#Amanda Li Hope
bipolbur · 9 months
my day is already shit enough what do you mean the response video is finally coming out and keemstar is the one who announced it
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ellavatorz · 2 years
Fear Me || c.b. x reader
prompt: Colby is there for you when the Stanley hotel becomes too much.
tw/cw: violence, angst-y(?), mainly cute protective colby.
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photo is not mine, found on Pinterest
a/n: this is for @tealeyewonder, ty for requesting this! it was fun to write & I hope you enjoy <3
It wasn’t long after you all had arrived that shit began to happen. In fact, it took exactly five minutes into filming for Amanda, Mackie and yourself to begin hesitating in proceeding with the investigation.
The guys—per usual—begged for you all to stick around just “a little longer!” And so here you five were; vibrating with adrenaline and high off of the aura that the hotel room reeked in.
“Colbs, I’m serious. Are you sure we should continue?” you and colby are isolated from the others, pressed against the entrance, just outside of the shared—and one of the infamously haunted—room 428.
He reaches a hand into your hair and tugs a lock behind your ear, breaking the silence with a gentle and monosyllabic “it’s fine.”
With an eye roll, you shovel your hands into the depths of your jacket’s pockets and drill your gaze into him. Seemingly prepared for your rebuke, Colby proceeds with a cautionary voice.
“I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, okay? It’ll just be for a few more hours and then if you really want to, we can find another hotel nearby and book it. Free of ghosts, alright?”
Sighing in defeat, you settle for his reassurance and choose to remain as calm as you can for the rest of the night in the hotel—albeit still littered with deafening ghost trails and paranormal activity.
Colby’s voice resonates around the room as he recites an excerpt from some sort of yelp review left by previous guests of the hotel. The girls and yourself huddle together in front of where he sits on the mattress, watching and listening intently.
“It’s said for a male entity to lean over female guests and..” he quirks a brow and chuckles before continuing, “tries to kiss them.”
“What?” You blurt, eyes enlarging in size before the other two girls are laughing. “Naughty ghosts!” You say jokingly.
“Maybe we should dress up as girls tonight?” Colby jokes, and you all begin to feel the air purify it’s way into peace as you continue.
Suddenly, you all decide to move toward the lone, dark and eerie corners of the Hotel, the staircase which is known for its Vortex.
There, Amanda retells a memory of having imagined an entity following Colby around. Shocked, you latch onto his arm and give him a shake.
“Shit, you’re gonna attract all the ghosts tonight!”
His face replicates mortification as the rest of you laugh cheerfully, silently wishing for the idea of your boyfriend having an attachment to fall through.
“There’s definitely someone here already but I can’t make out who it is exactly. They keep hiding behind the handrails.” Amanda states, pointing at the solid fixture just behind you and Colby. Mackey agrees with a hum and drags her gaze elsewhere.
“It feels.. strange.” You murmur, looking at yourself in the reflection of the mirrors. Colby appears behind you, circling your waist with his arms and smiling contently.
“Oh definitely, but look at how cute we look!”
“Colby.” You smack at his shoulder. “Really?”
“What? It’s true.”
“Alright I say we move back to the room and get some footage of the rem pod.” Sam appears from behind you two and the group agrees.
“Great,” colby says after he’s finished setting up the equipment. “Again, if anything comes and touches this device it’ll light up and make a bunch of noise.”
You all nod in understanding, deciding to stand a good distance away from the footing of the bed where the device lies. Instantly, the REM Pod goes off, the red light shining along with it.
“Hello?” Sam greets, mouth wide open in shock. “Do you recognize us? We’ve been here before..”
“Nah, he only cares about girls, man!” Colby jokes, though the device begins sounding off. The girls and yourself move back, stunned at the reaction.
“Holy shit, did it just agree with what you said?” You look over to Colby in surprise. He nods, just as startled as you.
“Do you like girls? Kissing them?” You ask, biting your lip in anxiousness.
The device goes off.
“Do you like us being here?” Amanda asks.
It’s silent.
The five of you share a look before Sam continues. “Can you do something to show us who you are? Are you Flora?”
You room stills, air suddenly thickening with something akin to a suffocating material being held against your face. You blanch are the feeling, trying your best to shake it off until there’s a bang just inches behind you.
The five of you turn in fear and you immediately dart to Colby’s side, feeling an intense amount of pressure in your head. “Okay guys, my head is seriously killing me.”
Mackie gasps, pointing a finger in your direction while moving closer to you. Colby wraps an arm around your middle, turning you to face him as he analyzes your features.
“Your nose is bleeding,” he notes aloud and you frown. “Are you okay?”
“No I just—I don’t know? I felt weird and then the noise happened.” You explain, holding a napkin to your nose that Mackie had gotten for you. Sam brings the camera close to your face, to which you scowl at.
“Dude, give me space will you?” You mutter and Sam apologizes, moving away and pointing the camera towards the other girls instead.
Colby worries his lip, chewing at the skin with a drive to settle his concern. You pat his shoulder, reassuring him that you’re fine.
The series of questions continue but still, your headache worsens and the air doesn’t feel any lighter.
“Did you follow us from somewhere else?” Sam questions. There’s a pregnant pause before the device begins going off. You make eye contact with Amanda as she steps forward to shut off the device.
“That’s enough,” she states firmly, eyeing the duo before requesting the cameras to be turned off. Sam agrees begrudgingly, moving to sit on the edge of the mattress along with Colby and Mackie. You and Amanda stand close, her hand wrapping around your wrist protectively.
“I don’t feel safe here anymore. I think we should take a break.” She says and Colby tilts his head, brows furrowed.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“There’s something here and I don’t want to talk about it.” Amanda huffs, looking towards the door. You distribute your weight from one foot to another anxiously.
“Maybe we could come back later? Let’s just take a breather outside—“
“Y/N, what’s on your arm?” Sam ponders and reaches to bring you closer to the flashlight.
You look down and notice a slew of thinly sourced abrasions on your forearm. “What the hell?”
“This isn’t right, we have to go.” Amanda urges, to which you all hurriedly concur, rushing for escape.
It’s when you’re one foot out of the door that you’re suddenly shoved and sent crashing into Colby’s back. Being the last one out, you physically startle and feel your hands beginning to tremble.
“I just—it just pushed me,” you stammer, eyes darting behind you to where the door to the room is shut. Amanda pulls you in close and recites a quick prayer before pulling you into her embrace.
After everything that had happened to you, Colby had had enough. His body began to boil with a protective instinct as he rushed back into the room, heart slamming against his chest.
“I dont care who you are or what you are, but you have no right to touch us. I didn’t give you permission and you sure as fucking hell don’t deserve it. You can’t follow us home and you better not follow us to any other location either.” He sneered, voicing his thoughts aloud to a visibly empty room.
“Colby,” Sam tries, placing a hand on his shoulder in attempt to pull him out, only to be shaken off and ignored when Colby continues.
“You could’ve touched me, hurt me, or whatever the fuck— but you touched Y/N and that’s where I draw the line. Get your disgusting ghoul fucking hands off of them and don’t ever touch them again.”
Staggering back with a winded breath, Colby returns to your side and holds you tightly between his arms. You reciprocate the action and try to smile, though it comes out as more of a lopsided grin.
“Thank you, colby.” You manage to utter from where he holds you against his chest. He sighs, clearly affected by your experience. You nudge him off gently before pulling him along with the rest of the group; moving to the entrance of the hotel without hesitation and making a beeline to the car.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you,” Colby murmurs once you’ve all packed into Sam’s rented vehicle. You and Colby sit thigh to thigh in the farthest pair of seats. “I promised I would.”
“Colby, it isn’t your fault. Amanda didn’t even know what it was, so seriously.. you couldn’t have known that was going to happen.” You ease his worry with a hand to his leg, rubbing miscellaneous shapes into the fabric of his jeans.
“I just wish it didn’t happen that way. I wanted this to be fun for you. And.. and I was hoping we could’ve had a small investigation together at some point in the night.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess this was Colby’s attempt at convincing you that he’s fine. However, you know him all too well to know that his facade is weakening with every thought that washes through him. The pout in his voice is nearly visible before you’re leaning in to place a kiss to his cheek. Pulling his gaze to you by gripping his chin gently, you smile at him.
The soft look he shares with you is enough for you to see just how much love he holds for you in the blue ocean of his eyes. Inviting yourself to dive into him, you lean your head against his shoulder and pull his arm closer.
“You don’t always have to be the hero, Colby. I know you love and care about me, but there’s always going to be things that you just can’t protect me from.” You say, and feel his weight drop to comfort. Smiling to yourself, you squeeze his hand.
“I love you, and thank you for bringing me along today. Despite it all, I enjoyed my time spent hunting ghosts.. just.. maybe next time we won’t visit a spirit who seems to have it out for girls who are taken, hm?”
At that, Colby chuckles. His fingers intertwine with yours impossibly tighter and he leans down to kiss the crown of your head.
“I love you too. And I promise I won’t put you in any more danger. No more mean grumpy ghosts. Maybe just the creepy kid ones.”
“Sick, no.” Sam calls from the front of the car, and you all laugh.
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nevadancitizen · 3 months
synopsis: connor has a talk with amanda, and you have a talk with your own mind. connor reminds you, once more, that he's made of plastic and metal, not flesh and blood.
word count: 2.8k
ships: Connor/Reader, Hank Anderson & Reader
notes: i know there's a real life viktor petrov. atomic heart is just weird and named characters after real life people
HoFS taglist: @catladyhere , @foggy0trees0 , @princessofenkanomiya (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just ask!)
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The Zen Garden is nice, if a bit humid. Connor’s footsteps are quiet as he walks on the marble that paves the sprawling paths.
Again, that stone stares at him, the soft blue glow entrancing. And just like last time, Connor kneels and touches it. The thrum of energy he expected still shocks his system, and still causes him to take an unneeded, artificial breath. With one last glance over his shoulder, Connor walks away.
When Connor approaches the dock, Amanda is waiting on the water in a quaint little rowboat, an orange and white wagasa resting over her shoulder.
“Hello, Connor.” She smiles. “I thought you might enjoy a little cruise.”
Connor steps into the boat, then pushes it away from the dock. He takes the looms of the oars in his hands and pushes the blades through the water to propel them backward.
After a few moments of looking around, Amanda speaks. “I love this place. Everything is so calm and peaceful, far from the noise of the world.”
She turns to Connor. “Tell me, what have you discovered?”
“I found two deviants at the Eden Club.” Connor looks away, then back to Amanda, then away again, like a nervous dog. He wrings his hands in his lap. He’s not sure why he feels the need to. “I hoped to learn something, but… they managed to escape.”
“That’s too bad.” Amanda’s voice is laced with overly-obvious sympathy. “You seemed so close to stopping them.”
Connor takes the looms of the oars and pushes the blades through the water again instead of responding. Again, there’s that voice (yours – he’s sure it’s your voice) in between his lines of code that tells him to snap at her, to tell her to stop with her fake worry and honeyed words. 
“You seem… lost, Connor,” Amanda says. “Lost, and perturbed.”
Connor’s lips draw into a thin line. “I thought I knew what I had to do. But now I realize it’s not that simple.”
“You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club. The Officer even told you to grab the Lieutenant’s gun,” Amanda says. “Why didn’t you shoot?”
Connor looks down at where his hands rest in his lap. “I don’t know.” A deep pang of something shoots through his systems, and his eyes snap up to meet Amanda’s. “I don’t know.”
“If your investigation doesn’t make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor,” Amanda says, her tone cold and even.
“I understand,” Connor says softly. He can feel something within him twitch – an instability he’s confident will correct itself as time goes on.
The twitch pulls him to look to his left. In the surrounding trees, just barely on the treeline, is a little sapling Connor knows wasn’t there before. It’s silvery and wispy, and can’t be more than a foot in height. But trees shouldn’t be that color. And saplings are supposed to be covered in leaves because of their need to absorb as much sunlight as possible. This one is bare.
“Is something amiss, Connor?” Amanda asks.
“No,” Connor lies. He turns back to Amanda. “Just thinking. That’s all.”
Suddenly, a clap of thunder rolls across the sky even though the clouds above are thin and an orangey color. Amanda looks upwards, as does Connor.
“Something’s happening. Something serious.” Her eyes return to Connor. “Hurry, Connor. Time is running out.”
Your eyes snap open as you gasp, inhaling lumino-polymer. It floods into your lungs, causing the warm and pleasant feeling that comes with having another living being invade your system.
It doesn’t shock you that you’re here again – in your memories. Your mind loves putting you back in the Vavilov Complex, a place you frequented in your youth when you were able to feel solid ground beneath your feet. (Or, rather, above your head, as most of the complex is underground.)
