#Alysia Fairwind
ofloveandaether · 3 years
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She’s always been one to have a peculiar perspective of certain situations.... Art by @minoruru Featuring: @the-baschet
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nalukahvi · 5 years
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🎃 INKTOBER 2019 :: Witchy Woman [ @ofloveandaether ]
Day 4, donion rings! I do love getting to doodle cute characters and also carbuncles!
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coffee-n-naps · 5 years
Kofi Icons!
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Kofi avatars for Cersi (I don’t have their tumblr q_q) and for @breaking-from-grace of their character Alysia!  Both characters were a treat to draw and I really appreciate your support!! 
Also still offering kofi icons for 3 coffees per!  https://ko-fi.com/coffee_n_naps
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breaking-from-grace · 6 years
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Ko-fi sketch comms by @vhyrelle~  
Kincaid Crowe ~ @claihn
Arthur Sinclair ~ @andarion
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elegant-etienne · 7 years
Most admirable quality: “Her persistence. She works hard at everything she does, even when she is new to the task, and doesn’t complain.”Most attractive physical feature: “Her beautiful hair. I love the color of it.”Most annoying habit: “She is persistent in her optimism, and I do not think that is necessarily realistic or healthy when it ends up being a denial of the truth.”Something they would like to do with them: “Spa day. And tea soon, of course.”
(Thanks to @feralwhenhungry for the ask!)
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xivfashion · 7 years
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Featured Model:  Alysia Fairwind of Balmung
We had this photoshoot over the holiday break but it took me a bit to get to these edits.  Alysia is a lovely model and we had lots of fun breaking into Haukke Manor for the witchy shoot ^_~
But my favorite is her matching chocobo barding.  We were going for the sunlight and then it started to rain - so we ducked inside and got this glorious shot instead.
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britishmuffin · 4 years
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The kind and cheerful bookworm Alysia Fairwind, for @ofloveandaether!
★ patreon || website || twitter ★
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bamicommissions · 4 years
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1. Valka Rosewood for @Ocarina-of-What
2. Alysia Fairwind for @ofloveandaether
3. Khanah'to Rabntah for @keeperofthegamble
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high-stakes-gambler · 5 years
When you realize your autocorrect may have messed up your OCs name but you can't check and you feel like a twit! So sorry! Tea with Tulala and Alysia Fairwind for inktober! @ofloveandaether
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Tea is lovely on a rainy afternoon, especially in the company of the lovely lady Alysia! What are these two discussing? Who knows but no boys allowed! 
[[ Thank you for the ask! No worries for autocorrect, I can’t count how many times I’ve typed something wrong on my phone. ^^;; I hope you enjoy this memory! I imagined them just having a very girly convos, probably discuss bad dates and have a good laugh on a rainy afternoon day! :D ]]
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lavender-hemlock · 5 years
"grain of truth" for Alysia! (She'll probably believe anything because she's a sweet summer child!)
Lathyrus and Lavender - Grain of Truth
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A boisterous sun beamed down from overhead and gleamed merrily to the party that crossed the field of flowers. It was fitting for such radiant weather to accompany the party, as the most obnoxious highlander in all of Eorzea was with the company of two arcanists. The highlander who led the casters was none other than Kazex Voss. Arrogant and prideful bastard he was, he elicited more eye rolls out of Haine than laughter that he got out of Alysia Fairwind. Though whether she admit it or not, Haine was fond of the lighthearted company that she kept during their quest. 
Only when the sun began to dip behind the mountains in the distance did they begin to make camp. The party still had a day’s worth of travel and the ever heroic highlander opted to head out to gather fire wood to which neither complained. Time would pass and the two midlanders sat a respectable distance from one another, and while Haine was not one for conversation- she figured she should try. It was “polite”.
Though before Haine could muster her words to come off more friendly than cold- Alysia spoke up first. Haine arched a brow at the rose-haired midlander. A game of truths? Haine turned her head to the purple flower she had perched between her index and thumb, a light twirl of the stem between the appendages as she considered what she could say. 
“I confess in two truths and a lie...” “I confess I am unapproachable by choice,” She grinned a slight, as though she found her own statement amusing. “I can’t stop myself from saying something sarcastic just to hide how uneasy I am, and...” She paused briefly, a flick of a glance of golden eyes meeting blue, “I refuse to believe I am wrong in anything.” Satisfied, Haine waited to gauge her reaction, an amused smirk curling on her lips all the while. Though before Alysia could chance to speak- a sudden scream echoed from the treeline. “THE BATS!” Haine sighed heavily before she focused her sights away from the woods to Alysia. “Where were we?” (Thank you for the ask @breaking-from-grace!) Minor mention: @kazexvoss
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knightingale-xiv · 5 years
“My turn!” for Aly!
