#Alyssa Grunewald
navek15 · 4 years
Lucy goes on her first job. Hijinks to follow.
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themysteriouslou · 3 years
— "love as..." tag game
I was tagged by @scungilliwoman, @faithchel, @blissfulalchemist, @belorage, @shellibisshe, @honeysides, @aceghosts, @gamer-purgatory, @indorilnerevarine and @johnnycranes to do this uquiz and read my ocs for filth! Thank you for tagging me!
Tagging: @amistrio, @cobb-vanthss, @foofygoldfish, @redroci, @griffin-wood, @jmiacolt, @vasiktomis, @smithandrogers and @starsandskies! (only if you want to, of course!)
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— leslie grunewald (fc5)
love as tenderness
[ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”.
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— robyn "roy" sommers (fcnd)
love as light
[ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ] when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight” .
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— patrick artem (fc5)
love as religion
[ love as the sole object of your reverence--nothing about you is holy, but maybe your love for another is ] when sappho said "in the crooks of your body i find my religion" and when the cast of les mis sang "to love another person is to see the face of God" and when halsey said "i found God, i found him in a lover" and when katherine philips wrote "to the dull angry world let's prove there's a religion in our love".
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— parveen singh (fc4)
love as a choice
[ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made".
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— anita rodríguez (uncharted)
love as devotion
[ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark".
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— alyssa ryder (me:a)
love as a choice
[ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made".
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navek15 · 4 years
Fairy Tail: The Bravestar Saga Ch. 1
Author's Note 1: Fairy Tail: The Bravestar Saga is a non-profit fanfiction series.
Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail Series II are all owned by A-1 Pictures, Satelight, Bridge Madman Entertainment, Funimation TXN, Kodansha, and Hiro Mashima.
Any original characters and concepts are owned by Navek or xpegasus.
Please support the official release.
In a land far, far, away lies the Kingdom of Fiore. A small and peaceful nation of about 17,000,000 and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life.
For some, however, magic is an art, and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the Wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore.
But there is a certain guild in a certain town that sores high above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future.
Its name is Fairy Tail. And this is the story of one such legend.
                     Navek and xpegasus present
                               A Fairy Tail Story
                      Fairy Tail: The Bravestar Saga
                    Chapter 1: A New Legend Begins!
The sound of seagulls cawing and the waves crashing against the beach sang through the air as early morning rolled over the port town of Hargeon. The daily 9 AM train had arrived in town, and the sounds of feet reverberated through the station as passengers got off and boarded the train. Among the passengers getting off was an interesting group of young adults consisting of two men, a woman, and a cat.
The cat had blue & white fur, a green backpack, and black eyes. But the most interesting thing about this cat was its very long tail and the fact that it stood upright on two legs.
The scrawnier of the two men had scruffy brown hair, green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. He wore a black t-shirt, a pair of brown goggles with green lenses around his neck, blue jeans, a silver bracelet with two green gems on his left wrist, green and white sneakers, and a pair of black gloves. However, the right glove left his thumb and pinky exposed, while the left glove only covered his thumb and pointer finger.
The lone woman outdid her male companions in both height and muscle mass. She had long orange hair tied in a ponytail, purple eyes, tan skin, a sleeveless red shirt, red fingerless gloves, white bandages covering her forearms, purple leggings, and black boots.
Rounding off the group was the second male who was wearing a long-sleeve red jacket, a white scale patterned scarf, an orange-trimmed black kilt over his baggy white pants, black sandals, and a green backpack. He had black eyes, spiky pink hair, and was currently writhing in pain on the station floor.
"Oh, thank the founders! It's over!" the pink-haired man said.
The woman sighed and helped the queasy man onto his feet. He leaned on her shoulders.
"Thanks, Alyssa."
"No problema," she said with a smile. "But now…"
"Oh, crap," the pink-haired man said as he saw the blue cat handing the brunette a bottle of nasty-looking green liquid.
"Come on, Natsu," the brunette said. "You gotta drink it."
"But it's so gross!" Natsu cried as he tried to walk away, only for Alyssa to put him into a shoulder hold. "Hey, wait!"
"Sorry, hun. But Zeke's right," she replied with an apologetic smile. The brunette uncorked the bottle, only to sigh as Natsu shut his mouth tight.
"Aye, sir!" the cat replied with a salute before pulling a feather out of his backpack. Happy approached Natsu's feet and began to tickle his toes. Natsu tried his best not to laugh, but it was a fight he quickly lost. The instant Natsu opened his mouth, Zeke shoved the bottle down his throat.
"Just drink already," Zeke shouted in annoyance, the crowd taking in the strange sight as mothers told their children not to look at them. After Natsu finally swallowed the green liquid…
"Oh, man! I feel like a new man!" Natsu excitedly exclaimed with his arms raised, Alyssa giggling while Zeke rolled his eyes.
"Honestly, man. You don't need to be such a baby about taking your medicine," Zeke said as he tossed Happy the empty bottle.
"Well, that's Natsu for ya," Happy replied as he put the bottle back in his backpack.
"Easy for you guys to say! You don't have to drink that crap!" Natsu shouted back before turning around to face the city. "Alright, enough stalling. Time to go look for Igneel!"
"Got it!" Alyssa said as she ran after him.
"Aye, sir!" Happy said.
"Hey, wait for me!" Zeke exclaimed as he and Happy chased after their friends.
In another part of town, a blonde girl grumbled as she stomped through the streets. She had an hourglass figure, blonde hair tied in a side ponytail with a blue bow, brown eyes, pink heart-shaped earrings, a blue & white shirt, a black wristband on her right wrist, a blue skirt, and black boots. On her right hip was a key ring that held gold and silver keys, and on the other side was a black whip with a brown handle.
'I can't believe that old geezer only dropped the price down by a couple of thousand Jewels,' the blonde thought to herself. 'Nice to know what my sex appeal is really worth.' However, her attention was drawn in when she saw a large crowd gathering in the town square. 'Huh. I wonder what that's about.'
Back with the strange quartet, they had begun their search.
