#Am I pushing for Bruce and his league of evil exes? Yes
dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Cave Danny is found out to not be a civilian, because Sam and Tucker hunted him down. Things are already starting to get tense Between Tim and his insistence of Danny being Evil when they show up. Tim holding Danny by his collar, so they assume the worst. Danny calls Sam and Tucker, Selena and Ethan to their faces as they're whipping out weapons of mass destruction, because he commits to the bit even as the bit is falling apart in his hands.
Sam and Tucker, tell Danny to his face that his spontaneous vacation is over and it's time to get his other Rouges back under control before they have to fight the US government again, this time completely destroying it.
Do they address the names they were called? No, they barely call Danny by his name anyway. They straight up call him Phantom and now that cats out the bag.
Yeah, Seems legit.
This is funny cause they would come in screaming his name with guns blazing, and the Batfam would only see a kid version of Selina and Ethan swinging around bulky looks like they came from a low-budget sci-fi movie guns at them.
Bruce's first reaction would be, "That's cute"
His children would trip over themselves to see Bruce's past lovers as kids. A few of them weren't aware Ethan was a possibility.
"Dang B, Catwoman, Two-Face, and Clayface? How many rouges is Bruce Wayne exes with?"
"Do not forget my mother or Ghost Maker."
"No one could ever forget them Dami."
Unfortunately, this falls out of the planned plotline, so Sam and Tucker never meet the Batfam.
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