coy-lee · 8 months
A fight for the ages on magma! (it'll be a stale mate. Both collapse at the exact same time XD)
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guppygiggles · 4 months
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@homunculuslover's Sun giving Casper a playful tickling! 💙
I was so embarrassed to draw this. >///<;
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laughterfixs · 4 months
Brotherly Bonding
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Eclipse getting some tickles from his brothers~! Poor baby needs some love and attention and I've been meaning to give him some. So here's some probably long awaited lee eclipse with ler sun and moon!
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trashyswitch · 2 months
Mess With Sun, You'd Better Run
Eclipse has been trying to take over Sun's body for the past week...And Sun is having none of it. When night time approaches, Sun decides to teach Eclipse a lesson in the hopes that it would slow his progress. Eclipse will quickly learn how scary Sun can be if you toy with him too much...
This fanfic was suggested by @anxious-lee-ler. Funny fact about this fanfic: I haven't watched through all of the web series, so I got a lot of help and approval from Drew for this fanfic! As a result, I already know he really likes it. I hope everyone else likes the fanfic too!
Sun was ready to lose it. Eclipse had been driving him nuts for the last several hours! It started with little things, like giving him small headaches while gaming with Moon. But it had escalated into trying to take him over while recording videos! He’d had enough. This has to stop. He hoped some talking and compromising would lessen the constant headache taking the form of Eclipse. He just had to wait until evening took hold. 
Sun and Moon had just finished recording their episode for the day. They turned off their cameras and put their controllers down. “Alright…” Sun mumbled. 
“Alright. I think a nap is in order.” Moon said aloud. 
“Really?” Sun looked at Moon with surprise. 
“What? Streaming makes me tired.” Moon told him. 
“Sorry, just…” Sun thought for a moment. “Sorry…You go have a rest.” 
Moon tilted his head. “Are you okay?” He asked him. 
“Me?” Sun pointed to himself. “Oh yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied a bit too enthusiastically. 
Moon stared at Sun for a few moments. “...Uh huh…” He muttered. 
“I’m okay, I promise!” Sun tried to tell him, showing him a thumbs up. 
Moon sighed and nodded his head. “Okay. Have a good night.” He told him before heading into the back room for the night. 
“Good night!” Sun replied, waving to him as he watched his brother leave the main daycare. As Moon disappeared behind the curtain, Sun’s arm dropped to his side. Now was a better time than any to escape into his mind and confront Eclipse. 
“You gonna pay me a visit, Sunny? It’s been forever…” The voice in his head asked. 
Sun sighed. “Speak of the devil…” he mumbled to himself. 
Sun sat himself down onto the chair behind the main desk of the daycare. With his body resting, Sun shut himself down and went into his inner mind. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a big blur of dark orange in the corner of the room.  
“Well look who finally showed up…” The blur mumbled with a sneer. He looked annoyed, almost like he knew Sun would arrive to give him hell. 
“What’s the deal with you?” Sun asked. 
“I’m bored...It gets quite boring here after a while.” He complained. 
“Why the headaches?!” Sun spat. 
“Because you never let me have any time in the spotlight!” Eclipse yelled back. 
“And what have you done to earn yourself a chance?” Sun asked him. 
“I’ve been silent, compliant, and patient with you. I think that speaks volumes.” He clarified. 
“The only thing that speaks volumes is this constant headache that YOU started!” Sun argued. 
“Well what else am I supposed to do?!” Eclipse argued. 
“Literally anything! Anything besides giving me a mind-splitting headache!” Sun shouted. 
“Okay, then I’ll take over.” Eclipse replied. 
“NO!” Sun shouted, pushing him away. 
Eclipse growled and stomped away from him, muttering the word “Asshole…” as he kicked the dirtless ground of the inner code. 
Sun grunted to himself as he watched Eclipse act like a petulant child. He was getting nowhere with this guy. He looked up and down, trying to figure out what to do with him. How does one stop a glitch from taking over his body? Because if it were him, he would expel Eclipse from his head. Now, normally he’s not the kind of robot to wish a shut down on anyone…but it’s a little hard to keep yourself passive when you’ve been hit with a thundering headache all day. 
Sun sat himself down for a moment as he stayed lost in thought. There had to be some way to get through to Eclipse. At least, some sort of tactic to buy himself some time. He tried to think of what he would do if Moon had been bothering him. Though, Moon had NEVER stooped so low as to cause him physical pain and psychological torment. Though, there were a few times when Moon would play pranks on him or scare him…
Sun smiled slightly as he remembered those moments. Moon is such an evil prankster. And yet, he’s also quite vengeful when given the chance. The amount of times Moon had tickled him after Sun had tried to prank him back, is impossible to count on just two hands. Moon is a brutal tickle monster when provided an opportunity. And yet when it comes to Sun…He’s unbelievably playful and passive. It’s…actually really sweet. 
“What?” Eclipse spoke up. 
Sun widened his eyes slightly as he looked up at Eclipse. “Oh nothing…” Sun replied a little too casually. 
Eclipse was now staring at him, slightly unnerved. “What…are you planning?” 
Sun’s smile widened just enough to be noticeable. “You’ll see…Very, very soon.” He muttered in an almost villainous tone. 
Eclipse sighed and laid himself onto the floor. “Whatever…Don’t care.” 
Sun smirked as he saw the perfect opportunity to strike. He walked himself closer. “You said you wanted something to do, right?” Sun asked. 
“Uhhh…Yeah?” Eclipse slowly turned his head to look at him…only for him to regret it the second he saw those wiggling fingers. 
Uh oh…
“I think I have the perfect thing to play…” He heard from Sun. 
He widened his eyes with slight fear. Oh god…
“Hmm? What’s that look for?” Sun asked rather menacingly. 
…Oh god no… “S-Sun?” Eclipse stuttered, the look of fear worsening. 
“What’s wrong, Eclipse?” Sun asked him. He moved a few steps closer. “Is someone…ticklish?” He asked. 
That was all it took. Eclipse did a full 180 turn and booked it like his life depended on it. “SUN, LET’S TALK ABOUT THIS!” He shouted. 
“Nah.” Sun replied in an eerily easygoing tone. 
Eclipse slowed his running to a stop the moment he realized how far Sun’s voice had been with that last ‘Nah’. He turned around and was taken aback by Sun’s chasing tactic: 
Sun wasn’t chasing him. He wasn’t even running! Sun was skipping! Actually skipping around like a little toddler skipping through the meadows! Any other time, it would’ve been adorable! But right now? The skipping made things even more anxiety-inducing! Was Sun…toying with him?! 
Eclipse wasn’t sure what to do. With Sun just skipping his way around the code room, running felt like too extreme of an action. But…He couldn’t just sit there! He needed to keep away from the crazy daycare attendant threatening to tickle him! 
The only thing he could think of doing was talking to him. “S-Sun please stop!” Eclipse tried to reason with him. 
“Oh now you wanna reason with me?” Sun asked, pausing for a moment with his usual genuine, yet slightly eerie grin. 
“Yes! Anything to stop you from trying to tickle me!” Eclipse reacted. 
“Tickle you?” Sun tapped his own chin as he pretended to think. “Now why would I do such a thing?” 
“I-” Eclipse growled. “YOU TELL ME!” 
“Hmmm…Maybe it was because you were trying to take me over all day.” Sun explained in an off-hand way. “Or maybe it was because of the overwhelming headache I had been getting due to someone changing up my coding.” Sun also explained. 
“I-I didn’t know tampering with your code would give you a headache!” Eclipse argued. 
“Hmmm…Is that so?” Sun walked himself closer. “Y-Y-Yeah! H-Honest!” Eclipse put up his hands in arrest. “P-Please…” 
Sun reached out his arms as he got closer and closer to the different-colored daycare attendant. Eclipse looked super nervous. What does he do?! Is Sun gonna tickle him? Or is he gonna tell him something? Does he run again? Does he reason with him some more? Or does he take it? So many questions, and little to no answers in so little time! Fearing the worst, Eclipse closed his eyes and braced for impact…
“eeEEEK!” Eclipse hugged his side and doubled over. 
“Ho ho HO!” Sun let out in the same signature tone. “Looks like Clipsy IS ticklish!” Sun declared. “This MUST be investigated!” 
In no time at all, Eclipse felt the giggles overwhelm him the moment Sun’s fingers made contact. As Sun would quickly find out, it wouldn’t take much to get Eclipse to laugh. Just a few pokes to his thin belly would make him jump and guffaw. That, followed by a few flutters to the neck, followed up by a few scritches to his rays, were all it took to make Eclipse curl up and giggle like a little child. “EEheeheehee! Wahahait! nonono dohohon’t!” He reacted, wiggling his rays in an attempt to stop Sun’s nimble fingers. 
“My goodness, you’re more ticklish than I thought! It’s funny, I almost want to forgive you!” Sun admitted. 
“Ihihi’ll nehehever forgihihive yohou!” Eclipse shot back. 