"IGNEEL!" Natsu shouted at the top of his lungs, scaring away some birds as he looked around. Near him, Happy came back up from a sewer entrance.
"Well, he's not down there," the blue cat reported. Nearby, Alyssa lifted a dumpster over her head like a feather, spooking the raccoon that was sleeping under it.
"Nope," she replied before looking up. "You see anything, Zeke?!"
The brunette was on top of a roof and hanging on to a weather vane, his goggles over his eyes. "Nope. Everything looks fine!" Zeke leaped off the roof before ricocheting off the alleyway walls and onto the street. "You'd think it'd be easy to spot someone like Igneel."
"I hate to say it, but maybe that clue we got was a dud," Alyssa said. Natsu frowned as he began to think the same. But suddenly, the quartet heard some women screaming excitedly.
"It's Salamander!"
"He's so hot!"
"I hear his fire magic is insane!"
"You guys think that might be him?" Zeke asked.
"Let's go find out!" Natsu shouted as the four ran towards the commotion.
In the middle of Hargeon's town square, a large group of women had gathered together and were swooning over the man in the center of the crowd. He was a slim man in his early thirties with sharp and angular features, a blue undercut, and a heavily stylized "X" tattoo above this right eyebrow. His outfit consisted of a white button-up shirt, a dark purple cape with high collar and sun symbols on either side, dark red pants, and several rings on his hands.
Among the crowd of swooning women was the blonde girl from earlier, looking at the man with astonished eyes and a blush on her cheeks.
'What the hell's going on?' she thought as her heart began to race, and her cheeks warmed with a blush. The feeling only intensified when the man winked at her. 'Could…this be…'
"Scusi! Coming through!" Alyssa said as she and others cut through the crowd. Natsu began to shout as they reached the center.
"Igneel! Igneel! It's me, Natsu!"
Everyone's attention was turned to the sudden arrival of the odd-looking strangers. When the blonde saw the four, all of the strange feelings in her chest suddenly vanished, and she realized what had happened.
"Who the hell are you?" Natsu asked.
"Who am I? Why, I am the great and mighty fire Wizard known as Salamander," the man smugly stated. "Surely, you must've heard of me."
"Can't say that we have," Zeke said, only to notice all the girls were now glaring at the four with murderous intent, which was then followed by them shouting some very colorful words at them.
"Now, now, my lovelies. No need to be rude," Salamander said. He pulled out four pieces of paper with his name on them. "Would you four care for my autograph? That way, you get something to brag about to your friends."
"Why the hell would we-" Natsu began to say.
"Thank you! We'll just take those and be on our way," Zeke said with a nervous grin, feeling the glares of the angry women boring into him. He quickly grabbed the autographed papers and pushed his friends away from the crowd. "Toodle-loo."
As the four left, Salamander told the ladies they were all invited to a party on his yacht later that night before taking off on a stream of fire.
"Guess that wasn't him," Happy commented.
"So is it me, or did that guy seem like a real creep?" Alyssa asked.
"That's because he is a creep." The four turned and saw a blonde girl approaching them with a thankful smile.
"Hi, my name's Lucy."
A little while later, the group was eating at a local restaurant. Lucy offered to treat the four to a meal…and was immediately regretting that decision. While Zeke and Happy's meal only consisted of a grilled chicken salad and a fish respectively, Natsu and Alyssa wasted no time ordering everything on the menu.
"It's nice that you offered to cover lunch…" Zeke began to say as his friends dug into their meals with gusto. "…but I probably should've warned you how much these two can pack it in."
"No, it's fine. I owe you guys one anyway." Lucy sighed out as pieces of food began to fly everywhere. 'There goes all the extra money I saved.'
"Anyway, we should probably introduce ourselves," the brunette said. "I'm Ezekiel, but my friends call me Zeke. The big lady is Alyssa, the spike head is Natsu, and the cat's name is Happy."
"Okay…but why can he talk?" Lucy asked.
"Because I'm a cat," Happy replied before going back to munching on his fish. Lucy looked at Zeke for a better answer, but the brunette just shrugged.
"Not that I'm complaining, but how exactly do you owe us one?" Natsu asked through a full mouth.
"Well, that Salamander guy was using some sort of Charm Magic. That's why all those women were falling over him," Lucy explained. "I got caught up in it too, but when you guys came barreling through, I was able to snap back to reality."
"Really. I thought Charm Magic was illegal," Zeke said as he began to contemplate something. As he did, Lucy realized something.
"That reminds me. Alyssa, you were right next to that creep. Why weren't you affected by his charm spell?" Lucy asked the orange-haired woman. The taller woman swallowed her food before answering.
"Well, it's quite simple, Lucy," Alyssa said before wrapped her arm around Natsu's shoulder, bringing his head to her shoulder and smiling. "It's because I've already been charmed by the sweetest man in all of Fiore."
"Aw, shucks," Natsu said with a blush and a smile. "No need to go that far, babe."
'Oh.' Lucy thought to herself, realizing that the pinkette and amazonian woman were an item. And Alyssa placing a hand under his chin and making him look in her eyes confirmed it.
"But, you deserve every bit of praise, amore mio."
"Ooh, I love it when you talk all fancy," Natsu said as he wrapped his arms around Alyssa's waist. Lucy could swear that the air around them began to sparkle as they looked into each other's eyes.
"Oh, Natsu," Alyssa said dreamily.
"Oh, Alyssa," he replied.
"Oh, Natsu."
"Oh, Alyssa."
Zeke and Happy sweatdropped as the couple repeated each other's names like a mantra. "They're at it again," the cat stated.
"Nice going, Lucy."
The blonde girl laughed in embarrassment. "By the way, you guys said you were looking for someone named Igneel, right?"
The question broke Natsu and Alyssa out of their couple's trance, as Alyssa answered. "That's right. Igneel is Natsu's dad. We heard a rumor that a Salamander was in Hargeon, so we decided to stop by and look around."
"Too bad that guy was a total dud," Happy said with a sigh.
"No kidding. He looked nothing like a dragon." Natsu stated. "I bet he can't even breathe fire."
