#Also very fun tho. Luv mah sunny boi <33
kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Pspsps, come here
Kanene’s Notes: I wrote clever gremlin Sun and Moon with Sun being an overly excited puppy and Moon a teasy bastard and I regret  n o t h i n g. You can pry this happy and soft scenario from my dead cold hands.
Warnings: This is a tickle fanfic with Reader Insert with Neutral Gender Reader (they/them) and Lee!Reader with Ler!Sun & Ler!Moon. Moon and Sun are separated animatronics and are not brothers here. Can be viewed as romantic or platonic. You all live together. Around 5.000 words. It has nicknames, playful teasing, raspberries, fluff, cuteness and they trying to convince the reader to go sleep.
You squinted your eyes at the animatronic perched on the top of your fridge, faceplate spinning for a second before his smirk grew wider, his hand making a 'move closer' gesture in your direction. 
“Not a chance.” You repeated slowly, savoring the words as you crossed your arms and defiantly retreated farther on the illuminated living room, very aware that  the animatronic wouldn't try to follow you with his aversion for artificial lights. 
(You wondered if his eyes, for being overly adjusted to see and move perfectly in the dark held some kind of sensitivity for lightness in general. You both should look into that later. It definitely wasn't comfortable to irritatedly hiss at lamps every time you made a move to flick the switch.) 
"Pspspspsps." His raspy voice glitched in an amused manner, drops of snickers falling from his mouth together with this truly compelling argument, totally underrated by your frown and impressive glare. Red eyes glinted stronger with mischief. "Come on, Moonlight, why don't you move closer? ~" 
You showed him your middle finger. Louder crackled chuckles filled the air.
"Naughty, so naughty. That kind of language is forbidden in the daycare." Moon's head bobbed from a side to another, clearly more than amused at your current predicament. For a moment the mental image of a cat flicking its tail twinkled on your mind. 
"This is not the daycare. This is my house and I am an adult who is allowed to go to bed as late as I want." You did not highlight the last part with a pout. Shush. You can’t prove anything.
"Of course, of course." For some reason, he agreeing with you brought a bigger sense of dread than anything else. Although there wasn't much time to think about it when the six feet tall animatronic in all its metallic glory jumped from his high hiding spot and consequently made your heart stop for a hot second, fearing for the integrity of your floor tiles. However, with an exaggerated flourish and a way too much smug click of joints, he laid on the ground with a surprisingly soft thump.
"But," his voice dragged you from your own mind. Your thoughts were really distracting today... 
Probably a consequence of your latest restless nights but you were just not about to admit it. This was now a battle of principles. 
"But," Moon repeated, his gaze much more piercing than before. You wondered if he was discreetly checking your vitals again. "A certain human agreed to let us help if they diverted far, way too far, from their usual sleep schedule. Using any, any, any means necessary." You gulped. Damn, Past You, how could you betray Present You so easily? "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, starlight?" 
"I have no idea what you're talking about." 
"No? Ohoho. Maybe we can refresh your memory." His smile grew. The hair on the nape of your neck standed, a shiver running down your spine as your instincts realized there was something strange in your surroundings just too late.
A shadow hoovered nearby.
"Right, Sunny?" 
Strong arms hugged you from behind. "Righty, right! Of course! You see, sunlight, moonshine, our light! Each one of the daycare attendants are equipped with a voice recorder to guarantee the safety and security of your children with the highly specialized tech developed by the Piz-” Gradually, Sun’s voice gained a more neutral tone as he recited the programmed speech inserted on his code. In the middle of his sentence a buzzing sound cut his speech and you felt him shaking his head, very much likely pushing the warning embriebed on his programing away. It didn’t take long before his usual upbeat voice appeared again. “Yes, yes, yes! Lots of adults would stop getting in trouble when we told them that. Lots and lots. hehehe”
Feet dangling centimeters away from the ground (why did they have to be so tall?), you tried to loosen his hold in vain, squirming as a halfhearted groan mixed with your protests. “Sundrop, wait. Babe, you can’t just betray me like that!”
