward Crowley. Can we admit that openly? Let's admit that openly.
To be clear, this isn't meant to be an accusation or recrimination or any other -ation you can think of, I am merely stating matter-of-factly a phenomena I've observed in the last four years.
It is also not a wrong nor bad thing in any way, shape or form. I adore Crowley myself. I love them both so much it's unreal.
But I started with that because I think it is very much a symptom of the fact that a lot of people don't get Aziraphale.
I remember back with S1 there had been plenty of times when I found myself reading discussions and opinion exchanges about Aziraphale and Crowley, their dynamics, all the things that went unsaid behind the things that were said, and found myself genuinely surprised by seeing how some people interpreted certain moments wildly different from how I personally saw them.
I look back at that and I think "Oh, sweet summer child". Nothing could have prepared me from the onslaught of takes about Aziraphale that make me go "Good lord, what???" in the wake of S2, and the infamous Last Fifteen.
Now because I don't want to be pointing fingers at specific things and risk upsetting somebody more than I already am by being open in admitting that, guys, yes, some of the takes y'all have been sharing make me go "Yikes(tm)", I'll move on the interesting part and what I would actually love to discuss, aka cracking Aziraphale's head open and see what that actual fuck is going on in there.
Another preface: Because this duo is intrinsically linked and woven together it is downright impossible to only focus on Aziraphale without also mentioning Crowley, so... Let me circle back to our fav demon bae for a sec, here.
I think the reason why it seems that a larger part of the fandom favors Crowley is because I feel like Crowley is a much easier character to grasp. He is very open in his thoughts and feelings, at any given moment us, the audience, have a much easier time watching a scene and sort of ruminating in the back of our heads about Crowley's motivations for saying the things he says and doing the things he does.
That isn't to say Crowley is a less complex character than Aziraphale. They are very much equally complex and multifaceted individuals with their strengths and weaknesses, their issues and the way they each cope with them, how differently they approach their existence and so on and so forth.
But whereas Crowley as a character presents itself with a certain dynamism and a far more outward openness about his complexity, Aziraphale does the exact opposite; we can say Aziraphale is downright hermetic about it.
For us, the audience, he presents a challenge that requires a good deal of thought being put into him to see over the facade he presents at a more superficial level; he requires time and effort to fully dismantle him in our minds to try and see what makes him thick (other than his thighs), and thus I think it is entirely natural that more people latch on the far easier to identify-with, and relate-to, Crowley.
And that is the inevitable consequence of everything that makes Aziraphale... Well, Aziraphale.
So, where to start? Let's try and jot down what Aziraphale truly is at his core.
He is a contradiction.
This man-shaped being is a walking contradiction, constantly existing in a state of being coated in three thousand layers of misdirection and obfuscation and double thinking.
Why is that? Well. He's an angel.
Aziraphale loves being an angel. It is a tenet of his entire existence and something he cherishes. He wants, so very much, to be his ideal of what a good angel is: An entity who is kind and loving and understanding and forgiving.
Of course us, the audience, know that is utter bullshit, because we know angels can be individuals just as complex as the humans Aziraphale loves so much, with all their inherent flaws and capability for cruelty. And, on a certain level, Aziraphale knows that too.
So there we have it, one element of contradiction: Aziraphale wants to think that angels are always Good and Righteous and Never Wrong; Aziraphale knows that angels aren't, in fact, always Good and Righteous and, by god, can they make plenty of mistakes, too.
What else? How about Aziraphale sitting there, being in love with a demon, fully knowing that at the end of the day demons really ain't that different from angels, and also desperately hanging onto the concept of Good vs Bad.
And he sits there, existing with these two contrasting idea equally taking space in his mind, neither side ever capable of taking over the other.
What else do we have? Aziraphale loves God and wants so hard to believe in Her love for humanity and Her ineffable plan, and Aziraphale also time and again does things that very blatantly go against Her will, lies to Her face, and Doubts. He Doubts, a lot, and that requires the capital letter because those Doubts are what spur him in going against everything he's ever told to believe in order to do the right thing.
Aziraphale's very existence is a constant push-and-pull of things he wants to believe and things he knows are real; things he's told to do and things he wants to do. That's how we get "My side" and "there's a bit of good in you" and "you are the bad guys".
And nothing he's lived through has managed to break him out of this unhealthy way of existing quite yet; that's why he acts the way we see him act in the Edinburgh flashback in S2, or at the start of S1 when Crowley has to ease Aziraphale into the idea of trying to stop Armageddon with the usual song and dance of "temptation" and "plausible deniability" and "you'd be thwarting me", even though from the start we can tell there's a little part of Aziraphale who is clearly not at ease with the idea of the end of the world, and once he's been given 'permission' by Crowley nudging him, he is all the way in with the whole saving the world business, not take-backsies.
Both the moments I mentioned here are very important for different reasons, but of the two is very much the Edinburgh flashback that gets a lot more flack by the fandom and is blatantly misunderstood, which I think is the inevitable consequence of that minisode immediately following the glorious, beautiful, heartbreaking piece of art that is the "A companion to owls" minisode.
I've seen a lot of people lamenting that Aziraphale acts obnoxiously in the Edinburgh flashback and, yeah. He does. But I feel like the fact that we are seeing this after watching Aziraphale struggle his way through saving Job's children, even being willing to go to Hell for it, is a though act to follow and probably soured Edinburgh-Aziraphale for a lot of people, made them think that the character had regressed instead of progressing.
But, see, the way he acts is wholly congruous with who Aziraphale is and has always been and keeps being up to the very end of S2. Yes, even after what he does for Job's children.
If you get down to it, Aziraphale had been ready to give up and let the children die, in episode 2. For a brief moment, after Crowley told him he 'longed to destroy the blameless children', Aziraphale was walking away, having tried all he thought he could try to do to stop this senseless act. That was until Crowley tested him by making the crows bleat, cuing Aziraphale to the fact that his impression of Crowley wasn't wrong, and the he could count on him to do the right thing.
To be clear, I don't want to undermine Aziraphale's action by only giving the credit to Crowley but... It is, also, only thanks to Crowley cajoling him and giving him the right excuses, that Aziraphale feels safe in doing what he's always wanted to do all along.
He'd wanted to save Job's children, and thought he couldn't until Crowley threw him that hell of a lifesaver. He wanted to save the world and thought he couldn't until Crowley nudged him on the path of plausible deniability.
He wanted to save Elspeth's eternal soul, blinding himself to the hardships she'd have to endure in her not-eternal life, and was smacked right in the face by the reality of human suffering multiple times.
The way Aziraphale acts in that flashback can't be a regression, because there never was a progression in the first place: He'd always walked the line between Heaven's and God's will and his own, personal morality and sense of justice.
By all means, if we look at Uz-Aziraphale and modern-day-Aziraphale at the start of S1, his reticence about the whole saving the world business should, by all means, appear as a regression as well. You mean to tell me that he'd been ready to become a demon for the sake of three mortal children, and then suddenly a handful of thousands years later when faced with the prospect of the whole world going up in flames he'd just be all like "Heaven will triumph over Hell and it will be all rather lovely"? Like, fuck off, Aziraphale, you lying double-thinker, you (/pos)
Aziraphale constantly exist while being at war with himself. Circumstances have allowed him to rebel the will of Heaven and God more or less safely time and again, but he never quite managed to break free entirely. He'd always ended up being reeled back in, being fed the party lines, being made to feel shame for his independent thinking, until it all becomes too much and he is forced to step back from that freedom he'd been inches away from grasping.
Back and forth, back and forth, never stopping.
And all of this, all of what he is, makes it so hard for us, the audience, to truly see him. To truly grasp him. To truly watch any given scene with him and figure out what he might be thinking or feeling.
To understand Aziraphale is to understand what he is not saying when he says something, which is a good deal harder to do than it is to understand and relate to a character like Crowley, who very much revel in saying exactly whatever the heck he thinks whenever he damn well pleases.
All those layers of obfuscation and misdirection and double thinking that Aziraphale coats himself in are as much an armor that makes it harder for the audience to understand him as they are his very own downfall because, good lord, if you exist like that, if you exist forced to keep things hidden from yourself, well... It's inevitable that at some point you are going to stumble into pitfalls of your own making.
And I love him for it.
So, there? I hope I managed to explain something with this post, and that it wasn't just the rambling of someone who spends way too much time thinking about her blorbos. To be clear, I don't think people who haven't spent as much time as me trying to dissect and better understand Aziraphale's character are like, dumber than me or anything. It's just that this pair of angelic-demonic blorbos take too much real estate in my mind, lol.