Sun chuckled. “Funny how you think you still have control over me.” Sun teased. “If you had been more polite, maybe I would’ve gone easier on you!” Sun sighed. “But I guess that would be asking too much from you.” He concluded. 
Eclipse tried to move his rays away from Sun’s agile fingers. But this did pretty much nothing. All it did was give Sun more rays to tickle. “Suhuhun plehehehease-” Eclipse squeaked as he felt yet another ray being scratched. “NAHAHA! DOHOHOHON’T!” 
Sun gasped. “Oh my god- The back of your rays are worse?!” Sun reacted. 
“YEHEHEHES! CUT IT OHOHOUT!” Eclipse tried to push him away. “STOHOHOHOP!” 
“Oh Clipsy, Clipsy, Clipsy…” Sun dodged his hands and kept on tickling. “You can push all you want to. I dare you to try and push me off!” Sun added. “But we both know it won’t work.” He teased.
Eclipse, thinking he could still get away, started covering up his rays instead. Maybe with no rays available, Eclipse couldn’t be tickled so vigorously. 
“Goodness me! What a move!” Sun reacted rather dramatically. “Looks like I’ll have to go somewhere else…” Sun started to stroke his chin similarly to an adult with a beard. “Where else should I go next…” Sun asked aloud. 
Eclipse stared at Sun. “Are you…playing with me?” He asked. 
“Me? Playing? Oh no no no!” Sun said in the most playful voice possible. “Sun would NEVER play! Especially when it comes to something as serious as a takeover! That would NeVeR happen!” He kept on saying sarcastically. 
Eclipse was too busy staring at Sun, to fully comprehend his words. But he could very easily read his tone and facial expressions quite clearly…
And holy crap…He’d never seen Sun act like this before! Not even with Moon! And Eclipse had been observing their relationship from within Sun’s mind for several months now! He was only now starting to take over Sun’s body! 
‘So why is Sun acting like this with me?!’ Eclipse thought to himself. 
“I thought you’d never ask!” Sun declared, reading his mind. 
Sun giggled and raised Eclipse’s chin. “Because it’s funny seeing you stumble and fall while executing your mission! You’ve been so busy trying to take over my body, that you haven’t even taken the time to realize who you were messing with!” Sun declared. 
Eclipse widened his eyes as an electronic shiver went up his spine. Okay…maybe he underestimated Sun. 
“Oh! And I know what tickle spot to go for now!” Sun declared. 
Wait, NO! 
Suddenly, Eclipse felt a hand grip his knee joint…and in no time at all, Eclipse felt himself get flipped upside down. “aAH! Sun, stop! What are you doing?!” 
Sun giggled. “It’s obvious, really. You are a small part of Moon’s code! Isn’t that right?” Sun asked. 
“Y-Yes, but-” 
“Then you’d have at least 1 similar tickle spot to Moon!” Sun declared rather happily. But his demeanor quickly changed the moment Sun raised his hand up so he could see Eclipse eye-to-eye. “And that’s perfect for me…because I happen to know Moon like the back of my hand.” He mentioned. 
Eclipse tried to knee Sun with his free leg. “Damn you!” He shouted. 
Sun caught his other knee with no issue at all…almost like he was planning for Eclipse to kick him. Sun moved it out of the way slightly as he made a clicking sound. “That’s not very nice, is it?” He said, staring into his soul. “Physical violence? AND bad words?!” Sun lowered his hand and flipped Eclipse around so his face was looking away from Sun. “You’re just begging for it, aren’t you?” 
Eclipse gulped. “B-Begging for what?” 
Sun laughed as he grabbed slightly below both knee joints with only one hand. “Oh! Begging for tickles of course!” Sun declared. “And my favorite little tickle spot to go to when Moon’s being extra mischievous…” He brought his fingers closer. “-Happens to be the back of these special little knees.” With that little mention, Sun started fluttering and scratching his evil little fingers against the pit of the right knee first. “Right about here.” He added. 
Eclipse gasped before throwing his head back with a yelp. He wheezed and covered his mouth, attempting to prevent Sun from getting what he wants: Confirmation. But oh god, was it difficult! The desperation to laugh was almost agonizing! But the last thing he wanted was for Sun to figure out that he and Moon share a tickle spot! Maybe if he holds out long enough, he’ll stop! 
“Oh?” Sun looked down, and noticed Eclipse’s hand placement. A little smirk filled his face. Ooooh, he could have fun with this~ 
Sun looked up. “I guess this one isn’t very ticklish, huh?” Sun asked, acting none-the-wiser. “Maybe this other knee is worse?” Sun asked as he switched to his left knee pit. 
Not expecting this change, Eclipse accidentally let out a whimper and a snort. Widening his eyes, he tightened his grip on his own mouth and began to pray that Sun didn’t hear him break. 
Oh, but Sun heard it. He heard it loud and clear. But why let Eclipse know that, when he could continue to toy with him instead? That sounds so much more fun! “Looks like this one isn’t very ticklish either!” Sun reacted, moving his fingers away. “I could’ve sworn they could be ticklish!” Sun exclaimed as he stroked his chin. 
Eclipse let out a slow, but comforting breath. God, that was close…But did he do it? Did he convince Sun that he’s not ticklish?!
“Well that’s a shame…looks like I was wrong.” Sun mumbled aloud. “I guess you’re not ticklish there like I thought.” Sun added. 
Eclipse was flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe it! It worked! It actually worked!! 
Oh…but Eclipse quickly realized the truth…and it was all revealed to him the moment he felt skittering fingers against both pits of his knees.
“BWAHAHAHAHA!” Eclipse tried to reach up to stop him. “WAHAIT!” He shouted. 
“Sorry Clipsy~” Sun watched Eclipse crash down the moment his fingers moved primarily to the right knee pit. “But liars don’t get to have mercy! At least, not yet~” He teased more. 
“aAAAHAHAHAHAHA! DAHAHAHAMMIHIT!” He threw his head back with a long, slightly evil cackle. 
“Ooooh! So it looks like those eeeevil cackles of yours are more genuine than I expected!” Sun reacted. 
“SHUHUT UHUP! YOHOHOHOU-” Eclipse screeched as the left knee pit was attacked next. 
“Ah ah ah, Careful of your words, Clipsy~” Sun teased. “We don’t want you overdoing yourself, do we?” Sun warned in a playful tone. And yet, that playful tone almost made the warning sound a lot more intimidating. Whether this was his intention, is up for debate. 
But all Eclipse could worry about was how overwhelmingly tickly this was. Everything in him wanted to fight him and get out of this as quickly as possible. But the other part of him knew that resisting may make Sun go worse on him. And on another hand…
This punishment could’ve been a lot worse…He had to give Sun credit where credit was due. Never in his mind, would Eclipse even think about using tickling to subdue someone. And…Oh my god, it actually works! And it almost makes him want to take the idea and use it against Sun. Maybe with this strategy, Eclipse could weaken Sun enough to take control of his body and follow through with his original plan. But for now, Eclipse could feel himself getting tired. So as much as he hates resorting to such extremes, he needs to ask for mercy or beg for him to stop. 
“Oh, what was that?” Sun reacted with shock. 
Sun chuckled and stopped his fingers. “Fine, fine. You can have a break.” He gently lifted Eclipse up by his back, and placed him onto the ground of the headspace. “Are you done with your special takeover?” Sun asked. 
“Yeah…I’m done.” Eclipse said with a hidden little smirk. He’s not really done. He’s just saying what Sun would like to hear, so Eclipse can get away without pushback. “I won’t try to take over.” He looked down more. ‘Yet.’ He said in his mind. 
Though Sun heard his extra word, he still accepted his decision. “Alright.” He muttered, breathing a sigh of relief. Though he knew the takeover would come eventually, Sun was just glad he had gotten the code under temporary control. This would give him more than enough time to come up with other ways to stop Eclipse’s eventual takeover. 
Sun took over his body again, and turned himself on. He opened his beady white eyes, and looked around the room. It looked like he was…on his couch in their hidden bedroom.
Wait…didn’t he shut himself down in the main daycare? Why is he on his couch? How did he get to his bedroom? 
Sun pulled himself off the couch, and noticed the blue blanket around his chest. And on the blanket, was a note: 
[Hi Sun. Found you sleeping in the daycare. Guess you didn’t make it to bed, huh?
Good night Sun. 
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anxious-lee-ler · 4 months
"Who would win a tickle fight"
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As explained by someone in the tickle community, but trying not to out myself of that in a normal server-
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🔆 Opposite Day! ☽
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A Security Breach tickle fic, featuring the Daycare Attendant(s) Sun, and Moon! (Both boys get equal amounts of Wrecking or your money back-)
As a result of a crappy visit to parts and services, Sun finds Moon has a new sunny accessory around his faceplate and the daytime counterpart is far from satisfactory. However, when Moon goes to do repairs, those new ray sensors decide to make themselves known, and not in the way that was expected.