"So, your dad looks like a dragon?" Lucy asked, trying to imagine how someone could resemble a dragon.
"No, he doesn't look like a dragon. He is a dragon," Natsu answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Lucy was stunned when she heard this. As fantastical as their world was, dragons were considered to be creatures of myth and legends. But there was also something else that she freaked her out.
"Why the hell would a dragon show up in the middle of a fishing town?!" Lucy exclaimed in shock. Natsu and Happy suddenly got a widened eyed look as the realization hit them like a sack of bricks.
"Ya, I didn't want to say anything…" Zeke spoke up with an awkward look. "...but I was thinking that Hargeon looked way too intact for supposedly being visited by a dragon."
"I was actually thinking the same thing," Alyssa said sheepishly. "Sorry, sweetie."
After paying the check, Lucy got up and left. However, as she turned back, she saw Natsu and Happy prostrating themselves on the floor while Zeke and Alyssa bowed.
"Thank you for the meal!" The four said.
"Stop it! You're embarrassing me!"
"Well, we need some way to repay you," Alyssa said. Natsu's face lit up as he got an idea.
"Here ya go!" Natsu said as he handed Lucy one of the autographs Salamander gave them.
"No, thanks," Lucy replied with a flat look.
And then…
"Wow, looks like Fairy Tail's at it again," Lucy said with a chuckle as read the newest issue of Sorcerer Weekly. After parting with the four weirdos, the blonde girl decided to relax at the local park and read one of her favorite magazines. "This time, they wrecked a bell tower."
Indeed, a news article detailed a team of Fairy Tail mages called Bravestar and their fight against a group of bandits in a small countryside town. However, the battle resulted in massive collateral damage, including the town's iconic bell tower.
"I wonder why I can't find a picture of those guys," Lucy said to herself. "Then again, if I caused that much damage, I'd probably high-tail it before anyone took a photo."
She flipped the page, showing the weekly centerfold featuring the Fairy Tail mage Mirajane. "And Mirajane's as gorgeous as ever." The blonde commented as she began to think out loud. "I wonder what I'd need to get into a magic guild like that. Is there a trial? Or I do gotta submit a job application or something?"
The blonde then rolled up and magazine and stood with a determined look on her face. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. 'Cause I'm gonna join Fairy Tail no matter what!"
"Ah, so you're looking to get into my guild, eh?" Lucy turned and, to her shock, saw Salamander walking out of the bushes.
"Salamander?!" Lucy exclaimed as she sprung from the bench. "What are you doing here? Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop on a lady?!"
'You were the one talking to yourself,' the blue-haired man thought with a sweatdrop.
"And don't think you can charm me again! That kind of magic doesn't work when the target knows about it," Lucy proclaimed. Salamander's eyes widened with surprise.
"You figured out I was using Charm Magic? Very impressive," he said with a sly smile. "We could use those kinds of deduction skills at Fairy Tail."
"Fairy Tail?" Lucy parroted, suddenly remembering what Salamander said before. "No way! You're that Salamander?"
"The one and only," he said. Lucy's eyes sparkled with awe before she collected herself.
"Oh, yeah. So what?" Lucy crossed her arms and tried to act nonchalant.
"So don't want to join my guild?" Salamander asked with a cocky smirk.
"Well, I wouldn't say that," Lucy answered with a pout.
"Then how about a proposition?" Salamander said with a charming smile. "You come to my yacht party tonight and mingle a bit, and I'll put in a good word for you with the guild master. What do ya say?" He extended his hand.
And any amount of disgust or mistrust Lucy had vanished and instantly shook Salamander's hand with such force he nearly toppled over. "I'd love to come to your party tonight!" Lucy squealed in delight
Salamander chuckled at her enthusiasm. 'Well, that was easy.'
"You really think you can get me into Fairy Tail?" Lucy asked, finally releasing Salamander's hand.
"You have my word," Salamander said. With a snap of his fingers, a stream of magenta fire appeared beneath him and lifted him off the ground. "Just don't say anything about the charm spell, 'cause I'm planning on having some fun tonight."
"You got it, Mr. Salamander!" Lucy said with a salute.
"Excellent! See you at the party, darling! Flame Magic: Red Carpet!" With that, he took off into the sky on his transport of magenta fire. And it was only after he left that Lucy realized that he had pseudo-charmed her.
'Oh well. I just got to party with that sleazebag for one night, and I'm golden,' Lucy thought to herself. "Fairy Tail, here I come!"
And then...
"Looks like this trip was a total bust," Zeke said. Night had fallen on Hargeon. After their lunch, the eccentric quartet had decided to look around the rest of the fishing town, just in case there was any chance at all Igneel had been here. Unfortunately, they had no such luck and were now stuck in town for the night since their train wouldn't arrive until the next morning. The group was standing on a walkway that overlooked the city and ocean, giving them a fantastic view.
"Hey, isn't that the yacht where Salamander's hosting his party?" Happy asked, pointing to the distant boat that had left the harbor. Just thinking about being on a boat made Natsu nauseous until Alyssa rubbed his head.
"What? You've never heard of Salamander?" The group overheard a girl in a pink shirt say.
"No, not ringing any bells," her friend in a black shirt said. "Is he a big deal or something?"
"The biggest!" the girl in pink said. "He's a super-powerful and famous Fire Wizard from the Fairy Tail guild, not to mention handsome. I wish I could've gone to his party."
The four friends' eyes widened at the mention of "Fairy Tail." They turned their gaze towards the glistening yacht floating in the bay and narrowed their eyes.
"Fairy Tail, huh?" Alyssa said.
"I've got a bad feeling about this," Zeke commented while Natsu glared.
Meanwhile, on the yacht, Lucy and Salamander were sitting in his private cabin while the rest of the ladies partied on the deck below. The blonde had changed into an elegant red dress to make a better impression.
"I've got to admit, you've got great taste," Lucy said as she ran her hands over the furniture. "Midian leather and Bellumi oak are hard to come by in Fiore."
