okay you've cast your mutuals as easy company, but now plz consider: cast your mutuals as the pacific or gen kill? :)
Ooh Anon, thank you!! This was such a good idea that I'm gonna do both!! This will be the Pacific one and I'll do Gen. Kill in a separate post! 💖
♥ Eugene Sledge ~ @softguarnere Bestie, the way this was the easiest one!! Y'all are so much alike and I just know y'all would be best friends. The artistic temperament 🤌🏼
♥ Merriell "Snafu" Shelton ~ @latibvles Chaos incarnate but with a heart of gold and so incredibly talented!!
♥ Sidney Phillips ~ @ithinkabouttzu Literally so bubbly and Southern but a loyal friend to the end!! The perfect balance of tactful and tough!
♥ R.V. "Burgie" Burgin ~ @eightysix-baby I wish I knew you better because you're super cool which is why I picked Burgie! From the little we see of him, we absolutely love him bc he's sweet, funny, responsible, and above all else, loyal.
♥ Robert "Bob" Leckie ~ @emmythespacecowgirl You remind me of the best parts of Leckie!! Dude has such a passion for knowledge and aesthetics. And he's so driven to succeed, no matter the circumstances!
♥ Bud "Runner" Conley ~ @mccall-muffin Literally so funny and kind!! Full of life and entertainment always!
♥ Lewis "Chuckler" Juergens ~ @hxad-ovxr-hxart Meme after my own heart 🤣🤌🏼 You get me. Chuckler is a great combination of serious and hilarious which I think matches you perfectly!
♥ Bill "Hoosier" Smith ~ My fellow chip-on-the-shoulder queen @brassknucklespeirs 💖 You have such a fiery passion for those you love and care about which reminds me a lot of Hoosier! Also literally everyone knows you're gorgeous soooooo 💁🏻‍♀️ I rest my case lol
♥ Jay De L'Eau ~ @bellewintersroe I love Jay so much omfg. He's such a genuinely kind sweetheart of a person but he also has moments where he's just a complete goofball which I think fits your vibe perfectly!!
Thank you so much for the ask, lovely!! Gen. Kill Casting pending 💖
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callsignrooroo · 2 years
i love how Warlock is Maverick’s biggest fan. i am 100% confident they were deployed together once and when Warlock saw how good that crazy little pilot is he became a lifelong Maverick defender
Warlock is definitely one of Mav’s biggest fans and I think it is hilarious, because I personally think that Warlock was probably Mav’s CO at one point and instead of think Mav is a menace/nut case/destructive/pick your adjective I think that he just genuinely thought that Mav is absolutely unhinged and he finds it hilariously entertaining and definitely enabled him a bit before he inevitably got shipped off to the end of the earth by another pissed off admiral. I also think that Warlock was definitely one of the ones that kept an eye on him for Ice.
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createdbyinvisibles · 4 years
Tumblr media
@alysplxnet gets the award for most unique ask tag, this ended up taking me longer than I thought so it doesn't match her theme anymore, but I still had fun drawing it 💕.
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cattiels-blog · 12 years
I accept your challenge. My list is: Tom Hiddleston, Jensen Ackles, Emmanual DelCour-he's wonderful and french, Vin Diesel, Robert Downey Jr., Jared Letto, and Chris Evans. Work your magic, sorceress. :D
My magic powers have revealed your type to be:
a) adorable puppies in human form,
b) Strong, gorgeous jaws,
c) Amazingly built gods! 
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Cast your mutuals as Easy Company >:)
Ooh, thank you Anon!! This is gonna be so fun!!
(I have a lot of mutuals so the cast list will be under the cut for the sake of convenience!)
(Also, I'm so sorry in advance if I forgot anybody!! My PTSD has really fucked up my memory so this was just off the top of my head💀)
In No Particular Order:
♥ Dick Winters ~ @iambasilgnome You are the most dedicated & on-top-of-things person I know & if anyone has the makings of our fearless leader, it'd be you! Not to mention, Dick is soooo much funnier than we give him credit for! (Was this also an excuse to write your URL? Yes, yes it was. 😆)
♥ Lewis Nixon ~ @lieutenant-speirs Snarky, self-destructive king fighting his demons & forging lifelong bonds of friendship along the way! Speaks for itself 🤌🏼
♥ Bill Guarnere~ @latibvles The chaos is unparalleled & you never fail to make everyone laugh but also, like Bill, you are extremely talented at what you do & great at bringing people together!! Also those specifically Northern vibes 🤌🏼
♥ Eugene Roe ~ @softguarnere You are the sweetest, most caring soul who is always there to lend a supportive ear & a helping hand, but you also won't hesitate to speak up when necessary!