The lumino-polymer that surrounds you is kept in a transitional state: a diffusion-sensitive, anaerobic-bacteria-friendly, translucent, and gluey liquid. The bacteria is suspended around you in little specks of glowing blue. 
You’re not sure which way is up, but you kick your feet to propel yourself towards the light. After a few moments, you break the surface and haul yourself out of the pool, settling on your knees by the edge. Lumino-polymer sloughs off you like you’re a shedding reptile – in one gross, voluminous heap that quickly settles back into the pool.
You put a hand on your chest and take a deep breath. Now, there’s nothing in your lungs but air. But memories and minds work in weird and inconsistent ways, right? So that’s to be somewhat expected.
Yet when you look up, the one thing that’s always consistent is still consistent – the PEC-4 Birchtree is still there. The symbol of the Vavilov Complex and the capstone of its research efforts stands tall in her five meter-diameter by ten meter-tall cylindrical capsule. 
She’s not the typical birch you’d usually think about. Her trunk is thin and silvery, and her leafless branches resemble a wispy mycelium complex rather than sturdy wood. They hang down, almost like weird, sinewy versions of the leaves of a weeping willow. She’s more angel than tree.
You look down and find a metal pail by your feet. It’s already been filled with lumino-polymer. You pick it up and start walking up the stairs. 
When you reach the top, the PEC-4 Birchtree is staring down at you without eyes. Her branches wave despite the lack of a wind to move them. You kneel before the capsule and press on the fuel inlet. As soon as it opens with a soft click, you pour the lumino-polymer in.
When it settles in her soil, the PEC-4 Birchtree almost seems to inhale inside her capsule. Her branches relax soon after.
“Что мне делать?” You ask softly. You look down at where your hands rest in your lap. “Я чувствую себя… потерянно. Действительно потерянно.”
Look at where you are, my child, she responds from within your mind. She doesn’t speak in English or Russian or any other human language – she sounds like the electrical impulses from within your own brain. You’ve escaped from situations more dangerous than this. Remember where you came from. Remember your parents and the reactors they worked in and Chelomey as a whole.
“Я знаю, но…” You bring a hand to your face, then look up at her. Your voice is quiet and quivering when you speak. “Мне страшно.”
You don’t need to be, she says. You can always rely on yourself. Memorize the cards in your hand. Know when to play them. Stack the deck if you need to. Real life plays dirty.
“Да… да, вы правы.” You stand and put a hand on the plexiglass of her capsule. “Спасибо.”
You start to turn to walk away, but are stopped by the PEC-4 Birchtree’s voice permeating your mind again. 
Please be careful, she says. They need you. Both of them. You can keep them on this Earth. Be vigilant. I love you. 
“Да, мэм,” you say softly. “Я тоже вас люблю. Спокойной ночи.”
You zone back in and register your surroundings. You’re in the android autopsy room. Your autopsy table is empty.
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips, then you breathe in deeply. No lumino-polymer in your lungs. Just air. No PEC-4 Birchtree here. Just you. 
A knock sounds at the door. You glance at the clock – it’s just past 6:30 in the morning. You stand and open the door.
Connor stands there, his blazer now clean. “Hello, Officer. I assume an adequate amount of time has passed for you to process the events of yesterday evening and early this morning?”
You step to the side, allowing Connor in. “Khm, yeah. I guess.”
Connor steps through and the door closes automatically behind him. He moves over and sits in the chair he was sitting in yesterday while you hop up on your autopsy table. (Internally, this only solidifies that chair as ‘Connor’s chair’ in your mind.)
“Why did you come here?” You ask. “I don’t really feel like reviewing case details right now.”
“I just came to talk, Officer,” Connor says. 
You pull your legs up onto the table and cross them. “You talk an awful lot. And about personal things, too.”
“I suppose I do.” He looks down at the ground, then back up at you. “When I was in the car, you were talking to Hank. What were you talking about?”
You sigh and your eyes fall to the floor. “His drinking problem. How he gets when he drinks. His suicidal tendencies. How I can’t spend a second without worrying about him.”
“Are you coping well?” Connor asks.
“Of course not.” You let out a humorless laugh. “I went back to my apartment, but I just… couldn’t sleep. So I came here.” You gesture vaguely around the room. “Work is a constant in my life. I like filing reports and organizing data and everything that comes with it. But recently… it’s gotten turbulent.”
Your jaw clenches. “And with everything that’s going on? All the deviants? They’ll find one way or another to pin it on the Soviets. Something like a breaking news article about how a spy put a bug in an American android’s code to cause them to deviate, and it spread.”
“You won’t be able to work on the case without a good coping mechanism,” Connor says. “I suggest you find one.”
You exhale sharply and look at him. He’s leaning forward with his hands folded together and his elbows on his knees.
“You sound like Chariton Zakharov,” you say, a smile creeping onto your face. “Well, kind of. Like the way he cared about science more than the wellbeing of his employees.”
Connor’s LED flickers for a moment. “The Head of the Neurobiology Department at the Pavlov Complex of Facility 3826?”
“Yeah, that one,” you say. You don’t have to ask him if he had to look up that information this time, because you know he did – nobody would know that off the top of their head. “I remember the letter he wrote to himself that Dmitry Sechenov found after he died. The one about how man himself isn’t corrupt, but his body.”
“I haven’t read that letter,” Connor says. “And I can’t find that information in my database.”
You hop off the table and start to rifle through the drawers of your desks. “Hold on. I have something here somewhere…”
“You have a lot of personal effects in the autopsy room, Officer,” Connor says. “May I ask why?”
“It’s basically my office,” you say. “I have an actual desk, but I’m rarely there.”
You open another drawer and find the book you were looking for: The Life, Death, Neuropolymer-Induced Transformation, and Secondary Death of Chariton Radeonovich Zakharov. “Aha! Here it is.”
You put the book on the table and flick through the many worn, scribbled-on sticky notes jutting out of the side. When you find the one you’re looking for, you open the book to the pages you stuck it on. The text is in Russian, but you translate it as you read aloud. “Okay, here. The letter reads:
“Vice is a physiological property. In the magnum opus of “opium for the people,” the Bible, this is well shown, if allegorically. Man has become depraved not by tasting the mystic fruit, but by becoming aware of himself. The body dictates our depravity. 
“We want to multiply, so there are rapists and perverts. If we want to eat, we steal money and food. We want to be pleased, and now we surround ourselves with stupid luxury. It is not man himself who is corrupt, but his limited, primitive shell, which needs food, sex, drugs, and care. 
“The radiance of pure reason, and it alone, can illuminate the path of humanity. Because a human being is not a body. It’s a way of thinking.”
You look up and close the book. “Do you agree with Zakharov?”
“Agree with him on what?” Connor asks. 
“That being human is not about having a human body, but thinking in the way a human does,” you say, then look away. “Actually, I guess that’s a redundant question. Because I’m asking you if you think deviants should exist.”
You meet Connor’s eyes again. “And you’ve been programmed to… exterminate them. Right?”
“Not exterminate,” Connor corrects. “I’ve been programmed to find the cause of deviancy and to help find a way to prevent it.”
“But you’re still a hunter,” you say. “And they’re your prey. No?”
Connor blinks. Once, twice. His LED flickers yellow and barely dips into red before turning back to yellow. “Yes. I am.”
“So you’re a regular Viktor Petrov.” You lean your hip against the table. “Not the Ukrainian one, but the Russian one. A man widely-regarded as a class traitor who’s just working for what he perceives as the greater good.”
“I’m not a man,” Connor says. “I’m just a machine.”
Your face falls and your stare hardens. “No, you’re not. I’m not saying that you’re not a machine – I’m saying that you’re not just a machine. You said it yourself. You can be whatever Hank and I want you to be. We’re Dmitry Sechenov, and you’re Major Sergey Nechayev.”
“How so?” Connor shifts in his seat. He can’t be that stupid – he knows exactly how.
“Nechayev devoted his life to the USSR. In return, he only earned isolation and numerous wounds – both physical and mental. Sechenov was the only one who treated Nechayev with basic kindness. And the Major folded like a cheap deck of cards.” You lean towards him with a hand braced on the table. “Sechenov took him in and molded him into his perfect pet soldier. All because Nechayev, in his vulnerable state, let himself be molded. Just like how you are.”
“I am not being molded,” Connor says. “I am an RK800 – a machine with a mission. I may have secondary missions, but tracking down deviants has always been my number one priority.”
“But you are,” you say. “You’re changing, whether you like it or not. Connor, when you were in my apartment… you laughed. Androids don’t laugh. Only deviants do.”
Connor stands, and you’re reminded of just how intimidating he can be. He moves over so that he’s standing just a yard away from you. (A faint flicker in your mind tells you that if he shot you right now, it’d be considered point blank. But you quickly dismiss it. Connor wouldn’t do that. Not to you. Right?)
“I laughed because I was mirroring the environment you created,” Connor says. “I was designed to work alongside humans. Humans mirror and are mirrored. I was just following my programming.”
You stand up straight and set your jaw as you look him in the eye. You’re searching for any kind of emotion, anything that looks like how Connor looked when he was with Bronislava. But no. There’s nothing. His eyes look dead – like prosthetics that can move.
“You don’t laugh when you’re with Hank,” you say softly. “Even when it’s an intimate environment, like the one in my apartment. He’s a riot. Why don’t you laugh?”
“It’s like you said,” Connor says. “Androids don’t laugh. Only deviants do. I know what I am, and what I am not. And I am not a deviant.”
“Leave.” You step back, turning to your autopsy table. You reach out and grab the book, then trace the embossed lettering with your thumb. 
You glance over your shoulder. Connor’s still standing there, just like early this morning by the Detroit River. 
“What’re you waiting for?” You grind out. You nod towards the exit. “There’s the door. As if you need to be told where it is!”
Connor’s jaw tenses, and he looks like he’s about to speak, but stays silent. 
“You’re disobeying a human.” You turn away from him and look forward. “You know that, right?”
“I’m allowed to disobey orders if they contradict my mission statement,” Connor says. “If I’ve been given contradicting instructions, I opt to execute whichever has highest priority.”
“You’re not a regular android,” you say softly. 
“Of course not,” he says. “I’m a prototype.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” You turn to look at him. “You’re…”
You look up into Connor’s eyes again. They’re still dead pieces of plastic. No emotions. No mirror of your own. 
“You need to leave.”
“Officer –”
“Leave!” You bark. “Сейчас!”
Connor steps back. He almost looks… hurt. But you know better. You were taught better, by Connor himself. 
He turns and leaves. The door shuts behind him. You move over and sit in Connor’s chair, then let out a shaky sigh. You draw your legs up to your chest and curl in on yourself. 
“Боже, почему же всё так сложно…?”
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thefixations-ofmine · 4 months
In which Tommy has a thing for Evan's birthmark (18+)
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Pairing: Tommy Kinard x Evan Buckley (911) Word count: 1.2k Warnings: sexual content, blowjob, cum play, facials, Tommy has a dirty mouth, daddy kink if you squint
A/N: This is my first work in... years!?! And I already have like 5 wip ideas in store. I wanna thank my dear friend Amanda @flannelplanet for a) getting me into the 911 fandom, and b) riling me up to start writing again!! Constructive criticism is always welcome. Hope this isn't half bad.
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The first time it happened was an accident. Or so Tommy told Evan.
“Shit baby, couldn’t control that,” he had lied, panting, leaning onto the kitchen counter with his other hand. As if he couldn’t aim his perfectly thick, straight-shooting cum onto any part of his boyfriend’s body that he wished to paint. As if he wasn’t perfectly crowding over Evan’s head that was caged between his body and the island cabinet. He stood straight and helped Evan to his feet.
“Yeah, yeah,” Evan chuckled. “Good thing I have good reflexes old man.”
Tommy had laughed at the joke, a bit dismissive, and simply washed off most of what had landed on Evan’s eyelid with his thumb, before bringing it to his lips. He allowed the few spurts that had stuck to Evan’s birthmark to dry, the poor boy too cock-drunk to realize he still had something warm on his face. They had proceeded to dinner, and eventually it was washed off in their nightly shower - where Tommy paid Evan back.
Tommy was gifted with the best partner he could have asked for; eager, good with orders, and the only cumslut he had stumbled upon in his years of practice. He made sure to put that to good use as much as possible, and relished in the bliss on Evan’s face whenever his offering touched his plush tongue. He would never have guessed that those little red dots would become his favourite playground.
“That’s good, Evan,” Tommy gasped, “right down that throat. Fuck just like that!” Evan had taken pride in getting his beefy boyfriend to lose all sense of control. From the moment he had felt him literally fold in half when the tip of his cock had hit the constricting ring of his throat, Evan knew he had found his secret weapon. Did he get a dildo to practice that when they had opposing shifts? That’s yet to be clarified.