Thank you @coy-lee and @laughterfixs for helping me edit this fic! 😁 I appreciated the help, and as much as I would deny, the high pitched screeching that came out of our editing method 🤣
Anyone that comes across this fic should like, totally check out their shit. They make some MMMMMMMMMM!!! GOOD SHIIT!! Anyway, with that said enjoy!☺️
Sun's rays were gone. No joke, the now bald animatronic looked like a McDonald's egg patty. The other day, the Daycare Attendant(s) took a trip to parts and service for a tiny upgrade to their sensory system, and a little adjustment to their mobility settings. Everything seemed spick and span coming back from parts and services the day before- so, how come he isn't now? Oh how he and Moon HATED to go to parts and services... They seemed to do more damage than help.
Sun huffed, hooking the lunar-wire to his back to pull themselves up to their room. Typical matentience staff. He entered the room inward from the balcony, a close up view of trash cluttering the floor, and children's drawings painting the walls. They were going to have to solve this problem on their own, like always. Crawling into the dark depths of Moon's room. The daytime bot shifted control to the naptime animatronic. Moon had fixed them before using other bots, so maybe he could find a way to reactivate his-
Oh. ...
There they were.
His vision froze on the mirror in his half of the storage room, possibly more confused than Sun in the moment. Moon tried moving the rays, much to his shock that he could move each individually, or all together if he wanted to. This was to his brother's annoyance, as the security bot began to play with them by making himself look like a cat, or axolotl, even a pokemon by stretching the top two rays out as far as they could go!
"Well that is... peculiar..." he stated in a nonchalant fashion.
Peculiar? Those were HIS RAYS! This was more than just peculiar, this was DISTURBING!
"Oh don't be so dramatic Sunny... it's not THAT bad~ I think I like this new look."
Moon posed like a geek in the mirror, flaunting his new rays in various positions like a model. He looked absolutely ridiculous! Sun's rays didn't even match him.
Moon chuckled at Sun's party-pooper mindset, deciding to give one last pose in the mirror by imitating Sun's side of their statue.
'Haha... really funny Moon.'
"Hehehah... I'm glad you think so! I think it's hilarious~"
After his obnoxious laughter stopped, Moon decided to focus on the task at hand:
Fixing this.
Moon jingled his way over to a lone, deactivated security bot to pry it open and steal away some lone wires, connectors, sensory chips, even a couple of servos. Taking the new repair supplies with him, Moon kicked open a loose plank among the closet floor to reveal stolen parts and service equipment.
Sun really doesn't like knowing this stolen staff equipment was here, but... this was really their only resolution. Moon has since cut off their hidden security camera from seeing the surplus of tools, otherwise they would have probably visited the shock conditioning chamber again.
"Don't be nervous," the lunar bot soothed, "I'm not going to hurt us. This is a minor fix. First I need to examine how exactly this happened."
Moon's fingers lightly excavated the rays. Even though he could move them, he for some reason couldn't feel them... how odd. Involuntary movement arose from the tiny triangles as he lightly measured the edges of them from bottom to top inbetween his index finger and thumb.
Sun gasped inside of his head at the foreign sensation, doing all he could to try and retract his rays, but they wouldn't budge.
"Is something wrong Sunny? It doesn't hurt, does it?"
Moon wanted to be extra careful with his opposites rays. They were the equivalent to hair with nerve-endings, or a less gross example being the inside of a human ear.
'N-no! It doesn't... just- be-Ee Carefuhul…'
His brother's thumb had feathered over the center of his sunrays... It was terribly ticklish- but, he had to stay quiet. Moon didn't know he was sensitive in THAT way on this area... If he did, he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Moon warily accepted the warbled answer, his finger now venturing to the back of their faceplate. Everything felt in order back there... Dangit! If only he had a mirror.
Moon froze at the sound of Sun's thoughts overlapping his own.
Surely if Sun had a physical body, he would be fidgeting with his fingers.
'I have a mirror. It's just… hidden.'
Moon cocked his head with confusion at the response.
The two then played a little game of 'hot-cold' until Moon came across a tiny, dirty carpet.
Moon burst into giggly hiccups, raspy and Disney villain sounding. Their antics truly made his smile grow wider, even on the cloudiest of days. The lunar animatronic lifted the carpet to find a rather gruesome looking hole, wood splintered all around it in the shape of a foot.
'There was a... happy little accident that happened a while back when I was dancing. So much so, I kiiiinda decided to use it to keep things in like you do with that plank!'
Sun, the rule follower, the rule stickler, the anxious little Golden retriever that stuck to his programming... he STOLE things??
... Moon was so proud!
Sun was finally growing a backbone to scavenge!
What mainly decorated the hidden section were supplies intended for childcare purposes... also a purse.
"Seems you're more of a thief than I am!" Moon chuckled, rummaging through the compartment, placing his hands on the handheld mirror inside.
'I wouldn't go that far.. I merely like to have supplies management refuses to give us.'
"Oh, you mean like some parent's purse you stole? They still have their wallet in here!"
'.... I'm done talking now.'
Moon snickered over his friend's grumpy nature, covering the hole back up with the rug and skittering back to the mirror in his room.
He held the mirror behind his faceplate before flipping one specific nerve ending switch ontop of their head.
"There. Our faceplate and your sun rays have the pain receptors turned off... Let's see..."
Moon took the back hatch off of their faceplate to see where the error was.
Aha, the orange and blue wires.
The orange wires intended for sun's rays were plugged into the activation port for his hat hatch... speaking of which- he realized he wasn't WEARING his hat at all... did that mean Sun-?
Nope. Sun didn't have his hat today... He guessed that maybe maintenance didn't properly plug the hat turning system after the upgrades, nor pushed in the stability settings for transitioning. While reaching for the plug, the long ribbon around Moon's wrist SLOWLY feathered across three of Sun's rays. It took him by surprise, so he couldn't stop his reaction.
The animatronic stopped in his tracks, a bewildered look replacing the neutral one from before. Now that was straaaaange..
'N-No it wasn't! You just need to get back to the task at HaahahnnhnnhnhnnNHNND!? EEEEK!!'
Moon's hands had since traveled from the back of their faceplate to feel over two of Sun's rays.
"Such a peculiar reaction Sunny... I'm certain something may be wrong with your rays... Seems I might need to Investigate further."
Investigate? Uh oh...
'You really don't need to do this, it's probAHAHABLY NYAHAHA!!'
Moon drew a continuous spiral on one of them, while scratching at the other like a lottery card.
"You seem very happy brother~ Whatever could be soooooo funny, hm?" The lunar animatronic teased as the rays attempted to cha-cha away from his fluttering digits.
'OHOHO- NoOhohothing! NOHoTHing at ahall!!"
Moons fingers stopped for a moment to trace the edges of each ray starting from the bottom.
"Oh? It doesn't sound like nothing little star... my my my... you couldn't be-"
Moon got to the top two rays, and began to skitter his fingers quickly behind them.
"Tickle-tickle, tiiiicklish here? Could you?"
'SQUEAAAAHH!! Yohou MEheahHeaANIE! yohuhuu jeherrkyJEHERKjeEeherk!!'
"JerkyJerkjerk? Oh goodness, Sunny. I'm Offended. Maybe I should teach you a lesson... hehe..."
Moon smirked in the mirror as he began to spin Sun's rays in a circle.
'Wh... whahat are you doing!?'
The animatronic wiggled his fingers, continuously staring in the mirror so sun could see his demise. The moving digits moved closer until-
🎶"The rays on the sun went round' and round'~" 🎶
He began to sing the tune to wheels on the bus while tickling the life out of Sun's ultra sensitive rays.
🎶"Round' and round', "🎶
Ontop of his rays.. Skitter skitter, itch itch, wiggle wiggle~
🎶"Round' and round'!"🎶
🎶"The Rays on the Sun went round and round'~"🎶
Behind his rays.. Skitter, scritch, skitter skitter, wiggle-
"🎶All through the day~!🎶 Ooh- more name calling? That means another verse is in order!"
The lunar attendant changed things up a bit by making the rays retract, and eject while spinning.
🎶 "the rays on the sun went in and out~" 🎶
Moon used all of his fingers, targeting specific rays that had retracted, waiting for them to pop out in order to tickle them again.
Pop! Wiggle-wiggle wiggle~
Pop! Skitter-skitter skit~
Pop! Tickle-tickle  tickle~ 
Moon could sense that Sun was actually having a lot of fun through their thin, invisible mental wall, so he decided to crank it up a little.
 "🎶In and out~ in and out!~🎶 or what, give me a headache? You can't touch me~!"
Gitchygitchygitchy, itchy itchy, tingly tickles spread everywhere after Sun's threat, and the teasy song didn't help
🎶"The rays on the sun went in and out~ all through the day!"🎶
It was instantaneous when the power seemingly went out in Moon's arms. Great, another problem that he now physically couldn't fix.. maybe he would have to go down to-
As soon as Moon looked down, he immediately noticed a change in his arms...
"Yellow?" He asked aloud, extremely confused… that is until he realized.
They weren't HIS arms anymore...they were-
The yellow hands cracked their fingers and knuckles as a huffing, wheezing Sun voice inside of Moon's head starting to laugh without mirth.