♥ Babe Heffron ~ @mccall-muffin You are always so full of positivity & are absolutely hilarious! So full of love & loyalty, you make everyone feel like they're your best friend!
♥ Carwood Lipton ~ @holdingforgeneralhugs You are so warm & kind & such a vital part of the fandom but you consistently underestimate your own contributions!
♥ Ronald Speirs ~ @brassknucklespeirs You come off as intimidating at first but when you begin to open up, we get to see the heart of gold underneath!
♥ Don Malarkey ~ @indigo-luvers You're both talkative & sensitive, working through trauma, natural leaders who needs to take care of themself too!! It just made sense to me
♥ Skip Muck~ @bellewintersroe The natural choice as you're both exuberant, upbeat, & generous to a fault with a fantastic sense of humor!
♥ Skinny Sisk ~ @chaosklutz Dude was literally chaos incarnate & I respect that about both him & you for that 🤣🤌🏼
♥ Buck Compton ~ @hxad-ovxr-hxart You both attract friends super easily but also have a tendency to get drained bc you're a sensitive soul who cares a lot about what goes on around them!
♥ Shifty Powers ~ @aerokriegs So kindhearted & far too modest when it comes to your abilities!
♥ Smokey Gordon ~ @sleepisforcowards Both of y'all are sweet, funny, & extraordinarily creative! The vibes are immaculate tbh
♥ George Luz ~ @parajumpboots Literally so many fantastic memes cross my dash because of you, pls consider this my thank-you note 😆
♥ Harry Welsh ~ @wwhatev3r You are so kindhearted, down-to-earth & dedicated to those you care about but you're also absolutely Hilarious, primarily in a sarcastic way!
♥ David Webster ~ @vibing-away Literally so nice & I feel like you definitely have at least one (1) cool shark fact!
♥ Ralph Spina ~ @ourmiraclealigner So apparently Spina was only a Private when he became one of the medics so like you, dude had A LOT on his plate but still managed to make it all work somehow!
♥ Floyd Talbert ~ @auroralightsthesky Floyd is not only a sweetheart and super friendly but also a smut king & an animal lover so I see it!!🤌🏼
♥ Frank Perconte ~ @ax-elcfucker-blog Hilarious but also sweet, chaotic good vibes!!
♥ Johnny Martin ~ @rogue-durin-16 Literally such a cool person with a unique sense of humor! Too cool!
♥ Alton More ~ @multifandomlover01 You seem super cool & really nice but alas, I am Shy-ish & keep forgetting to introduce myself 💀
♥ Pat Christenson ~ @cody-helix02 You're both very artistically-gifted and creative; idk, I just see it!
Thank you so much for the Ask, Anon!! 💖
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Hiya bestie, welcome back! 💕 8, 9, and 16 for the violence ask game?
Aw thank you so much, bestie!! 💖 I had to give these some serious ponderance lol
♥ 8.) Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about?
Way too many people seem to have a very tough/borderline violent badboy idea of Lieb but I will live and die by Soft!Lieb, I don't even care. Dude literally risked his life to comfort and save Ed Tipper and was the oldest child in his family, taking care of his younger siblings. Yes he was a ruthless interrogator and yes he had a hatred for Nazis but that is exactly why the contrast is so striking and I wish we saw that more!
♥ 9.) Worst part of canon?
Skip's death. Knowing all that I know about the amazing person he was, it just really hits extra hard because we all needed someone like that in our lives at some point and it's a crime that he didn't get to live into old age like he deserved. I mean, Jesus Christ, he died at age 22. I'm 24 now and like, I can't even properly fucking fathom that.