"Why, thank you, Miss Lucy. Being a Wizard of such renown comes with its perks," Salamander said as he approached his liquor cabinet. "I appreciate the finer things in life." He grabbed two glasses and an amber-colored bottle.
"A toast to your beauty," Salamander said as he poured her a glass of orange wine. "Be sure to savor every drop."
Lucy put on her best fake smile and forced herself to laugh. Without his charm magic, Salamander really came off as a creep trying way too hard to be suave. But as he poured the drink, Lucy noticed one of his rings emitting a small glow. With a squint of her eyes, the blonde saw that ring had an image of a crescent moon and a closed eye.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" Lucy said. Salamander stopped pouring and looked at her in confusion. "You're trying to enchant my drink with a sleep charm."
"Hmph." Salamander gave a small smile and set down the bottle. "You continue to impress me, my dear."
"Look, I really do wanna join Fairy Tail. But I'm not gonna sleep with you to make that happen."
Lucy was about to get up…until she heard the click of a gun and felt cold metal pressed against the back of her head. With wide eyes, Lucy slowly turned and saw a woman with light brown hair, brown skin, and blue eyes pointing a gold flintlock pistol at her. Her outfit consisted of a pair of black cat-eye glasses, a bedazzled black vest over a full-sleeve white buttoned shirt, a black tie with matching dress pants and shoes, and gun holsters on each side of her belt, one of which was currently empty.
"Ah, Ripley. I didn't even notice you come in," Salamander said with a smirk.
"Well, you were blowing it, so I figured I'd give this little tart an incentive not to do anything stupid."
"W-wait, I saw you when I got on the ship," Lucy said with terror clear in her voice. "You were one of the girls at the party."
"Oh, please. Don't compare me to those floozies," the bespectacled woman said with a cruel smile. "Unlike them, I'm not so easily swayed by such simple magic."
"Simple? I spent a fortune on these rings," Salamander growled in annoyance just as someone else walked into the cabin.
"Yo, Salamander. All the new merchandise is knocked out." Lucy looked at the man, and the first word that came to her mind was "snake." From his slanted black eyes to his lanky body to his clothing of a tight black top, fingerless gloves, scale-like green pants, and black leggings underneath. "The boys are bringing them down to the lower- Huh, what's going on here?"
"It seems this girl is too smart for her own good, Kurohebi," Ripley explained. Lucy then felt shivers run down her spine as Kurohebi looked down her body and licked his black lips. He was even creepier than Salamander.
"Maybe so, but we can probably make a couple of thousand Jewels off of her," the snake-like man said with a low chuckle.
"Merchandise? Jewels?" Lucy asked fearfully. "What's going on?"
"Guess the cat's out of the bag," Salamander said as he stood up. "But don't worry, Lucy. We'll make sure not to harm that pretty little head of yours until we reach Bosco. After that, we'll make sure you're sold to the highest bidder."
"Y-you…" Lucy's eyes widened as his words sank in. "You're slave traders! But...I thought you were a Fairy Tail wizard!"
"Don't you get it? Our little playboy just said that to get you to come on board," Ripley replied bemusedly, Kurohebi chuckling along with her.
"So all the girls at the party…"
"You'd be amazed how much some depraved rich guys are willing to pay for pretty girls," Kurohebi explained. A hard scowl on her face, Lucy reached for her key ring, only for Salamander to grab it with his fire magic. He brought the six keys to his eye-level to examine them.
"These are Gate Keys. So you're a Celestial Wizard," Salamander said as he walked towards the nearby window. "Only the contracted wizard can use these. They're absolutely useless to me."
Before Lucy could protest, Salamander tossed her Spirit Keys out the window. She could only stare in horror and disbelief as everything she'd worked for vanished into the waters below. Lucy felt a myriad of emotions bubbling up inside; sorrow at the loss of her keys; fear at what would happen to her and the girls on the ship; but above all else, anger. Lucy was furious at Salamander and his accomplices. Magic was something precious and beautiful, and to have it be used for heinous, evil acts was unforgivable. With her eyes watering and her teeth grit, Lucy glared at the blue-haired man.
"You used magic to take advantage of others!" She yelled out. "You're the worst kind of wizard!"
The roof of the cabin exploded, surprising the four as someone landed on the floor. When the smoke cleared, they saw Alyssa glaring at the three slavers, her stance proud and defiant.
"Alyssa!" Lucy said with a smile.
"It's that bodybuilder chick from earlier!" Salamander proclaimed.
"What the hell is going on here?" Alyssa asked.
"None of your business, you dumb gorilla!" Ripley said as she aimed her gun at the orange-haired woman. Alyssa spoke a chant.
"Boost Magic: Boosted Kick!"
To everyone's shock, Alyssa's legs glowed with purple magical energy, a purple magic circle with a fist in the center appearing behind her. With amazing speed that betrayed her size, Alyssa leaped ahead and delivered a round-house kick to Ripley's torso, knocking her through the cabin wall.
"That was magic!" Kurohebi exclaimed as Lucy and Salamander looked on in shock. Alyssa turned and glared at Salamander.
"Salamander, right? I heard some girls saying that you're a Fairy Tail wizard," Alyssa said as she gripped the hem of her shirt.
"Y-ya. So what of it?" Salamander asked with a trembling voice. Alyssa pulled up her shirt to reveal a dark purple mark over her abdominals. One that vaguely resembled a dancing fairy.
"Because I'm from Fairy Tail! And I've never seen you before in my life!"
"That mark!" Salamander shouted.
"No way!" Lucy exclaimed. "Alyssa's a Fairy Tail wizard?! And you could do laundry on her abs!"
"Lucy? What are you doing here?" a voice said from above. Lucy looked up at the hole Alyssa had made and saw Happy…floating in the air with a pair of white wings on his back.
"This guy tricked me. He said he could get me into Fairy Tail if I came to his party," Lucy said before noticing the elephant in the room. "Wait? When did you get wings?"
"We'll explain that later," Alyssa said, taking a fighting stance. "Happy, get Lucy out of here. I'll deal with these bastardos."
"Aye, ma'am!" Happy exclaimed as he wrapped his tail around Lucy's waist. "Hold on!"