'Heheheaha... ihi... I warned you~'
It turned out Sun's theory was correct earlier about the light sensors being breachable due to plug inactivity.. now to get some MUCH needed revenge.
The yellow limbs began to lightly trace over Moon's torso, making him squeak and sputter.
"Wahait!! I- We can tahalk about this Sunny!"
'Talk? You mean like how you tickled me to speechlessness? Sure, we can do that!~'
Moon let out a squeal as the digits dusted over his ribs, fluttered under his arms into his wires, feathered over his neck, traced over the edge of the moon crescent of his fa-
"SQUEAA!!" Moon screeched as Sun traced over the lower section of the crescent that would be considered his 'jaw'. Sun stilled at the reaction, baffled at the energy that erupted from seemingly nowhere. Moon felt Sun's sinister intentions bubble inside of their processor. The previous attacker grew nervous at the silence and the lack of movement from Sun's arms
"I-I uh-" Before Moon could say anything, Sun attacked. One hand flew to Moon's sensitive little tummy as the other danced over his jawline, drawing spirals in the moon crescent's craters like Moon did on Sun's rays earlier.
"SQUEAAAAAHEAHEAAAA!! EHEHEHEHE! -HIC-! ahahAhahahahAHAH!!" The sensation was overbearing!
Sun was used to tickling. Sun got to play with the kids all the time... however, since Moon was naptime duty on main, he hasn't built up quite the sensor tolerance Sun has, nor the fan speed.
Sun's left hand rapidly scrunched against the middle of Moon's tummy, barely touching his dent... OH how ticklish it felt- he never thought his tummy could feel so tingly.
'Please? You're gonna have to specify! Did you mean please go faster? Do these tickles make you happy moon? Do they? Do they? Awww of coooourse they do!~ Why else would you be so giddy?'
With that, Sun sped the tickling up on the poor little tummy and ticklish little craters.
'Gitchygitchygitch! Oho tickle tickle little Moonshine~'
Sun's voice echoed in sickeningly sweet baby talk.
'Is the tiny, little astronaut that ticklish to you? Hm?? Them walking allll over your tummy, and face? Over your cute little craters?'
The left yellow hand began to mimic walking motions, wiggling each 'foot' into his moon plate with each step, circling and tickling in each tiny crater he could find.
"EHEHAKAKA!!" The lightswitch- he NEEDED to get to the light switch.
Sun inwardly gasped, beginning to tickle more skillfully instead of playful skitters as Moon's plan echoed through their mind. Not only did the solar animatronic have a lot of tolerance, but he also had a lot of experience giving tickles out, especially to adults as per his playful and teasy nature.
The nighttime animatronic sputtered and spat chortle to cackle as the hands began to travel. His ribs, his hips, even seeing the sensitivity of the little buttons on his chest, his neck.
And. It. Tickled. HORRIBLY.
Moon could barely keep himself up in these circumstances. His legs felt like jello, yet somehow, some way, Moon managed to make it over to the lightswitch.
'Ah ah ah! Not so fast~'
Moon was forced downward, sun's arms somehow pulling the rest of his body away from the lightswitch and to his ankles. Upon this the devilish yellow fingers inched around his ankles, and heels, tracing eights and infinity signs all over to throw him off. Moon screeched as his 'Achilles heel-s' were discovered. The animatronic couldn't move an inch from this terribly ticklish situation as both hands held his ankles captive. It was when the hands forced his foot up did he lose balance. The naptime attendant fell on his butt, his shoed feet at the very mercy of his brother.
'Let's seee~ what's behind curtain number one?!'
The first shoe came off, revealing the foot underneath. Moon's feet were much like his hands, accept it had sensory cushioning on the bottoms to prevent finger crushing. The yellow digits lightly traced the sensory pad, and under moon's toes before coming back to the top of his foot.
'Not the feet? Not the feet? Is it possible they're terrrribly sensitive to kitchies? Hmmmm?'
Sun lightly scrunched over the top of the revealed foot before pulling the other slipper off.
Moon wiggled his toes as his brother traced lines all around the tops of his feet, paying attention to the tippy top of the little beans.
Snorting, Moon quickly tried to think of a plan through his laughter and Sun's teasing... AHA!
He wouldn't think what the plan was but he was going to do it.
'Do it if you dare~ I'll get at the bottoms of your feet if you try anything funny moon…'
Funny? Why would he try anything funny? He was the least funny person he kn-
Suddenly, Moon's hat projectile launched from the top of ther faceplate and upward at the lightswitch, leaving Sun to gasp internally.
‘You sneaky little rules twister- that's it!’
Just as Sun began to mercilessly skitter everywhere on the bottom of Moon's feet, the light switch had been flipped, turning the lights on.
His arms are now on the outside of Sun's body...
Oh... this was going to be fun~
"I uh-"
Before Sun could even come up with something to say, Moon's fingers flicked and fluttered vigorously around Sun's Tummy and ribs, even under his arms at one point.
bam the wires.
As soon as the words left Sun's mouth, Moon stopped.
The conjoined animatronic twins turned on their internal fans, cooling their shared system as they lay on the floor.
Sun airily laughed the rest of his giggles out, eventually calming down.
'Did you have fun?' Moon asked as their system returned back to its normal heating stats.
"... Maybe."
'Hehehe~ thought so!'
After a moment, Sun wobbled to his feet regaining his balance to step to the lightswitch again. Moon gave his brother the ability to swap their limbs again, so when they turned the lights off again, he would be able to fix them.
The lights turned off with a swift flick, changing Moon back into himself again, as bald and shiny headed as king Neptune without his crown. His hat was laying on the floor, but he'd pick that up later.
Without hesitation, he traversed back to the mirror again to fix the wires.
… were they that tangled before?
Perhaps Moon and Sun's ticklish scuffle tangled the wires up more than they were… their back faceplate cover was off during it.
"... well this will be difficult."
'HEY- uh… actually… what if we just… didn't fix it?'
Moon smirked at that, his attention fully on his brother now, that of which Sun felt. A bit nervous, he continued.
'I mean- if I'm able to swap your limbs out for mine… w-we can just… I don't know… keep that feature?'
That sounded like a fun little quirk… especially if they wanted to do something like this again.
"You know… that's not a bad idea. Who would really notice anyway?"
And from then on… nobody really did. Well- not except for when laughter could be heard coming from the fazbear theatre.. but Sun and Moon publically chocked it up to daycare antics rather than any insinuated malfunction if an employee were to ask.
Yet another secret well hidden by the mystery(ies) that was(ere) the Daycare Attendant(s).
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fluffystuffies · 8 months
Hoping the Old Still Works with the New [TSAMS]
Summary: With everything that's been happening, Moon is understandably stressed and angry. So Sun suggests something that he used to do with the old Moon as a way to calm him down. It...well, it works, though with MUCH different reactions than the old Moon would've had (obviously).
Words: 4378
hello-I come to bring you another tsams tkl fic!! this time with the classic brothers! had this idea for a while after i saw the hcs Sunset sent me hsfjhsf (hi by the way Sunset! :D) this one's a little shorter than I'm used to, but hope it's still good!
anyways, enjoy!
It was no secret to anyone around him that Moon was stressed. Stressed, irritated, and tired would all be accurate descriptions of him at the current moment.
Stressed due to the paranoia that another villain would come and kidnap one of his family members, irritated that there were still villains around to kidnap his family members, and tired because he had been focusing so much energy on keeping his family safe that he hadn’t had the chance to sleep. 
So yeah. Maybe he wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around at the moment. And maybe he was about ready to tear the hat from his head and rip it apart from pure frustration. Buuut then he’d have to ask someone to fix it and he didn’t want to bother Earth (or Solar, since he heard that the sun-based animatronic had recently picked up sewing). Everyone already had too much going on and he didn’t want to cause such a trivial problem.
Moon finally turned off the camera footage that he had been playing on loop in his head for some kind of hint as to how Eclipse did…anything! Everything that surrounded the supposed-to-be-dead villain was shrouded in a mystery that he was slowly losing patience in solving.
He sighed roughly from his place at the plugin area. He had kept himself plugged in while he was searching the footage so he wouldn’t accidentally bring himself down to a dangerously low percentage (he honestly wished Solar did the same sometimes). He then unplugged himself and stepped away from the wall, stumbling a little.
God, he was tired.
Despite the fact that the action was pointless for a robot, Moon yawned and stretched slightly. He blamed that odd quirk he had on the fact that he was originally the nighttime attendant and probably had some weird ‘sleepytime’ programs built into him. Though, if he was reset then wouldn’t that have reset as well? No, then that would mean that he wouldn’t have been able to speak when he ‘woke up’.
Moon groaned loudly and pressed his palms into his eyes. He was definitely spending too much time on analysis. Now he was analyzing the programming he should already have an adept understanding of.
He should probably sleep.
But he had to keep looking.
But he was tiiireddd.