But also, on a lighter note, why do we all seem to routinely ignore the fact that Bill Guarnere actually ended up getting an STI?? Why are we not talking about this more? You just know people never let him live that down. It's awful but it's fucking Hilarious imo 🤣
♥ 16.) You can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)?
It took me so fucking long to finally understand the Friends-To-Lovers trope (Ik, Ik, boo me 💀) because I've only ever been extremely disappointed when my guy friends end up crushing on me lol. My friendships and my love life are generally pretty separate-- I don't have male friends that I'm attracted to, I just don't. If I'm attracted to someone, I make a move; it's very simple lol. So it took me a really long time to be able to wrap my head around the notion. Reading hella good fics-- *cough* LAGLAM and SBT *cough*-- made me come around to understanding it but it took a lot of time up to that point to get me there! 🤣
Thank you so much for the ask, my darling!! 💖
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
wait i also saw a tumblr post that winters and buck didn't like each other too??? I don't know where it is anymore tho. That true?
As far as I know, that isn't true.
From what I've read, the only complaint Dick ever had about Buck was purely from a professional standpoint.
Buck was very popular with the enlisted men & hung out with them far more than his fellow officers. He had been a bit of a party boy back in his UCLA days & had a penchant for gambling (which Dick considered to be a bad habit).
In Dick's view, a good leader is consistent & never takes from those he leads, only gives.
So he felt that Buck gambling with the men was unprofessional, as it blurred the line between officer & enlisted.
Also 2 more things:
#1.) He never said this directly but I think Dick felt a sort of paternal responsibility to keep a respectful distance in order to maintain a sense of hierarchical respect.
"I'm your Dad, not your Dude" sort of mentality.
#2.) I think he was worried about Buck, himself, or anybody else getting too close with each other.
He split Skip & Don up into separate platoons for this reason, to get them both some healthy distance. Because he said if they stayed together in the same platoon, "They're already as close as brothers. If one dies in combat, the other will be useless".
I hope this helped answer your questions!! 💖
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Hey hey! Just saying that, as someone who doesn't read very many OC stories, I love reading Fire on Fire :) I can safely say that, during the war, I would definitely be an OSS agent like Alix. Speaking of Alix, how did she join the OSS? Did someone recommend her? Or did she decide to join by herself? Thanks for your time.
Hello, my lovely!!
Thank you so much for the compliment!! I'm so glad you're enjoying so far! 💖 I nerd out a lil bit so all answers will be below the cut for simplicity's sake!
So Alix was recruited in a way that a lot of early agents were, which was basically Bill Donovan (the head of the OSS) scouting prestigious schools for highly intelligent, affluent people from socially prominent families who had done some traveling abroad in the past or had family in Europe!
Alix's father being the head of a prominent Philadelphia oil company and her mother being a socialite from one of the so-called "First Families of Virginia" means that they could afford to send her to a prestigious finishing school where she would naturally be taught multiple languages as well as social graces, all of which was exactly the sort of candidate that people like Bill Donovan were looking for.
Not to mention, Donovan also used to rely somewhat on people within his own inner circle in the business world so the fact that he and Alix's dad knew each other briefly also contributes to Alix's name coming to the forefront in terms of potential candidates for recruitment!
Funnily enough though, this type of recruitment process was not necessary for "floaters" aka temporary non-agents with specific skills that were sent into the field to assist actual agents with assignments! Floaters were just kinda briefed and thrown into the fire lol.
(Also just a lil side note but even once candidates were recruited, they were not told what exactly they would be doing. There was 0 info about their preparation process; they were simply asked in the vaguest way possible if they were interested in doing "dangerous work to support the war effort" and if they said Yes, then they were shipped off to Camp X or wherever for training. Nobody was informed that they were going to be facing the very real possibility of brutal torture and death.)
Thank you so much for the questions, my lovely!! 💖💖💖
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Hiya Bestie! 💕 For the director's cut game, I've been dying to know about Joe's relationship with Alix's friend group. There was a little mention of him interacting with them while Alix was gone, and I'd love to know more about their dynamic if you're down to share :)
Ooh this is such a good question!! It's gonna be addressed much more in later chapters too bc I'm a sucker for psychology!! 🤭
Liebgott + Skip + Don Relationship Psychoanalysis below the cut!!