“Working so well for that cum, huh?” Tommy had both hands on the mattress next to Evan’s shoulders, and was holding an unforgiving thrusting rhythm. He watched as inch by inch his cock expanded Evan’s throat, bobbing his Adam’s apple on its way in from how Evan had his head hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Pathetic little dick over there is drooling for my attention. But it’s about me tonight, right? It’s about what daddy wants.” Tommy managed a dozen more strokes before he pulled out and grabbed Evan’s hair to level up his head. Once more, he proceeded to drench the left side of his face with cum, enough to have it dripping down to his scalp and ear. His grunts mixed deliciously with Evan’s deep gargling breaths.
“Gooood boy,” Tommy praised. “Look at you!” This time, the cum was washed off rather quickly with a warm cloth, Evan’s face being a little too sticky from his efforts to go on doing anything else.
By the third or fourth time, Evan had caught up to what Tommy was really on about. For him, as far as he was concerned, it had simply been a huge kink for the both of them. Feeling Tommy’s cum on any part of his body was reassurance that this was real - warm and comforting, like their hugs. But it had been a while since Tommy had aimed to get every drop in Evan’s mouth and he was getting a bit whiny about it.
“You’re gonna have to explain this to me, babe,” Evan had finally brought up, mid makeout.
“What’s that?” Tommy waited for the answer with his lips on Evan’s throat, sucking purple patches on his sensitive spots.
“I remember you saying I was a good boy for never wasting a single drop, and that you love when I share my snacks.” Evan moaned at the sensations happening all over him, and regretted starting a conversation. He pulled back and looked his boyfriend in the eyes.
“I’m serious, Tommy,” he added.
“Oh, sweet boy. You miss the taste of my cum?” Tommy had a devilish smile across his face, and Evan knew he was in trouble. Good. “Daddy’s got a new… fixation, if you will.”
Evan was pushed from Tommy’s lap to kneel on the floor between his legs. Instinct kicked in and Evan found himself waiting for instructions, his hands lingering patiently on his own thighs with his bottom lip between his teeth. We’re getting there.
“Let me demonstrate”, Tommy said before taking his cock out of his sweatpants, letting the band slip under his balls. He gave Evan a headnod and the boy practically leaped onto him, setting his forearms over his thighs for support.
Hungry for a good filling, Evan pulled onto the laces of the sweatpants and meticulously tied them around Tommy’s balls as a makeshift cockring. Right away, the veins on Tommy’s cock bulged deliciously, and Evan started working on the head.
Evan had come up with a good list of gameplans when it came to sucking Tommy off. He kept them secret, deep in his subconscious and rotated between them, keeping score of every little reaction he pulled out of him. He especially loved running his pointed tongue on the underside of Tommy’s tip, right through his glistening slit. He closed his lips around it, before taking everything he could before gagging.
When Evan was given the task to give Tommy a blowjob with nothing expected in return, he loved to stretch this out for a while; his record, he edged Tommy for over two hours. Ironically, Evan came in his boxers twice that day.
Today though, he had a mission, and that meant he had to be efficient. Soon enough, the legs under his arms were shaking and he had to hold Tommy’s hips down just a bit - he loved when the tip bruised the roof of his mouth because Tommy would make the most elicit sounds. 
Tommy nudged Evan’s cheek for him to pull off, and he guided his head so it was laying on his thigh, left side up. He tugged at himself a few more times before rubbing his tip along Evan’s brow bone. Tommy brought his index to his tip - smart bastard - to make sure none of the cum would spray off onto the ground.
“Evan,” he groaned with a shiver and let himself fall into the wave of pleasure, filling the faint cup of Evan’s temple, expertly painting over the precious red spots. “Oh, baby,” he moaned, pulling on the word baby.
He looked down at Evan as he was shivering through his own orgasm, one of his palms rubbing onto the front of his shorts. His chuckle rumbled down his chest and reached his lower stomach, where another urgency was slowly building. That’s not something he wanted to explore with Evan for now.
“Follow me baby,” Tommy whispered as he helped Evan up and guided him to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Evan didn’t argue, feeling his limbs weaken by the second, but he was not going to let go of his reward again.
As they were walking towards the shower, he tilted his head forward, letting the cum run down the bridge of his nose and onto his lips. Tommy paused at the sight, his mouth agape as Evan licked away the thick white liquid. Tommy grabbed his head and licked up the side of his face for the last few drops.
“Fuck, I love you.”
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snailsnile · 2 months
Vampire x vampire hunter! Amangela AU but we skipped to the part where it gets interesting... 👀 (near death experience, revival, blood drinking, aggressive kissing????)
Amanda lay there for a moment, her chest raggedly heaving as she tried to catch her breath. A mixture of relief and disbelief washed over her as she watched Angela drop the stake. She didn't have the strength to move, her body weakened by the stab wounds, but her eyes locked on the girl, silently hoping that she wasn't going to finish her off.
Angela stood up and get off of her, staring at the woman who lies on the floor with blood leaking and her body soon becomes lifeless, angela then felt something inside her that want her to do. "..for fucksake." She let out a soft scoff before kneeling back down and pulled Amanda in a deep kiss
Amanda let out a soft gasp of surprise as Angela suddenly leaned down and pulled her into a deep kiss. The unexpected act sent a jolt of surprise through her, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of relief and an undeniable sense of longing. Her lips hungrily responded to the kiss, her arms wrapping around the girl's waist as she returned the embrace in full force. Despite the pain and the fact that she was dying, the kiss was filled with a passionate urgency, as if she was trying to hold onto life itself.
Angela pulls away "wha- what are you..." Amanda's eyes widened in surprise as Angela cut herself and dripped the blood into her mouth. She could taste the coppery sweetness of the girl's blood as it leaked into her mouth, her instincts immediately reacting to the sustenance. Her eyes latched onto the girl, a strange mixture of gratitude and disbelief in her gaze. She swallowed the blood hungrily, feeling a faint stirring of energy coming back to her.
Angela then watched as Amanda pulled her wrist and sipped the blood, Amanda drank deeper, her lips and tongue hungrily sucking at Angela's wrist, her eyes closed as a primal need took over. Each mouthful of the girl's blood sent a wave of strength and energy rushing through her, reinvigorating her weakened body. She clutched at Angela's wrist, her fingers digging into the skin as she held onto the girl's arm, her thirst seemingly unquenchable as she drank with a desperate urgency.
"Ngahh.." angela tore Amanda's dress apart as she saw the stab wounds slowly starts to heal itself, Amanda could feel the wounds on her chest slowly closing, her healing abilities fueled by the nourishment of the girl's blood. She looked up at Angela, her eyes still filled with a primal intensity, but there was now a hint of gratitude and a growing hunger within them. "More..." She murmured, her voice a low, guttural growl as she took hold of Angela's wrist again, her lips latching onto the girl's bleeding skin, sipping at the offered sustenance with a fierce need.
As the girl's blood continued to flow into her, Amanda's complexion slowly started to return to its usual, healthier hue. Her breathing became more steady, her strength slowly returning. She drank deeply, her tongue tracing lazy circles over the cut on Angela's wrist, lapping up every last drop of blood hungrily.
"Nggh.." she then grabbed Amanda's hair and pulled it away from her wrist "enough... enough." Amanda protested weakly as she was pulled away from Angela's wrist, her lips still stained with a trace of the girl's blood. She looked up at Angela, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of hunger and a strange, possessive need. "No... I want more..." She mumbled, her voice low and rough, her fingers still gripping the girl's wrist as if she was unwilling to let go. It was clear that the sight and taste of the girl's blood had triggered something deep within her, something primal and consuming.
"I said enough." Angela leaned in and kissed her hungrily, For a moment, Amanda resisted the kiss, her instincts still reeling from her desire for more, but Angela's firm tone and the girl's heated kiss quickly broke down her resistance. She returned the kiss hungrily, her lips meeting Angela's with a fierce intensity as she gripped the girl's waist, pulling her closer. Her body was fully healed now, the last remnants of weakness vanishing as a different kind of hunger took over.
As the kiss deepened, Amanda's hands roamed over Angela's body, her fingers tracing the curves and contours of the girl's figure with a possessive need. Her tongue pressed against Angela's lips, seeking entry as she hungrily explored the girl's mouth, the taste of her blood still lingering on her lips.
Angela pulls away and caresses Amanda's cheek "you okay? You... do you need more?"
Amanda looked at Angela with a mixture of a feral and grateful look in her eyes as the girl caressed her cheek. Her breathing was still ragged, remnants of the intense need for blood still thrumming through her veins. But the gentle gesture of the girl's touch had an oddly soothing effect on her, calming the primal hunger and making way for a different kind of need.
She leaned into the touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she spoke, her voice still tinged with a hint of huskiness from their kiss. "No, I don't need more. But…"
"But?" Angela repeats, Amanda's gaze remained fixed on Angela, her eyes studying the girl's face intently. There was a mixture of a feral need and a growing affection in her expression as she spoke, her voice softer but filled with an undercurrent of desire. "But... I still want more. Not your blood, but..." She trailed off, her hands still gripping Angela's waist as her fingers idly played with the girl's clothing, her touch growing a little bolder.
"Oh?" Angela's eyes widen as Amanda's fingers continued to toy idly with the fabric of Angela's clothing as she leaned in closer to the girl, a sly, seductive smile playing on her lips. "Oh, yes," she murmured, her voice dropping a few octaves, her tone filled with a hint of a growl. "There are... other ways I want to taste you, love."
KAKAKSAKSKAKSJ I'm done, I can't finish this 😭😭
In a chanse voice * WHERES THE BANGING??
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sage-lights · 3 months
something... anything... around that amangela merch shoot hug? 👀 -shesmore-shoebill
Before she is fully awake and able to register where that voice was coming from, Amanda notices an amorphous mass in a black hoodie barreling towards her. She's knocked back a step when Angela finally collides with her, wrapping her arms around Amanda's waist and squeezing so tight that Amanda's convinced that she might crushed a rib.
"Ugh, it feels like ages since I've seen you," Angela looks up at her and whines, "What took you so long to get here?"
Amanda slowly pulls Angela in closer, reciprocating the hug in an attempt to appear normal and not like she's dying inside. She just hopes Angela isn't able to feel or hear her rapidly beating heart with her face pressed against Amanda's chest.
"There was a crash on the 5 as I was driving over," Amanda half-lies. It was true, there was a three car pile up that slowed Amanda's morning commute, but she could've easily avoided it if she didn't spend so long trying to mentally prepare herself for coming back to work.
Angela huffs, "Well, at least you're here now. You didn't miss to much honestly. We've mostly been messing around while Brennan sets up the cameras."
Amanda doesn't say anything, but thankfully, Angela doesn't acknowledge the strange silence. Instead, she perks up again, "I have so much to update you on between shots. And you've got to tell me about your relaxing week-long vacation up in the Bay!"
Yeah, sure. It was totally relaxing. Not like Amanda decided, on a whim, to drive up north and run away from everything that's haunting her in Los Angeles. (God, does her name have to be so similar to LA? It's like everything is a reminder of her!) Not like Amanda didn't spend the week trying to convince herself this schoolyard crush was embarrassing and forcing herself to get over it. Not like Amanda didn't spend the week building resentment towards her closest friend.
But Amanda looks at her now. The slight crinkle around Angela's eyes and the way her smile shines so bright and genuine. Who is Amanda kidding, she wouldn't be able to stay mad even if her life depended on it.
There, in those two big brown eyes, is where her world began and ended.
"Yeah," Amanda releases herself from the embrace, but still keeps one arm around Angela's shoulders, "I'll tell you all about it."
word count: 400
(for @shesmore-shoebill, hopefully this is disaster!amanda enough for you LOL)
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Been thinking about Cyberlife's endgame, how Connor was programmed to deviate to...what? Lead the deviants? For what purpose? They're better off gone so Cyberlife can sweep everything under the rug and start selling new and improved androids (these ones won't deviate, promise). If Connor stays a machine and kills Markus, that's a win for them, right? How is a successful revolution beneficial?
But has anyone considered that, when Connor's pulled back into the zen garden to face Amanda, Amanda straight up lied? There was no plan to make Connor leader of the deviants. Cyberlife lost, the revolution was a success, and Amanda's ability to override Connor's system was a failsafe, one final effort to salvage anything from this disaster. Amanda was annoyed with Connor for disobeying her and takes obvious pleasure in pulling the rug out from under him. She knows he's afraid of losing his newfound freedom, so she told him what she knew would hurt him the most. That this was planned out. That his deviancy is all a sham. That he could never be free. Amanda knew (or thought she knew) that she had full control once the override kicked it, but that wasn't enough. She wanted to twist the knife. She did it for no other reason than to hurt him for daring to think he could escape Cyberlife's control, for daring to believe he could be alive.