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Arthur D’ehcan and Alysia Fairwind have joined your party.
• Starting Dungeon: “When you said ‘a field trip’ Miss Alysia, this wasn’t what I had in mind!” • Assisting: “Stay behind me, Miss Alysia! That was too close.” • Being Assisted: “A proper spell slinger, aren’t you! And you did good as well, Carbuncle!”
• Idle Banter: “Is it just me, or is your Emerald Carbuncle glaring at me LESS these days? Oh...wait...no there it is. All is normal again.”
• Witnessing Alysia KO: “Gah, I said to stay behind me!...Alysia? Alysia!” • Reviving Alysia: “You’re alright! Fury take me, Alysia, I know you’re having fun but PLEASE try and be more careful.” • Finishing Dungeon: “Looks like you’re tougher than you give yourself credit for, Alysia! Not bad at all. Now let’s get back, so I can rest...”
Arthur would have to reel in Alysia a little, from the interactions they’ve had. Protecting her is a handfull when she’s so enthusiastic about helping and adventuring. For this specific instance, he would learn the ‘Rescue’ skill and use it on her FREQUENTLY.
Send me ‘My Turn!’ to see how Arthur will react to being in a party with you!
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ofloveandaether · 3 years
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Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special
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the-arcane-circle · 6 years
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Arcane Gala Details & Master Post
What: The Arcane Circle’s formal fundraising ball, The Arcane Gala! A night of dancing, prizes, and scholarly exploration!
When: From 7pm EST to 11pm EST
Where: The Mists, Ward 12, Plot 45, Balmung Server
Initial Post here!
Music Hosted here!
Event Schedule (All times in EST)
7pm - Event Begins! Ballroom Dancing sign-ups, Raffle Tickets, House Tours, and Artifact Exhibit open!
8:30pm - Ballroom Dancing Sign-ups close. Artifact Exhibit closes.
9pm - House Tours and Raffle Ticket Sales close.
9-10pm - Ballroom Dancing Competition, Round 1
10:15pm - Raffle Winners Announced.
10:30-11pm - Ballroom Dancing Competition, Finale
11pm - Ballroom Champions Announced!
Ballroom Dancing Competition
Sign-up with Tabudai Hotgo, Swarhaemr Wyssnaglsyn or Auldinne Verehault
Fancy yourself a dance? Those signing up at the beginning of the night for the Ballroom Contest will be paired up with another contestant at random and given some time to get to know each other. And you’ll wanna plan… because once the contest begins, you’ll be given only four emotes (posts up to the maximum length allowed in the chat box) between you and your partner to roleplay out how you two dance together!
The first round is free for all… after which, our highly discerning judges will pick three pairs to continue to the finals and dance again, giving them some more time and another four posts to capture everyone’s eyes and win the title of Ballroom Champions!
This contest has no in-game prize beyond pride, and our judges will each be picking one pair based on what they felt they enjoyed seeing, rather than specific technical skill… and so we encourage all participants to see this as a chance to get to know someone new and have some fun with rp! A half-hour will be allowed between pairing and the dance, and one hour will be allowed for the dance and all posts to be made, so while pre-writing is encouraged, there’s no time pressure!
In order to help keep track of dance posts, all participants are encouraged to start their posts with a small tag, containing the pair’s initials and which number post you’re on. For example, if Defiant Bride and Janelle Coulbernoux end up taking to the dance floor together, they would start their first Dance post with [DB+JC/1] in order to allow their friends and judges to find them easier! Posts which are not tagged will not be counted towards your competition entry, so please enjoy rping freely as well!
Sign-ups will be limited to 30 participants, so sign up early!
Arcane Gala Raffle Prizes
Sign-up with Tabudai Hotgo, Swarhaemr Wyssnaglsyn or Auldinne Verehault
Each Prize Basket contains a mix of ic and in-game items, and all tickets cost ic gil only! There is no real-game gil cost for a ticket!
THE KNOWLEDGE UNBOUND BASKET - For scholars and hobbyists alike, expand your mind with this gift basket. Perhaps you’ll uncover new secrets in your spellcasting… but not nearly as many as you would as a student at the Arcane Circle. [Contains one Page 63, and a vial each of high-quality\ Gold, Rose Gold and Platinum ink. The tome includes helpful tips on array drawing and grimoire writing, with exercises and examples to improve one’s writing.]