So Joe is an interesting case bc he grew up SURROUNDED by family & we see him assume the role of Caretaker multiple times throughout the show, most notably with Tipper, when Tab gets gored, when Alley is wounded, & at the concentration camp later on.
The caring side of him is automatic-- it derives from being the oldest of so many siblings, the man of the family when his dad's at work. He's always been the Protector, the Caretaker etc.
He is as fierce a lover as he is a fighter bc both come from the same place: his compassionate heart! He can't help but care about people and as Eugene Sledge wrote in his book, it's the ones with empathy that suffer the most during wartime.🥺
As the war progresses, we see Joe starts to go against his own nature. We see him learn to shut the kinder side of himself down. He has to-- As Winters wrote in his book, Joe was one of Easy Company's "designated killers".
Imagine for one second the weight of that label on a person. You need someone executed, you call Joe. Joe is the one Resistance members use as a threat during interrogations-- he's the attack dog, he kills on command.
What does a normal human being have to do to become psychologically okay with that? How much of himself did he lose? What does a job like that do to a person over time?
Alix & Joe are very similar but they fork in that regard:
Alix lets her emotions lead as an act of rebellion against a system that has tried to rob her of them + tries to pull away from that label of "Killer" whereas Joe shuts down & leans into it. He does what he has to do. He is a good soldier.
He lets his anger (which is really just compounded self-loathing) drive him, becoming a bit of a Lone Wolf in the process.
The angrier Joe becomes, the more he lashes out.
The more he lashes out, the more he hates himself.
And the cycle just continues.
He knows it & he HATES it. There's a reason he abandons his old name in favor of an old family nickname, tries to avoid the Easy Co. reunions at all costs, & refuses to talk about the war until he's practically on his deathbed.
Joe DESPISES the person he used to be, the person the war made him.
So Skip starts in a similar position but ends up in a VERY different place!
Like Joe, he grew up as the Caretaker figure in his family. He didn't face any discrimination growing up tho-- which obviously had a major effect on Joe-- but there's no doubt Skip is upset about the suffering he sees throughout the war. Any decent human being would be, ESPECIALLY someone with a heart as big as Skip's.
BUT unlike Joe, we never see Skip angry or upset for long.
Skip's outlook is UNFAILINGLY positive bc he knows if he allows himself to sink into that place of rage even for a moment, he'll never get out.
And as an NCO, Skip feels a responsibility for the morale of his squad. He knows people are depending on him, he knows the younger guys are watching him, so when he feels down, he makes the choice to lift others up instead.
Even in his letters, when he writes about feeling down, it's very quick mentions here & there. He refuses to let himself have more than a second or two of anger or self-pity BUT at the same time, does not allow the war to strip him of his humanity or compassion. He's been an optimist his whole life & even in the worst of times, he refuses to let the war take that from him.
Subconsciously, when Joe looks at Skip, he sees the person he could have been, if life had been kinder. If he had made the same kinds of choices instead of hardening his heart to survive.
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood", so to speak.
And he wants to protect that in Skip at all costs.
In a similar vein, subconsciously, with Don, I think Joe sees his little brother -- This carefree, mischievous, bright spark of a boy with adventure in his soul. Joe's younger siblings got to have a childhood-- he never really did. So he sees the same light in Don that he sees in his younger siblings, & as he did growing up, Joe will shoulder whatever burdens he needs to in order to protect that.
Thank you so much for the Ask, my Dovely!! Sorry this kinda turned into a book lol💖
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hehehe the way I saw "playlist" and "ask game" and flew over here 🤌🏼 Can I request one for my girl Zenie? 😌 🫶🏼
Of course you can, my Dovely!!
[The way I struggled not to put "Make A Man Out of You" on here but I am FORCING myself to be original, dammit 🤣💪🏼]
1.) "Corner of the Sky" ~ Pippin
"Thunderclouds have their lightning, nightingales have their song. Don't you see I want my life to be something more than long... Rivers belong where they can ramble, eagles belong where they can fly. I've got to be where my spirit can run free. Gotta find my corner of the sky"
2.) "Belle Reprise" ~ Beauty & the Beast
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell! And for once it might be grand, to have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned"
3.) "Dog Days Are Over" ~ Florence & the Machine
"Leave all your love & your longing behind; You can't carry it with you if you want to survive."