Feel free to let me know your opinion and if you think I am wildly off mark and my Take Is Bad. I might answer, I might not, it all depends on time and my mood ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
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lqfiles · 1 year
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— nct dream and their ideal dates
nct dream x reader , genre — fluff and comedy
making a song together. mark’s whole life revolves around music and instruments so naturally he’d love to teach you about it, persuading you that it would be fun and a great bonding exercise, and who are you to say no to such a fun offer? mark would love to have a song that he created from scratch with you. just using his guitar while you try your best to sing without any voice cracks, coming up with lyrics from basic hums to tapping the table try and produce a main beat. no matter how bad it sounds, the fact that he got to involve the one he cares about the most in an activity that means the most to him warms his heart.
a picnic date. it might sound basic to anyone and nothing special but for renjun, he’d want to make it the best moment the both of you could have. he’ll try to find the most perfect landscape where the grass is just about the right length, the weather is not too hot and not too cold, flowers surrounding the both of you and one of those typical red cloths where the two of you would sit for as long as you wished. he’d want to provide you with all your favourite food and insist on feeding it to you because you got to “match the romantic vibe”. he’d sing any song you ask him to sing, take pictures of you that he’d keep in a folder named after you, and lay down to watch the moving clouds. renjun would want to end the day asking you if you enjoyed it, hoping all his effort paid off.
swimming. it would take him a lot of convincing to get you to even leave the house to go to the nearby swimming pool, yet he succeeds. he’d splash you with water and swim off, expecting you to obviously chase him. he’d wrestle with you (which is very unfair), play tag, marco-polo, carry you on his shoulders and splash you with more water. once he notices you enjoying the time there just as much he does, he feels his whole insides flip around. and when he has to practically drag you out the pool because it was getting late, he can’t hide the small smile he carries on his face. jeno would definitely want to take you swimming again.
arcade dates. they will always be fun, which is exactly why haechan takes you to one. that, and because he knows he’ll win most games and how can he say no to a free ego boost? haechan loves the adrenaline he feels when the two of you are in an intense match at the dance machine, or the reaction he gets out of you whenever he blatantly cheats with no shame. he enjoys the general good vibes he gets from that place and to be there with you is something he cherishes. after enough teasing he'd attempt to win you prizes such as plushies or a new device, refusing to leave the place without at least winning you something. you'd have to be the one to drag him out.
workshops. he'd applies the both of you to a photography workshop. although he did it because he takes interest in it, it was an excuse to shamelessly take pictures of you every minute, excusing it as him practicing his angles. he gets an excuse to hold your hands telling you he's helping you hold it properly. he'll compliment you with every pose you strike making you totally flustered which he loves. he'd consider the date a success once you stop feeling camera shy, knowing that he managed to make you comfortable enough to act natural as he takes pictures he's 100% keeping for himself.
revisiting old locations. chenle doesn't have a set idea when it cones to a perfect or ideal date. as long as the two of you have fun its perfect to him. however there is something that manages to hit a certain spot every time the two of you do it, which is when you decide to revisit old locations the two of you have some type of story or history with. every time it happens, chenle can't help but reminisce. going back to places such as the shop where the two of you met and he bumped into you, or the local library where he'd help you with job applications which took longer because he poured his coffee on it, which also resulted in the two of you getting kicked out because of the no food policy. or that one park where he asked to be your boyfriend. he would be lying if he said it didn't make him want to tear up.
convenience store dates. its quick and accessible which is exactly what he likes about it. he enjoys going on these little trips at night especially, enjoying the whole atmosphere. it also gives him a reason to stay close to you to warm you up. you'd buy some snacks and drinks from the store before going outside and sitting anywhere you wanted to. these dates are filled with hushed laughers as you don't want to wake the area up, deep conversation about various topics the both of you enjoy and don't, and words of affirmation as you get vulnerable with one another. and all of that for under £5.
thank you for reading!
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7grandmel · 25 days
Todays rip: 04/05/2024
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by KnightOfGames (@knightofgames)
Hey everyone - remember Stuck Inside? The Five Nights at Freddy's fan song I covered back in Willievan Afton Polkka, the one pushed entirely by long-time team member KnightOfGames? Back when I first wrote that post, the meme was just beginning to take off, sitting at seven rips total by the beginning of March. We've now reached the two-month anniversary of that post - and in the time since, the amount of Stuck Inside being done has grown exponentially. Not only has the total rip count more than quadrupled - currently at 33 - but the tune has also caught on with more rippers on the team than just KnightOfGames, bringing about a huge variety of more takes on the song. Granted, today's rip is still one from the man himself, but after you've listened to FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE I highly recommend checking out all the other Stuck Inside rips if you haven't already - 12 AM - Maroon GO got a really good chuckle out of me in particular.
But yes, no matter - it's been three months since KnightOfGames first had the idea to start putting a silly fan song into his rips back in February, and it's arguably turned into the most prominent reoccurring tune to specifically debut during Season 8. And like, you'd think that would lead to a sort of overexposure to it, that one would get fed up hearing the same joke in so many places - but this deep into the channel's life, rippers have learned just how to leverage running jokes in a way that keeps them sounding fresh at every turn. Last time it was vocaloid - today, months after my post on SING A SONG ABOUT HOPES AND DREAMS, we're returning to the world of hyperpop, with one of the most cool-sounding interpretations of Stuck Inside that we've gotten yet. To be completely honest - this rip may alone have perked my interest in 100 gecs' music.
Yes, we're at one of those rips again, the kind where I'm woefully unfamiliar with the material that the rip's joke is using. But even moreso to an outsider looking in, there's a whimsy to 100 gecs' music that I just can't help but be allured by, a sound that somehow feels like a nostalgic calling to the early days of internet expression: to be loud, cringe and unashamed of being as such. FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE is in particular using the band's debut single Money Machine as a baseline, both using parts of its instrumental and tuning the original Stuck Inside vocals to that level of distortion and higher-pitch that 100 gecs is known for. It's a surprisingly natural fit (hence why I'm writing about it here) for how different you'd think the two songs are in terms of tone - but then, Stuck Inside had its chorus be sung by a rather filtered voice to begin with...perhaps this combination of tracks isn't as far-fetched as one would initially think?
In truth, I don't know if there's much I have to say beyond my absolute highest recommendation to FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE in particular - I'm just incredibly happy that Stuck Inside is continuing to see use in general. KnightOfGames' passion for the track is infectious, and it's really sweet seeing just how much its caught on with fellow SiIva viewers in the comments - despite how blatantly prevalent it was during the April Fools event in particular, I've hardly ever seen anyone complain about its overexposure the way people did with Grand Dad or Snow Halation back in Season 1. Perhaps that just speaks to how much better the rips have gotten over the years - Stuck Inside is incredibly prevalent, but each rip is made with such care and with such a distinct feel from the last to where it never feels as if the jokes are getting redundant or stalel.
Stuck Inside is just a damn good song - and through rips like FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE, its presence on SiIvaGunner is also helping me uncover my tastes in music in a rather fun way. It's not an inherently funny leitmotif nor something grounded in any sort of meme culture - it is merely a tune KnightOfGames saw tons of potential in, and has leveraged to incredible lengths in the months since. I cannot wait to see what the future of Stuck Inside looks like, but FEEL SO FINE STUCK INSIDE will do just fine in the meanwhile.
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ask-derrickman · 9 months
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Rain saw my colleagues doing this and would not let up until I did as well, I'm already starting to regret it...
ooc: [Inbox is currently open]
[More info under the read more yes]
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(YEAAHG ASK BLOG TIME seeing all the ttcc manager blogs around lately slowly pushed me into trying it out myself since I hadn't seen one with my beloved boy yet, taskline manager enjoyers rise up)
(And of course now for the obligatory forewards and rules I gotta bring up:
- Not technically a 100% canon-compliant Derrick Man (well... as much as you even can with him), the one on this blog is actually based on a still nameless AU I've thrown together, he's not very drastically changed as a person though hes still grumpy and boring and full of oil but its enough to mention probably (he may mention things in passing sometimes too if the topic comes up)
- On the topic of that too, shipping between William and Rain and William and Chip will probably come up occasionally, im normal im normal guys im normal
- Headcanons galore, well- I mean as is a given for a character with so little official content to be fair, i don't wanna ruin the fun by listing everything though (also because we'd be here all day)
- This blog claims no direct affiliation with any other character's askblogs, or any other blogs in general for that matter aside from my main, all characters depicted in my doodles as well are my own spins on them and unrelated to any other askblogs too (please feel free to keep sending me jokes from other askblogs though like the spayed bellringer thing i think its funny as fuck) ((this is not to discourage anyone elses blogs from interacting though I'm just noting this so its at their own discretion))
- Please behave in the inbox, I will not answer any asks that are very blatantly explicit or anything, this blog is technically being run by a minor keep in mind, also this is a toontown blog so like... idk what you're expecting from me to begin with dude
- Speaking of me, feel free to bully William i love that but I'd appreciate if you... try to go easy on the me behind this, im the only person running this blog and im disabled with a busy irl life so updates will be slow, I'm just having some fun with my blorpos here
- Not every ask is going to have a drawing alongside it too by the way, I dont quite have the stamina for that, and sometimes the inspiration doesn't strike, my apologies
That should be all unless i think of something else to add here, YEHEA! go crazy sorry that this is so long by the way thats my bad)
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snaillock · 2 months
I totally understand how you feel, I've been feeling similar for months. I feel like people in the bllk fic part of the fandom on Tumblr has gotten so much less.... responsive? I rarely get fun tags or feedback and you know how often people send requests without reading my rules. It's become tiring.
I saw that in general, fanfic readers have become more silent and reblog less, comment less and give less feedback, no matter what fandom :( it's so sad because the whole reason to share fics is to bond with others who enjoy the same stuff. Bllk tumblr felt so different a year ago.
Take your time and return whenever you feel like it. Even if you just come here to post and reblog stuff that's not your fics, it's always nice seeing you on my dashboard :3
And remember. If snaillock has 100 fans im one of them‼️‼️ if snaillock has 10 fans im one of them‼️‼️ if snaillock has 1 fan thats me ‼️‼️ if snaillock has 0 fans i am dead‼️‼️
oh my god you get it you fucking get it!!
it’s so nice to see other people agree and relate to this. i would see fics in the blue lock fandom posted a long time ago and all the nice tags in the reblogs. it was so cool to see genuine discussion and commentary from the readers. it really makes me wish i started writing way back when.
i remember it would genuinely upset me whenever i posted a lazier piece with a simple format and it would get so many likes especially way more compared to the other stuff i would actually put my love and effort in. even then there was barely any meaningful interactions.
and you’re so right it doesn’t feel like sharing a mutual love for something cool anymore. it just feels so shallow now and has been for a while. maybe people aren’t seeing fanfics as a something someone put their heart into and instead as something to consume then move on to the next. no shade but you can definitely tell by what type of fics are always at the top.
it really sucks bc i just want a community to share to and there’s hardly any here.
man i really appreciate you mao!!!! you’re one of my greatest mutuals. i hope people start learning how to read so you can actually requests that don’t blatantly break your rules for once.
but i gotta say its always so fucking funny whenever someone breaks your rule and requests fem reader so you just change it into a trans or lesbian reader. i love it so much i can’t imagine their reaction.