“Sorry, sunflower,” came his reply devoid of a single drop of regret. He lowered his faceplate right in front of you, smiling in an equally apologetic and amused manner. A roll of rays (which were much more unimpressed and entertained than an energetic excited spin and not to be confused with the angry rotation of rays) made a soft breeze hit your face as you ironically repeated his words under the breath. A light pinch on your side made it all stop. “But we promised to help. And you know how I hate to break my promises... or to see you exhausted any longer.”
A warm feeling blossomed immediately on your chest at his sweet, kind words, knowing very well how much care those held. To be honest, your heart kind of melted a bit. However, months of sharing a house with the celestial animatronics taught a thing or two about that playful shine on the robotic lens and their ability to use their cuteness for pure evil.  
You managed to free one of your arms to point at him accusingly.
“You don’t dare to be sweet with me right now, mister.” His puppy eyes seemed to only get bigger and more pleading, arms cradling your body closer to the soft chest. You refused to crumble under such a clear adorable attack. “I know very well you’re just trying to distract me while Moon dim the lights, Sun.”
With a startled yelp, the night themed one almost let go of the broom he was using to poke at the switch and set it on a darker mode, his features not even a tad ashamed as your accusing gaze clued on him. 
“D e m o n.” You fingerspelled at him.
“Guilty as charged.” His own precise signaling was quick to follow, his sentence tauntly ending with a wave - fingers wiggling in your direction - at the same time Sun spun and turned your body to face him, a hand dramatically clutching at his chest as if he had taken a shot. 
“Your doubts of our love wound me, firefly! Oh, oh, oh the pain! The distrust! The unfairness of your mean, mean, mean words is breaking me apart!”
A huffed chuckle escaped from your lips. Sun let go of his drama to beam excitedly, his rays spinning and popping in and out on his faceplate. He knew your weakness for them being precious. Damn.
Time to pull out the big guns.
“Sun. If you let me go I will buy you that whole collection of glittery crafts that you’ve been wanting forever.”
He gasped, the previous ‘attack at his love’ already totally forgiven and forgotten. “The non toxic ones with all the colors of the rainbow that shine in the dark and are free for all the children above five years old, perfect for cards, sashes, schoolwork and playtime with guaranteed fun for the little ones and the whole family?”
A sense of triumph took over your senses with how energetic and cheerful the animatronic got at your bribe, almost stumbling on the memorized advertisement as his words grew faster and his limbs began to shake with joy. 
Yes. Yes.
“Exactly! Now, to have it all you need to do is just let me go right now.”
Sun freezes, the arms holding you going rigid. “L-let you go?”
“Yes!” You basically shouted to drown the protesting ‘Sun!’ Moon grunted somewhere in the kitchen. “You do something nice for me and I do something for you!” The lights dimmed a little. Uh oh, you needed to be quick. “Like a gift exchange between friends!”
Sun began to throw his weight from one foot to another with a considering gaze. “...We are friends. Very good best friends…”
“We are. And soon enough you will be the first animatronic with all the rainbow glittery collections in the whooole planet.”
Sun’s eyes flickered to something behind your back, leading you to quickly hold his faceplate and gently pull it to focus on your current conversation. “Sun.” For the serious tune, one could think you were discussing how to save the world from an uncontrollable and imprevisible danger. “Non toxic colored glitter.”
The day themed robot made a sound in the back of his throat (music box? Animatronic Anatomy could be a confusing thing) that could very much be described as a whine, his grip getting a bit loose. You tried again, more vehemently. “Shiny, colored glitter. All of this only for you to enjoy and use as you please.” Moon was being suspiciously quiet back there. Strange. Better be sure he wasn’t planning anything. “You can even go and prank Moon for as much as you want.”
A growl flew into the room and the lights dimmed more. Oops. Perhaps teasing him was not the greatest idea. Best to focus on the matter in your hands. Well, the animatronic in your hands, actually.
“I-” Sun started, voice suddenly uncertain, eyes flickering around anxiously. Your fingers carefully traced the details on his cheeks in a reassuring manner as he began to grow too nervous. 
“Just some joking around between friends.” You assured him in sign language, not wanting to vocalize your  words and call too much attention to it. “No need to get worked up over it.” After the last wobbly sign your hands went back to rest on his faceplate, caressing his cheeks. He melted with the touch, staring at you before nodding with resolution. 