Both his stress and his exhaustion were battling over his choices for a good few seconds before the war ended up brewing even more frustration. And he couldn’t just transfer his work-in-progress to Solar, not since he became more aware of just how much his newly adopted family member had been putting on himself. Besides, it wasn’t like Moon had much ‘progress’ to begin with.
Still, he felt like he had to do something. Even if he also felt like curling up on the floor right then and there and passing out. Even if that also wouldn’t work due to the amount of stress and anxiety and anger brewing up in his chest.
Moon groaned again, loud enough to where it bordered on a scream. He didn’t know what to do.
Moon quickly turned around to face the entrance of the room.
Sun was there, hands held up with his fingers curled slightly inwards as if to…well, Moon didn’t know what exactly, but it was a motion reminiscent of how one would look when trying to calm a wild animal. And–oh. Right. Moon probably sounded pretty angry there. Which…wasn’t inaccurate, to be fair.
Still, this was his brother. And Sun had already talked to him a couple times on where to direct his anger. And the last person Moon wanted to direct anger at was his twin. 
So he just inhaled and exhaled once (simulated, of course), hoping that would release some of the tension in his body. “Hi,” he greeted simply, still sounding tense. So the breathing thing didn’t work. Great.
“Hey,” Sun greeted back, hesitant as he usually would be when Moon was angry. “Are you…uh…are you okay?”
Do not be sarcastic. Do NOT be sarcastic. Do not snap. Do not snap. This is SUN. You promised you wouldn’t snap at him again. Moon took another deep ‘breath’. “No. I’m not. I am tired and I am stressed.”
“Yeah…I think we’re all a little…that,” Sun responded, hesitant still. “With everything that’s been going on, it’d be…kind of hard not to be that.”
“Yeah,” Moon replied shortly. He sighed and held a hand to his face. “Did you need something?” He honestly hoped the other didn’t. He didn’t know if he could handle any extended interaction.
“Uh, well…we do kinda have to record a video…” Sun said quietly (or as quietly as he could).
Moon couldn’t stop the loud, aggravated groan that escaped him at that. It wasn’t that he disliked playing games with his brother or anything. He just did not have the patience to record a video while remaining relatively calm. “Can’t we just…put out a pre-recorded one? Or–I don’t know–do one of those compilation videos?” he asked in a strained voice.
“Well, uh…I think we still have the rest of our Help Wanted playthrough? If you’d…rather just give that to our editor…” Sun told him, fidgeting with his hands.
“Please,” Moon practically growled out. “Because I really don’t think I can record today.”
“Yeahhh…I can-I can tell,” Sun commented, sounding more like acknowledgement than anything else. “And uh…what about you?” he asked suddenly.
“What about me?” Moon questioned, blinking slowly.
“Did uh–did you need anything?”
“A nap. And a break. Either one of those would be fucking lovely,” Moon responded honestly.
“Yeah…” Sun agreed. “Uh-” he started as if to say something, then abruptly cut himself off.
“What. What is it?” Moon asked roughly, then made a sound like he was sucking in air through his teeth. “Sorry. What is it?” he repeated a little more softly.
Sun hesitated before seemingly trying to continue what he was originally going to say. “I mean, I’m pretty sure a nap wouldn’t hurt? I-I mean, I know you have…stuff to do, but-uh…” He rubbed the back of his faceplate. He seemed to have more he wanted to say but for the moment, he wasn’t speaking.
So Moon decided to speak, starting with a sigh. “I don’t think I even can take a nap right now. I am stressed, Sun. Really. Fucking. Stressed.”
“I know that!” Sun snapped slightly, holding up his hands again. “I just–okay. I…I have an idea to…I guess help both of us with that? Kinda? Mainly just you…” he mumbled. “I don’t exactly know if it’ll work though…”
“Brother, listen,” Moon said as he walked over to his twin to place both hands on the other’s shoulders. “I am open to anything at this point.” Okay, maybe he really wanted a fucking break. “At this point, I think it would be better anyway if I took a break,” he admitted, even if several other parts of him screamed to get back to work.
“Right…okay,” Sun mumbled, backing away slightly so Moon would remove his hands. “Uh…you wanna do it here or…?” He looked around the dilapidated room.
“Depends on what it is,” Moon responded, letting his arms drop to his sides. “Is it something we need to sit down for?”
“Kinda? Yeah, actually…” Sun told him, folding his hands over each other. “Is uh, is that room still…good?” He pointed at the curtained area that covered the tunnel leading to Moon’s old room.
“I think so. Solar says he sleeps in there. Though–” Moon sighed. “Chances are he’s not in there. It’s not like it’s anyone’s room anymore anyways.” He wasn’t even sure what it looked like anymore. “Whatever. It should be fine.”
“Right. Uh, let’s go in there then. And hope it has a mattress or something.”
“It should.”
With that exchange of words, Moon walked over to the curtain and pulled it back to reveal the tunnel hiding behind it. Then he gestured for his brother to enter, which he did, followed by the former nighttime attendant.
The inside of the room…actually hadn’t changed much. It was surprisingly still considerably lit and the mattress, among other softer items, were still in decent condition. 
“Huh. I was…honestly expecting this to be a lot more destroyed,” Sun commented.
“Mhm,” Moon hummed shortly, sitting down on the mattress without much thought. It didn’t even creak. “So…are you gonna do some kind of hypnosis or something? Did Earth teach you anything?”
“Uh, no, not really. You’re the one who has the hypnosis feature anyways…” Sun admitted, following his brother in sitting down.
He did? “I do?” Moon questioned, dropping his annoyed tone for the first time to make way for a genuinely confused one.
“Yeah? You didn’t-did you not know you have that???” Sun asked incredulously, moving his head in a way that suggested he would be emoting utter bafflement if he could.
“No???” Moon responded in a question. “I have a hypnosis feature???”
“Yes??? How else do you think you were supposed to get some kids to sleep?” Sun asked him as if that was a normal thing to say.
Moon shook his head slightly. “Wow. Okay. Fazbear really does not like children.”
“I don’t know what you were expecting from a company that puts caffeine into children’s candy,” Sun said blankly.
“No, that’s fair.” Honestly, Moon was wondering why he was even surprised in the first place.
“I’m also surprised you didn’t know about that sooner.”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, things have been a liiittle hectic lately.” Ah, there was the anger and stress.
“Right…” Sun paused before shaking his head. “Anyway, uh…right. The thing. Um, so…this is something I used to do with…the old you.” Moon could feel both of them get a little more tense from the mention of the previous Moon. “Not that I’m-! I’m not trying to say that this’ll work on you because you’re…Moon, I just-I don’t know. I thought that it could work? Maybe? It helped with…the old Moon when he was stressed…”
Moon could see that his brother was starting to get a little frantic in his ramblings, so he pushed down his annoyance and gently placed his hand on the other’s shoulder. “Sun. Hey.” He waited until his twin looked up at him. “I said I was open to anything and I still am. So. Go ahead. Besides, if it could calm down that prick, then who knows? Maybe it’ll work.” He tried to be lighthearted in his words, but unfortunately, annoyance and lighthearted didn’t go well together. He just hoped Sun understood.
Sun hesitated then sighed and held out a hand. “Alright…okay, uh, can you give me your hand?” he asked suddenly.
Moon decided not to question the strange request too much. He was still gonna question it though. “Okay…wwwhyyy?” He gently placed his hand on his brother’s outstretched one, removing his other hand and letting it sit on the mattress.
Sun then turned over Moon’s hand so his palm was facing upwards. “Well, when my-the-the other Moon was stressed, sometimes he would…uh, he would ask me to trace around on his palms. He said it was calming so…maybe it’ll work for you?”
And Moon…had no idea that was even a thing with the old Moon. He had assumed that not everything was recorded and uploaded to the channel, so he wasn’t expecting to view every little detail. But he would have expected maybe a small implication or mention–actually, never mind. With how closed-off the old Moon was, he probably shouldn’t have expected something this affectionate to have any sort of mention if the old him could help it.
“Uh…y’know what? Sure.” Plus, the confusion was helping a little already. “Go ahead.”
Then Sun started gently tracing a finger around on Moon’s palm, just as he said, starting in the center and creating a soft, spiraling motion.
It would’ve been nice (and it…well, it was), however, Moon didn’t account for the sudden ticklish sensation he would be experiencing. He gave a full-body flinch, holding back a barrage of raspy giggles that threatened to escape. “I-It t-” he tried to say, only to hold onto his metaphorical breath when Sun smoothly ran his finger around to trace a single line across the center of his palm.
“What?” Sun asked, not pausing in his tracing motions.
Moon tried speaking again, squirming slightly and feeling his fingers twitch as Sun began running his finger back and forth in that same line as if it were an idle motion. “Itststststs-” He held a hand over his smile even though that did absolutely nothing to muffle anything as he let out a sprinkler-like laugh.
Even though Sun had definitely noticed the action was tickling Moon by this point, he still didn’t stop. “What? What is it?” While his tone sounded fairly concerned, it was clear from the way he curled his finger to scritch lightly at the center of Moon’s palm that he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Iihihihit tiHIHIHIckles!” Moon was finally able to get out, turning his head slightly and trying to hide as much of his face as possible with his hand.