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hellfireconfessions · 5 months
Don't have much dirt on anyone but Melodic and am well aware that our little argument was too short and brief for it to be considered as bad as any other post on them (and it was technically a misunderstanding). But oh well, might as well add more reasons for people to despise them. I was with a utah pack at Wash (hunting a fresh-adult sucho) when we lost a hunt (I was laggy so I avoided going in for bites, simply distracting the sucho every now and then). Most of my pack were bleeding and hiding in some bushes on the other side of the lake while I was hunting ai when it eventually turned night. Not long after turning night, a rex starts stomping over toward my pack, sat down, noticed them, then had the audacity to begin throwing a fit via 3 calls. I was one of the only ones not bleeding so I had the pleasure of running all the way to them to become a meat-shield as I started 3 calling back at the bitch, hoping to get my head chomped off so that the admins would have further incentive to slay their rex had it turned into a report. Melodic began yelling at us in gen-chat to get out of their personal space, acting as if my pack had snuck up behind them just to sit right beneath their ass. I then got super pissed and started telling them off (told them to look at the recording if they really believed an entire pack of utahs just decided to lie down behind a rex for no damn reason) 'cause my pack would bleed out the second they stood + we never got in their space, they got in ours. And holy shit did they shut tf up after that. 100% my best Hellfire memory. But still a vague one; don't trust everything you read on here 'cause although someone may believe they're speaking the truth, some details could've been misremembered. I'm not admitting to this whole story being made up or anything, just admitting that this was a year ago and my memory is definitely lacking since I don't even remember if we fought a sucho or an allo, and definitely don't remember exactly what I said during our short argument. And dealing with a certain utah pack (either Sustrai or some other pissy pack) was a shit experience as no matter how many reports we filed about their targeting our pack or eating all the bodies whenever we fought, the admins just couldn't stop picking favorites. All I know is Bunniache was in whatever pack it was. I only remember their name since they ran across the map to join a hunt that had been initiated about 5mins prior, and the report I filed against them was ignored for months before being dismissed lol I was generally nice to everyone I came across in Hellfire ('cause I'm shit at arguing so I tend to avoid it and I at least have the decency to respect those who haven't yet given me a reason not to) and I met many people who deserved much more than the actual mountain of bullshit that was Hellfire. Though I was forced into this server by my friends, I genuinely had fun during my stay simply because of the kind people I met along the way. But aside from that, fuck Hellfire and fuck its blatantly biased staff (minus minties, most of them didn't know what they had gotten themselves into). For the ones who were actually fun to play with, thank you for being the few who made Hellfire worth the wasted hours.
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zosonils · 1 year
they should add a pokemon with base 1200 stats thats catchable and usable. for fun
WARNING: special interest activated. long ass ramble about an incredibly niche application of pokemon spaghetti code that nobody else cares about deploying in t minus 5 seconds. press j to abort
well here's the fun thing! gen 8 has eternatus, which isn't actually obtainable in its eternamax form but does have the code there for all its stats so you can fight it in the story, and sports a bst of 1125 [for comparison the highest statted actually obtainable pokemon, mega rayquaza, has a 780 bst, and without counting form changes it's arceus at 720]. even if you have eternatus in your party dynamaxing it doesn't do anything interesting, but as a consequence eternamax eternatus is a separate pokemon within the game's code, making it technically possible to hack in as a pokemon
enter smogon's two hacked formats, balanced hackmons and pure hackmons. balanced hackmons is probably better known, it's where things like sturdy shedinja and flash fire ferrothorn run around, but the key word there is balanced. moves, abilities, and pokemon that are so brokenly powerful they make things uncompetitive are banned, and standard rules like sleep and evasion clause are still in effect. naturally, eternamax is banned banned banned from balanced hackmons for being stupidly overpowered. however, it's allowed in pure hackmons, which is essentially anything goes but for sadomasochists. aside from endless battle sets [like the infamous funbro] you can literally do whatever the fuck you want so long as it is possible within the constraints of the game's code to hack in. naturally, this includes having an eternamax eternatus or three [not hyperbole] on your team
so the thing is that pokemon code is fucking bad. have i mentioned that yet. putting aside the obvious messes like everything that moves and most things that don't in the gameboy entries or scarlet and violet blatantly not being finished at launch, the battle system is full of bizarre oversights and overflow errors and needlessly complex accident-prone methods for doing incredibly simple things. one of these problems is that because of how natures are calculated [which i won't get into it's too much math] every non-hp stat only goes up to 654, overflowing to 0 at 655. normally this doesn't matter because you need at least a base stat of 249 to get this far, which no pokemon has in any stat other than hp, which isn't affected by nature and thus can't have this issue. but the thing is that pokemon can have a base stat that high, it goes up to 255 as seen with blissey's hp, there just isn't any pokemon with a non-hp stat that high. [if you're curious, the highest non-hp stat is on the mighty shuckle, with 230 in both defences; still not enough to overflow.] except eternamax eternatus, which beats out shuckle with 250 defence and special defence, which is just enough to trigger the overflow at level 100 with a boosting nature and max ivs and evs, making what should be a stat of 658 a very embarrassing 3 instead. and if you carefully stat your eternatus to have 655 in either defence, it will have a final stat of exactly zero
here's where we hit another error! isn't pokemon great! so pokemon's damage calculation doesn't really know what to do when you tell it to divide by zero, fair enough. instead of crashing itself trying to perform an impossible calculation, the game just kinda gives up and replaces the value with a zero and calls it a day. alright, nice, the game didn't crash, but because you did that at the defence step of the damage calculation, you just deleted the opposing pokemon's corresponding attack stat and its move's base power, whoopsy daisy! this makes it pretty much impossible to deal any more than 2 hp of damage to a pokemon with 0 defences. fortunately, it's only possible to overflow to 0 on one stat per pokemon, but still, you're effectively invincible on one side of the attacking spectrum. combined with eternamax's blissey-level hp stat, immunity to toxic, and monstrous other defence stat, this makes it practically invincible
centralising does not even begin to describe eternamax in pure hackmons. this thing makes gen 1 mewtwo look like quagsire. as the viability rankings put it, the only pokemon that are even remotely usable in ph are eternamax, pokemon that support eternamax, pokemon that can do something to at least one version of eternamax, and pokemon that counter the ones that can do something to eternamax. the only listed sample team is 50% eternamax. it's not literally unkillable, no pokemon is, but the only somewhat consistent way around it is to either do an incredible job setting up to hit its non-invincible side without getting knocked out in the process or to resort to frustrating, otherwise uncompetitive strats like perish trapping, ohko moves, or hazard phasing. either way, you're probably in for a mind-numbingly long, stally, boring, and uncompetitive game. eternamax is so overwhelming that gen 8 pure hackmons has been left mostly abandoned out of frustration and will probably stay that way unless eternamax is somehow banned or made possible to deal with
tl;dr they [kind of] added a [nearly] 1200 bst pokemon already and unless they fix their damn nature calculation it might genuinely fucking ruin the game if it was legitimately available lmao
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marcusbrutus · 2 years
There’s a post going around that’s just making my blood boil. Essentially it says that the queer community is founded on weirdness and not fitting in and that a cishet ally is “more queer” than a gay millionaire.
That is just blatantly untrue. Being queer isn’t a choice. It’s not a lifestyle. It’s not a fashion trend. Being queer is about either being attracted to the same gender in some way, not being attracted to any gender, or not being cis. You don’t magically get your queer card taken away because you don’t conform with the rest of the community. As long as you’re not cishet, no matter who you are, you’re queer.
Also fuck you for saying that the queer community was founded in strangeness and being weird? Non-conformity is something that has always been part of our community, that’s 100% true. But saying that we’re weird or strange for not being cishet is fucked up. It is not strange or fucked up to be a man who loves another man, or to be a woman who loves another woman, or to be bi or ace or trans. Those things are natural. Saying those things are weird and strange even in a positive way is upsetting bc I have to hear this bullshit from homophobes ever day, and I don’t want to hear it from my own community.
The queer community was founded by people who aren’t cishet who wanted rights for non-cishet people. I know pride is fun and all but being queer isn’t a costume we can take off when we get home. It’s who we are.
And just because we don’t fit into your hyper-specific and chronically online view of queerness doesn’t make us any less queer. You don’t get to choose who is queer and who is not based on their politics and activism. Yeah it sucks so many lgbt people advocate against their own best interest but that doesn’t make them any less queer for doing so.
Also I love how that post demonizes the actually gay man while praising the cishet guy 😉 glad to know homophobia is alive and well on tunglr dot hell
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arathergrimreaper · 2 months
Okay, I've had it.
Idk why all of you want to act like engagement with posts stopped for no reason whatsoever. There are plenty of reasons that have combined over the years to make engagement here so sparse:
Migration from other social media where engagement other than liking something doesn't earn you any recognition or money (that shit matters to them over there).