A smile painted your features. Freedom at least!
“I  Refuse! R-E-F-U-S-E! Refuse!”
He snickered, bouncing a couple of times in the same place, his smile so big that his eyes squinted at you. Finally, the lights got just dark enough for Moon to enter the room, his own raspy chuckles creating a mix that made your nerves tingle with anticipation.
“One day you will stop falling for his theatrics, little star.”
“Wait,” the words pried your attention from your attempts to kick the night themed animatronic without seeing his position to his counterpart. “Wait, wait. Sun, what is he talking about?” The snickers from the one with yellow clothes got stronger, you gasped as the pieces connected in your brain and the realization finally dawned on you. 
“You were only pretending, weren’t you, your gremlin! You didn���t even consider my offer in the first place.” For all his drama and exaggerated gestures, sometimes you actually forgot how good Sun was at lying.
“I just couldn’t help it!” You huffed, more out of a show than being truly pissed. “I am sorry, daylight. It’s just that between a bunch of glitter and your health, there isn’t really a choice to be made in the first place.”
Okay. All the irritation that wasn’t even strong in the first place evaporated in less than a blink. Now, all of that sweetness wasn’t fair. 
Before you could do something like get emotional (maybe you should consider going to sleep) over his sentence, Moon saved the day by doing gagging noises behind Sun and making the aforementioned try to swat him away, both being caught in a temporary game of cat and mouse before your squirming form grabbed their attention again.
“Let. Me. Go!”
“Oh, that reminds me.” The night themed robot crouched on the floor moving closer to Sun and doing that spider position he did when a particularly fun thought filled his mind. Also because he could. Damn robot flexibility and their flexible robotic joints. 
You tried to kick (affectionate) him again. Because you could. He dodged with little effort, squeezing your calf when another attempt was made.
“Sssundrop,” His voice rasped in a specific way reserved only for his counterpart’s name. He began to climb him as the words spilled from his musicbox (voice box? How does animatronics work again?). “I think our friend here is a bit forgetful today. What if we remind them about our promise, huh, huh?”
By the end of the sentence, he was perched on Sun’s shoulders, who reflected at him the playfulness with joy before both focused their equally teasing shining eyes in your direction.
“I think that is a good idea, Moondrop!”
And then, in the next piece of time, the record was flying in the air. 
It glitched as static filled the space, the sound gradually getting slower and clearer as Moon’s low, smug voice was caught middle-sentence. 
“Can we do anything?” 
“-To help, of course!” Sun pipped in, his mischievousness much better hidden.
It took a while before your own voice got into the conversation. You remember being too occupied trying to get the new recipe right when that topic arose. “I mean, as long as it isn’t illegal or something like that...” Thoughtful pause, more hushed words following in wariness. “Except for that candy of yours, I am definitely not eating that!”
“We are not giving you our candy, silly. Those are for the kids!”
“And somehow that is even worse.” You grumbled.
“Moonlight, the fish.” A curse, more sounds of pans and metallic spoons. In the next moment, Moon’s voice seemed cautious. “Are you sure you’re okay with that? Last time…”
He didn’t complete his thought. You grimaced at the reminder of the first month of you three living together, when the consequences of the virus were still stronger than ever and the remnant instincts of it still permeated their programming. It really took some time and stumbles for everyone involved before some sense of trust and clear boundaries were established.
“Things are different now.” Your tune was firm, but not unkind. “Also, we know each other better this time. I trust you guys.”
“Sunflower!” A squeal of delight. Outside the recording, Sun’s arms hugged you a bit more and Moon’s gaze got much softer. “We promise we will do our best! Right, Moon-Moon?”
“... Yeah.” His voice was filled with emotion. A kind of emotion that was quickly pushed down to give space to a more devilish tune. “So, so, so… Anything?”
“Yeah, sure, do whatever.”
The recording was over, the night themed robot smiled at you, clearly pleased. “Can you please rewind that last part for us, Sssun?”
Your groan was drowned by Sun’s giggles, who was bouncing on the same spot as if this was the best moment of his life. “I indeed can, Moony.”
“Not my name.”
“It’s a nickname, which is even better!” Sun replied with an air of finality.