“Oh wow. Really? I had no idea!” Sun exclaimed in a show of over-exaggeration and it was like his usual stutter-filled mannerisms had completely vanished.
“Yeheheah yohohohou dihihHIHID!” Moon tried to sound accusatory but the spiked giggles did not help convey that tone for him at all. And then Sun started gently dragging four of his fingers in individual, circular strokes across the whole of his palm. Then it was like Moon couldn’t stop the giggles from leaving his voicebox. “Yohohohou knohohohohow whaHAHAHAt yohohou’re dohohoing!”
“Hm, no, I don’t think I do. Would you mind telling me, dear brother? That should be easy for you,” Sun teased while giving off an air of faux casualness. Though the complete casualness was practically lost as he kept up his tickling motions.
“YohohoHOHOHOU-” Moon tried to say, laughter overtaking the insult he had on his metaphorical tongue. Then he almost ripped his hand away when Sun switched back to scritching at his palm, taking on more of a scribbling technique, keeping his fingers’ range short but rapid in motion. Moon could tell Sun definitely had a bit of experience with this because it tickled like all hell. He even started kicking his feet slightly while the rest of him started squirming more violently. “NAHAHAHAHAHA!! SUHUHUHUN!!” How the FUCK did this tickle so much??? He could feel his face being exposed once more as his body movements became more uncontrolled.
“Yes? That’s my name, dear brother,” Sun responded simply. If he could smile any wider, Moon was positive that smile would’ve taken up his brother’s whole face. “Hmmm, you still haven’t told me what I’m doing. You’ve only said my name and nothing else!” 
“ThahahaHAHAHAT’S BECAHAHAHAUSE YOHOHOHOU’RE TIHIHIHIHICKLING ME!! AND YOHOHOU KNOHOHOHOW IHIHIHIT!!” Moon finally forced out before his laughter could completely take over his vocabulary. Even though he wasn’t embarrassed by the concept itself, it was still flustering to say the action out loud. So once again, he turned his body and head away as much as he could while holding a hand over his face.
“Oh! Wow! That must’ve been why you said you were being tickled! It was me all along!” Sun exclaimed as though a big revelation had been placed upon him. And while he did, he changed tactics once more to lightly tracing the outer area of Moon’s palm with a single finger, which somehow tickled more. 
“YEHEHEHEHES! Of cohohohohourse ihihIHIHIT WAS YOHOHOHOU!” Moon responded, the volume of his laughter going up and down depending on what part of his palm Sun was tickling. Giggles spilled out from his voice box when Sun neared the center of his palm and louder laughs were earned when the gentle, tracing motions traveled to the ‘outer rim’ of his hand. “Dohohohon’t plahahahay duhuhuhuHUHUMB!!”
Sun gasped like he had been personally insulted. “Well! How was I supposed to know I was tickling you when you weren’t telling me? Sounds like a you problem, brother of mine.”
“Dohohon’t puhuhuhut the blahahahame on mEHEHEHE!! Thihihis wahahahahas yohohohour ideheHEHEHEhea!” Moon accused–or tried to. Again, the constant shift of giggles to louder laughter made it very hard to convey any other tone besides playfulness or flusteredness. It also didn’t help that Sun had realized this little fact of him having more ticklish parts of his palm and began making squiggly lines all around his palm, getting both the milder and more ticklish spots all at once.
“Well, yes. Yes, it was. Buuut I also don’t hear you telling me to stop, sooo-” Sun made a cocky lip-smacking sound. “Y’know, I guess I have to continue,” he continued to sass his brother. “Since you seem to like this so much.”
“I dihihihihihidn’t sahahahahay thAHAHAHAT!” Moon protested immediately, squirming just a little too much to make it comfortable for anyone to hold onto such a small part of him. It was then that he felt his brother shift to hold his arm under his own, leaving it at the mercy of Sun’s continuous tickling. “Waihehehehehehe-”
“Whaaat? You were moving around too much!” Sun defended, somehow sounding even more smug. “I had to get this part of you to sit still somehow.”
Moon felt the squiggly motions continue and he felt like his body was copying the actions his hand was being subject to. How was it that such a small part of him could tickle so much and seem so easy to pull away but make him feel so unable to do anything??? “Ihehehehehe-nahaHAHAHAHA!!”
“I must say, brother, I quite like this little volume-adjusting spot you have! Look, I can just-” Sun stopped the indecisive squiggles and started swirling a cyclone in the middle of his brother’s palm.
“YOHOhohohou lihihihihittle-hehehehahahaha…!” Just like that, the louder laughs that Moon had been producing were reduced to giggling. He didn’t even know what he was saying at that point.
“And you get muuuch quieter! And then if I can’t hear you, I can just do this!” Sun continued as if he wasn’t reducing his twin to a wiggly string of laughter. As he spoke the last few words, he smoothly transitioned his finger to tracing a larger circle around the outside of Moon’s palm.
“NeheheHAHAHAHA!! SUHUHUHUHUN!!” Despite the gentler tickling, Moon felt his giggling spike back up to more frantic peals of laughter, kicking his legs out from the sides of his brother and messing up the blanket that had been laid out on the mattress.
“See! Prrret-ty cool little feature,” Sun commented casually. “I honestly wasn’t expecting you to react like this, so I’d say this is a pleasant surprise.”
Moon couldn’t say he expected this either. But he didn’t have anything left to offer but more laughter, quieting down as Sun returned to tickling the center of his palm. “Mmkekekekekehehehe…” He felt something more akin to a snicker interrupt his giggling, which just amused him and added an extra kick to his laughter.
“Did you just unironically do the ‘kekeke’ thing???” Sun questioned, sounding both flabbergasted and amused at the same time, letting out a small wheeze as he spoke.
“I cahahahahan’t cohohohohontrol thahahahahat…shUHUHUHUT UHUHUP!!” Moon suddenly burst out as the gentle tickling slowly traveled to the more sensitive parts of his hand. But also, his brother was laughing at him now! “StahahaHAHAHAP LAHAHAHAUGHING!”
“I dohohon’t think you’re in any position to tell me that, brother,” Sun responded, his own laughter peeking through slightly.
“Oh, shuhuhuhuhut aHAHAHAP!” Moon retorted, not that it had much effect. He felt his body start shaking a little more violently as it was over taken with frantic laughter and loss of control. He was practically curled up at this point with the squirming energy that had overcome his body now transferring solely to his kicking legs.
Eventually, Moon just…dropped the hand covering his face and bonked his head on his brother’s back. But he felt like he had to do something with his extra hand so without thinking, he just wrapped his free arm over his brother’s stomach region. Then he was just giggling into Sun’s back where his shoulder blades would be, shaking from laughter.
Then gradually, he felt Sun’s finger slow on his hand until it was completely still. “...uh, Moon?” he suddenly asked, sounding much less teasy than before.
“Whahahahat…?” Moon giggled out, still feeling the ghost tickles dancing over his palm.
“...do you need me to stop?” Sun questioned, slowly rubbing his own palm over his brother’s, perhaps to alleviate the remaining ticklish feeling.
Moon felt the shaking gradually cease alongside his giggles until he just had his face calmly shoved into Sun’s back while he tried to think up a response. He felt…tired, but a much better tired than he was feeling before. And…he felt…calmer. A lot calmer, actually.
…okay, maybe the palm thing had helped. Quite a bit.
But even so…
Moon grumbled into his twin’s back. “...can you keep going?” he asked, almost wanting to deafen his auditory units just so he couldn’t hear the response. He wasn’t sure what that would do, but he just knew he wanted to hide in general.
…he also realized that he was still hugging his brother, who wasn’t the biggest ball of affection, to be clear. So he straightened his back and lifted his head, unwrapping his arm from around Sun’s stomach and letting it lie by his side. “Sorry…”
Sun scooted forward a little, letting go of the former nighttime attendant’s hand momentarily to turn himself around. “It’s fine. But…you wanted me to keep going?” he asked again, holding his brother’s hand and positioning his own hand over it in a claw-like manner, teetering on the edge of being playful once again.
Moon grumbled again, pulling his nightcap over his face then wondering why he didn’t do that in the first place. It covered a lot more. “...yeah,” he confirmed. “But-!” His brother stopped his hand from ascending on the lunar-themed animatronic’s still-senstitive palm. “Somewhere else…? And not for too long. ‘M tired…” God, this was flustering.
“Gotcha,” Sun responded, releasing his twin’s hand and putting a hand to his chin as if he were inspecting a ware in a store. “Hmmm, now where-oh-where would my dearest brother like to be tickled next?...”
Moon groaned and used both hands to pull his nightcap completely over his face. “Oh, don’t say it like that, you little-”
“You asked for this!” Sun protested.
“After you suggested it!” Moon responded, lifting his cap to glare at his brother, though with no heat whatsoever.
“And you’re the one who wanted me to continue!”