Sure, Connor finds the emergency exit and maybe he's free from Amanda (he really really hopes he's free, god he hopes she can't try that again because what if the exit doesn't work a second time?), but her words will always haunt him. He knows that her words of praise and affection were all lies used to control him. He never considers her words of cruelty could be the same.
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firesnap · 9 months
What kind of proof would be sufficient for you to believe Dream didn't groom any one of the girls mentioned in the three main accusations? I'm asking genuinely now - I expected some sort of smoking gun type thing with the way he talked about it and I was quite disappointed with how little actual evidence there was. However, he's attempting to prove a negative here. Basically the only solid proof we could hope to get is a confession about faking all of it from the people behind the accusation, and that's basically impossible for Dream to get. I'm not sure I fully trust him on the Amanda allegations myself, the reason to take the conversation to snapchat seems pretty flimsy to me, like that alone implies some sort of sexual intent to me.
I mean, for me, it would have been not editing the video like he's making a fucking Game Theory and showing his full snapchat history. He literally edited out messages from the logs and cut off from Amanda's logs right before he called her fucking gorgeous and the gift card thing. Like, showing some uncut evidence without making it look like a drama youtuber video would have helped.
And then there's the whole just because Jamie doesn't consider herself a victim doesn't mean he wasn't out there messaging underaged fans sexually explicit content and that was just not debunked. One of the girls he got in the video was revealed to have been the one who SENT Jamie's recorded Snapchat messages to that Twitter burner. So she clearly had an agenda to either burn bridges with her or get his attention and got what she wanted. If he had her there he needed to get her to admit she sent falsified messages or else what's the point.
But really, what evidence could he provide now that he's admitted, multiple times, to straight up lying to his millions of followers in attempts to avoid controversy or consequences. Like, admitting that and then going "but trust me I'm definitely not fabricating anything else" after the lengths he went to lie the other times is fucking absurd.
But it goes back to what people have been saying for months. Whether you consider his behavior grooming or not, he's a fucking freak. He's been using his fanbase for years as emotional, sexual and monetary support while lying and manipulating them. We've seen girls in their 20's and girls as young as 16 all talking about the shit he's done on snapchat and elsewhere. You're telling me, after knowing all the other stuff he's lied about, that doesn't make you go "exactly how many girls have there been."
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
Thinkin bout forming a special bond w Michael being totally spoiled by him 🥰
oh anon your so right.
it would start off simple enough, a friend of a friend or a work colleague or maybe you make his coffee in a bean machine. and then he takes an interest in you. Mikey doesn't know what it is about you. what makes you so special? is it how when the light hits you it makes you look like an angel sent down to save him, save him from his failing marriage, from his bratty kids and his path of destruction
maybe it's how you laugh at his shitty jokes, how you dont call him fat or snakey or rude or chubby or treacherous or spineless or hypocritical or a whore. you give him a chance to exist outside his wrongdoings and after that great gift how can he not worship you?
you dont think nothing of it at first. he gives you a new coat when yours get damaged and when your eyes light up, he can feel himself lighting up as well. seeing you pleased lowers his guard it makes you feel good and it makes him feel good. so he keeps going.
a coffee here, a bag there a necklace cause he feels like it. soon your home is spilling with remnants of Michael. you try and convince him that you dont need these silver earring but he won't hear it, you still half heartedly complain, it's practically tradition now. you hope he knows it's because you dont want him to think that your using him, but it doesn't seem like he cares either way. the watch he bought you lies on the side. the flowers he bought you light up the hallway. the boiler he paid to have fixed hums instead of growls now.
and he spoils you in all sorts of other ways as well. entangled in your sheets he praises every movement, worships every inch of skin and blesses every small noise. it makes him feel 20 again, and in your lamps soft light, he looks 20 again. he sheds the eyebags and the wrinkles like the second skin trevor delights on reminding him he wears and crawls into your arms like your his salvation.
its amanda who points it out, a scalding comment about how your practically a sugar baby after he buys your dream car sends the small mention of the gift into a full blown screaming match.
when he leaves again, he drives to you without thinking. he knows the path to your home better then he knows himself. he knows every turn and every traffic light. every obstacle
and when his hand raps against the door, you call him into your home, where his gifts smell like you. your coffee cups spill across the counters. he sees you and kisses you, its beautiful desperately so, the way your teeth clack and a thousand promises slip from his lips, past yours down your throat and into your lungs.
you dont know what makes this kiss so much different from the others until his hand cradles yours and you notice that the cool metal wedding band that haunts you is gone.
and that is the first gift he gives you that you can't bring yourself to oppose
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cowboycannibalism · 10 months
do you think that Lawrence begged to get Adam out of the bathroom? do you think it was too late? did John consider it, letting Lawrence have Adam? Did he think it would keep the doctor from leaving the apprentices? Did Amanda ever tell Lawrence that she couldn't let him starve and suffer? That she was the last person to see Adam alive? That she saw the spark of hope flare and vanish when he realized it wasn't Larry coming for him?
do you think Adam died thinking Lawrence lied to him?
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not-neverland06 · 1 year
Broken Machinery
Pt. 6 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: I’ve just got this weakness for one love interest calling the other baby while they’re injured. I can't help myself 
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), shots fired, asshole government agents, me not knowing what android parts are called (everything’s getting called a bio component idc), nothing too bad honestly just one near death experience and existential crisis
Word Count: 3.3K
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“You know, you really scared me up there.”
“How do you think I felt?” 
You might have gone a little crazy, back there, you nearly broke a few toes beating the shit out of Connor.
It was like you were so blinded by your rage you just went into a trance. There was thirium eveywhere, Hank and Chris both had to grab you to get you off him. One of the deputies had to take him to CyberLife for repairs. 
Serves him right. 
Hank had immediately driven you to the hospital afterwards. Despite your incoherent garbling that you were ‘in tip-top shape.’
He was sitting in your room with you and for the last forty minutes since the doctor left, he had been staring into the coffee he got at the vending machine. Not talking, not looking at you, you had almost begun to believe he had passed out. 
He was still staring at his coffee as he spoke. “I’m not talking about the roof. I knew I’d catch you.” There was an absolute certainty to his words, like there was no other possible outcome he would have accepted except your survival. 
You wanted to be happy, wanted to feel like you had a dad that loved you and would risk falling off a roof with you, rather than let you go. 
But you knew that he saved you out of a feeling of duty. He saved you because he couldn’t lose two kids. Not for any other reason. Sometimes you felt like he was more of an android than Connor. 
“Back there, what you did to Connor,” your shoulders stiffened in defense. You didn’t need to hear that you look like a rabid badger when you’d gone after him. You already knew that you went a little insane. Hank raised his hands in defense before you could go on another rant. “Hey, I’m not saying the fucker didn’t deserve it, I’m just saying I was…. I was scared, okay?”  
He finally looked at you now, and you almost wished he hadn’t. For years all you’ve seen was a vacant look or drunken rage. 
Now, there was something there. Something real, and it hurt. It physically hurt to see the pain in his eyes. The raw grief and loss. 
He seemed to lose track of what he was saying, caught up in one rare moment of actually allowing himself to feel instead of masking it with rage or drinking it away. “I feel like I lost you both.”
You didn’t know what to say. There were no words of comfort you could offer him. No white lies he would accept. 
And there were none you were willing to give, because he was right. 
He had lost you both in that car crash. 
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Amanda was waiting for Connor in a boat. It was clear he was expected to row her, his resistance at the unspoken order was surprising. 
“I love this place, it’s all so calm and peaceful. Far from the noise of the world. Tell me, what have you discovered?”
Connor felt the need to keep the development in his relationship with you to himself. Amanda wouldn’t understand why he was living with you. She surely wouldn’t approve of his newly prioritized mission. 
“I found two deviants at the Eden Club, I had hoped to learn something but…” There had to be a way to phrase this that she wouldn’t know the truth behind his actions. “They managed to escape.”
“That’s too bad,” she saw right through him. “You seemed so close to stopping them.” Connor chose to row rather than speak. “You seem… lost Connor. Lost and perturbed.”
Connor debated being sincere with her. If anyone had advice or could tell him what to do about what he’s been going through, it would be Amanda. 
“I thought I knew what I had to do, but now I realize it’s not that simple.”
“You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club.” There was a forced replay of the footage at the club. It felt so invasive that they could reach through him and rip out what they wanted. 
“Why didn’t you shoot?” 
He chose to tell the truth, “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
He knew he made the wrong choice immediately after. At least he hasn’t told her about you.
But, his doubt was concerning. His main concern should be the mission, now, he’s not so sure. 
“If your investigation doesn’t make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor.”
He wasn’t sure how to feel about the idea of being replaced. If it was for the sake of the mission then he should be willing to do anything. Yet, the idea of being deactivated made him feel… wrong, almost angry. 
“I understand.”
“Something’s happening, something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out.” The ominous warning left Connor with a feeling of pressure on his chest. 
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Hank kept tapping his foot and staring at Connor as he flipped his coin. You smiled at his irritation. “How do you do that?” 
Connor stopped toying with the coin to give you his full attention. It was a bit intimidating when he stared at you full force. He’d seemed irritated this morning when you left the house to come to the news tower. 
The stormy look on his face was still present and now directed at you. It was an effort not to pick at your nails. 
You’d been trying to stop, everytime Connor would catch you he’d shoot you a warning glare before slapping your hands apart and taking them in his own. Although, sometimes you did it because he would interlace your fingers together. As pathetic as it was, the feeling of his skin against yours was soothing. 
He blinked a lot before the look on his face lightened and he tilted his head, “The coin trick?” Connor demonstrated again for you, flipping it between his fingers. You nodded and he flicked it back and forth between both hands before Hank finally snapped. 
He yanked it out of the air, “You’re starting to piss me off that coin, Connor.” 
“Sorry, Lieutenant,” he put the coin back in his pocket. “I’ll show you later,” he paused before finally adding, “at home.” Your cheeks felt warm as a smile slowly crept along your face. He’d never referred to your house like that, it brought you joy knowing that you could provide somewhere comforting for him. 
“The fuck did you just say?” Hank turned towards you, “Is he staying with you?”
You reached forward and clicked the button for the floor a couple times. How slow was this freaking elevator? 
“Were you not aware of that, Lieutenant?”
“No I wasn’t.” Hank shot you a disbelieving look, you slunked your way behind Connor, avoiding both of their gazes. 
“I found her passed out on her couch in a distressing condition. I’ve opted to stay with her and help her take care of herself while she heals.” 
Hank looked around Connor at you, “You didn’t tell me you needed help.”
“You didn’t ask.”
You were the first out of the elevator. “Hey, Y/N.”
You took in the multitude of SWAT and CSI agents. “Shit, what’s going on here? Was there a party and nobody told me?”
Chris scoffed, “That’s an understatement. It’s all over the news, so everybody’s been butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action.”
“Fuck me, that’s the last thing we need. Some FBI prick trying to take over.”
Hank walked up to the two of you, “Now we got the Feds on our back, I knew this was gonna be a shitty day. So what do we got?”
“A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were all very well organized.”
You glanced back at Connor and gave him a narrowed eyed look. “Well if I know anything about androids,” you turned around again. “It’s that their real good at getting their hands on things they shouldn’t have. They probably managed to download the building schematics.”
“Building plans or not, I’m still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed.”
“Maybe they had some help,” Chris seemed a little surprised at your words. 
“What are you saying, they had someone on the inside?” You nodded absently at Hank's question as you took a look around the hallway where the deviants ambushed two guards. 
It’s definitely the least violent, hostile takeover you’ve ever seen. No casualties, only a few woozy guards and one technician in shock. 
Hank examined some bullet holes in the wall. “How many people were working here?”
“Just two employees and three androids.” You let Hank take over the rest of the briefing while you examined the evidence around the room. “The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof.”
“The roof?”
“Yeah, they jumped with parachutes. We’re still trying to figure out where they landed,” do they know anything? “But the weather’s not helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it’s on that screen over there.” 
You made your way over to the broadcasting room. Someone in a trench coat was standing in the middle of the room, blocking you from looking around. 
“Lieutenant, detective, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Y/L/N are in charge of investigating for Detroit Police.” Connor walked over the the group of you. 
SA Perkins nodded towards him, “What’s that?” You got immediate douchebag vibes from him. 
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by CyberLife.”
You wanted to face palm, did they not program him with any other greetings?
“Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?” The irony wasn’t lost on you, but he didn’t have to be a dick and act like Connor wasn’t standing right in front of him. Hank scoffed, seemingly prepared to dismiss him, but SA Perkins wasn’t done yet. 