4.) "Could Have Been Me" ~ The Struts
"Don't wanna live as an untold story... I wanna live better days, never look back and say 'Could have been me. It could have been me'"
5.) "Fight Song" ~ Rachel Platten
"And all those things I didn't say: wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream 'em loud tonight. Can you hear my voice this time?"
Thank you for the Ask, bestie!! 💖
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heheheh because I’m curious what you’ll say : Miss Daisy for the playlist meme >:)
Ohhhh gosh, only 5?? 💖
1.) "With You Til The End" ~ Tommee Profitt
"When your fears are not fading & there's parts of you breaking, I'll hold the pieces all together with my hands. Though the night feels lonely, I won't leave you behind me. Deep inside, I know I can't."
2.) "Every Mile Mattered" ~ Nichole Nordeman
"Mercy always finds a way to wrap your blisters up in grace And every highway you'd erase, it mattered. It mattered."
3.) "Cool About It" ~ boygenius
"Once, I took your medication to know what it's like & now I have to act like I can't read your mind I ask you how you're doing and I let you lie"
4.) "Gilded Lily" ~ Cults
"Always the fool with the slowest heart but I know you'll take me with you. We'll live in spaces between walls. Go and stretch out my arms long as they need to be... Haven't I given enough? (X4)"
5.) "Sunlight & Storms" ~ Starry the Musical
"No, we don't always know the right way but we're doing our best & our best is okay. We're happy, Brother. We're happy & that's enough. Together we'll see both sunlight & storms, each equally sacred to us."
Thanks for the Ask, Poe!! 💖
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Which songs from Midnights do you pair with which BoB characters?
Ooh this is such an interesting question!
I went a little overboard (apologies 🤭) so answers below the cut!!
❀ "Bigger Than The Whole Sky" - SKIP MUCK, MY BELOVED SUNSHINE BOY 😭🤌🏼
❀ "Anti-Hero" - LIEB. He definitely knows he can be abrasive, impulsive, + temperamental, & I feel like in a relationship, he'd always be secretly TERRIFIED of driving his partner away bc he feels like he's a problem & doesn't deserve her.
❀ "Sweet Nothing" - Lipton Lipton Lipton !! I totally see him being full of quiet admiration for his partner, a steady shoulder for her to lean on, a quiet place she can go when she needs peace from the chaos.
❀ "Mastermind" - SO Nixon-coded, I'm just saying lol. Like, this is a man whose whole job is Knowing Things & Making Things Happen. Dude totally makes it his business to know what's up, especially when it comes to someone he really wants to be with.
❀ "Midnight Rain" - Don Malarkey bc like,, all he wants is to try to feel okay again. He struggles to find this sense of normalcy but it keeps evading him. 🥺
❀ "You're On Your Own Kid" - makes me think of Babe Heffron & Henry Jones but for different reasons.
Babe because all the false bravado in the world can't shield him from losing people & he knows that deep down. He comes out of the war looking twice his age, having seen & done things nobody should have to.
And Henry Jones bc of the feeling of isolation, of being surrounded by people yet being painfully aware that you're different than them & nobody really wants you around.
❀ "The Great War" - LIEB. The image of bruised knuckles & punching walls but also, reaching for someone's hand to hold in your chaos ?? So Lieb & I stand by that.
❀ "Snow on the Beach" - so this one doesn't remind me of a specific person exactly but more a scenario. I can just see being out at a pub or a dancehall when a slow song comes on & one of the guys working up the courage to ask the girl he's been in staring at all night to dance 🥺
❀ "Karma" - Dick Winters. He tries to always do right by people even if they don't always do right by him.
❀ "Question...?" - Speirs. It's all about keeping up appearances despite your internal feelings!
❀ "Glitch" - Tab. I can definitely see him accidentally catching feelings for a friend he ended up hooking up with & he's like "Oh shit oh fuck 😅".
❀ "Paris" - George Luz!! No matter where he is with his partner, he has a way of making things fun for them!! I can totally see him laying on his back in his room with her (after constructing a truly impressive pillow fort), staring up at the ceiling & cracking jokes, painting whole scenarios & experiences for them just from his words/imagination.