“Yeah, Moonie-Moon,” You also took your chance to poke fun at the other, because as it seems you no longer wanted to be alive. “It’s just a nickname. No need to be so grumpy about it.”
Before he had the chance to reply to your jab, your recorded voice made itself present once more. Sun happily ignored the stinky eye sent in his direction, instead resting his face plate on your head with a joyful whirl of his fans.
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“Yeah. sure. Do whatever.”
“I think that is enou-”
“I can even make a mixed version of it, do you wanna see it?”
“Don’t you dare-”
Suddenly an upbeat music rang around the room as repetitions of “yeah, yeah, do whatever, sure yeah, do whatever, do whatever” followed the rhythm, strongly contrasting with the dead expression present on your features. 
Moon crackled and wheezed.
“Don’t you just love technology?”
“I am kicking both of you out of here. The nerve.” But you sighed, closing your eyes and resting on the comfortable chest, eventually feeling the tiredness taking over your body and crawling on your bones. “Okay, okay. You win.”
“So you’re going to sleep?” The one wearing a nightcap squinted his red eyes in your direction with suspicion. 
“Wish it was that easy, my man. Body is tired, my mind doesn’t just shut up, though.” You wondered if that was a familiar concept for them. Not being able to turn off their functions at their own will. Laying on the darkness through the hours they were supposed to recharge, wondering what happens next.
Ick. Complex thoughts.
“Well,” Sun walked his way to the couch, sitting on it with you still laying on him. No, but for real, how were they so soft? Metal and wires weren’t supposed to feel that comfortable and warm, right? “Then all we have to do is to find something to distract your mind for a bit! Distractions, distractions, for you. For us. For fun and games and you.”
“Distractions which will tire you more and more until all you will need to do is just close your eyes and then… Nighty night.~”
You opened one eye to stare at him. “That was supposed to be cute. How do you make that sound like a threat?”
“Never said it wasn’t one.”
“Sun, get my spray bottle. Moonie-Moon is being naughty naught again.”
The chest under you shook with laughter at the same time the light in Moon’s lens got sharper. 
“We could play tag.” He basically purred.
“We could throw you out the window..”
“Aw. So kind and nice. I will give you a ten seconds headstart.”
You showed him your tongue. He pinched your cheek in retaliation. Your hand held his nightcap and began pulling. His other hand went to your other cheek, his grip getting firmer.
“Kids, stop, stop!” Sun bapped you both with a huff, pulling the two away from each other with little effort, but not before Moon flicked your forehead. “Hands off. Hands off, off, off!”
Protecting your face, you dislodged the hat from the other animatronic before letting yourself to be pulled and the quick roughhousing to end.
Sun rolled his rays, his fingers digging a bit on your side when you squirmed, fishing a yelp as the sudden ticklish feeling shot through your system. 
“We should play Hide and Seek then!”
But you didn’t answer, looking at the day themed robot with wide eyes, a hint of a wobbly smile on your face and your side still tingling. Was this a trap? Did he not realize what he did a few seconds ago or was he trying to make you low your guards for a surprise attack?  
Everything went quiet for a second, butterflies fluttering their wings in your stomach when his big white eyes focused on yours, confused. “You… have another idea, sunflower?”
Your muscles relaxed, a tad of sadness laying on your chest.
It had been an accident. Of course, there was no way they would-
“Actually, I have an idea.” A low chuckling filled the air. Your head turned around so fast it almost gave you a whiplash. Red eyes stared at your soul knowingly, hands slowly raising, fingers starting to wiggle. “My Ssssundrop, don’t let them run.”
Sun’s excited gasp didn’t help the crazy freaking out of the excited butterflies on your stomach, his hug trapping you closer. “What a DELIGHTFUL idea, Moonie!” He nuzzled right behind your ear, making you press your lips closer and trapping the titters inside. “Nothing better to tire a gigglebug than some nice tickle-tickle tickles, righty, right? Huh? Right, sunlight?”
You shook your head, a protesting snort escaping your barriers when squirming away from the nuzzling only brought you even closer to the wiggly fingers that moved slowly, horribly slowly towards your torso.
“No? No, what, moonlight? Use your words, we can not read minds.”