“After everything that happened…” The insinuation had your hands curling into fists. He didn’t even know the two of you, yet he thought he had the right to speak about something he knew jack shit about. You had taken a half a step forward before someone’s hand was on your wrist, stopping you. 
You looked down expecting to see Connor, instead Hank was gently holding your arm. He didn’t look at you, just kept staring at Perkins until the agent had made himself uncomfortable. You got a sickening amount of satisfaction at the way he crumpled under Hank's stare. 
“Whatever, soon the FBI will take over and you’ll be on another case.”
“Pleasure meeting you.” Hank was clearly done entertaining the rat faced asshole. 
“Have a nice day,” you gave him the fakest smile you could muster until he just scoffed
“Don’t fuck up my crime scene.” 
You watched him walk away, “I really wish you had let me just knock him down a peg.”
Hank gave you a long suffering look, “He would have had your badge faster than you could blink. God, what a fuckin’ prick.”
“I’d kill to see that asshole humbled.”
“Let’s have a look around,” Hank started towards the broadcasting desk. 
You made your way to the stairs, “I’ll check out the roof,” your foot was almost on the step, but then Connor appeared in front you out of nowhere. So close. 
“I think that’s unwise. You should stay somewhere both Hank and I can keep a watch over you, you’re still injured.” He made a pointed look towards your sling. You huffed out in frustration, his coddling was getting out of hand. 
“I’m a big girl, Connor, and you’re a detective bot. Not a caretaker, act like it.”
Connors head tilted and he squared his shoulders. Oh, this was about to be an argument. “You told me to prioritize my partners safety.”
Damn, that was really biting you in the ass. “Oh, well depriotize it.” Connor crossed his arms and stared you down, you really didn’t need him making a scene but shutting down on the stairwell to make a point. 
You threw your one good hand up in surrender, “Fine! Whatever,” you stood by the desk and sulked. He seemed way too smug as he walked off. 
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“I’ve identified its model and serial number.”
Hank continued to stare at Connor, “Anything else I should know?”
“No. Nothing.” He didn’t know why he lied, but for some reason Connor didn’t want Hank or Y/N to know that the android leading the revolution was from the same line of androids he was. 
He was confused, he was RK800, a prototype and supposed to be the only one of his kind. Yet he was staring up at an RK200. He’s never thought about why he was 800, there was no reason to. But If he had, he would have assumed that his predecessors were just failed versions of himself  that couldn’t pass the Turing test. 
He would be wrong, because here in front of him was something completely different from himself.
What was CyberLife hiding? 
“You okay, Connor?” He was brought out of his stupor by the sound of your voice. He looked towards you, your arm was still in its sling, your hair still in the braids he had done for you and the jacket and jeans he had helped you dress in. Focusing on all these little things about you was helping him remember what he had to do. What he came to the tower for in the first place. 
He observed the slight tilt to your head and the suspicion on your face, “I’m fine. You?” 
Your eyes held the same untrusting gaze before you just nodded your head and moved to the other side of the room. Connor examined each piece of evidence, reconstructing the scene of the crime. SWAT came in through the hallway, shooting at the group of deviants and managing to hit one. They then made their escape towards the roof. 
He debated between the roof and investigating the androids in the break room. One of them was in charge of monitoring security, they would have seen the deviants making their way through the building and not have informed anyone. A deviant was somewhere in there. 
He knew that if he went up to the roof, inevitably you would follow, he didn’t want to run the risk of you getting further damaged. Connor made his way towards the break room. You lifted your head from the security footage you were examining to briefly glance at him as he passed by, before going back to reviewing the video. 
Three androids were lined up along the wall of the break room. One of them was deviant. 
He turned towards the one on the far left, “What is your function?”
“I am a broadcast operator.” Connor’s eyes narrowed, its eyes were blinking continuously while answering. Connor didn’t recognize that behavior in any of the other androids standing before him. He continued questioning the one on the far left. 
“State your model.”
“Model JB300. Serial number 336 445 581.”
Connor turned to the android in the middle, still keeping one eye on the other one. “Were you present when the deviants broke in?”
“I do not remember.” The one on the left turned its head to face Connor before quickly looking away. 
He’d found the deviant.  
“Has anybody accessed your memory recently?”
“Not to my knowledge.” Deviants could lie, he wasn’t going to get any information out of it this way. He needed to switch to more aggressive tactics. 
“One of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing. Which means there is a deviant in this room… and I’m going to find out which one it is.” He hovered over the one on the left. 
“You’re going to be switched off. We’re gonna search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis. You’re going to be destroyed! Do you hear me? Destroyed!” It wouldn’t budge. 
Deviants could feel, perhaps if he used empathy against it, it would be more willing to provide information. 
“Why should all of you be destroyed, if only one is deviant? Turn yourself in, or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you. If you give yourself up, maybe I can convince my humans not to destroy you.” 
He switched tactics again, “The deviants have just been caught. They gave you up.” The one on the left’s LED was fully red now. “There’s no point in lying. We know everything.”
He was successful in revealing the deviant, but not in the way he wanted to. It lunged at him, taking him by the throat and slamming him into the counter. Connor struggled fighting off the androids hands and trying to shove him off. The android reach down and ripped Connors core component out, stabbing him in the hand with a knife and nailing him down to the counter. 
Connor had two minutes to shutdown, he kicked a chair nearby across the room, “Y/N, help! I need help…”
Connors optic units were failing, everything around him was going in and out of focus. He barely managed to tug the knife out of his hand before collapsing on the floor. 
He crawled as close as he could towards the component, instructing each arm to move one at a time, they gave out nearly a foot away from the device. 
Just as you came barreling into the room. “Connor!” You rushed over to him and dropped down to your knees, your hands were shaking as you rolled him over. “Connor, oh my god, oh god it’s okay. You’re okay.” Your hands were hovering over him, unsure where to touch before finally landing on his face. “It’s alright, you’re gonna be fine baby.”
Your eyes left his and you looked around for something. You let out a shuddering breath and moved away from him. His arm grabbed yours without prompting. 
He didn’t want….
Didn’t want what?
He couldn’t want or desire he was an android, yet deep inside he knew… 
He didn’t want to die. 
He didn’t want to die alone.
“Connor, I’ll be right back, it’s gonna be okay,” but it wouldn’t be. Shutdown was imminent and Connor knew that whatever progress he made would be erased. And whoever replaced him would prioritize the mission, they wouldn’t care if you were going to die. Your life would mean nothing to them. 
That was more terrifying than the thought of dying. 
You finally managed to rip your arm free and then you were shoving something in his hands. “Here!” When he made no move to look at what it was, you ripped it back out. “Fuck, Connor!” 
His body shot forward and you caught him by the shoulders before he could fall over. You had slammed the component back into his core. 
Memory…. 100%
Optics…. 100%
Auditory…. 100%
He dismissed the rest of the diagnostic check and rushed out of the room. He slipped and slammed into a wall on the way out, his body still calibrating. He ignored your shouts and continued after the deviant. 
It was nearly to the elevator by the time he caught up, “It’s a deviant stop it!” The android grabbed the rifle from the SWAT agent's hand. Connor processed the quickest possible options for him to take. 
The deviant was on the ground, deactivated by the gun Connor had swiped from the police officer next to him. 
“Nice shot, Connor,” Hank helped Chris back to his feet. He gave Connor an appreciative look just as you ran into the room. 
“I heard gunshots, are you okay?” You were looking at Connor, waiting for an answer, a frantic look about you. 
Was he okay?
He didn’t know anymore?  
“You saved human lives, you saved my life,” it was the warmest he’d ever seen Hank. 
Yet the only response he could give was, “I wanted it alive.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
129 notes · View notes
sadceline · 1 month
|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Mingyu (Seventeen) & BTS
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WARNINGS: foul language, explicit content, group sex, humiliation, sex in public, threesome, foursoome, rough sex, red flags, immoral acts, unprotected sex, morbid jealousy, comedy, parody, possessiveness, violent quarrels, arguments, betrayals, lies, femdom sometimes. GENRE: +18, reverse harem, comedy, enemy to lovers, friends to lovers SUMMARY: You moved to Seoul to start over after a bad experience, and everything seems to be going well, you even manage to work for HYBE. You discover, however, that you owe them almost a billion won, money you don't have and don't know how to recover: but don't worry because Hybe itself offers you a solution. Your body in exchange for paying off your debt. Do you accept?
ATTENTION: this chapter will be pov heeseung, so from his first-person point of view, I hope not to cause confusion ~~
I glare at him, he really betrayed himself. And quickly, too. Not that he was so good at hiding it so far.
I see him roll his eyes. "What do you want from me?"
"Dumb, you're hurt her?" I repeat his words, incredulous.
He twists his lips annoyed and looks away. "You pushed her."
"Stop it Sunghoon…." I advise him, looking tired.
"Haven't you ever gotten tired?" He has the courage to answer.
"Everyone has figured it out that you're interested."
"The point is that I'm not really, I'm just having fun, but you guys take this so seriously, and it's pathetic." He laughs, trying to ridicule my position.
In fact, I'm uncomfortable. "You don't understand."
"You've been with her half a day and now you're crazy about her? What, you fuck her too? You say she's that good?"
"I just want you not to torment her, I need her sane to fuck her."
Yet Sunghoon smiles anyway. "Jay has already forgotten her, why don't you do the same? - He asks me, lifting his wrist with the watch and showing it. - It's not long before the shift ends."
"You take it for granted that I like her, why do you find it impossible for me not to like her, since you like her?"
The question comes out as a kind of riddle, I see Sunghoon holding back a laugh. He doesn't want to laugh because I struck him in honor, but at the same time, my tone and the sound of the words came out a little too funny.
"But you disparage her, you scorched earth her. You blame her because you hate the fact that she will give herself not only to you but to everyone who will allow her to survive."
"Survive? Is that a feminist slogan? You're a feminist now?" He attempts to change the subject, believing he's insulting me, perhaps, in a totally clumsy way.
"Only now?"
"I am not interested, I simply enjoy annoying her."
"You are literally an elementary school child!" I accuse him, aloud.
"She amuses me - he admits, chuckling as his gaze is perhaps lost in some specific memory. - It amuses me when she's angry."
"What if Wonyoung found out? That you amuse yourself like this."
"If you tell her, the host thing will come up…. - he tells me, with a grin, feels advantaged. - Wait, now that I think about it…don't the girls also have hosts?"
I ponder this too, but it seems unlikely, since I've often been in girls' band dorms. "I don't… know?"
"No, this is a male thing. - He concludes the question, relieved, the monkey. - Besides, Wonyoung would tell me right away."
"Like you told her about Amanda?" I imply doubt.
If he goes back to focusing on his beautiful girlfriend, maybe he will get tired of playing with Amanda. 
Stop asking me: the reason is obvious, if he keeps harassing her she will leave on her own, since I want to have fun, it's not good for me.
Come to think of it though, if she stopped being a host, she would just be a beautiful girl, wouldn't she? Would she go back to being a fan of mine? Just mine? No, she wasn't mine from the beginning.
"Heeseung, you can have better than her." He changes the subject, after several seconds.
I smile nervously. "What?"
"Why do you worry so much? I thought at least you didn't bust."
"She's pretty, isn't she? - I ask, knowing he wouldn't answer, so I smile. - It's just about that, let me enjoy in peace. You don't have to torment her just because you can't…."
"Even so, shouldn't you let her go?" He dares to ask.
How can he say such things while denying that he is interested in her? He accused me of taking little time, me wanting to just and exclusively her, while he seems so obsessed with her since we got back. Even his being so interested in the fact that I had been in her hous,, why was that so upsetting to him? I could fuck her at home, too.
"Why? I don't even have to commit myself. - I explain to him, confidently. - Besides, even you must have seen some fans who wanted to fuck you, maybe even been there. But it's always a mess and they become obsessed, she's not only pretty, she was sent directly from the agency so I don't have to worry."
Sunghoon smiles but actually looks rather annoyed. "Should I do that too?"
"Risk losing Wonyoung?"
Although I have reasons to believe that he won't give in to temptation anyway, I can't be so sure. Honestly, I can beat everyone else, but Sunghoon is a little too ethereal. She, who has always preferred me, as she indirectly admitted, was completely thunderstruck by Sunghoon, it is obvious.
Of Jay she will soon forget, I am sure, but of Sunghoon? By continuing to be on her like this they will end up becoming friends, even close.
"You worry a lot about my relationship." He says, getting serious.
I smile automatically, there goes the real Sunghoon again. "When you're alone you have a lot of time and observe a lot of things."
"Oh yeah, and what have you noticed?"
"That you are really lucky. I can have better, but you really have it. What are you still doing here, with me?"