Attention spans shortening so anything other than one button boop is just too big an investment of energy, including reading the damn post in the first place
Not understanding a joke or meme with several layers that no one who wasn't there wants to learn about and no one bothers to explain it leading to hurt feelings and isolation
To expand on that last one--tags being made readable to everyone and leading to even more drama than there was before. Some of y'all forget (I haven't) the days of "make your own post/don't derail" that "don't clown in the tags" came from. There was far more engagement when you maybe had one or two assholes to deal with. 10? 100? 1000??? All because you said something someone, including OP, doesn't like? Yeah, ain't nobody got time or energy for that. Keep dangling that bait, though. You're sure to catch a fool at some point. I have no idea why y'all want to act as though we've always been sweet and caring to each other on here. Nostalgia is a helluva drug, huh?
The latest shaming trend coming down from on high to make fun of everyone for anything "strange" or "unusual"--yes, including porn; what's left of it anyway.
If you engage with shit long enough, a fucking advertisement begins popping up for it or someone's asking for you to boost their donation post or support a cause, etc. and we're tired of that particular exchange when we and everyone else around us is hurting too.
I'm really tired of people sounding like cranky old parents that don't understand why no one's going outside anymore. The reasons are all blatantly obvious, stop playing ignorant.
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jjheejz · 3 years
What is Fate?
[Part 5/5] WOH concert and after
WOH Concert (3-4 May 2021)
- The fact that they even have a grand scale wedding ceremony drama concert
- GJ did not attend ZZH's first solo concert, but both of them have their own concert together for the first time
- Chinese have a traditional tradition of calculating auspicious dates (metaphysics). It can be calculated commonly for when to move in to a new house, bury a deceased, open a business, hold a wedding etc. 3 - 4 May were auspicious dates for Wedding and marriage registration.
- The concert was held at a stadium in Su Zhou, but the entire city was blatantly supporting everything and anything about WenZhou like it's New Year's Eve. Eg. Building, helicopter banners, bus advertising, drone show, lantern display, subway endorsement, city's official account using WOH quotes applying to safety regulations, curated photo booths, life sized figurine of WenZhou (YouKu kept it as prideful display at their office entrance after the concert), crowds of fan support and cheers etc.
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Drone show snippet:
- Both of them were given the center of attention for the entire 2 days of WOH concert. It was WenZhou/JunZhe concert in disguise as WOH concert.
= This gave them both the opportunity to show what they feel for each other openly (whether as WenZhou themselves or as JunZhe)
- To have a stage to be what they are* and have fun, while being accepted and greatly supported by a sea of Mountain people (山人), no matter how one sees it, it's an extremely touching form of support for them
*Disclaimer: obviously they weren't 100% themselves, mindful of the fact that this stage was monitored by important media bodies (not exactly sure what kind, but somewhat government-ish regulators I presume), but their gaze and body language is just as natural as what they are.
= The fact that the country in general is not open to this kind of relationship, yet they were in a place where most of the people were supportive.
- Yes, there were some important bodies (or eyes) during the 2 days concert. Which was why all the actors and actresses were warned. For whatever reason they chose to continue in their own way, it's daring consensus of support. And for whatever reason the regulators didn't do anything (there weren't any big news at all from them), is also a miracle.
- They had the opportunity to sing a duet on stage, live. For the audience, GJ's singing skills started from November 2020, ZZH likes GJ's singing, and 5 months later, they have a duet on stage.
- Official acknowledgement of cpfans
= First in history where the recognition was officially verbally mentioned in-person. You can say this fate belong to the fans.
- ZZH had the opportunity to vow a promise to GJ witnessed by X million of people in the stadium and those watching livestream, that he will always be there for GJ. He did not only vow as a companion to GJ, in ZZH terms, he actually vowed "I will love you forever" [ZZH on 'love' saga]
- The in-ear mic had the voices of the backstage crew's coordination. ZZH took it off early, but GJ was still wearing them during the exchange. That itself is a stressor as the backstage coordinator must have warned extremely sternly and loudly and GJ was shakingly nervous. When ZZH was giving this vow (which in the concert BTS release, we see him say "Don't I have a segment to speak to WKX?" Note, it's WKX, not GJ), the backstage crew was cursing and swearing when ZZH went with "I have things to say to Jun Jun." (as WenZhou, they have a disguise/a shield, with direct GJ, it's just...danger danger red light) Try imagine being the backstage crew and going all mad and crazy over what ZZH said that moment.
= ZZH's daring courage to say things like these was probably built up from his sportsmanship, hot-blooded passion from his past. It's beyond my peasant mortal's comprehension.
- Supporting Cast shenanigans and warnings for them, link here
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- After the concert was over, solo fans expect the main leads to break up even as co-workers or say, being even in the same frame. This expectation is extremely strong in the industry for years. The same goes for JunZhe despite this time many are cpfans but they do know this prevalent expectation. So imagine crying over the vow and the next moment, just hours after the concert, JunZhe is happily sticking to each other singing in the same frame as if they did nothing big a few hours ago. They sang a phrase together with this lyrics: 30% arranged by fate/god, 70% arranged by hard work. A love for perseverance will lead to success/winning.
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= Debunking expectations, breaking many years of industry's common consensus successfully. They invented after after-sales CP service.
- Stage, endorsements, film scripts, major public events, variety shows, top brands etc. Poured in, and although it's all solo events, we see traces of the other half.
- Aside from that, we now see social media exchanges (almost always for the other half), brand endorsement captions (almost always about the other half), official brands partnering with each other because of them (despite being legit competitors) etc.
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- The word 'support' or at least 'love seeing them together', is the general reason CPfans are fans of them. But to both GJ and ZZH, it really goes beyond the word itself. Acknowledging is just the beginning. ZZH does take LLD to heart and GJ is very interactive with LLDs in his own quirky way.
*From the [Star X Moon Saga], to the developed feelings because of this drama and actually accepting their feelings, to the fact that the pitiful budgeted amount for WOH was not well received at all before it was broadcasted but boomed records in the end, to the open shipping support by the production crew/casts/general media/fans/brands/cities, to the climbing successes and mountainous opportunities opened for GJ and ZZH overnight, everything was unprecedented and unexpected, but they all dramatically happened to the two of them in a span of one year.
A fan went to a temple to check out JunZhe's fate. You can only check for one person and she checked for GJ. She passed her result to a Master and he immediately tell her to give up because that person is taken and turned away. The fan quickly corrected and say she's actually checking for someone else, the master turned back and checked her read again and said, everything is aligned to their favour, it's blessed by the Gods. (If I can find the full article again, will add on more but that's the gist, surfing in China made me love Google's search engine algorithm so much more).
A few other fans who 抽签 (Chinese praying tradition - simply put: draw a stick of varying luck). They all got the bestest of luck for JunZhe. (Reading the readings, I'm just...in awe...I...)
= Borrowing the meaning of another famous novel title, to me, this is a true "Heaven's official blessing" pair.
-------End of series-------
🌻To returning readers: Updated info are in purple for your easy references!
🌸Part 1 - Before filming here
🌸Part 2 - During filming here
🌸Part 3 - After filming, before broadcast here
🌸Part 4 - Broadcast/Promotion period here
🌻Upcoming: JunZhe Saga series
🌻[Ongoing updates] Will add if I remember or found new ones - last updated 220721
🌻For long posts like this, I tend to look back for grammar and phrasing mistakes (sometimes info updates), so when you reblog for future references, do keep in mind that there may be updates in the original post! :)
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azucanela · 4 years
HI CAN I REQUEST?!? How would Keigo, Bakugou and Shinsou react to their s/o wearing a really low cut shirt, one that shows a lot of cleavage and they don’t seem to have any idea what they’re doing- like they aren’t trying to get they’re attention they just happen to be wearing it. And they like bend down next to them to tell them something.(i feel like this can be partially serious nsfw and partially major crack. 😂) thank you.
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SUMMARY: Y/N honestly didn’t think her shirt was anything special until...
WARNINGS: mildly suggestive content, innuendos, kissing, 
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will not admit it but he is appreciating everything he can see
katuski doesn’t seem like the type to drink respect women juice but he does, he drinks too much, thats why he DESTROYED uraraka in the sports festival, katsuki thinks everyone should get destroyed equally
if anyone at any point decides to point out that he is staring, katsuki is gonna commit death and will not look at you for the rest of the day, like he is avoiding you and your gaze no matter what
katsuki is definitely going to be watching everyone else, and one wrong move means he’s gonna blast them to bits sjahjkahdjk, like oh hey mineta? you spent to long even glancing in my s/o’s direction so TIME TO DIE EXTRA
if you guys are out in public and other guys are looking at you then the PDA shoots through the ROOF, Katsuki has his hands all over you and you don’t mind this is abnormal behavior um??
definitely glaring at anyone who looks your way, especially since you aren’t noticing all the attention your lovely outfit is garnering
will compliment you but is shy about it
“you look... nice.”
“thanks katsuki.”
intense blushing from him but he WILL deny it
if you bend down in front of him and give him a CLOSE UP he is going to die on the inside, externally he is going to seem mostly composed, there’ll be a lil blush on his cheeks and he’s gonna try to avert his eyes very quick peak 
very quick
would never admit it happened but you’ll know because he’s gonna try and drag you away somewhere more private because it is unfair how flustered you are making him what the hell
then y’all,,,
you should wear that shirt more often tho like 👀
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Most of the time when Katsuki said he hated Y/N, he didn’t really mean it. In reality, she was one of few people he tolerated, and part of an even smaller group of people that he respected in their school. Also, he may or may not have been in love with her and dating her. 
Not that he would admit that, yet.