Lucy screamed in shock as the blue cat lifted her into the sky.
"You won't get away!" Salamander proclaimed as he snapped his fingers. "Flame Magic: Red Carpet!"
Alyssa attempted to jump at Salamander but she was stopped in her tracks by a stream of magenta fire.
"Uh, uh, uh, big gal." Alyssa turned and saw Kurohebi, flames surrounding his hands. "You gotta deal with me."
'He's got flame magic too?' Alyssa thought as Salamander took off in the air after Happy & Lucy. Meanwhile, Ripley had finally managed to pull herself out of the rubble.
"Ripley, get the rest of the guys!" Kurohebi shouted. "I can already tell that this ladies' gonna be a big problem."
"Right," Ripely said as she ran out of the cabin.
"Go ahead. Bring as many people as you like, cazzo!" Alyssa shouted, cracking her knuckles as her thick arms began to glow with the same purple magic as before. "I'll kick all your asses!"
On the shores of Hargeon, Natsu and Zeke stood atop the seawall. The brunette looked out onto the water with his goggles over his eyes. But these were no ordinary eyewear. By feeding a small degree of mana into them, Zeke was able to see over great distances.
"What's going on?" Natsu asked as he saw streams of fire flying through the sky.
"That Salamander guy is chasing Happy and…Lucy?" Zeke replied, watching as the blue-haired man unleashed blasts of flame magic at the two as Happy weaved and bobbed to dodge his attacks.
"This sucks! I should be out there!" Natsu groaned.
"We both know you'd get sick as soon as you stepped one foot on the boat," Zeke said, causing his friend to pout. "Besides."
Zeke fed mana into his bracelet, causing the gems in it to glow. In an instant, it transformed into a majestic silver longbow with green accents and shimmering bowstring. The green gems now sat directly above and below the arrow rest. "I could use the target practice."
A green magic circle with an arrow at its center appeared between the gems. Zeke placed his right hand in the circle and pulled back on the bowstring. As he did, an arrow made of solid green magical energy manifested within the bow, its arrowhead consisting of three points.
"Arch Shot: Tri-Seeker Arrow!" The arrow soared through the air like a rocket-propelled bird of prey.
Salamander grit his teeth and furrowed his brow as rode atop his Red Carpet, growing increasingly frustrated at his inability to hit Happy and Lucy.
'That cat's faster than he looks,' the flame wizard thought to himself. But out of the corner of his eye, he saw the glowing arrow heading towards and barely dodged it.
"Nice try," Zeke said with a smirk as the arrow suddenly split into three streams of emerald light that curved and chased after Salamander until they blasted him, causing the flame mage to fall on the deck of his yacht.
"What was that?" Lucy asked.
"That was Zeke's Arch Shot magic," Happy answered.
"He launched a spell from that far away," Lucy said in amazement.
"Um, Lucy?"
She looked up. "What is it?"
"My magic-" Happy began to say before his wings vanished. "-just ran out."
"YOU STUPID CAT!" Lucy screamed as the two fell into the ocean. But as they were submerged, Lucy saw something twinkling on the seafloor.
Back on the yacht, Salamander groaned as he got back up. He checked to make sure nothing was broken and gaped in horror when he saw the arrows had torn his cape to pieces. As he vowed vengeance for the destruction of his favorite cape, Salamander noticed that the fight between Alyssa and Kurohebi had moved to the deck.
"Prominence Typhoon!" Kurohebi shouted as he launched a column of fire at Alyssa.
"Boost Magic: Boosted Leap!" she chanted. Magic enveloped her legs as she leaped out of the way. With magic still running through her legs, Alyssa jumped towards her opponent as her right arm lit up like her legs. "Boost Magic: Enhanced Knuckle!"
Kurohebi barely had time to dodge as Alyssa attempted to punch him, her fist smashing through the deck floor. However, the snake-like man smirked as he swiped his fingers across her legs as magic circles spun in his eyes.
"Copy Magic: Epithet Scan." Alyssa felt a burst of magic enter her body and then leave. She back-handed Kurohebi, pushing him across the deck. However, the black-haired mage simply chuckled. "Alright, big girl. Let's how you handle your own magic. Boosted Kick!"
To Alyssa's surprise, purple magic surrounded Kurohebi's legs before he leaped and kicked her into a table.
'Copy Magic?! Merda!' Alyssa thought to herself as she got back up.
"Hey, Kuro!" The two mages turned and saw Ripley flanked by all slavers' goons, her golden guns in hands, and a large case strapped to her back. "If you don't want to die, then get out of the way!"
"You got it," he said before leaping out of the way. Alyssa quickly channeling her mana into her legs.
"Guns Magic: Rapid-Fire!"
"Boost Magic: Boosted Jump!"
Ripley unleashed a torrent of yellow mana bullets that Alyssa was forced to jump to avoid. The orange-haired woman quickly jumped behind the buffet table and tipped it to use as a makeshift barrier.
But before the slavers could get cocky, Salamander saw another arrow pass the ship before breaking into three streams of green light again. He scowled as he snapped his fingers. "Flame Magic: Red Curtain!"
A large wall of fire appeared on the deck, blocking the arrows. "Ripley, there's another Fairy Tail wizard attacking from long-range! Get rid of them!"
"Alright, but mind your tone," Ripley said before running towards a nearby ladder, leaving Alyssa to fight Salamander, Kurohebi, and their goons. The bespectacled wizard quickly reached the roof of the yacht and opened the case, revealing a golden sniper rifle with a long barrel and a scope. "Okay, Ronney. Time to go hunting."
Ripley laid down on her stomach and aimed her rifle towards the direction the arrows came. Like Zeke did with his magical goggles, Ripley fed mana into her scope, allowing her to see Natsu and Zeke on Hargeon's beach. With a grin, the Guns Wizard readied her next spell, a yellow magic circle with a bullet epithet appearing in front of the barrel.
"Guns Magic: Horizon Bullet!" With a pull of her trigger, a magical bullet shot through the air, barreling towards Zeke and Natsu. The pink-haired man's ears twitched when he heard the shot.