❀ "Maroon" - NIX. I can just hear his voice in the lyrics, idk why lol. And the alcohol imagery laced with nostalgia for a time that's now passed 🤌🏼
❀ "Lavender Haze" - David Webster! The mention of melancholia (which in itself is a reference to Romantic period lit, in a way) & the poetic use of imagery in the lyrics really give me Web vibes, idk.
❀ "Bejeweled" - Buck Compton vibes tbh. I think it's just the notion of being the life of the party who everybody loves lol
Thanks for the question, lovely!! 💖
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About 130-ish miles away, it takes around 3 hours on a bus. Will do so in a few days, having a couple quiet days atm!
Mm, had garlic pasta for dinner. Homemade chocolate-banana ice cream with maple syrup for dessert 🤎
We have some fennel ordered; remembered what you said about having fennel sausage & sweet peppers - planning on making something like that sometime ☺️
What’ve you been cooking recently? 
Oh wow, that's a bit of a hike!
Omg, that all sounds fantastic!! Home-made ice cream is the best! I'm gonna have to steal your recipes sometime! ☺️
And you totally need to let me know when you end up trying it!!
I'm going to be experimenting with some chicken & Caribbean rice tomorrow which should be exciting!! I made some pasta the other day with tomato-basil pasta with parmesan, which was lovely! 🥰
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Lewis Nixon for the playlist ask game, if you want! He’s portrayed in such a fascinating way, and also you write him so good, so coming up with songs for him could be fun 💜
Btw, a song that always reminds me of him is “Gonna Wait For You” by The Pentagons. It’s on YouTube, don’t think it’s on Spotify. Not really sure why I associate it with him, but thought I’d share! Hope you’re doing good 💕 I’m sooo busy atm so I’m not on tumblr much these days, but thought I’d pop in with this before disappearing again, lol.
Ooh hello again, my dear Nut Anon!! I've missed you & I hope life is treating you well!! 😁
[I had way too much fun with this one bc I love getting to lean into Nix's inner complexities🤌🏼]
1.) "Achilles Come Down" ~ Gang of Youths
"You are absent of cause or excuse. So self-indulgent & self-referential, no audience could ever want you You crave the applause yet hate the attention, then miss it. Your act is a ruse."
2.) "Eyes on the Prize I" ~ Spies Are Forever
"Although I may be hard on you, I'm only trying to help and I know that my past actions have not shown you how I felt. You're a master of deception, a gentleman of stealth... Just don't screw up and die on me, or I'll kill you myself!"
3.) "Another Terrible Day" ~ The Lightning Thief Musical
"Oh, you're alive. I suppose that's good news for you but it means a lot more paperwork for me so don't expect me to be happy to see you. Of course, being alive is temporary..." "Another terrible day... You can hate it here but I hated it first! Just another terrible day, stuck with these runts in the muck and mud... I need a drink."
4.) "The Cave" ~ Mumford & Sons
"I know my call, despite my faults & despite my growing fear. But I will hold onto hope & I won't let you choke on the noose around your neck. I'll find strength in pain & I will change my ways I'll know my name as it's called again."
5.) "Are You There" ~ All Time Low
"Where do you turn when the drugs run out & it's 3 AM & you're comin' down? All your friends are asleep 'cause they're all okay & you need someone, but you don't wanna say"
Thank you so much for the Ask, my dear!! 💖
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I don't know why, but this cover of teenage dirtbag just does something, ya know?
This is going on my writing playlist immediately omfg 🤌🏼
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
18 & 27 for Alix in the psychology ask game! :)
♥ 18: What kind of intrapersonal values does your OC have? (values about their self, what makes them feel like a valid person)
Alix has a very strong sense of justice that I think really defines her character! She wants so badly to do "the right thing" but it's very difficult for her to reconcile those values with her line of work when she feels a fierce loyalty to the people she interacts with.
♥ 27: Does your OC practice any kind of escapism? If yes, what kind?
Dancing!! Alix would live to sneak off to the dance halls when she was at school. She was a great dancer and the atmosphere, the music, the people all make her feel alive
Thank you for the Ask, Poe!! 💖
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