You sucked your belly, squirming to the right, trying your hardest to escape the lazy attack that now barely grazed your left, long blue and cold fingertips making your nerves alight with the softest touch. 
A raspberry right on that spot that connected your neck with your shoulders reminded you that Moon wasn’t the only threat right now. One more squeal ran away from your barrier, giggles escaping through the growing cracks.
“I think I know exactly what our dear sunshine is thinking right now, Moonie!” One more raspberry.
“Is that so?” A squeeze on your side. 
“Yep, yep!” A sneaky poke to the space between your shoulderblades. It followed your wiggling, vibrating on the place non stop. “They’re thinking ‘Tickle me! Tickle me!’ over and over again because they are such a cutie-”
A lonely finger drawing spirals on your ribcage, it seemed to be looking for the weakest spots.
A scribble under your chin.
A prodding on your highest rib.
 Two voices saying in unison. 
“Shuhuhuhut up!”
Your barrier broke, hysterical giggling spilling freely from your lips in a melody that immediately filled the entire room. Eyes firmly closed and face in flames, you didn’t even realize how Moon faltered for a second and Sun beamed with joy, both animatronic grinning wider at your reactions. The night themed animatronic was the first to break out of his daze, immediately drumming his fingers on your ribs, being careful to give each one of them a special attention, lingering a tad longer on the most sensitive places before jumping to another one, fishing louder laughter as he went up and down, up and down your ribcage again and again.
“Wait, wait, wait! P-please!” Crackles and squeals danced together with your words, making you need to re-start your sentence a couple of times until it finally sounded at least a bit more coherent. “ThAT is- nononono, not there! Sun!”
“Yes?” The absolute bastard answered innocently, as if you weren't able to feel him inching closer and closer to your lower back, your squirming and kicks doing nothing to deter him. 
“I have no idea, no idea! what you’re talking about, my wiggly-wiggley worm!”
“Maybe they want you to give an extra tickle attack to their sides. Did you see their smile when I did that? They loved it.”
“Yeah! They just loooove all those tickle-tickle-tickles and kitty-kitty-coos, don’t they? They dooo. It’s so sweet! You’re right, Moonie. I think they deserve only the bestest, most especial tickle attack riiiight…”
“Do NOT! Don’t you dare or I swear that I will-” Your protest dissolved in belly laughter when, with a triumphantly ‘here!’, Sun decided that this was the perfect moment to dig on your hips, his thumbs massaging the flesh as his other fingers scratched the base of your spine.
“...you will squeal like a squeaky toy?” Moon teased in amused chuckles, stopping his tickling to not make everything too overwhelming. “Tsk, tsk, gigglebug, that is not a good threat at all. Here, let me show you how to really intimidate someone. My Ssssundrop…” He laid his hand on one of the orange sunrays, scribbling there for a second and leading the other robot to yelp and squirm away, his attack interrupted.
“Mean, mean.” The one in yellow and red clothes pouted, rubbing the assaulted ray with a clear pout on his tune. “You know how adorable their laughter is.”
“You’re going to listen to it again in just a second, stop whining.”
“Oh my god.” Your left hand came to your face, trying to hide it as the other attempted to hit Sun and/or Moon. Or none. Whatever. “Shuhut it. Just… Shhhut it. Whehen I get you back, it’s over for you guys.”
Sun gasped, then snickered, rays popping in and out of his head.
“Sunbeam! You shouldn’t have said that…”
It was late, your eyelids were beginning to grow heavy and for the first time in… honestly weeks your head was truly empty. Maybe too much empty since no braincell stopped you to stare deep into those red eyes and let the smug words slip from the tip of your tongue.
“Why? It’s the truth.”
“Ah,” Moon spun his head, slowly, pleased. “So you dare to threaten the tickle monsters.”
His hands rested peacefully on your knees, smirk growing wide at the resulting twitch that this caused. You tried to pull your leg closer, but his hold didn’t budge. Finally a siren in your brain screamed ‘Danger!’. 
Chill ran across your spine.
“Uh, actually, about that-”
“No, no.” He purred. Your wide eyes ran to Sun, who just smiled unhelpfully. “That threat was good, don’t take it back. However…I have a better one.”