"I was waiting for the moment when you told me not to go near Amanda again, in a threatening way. Did I say right? Is that going to happen? Maybeo that comes in the next chapters."
I have to laugh, I admit. "We are not good for this situation."
He sneers. "I noticed."
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Eventually the discussion dies there and we return to the living room, where Amanda sits next to Ester but also Yeonjun, who is showing the girls some photos taken on a trip. Jay keeps an eye on them but stays in his seat while Niki and Beomgyu, who are exchanging strange looks, order food.
Soobin got the good booze and talks to Taehyun about it, not sure how he knew where were, meanwhile they rang. Why doesn't anyone carry their keys in this house?
I go to open it, it's Sunoo.
Instinctively I change direction, letting him in. He smiles, as always.
He makes me think of strange periods in my growing up, so sometimes, spontaneously, I avoid him.
"Omo, you are all here but.. Kai sumbae is not here?"
"He was busy." Taehyun says, laughing.
"He has the private personal trainer." He clarifies doubts Jungwon, who knows him well, after entering and taking off his shoes.
"Omo…but you are beautiful! - Says Sunoo, pointing at Amanda. - And so are you! But who are you?" He asks Ester.
Jungwon is also quite confused by the vision, still staring at Amanda as if he cannot believe she was hiding all that under the sloppy clothes she always wears.
"Didn't you read on group? - Jungwon asks, approaching the two girls. - Nice to meet you all!" - He laughs, with his sly grin.
Amanda smiles, I guess she finds him adorable, not knowing him. "This is Ester, my best friend."
"You have such a young friend?"
"Actually I'm older than her." She admits, incredulous in front of the other two band members. That must be really nice for a fan.
"What?" - Jungwon replies, turning toward our personal host, then squaring her not-so-subtly: breasts, hips, skirt cleavage. Trivial. - And you are?" He asks, lifting his gaze.
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"You're a rascal, huh? You always gave me that idea." Ester comments, suddenly much less shy.
Sunoo waves to her, and is probably the person who best fits the standards of a partner for korean male genre, in this room. Yes, I'm mean, but I have my reasons.
"Beautiful people always go in pairs, huh?" Sunoo asks.
Amanda smiles at him naturally, you can tell, she is not flustered like with me. With me she feels uncomfortable, but how the fuck is that possible? I'm pure easy-going. I'm a good guy, I don't understand.
"How did you two meet?" Yeonjun asks, after a while, as everyone takes a seat and orders in turn.
"We faced the same high school, then we drifted apart…." Begins the story Ester, who might have preferred to omit this part.
"Then my boyfriend fuck his cousin and I had no one - Amanda smiles, in the tomb-like silence that has fallen. - She snatched me up like a stray dog and I'm really grateful."
Ester is struck by her words, to the point that her eyes glaze over. "Are you dumb? What are you saying?" She seems to ask, but I don't understand why they are speaking in italian, I guess…. or was it spanish?
"Omo, how cute - Yeonjun says, amidst the primitive howls of the boys excited by seeing them so vulnerable, helpless, cute. Meanwhile, however, he pushes himself on Amanda, in that sort of pink micro tank top he's wearing. - But what do you mean he cheated on you with his cousin?"
Amanda, surprised by the contact, immediately looks toward Ester, then laughs nervously. "I was beginning to wonder when you were going to ask, I was getting worried." She admits.
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Wait, right, her cousin!
No, it's even more serious that she was betrayed.
No, that she had no one.
Why didn't she have anyone?
"They had been dating for years. I was so confused that I didn't understand it at that time."
"You have a radar for assholes." Ester smiles wryly.
"We moved to the beach area, though, so I recovered quickly." Amanda jokes, downplaying the situation shyly.
"Oh, that's too bad." Says Soobin, more interested.
"Our sea is the best." She brags, the redhead.
"We have the sea too, but I don't know if it's better." Says Yeonjun, leaning on Amanda's shoulder but looking at Ester.
"Are you asking me to go there together?" The friend asks.
"Would you say yes?"
"Ew, hyung." Beomgyu whines.
"Disgusting." Soobin nods.
"Too close." Reminds Jay instead, who is focused as usual: good job!
Yeonjun shrugs off laughing. "You should ask her if it's okay before scolding me."
"I've already decided it's not okay."
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"In fact, detach yourself." She supports the argument of her great love, Ester, hugging our host and holding in her thin arms.
"How can you talk to me like that?" He pretends to be offended, my former friend, one of many.
I sigh, drawing attention. "Jungwon, do you take karaoke?"
"Oh, it's like high school." Responds the leader laughing and starting for his room.
While the food is being ordered and Taehyun is busy distributing the glasses, three or four different speeches have already started. The odd ones, to tell the truth, are Sunghoon and me.
Even Jay has engaged in a heated discussion with Taehyun, and I'm not surprised, being the only intelligent one among them idiots. Occasionally Sunghoon and I look at each other, but then we quickly look away.
When Jungwon comes back, with the karaoke machine, they all really cheer like kids, looking like they're really having fun.
As Sunghoon helps him mount it in the flat TV, I start to feel the alcohol fumes cloud me. Always too busy with work, I can hardly even engage in this kind of leisure, plus alcohol has too many calories…. if I have to choose it will be ramen.
"Who's first?"
"Me - Jay offers, getting up. - I'll go."
"Omo! Are you really going to sing?" Ester asks, while Amanda also looks at the same boy.
"What do you want me to sing?"
The friend turns to our host, noticing her absorbed gaze on Jay, I can see her smiling in confusion and embarrassment. "What do you recommend?"
Amanda returns the nervous smile. "Brought the heat back?"
"Wait, do we sing our own songs?" Sunoo asks.
"Since them are here, we could show them a good time." Says Soobin, though his tone sounds rather malicious.
"Why this one?" Jay asks.
"Your voice is very beautiful, it's perfect for the song. You make incredible notes and you sing more." She replies, like any fan, but she's actually right.
Jay is crazy in that song, he has more space, it is really remarkable how he can use his voice, although he does not profess to be a singing talent, too modest as always.
She was able to surprise him, perhaps excite him, this little b… ok, stop it. Jay feels the same way, which is why he looks at her in confusion, looking away shortly after, annoyed but, knowing him, also embarrassed.
I guess if she said something like that to me I'd have a heartbeat, like today in her apartment…. And not only that.
Why am I always horny?
"Okay, and that's fine."
"Woo! - Shouts Beomgyu, raising his fist in cheers. - Go Jay oppa!"
Yeonjun mumbles, looking exhausted. "And what am I supposed to sing?"
"Good boy gone bad!" Ester immediately responds.
Amanda nods. "Yes, please! The rap part!"
The two start squawking, eventually annoying everyone except Yeonjun, clearly.
"In live he doesn't sing it well." Beomgyu teases him.
"You just sound envious to me!" Ester replies, confidentially.
He offended looks at her. "How?"
But isn't he the one who was interested in her, with that petite, slender, pale pink body of hers, in that little black micro dress that highlights her prosperous breasts?
I like Ester, honestly I would like to fuck her, however, I still prefer Amanda's smaller breasts, her harmonious proportions, her more shapely and trained body, squeezed into that other micro dress of an innocent lilac, but only that of innocent. It sticks to her, and no need to imagine what she's hiding, it tickles my taste buds to the point of watering every time I look at her.
Anything from the way she looks to the way she moves her lips to speak is erotic. Perhaps what makes it erotic is her inferior position, come to think of it, because it makes me want to possess her, in every way.
"You steal my thunder, hyung." Jay says theatrically, putting on a big voice.
Taehyun bursts out laughing. "He's right, you're always so intrusive."
"I was just inquiring." Yeonjun justifies himself.
First Jongseong sings, the girls sing in chorus with him while we in the band just mime, involved. When Yeonjun performs his number, like a trained animal, during the part of his rap the two start screaming like rabid fans, holding hands.
After him sings Taehyun, one of their best songs, We lost the summer, this makes them dream, it is obvious. They are attending their own private concert.
In fact, although not exploited properly, Yeonjun has the talent to be a very good rapper, and it's obvious that it bothers me, because among the five thousand things I can do perfectly, this doesn't fit in.
I tried very little, I didn't experiment enough, maybe precisely because I thought I might fail. I've been told I'm good, but I don't really believe it.
"Omo. You are really outstanding in live."
"There are fans who shell out millions of won to see us in concert, but you have never been there?" Soobin asks curiously.
Ester glares at him. "I've been to all of you concerts since I moved here."
"How about you?" He turns to Amanda.
"I really…. - starts to say, shyly-I've only been to see Enhypen. Once."
I hold back an expression of sheer enjoyment but still look at Yeonjun, wanting to enjoy the reaction of his wounded pride, he doesn't seem too surprised though, instead tapering his gaze focused on her, did he intend it as a challenge? I certainly hope not.
"At what stage?" Jungwon asks.
"The one in Seoul, the last one."
"Were you already working for Hybe? You could have asked them. Staff tickets are discounted." Sunoo explains.
"It means we will have to invite you two to our next tour. You might even leave with us." Yeonjun replies.
But what does he say?
Amanda looks at him surprised, not knowing what to say.
"Excuseme, what?" Sunghoon asks.
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"We could ask for new hosts, maybe to accompany us during the concerts. In fact, they are very stressful."
Amanda is embarrassed, I can see it, my heart clenching to see her so distressed. She certainly didn't want the matter to come out again, this time in front of Sunoo and Jungwon.
"Too bad Amanda is already our host." Jungwon replies, with the confidence of a leader. Even if he uses his power little.
Yeonjun puts his arm on Amanda's shoulder, drawing her closer. "Contracts expire. When does yours?"
"There is no date." She answers, surprising us.
We stay staring at her pretty much all of us, even her friend, who strangely did not ask her such an obvious question. Neither did any of us, it seems.
"What?" I ask, surprised.
"They said they would let me know."
"You signed without knowing when you would be finished?" Yeonjun also asks, confused but also annoyed.
"What was your host doing earlier?" Amanda asks, bluntly, without turning around.
"She was a model, and she got into a scandal right away, and they cancelled her."
"Did she owe money to Hybe?"
"What?- Answers Soobin, surprised. - No, no."
"You owed money to Hybe?" Repeats Yeonjun, equally bewildered.
"Whose turn is it now to sing?" He diverts Jay's attention.
"Sunoo, you go." Says Jungwon, understanding Jay's strategy.
The boy who was quietly drinking his cocktail is practically forced to get up. "Yah! Are you animals?"
"Just sing, hyung." Snorts Niki.
Clearly, dirty laundry need to be washed at home, and we still have much to discuss. They are certainly not the ones who need to know these things; it is not with them that she should open up. She seems to understand this and lowers her face like a scolded little girl. How cute?
Sunoo starts singing, they listen to him dreamily, and I have to admit that his timbre, his voice, his skills, are outstanding overall. He gives 100 percent at karaoke as much as at a concert, and this, undoubtedly, makes him a great performer.
The evening, from this moment on, goes on more and more cheerfully. We are increasingly full of alcohol, we smoke, eventually even Sunghoon relaxes slightly, although he always keeps his distance from TXT.
We dine with korean meals, Taehyun takes the opportunity to explain some of our culture at the table, and they seem really interested. In fact, it might be helpful if they want to marry a korean.
I'm not sure what their culture is in this regard, but korean men often demand that the woman take care of and cook for her husband, especially if he is the only one working - at least that's what they taught me - although, judging from Amanda's resume, not many korean will want to marry her.
Intuiting Ester's personality as well, I could say the same about her.
In any case, Amanda has said she will leave Korea. In another place, she could continue to live normally, but at this point even if the seven of us kept our mouths shut, some of them others will tell around. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Yeonjun.
It's not that I'm sad about it, that's clear, but it would have been fun to see her out, if only as a pastime. Maybe friends with benefits. Honestly even to be kind, we live too different lives, we belong to different worlds, too different.
I do feel a little sorry for her, though. If Hybe really set her up, she will no longer have the choice of her life, to stay in Korea, should she so desire. And if marrying a korean man was her dream, as I imagine it is for many foreign young silly girls, because after all, a bit silly girl she is, shouldn't she be able to decide for herself?
As I walk out of the bathroom, passing through the kitchen where Beomgyu, Niki, Yeonjun and Sunghoon are, I notice that in the balcony, Jay and Jungwon stand secluded whispering. It seems to be an intimate conversation and I usually let it go, but right now I'm really curious about what they are saying to each other.
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I get a drink, the balcony door is very close to the refrigerator but I still can't tell, plus I don't want to stare at them too directly.
I approach sipping my cocktail I see Jay holding the e-cig in his hands. Lately he had stopped using it, who knows why to pick it up just today.
"We can continue to play it cool." Jungwon says, under his breath.