Watching Y/N enter the room, in a low cut top, revealing far too much, Katsuki realized he hated this woman. His eyes following her figure as she made her way into the common room kitchen, Katsuki could practically feel Kirishima smirk, “what’cha looking at Bakubro?”
“Shut up.” He grumbled in response, tearing his eyes away from Y/N, who had begun to speak with that dumb Deku. Katsuki couldn’t help the jealousy that flooded his veins at the sight, he shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he attempted to keep his attention focused on the show Kirishima had selected.
In the corner of his eye, Katsuki could see that stupid Grape heading in Y/N’s direction. “Hey! Grape.” He called out, voice low. Mineta froze at his words, eyes widening in fear as he slowly turned to meet Katsuki’s piercing glare. “What did I tell you?”
It was common knowledge at this point, messing with Y/N L/N meant messing with Bakugou Katsuki, and only an idiot would do that. Katsuki had made it especially clear to Mineta that you— along with all the other girls in their class, though he’d never admit it— were strictly off limits, unless Mineta wanted to die a long and painful death at his hands.
Y/N seemed blissfully unaware of the fact that Katuski despises the lovely top she dons as she makes her way over to his spot on the couch, and the eyes on you that don’t belong to him. It seemed you hadn’t just caught his attention today. “Hey, Katsuki.” He’s about to say something in reply when Y/N rests her hands on his knees, leaning down to continue. “I was thinking we could go out today,” Y/N keeps talking, about the possible areas to visit, but Katsuki isn’t listening at this point. 
Her upper body is dangerously visible and close to him, and Katsuki is doing his best to avoid staring but Y/N seems to be making that very difficult as she speaks. He’s forced to resort in looking away from her entirely, only to see Kirishima’s smug grin as he snickers alongside Mina.
This is why Katsuki grabs one of Y/N’s hands off his knee as he practically shoots up from his spot on the couch, “yeah. Let’s go now.”
Her brows furrow, but upon seeing the reddening face of Bakugou Katsuki, and Y/N agrees despite her own confusion, “sure, you have somewhere in mind?”
“Yeah, I have something in mind.”
Somewhere was his room, something was Y/N pressed up against the door. Her arms had wrapped around his neck, and she broke away from the kiss he’d initiated to speak, “what’s up with you?” There’s a grin on her face as his own begins to flush once more.
“Your stupid shirt.”
“What did my shirt do?”
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blatantly checking you out, he has ZERO SHAME, keigo wants you to know that he finds you VERY ATTRACTIVE 
“you look so good today babe. i love the outfit.”
always been very big on PDA though his agency and publicist do not approve, during dates he’s less touchy than he wants to be but seeing you in that top he is now 100% with PDA
if anyone hits on you or anything i feel like he’s the type to be a lil possessive because bird instincts, and he will have no shame just making out with you and feeling you up right there in front of anybody who flirts with you, much to everyone’s dismay
if someone points out his blatant stares he gonna be proud of it and be like yeah im looking
there is no blushing, there is no being flustered, yes he is going to be a little caught off guard that you are wearing that type of shirt, but aside from that he is going to enjoy it while it lasts
very much appreciates this opportunity like the perv he is
will wanna find somewhere provide just to have a little bit of fun, because he’s,,, hawks. you can’t tell me he isn’t gonna wanna make out with you or 👀 👀 👀
def most likely to have this happen with, purely because he knows it could be embarrassing for you if he just started making out with you in public, because at this point, keigo does not care
keigo simps and he has ZERO shame, definitely the most perverted, you cannot change my mind
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For once in his career, Keigo had managed to earn a day off, and he didn’t know anyone better to spend it with than his lovely girlfriend, Y/N L/N. Of course, he never expected her to arrive to their little hangout in such a wonderful outfit.
Keigo could not deny that he was appreciating everything. His eyes were wandering over her upper body, brow raised as she approached him, waving. “Hey, Takami!” She greeted, beaming at him.
“Hey, babe.” Comes his response, bringing a hand to her hip to pull her closer, Keigo brought his other hand to her cheek and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You look nice today.” He mumbled when they pulled apart, his eyes trailing over her figure once more, Keigo’s hand remained at her side as he pulled her through the streets. 
“You’re very touchy today.” Y/N pointed out, though she brought her hand over his nonetheless, leaning into his touch as they made their way through the crowd. 
He could feel the stares on the both of them, and he wasn’t necessarily sure if that was because two Pro Heroes were casually walking through the street, or if Y/N’s outfit was bringing in more attention than she’d expected. Regardless, Keigo didn’t like it. “What can I say, I wanna touch my amazingly attractive girlfriend.”
Y/N swats at his chest playfully as he brings her to an empty table in the food court, eyes scanning the area for something that sold chicken nuggets, that he happened to love. Though Y/N made fun of him for it frequently, referring to him as a cannibal, much to his dismay.
“Well, your amazingly attractive girlfriend,” Y/N pushed him down into the seat at the table, hands remaining on his shoulders as she spoke to him, and effectively giving Keigo quite the... view. “Is going to go get some chicken nuggets, do you want a drink?” 
Wow, she’s perfect.
Keigo finds himself nodding absently, distracted by the sight before him as he forces his eyes to return to her face, which dawns a confused look, “yes please, babe.” He sits back in his seat, offering her a smirk. 
“You’re so weird.”
“And you are so perfect.”
“Shut up.”
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a respectful boy
does not look if he can avoid it, and if he does look, he is looking respectfully because shinsou drinks respect women juice
definitely the MOST flustered and cannot hide it because wow you look so good and you are his s/o, and oh-
“how do i look toshi?”
“uh,,, good. yeah you look really pretty today- not that you don’t look pretty everyday its just-”
not very big on PDA, does basic stuff like hand holding and will on occasion, kiss you, that’s probably not gonna change
if he gets jealous of all the people checking you out, he’s not gonna say anything, he’s just gonna hope you don’t dump him to go hang out with one them akshdkjashdjksa
gets insecure because this is a reminder of how amazing his lovely s/o is and wow you are just really hot and why are you dating him again? he doesn’t know, he’s gonna need a reminder
if anyone points out the fact that he’s staring at you he might cry kajshdjkahsdkj he’s definitely gonna be embarrassed and start blushing IMMENSELY it’ll be hilarious ngl
not the type to be possessive or jealous or anything
if you two somehow end up somewhere private then he probably will wanna make out with you but he’ll ask politely if he can kiss you and then things will escalate from there
overall a very respectful boy and will not look unless its an accident or explicitly given permission because he is also a very awkward boy please help him
you literally break shinsou with this outfit like he is flabbergasted shocked and simping for YOU
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When Shinsou heard the knock on his door, he already knew who it was. He and his lovely girlfriend, Y/N L/N had agreed to go out together today, and she was meeting him at his dorm. 
“Come in.” He called out, leaning down to tie his shoes. 
Shinsou heard the door open, and a smile found its way onto his face as Y/N greeted him, “hi Hitoshi!” Moving up to look at her from his seat on his bed, Shinsou is greeted by a shirt he has never seen before.
Oh no.
His cheeks flush as he averts his eyes, “hey kitten.” Shinsou clears his throat, straightening in his seat on the bed, “you ready to go.” 
Y/N is grinning at him as she brings her hands to his shoulders and presses a kiss to his cheek, “definitely.” This position was not helping him focus on the task at hand.
Shinsou nods slowly, blinking a few times as he focuses his gaze on her face, earning him a raised brow, “right, let’s go.” He moves to sit up, just for Y/N to press him back down onto the bed by his shoulders.
“What’s up with you?”
He falters, mouth opening and closing for a moment as he struggles to find an excuse, “you look really nice today.” Is what he manages to come up with, though the look on Y/N’s face only brings more panic as he continues, “not that you don’t look nice everyday it’s just that uh-” Shinsou makes an odd hand gesture, contemplating ramming his head into the wall as he finally makes eye contact with his very amused girlfriend. 
“What makes you say that, baby?” She asks, tilting her head at him as her hands remain firmly planted on his shoulders.
Shinsou finds it hard not to cover his face with his hands as he replies, “your shirt.”
Y/N’s brows furrow, looking down at her shirt as though she’d forgotten what she’d worn that day, only for her face to morph into one of realization as her mouth forms an ‘o’ shape. This soon becomes laughter as she looks to Shinsou, “I never expected that from you Hitoshi.”
“I-I’m sorry?!”
Y/N is laughing even more at his words, a small smile on her face as she brings her hands to his face to bring him into a kiss. Shinsou melts into this kiss, hands coming to her waist. 
“I honestly can’t believe you actually-”
“I’m going to leave if you don’t shut up.”
“Sure you will.” 
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via ask or reply]
BNHA: @shawkneecaps
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goomauve-goodies · 3 years
Zulius and Shipping
Hi there and welcome to my first post on my secondary that isn't a repost of any kind, this post is basically my stance on Zulius and the topic of shipping, I don't really mind if nobody sees this, it's just a lil important to me I suppose! So my stance on Zulius and his sexuality and shipping huh, well!! For one I believe that Zulius is 100% a queer man, specifically a feminine gay male, but in terms of shipping here's my stance.
I don't ship him with anyone nor do I personally like the idea of him being with anyone, I do believe he and splendib were possibly exes but nothing beyond that (like I don't believe they like eachother anymore, I believe they're very much just bitter exes). Why do I not like the idea of him being with anyone, well I'll explain my various reasons now!