"Incoming!" Natsu shouted before tackling Zeke into the sand as bullet destroyed the part of the seawall they'd been standing on. "What the hell was that?!"
Zeke quickly sat up and zoomed in again with his goggles, seeing Ripley on the roof of the yacht. The two were forced to evade more Horizon Bullets that sent sand flying high in the sky when they hit the beach.
"Looks like one of Salamander's lackeys has long-range magic," Zeke stated before noticing that they had begun to attract the attention of Hargeon's citizens. "Natsu, try to get the rubberneckers away from the beach."
"Got it!" Natsu replied before running towards the townspeople. "You guys better high-tail it out of here! Things are about to get crazy magical!"
As Natsu tried to get the townsfolk away from the beach, Zeke stood defiantly, Ripley right in his sight. He conjured another arrow, this one with an arrowhead shaped like a stick of dynamite. "Alright, lady. You picked the wrong wizard to pick a firefight with. Arch Shot: Demolition Arrow!"
Ripley barely had time to roll away as Zeke's spell hit the roof, exploding upon impact. She quickly aimed and fired another Horizon Bullet that Zeke was forced to dodge. The two then proceeded to engage in a long-range battle, each of them launching spells from a great distance and dodging when they needed to. However, since Ripley and her allies were on a boat, they were slowly losing as Zeke's spells kept blasting more of the yacht apart.
As this was going on, Lucy and Happy emerged from the sea, the blonde having recovered her keys from the ocean floor. Lucy looked at the yacht with a determined smirk as she grabbed a golden key. "Here we go. Open, Gate of the Water Bearer - Aquarius!"
Lucy plunged the key into the water and a blue magic circle with a cross epithet appeared. With a burst of mana and water, a blue-haired mermaid with a dark blue tail appeared before Lucy and Happy, a blue and silver urn in her hands.
"That was awesome!" Happy cried out with joy.
"That's the power of a Celestial Wizard," Lucy explained. "I can summon spirits from the Celestial Realm to assist me in battle."
She turned and pointed at the yacht. "Listen up, Aquarius. I want you to use your magic to push that ship back into the port." However, the spirit glared at Lucy with piercing blue eyes and grit her teeth. "Hey," Lucy exclaimed. "Drop the attitude and help me!"
"Let's get something straight…" Aquarius said, her voice low and dangerous as water began to flow around her, and she narrowed her eyes at Lucy and Happy, sending shivers down their spines. "…the next time you so much as think about dropping my key, you're dead."
"U-understood," Lucy squeaked out while Happy let out a terrified whimper as Aquarius unleashed her spell and a torrent of ocean water was sucked into her urn.
"Poseidon's Wrath!" With a ferocious yell, Aquarius launched a tidal wave at the yacht…that also engulfed Lucy and Happy. Back on the yacht, Alyssa was in the midst of blocking Kurohebi's blows and Salamander's flame magic, only for the three wizards, Ripley, and the goons to notice the sudden shadow cast over the boat. They looked up and gaped at the massive tidal wave heading their way.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" the slavers all shouted.
"¡SANTO CIELO!" Alyssa yelled as the yacht was consumed by the wave.
Back on the shore, Zeke's eyes and mouth widened in shock at the approaching water. The green-eyed man quickly turned around and ran towards Natsu and the crowd. "EVERYONE, RUN FOR IT!"
Natsu and the townsfolk turned and balked at the sight of the rapidly approaching wave and attempted to high-tail away from the beach. As the wave was about to hit the shore, Zeke grabbed Natsu and created a green barrier around them just as the tidal wave consumed them and Hargeon's shore.
Luckily the seawall blocked the bulk of the water and what water made it past did barely any damage as Hargeon's buildings were built to withstand flooding. And as fast as it came, the water receded, revealing that Zeke had fallen on top of Natsu, the two men groaning in pain.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Natsu groaned out as Zeke got off him.
"No idea. Maybe one of Salamander's lackeys di-" As the brunette opened his eyes, he realized that his magic goggles had been shattered. "Damn it! I just bought these!"
"LET'S HIGH-TAIL IT, LADIES!" The two wizards looked and saw that Salamander's yacht had crashed into the shore, waking the girls and giving them the opportunity to escape
At the same time, Lucy and Happy washed up on the shore, the blonde coughing up seawater while the cat ended up buried head-first in the sand. Lucy then noticed Aquarius floating next to her.
"What's the big idea?! You think you could've tried not to sweep me up with the ship?!"
"Oh, that was an accident," Aquarius replied with a smile. "I didn't mean to get the ship."
"YOU WERE AIMING FOR ME?!" Lucy yelled as her spirit turned away.
"Don't call me for a while," the mermaid said with a haughty smirk. "I'm going on a week-long vacation with my boyfriend. And he's hot."
"You don't have to rub it in!" Lucy shouted as her spirit returned to the Celestial Realm. Suddenly, Lucy, Happy, Natsu, and Zeke's attention was brought to the yacht by Alyssa's yells as she was sent flying by Salamander's Flame Magic and crashed into the beach.
"Alyssa!" Natsu and Zeke shouted as they rushed towards her. They quickly helped her up and saw the slavers walking towards them, Salamander, Kurohebi, and Ripley all seething with rage.
"I've had enough of this!" Salamander shouted as he conjured up a magic circle in front of him. "I'll burn all you idiots to ash with a single spell! FLAME MAGIC: PROMINENCE TYPHOON!"
Natsu pushed Zeke and Alyssa out of harm's way and was completely consumed by a swirling pillar of fire.
"NATSU!" Lucy yelled while Kurohebi cackled.
"Aw, isn't that sweet? Pinkie sacrificed himself to save his buddies," Kurohebi said with a bemused smirk.
"Looks like Fairy Tail ain't all it's cracked up to be," Ripley taunted. But suddenly, Zeke and Alyssa began to chuckle, confusing everybody.
"Oh, please. As if Natsu could be killed by fire magic," Zeke said with a smirk of his own.
"How're the flames, tesoro mio?" Alyssa asked.