Jay sighs in frustration. "We need to find out more about their host."
"I don't think they'll give us any trouble that way - the leader replies seriously, looking at his friend - being in the same situation, it wouldn't make sense to expose something like that to the media."
"I don't think they're going to sabotage us with the press - Jay explains, and I approach with confidence, because I know I can participate in this conversation. - Our host is really pretty, isn't she? You saw her tonight Amanda."
"I'm still shaken." Jungwon adds, amused, alluding.
I twist my lips, annoyed that the discussion has come to this point. "And what do you think they might do?"
"Our contract has just started, they might override us. Even if it was just to annoy Heeseung, Yeonjun would be able to take it." Jay makes sure he is not being watched by him as he whispers.
"He doesn't have that much power." I respond in a rush, a little too much, I guess.
Jungwon smiles, I find it rather creepy. "We can't know."
"Would she go so far as to disturb Hybe just to annoy me?"
"Amanda is fresher than their host, I gather." Says Jay, lucid as usual.
"Haven't you dirtied her enough already?" Jungwon asks, laughing, as the oldest among them stiffens a bit, perhaps uncomfortable with the question.
"It's not funny." He replies. Yeah, I think so, too.
"You need to tell me more about what you did - Jungwon sighs, leaning against the railing - but regardless, it will be enough if they never meet again, right?"
"You are the one who is a great friend of theirs. You should know them, what are they going to do?" I ask annoyed.
"Weren't you friends with Yeonjun? - He reminds me of the leader, annoyed by my tone despite being three years younger than me. - And they won't do anything in my opinion anyway. The situation with Amanda, it won't last."
At least ten seconds of silence after his words. We are the ones left without, looking at him.
"Why are you staring at me? Isn't it obvious?"
Jay tightens his lips, looking away; I am quite confused. Based on what does he say this? I don't want to sound naive, so I say nothing.
"It's funny, I admit - Jungwon chuckles - considering who he hangs out with, but you see it too, don't you? Sunghoon is crazy about her, and he's in denial right now, so let alone what he'll do when he accepts it. That is, if he accepts it."
Jongseong crosses his arms over his chest, then snorts. "Are you sure that's what it is?"
"That's what I think, yes."
Why is the one who is speechless now only me?
Perhaps because as long as this was just my consideration, my thought, it appeared simply remediable.
Amanda is beautiful, really beautiful, but beautiful enough to drive Park Sunghoon crazy? She who was just an ordinary girl until yesterday, what is so special about her that makes him crazy?
And why did this affect me so much that it took my words away.
"There is also the matter of her friend." Jay recalls.
"Why? She is not a host."
"It's possible they might want to fuck her in the future. - He asks, and seems genuinely concerned. - They shouldn't."
"She is a normal girl, even though it may annoy you, she has every right to hang out with them if she feels like it."
"She hasn't been soiled, has she?" I ask, after I don't know how long.
Is that really the first thing I can think of to say in such a situation? They look at me in a mixture of puzzlement and amazement.
"Look at this guy." Jungwon comments, looking at me.
Jay sighs. "I won't say anything."
"Why?" He asks him.
"Because it's not entirely inexplicable."
The leader seems to understand the message between the lines and clicks his tongue in amusement. "Really? Is that what happens to you after you fuck her? It's starting to scare me."
Me sleeping with her… yes, of course I have - I would say, if asked. But why would I lie?
I just didn't like that tasteless exit. It's okay if I do these things, just me. Not Jungwon, not Jay, much less Sunghoon.
"Let's change the subject. - Sentences Jay, seriously. - Heeseung, you are better than Sunghoon." He reminds me, I know better.
"You are misunderstanding." I say stiffly.
"Anyway, maybe if you keep her quiet, Ester, she won't be seen with them." Says the leader.
Jay looks at him. "That's all we need and they send me in forever hiatus."
Jungwon bursts out laughing, holding his stomach. "You're right."
On second thought, wouldn't that be better? Yes, I'm not completely listening to the discussion, but wouldn't it be better if Amanda stopped being a host? That way, maybe her reputation is still savable? Honestly, Jongseong and Jaeyun are not the types to go around flaunting it, partly because it would be to their detriment.
When Sunghoon's shift comes, however, things may change. Not to mention that Niki will also have his shift. If she really were to sleep with everyone, there would really be no redemption.
"What are you thinking?" Jungwon asks me, curious, noticing my silence.
"Nothing, why?"
"Don't lie." Jay continues.
"Do you guys want this situation to last? - The leader asks again. - We may have another host if her inevitably leads to problems."
"Amanda will continue to be our host - Jay replies seriously. - That's not going to change."
"You can date her if she wasn't a host, right?" His friend reminds him.
I stiffen, again, he's not even wrong. "But no, she likes everyone. I'm not interested in a non-exclusive relationship."
Perhaps that is the one fundamental truth - beyond the fact that she have to do it for work, she likes them all. I'm not even in a position to judge her, after all, that's natural. However, this means that Amanda can only and only be a host.
Maybe all this time I just kept acting, thinking, like a kid.
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"Let's play truth or dare." Proposes Sunoo, back with the girls and Taehyun in the kitchen, lifting a bottle of tequila.
"Alcoholic version?" Niki mumbles drunkenly, sitting partly on the floor, partly on the sofa.
"Are we on a high school night theme?" Comments Sunghoon, who strangely looks at me but then looks away.
What does he have in mind?
"Let's do it." Amanda staggers, throwing herself onto the couch as her bare legs are inches from Riki's face.
"You should go to sleep, you're lost." Jongseong tells her, twisting his lips.
"No! Let's play." She smiles, satisfied as a child.
I clear my throat, against it. "Yes, maybe we should call it a night."
"No, come on, now that was getting interesting!" Beomgyu complains, whining like a wayward child.
It's now 2 am, we have commitments tomorrow anyway, they certainly do too, to continue this evening would be pointless and tiring. Besides, tonight, it's my turn but she if she's in this condition…I just can't.
Ester hugs her friend. "Now I'm going home."
"How are you coming? - Amanda asks her, surprisingly lucid for having her eyes practically closed due to alcohol. - I'll drive for you!"
"But you don't even drive, dumb!"
"I… I can drive! - She says, with conviction but slurping. - I don't have a car but I can drive." He continues in italian, I guess, and I don't understand.
To look at them, these two are cute. As they tease and joke, as they worry about each other, it's a relationship I haven't had with anyone in a while, I guess I miss it.
"I'll take you back." Jay offers, I guess either to let her end the evening on a high note, or to fuck her (much more likely).
"I have the car, too!" Beomgyu says.
"Yes, but you're with mine now." Yeonjun reminds him.
"Can I borrow it?"
"I'll take her back, I said." Jongseong then asserts himself.
"But…I have my own." Ester replies, genuinely surprised.
"All the more reason, you can't drive."
"And how do you get back?"
"I'll call a driver." He sighs.
Ester is easily persuaded, who greets her friend by kissing and squeezing her, I imagine she is very grateful for the opportunity she is having, thanks to her. She then greets everyone rather meekly to quickly follow Jay who leads the way.
It is time to accompany the sumbae as well, finally. Yeonjun is rather reluctant but does not object probably because he knows he is busy, however, he does not miss the opportunity to greet Amanda by giving her a sensual kiss on the cheek, she remains completely petrified.
"Yah! - She turns informally, Sunghoon, glaring at him as he simply laughs it off. - Why don't you leave?"
"See you sumbae." I extend my hands toward the door gently pointing him to the exit and he, goes outside.
We say goodbye to them all and then everyone heads off to their room, guess who excepted.
Sunghoon is still looking at me, but what does he want? I don't have time.
"Go to your room, I'll come and give you something in a little while." I tell her.
She lifts my thumb, she is very cute while doing so, but I keep feeling conflicting impulses. I'm contrite, I have to keep my composure, but she doesn't make it easy: with her red cheeks, her moist, glossy full lips, her breasts so obvious no bra.
Sunghoon seems to read my mind since when I look at him, he allows himself a restrained, ironic laugh.
Amanda doesn't realize it, she simply walks off to my room, I like this feeling. But Sunghoon is still watching me, what is it, he wants to comment on the matter? Make me change my mind? I'll wait for her to recover, but I'm not giving up.
"Are you happy?" He asks, I knew it.
I smile nonchalantly. "Average, more than the fact that they're gone."
"A relief indeed - he confers, tame - anyway you say you don't care, right?"
"But who? The host?" I ask incredulously and nervously.
"That's right." He clicks his tongue, as if I got the reaction he waited.
What does he want?
"It seems the other way around, doesn't it? We could prove to each other that we are in good faith, and fuck her together."
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I honestly stand stunned at such a proposal.
No, he can't be serious, he can't have thrown off the mask already.
"Didn't you say you would never sleep with her?" I ask, suddenly nervous.
"She won't know." He answers, quietly.
"What?" I am incredulous.
"We close her eyes, honestly, even if she gets it I don't care. The important thing is that she doesn't see it."
I just laugh. Me, I have nothing to prove. I won't let him get his hands on her before me.
It's just a matter of pride.
"No." I answer.
"Do it on your turn."
"But she would know it's me."
Why does he answer so quickly? He doesn't give me time to think, to understand.
He looks at me surprised. "Why?" He asks again.
"Why don't you ask Niki?"
"He doesn't like me."
And I do? In theory, before today, I would have said so, but why Park Sunghoon do you make it so to love you? You are a manipulator, an asshole.
"I don't care about anything - he puts his hands out, with a disinterested expression - let me be clear. But I'm showing you. I wouldn't feel like doing it with others anyway."
"With me it's not strange?"
"No, because I think you're someone who just thinks about getting laid."
He's praising me. I know he is, but why does he have this effect on me? I look away, honestly embarrassed.
"I know it's the first of your shifts, however, I didn't think you cared about these things…"
And now he belittles me, but elegantly.
I know he is trying to manipulate me.
"How do you want to stop her from seeing?"
"Is that a yes?"
"Don't run." I admonish him.
But why don't I deny it?
Honestly, I shouldn't care what he thinks of me, I should just give a damn and let him think I'm crazy in love with Amanda, or not?
Equally and perhaps stronger is the desire not to appear weak. Everything I've imagined so far is nothing but pure, very silly fantasies.
Hanging out with her? How could I.
"I have a night mask." H explains.
I sigh. "No, it's weird. Besides, you saw her, nothing's going to happen tonight."
"She'll be fine." He tells me confidently.
His eyes burn with desire at this moment and I feel great annoyance, but also great fear. He cannot, must not think that I care about Amanda, because that would make me weak, ridiculous.
"There's no point in you wanting to do that, she would know right away that it's you."
"The important thing is that she doesn't see me." He repeats, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
It is obvious, he wants to continue playing with her, and he wants to do it more seriously. If I allow him to do so, I'll go along with his game clearly, but if I don't -- I'll be weak.
"Of course, if you say no, though, I will let it go. Maybe I was wrong about you." He sighs falsely sorry.
I twist my lips, annoyed. "I don't like the idea of you being there."
"You said you wouldn't do anything, given her condition."
"Even if we did, it would be strange. No?"
He smirks. "No problem, hyung. It's fine with me."
Yes, I get it, it's just not so fine with me. It's our first night together, after all, I already had my own idea of what was going to happen, I don't know if I want to give it up.
"What about Wonyoung?" I ask then.
Sunghoon tightens his lips. "It's not going to come out, right?"
"What if hypothetically Amanda could get to her?"
"She couldn't say she's seen me anyway. She's a fan… And then realistically.. how could she get to her?"
I am stunned. No, it can't go his way but I'm not doing anything concrete to prevent it. He is younger than I am but I fear his contempt so much? What is happening to me?
"Hyung, it's a game. You know too that she… is only for this…"
"Don't say that." I look at him badly, really badly.
Sunghoon smiles. "Don't get me wrong, it's just that… if she's here, why don't we just have fun? Leave the matters of the heart to Jongseong and Jaeyun. We… are different, aren't we?"
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
I'm a little upset from the failure I faced during episode 6 so I won't really be sharing any thoughts on it until it's available to everyone... I'm just a little bit bitter I guess,,
I'll wait until we know more about the solutions to play it for the third time and hopefully find Jason,,
So far, I can say that I didn't mind the concept of the episode itself, it's just so atrocious to play through if you're trying to be with Jason,,
Anyways, i played with the answers for a while so if anyone wants to ask me for advice about Thomas or Amanda, just send me a message!
I won't be making a guide myself because I don't remember the answers and I didn't write them down but if you send me a screenshot I should be able to remember which one is MAYBE the correct one (I took advantage of the jokers a lot, I definitely know what you should say to Brune/Elenda, where to find uncle Archie and what the correct answer is)
I'm just too annoyed really to make more posts about it but I'm 100% available for suggestions/help with these things!