THE ARCANIMA SPECIALIST BASKET - While there’s many types of caster within the Collega Arcanum, a proliferation of Arcanists have lead to a variety of research into Carbuncles and Tomes… mostly carbuncles. They demand the attention. [Contains a Carbuncle Lamp, Carbuncle Clock, and lovely hand-made quilt with a Carbuncle Pattern. Also includes matching collar and bracelet in gold and ruby for your favorite summon.]
THE LUXURY EVENING BASKET - Aside from the Collegia’s studies into antiquity and the arcane, many of our members have a taste for the finer things in life… and to that end, they invite you to join in such indulgences for even an evening. [Contains a bottle of Chilled Red, a painting of Doma Castle, a variety of aromatherapy incenses and oils, and luxury bath salts.]
Artifact Exhibit Listing
See Alysia Fairwind or Emrys Bennett for full exhibition
See a hand-picked selection of artifacts from the Collegia’s collection, examples of what we seek in our future expeditions and exploration missions!
Gelmorran Doll
Sacrificial Urns of Bela’dia
Cursed Doman Blade
Tonberry Lantern
Mhachi Vase
Encrypted Sharlayan Tome
Dravanian Statue
Meracydian Statuette
All staff members on duty will be marked with a ‘looking for meld’ symbol to make them easier to find in the crowd! FC members will be on hand to assist with serving and house tours, as well as to introduce the Arcane Circle to curious guests, with the bar and buffet being staffed by NPCs. PC staffing will end at 9pm EST, so please be aware!
Those with questions about the event should message or send asks to the-arcane-circle on tumblr, or reach out to Defiant Bride in game!
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kieranoruadhain · 7 years
My muse is sick and continues daily routine even though they seem on the verge of passing out.
((HNNNGGG since this prompt is my BIG WEAKNESS i’m gonna write a prompt for both alternatives (your muse and mine.) ))
AlysiaKhyran retreated from his office one afternoon, enticed by a desire for a strong drink. He wandered into the basement bar to peruse the selection. There was one other person down there- he recognized her from behind to be Alysia Fairwind, that poor girl who seemed to always bite off more than she could chew.At first he offered her merely a groggy “good morning,” even though it was well into afternoon, and walked right past her to the wineracks. She was bent over the stove, cooking something, so he didn’t give her much of a second thought. At least until he heard her cough a few times when she attempted to give him a “good afternoon” in turn. His hand hovered over a winebottle and he looked over at her, pursing his lips.“You alright?”She told him she was fine, but by her tone he didn’t quite believe her. He clunked nearer to her to peer over her shoulder at what she was making. It was some kind of light broth. By looking at her face she seemed pale and plain exhausted, like she hadn’t slept. “Feeling under the weather?” He asked. “And you don’t have to pretend to be tough or anything. This happens to me all the time.”He placed his thin hands on her shoulders and tried to steer her away from the stove. “Go sit down, I’ll cook this.”He knew she was a stubborn one, most Aegis folk were. (He couldn’t even remember if she was still in Aegis or not- he had been so absorbed in his own little world.) He knew she probably wouldn’t give up without a fight, but he wasn’t about to let her work herself to the bone while she was so exhausted and unwell. He wouldn’t allow this to turn into an argument- he wasn’t in the mood.He tasted the broth, salted it, chopped a few garlic chives and added a few noodles and bits of dodo meat. Couldn’t send her to her room with just broth, she needed a little more than that. He was no cook, but he at least knew how to tell a good broth from a bad one. He poured it into a bowl, covered it, set it on a tray with a mug of tea. “I’ll carry this to your room,” he told her, and waited for her to follow. Poor girl was shivery, hugging herself. Her cheeks had lost all trace of rosiness they usually had. He wondered what in Eorzea she had come down with.He took her to her room, waited for her to sit down, then gave her the tray. Khyran wasn’t exactly known for his bedside manner, so he didn’t stay. He just hoped he made her life a little easier.KhyEvery step into the mind of another was a step closer to hell. Each time he dared risk his spiritbonding powers, he knew it’d be worse. The symptoms lasted longer and more intensely each time. He had to search X’aruela, he had no choice. But the morning thereafter he awoke feeling boneless, as if his body were carved up from the inside out. When he tried to sit up, he coughed blood into his hands. It was as if his aether was hemorrhaging, throwing his entire body out of balance. He felt sick to his core.He couldn’t lie here all day, not when Aethertide was in so much danger. He had to write reports. He had to make sure everyone was going to be alright. He had to do something for Brom’s family…He fought past his aching muscles and rose out of bed. The world tipped around, trying to throw him from his feet. He stumbled to his desk and began to write. His words came out skewed, his fingers could hardly hold the pen in the right way. His mind couldn’t even come up with the right words to say. Frustrated, he balled up the paper and threw it away, only to find he was completely out of blank parchment. He searched every desk drawer, but turned up nothing. With a groan he pushed himself out of his chair and stumbled for his door and out into the residential halls.He didn’t even see her. He barred right into Alysia’s back, causing her to cry out and catch herself on the wall. He, however, wasn’t in any state to recover from the stumble. The crippled man tripped onto his face. When he pushed himself up and spat blood, poor Alysia nearly hard a heart attack. It took him some time to convince her that she hadn’t hurt him- that he was like this already- but that didn’t seem to completely calm her.She helped him to his feet and back into his room. Every step ached. It took him a few moments to find his words, past the haze of pain that crushed his head. He managed to get out that he just needed some fresh paper, and shooed Alysia away.She returned several minutes later with a stack of parchment, a mug of hot chocolate and a bottle of painkillers.