With a quick move his hand secured your ankle, fingers slipping to tap softly on the awfully, unfairly, ticklish skin underneath the knee. 
“Do you want to hear it?”
Shaking your head, smiling wide, you scrambled to pull his hands away from the spot but Sun was even more quick to hug them to your side, laying a smooch on your hair at your anticipatory titters.
Playful, raspy chuckles ran across the room.
“Back to your lesson, then. First, you chose a spot to attack. I think I will be focusing on that very sssensitive place right here.” He poked the ticklish skin to highlight his words. 
“Second, you choose how to attack. In this step it is important to be sure to let the wiggly-worm know what will come for them if they don’t agree to your terms.” He watched you as he pronounced those words before changing his attention to Sun. “What do you think, Sssundrop? The claw or raspberries?”
“Ohohoho!! The claw with the long nails or the raspberries and their tickly-sparks?” More excited beaming, Sun seemed about to wiggle out of the couch with all the excitement and energy running on him. “Such a tough, very tough question! Hmm, if you use the claws you will get the most adorably adorable crackles, but! But! But! Aw, they just looove the raspberries so much! Yep, yep, they do. Oho! I’ve made my choice! The raspberries! All the best raspberries just for the best gigglebug in the world forever and ever and ever!~”
 “Awesome choice.” He began lowering his head and that was the last thing you saw before being turned around to face the day themed animatronic, a curse flying from your lips at the sudden movement. “So, Moonlight, are you going to sleep?”
“Wait, wait! This is literahahally so unfair! You’re all lo-losing your gittler and cuddle privileges.” Maybe they would find the words more intimidating if it wasn’t for the lovely way they floated together with snickers and came out muffled as you hid your hot face on Sun’s soft chest.
“So that is a no.” The robot wearing blue tsked. “Aw, such a pity.” 
For a second, there was peace. There was silence. There was hope.
And then he went for his attack.
Rich laughter and snorts danced across the entire living room as the buzzing sensation seemed to explode all across your body, tiny electric sparkles sending tingles across your nerves as raspberry after raspberry was placed on every single ticklish inch of skin. It was only placed underneath your knees, but, with your eyes closed, you could swear you felt the awesome, unbearable sensation hitting every single other tickle spot on your body.
Half minute went by before your resolve broke.
Immediately the sensation was gone, replaced by cold hands rubbing the remaining feeling away, giggles and giggles dancing in the air, a smile so big plastered in your features that it almost reflected the gigantic grins on the animatronics face. You jolted when fingers rested on your shoulders, but Sun just softly nuzzled your hair before beginning to massage the muscles with care, sometimes giving you just the tiniest scratches just to keep a couple of titters floating here and there.
A humming sound researched your ears. It was soothing, matching perfectly with the calmness that now seemed to lay like a blanket over you. Comfortable. Nice. Sweet. 
You opened your eyes when a hand shook lightly your arm. A couple and some more of blinks and the red spots in front of you finally began to look less like a blur and more like eyes staring at your form.
Your gaze ran around the place. You were in your room. It was still dark outside.
“Here, drink it.” Your fingers closed around a cup of water before you hummed in agreement, realizing only now how dry your throat was. Moon took the cup away when it was empty, walking away. He did stop at your protesting noise, turning only his head back in a confused tilt, as some kind of metal owl.
Slowly, you lifted one hand.
“Pspspsps. Come closer.”
He snorted, muffling his guffaws and finally deciding to sit on the ground next to your bed.
It was only because of the silence that you realized that there was the sound of fans behind you. Funny how this was the clue you needed to notice the animatronic pressing comfortably on your back and not the gigantic hand draped across your torso.
“Sleep. I’ll keep a watch.”
“No need.” You protested, throat still itching a bit. Maybe it would be a good idea to have some tea and honey tomorrow. “We’re safe here.”
“I know. I like to, though.”
You hummed. It made sense. 
“Sleep later?” 
“Sleep later.” He compromised.
“Good.” A yawn interrupted your sentence and you could already feel your consciousness slipping away. “Be late and you’re really losing cuddling privileges.”
There was a raspy chuckle. And then a soft, warm darkness.
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