He's perfectly fine the way he is
For one I don't think he has any problems with the way he is, and I personally don't think his character needs any changes, he's fine the way he is and I think that's what matters in fact I think this point stands for everyone in Centaurworld, the show isn't exactly a romance and I just cannot see anyone dating without it being some kind of one episode gag like that one episode with sunfishmerguy besides that I just can't see it especially with the tone of the episode and I'm especially against them dating anyone in their herd because their herd is basically coded siblings with a single mom and that just gives me a super icky feeling and they've out right been called as much too, like derpulton calling them family, wammawink essentially calling them that, and I'm definitely sure they've been called that other times too or like when water baby told Wammawink she did good with the herd as if complimenting how she raised her kids idk it just gives me a big nasty feeling seeing people ship adopted siblings if you get what I mean. I know 99% of the fandom don't ship the characters but this post is mainly about the people who do. It just gives off an uncomfortable feeling and it's just important for people to remember adopted and found family is just as much family as biological family, in fact that's literally one of the main themes of the show, that family comes in all shapes and sizes and even though they might not look like it, the herd IS a family.
It kind of goes against what he stands for
A good line I like to think of when thinking about Zulius is "Ha, I don't need a thing. You can't improve on perfection" when offered to go to the tree shamans to request for something he needs. He's happy the way he and his life currently is and I honestly like that a lot. Characters are always wanting something or aren't happy with their lives or themselves for some reason or another and just being himself is enough for Zulius he doesn't need anything or anyone else but his family to be happy and I think that's such a sweet message to give to kids! That being you is enough and you don't need to date people or to change yourself for people in anyway to be good enough for others.
You can be perfectly happy without dating anyone
I feel like this is very important to say not just for this post but for anyone who needs to hear it, you don't need people to date you to love yourself, you're wonderful just the way you are and that's really important to remember! Coming from a Demipanromantic transman who has stopped dating I can tell you I've grown to appreciate myself more and I've felt a lot happier once I stopped dating and took a step back to just appreciate myself for who I was after I stopped and I think that's super applicable to Zulius, I think he's a raw example of, you don't need to be in love or to date someone to be happy, as long as you're yourself that's enough! Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with people who do date, but I honestly think the message that Zulius gives off to people intentional or not is super beautiful and very important for kids especially in this era where dating and love and romcom shows are everywhere and you needing to date someone to be happy is forcefully shoved into your face!
Not every queer character needs a love interest
This is something that doesn't apply to just Zulius but queer characters in general, you don't HAVE to be with anyone just because you're queer, yes! Queer representation is good, but you can represent queer people without having them date people, and I think people are just using that as an easy way out so it makes me so happy that this show isn't just taking the easy way out and is putting the effort in to represent him in other ways, it just is something you don't see often and I think it's just something people should think about more y'know?
One more thing!
This didn't really fit in any category so I just thought I'd shove it in here but I see people shipping him with characters because of the way he speaks or words he uses to people and it's just important to remember that a lot of queer folks use certain words and it's kind of uncomfortable to see people take them and twist them into something romantic, for example, in one episode he says babes, but I know multiple queer people including myself that use words like babe, girlie, girlboss, sister, queen and other words to anyone INCLUDING family, words like these aren't exclusively romantic, and they can be said to anyone from friends to siblings of any gender so please keep that in mind when saying stuff like that because seeing stuff we say being twisted to be made exclusively romantic is actually kind of uncomfortable, I know I don't speak for all queer people but I do know multiple of my other LGBT friends would or do agree with it, it's just kind of not fun to see phrases, words and terminology being twisted to mean something they don't, I get to some people it can mean a totally different thing and that's fine!! But the way Zulius used it was very blatantly not romantic haha,,!!
But yeah that's all I have to say and if you don't agree or anything I'm not gonna complain or anything, I doubt anyone will see this I just needed to let it all out haha, but if you do see this!! Thank you for taking the time to read it <3
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btsandvmin · 3 years
How much do we really know?
I really don't understand how any BTS shippers can be confident enough in their ships to turn into “supporters/believers” that believe their ship is real 100%. For any ship. Like even deep diving into some theories or getting literally 100+ reasons from various believers own mouths for why some ships have to be real, nothing has been big enough to count as proof in my opinion. (Of course this includes Vmin.)
Like... They all have questionable moments. Some more than others, sure. But proof of more than very strong and unusually intimate friendships? No.
You could argue some things seem “gay” or has possible LGBTQ+ connections. Like GCF having a LGBT+ song, or 4 o'clock including a reference to a gay movie, or Vmin's literal gay drama whatever that was. But most of it is just fans zooming in on various things and adding their own meaning to it. Like it has to mean something becaues it is connected to your ship. (But only for your ship.) Sometimes, a lot of times, it’s not even directly connected to the ship... It’s just assumed to be connected to them. It’s a guess or a theory, not a fact.
I get questions from Vminies not knowing things about Vmin all the time, and I myself know I’ll never be able to remember or even see everything that is out there with Vmin. And that’s just from the content we are able to consume to begin with. Beyond that is a lot of guessing and assumption based on the fraction of moments we get. But if some Vminies might not even know where the soulmate label comes from, or that 4 o’clock was written with Jimin in mind or that Vmin seem to casually sleep together in private (if we take Tae’s words for it in the Billboard vlive) it’s clear that something I might see as obvious and common knowledge isn’t. Even further it’s clear that other shippers will know even less about Vmin. 
And how can you dismiss something you don’t even know about?
We all focus on, remember or look for/get exposed to our biases or favorite ships the most. Even if we consume the original content we will likely zoom in and see things for our own ship simply because we look for it. And there is nothing wrong with that, it’s natural. But we need to realize it means we will miss things when it comes to other ships, and need to be aware that we know more and end up in echo chambers of both facts and interpretations for our own ships.
It’s so blatantly obvious to me that many non-vminies have no clue about even some of the biggest moments between Vmin. And again, it’s nothing really odd or bad about that... Until you start to act superior even when you lack a lot of knowledge. So much misinformation is spread this way too...
That’s why even though I personally think I know more about other ships than perhaps the regular person, I still won’t preach or explain too much about other ships. Because just as I know others don’t seem to know or notice a lot about Vmin, I know I work the same in regards to other ships. I can’t possibly even remember everything when it comes to Vmin, so how can I with all other ships too?
If I get questions about tae/kook or ji/kook or any dynamic in BTS I might be able to answer it... But I might also lack the full context or might not even have noticed some things to begin with. Coming to me with questions about other ships will give you a very different view than if you ask a shipper focused on that ship directly. I try to be unbiased, but I can’t. I try to be informed but I can’t remember or notice everything. So even if I feel I know a lot, I might never know enough to get the full context of any situation regarding BTS. 
Of course trying to remember to watch unbiased content is very important and helps to keep a better balance. Or as in my case where I actively looked up other ship theories and felt “I know enough to see there are weird things and I can’t dismiss everything since we don’t know the truth of what it might mean”. Just as I feel a lot of things about Vmin shouldn’t be dismissed. Many other shippers also came to me and talked long and detailed about why their ship is real and my isn’t. Many times I lacked knowledge about specific situations about other ships, but so did they about Vmin. I don’t think you can dismiss something if you don’t even know about it to begin with, and there is a big gap of knowledge between the shipping communities.
I mean, the way hyung x maknae line ships have so many great moments and you barely see them outside of the actual content. At this point all ships in BTS are big and get attention, but they don’t seem to register the same way in people’s minds, with the focus  always being on the three youngest together.
This is the thing about worrying about “rival ships” too... They only matter if there is a moment between the ones you already see as “competition”. Does anyone worry or cry about Vmin or Ji/kook when Ji/hope or Hope/kook get very intimate and sweet moments? No, because they don’t seem to register at all. 
I wasn’t even able to find a gif of this ji/hope moment from Run recently... (And I can’t add twitter videos from desktop)
Yoon/min holding hands and joking about breaking up.
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Meanwhile if Tae/kook have fun together or if Ji/kook does something cute all hell breaks lose. We have been tainted by the narratives from shippers. The more we see and hear about other ships the bigger “impact” they will have on us.
If moments like this between other members doesn’t make me feel insecure about Vmin, then why would any similar moment from Ji/kook or Tae/kook? People need to stop hyper focusing on both skinship and “rival ship” moments in general and stop adding importance to them, especially when they don’t even do it equally with all ships.
It’s not that one is good:
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One is neutral:
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And one is bad:
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They all happen and exist and we need to realize that’s how it always has been and likely always will be. Any interpretations of these moments shouldn’t change how you view them when nothing is even confirmed. They all happen so we should all accept that and be happy the members have close and intimate relationships with each other.
I really don’t think people understand my stance on all of this. I literally don’t mind if another ship turns out to be real (even if any ship being real is probably not that likely), because I trust in Vmin’s relationship after having watched it for 5 years. But since nothing is confirmed I still remain of the opinion that Vmin’s relationship and behavior is weirder than other ships IN MY VIEW, based on MY INTERPRETATIONS. But I am totally ok with being proven wrong, because it doesn’t matter what kind of relationship Vmin have as long as I can trust that the love they express for each other is real. Thus I also don’t have to downplay moments between other ships. They are there and that’s nice.
We lack a lot of information for many reasons even though we do get to see a lot. But even knowing all the things we know, I still don’t think it’s enough for any ship moments to count as “proof”. For example with Vmin, they were denied to sing a song because it was essentially “ too gay” and Taehyung complained about it, but that doesn't mean they have to be a couple and is forced apart by Big Hit.
We put weight into things because we have our biases and guesses and we find things because we look for them. Here are just some things that fans of various communities says have to mean something but to me really doesn't have to mean anything even if proven:
Physical intimacy Emotional intimacy Jealousy Screen time Fanservice “Sexual tension” Heart eyes or any looks in general Joking about being a couple Showering together Sleeping together Being alone together Living together Writing songs about each other Secret signs Hidden messages to fans Hiding in rooms
And so on...