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veils-and-hearts · 7 years
When Llinos Silvernail returned to Aethertide, she wondered how she would handle herself.  She didn’t have to keep her arrangement a secret, but she had to be careful how she presented it as the matter was still pending.  But for all intents and purposes, it was nearly settled.  Did she say something to certain people?  There were some who could be discrete and yet whomever she told it had to be someone there would be a point in telling such a thing to.
As she sat in her chambers in Alysia Fairwind’s company, being welcomed back amiably, speaking of all number of things.  She felt an urge to say something of what happened in Ul’dah…but what would the purpose be to tell her she was nearly engaged?  It wasn’t news, not yet.  And even if the woman would be interested in hearing about what nearly was to be, if she could be a confidante to share such passing thoughts with, what would Llinos want out of it?  Was she wanting to share her excitement?   Her worries?  Discussing either would only expose someone to the uncertainty of her feelings and she couldn’t look that way.  It would be the same with anyone else in Aethertide.  They would ask her questions about it and she’d be expected to respond a certain way.  She could always pretend, she knew a number of different expression with which to satisfy…but what would be the point in that?  If she couldn’t be honest about it, it was better to say nothing.  She still didn’t know Sal very well and while that was perfectly normal for some noble families, most of Aethertide was not nobility and therefore would not understand. Wemrys Quintos certainly wouldn’t.  No matter how many times she tried to tell him, he could not accept the way she talked of herself like she was a commodity.  Or that she could find such a thing satisfactory.  But why shouldn’t she if it was her choice to go this route?  Was he any better?  He sold himself to her as a sellsword, vowing to die if it was necessary.  He too treated himself as a commodity when it suited him.   Was that any different?  The man was half-blind in so many ways… And then there was Maple and Sindri.  She didn’t know what she would say, how they would look at her.  They always trusted her to do what was right, or they at least always said as much, but sometimes their eyes said different things.  At their age, she’d have wanted the fairy tale ending too, she’d have still believed in it, and Llinos couldn’t help but wonder if she was forcing her children watch it die right in front of them. But it could be better than we expected, she thought to herself as she restlessly paced her room after Alysia left.  Maybe she could console her children with that?  It consoled her…somewhat.  She didn’t know Sal, but she could grow into her feelings.  He mentioned wanting to himself.  And yet, she knew that wouldn’t be enough for Maple and Sindri.  She knew what they’d think, about how things could have been.  Well, maybe it was better that they learn some things just have to work out differently?  Maybe they could learn to put their optimism elsewhere like she had to?  Gods…but she never wanted them to turn out like her. Her anxieties distracted her all that day and the next.  To the point where she avoided meeting with too many people.  She met with Eduard, Violet and Khyran to be on hand for their discrete procedure but she said little, her mind mulling back and forth when not focused on her work.  She had an opportunity to meet with Wemrys, her children…but she told herself she needed just a little more time.  Maybe in a day or two, Sal would get back to her with news?  But was she really going to be able to avoid them for that long after making her return?  Well, Rosalin had made mention she should still rest and not be overwhelmed to the staff, perhaps people would give her time out of their own desire? When Sal called her to meet with him at his nearby La Noscean residence after having returned speedily from his return trip home, Llinos’s heart raced as she made her way to his estate, wondering if perhaps he’d heard word already.  If perhaps she would have her answer that would make moving forward easier.  But it turned out to not be the case.  In fact, the deliberation over whether her agreement to marry Sal if he was declared heir would strengthen his position was going to take longer than expected, he’d told her. “My father is very ill and needs his rest.  Meanwhile his lawyers and advisors are…well, rather bureaucratic.  I am competing against other next of kin who are distant but legitimate and so this will take some time.  But it is in consideration.”  Sal handed Llinos a cup of wine as they stood before the fire in his immense drawing room.  He was ever his usual hopeful self but she could hear the apology in his tone. “Well, thank you for informing me,” she gave a sigh before taking a sip.  “But, this could have been expressed in a letter or something.  I rushed over here because I thought—“ “I apologize for giving you false alarm.”  Sal stepped forward, reaching his hand to touch at her cheek.  A gestured that surprised Llinos anew for its forwardness, but knowing he was simply trying to initiate an attempt to be closer, she did not pull away.  She rose her gaze to meet his in response.  He smiled and continued.   “When I saw that this would take much longer than either of us hoped, all I could think of was that I didn’t want you to grow weary and forget about me…forget about my promise to try and make you happy, to give you a true courtship.  We are not officially engaged, but I see myself as yours and I do not wish you to forget.” “So, when your business concluded you returned to be nearer to me?”   Llinos found her tone genuinely surprised.  She’d known more suitors to conduct all their business - courtship included - from afar if they could help it.  Usually they just sent her gifts, tokens of their affections and desires. “I hope you do not mind, I just grew anxious.”  Sal smiled sheepishly, suddenly looking younger and more boyish as he glanced away.  “I said I had loved before.  I know we do not know each other well yet, but I still find myself feeling anxieties over what to make of this.  What to tell others.  I realize it is because this has so many possibilities in how it could go, it could also change a lot for us both and there I was in Thavnair trying to resolve these feelings all by myself when I should have been doing so with you.  You’re the only other person who might understand after all, considering we’re in the same position.  If I have to move forward confidently, shouldn’t I do so with you at my side?  Besides,” That sheepish grin turned mischievous.  “It was an extra excuse to be near you again.  I admit I feel an anxiety when I think of you, because I want to know you more, Lady Llinos..” Llinos found herself genuinely in awe at her own confusion of emotions. She didn’t know how to feel, but was beginning to wonder.  Perhaps Sal had a point, perhaps her anxieties would be better dealt with him helping her.  What he described echoed her own anxieties, it was almost a relief to hear she was not alone in them.  He was older, experienced, perhaps he knew more what he was doing than she did…how foolish of her to not think of it before. And yet there was something still that kept her uncertain.  She couldn’t place what it was.  She frowned at herself, eyes lowering away from his.  “I can barely keep my mind in one place since signing that document, I just feel so anxious to know what will come of it.  I feel like I can’t commit myself to one feeling until I know for certain and it makes me feel so…listless.  I’m afraid I’ll be rather dull company for you, Sal.” “Perhaps you need a distraction?  Something to be involved in that makes you get comfortable with the idea?  Something, perhaps, to help you get involved more with the Durands and bring you closer?” Llinos thought the idea over for a moment.  “…well, I had a thought, that maybe I could throw a faire near your father’s home?  Something in his name.  We can give affiliated connections a chance to market themselves in the revelry, through my coordination they could get to know me…but above all I could get to know your family, too.  Maybe your younger relatives could play with my own Maple and Sindri—“ “You have a beautiful heart under that cutthroat I saw at the business table,” he smiled at her softly. And she returned his smile.  “Or maybe I know the value of family as much as I understand the value of good business?” “We could plan such a thing, however…it would have to be made clear to the advisors that Sindri and Maple would not be our heirs.  Otherwise, well, we wouldn’t want that complication affecting us…or them.”  He added that last part quickly, regret for having to bring up the matter making him wince slightly. Llinos took no offense to it.  If there was anyone who understood how uncomfortable yet necessary such a conversation was, it was someone who spent his whole life in the shadow of illegitimacy.  He knew as well as Llinos did how uncertain claims could breed enemies and unwanted attention.  He was not being malicious or snobbish, he was verifying their protection.  Unlike her and Sal, Maple and Sindri had no desire for more than what they had.  Maple and Sindri didn’t need a target on their back, nor did they need to be considered as part of the same game Llinos and Sal were playing.  Giving them their own separate inheritance kept them safe.  The matter had been discussed earlier with Sal before she finally agreed to sign the contract, they knew where each other stood.  “They will always be Silvernails and you can bet that’s how they’d prefer it.”  She said in firm agreement. “Good, they are quite blessed in that regard.”  Sal smiled again, but the furrow of his brow did not lift, indeed his concern stayed.  “But one more thing, Lady Llinos?”  His eyes scrutinized her face as if he were searching for something, but in a manner that gave Llinos a growing disquiet the longer he looked at her like that.
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ofloveandaether · 3 years
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𝐼’𝓂 𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝒻 𝐼 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉 𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝑔𝓇𝑒𝓉, 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝑀𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈𝓃’𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅 𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑔
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