"Not gonna lie…" Natsu's voice came from within the inferno. "…it's pretty gross."
"HE'S STILL ALIVE?!" The trio of slavers cried out. What happened next utterly baffled everyone except Zeke, Alyssa, and Happy. A loud slurping sound was heard across the beach, the fire began to shrink. It shrank further until everyone could see that Natsu was actually eating the fire! Aside from his burnt coat, he was completely unharmed.
"Thanks for the meal, poser," Natsu said as he tore off the remains of his coat, revealing an open black and orange-trimmed vest, his muscular torso and arms, a black wristband on his left wrist, and a red Fairy Tail mark on his right shoulder. "Now, I've got a fire in my belly that's raging to get out!"
Natsu then smashed his fists together, conjuring up an orange circle with a dragon epithet in front of him. He then sucked in a massive amount of air. "Fire Dragon's Roar!"
From his mouth, Natsu unleashed his own torrent of flames. Salamander evaded with his Red Carpet spell, and Kurohebi boosted his legs to get himself and Ripley rolled out of the way. The rest of the slavers panicked and ran as Natsu's spells destroyed the remains of their yacht.
"A Fairy Tail wizard with spiky pink hair, a scaly scarf, and unique fire magic," Kurohebi said as his eyes widened in realization. "Bora, this guy's the real Salamander!"
"Natsu's Salamander?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Don't use my real name, you idiot!" the man called Bora said as Natsu, Alyssa, and Zeke stood together, staring the other trio down.
"Bora Solak, or Bora the Prominence as he likes to call himself," Happy said, surprising Lucy. "I've heard of this guy; he used to be a member of the guild Titan Nose but got kicked out for bad behavior."
(Music Que - Fairy Tail Main Theme)
"We should probably introduce ourselves," Natsu stated as the air around him began to heat up. "I'm Natsu Dragneel, the Fire Dragon-Slayer!"
"My name's Alyssa Grunewald!" Alyssa said as she moved into a fighting stance. "And they call me the Boost Queen!"
"The name's Ezekiel Hudson, archer extraordinaire and proud heir of the heroic Hudson legacy," Zeke said as he tossed aside his broken goggles. He then pulled down his shirt collar, revealing a green Fairy Tail guild mark just below his left collar bone. "And you assholes are dealing with the greatest team Fairy Tail's ever had: Bravestar!"
'THEY'RE TEAM BRAVESTAR!' Lucy thought in absolute shock. These weirdos she'd bought lunch for were the infamous Team Bravestar she'd read so much about. While Fairy Tail wizards were known for being rowdy, she had read about a trio of wizards that went overboard during their fights, even by their guild's standards. Because of this, Bravestar was also known as Fairy Tail's Demolition Team.
"Pay attention! Because this is what real Fairy Tail wizards can do!" Natsu shouted, charging ahead, his fists engulfed in orange flames.
"S-Stay back!" Bora shouted. "Flame Magic: Red Shower!"
Bora unleashed a barrage of fireballs at team Bravestar. Natsu didn't even bother to dodge and ran straight towards Bora. Natsu leapt into the air with a burst of flame with a blazing right fist.
"Fire Dragon's Blazing Fist!" With a powerful swing, Natsu punched Bora with enough force to send him flying into a nearby building.
"Try eating this, Salamander!" Ripley shouted as she aimed her pistols at Natsu. "Guns Magic: Rapid-Fire!"
"Nice try!" Zeke shouted, this time conjuring up an arrow with an arrowhead shaped like a bundle of smaller arrows. "Arch Shot: Arrow Volley!"
Zeke the arrow and in a flash of light, it split into a volley of 100 small arrows that tore through Ripely's bullets.
"Damn you!" Kurohebi shouted, charging at Zeke with mana flowing around his legs. He suddenly felt intense burning pain shoot through them. He let out a pain yelled as he slowed to a crawl, allowing Alyssa to jump in and catch his hand.
"Looks like you copied my magic's weakness too!" Alyssa proclaimed as she channeled magic through her arms. "Boost Magic: Grand Toss!"
With a powerful swing, Alyssa tossed Kurohebi over the wrecked yacht.
"Their magic is nuts," Lucy said, completely in awe as the trio continued to fight.
"Aye," Happy said and began to explain. "Zeke uses hereditary magic that only his family has called Arch Shot Magic. It has properties of both Archery and Light Magic. Alyssa's magic is Boost Magic. It can supercharge the caster's physical abilities, but using too much can damage their insides, so they need to have a strong body to use it properly. And Natsu's Fire Dragon-Slayer Magic gives him all the abilities of a fire dragon. So he's not only immune to fire, but he can also replenish his mana by eating it."
Ripley scowled as she aimed Zeke and Alyssa, but Natsu charged at her, his arms now coated in fire.
"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" With a swing of his arms, Natsu unleashed twin torrents of fire at Ripley and blasted her into the water, knocking her unconscious. Bora emerged from the rubble of the building atop his red carpet with a wild and crazed look on his face.
"DAMN YOU ALL!" Bora screamed as a massive magic circle appeared beneath him. "BURN IN HELL!" A gargantuan crimson fireball in the shape of a skull formed above his head. "FORBIDDEN FLAME MAGIC: RED SK-"
"Arch Shot: Demolition Arrow!" Before Bora could finish his incantation, Zeke fired a magic arrow at Bora's fireball. The explosion was seen and heard all across Hargeon and beyond as Bora was blasted out of the air. As Bora fell to the ground, his eyes widened when he saw Alyssa charging at him, the magic around her arms glowing far brighter than before.
"Hey, stronzo!" Alyssa shouted. "This is what you get for impersonating my boyfriend! Boost Magic: Grand Combo-Punch!"
As soon as Bora came within arms' length, Alyssa unleashed a ferocious barrage of supercharged punches. And with a final solid right hook, the fake Salamander was sent flying into the town, crashing into a nearby water fountain. And with that, the battle between team Bravestar and the slavers reached its end.
(Music End)
"Alright! We won!" Natsu shouted as he and Zeke shared a fist bump. They ran up the seawall's stairs to join Alyssa.