But even If you do want to count these things to mean something, at least acknowledge how many of those things other ships have too. Vmin literally have several of these confirmed as well. Many of these moments either have happened or gets speculated to happen between many ships. You might find your ship isn’t as uniqe as you feel it is if you actually start diving deeper. If you did and it makes you doubt your own ships superiority, that’s good. Being sure won’t lead to any good for anyone.
Also if you wanna go there.... If other shipper say these have to mean something they are either ignoring Vmin or more likely doesn’t know or say it doesn’t mean the same if they do it.
Fine if hand holding and cuddling doesn’t make you wonder about Vmin, that’s totally legit. In fact you don’t have to wonder about Vmin unless you want to. But using excuses for why something doesn’t mean something you don’t want it to mean or downplaying moments or automatically calling them platonic and “not the same” doesn’t mean you can’t be wrong about those assumptions. Especially when you might not know the full context of it. Again, it should go both ways and include moments from all relationships.
I am legit curious how ji/kookers and tae/kookers are able to be so confident about their ship being real with Tae doing the things he does towards Jimin.... Like... They mean to tell me Tae and Jimin being soulmates, Tae wanting to sing a romantic Christmas song with Jimin, Tae writing 4 o'clock, Tae having Sweet night and telling us it's a personal song while he keeps calling Jimin his only best friend doesn't even have a possibility to mean something non platonic? 😗
Soulmates + Friends lyrics + "how could I know one day I would wake up feeling more" + "are you my best friend?" + "sweet night is a personal song" + "Of course Jimin is my only friend" + 4 o'clock/dumpling fight + the not allowed Christmas song + "Jimin-ah I like you the most" + "I told him to come sleep next to me as I was too lazy to go to him" + “we told our candid stories as honestly as possible” + “Oppa, why are you still awake? I’m dreaming of Jiminie” = Vmin is probably the best known guess to what relationship Tae might be talking about in Sweet Night.
Is it confirmed though? Can I call it proof? NO! Because while it fits in theory, we don’t know and we don’t have all the information to know. But I can make a damn good case for it and that’s the whole point. I can do that because I look for material, see things and add them together with a narrative. Just as other shippers do with their ships. In the end it’s all just narratives though, not proof.
Getting all these asks recently just confirms that the people who worry, or who says other ships are real, haven’t read even a fraction of my posts or they just don’t understand them. Or let alone noticed major moments between all BTS members that should show that their belief is not as “obvious” as they might think.
I am tired of insecurities when it shouldn’t even matter. If any ship in BTS is real, let’s support them and be happy. It doesn’t change the dynamics and relationships between the other members if some of them happen to be a couple. What we see is still there. The “worst” that can happen is that our ideas and theories prove to be wrong. 
But let’s at least try to be aware of how little we see and know, and especially about ships that aren’t our own. I am writing about Vmin because there is a lot to see, but me focusing on Vmin also gives me a knowledge about them I can’t compare with other ships. Which is why I won’t sit and write essays about other ships, and which is why Vminies coming to me for information about other ships is going to lack the depth I can provide for Vmin. All shippers are biased and all shippers lack information.
If you want to ship do it, if you want to speculate go right ahead. But be aware that there is a big difference between facts and knowledge and narratives and speculation.
I hope you found this an interesting read. And if you are considering sending me asks worried about Vmin because of interactions between other members or you want to send “statments” or explenations about other ships being real, just know you are barking up the wrong tree.
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I have many thoughts on the weird phenomena in the DC fandom and the Batfam fandom specifically where probably the majority of people just straight up. haven’t interacted with the source material. and almost all of those thoughts can be summarized as ‘lmao that’s weird and mildly concerning’.
and because I’m annoying I will list them all here right now <3
1. To preface this post, I mean, obviously, comics are inaccessible as all hell, both in the disability kind of way and the ‘you need to understand the concept of hypertime to fully comprehend the DC timeline’ kind of way. Because of this, even if you don’t have a disability that prevents you from reading comics, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to look at the amount of comics you need to read to have even a base understanding of a character and go ‘no thanks <3′ and just enjoy fanart and fanfic in a vacuum. Ultimately, this is fandom, this is supposed to be fun, it doesn’t really matter.
2. That said, it’s VERY weird to me that the majority of this fandom just straight up hasn’t interacted with the source material, and moreover, that it’s considered rude to tell people that they should do so. It’s especially weird considering the amount of fanon-only fans I’ve seen who straight up have a superiority complex over canon. The idea that it’s gatekeeping to tell fans of something to actually interact with canon is just. so weird, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what ‘gatekeeping’ actually entails. 
3. But honestly I’m less interested in discussing the ways in which canon and fanon fans should interact with each other (personally, I think it would be helpful to create separate tags of some kind, but that’d require quite a big overhaul of the current fandom state) than in figuring out how this actually happened in the first place. On the one hand, it’s obvious; long-running superhero comics the way DC writes them have made themselves so thoroughly inaccessible that most people are simply too daunted to even try. Most media has a cohesive beginning and end (or at least, a planned end somewhere). Comics just... don’t.
But I do think it says something that, even among people who are clearly interested in the characters (since they have, you know, entire blogs about them), the effort to get into comics just seems to be too much to even bother. This really doesn’t bode well for the future of DC Comics. Obviously, I am no expert on anything at all ever, but I’d personally be surprised if DC survives beyond the few decades, at least in its current form/without a big overhaul.
4. But on the other hand, I don’t think the confusing state of DC Comics is the only thing to blame here. Fandom has a well-known problem with reducing any character down to archetypes to more easily ship and write fic/make content with. This problem is particularly prominent in fanfic, which, if you read enough of it, you’ll eventually start seeing not just the same tropes and trends, but essentially the same fics over and over again. And not just within the same fandom; everywhere, or every large fandom, at least. 
Fanon Batfam is entirely built on a bunch of those tropes; insecure/depressed sadboy Tim, team mom with optional hidden trauma/emotional problems Dick, bad boy with a heart of gold + sadboy combo Jason, abused sadboy Damian/angry easily-villified-for-fic-reasons monster Damian, good dad Bruce for found family fic and bad dad Bruce for angst fic, etc. This all culminates in a found family dynamic that’s generic and malleable to whatever fic the writer wants to write.
(This isn’t getting into the ship fic, which I avoid like the plague because the vast majority of it is incest, but I’d bet real actual money that the tropes in those fics fall under what is often preferred by the Migratory Slash Fandom.)
By having a decent excuse not to get into canon (the inaccessibility of comics) and a, by now, well-established fanon fandom, many fans feel free to use the batfam fandom as essentially an excuse to write whatever fic with reduced archetypes and tropes they personally feel the itch to write, without having to bother with even consuming a canon. This is compounded by the fact that canon itself is often contradictory and frankly bad, meaning that whatever interpretation of a character you want/need to go for your fic is at least theoretically backed up by canon (for example, you can just as easily cast Bruce as an abusive shithole dad who his kids need to get away from as a loving father figure who cares deeply for his children), which you can always use as a defense if people question your characterization.
5. This focus on fandom trends and tropes over actual creativity or care for the characters is also visible in the way bigotry manifests in this fandom; namely, in literally the exact way you’d expect. The female characters and characters of colour are shuffled to the side, non-existent, vilified, and/or reduced to harmful stereotypes. 
Barbara is probably the one I saw the most often in fanfic, but usually just as ‘Dick’s girlfriend’, and even then, she was often vilified for Dick angst (especially in fics about examining Dick’s trauma from his canon sexual assault; Kori also often gets the short end of the stick in those). After that, probably Stephanie, who fanon fans don’t really seem to know what to do with, so she’s basically just there as comic relief waffle girl, most of the time, though sometimes she can be used to either further Tim angst or further vilify Tim, whatever the fic calls for. Cass has gotten included more in batfam fics as of late, likely in response to critiques of fandom racism for leaving her out, but again, it’s clear people don’t actually know what to do with her. She’s often reduced to a racist stereotype of a quite, stoic therapist for whatever guy du jour needs it. That, or she’s in Hong Kong and just not there. Duke especially gets left in the dust in fandom, usually just being non-existent, but when he’s there, he’s almost always nothing more than the straight man for the actual fun characters to play off of. Talia probably has it the worst, though, and almost universally gets vilified by fanon stans in order to write sadboy Damian.
All of this is extremely predictable behaviour and falls entirely in line with general fandom misogyny and racism; ignoring or vilifying women and characters of colour, or using them as very minor characters at best. The only two characters of colour who aren’t regularly left out of fic are Dick and Damian, who are both also conveniently the two characters most often drawn and written in a whitewashed manner. In addition, there’s a real trend of demonizing Damian in fanon fics where he isn’t written as an abused sadboy, which I’d argue is in no small part due to fandom racism, considering Damian’s behaviour is in no way as bad as Jason’s, who doesn’t get anywhere close to the same demonization and gets woobiefied instead. I also find it convenient that Damian is probably the batboy who receives the most vilification in fic, when he’s the most obviously non-white of the batboys they’re willing to acknowledge.
Fandom often cries for more diversity in canon, only to ignore the diversity already there and focus on the same generic white guys. The batfam fandom is a brilliant example of this.
Which is not to say that fandom racism and misogyny isn’t present in the canon parts of the fandom (and canon itself); it absolutely 100% is. But I’ve found that canon fans are also more likely to like and care about at least one of the characters I’ve listed as ignored/vilified, and are willing to create and consume content for them, whereas fanon fans... aren’t, really. I’ve never seen a fan of fanon Cass the way I’ve seen fans of fanon Dick, for example. Obviously, this could just be by coincidence, or I’ve just surrounded myself with people like that, but it’s been a trend I noticed. Racism and misogyny is present in every part of this fandom and should be addressed as such, but I feel like it manifests the most blatantly in the fanon parts of this fandom. 