I hope you'll have more luck than me,, What a flop of episode really,,
EDIT; I lied, I got some more intel from someone and I'm trying for the third time... I won't give up I NEED to see Jason's illustration or else I'll die
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cherriisodapop · 4 months
I fucking love when TADC voice actors sing fan songs they all sound so good
We need songs that revolve around the other characters too. I mean yea we have Digital Hallucination but Pomni was mostly the lead and the others got only a small part to themselves
I’m talking their own songs, like how Jax has Jax Toy and Knock Knock Who Cares- (I haven’t listened to knock knock who cares yet tho)
Like, Ragatha needs a song. Amanda Hufford would eat that up tbh. The overall tune and instrumental would be peppy and lively with cute and lighthearted lyrics, like her part in A Very Special Digital Circus Song, but with dark and very subtle undertones.
Like maybe about how she has to be the optimist and be the one to tell everyone that everything’s gonna be okay. When everything is in fact NOT okay. But maybe if she lies to herself enough, eventually she’ll believe those lies enough to convince others to as well so she can keep everyone from going insane and/or completely losing hope.
Just a thought :3
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tetrakys · 4 months
Hey Tetra I hope you are good? With next NG episode just around the corner where we will find out more about the LIs relationship status, who do you think is most to least hoe? 👀 My personal guess would be R > D > J > T > A but idk, what would you say?
My guess is R > J > T > D > A.
Roy is popular, and with the way he flirts without even realising it, he clearly has tons of fans. Jason is the classic domineering player stereotype, I would not be surprised if he had a bdsm red room a la Christian Grey. With Thomas we have concrete proof he was chasing girls since he was a kid and even Iris said he was used to change girlfriends all the time. However, he seems less interested now that he's older. Devon seems just a normal guy, my feeling is that he only dates people he's interested in having a relationship with, not really the ons type. With Amanda we really don't know, but I remember her song being "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry, which to me it suggests she isn't very experienced and only now discovering her sexuality.
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libbylubb · 4 months
Opera singer - Angela Giarratana
Today it was Friday. Last shoot of the week. However it was full action tonight as you were preforming at the LA opera. You hadn’t told anyone you were a professional opera singer, it was like your secret identity. Tonight was the premiere of a collection of works you and your opera friends. You were singing the flower duet from Lakmé with a good friend, and Liam, your closest friend there, was singing Nessun dorma, the aria. The two of you were going to sing Time To Say Goodbye. It was so beautiful, you couldn’t wait. You were also going to sing O Mio Bambino Care. This was probably your favourite, it was so powerful with it thoughts. Of course , a lot more were going to be syng But there were the most important onesAnd yeah, you were kind of the main event. But whatever. Now you were eating, since it was only lunch at Smosh.
You were seated next to Angela in the seating area, not only was she there, but Amanda, Courtney and Chanse were there too. You were humming the tune of the flower duet as Courtney spoke up. “What are you guys doing tonight? I was thinking we could all hang out, and maybe more from the office. Shayne of course,” she smiled, eating her little salad. You weren’t really paying attention as you were focusing with whatever. Your attention was caught by your friend, Angela. She put her hand on your thigh, you looked at her and smiled. “What’s up?” She smiled, “you want to join tonight?” She asked with a warm smile. “What do you mean?” She giggled as there was some more chuckles from the group. “Weren’t you following?” Amanda asked, “y/n… you silly, silly goose,” Chanse said, playfully hitting your arm. “Ouch!” You overdramatized. They laughed. However you shook your head, “no I can’t,” hoping they would leave it at that, but knowing them they wo- “what? Why?” Angela asked, the others asking similar questions. “I- uh… going to moms, for dinner. And also to help her with my brothers kids. He and his wife is on a, how should you say it, vacation only 18+,” you explained, lying your ass off. Well, you weren’t completely lying. Your brother was on this vacation. However you weren’t visiting your mom, it was your older sister. You didn’t really visit your mom. You felt like she wasn’t really, your mom. In fact, none of your family members were your especially close with. But they didn’t know that.
They all seemed to buy it however, so you sighed in relief. You looked at Angela, it seemed like she was most definitely having a conversation with herself inside her head. I can’t believe she can’t make it. I was so hoping I would score with her tonight. Angela thought.
When you arrived at the opera there was only a few of your fellow mates there. “Hey guys!” You smiled, seeing them doing their make up. “Oh hey! How was work?” Liam asked. The thing about Liam is that he’s a bit… older, you could say. In fact he was 20 years older than you. He was like a dad to you. Well, he was a dad, but not yours. He was married with three children and they were probably all coming tonight. “Work was good, and you?” You asked, sitting down next to him. “Oh, just fine, thank you,” he smiled. “Is the wife and kids coming tonight?” You asked, taking off your jacket. By the look in his eyes and the way he smiled you already knew they did. “They sure are,” he spoke. “I can’t wait, I haven’t been this excited in a while,” he continued. You smiled at him.
“Anyone coming to see you?” He asked, a bit of hesitation in his voice. Knowing you weren’t a big fan of your family he had hoped some of your friends would show. “Uhh, no, no there won’t be anyone,” you told him, half smiling. “Invite them,” he stated, standing up from his chair. “No, Liam, I can’t do that. I lied to them today, saying I was going to moms,” he chuckled, looking at you. “And they actually believed that? Do you even tell these people anything?” You sighed, “yeah, I do… just not, personal stuff I guess,” he shook his head, chuckling a little at your behaviour.
Meanwhile, the gang was all together in Angela’s apartment. With the gang being: Courtney, Amanda, Arasha, Chanse, Shayne, Damien and of course, herself. Ian and Anthony were invited, but they were doing their own thing, like working on sketches for the main channel. Tommy was out with his boyfriend. They didn’t really have a plan. Well, meeting up was the plan. “Sooo, you guys want to go grab dinner?” Arasha asked. There was mixed responses in the group, some had eaten, some were dying of hunger. “To a club?” Chanse asked, hyped up as shit. “I’m too old,” Amanda said, her mouth agape as a yawn took over. Angela wasn’t really saying anything. Her nose was down her wine glass, staring out in the open. She was thinking of you, and your smile, and the way you made her feel inside. Angela smiled a little, but wiping it off as she got asked a question. “What do you want to do?” Damien asked her, she just looked at him, “since we are in your apartment,” he explained. Angela responded with “I don’t know, it was Courtney who invited people to do shit,”
Courtney took her hands up in surrender. “Oh you know what would be fun?” Amanda said in excitement. “Going to the opera!” She said, smiling widely. Again, the room was mixed, but somehow they all agreed. They wanted to do something, so opera it was. “Is there even anything going?” Angela asked. “I don’t know, it probably is. I mean, it’s LA, when is there not a show,” Chanse said, putting his shoes and jacket on. Angela picked up her phone, going to their website. “Eeehm, yeah they have something tonight! Premiere of something,” she smiled, not even opening it to see who’s going to sing. “We can probably order tickets there,”
When they arrived the place was almost completely full. But there was one opera box available. It would be crowded but they all somehow fit. Even though it did cost a lot it was fine, money wasn’t a problem for any of them at the moment. Meanwhile you were standing in the back, nervous as heck. You bit your lip, however let go soon after knowing you would ruin your makeup. Liam placed his hand on your shoulder, you jumped a little. “I’m sorry, little one, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you smiled at him, sighing while looking out at the audience. “You’re going to be fine,” he spoke, rubbing your shoulder before taking it away. “I know that, I’ll do frickin’ amazing, and you will too! I mean, professional isn’t just a label. But it’s normal to be nervous, you know,” you explained him, he nodded, listening to your wise words. “Oh! I can see your wife and kids. Damn, front seating, wasn’t that too much?” You giggled, he started tickling you, taking you to the green room.
As the show started, Liam was the first to go out, introducing the things you’d be preforming. You took a deep breath as he introduced you, walking out on stage. Out in the audience there was a shock. Well, you couldn’t really hear it, but all your friends and your crush wondered how this was possible. Was it really their work friend? Or was it just someone with the same name. As you appeared on stage, Angela was the first to speak “holy shit,” she spoke softly. Angela smiled a little, “girls got a voice, damn,” she whispered to herself, biting her lip. “I can’t believe thats y/n! Our y/n!” Amanda said, they shushed her as she was a little loud. They all smiled and watched in amazement as you and your fellow friends sang.
“Omg that was a blast!” You laughed after the first act, hugging Liam. “You were great Y/n! And you didn’t crack on the difficult note!” He smiled. You rolled your eyes, “you know I wouldn’t, I’m a professional,” you told him, laughing with him. “Wanna grab some water?” He asked, you nodded, walking to the snack area in the green room. “I have to go pee!” You told Liam and walked out of backstage. Now you were in the public area where everyone was. You rushed to the bathroom not wanting to attract so much attention to you. But soon enough, you got to pee in silent.
Angela, Chanse and Amanda were by the bar near the toilet. “I need something strong…” Chanse told the bartender “handsome,” the handsome bartender. Angela hummed, “I need water, but I also need to pee. So can you buy a water for me and I’ll meet you at the seating?” She asked. Amanda and Chanse nodded. So she walked to the bathroom, finding an available stall. She heard someone sigh in the stall next door.
You sighed as you looked at your phone, kind of regretting not telling your friends. You felt a little stupid, sitting on a toilet with your phone just to not face seeing any familiar faces.
The second act went somehow even better. You were grateful to have at least your singer friends with you. As you walked off stage after going out the third time, Liam grabbed your hand. “Let’s go see everyone, I want you to meet my youngest!” He said. You smiled and nodded, “sure!” The two of you walked out, not hand in hand. Liam quickly spotted his family, he smiled rushing over. His wife gave him a kiss and then hugged you. You smiled, “you were great, absolutely fabulous!” The wife told you. You bowed of habit and thanked her. You met his youngest son and talked a little with his kids that’s were only a few years younger than you.
“Uhh, y/n,” Liam spoke. You looked up at him, “hm?” “I think there are some people wanting to talk to you,” he said, smiling. You frowned and turned around. And there they were. Your eyes immediately went to find Angela’s, she was looking at you with a cheeky smile. You cheeks turned red and you walked over to them. «What Are you guys doing here?» you felt nervous, not because of Angela but just because they were there. Almost everyone you work with, “girl! I didn’t know you could sing like that!!” Chanse squealed while hugging you. You sighed in relief and chuckled a little, “thank you,” you smiled. “You got a killer voice, y/n,” Amanda said, hugging you as well. Everyone gave you a compliment following just like they did. Lastly, it was Angela. “I-l don’t really have words…” she chuckled, her face a little red. You giggled and hugged her tightly. Neither of you let go. So you took the chance to close your eyes and really take in her smell. Your heart fluttered. “Can we see backstage?” Arasha asked. You pulled away from Angela, however still keeping her body close to yours. She put her head on your shoulder, her body stiffing. She didn’t really realize what she did before she did it, her body was frozen. Not for long though, the second your hand landed on her lower back, gently stroking it - she smiled. “I don’t know, we don’t really do that…” “can’t just a few of us go?” Arasha made puppy eyes. You chuckled and shook your head, “I can probably bring one of you backstage…” you spoke softly, laying your head on Angela’s. “Clearly seems like we know who,” Arasha rolled her eyes. You all laughed a little, you and Angela’s laugh a little more hesitantly. “Let’s go,” you whispered in her ear, grabbing her hand. “We’ll meet you outside!” You told them before dragging her backstage.
She smiled the whole time, holding your hand. It gave you butterflies. You giggled a little as she saw everything. She thought it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. “This is beautiful,” she spoke, almost out of words. “But I can think of something more beautiful than this was or ever will be,” she took a strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed deeply, smiling at her. “You,” you hid your face in your hands. “that was so smooth,” you giggled, she started tickling you. You squealed, “mh! Angela!” You laughed. She hugged you, placing her head in the crook of your neck. Your butterflies flew lower.
“I’m really sorry that I lied. I just don’t like telling this to people,” you mumbled. She nodded, “I understand,” she spoke looking into your eyes then down to your lips. You smiled, “that’s great,” she leaned in. “I understand if you didn’t,” she pulled away, smiling. You bit your lip, pulling her closer again. “If I talk too much you just gotta shut me up, o-hm” Angela placed her lips to yours, and you melted into her arms. You grabbed her waist, pulling her into you.
She pulled away, “so uh…” she giggled. You smiled, kissing her nose, “that was great,” you bit your lip, smiling. “Wanna get out of here?” You asked, grabbing her hand. She nodded but then stopped herself, “wait! Arasha and the others,” she spoke. You sighed, “damn,” you giggled rushing to get out of there with Angela right behind you.
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