"We rock!" Alyssa cheered as she and Zeke then did a double high-five, which she immediately regretted it as her arms began to hurt. "Owie."
"Oh, crap! Sorry, Alyssa," Zeke replied.
"It's okay. They're just a little sore," she said. But before the trio could continue their celebration, they heard something fall and break. Turning around, they saw that the fountain Alyssa had knocked Bora into had broken in half. They also finally noticed that while the buildings in Hargeon were mostly fine, most of the street had been upended by the tidal wave, and the buildings closest to the beach had been hit by some stray spells.
"You guys were amazing, but you really overdid it!" Lucy exclaimed as she and Happy approached the three.
"Well, I can't argue with that," Alyssa said, rubbing the back of her head with a nervous laugh. However, Natsu genuinely chuckled.
"Actually, this is pretty good by our standards," Natsu said.
"Aw, man!" Zeke exclaimed as he started pulling his hair. "Master Makarov's gonna have an ulcer when he hears about this."
"To be fair, Lucy and the fish lady did most of the damage," Happy said.
"Hey!" the blonde shouted.
"You caused that tidal wave?!" Zeke yelled. "And what fish lady are you talking about?!"
Before they could continue their conversation, Natsu's ears picked the sound of marching feet. He spun around and saw a large group of soldiers clad in orange & blue uniforms marching through the town."Oh shit! It's the Rune Knights!"
"The army's here?!" Lucy shouted.
"Run for it!" Zeke shouted as the five bolted away as fast as they could, Natsu grabbing Lucy by the arm.
"Why are you taking me?" Lucy asked as she was dragged off.
"You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail, right?" Alyssa asked. Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief. Actual Fairy Tail wizards were inviting her to join their guild. As they ran, the blonde saw that the four guild wizards had sincere expressions on their faces, even as they ran for their lives.
"So, let's go!" Natsu said excitedly. Lucy smiled back at them, slipping her arm out of Natsu's and started willingly running away with the four.
"Alright!" Lucy cheered with an ear to ear smile as the five ran out of Hargeon. It had been a crazy day, but Lucy had a feeling that things would only get better from here.
And indeed, the five friends would back on this night and realize that it was this day in Hargeon when their legend truly began.
On top of a snow-covered mountain caught in a raging blizzard, a fierce battle had just reached its conclusion. A lone mage stood amongst the corpses of over a dozen ape-like creatures, out of breath and barely holding himself up with his broadsword. The man appeared to be in his early forties. He had black eyes, slicked-back dark blue hair, and his outfit consisted of an open white coat with blue inner-lining, rolled up brown pants held up by a white belt, an s-shaped necklace hanging around his neck, and a pair of dark brown loafers.
'Well, that about wraps things up,' the man thought to himself, standing up as his broadsword vanished in a dark blue light. 'Time to head home.'
Unfortunately, one of the ape creatures the man had been fighting was rather clever, playing dead amongst its brethren. With his foe's guard down, the beast howled and attacked, the raging winds drowning out the man's screams.
To be continued…
Author's Note 2: Back when I wrote the first chapter of A New Day five years ago, I had no idea how much that story would mean to me. Writing AND and its sequels helped me improve my writing skills more than I ever imagined. And it was through these Fairy Tail stories that I met my co-writer, editor, and one of my best friends, xpegasus.
But recently, as I reread A New Day while compiling that story and sequels together, I realized just how flawed it was. I barely broke away from the canon, limiting my creativity and original flare. I also didn't really know whether I wanted to stick with the original Fairy Tail magic system for awhile, winging it until me and XPegasus sorted out the details midway through Homecoming. And I realized that it can be hard to get people invested in the later parts of my story if the beginning is mediocre.
So, now with years of experience under my belt, my best friend at my side, and a firm idea for where I want my Fairy Tail story, I've decided to reboot the Fairy Mythos Series. Or as it's going to be known from now on, Fairy Tail: The Bravestar Saga!
I hope that everyone who's followed all of my Fairy Tail stories until now will join me and xpegasus as we venture once again into this magical world. And hopefully, we'll make a lot of new friends and fans along the way.
Next Chapter: The Brawl at Mt. Hakobe!
See you next time!
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navek15 · 4 years
AU. When Lucy walked into Hargeon, she had no idea she was going get tangled up with a crazy dragon-slayer, an amazon who hugs way too hard, a somewhat cocky archer, and a snarky cat. But she wouldn't trade the adventures she had with them for all the money in the world.
0 notes
themysteriouslou · 3 years
— picrew tag game
I was tagged by @faithchel to use this picrew! I had a lot of fun making my ocs in it, so have four of my video game ladies:
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Anita Rodríguez (Uncharted) // Eva Burton (TLOU) // Alyssa Ryder (ME:A) // Leslie Grunewald (FC5)
I'm going to tag @foofygoldfish, @redroci, @teamhawkeye, @cobb-vanthss, @prometheas, @jmiacolt, @shellibisshe, @indorilnerevarine, @loriane-elmuerto, @envyisms and anyone who'd like to do this!
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themysteriouslou · 3 years
— picrew tag game
I was tagged by @scungilliwoman, @faithchel, @belorage, @gamer-purgatory and @blissfulalchemist to make my ocs in this picrew! (thank you for tagging me btw! 💜).
Since I'm still on my video game brainrot, have some video game ladies!
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Leslie Grunewald (FC5) // Jocelyn Forsythe (AC:S) // Alyssa Ryder (ME:A) // Anita Rodríguez (Uncharted)
Not tagging anyone because I'm sure everyone did this already BUT! if you want to, say I tagged you!
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themysteriouslou · 3 years
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oc artbreeders:
leslie grunewald (far cry 5) | roy sommers (far cry new dawn)
patrick artem (far cry 5) | parveen singh (far cry 4)
anita rodríguez (uncharted) | alyssa ryder (mass effect andromeda)
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navek15 · 6 years
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A commission by the awesome Razorkun! Behold the fully-realized Soul Armor of Alyssa Grunewald: The Jet Empress!!!
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