(I’d also recommend the articles Migratory Slash Fandom’s Focus and Beige Blank Slates, which expand more on the type of fandom racism I think is especially prominent in the batfam fandom, as well as literally every article in the What Fandom Racism Looks Like series.)
6. All this leads me to conclude that the majority of fanon fans don’t actually like the characters all that much; they’re convenient excuses for them to participate in fandom. Which I also think is, in no small part, a reason why so many of them react so negatively to being told to pick up a comic; they came to this fandom specifically to consume it as a fandom, because they wanted the fandom experience without having to consume a canon. 
This is not a phenomena unique to the batfam fandom (again, see the Migratory Slash Fandom), but it does fascinate me. While fandom is often said to be an experience focusing on transformative art, I think it’s also safe to say that, especially as fandom has become more mainstream, an increasing amount of people are looking to it less as a way to engage with their favourite pieces of media, and more as a type of media in and of itself. I think the reasons for this are similar to the reasons mass media entertainment like the MCU are so popular; you gain a lot of enjoyment out of it with very little risk involved. 
By consuming the same fics of the same characters (or the same archetypes) over and over again, you are rarely at risk of being challenged or even disappointed. It’s often very clear right from the start whether or not a fic will appeal to you, and if it isn’t, it’s easy to just look for another one. It requires less emotional investment than most other types of media, even ‘popcorn media’ like the MCU - or, yes, DC Comics. It’s safe, it’s enjoyable, it’s comforting, like McDonalds, but just like McDonalds, it’s ultimately bland and unsubstantial. 
7, TL;DR. Ultimately, I don’t think it’s like, wrong to enjoy the fanon version of the batfam without wanting to engage with canon, and I certainly don’t think it’s okay to harrass people over it. But I do think it’s in large part based on a desire to interact with fandom rather than other pieces of media because people are scared of being let down by those pieces of media (or worse, just uninterested in actually thinking), which is mildly concerning. 
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Peter Parker Fluff Alphabet
Peter parker x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: None, other than tooth rotting fluff
A/N: howdy! It's been 84 years since I last posted any originals so here's a fluff alphabet, I plan on doing quite a few more in the future! Enjoy - Aphrodite
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A - activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Between school, Peter loves to spend time with you in his & May's apartment. He sees the city so much while being spider man, so a cozy night in with pizza and Star Wars is his favourite thing. Peter will try and spend as much time with you as possible, but you both have tight schedules due to being avengers, so he'll take whatever he can get. He always feels guilty about not being able to spend as much time with you as he wants, so sometimes you have to reassure him that any time spent together is time well spent.
B - beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Peter is 100% about personality over looks, and he thinks the most beautiful part of you is your kind and caring nature. He loves your open mindedness and the fact you treat everybody equally, but he also loves the sarcastic and witty side of you. He values your personality loads, but it's just a plus that you're also the most gorgeous person he's ever seen.
C - comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
When you feel down or a bit anxious, Peter can always sense it. He doesn't blatantly tell you, but he always shows you a lot more physical affection to make you feel better. He'll hold your hand and rub small circles on it with his thumb, he'll cuddle up to you and gently massage whatever part of you is closest to him, anything to physically distract you. If you're alone then he'll give you small pecks or the forehead - not only does it make you feel better, but it also makes him feel better too.
D - dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Literally every day. When he's bored in class, when he's trying to get to sleep, when he sees something that reminds him of you; you're on his mind a lot, he absolutely adores you.
E - equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It depends on the situation. When you're on a mission together and there's even a slight threat, he's automatically dominant and gets very protective of you. But usually he's quite passive, with a hint of dominance when he gets jealous.
F - fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
You and Peter rarely every fight, but when you do have small arguments he's always the first to apologise. The only time you both have had a really serious fight is when you got badly injured after a mission and he got angry that you unnecessarily put your life at risk. However, he was still the first to apologise, as he couldn't stay mad at you for long.
G - gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Oh boy, Peter is SO grateful for everything you do. In fact, he's grateful even when you aren't doing anything. Just knowing that he has the most amazing and kind s/o in the world makes him so thankful.
H - honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
You know pretty much all of Peter's secrets, so there isn't much for him to hide. Even when he does have something he wasn't planning on sharing, he always tells you. He knows you won't judge or tell anyone else, therefore he often uses you as a human diary.
I - inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around?
You and Peter both changed each other for the better. Peter made you appreciate the small things so much more, and has taught you a lot about his favourite things, music, and science. Whereas you've taught him a lot of hand-to-hand combat, and love teaching him your hobbies & the languages you know.
J - jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Peter trusts you completely, so when he sees you spending time with another man then he doesn't really mind. He knows you would never flirt with anyone but him, but as soon as he sees the other person get handsy then he's automatically pissed. He's quite good at hiding his emotions though, so he'd only be slightly passive aggressive towards whoever is flirting with you. He knows you can handle yourself, but sometimes he just wants to make sure people know you're his.
K - kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Your first kiss was amazing. You had been dating for a few months and were spending the night at the avengers tower, in which Peter has a room. You were both cuddled on his bed, eating ice cream, watching Back To The Future when you caught him looking at you. You didn't have time to say anything before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Before you could register what was happening, he leaned back with a crimson blush plastered on his cheeks. You cupped his cheek and pulled him back in, this time for longer. His lips tasted of the chocolate brownie ice cream he had been eating, but it was so wonderful and sweet that neither of you will ever forget it.
L - love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
The first time Peter told you he loved you was mid-battle. You, Peter, Sam and Natasha were fighting a group of criminals who were trying to infiltrate Stark Industries - while fighting one of them, you looked over to your boyfriend when you spotted one of the criminals with a knife running up to Peter behind his back. In an instant you jumped over and saved him, using your abilities to your advantage. Once the crimumal was on the floor, Peter laughed, mouth agape, "I love you so much!"
You froze, completely shocked, not knowing what to do. It was only later that evening when you knew what you had to do, so you caught Peter in the hallway of the tower and kissed him, with as much passion as you had in your body. Peter responded quickly, one hand resting gently your waist and the other cupping your cheek. You both stood there for a few minutes, lips working in harmony, before you pulled away and pressed your foreheads together.
"I love you too."
M - marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
You and Peter are still young, so marriage isn't something you both have thought about too much. Despite this, he knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and eventually get married and start a family. He hasn't brought it up with you as he doesn't want to scare you off, but he knows you feel the same way.
N - nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Peter has loads of cute pet names that he loves to call you, but also has a few silly ones from stupid incidents in the past. He still calls you 'apple' from when you first met and you spilled apple juice all down your clothes, but his signature pet names are 'honey' and, in private, 'baby'.
O - on Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's very obvious to everyone in the tower and at school that he's head over heels for you. He's constantly making heart-eyes at you, and is always talking about you when you're not around. He compliments you so much that you don't think he's ever said a normal sentence without letting you know how appreciated you are!
P - PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Peter isn't the biggest fan of intense PDA, but would go crazy with it when you're alone. When in public he usually sticks with holding hands, a hand resting on your thigh or around your waist, and small pecks on the temple. When you're alone Peter loves to cuddle, give you small massages of your achy muscles, and would happily kiss you non-stop. But Peter really loves the domestic affection you share, like when he washes your hair or gets to cook with you.
Q - quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
It's almost like Peter can read minds. If you think about something small that you want, then he'll get you it the next day. You don't know how he does it, but you've always believed that your connection is more powerful than anything you've ever felt. Fancy red velvet cake for dessert? He's already there with a slice. Thinking about rewatching the Harry Potter movies? He'll suggest a move night just in time.
R - Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Peter is very romantic, and likes doing a lot of the cliché things that happen in the movies. But Peter has a lot of creative ideas when it comes to dates and ways to spend time with each other, so you're always in for a good time. He would do anything to make you happy, no matter how cheesy and sappy it is.
S - support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He would do anything to help you achieve your dreams, and will always help you reach success. He studies with you, trains with you, and is there at your beck and call to make sure you know you're supported.
T - thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
You and Peter don't really have a routine, but neither do you spice things up too much. You're always trying new things, and neither of you lead boring lives, so there's always fun stuff to do.
U - understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Pete is extremely empathetic with you, and knows you better than you know yourself. You've been through some stuff that he doesn't know too much about, but he supports you through everything that he can, and you always do the same.
V - value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is the most important thing in the world to the both of you, but more so to Peter. He's lost too many people in his life, and the thought of losing you makes him want to die. You're his world, his life, and his one true love, and there's nothing more important to him than the bond you both have.
W - Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Peter and you definitely have different love languages and show love in separate ways, but one thing that unites you both is the love of having you hair played with. When you both are cuddling and drifting off to sleep, peter will run his fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp. And sometimes the roles are reversed, you delicately toying with his soft curls, earning small hums of comfort when he feels your warm fingertips against his forehead.
X - XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Kissing and cuddling is Peter's favourite thing. Being soft and vulnerable yet feeling completely safe means the world to him, and it's even better that he gets to do it to you.
Y - Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He barely copes. When you're on a mission and he's in the tower he has to find somebody to pester because he doesn't have you there to mess around with. Usually he annoys Bucky or Sam, but he'll be clingy with whoever is there until he has you back in his arms.
Z - Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Peter would simultaneously kill and die for you, and sacrifice all he has left in the world. If it made you happy, he'd do whatever you asked :)
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