And…Moon had no response to that, crossing his arms and grumpily looking away. He wished he could pout, but alas.
“Now. Hmmm…” Sun hummed, then raised his hand to his twin’s face. “I think I know the perfect spot! You said you were tired, after all…”
Oh. Wait. “Suhuhuhuhun-mehehehehehe…” Moon felt fingers gently drag along his crescent, wiggling slightly and swirling at random intervals. “Whihihihihy-ehehehe-” he giggled out, lowering his head and attempting to scrunch up his nonexistence shoulders. Neither of which helped alleviate the sensation.
“You said you were tired! And we both know this helps,” Sun replied simply, stopping his tickling for a moment so he could move to Moon’s side. Then he went right back to it, tapping his fingers lightly against his brother’s chin and adding some scribbling into the mix to restart the giggles.
“Thahahahat dohohohoesn’t mahahakehehehe-” Moon stopped to lightly shake his head, tightening his crossed arms and curling up slightly. “-ihihihit any lehehehess embahahaharassihihing…”
“Oh, I know that,” Sun replied immediately, sounding every bit smug about embarrassing his brother.
“Fuhuhuhuck yohohohou…” Moon tried to instinctually move his head away, but his twin’s fingers continued to follow him, so that was pointless. 
Sun didn’t pause once in his motions, but Moon flinched when he felt his brother’s other hand graze over his back. “GeheheHEHE-Suhuhuhun nohohoho…”
“Y’know, I could be incredibly mean to you right now, but I’m not going to. Aren’t I a great brother, Moon?” Oh, Moon could hear the smug grin in Sun’s voice.
“Yohohou suhuhuhuck…” Despite the threat of one of his worst spots being targeted, Moon still decided to be sassy in return. He knew Sun was just bluffing anyway.
Moon felt Sun continue lightly tickling his crescent, relaxing him further. Then a loud guffaw of laughter left him when he felt fingers quickly scribble at his back, then leave a moment later. “SUHUHUN!!”
“Like I said, I could be mean, Moon,” Sun reiterated his statement. “...but! I’m not going to. Because I’m nice.”
“Agahehehein, fuhuhuhuck yohohou…” Moon repeated boldly, giggling increasing directly after when Sun began rapidly scribbling at his chin, making him throw his head around to try and escape the feeling. 
“Screw you too.”
Then it was like the leak in Moon’s bag of energy enlarged and was now draining even quicker, because it wasn’t long until he felt his arms slowly uncross and his whole body start metaphorically melting. Then he fell backwards onto the mattress, so quickly that Sun didn’t have time to follow with his tickle attack.
“...Moon?” Sun asked, leaning over his brother and looking at his face.
Moon was still giggling slightly, but now his eyes were closed and it looked like he was veering closer and closer to the sleep he had so desperately craved earlier. It wasn’t long until the giggles peetered off into snoring.
Sun blinked. Well. That was fast.
Even though he was sure that Moon would not be waking up anytime soon, Sun slowly started moving to leave the room and let his brother sleep.
Then stopped when he felt something on his arm. Or rather, something around his arm.
He looked down at his arm to see his brother had…basically hugged it to his face and was using it as a fucking teddy bear.
Sun groaned as quietly as he could. Then paused and sighed, laying down next to his brother, turning his arm so the other could still hug it.
He was…most likely not going to go to sleep as quickly as Moon.
But…he felt a little calmer now at least.
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smileheart110 · 22 days
To the Sun and Moon Show tickle community that love making Solar ticklish. Can we agree that there needs to be a tickle fic where Sun, Moon, Lunar, Earth, and Monty (and maybe Jack) find out that Solar's ticklish for the first time and each of them tickle him to find out where he's least and most ticklish since Solar didn't know where nor did he know that he's ticklish due to never being tickled before?
@anxious-lee-ler @not-bixbee @writer-rubes @theclumsyindecisiveturtle
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Sun tickling Moon infront of a mirror so he has to see how precious he actually is. He’s having a lot of fun with it as you can tell XD
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coy-lee · 1 year
I had the idea of Ruin Sun and Moon are still separate in mind and give their 'victim' whiplash with their different styles of teasing.
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ticklish-touch · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask for the link to the five nights at Sunny’s fics? I tried to find them by scrolling but was unable.
Sure!! I'll link both versions.
They both have links to the other chapters!
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laughterfixs · 2 years
Okay I’m not gonna lie, I got really excited and woke up early this morning, I went to go edit it a little more when I woke up just to make sure everything was in place AND NOW! IT’S HERE!!
 @coy-lee @afloofwithmultipleinterests and I were talking in vc one day and were like “oh how cool would it be to commission Swiblet for something” AND FLOOF THIS BEAUTIFUL BASTARD WENT AND DID IT! AND SWIBLET AGREED!! Then we got Corey and Coy and I were dead. We’ve been hard at work bringing this comic dub to life, please give Coy all the love she deserves, she worked so hard on this and should be proud!
And give Floof a big thank you, fnaf t community~! He has fed you well~! We’d love to do more comic dubs but it may not be with Swiblet or corey again XD it was stressful to ask them to do something like this!
Either way, we hope you enjoyed this little project everyone worked so hard on!
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trashyswitch · 7 months
The Guilty, Shady Thief
Moon had stolen one of Monty's most prized possessions: his star-shaped shades. But Sun will only bring out Moon if Monty calms himself down. But no need to worry! Cause Sun knows the perfect trick to ease Monty's anger-induced mind.
This fanfic was suggested by @Puzzle_piecea on AO3! Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you enjoy!
“Ho ho HO! Look who’s come to visit the Superstar daycare!” Sun declared, jumping circles around the large, green animatronic as he stormed into the Daycare. 
“Bring out Moon.” Monty ordered. 
Sun froze. “Uhhh...” He muttered. 
“He stole my star sunglasses.” He told him. “Bring him out, or else…” Monty ordered rather aggressively. 
Sun widened his eyes and stared at Monty. “.....And if I don’t?” 
He growled and stomped up to Sun. “Then I’ll rip you and your crooked brother to shreds.” Monty spat back. 
Sun stared at Monty with slight fear…though the fear wasn’t really written on his face. His face couldn’t really contort into a different face other than the ‘bright smiley face’ he showed off constantly to the little children. But inside, Sun could feel the programmed nervousness building up in his chest. 
{Don’t do it!} Moon pleaded, his voice cracking from fear. {He’s gonna kill us!} 
Sun decided to stand his ground in an attempt to save his brother. “Nah.” Sun replied casually. 
Monty growled and narrowed his eyes at him. 
Sun’s built-in smirk was the perfect look to match his mischievous mood. “I will only bring out Moon on one condition…” Sun told him. 
Monty growled a slight bit more at those words. “...What.” He spat through his teeth. 
“You’ll need to calm down and take a few deep breaths…” Sun told him. 
“WHA-” Monty growled and took in a big artificial breath, before letting it out. “Okay, okay.” He muttered, before morphing his face into a calm expression. “There. I’m calm.” He told him. “Now can you let Moon out?” Monty asked. 
“What’s the magic word?” Sun asked in a teasy voice. 
Monty sighed. “Can you pleeease let Moon out?” He asked. 
“Hmmmm…” Sun rubbed his chin like a man with a long beard. He clicked his artificial tongue a few times. “Mmmmm…” He looked up at Monty and lowered his hands. “Nah.” 
The reaction was immediate. Monty took in a big breath and let out a DEEP, BELLOWING ROAR. The previous anger had completely enveloped his body and tripled in intensity in what felt like a millisecond. Monty actually looked like he was going to EXPLODE from anger! 
…And Sun’s cackly laughter was NOT helping matters. Apparently, seeing Monty explode with anger, was absolutely hilarious to The Daycare Attendant! Sun was doubling over, holding his belly as he cackled and laughed at Monty’s reaction. 
{I admit…that was funny…but…Please be careful…} Moon said telepathically to Sun. 
{I know, I know, Moon.} Sun said back to him within his head. 
And Sun’s laughter had quickly stopped the moment he heard rapid stomping heading towards him. Sun used his elasticity to his advantage and jumped over Monty right before he tackled him to the ground. Monty fell into the wall, and stopped himself with his arms before turning himself around. 
Monty charged at Sun once again. “GET OVER HERE!” He shouted. 
Sun yelped and moved out of the way again, before watching Monty screech to another halt. 
“Please stop!” Sun ordered. 
“TURN INTO MOON!” Monty shouted at him. 
“NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE.” Sun yelled back, readying himself for the next charge. 
The moment Monty charged at him for the third time, Sun tried to jump over him again. But Monty saw it coming this time! He ended up grabbing his ankle and throwing Sun to the ground in front of him. “MOON, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” Monty shouted. 
{SO SOMETHING, SUN!} Moon ordered in his head. 
“UH-Uuuuh-” Sun did the first thing he could think of: He reached out and scratched at his side. 
{Tickling him!? That’s all you could think of?!} Moon asked. 
{YOU try wrestling a giant alligator!} Sun yelled back. 
But Sun and Moon both stared at the animatronic. Monty had frozen in place for a few moments, looking almost shocked. Though he didn’t exactly look happy, he did stop trying to destroy them. 
{Do it again!} Moon ordered. 
{B-But-} Sun tried to argue. 
{DO IT!} Moon ordered telepathically. 
Sun skittered his fingers in his armpits next. 
“aAH!” Monty jumped, attempting to cover his left armpit with his right hand. “S-Stop-” Monty ordered. 
{It’s working!} Moon reacted. {Do it again!} 
Sun moved his fingers to his neck and tickled there for a change. And when Monty jumped and attempted to hide his neck with his shoulder, that was when Sun recognized a good solution to calming Monty’s anger: 
Sun skittered his fingers against his left armpit again, and watched as Monty unintentionally incapacitated his left arm. With his left arm out of the way, Sun scooted himself out from under him, and jumped on top of him to resume tickling the spots he knew thus far. 
“HEY! GET OVER HERE- aAAH! GAHAHA!” He guffawed, crash-landing onto his large yellow belly. “S-STOP IT!” He ordered before rolling onto his side, hugging himself. 
Sun moved his fingers closer to the line where the chest and the belly split for contorting reasons. All the main animatronics had this same split between the belly and chest. Even Sun himself had this little horizontal split! But he mainly did this because he was curious as to whether the splited area was also ticklish. If not, then he’d try somewhere else. But if so…That would be an amazing spot to go for!
Looks like that’s a big fat yes! 
{Oooh! Good one!} Moon reacted. 
“Not here? Not your poor upper belly?” Sun asked out loud with a little giggle of his own. 
“YOHOHOHOU’RE EHEVIL!” He shouted at him. 
“Call me whatever you like. I’m just trying to settle a restless gator!” Sun told him. 
{Who knew Monty was so ticklish!} Moon reacted. 
{I know, right?!} Sun replied to Moon. 
“IHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOHOHOU!” Monty shouted at him. 
“Awww, you don’t mean that, do you?” Sun asked. 
{Probably.} Moon replied. 
“YEHEHESSS!” He yelled back. 
{Told you.} Moon added. 
“Well, we’re just gonna have to change that, aren’t we?” Sun said rhetorically to both Moon, and to Monty at the same time. 
Sun continued to tickle right on that sweet little line across his lower chest. “Such a ticklish little hatchling~ And nothing to do, except laugh, laugh, laugh.” Sun teased. “Whatever will he do?” He added. 
“KIHIHILL YOHOHOUUU!” He shouted, falling onto his back. 
Sun climbed onto Monty’s hips and resumed tickling in the same deathly ticklish spot. “Now now, those words are not allowed in Superstar Daycare. You know this.” He reminded him. 
“GEHEHET OHOOOFF MEEEE!” He shouted as loud as he could. 
{Poor baby…} Moon muttered in his head. 
“Poor little baby…” Sun repeated in a slight baby voice. “Do you think he’ll calm himself down?” Sun asked. 
{I hope so…} Moon replied telepathically. 
{That was rhetorical, Moony.} Sun told him. 
“NOHOHO! NEVEHEHEHER!” He shouted at him. 
“Oh! Well if that’s the case…” Sun smirked and scratched his fingers on the joint line a little faster. 
“NONONONO-NOOOOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!” Monty cackled, sounding absolutely manic as he rolled back and forth like a rolling hotdog. 
“Maybe some more tickles could convince you?” Sun offered. 
Monty shook his head and turned his right hand into a fist. “IHIHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA- IHIHI SWEHEHEHEHEAR!” He shouted at him. 
{He’s never gonna calm down. Not at this rate…} Moon said secretly. 
{We gotta try something else.} Sun told him back. {Maybe…lighter tickles?} He asked in his head. 
{No way! He’ll punch us in the face!} Moon argued in his head. 
{True…but what else can we do?} Sun asked telepathically. 
{I have no idea, but tickling him lightly is NOT the way to go.} Moon warned him. 
Sun sighed and stopped his tickle attack. 
{What are you doing?!} Moon asked. 
{Trust me.} Sun said back. 
Sun watched as Monty went completely limp on the floor. The alligator’s laughter died down to simulated breathless giggles as he attempted to recuperate himself and prevent his body from overheating. 
“You okay?” Sun asked. 
Monty huffed and puffed. “Ihi…I…” He muttered. 
“Are you…calm now?” Sun asked. 
Monty looked up at Sun, and let out a big sigh. “I guess…Yeah.” He replied. 
“Okay. I’m going to let Moon out.” Sun told him. 
{Wait, WHAT?!} Moon yelled from inside his head. 
Monty sat himself up and looked at Sun. “Okay. Thank you.” He said. 
Sun walked into the darkness. {Come out, Moon.} Sun told him. 
{What?! No!} Moon reacted. 
{Now, Moon. You stole his property, and he wants an apology.} Sun told him. 
{He’s not calm! He’s clearly faking it!} Moon reacted. 
{Fake aggression or not, you stole his sunglasses…And you will give them back to him right now.} Sun ordered. 
Moon rolled his eyes and dropped his shoulders with a sigh. {Fine…} He took over Sun’s body and put the nightcap onto his head. “There. Happy?” Moon muttered. 
{Not yet. Sunglasses.} Sun ordered. 
Moon grumbled. {You’re no fun.} He muttered back. 
Moon grabbed the sunglasses off the front desk that was nearby, before walking out of the shadows. “Why hello, Monty…” Moon greeted with his usual smirk. “Look what I have here?” Moon said, showing him the sunglasses.
Monty walked up to him and took the sunglasses. “Little thief.” He grumbled as he clicked his sunglasses into place. He tested them by moving the sunglasses onto his eyes, and raising them up above his eyes. 
He repeated this a few times before turning his eyes towards Moon. “So…” He walked up and leaned in towards him. “Your brother has an interesting way of protecting you…” Monty told him. 
“Y…Yeah…” Moon muttered. 
“Though, I will admit…” Monty smirked a bit more. “Sun gave me a good idea for a punishment…” Monty told him. 
Moon widened his eyes. “P-Punishment?” Moon asked. “For…for what?”  He asked next. 
“For stealing my sunglasses.” Monty replied. 
“B-But, I returned them! Things should be alright now.” Moon admitted. 
“Oh really?” Moon smirked. “You really thought you were getting away with just a slap on the wrist for stealing my sunglasses?” Monty asked. 
Moon stared at him with fear. “Oh no no no…” Monty picked up Moon and placed him over his shoulder. “I think Sun has given me a wonderful idea.” He told him before tickling the back of his thighs. 
“WaitwaiTWAITNOHOHOHO!” Moon shrieked. “STAHAHAHAP WAHAHAIT!” He yelled. 
“I hope you’re ready for some hefty tickles~” Monty declared. 
…And yet another tickle fight had commenced.
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anxious-lee-ler · 9 months
"Touch my foot, you die" -Moon to Sun ((help wanted 2 part 3 timestamp 19:29))
Oh? Huhuhu~ Well why not Moony? Ticklish?
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fluffler · 2 years
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*Ahem* Hello there! It's me! Pink!Anon. Yes, it was me aaaall along >:D. And I crafted a very special gift foooooor *drum rolls*
To be honest, this drawing had me scratching my brain for a while. I did read the prompts, but my mind just wasn't coming up with anything ;~;. So, I decided to put a little twist on the Hide and Shriek one! The story I made up in my mind goes something like this:
I think we all know that our beloved Sun is the one that always falls victim to the evil monster. Not that he complains, but he was feeling particulary mischievous this day. After their usual shenanigans, Moon went looking for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. He searched trough the entire Pixaplex. He even (grumpily) came out of the Daycare to ask the other animatronics. But it was no use. Refusing to give up, he ended up doing something that was deliberately against the rules: he put on the harness to take one last look, now form a new perspective. The next couple minutes were more of the same. No matter how hard he tried, Sun was nowhere to be seen. Just tired and frustrated at this point, he accepted his defeat and called for Sun to come out. And as soon as he did, he felt something tuggin athis legs. AND NOT JUST TUGGING. Turns out Sun didn't stay in one place, but constantly moved around to avoid being caught. And when Moon went outside to ask the others, he took the chance and dived in the deepest part of the ballpit. And now, it was his turn to be punished for being a rulebreaker~
Thank you so much @squealing-santa for letting us contribute with our little grain of sand. I had a blast doing this and hope the others do too. ¡Felices fiestas! >u<
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You did an amazing job, I loved the video and I can't wait to see what other great ideas you come up with :3 (sincerely, Shy from @sleepysweetmoon)
Hi! Awee... thank-you! ^^ although I didn't come up with this project, that goes to @coy-lee and @laughterfixs. My part was contacting the people necessary to make it happen! For any ideas I come up with, either fic or audio scenarios, I won't disappoint however :3
Actually- later on tonight I'm going to release some information regarding fics and Audios. Aaaa anyway, this isn't about me lmao. Eat well lee, ler, or switch uvu you have been feddddd~
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